<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/intro.png'" >
<div class="intro">
<p style="margin:0;margin-top:1.5%;">Please, read this</p>
This game is intended for <span style="color:#ff7bac;">mature audience only</span>
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">By clicking on button below, you will be confirming you are an adult. </p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Settings" >
<p >Start</p>
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v0.1 "Episode 1"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<<set $currentDay to 0 >>
<<set $currentTime to 5 >>
<<set $mc_stats_arr = [] >>
<<set $character_stats_arr = [] >>
<!-- <<set $eventMoney = [] >>
<<set $eventMorality = [] >>
<<set $eventStamina = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLove = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLust = [] >> -->
<<set $message to "" >>
<<set $eventCount = 0>>
<<set $kitchenEvent to 0>>
<<set $kitchenClean to 0 >>
<<set $poolClean to 0 >>
<<set $livingClean to 0 >>
<<set $roomClean to 0 >>
<<set $exercise = 0>>
<<set $swimming = 0>>
<<set $laundry = 0>>
<<set $shower = 0>>
<<set $stealing = 0>>
<<set $watchTV = 0>>
<<set $activityType to "">>
<<set $activityImage to "">>
<<set $activityVideo to "">>
<<set $mediaType to "">>
<<set $taskDialogue to "">>
<<set $kitchenTalk to 0>>
<<set $bedroomTalk to 0>>
<<set $poolTalk to 0>>
<<set $livingTalk to 0>>
<<set $myroomTalk to 0>>
<<include "CharacterInit" >>
<<include "TimeInit" >>
Character Init:
<<set $mc = {
"name" : "Juan",
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call" : "Juan",
"lastname" : "Barber",
"age" : 20,
"stats" :
"energy" : 0,
"knowledge": 0,
"stamina": 0,
"money" : 0,
"morality" : 0,
"mom_love" : 0,
"mom_lust": 0,
"mom_rel": 0,
"red": 0,
"blue": 0,
"black": 0,
"inventory" : {
"bikini" : 0,
"camera" : 0,
"groceries" : 0,
"dress" : 0,
"flower" : 0,
"tools" : 0,
"skills" :
"massage" : 0,
"sexual" : 0,
"action" : 0,
"skills" : 0,
<<set $mom = {
"name" : "Mrs. Penny",
"lastname" : "Barber",
"age" : 42,
"rel" : "Landlady",
"call": "Landlady ",
<<set $gf = {
"name" : "Dee",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 55,
"rel" : "Neighbor",
"call": "Mrs. Dee",
<<set $cliff = {
"name" : "Codey",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 25,
"rel" : "Landlord",
"call": "Codey",
<<set $bp = {
"name" : "Nixon",
"lastname" : "Tylor",
"age" : 24,
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call": "Nixon",
<<set $mp = {
"name" : "Mrs. Nina",
"lastname" : "Tylor",
"age" : 50,
"rel" : "Landlady",
"call": "Mrs. Nina",
<<set $talkEvent = {
'kitchen' : {
'title' : ["Kitchen_Talk_1","Kitchen_Talk_5","Kitchen_Talk_8"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [160,220,240],
'knowledge' : [300,320,380],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'bedroom' : {
'title' : ["Bedroom_Talk_2", "Bedroom_Talk_7","Bedroom_Talk_14"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [40,80,120],
'knowledge' : [200,240,280],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'living' : {
'title' : ["Living_Talk_6", "Living_Talk_9", "Living_Talk_11","Living_Talk_15"],
'status' : [0,0,0,0],
'rel' : [20,60,100,140],
'knowledge' : [180,220,260,300],
'count' : [0,0,0,0],
'myroom' : {
'title' :["Myroom_Talk_3", "Myroom_Talk_10", "Myroom_Talk_12"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [180,260,280],
'knowledge' : [360,270,310],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'pool' : {
'title' :["Pool_Talk_4", "Pool_Talk_13", "Pool_Talk_16"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [200,300,320],
'knowledge' : [320,440,480],
'count' : [0,0,0],
<<set $bathroom = {
"title" : ["Event_13"],
"status": [0],
"time" : [5],
"money": [100],
"morality": [40],
"mom_lust": [160],
"mom_love": [130],
"mom_rel": [0],
"day": [0],
"stamina": [230],
<<set $bedroom = {
"title" : ["Event_11",'Event_12'],
"status": [0,0,],
"time" : [4,3,],
"money": [100,100],
"morality": [20,30],
"mom_lust": [120,140],
"mom_love": [110,120],
"mom_rel": [0,0],
"day": [0,0],
"stamina": [90,120],
<<set $living = {
"title" : ["Event_3",'Event_4','Event_6',"Event_9",],
"status": [0,0,0,0,],
"mom_rel": [0,0,0,0,],
"time" : [3,3,4,3],
"day": [0,0,0,0,],
"morality": [0,0,0,0,],
"mom_lust": [0,0,20,80,],
"mom_love": [30,40,60,90,],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0,],
"money": [100,100,100,100,],
<<set $myroom = {
"title" : ["Event_2", ],
"status": [0,],
"time" : [4,],
"money": [100],
"morality": [0],
"mom_lust": [0],
"mom_love": [20,],
"mom_rel": [0,],
"day": [0,],
"stamina": [70,],
<<set $kitchen = {
"title" : ["Event_1","Event_7","Event_8","Event_10"],
"status": [0,0,0,0,],
"mom_rel": [0,0,0,0,],
"time" : [1,3,4,3],
"day": [0,0,0,0,],
"morality": [0,0,0,0,],
"mom_lust": [0,40,60,100,],
"mom_love": [10,70,80,100,],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0,],
"money": [100,100,100,100,],
<<set $pool = {
"title" : ["Event_5", ],
"status": [0,],
"time" : [3,],
"money": [100,],
"morality": [0,],
"mom_lust": [0,],
"mom_love": [50,],
"mom_rel": [0,],
"day": [0,],
"stamina": [0,],
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Living middaY -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/drive-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <b>Present Day</b>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'll be damned, the GPS actually works in the sticks." <<print $mom.name>> laughed when the voice coming through her phone told her to take the right onto what looked like little more than a dirt path.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> She glanced over to <<print $mc.name>>, "And you didn't think these roads even had names. I..."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stopped, and rolled her eyes at her <<print $mc.rel>>. He'd slipped his ear buds back in and was staring at his phone. After getting annoyed with him after the first two hours of his ignoring her while playing with his phone, she'd told him he either talked to her or kept quiet, but no phone.
<P class="notation_text"> After he'd put the phone down and crossed his arms and stared out the passenger window for the next hour, <<print $mom.name>> had given up and gotten lost in her own thoughts. She'd been doing a lot of that lately. This move was a big deal for both of them, and hopefully a good thing.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Seeing <<print $mc.name>> gave her little to no input, she was hoping it would be for him too, but heaven forbid he say anything one way or another. Between wanting to talk to him, but not wanting to push, and dealing with her own misgivings about life it was easy for her to spend a lot of time in silent reflection.
<P class="notation_text"> As they'd driven for the majority of the last three days, <<print $mom.name>> kept wondering if this really was the change they needed. She felt it was. All their issues seemed to stem from memories and pain. Here's a little older than his, but now both of them had serious reasons to no longer remain in the life they knew.
<P class="notation_text"> In fact, as bad as it made her feel, it was <<print $mc.name>>'s recent heartbreak that had caused her to finally make this decision. She knew she was using her <<print $mc.rel>> as an excuse to justify what she wanted, but he'd been more receptive to it when it involved his drama and not just hers.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She'd glanced back to the narrow road, but then quickly looked back at him. More accurately his phone. On the screen was a picture of Ashley.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, for Christ's sake." <<print $mom.name>> snatched the phone from his hand and threw it in the back seat.
<P class="notation_text"> The buds popped from his ears and sailed back there with the phone.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What the hell,<<print $mom.call>>?" He demanded. "That wasn't cool."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Neither are you ignoring me for the last few hours." <<print $mom.name>> decided to not bring up the picture. "I told you, you don't have to talk to me, but you don't get to use the phone."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Forced conversation isn't cool either," he told her. "I don't have anything to talk about."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You don't have anything you want to talk about," she corrected him. "Last year no one could get you to shut up."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Lot's changed since last year," he said with no trace of his former attitude. "And I remember when people used to say you smiled so much it aggravated them. They don't have that problem with you anymore."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Ouch," she winced. "Are you saying I'm a miserable bitch like your friends say about their<<print $mom.call>>s?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm saying you're not happy anymore." He shrugged. "So don't act like it's just me. And I don't have any friends anymore."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/drive-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> avoided a hotbed topic and didn't tell him he sounded like a drama queen. To a degree he had a right to feel that way.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Well here's to new friends, then." She picked up her water bottle from the cup holders between them and tapped it to the one in his hand.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Only if it's for you too."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Fair enough. And maybe new special friends. Especially for you."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Whatever," he rolled his eyes.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<P class="notation_text"> "Note: If you are playing this game for the first time, it is recommended to click on the 'Continue' button."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Skip To Main Game</p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
</div>/* Days of the week */
<<set $weekDays = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $weekendValue = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]>>
/* Current day in total */
<<set $dayValue to 0>>
<<set $dayTimes = [ "Early Morning", "Morning", "Mid Day","Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight" ]>>
<<set $dayTimeValue = 0 >>
/* Current time of the day */
<<set $timeInDay to 1>>
/* Wether to advance to the next time of the day when using the "leave" button */
<<set $timeForwardOnLeave = false>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was in the kitchen. Suddenly Eric entered.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry, <<print $mom.call>>. I just," he shrugged. "Didn't want to move. I feel like we're trying to forget about dad."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I am." <<print $mom.name>> put her hands up at the look on his face. "Not literally, Eric. I'll never forget your father, but I need to not be reminded of him everywhere I look."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "We bought that house a year after we were married. I spent twenty two years in it. Every night of which we spent together in that bedroom. The house, the furniture, the neighbourhood. All our friends, all the places we went." She paused to steady her voice. "All I see is him and I can't move on with life like that. I just can't."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "But here?" Eric spread his hands. "Illinois? Hoffman Estates? Look at us; we're in the damn sticks."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "My family was from Chicago. I met your father when I went to school in Boston and stayed out there with him. As for the sticks? We're thirty minutes outside of Chicago. Hardly the boonies. Plenty of things to do, people to meet and some good schools." She added the last part hopefully.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry you're pissed I quit college."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Your dad would be..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, well dad's not here. He lost the right to be disappointed." Eric snapped. "So okay, you moved here to get rid of the ghosts of dad's past. I get it." He grunted disgustedly. "Didn't even take half our furniture."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I couldn't stay in that bed anymore and this house is furnished. All we needed was your bedroom set and a few other things. The movers will be here tomorrow and all our personal things are in the trailer and we'll have that emptied today. We're renting Eric with a year lease. We don't like it, we move."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Where next, Idaho?"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Knock it off," she was getting pissed off at him. "Seeing your mister with no friends with zero ambition, why do you care?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I care because this was about you, not me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Bullshit." She stared into his eyes.
<P class="notation_text"> Eric himself was why she would never forget Steven. He looked just like his father when she had met him twenty three years ago. The same dark hair, intense brown eyes and square jawed rugged features.
<P class="notation_text"> The resemblance went past looks. Eric had the same big easy smile, not that she'd seen it much lately, same mannerisms and facial expressions. He was even built like Steven, just under six feet, but with a rugged build both had gained from football and a love of the gym.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "This is for both of us," she continued.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom Evening -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/mr-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was in his room. <<print $mom.name>> entered the room.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>" <<print $mc.name>>, I know you hate talking about it, but what Ashley did ruined home for you too."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span>“Sorry <<print $mom.call>>, I am busy now. I’ll talk to you later.”
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> looked away from her and she hesitated. Ashley and he had been together since seventh grade. What started as a cute little infatuation between two kids had blossomed into a seven year relationship that spanned high school and their first two years of college.
<P class="notation_text"> It had <<print $mc.name>> investing in an engagement ring last year and even asking her father permission to ask her to marry him when they graduated before giving it to her. That old fashioned tradition had come from Steven who had done the same thing years ago before he proposed to her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/melody/2.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Then <<print $mc.name>> had gotten a call from a fellow student telling him to get down to the restaurant he waited tables at. <<print $mc.name>> had gone down there to see Ashley with his best friend of ten years, Mark.
<P class="notation_text"> Ashley was supposed to be working and here she was with his best friend. <<print $mc.name>> had managed not to confront them. Instead, he waited outside and followed them to the hotel Mark worked at. Mark would often take keys to unoccupied rooms from the front desk and use them to fool around with girls.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/melody/4.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> followed them from a distance and watched them go into a room together. He then knocked on the door. When Mark answered, shirtless, with Ashley visible, on the bed behind him barely dressed, <<print $mc.name>> had beaten the shit out of him and ended up getting arrested.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had bailed him out and later that night discovered from the <<print $mom.rel>> of the student who had tipped <<print $mc.name>> off that it had been going on for months. Her <<print $mc.call>> hadn't wanted to get involved, but it bothered him to the point he had gone to her for advice and she'd told him <<print $mc.name>> needed to know.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was not only heartbroken, but betrayed by both the only girlfriend he'd ever had and his best friend. Things got even worse when once the secret was out he discovered many of his friends had known as well as some of Ashley's.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/11.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was humiliated and upset to the point he quit school because he could no longer see her or his alleged friends anymore. <<print $mom.name>> knew that wasn't the entire reason. Since Steven had passed, <<print $mc.name>>'s grades had been slipping and he'd mentioned leaving.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> used his father's dream of him graduating college and becoming an architect like him to guilt him into staying. It was a terrible thing to do in a sense. But she wanted the best for him, and he had two years invested. The Ashley ordeal was the final straw.
<P class="notation_text"> But it wasn't just school. In the months since, <<print $mc.name>> was shut in. He had gone full time at the UPS store and when not working watched television or played video games. The only social life he had was when the two of them would go for dinner or have their Friday night movie tradition they'd had since he was a young boy.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/11.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> In that instance, <<print $mom.name>> herself was only slightly more social, occasionally going out with some friends. In the year since Steven's death she'd had two dates and both were horrible and because of her. She'd been nervous, awkward and in both cases had all but physically pushed them away when they asked for a second date.
<P class="notation_text"> The second man had unknowingly taken her to the place Steven had proposed to her. No, this was the right move. Maybe a bit extreme as far as heading back to the Midwest from Boston, but it was the right choice. No memories here other than the pleasant ones of her childhood.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 2>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Living Midday-->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/liv-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was in living room. <<print $mc.name>> entered.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> “Hey honey”, <<print $mom.name>> looked at her<<print $mc.rel>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> “Hello,” <<print $mc.name>> replied without looking at her.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>> I know you are upset but this is big for me too, hon. I sold the house and there's no going back. But that gave us plenty of money to do this and my firm got me an interview out here," she laughed. "Who would think anyone would need a lawyer in Chicago?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm sure I can find some disappointing job here." <<print $mc.name>> rolled his eyes. "After I get a car."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "We'll find you one. I wasn't towing that crap box of yours here. Things would have left a trail of pieces across the east coast."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> turned to her with a grin. "Okay, I'm lousy at fixing cars. Can I really get one?"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/liv-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "We'll go into town in a couple days and find you something reasonable."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Cool, thanks."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "See? Things are already getting better for you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> gestured at the house again. "Let's start over. See that house, know what it is?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Cursed!" <<print $mc.name>> replied with a smirk.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Would you stop that? It's not cursed. Something bad just happened here once."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Bad like death." <<print $mc.name>> held up his hand in the shape of a gun. "Guy lost his marbles and shot his wife." He bent his finger as if pulling a trigger. "Then his<<print $mc.rel>>." He repeated the motion.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/liv-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I know."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Then?" <<print $mc.name>> put his finger in his mouth. "Blew his own damn brains out. Yup, that would be bad."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So what? This isn't a damned movie where the house is haunted, <<print $mc.name>>." She waved her hand at him. "I bet if you look through the history of any old house, someone died or was killed."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, but how many?" <<print $mc.name>> was now facing her and even though she didn't like the topic, at least he was speaking to her and seemed excited, albeit for a stupid reason.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Three years before that guy went nuts a woman committed suicide. Hung herself in the attic while her husband was at work. They used to fight all the time and he was investigated because they thought he might have done it."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Did he?" <<print $mom.name>> had heard about the murders, but not this.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/liv-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, they cleared him. Their <<print $mc.rel>> ended up in a mental ward for a while. Took her death really hard. He said it was his fault, but never said why."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "He lost his <<print $mom.rel>>, that would be enough to do that. Especially like that."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm not in the loony bin." <<print $mc.name>> pointed out.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Your dad died of cancer and was sick for a long time. A lot different than something sudden and gruesome." <<print $mom.name>> was now sorry she'd encouraged him.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "See, gruesome," he nodded. "Moving into the gruesome house."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/41.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Coincidence."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Year before that, two people vanished. <<print $mom.call>> and <<print $mc.rel>>. The father said he had no idea what happened."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Are you making this up?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "No, <<print $mom.call>>," he sighed. "I keep telling you, google is your friend. I found a bunch of stuff about this place."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/liv-9.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Wonderful, you pay no attention when I show you the tour, but you'll research murders."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "This was weird too because it was sort of the same. Guess they fought a lot. Cops came a couple times to break them up, so they thought he killed them. But he was cleared. The <<print $mom.call>> and <<print $mc.rel>> turned up in California a couple years later."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Seems like the husbands in this place were all losers." <<print $mom.name>> frowned.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, we have nothing to worry about then," he laughed harshly. "No husband or dad here. Maybe we'll be safe."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/40.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Way to be positive." <<print $mom.name>> Replied.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hope they got a new bed for your room." <<print $mc.name>> undid his seat belt and opened the door to exit the car. "Else you'll be sleeping in the same bed that sick bastard did."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It's new." <<print $mom.name>> suppressed a smile. "And I read the article that it was your room they all died in." she winked at him. "Sweet dreams tonight."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You're funny." <<print $mc.name>> grumbled.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 3>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/gf/4/sc/sc-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/16.jpg'">
<!-- Kitchen Afternoon -->
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was at the Living Room. <<print $mom.name>> entered.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, ouch." <<print $mc.name>> hooked his fingers into claw and raked the air with it "Meow!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> laughed at him and turned away, heading for the archway that led into the dining area. It was closed off with wooden folding doors. <<print $mom.name>> hadn't seen those since her grandparent's old house.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/14.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Despite the laugh, <<print $mc.name>> worried her. His moods were mercurial these days. Today was a perfect example. He'd gone from sulking to chatty to nasty and back again just in the time since they'd pulled up to the house.
<P class="notation_text"> But this was day one and the finality of the situation had hit him. Hopefully he will settle into this quickly. If not, the next step would be counselling and that was a fight she didn't look forward to.
<P class="notation_text"> She unlatched the doors and pushed them to the right enough to enter the dining room. <<print $mom.name>> whistled at the size of both the antique table chairs and enormous matching hutch. The furniture alone in this house was worth a fortune.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/15.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Supposedly the last tenants, the victims of the double murder suicide had chosen to only use the dining room set. <<print $gf.name>> had all the other furniture stored in the large barn behind her house, then moved it all back in once the former tenants' things had been removed.
<P class="notation_text"> She hadn't wanted to admit it to <<print $mc.name>>, but she had inquired about the bed in her room being brand new. She left hers behind to get rid of the memory of two decades of being with Steven. She had no desire to lay in someone else's memories, especially those of an unhappy couple. Seemed like that's all that had lived here for some reason.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 4>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/14.jpg'">
<!-- pool evening -->
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> and <<print $mc.name>> visit <<print $gf.name>>'s home.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hello?" he called. "Um, <<print $gf.name>>? It's <<print $mom.name>> and <<print $mc.name>>, you in here?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> didn't hear a response and <<print $mc.name>> walked into the house. <<print $mc.name>> looked distracted as he stared around the room.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What's the matter?", <<print $mom.name>> asked
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "We're in here yapping away and no one's come in here and I don't hear anything. Maybe they left the door open? I suppose not many people come up this way."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/16.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Or they were here and went next door to get something."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "They?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>>'s husband, I think his name is <<print $cliff.name>>. I never saw him on skype chats."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Uh-oh a husband. Hope their house doesn't have the effect on them this one does."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Back to that? Know what? "Taking this cursed thing a little too far." <<print $mom.name>> waved at him. "Stay with it. I'd rather hear your haunted house crap than your woe is me routine."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/19.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> There was a staircase that led to the second floor which contained three bedrooms and a master bath off what was going to be her bedroom that featured a large hot tub. <<print $mom.name>> couldn't wait to take a nice long soak in that tub.
<P class="notation_text"> She thought about telling <<print $mc.name>> she was heading upstairs, but then felt foolish. There was no one here and she refused to act spooked or worse, act like some hapless female.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> walked up the staircase, her hand trailing along the ornate hand carved railing. There were slightly discoloured squares on the dark panelling along the way where artwork had formerly hung.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/18.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> When she reached the landing, she stopped and cocked her head. She had sworn she'd heard something. <<print $mom.name>> remained still and wanted to smack herself when she noticed her heart beating faster. Fucking <<print $mc.name>> and his lame curse comments.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> noticed the door down the far end of the hall which led to her bedroom was closed. There was a small door along the corridor wall which she knew was the second entrance to the master bath. She would have to remember to lock it if she wanted to soak. She didn't need <<print $mc.name>> wandering in on her.
<P class="notation_text"> The door half way down on the right side would be <<print $mc.name>>'s room. The furniture wouldn't be coming until tomorrow so he would most likely sleep on the sectional downstairs tonight. The door closest to her was the smaller third bedroom where a guest could stay if they ever had one.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/17.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> That door was partially open and as she slowly walked down towards her room, a sound reached her ears. She stopped in her tracks. That wasn't nerves; that had been real. A <<print $mom.call>>ent later she heard it again. It sounded like a low groan and was definitely female.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>>?" She called softly from just outside the door.
<P class="notation_text"> She received no reply other than another moaning sound. Had she fallen and hurt herself?
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> eased the door open and her eyes widened.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_5_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- <div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
</div> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/3.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Before he could respond, the door opened. In the dim glow of the small light plugged into the wall in the hallway, he saw his <<print $mom.rel>> slip into his room. He heard her approaching the bed and caught a whiff of strawberry body spray.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> had always loved that smell, ever since he was a little kid. At one point when he was older <<print $mom.call>> had confessed she hated it. Only wore it once to try it out, but when her little boy said he liked it, she wore it for him. At this point she hadn't worn that scent in several years.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You awake, baby?" she asked.
<P class="notation_text"> He felt her weight settle onto the bed next to him, and thought 'baby?'
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Yeah, everything okay?"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "No, not at all."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nixon/11.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Concerned, <<print $bp.name>> sat up and leaned over, turning on the lamp on his night stand.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "What's wrong, <<print $mom.call>> ? I...." he stopped speaking when he saw her.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> 's long black hair, which she usually wore in a clip or a pulled back, was not just down, but styled. She'd put curls into it, and several dark ringlets framed her face. She had makeup on. Pink blush on her cheeks and her lips painted a deep red.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd done her eyelashes in black mascara and she was sporting a blue eyeshadow that matched her...what the hell was she wearing? <<print $mom.call>> had a blue nightie that was pretty much lingerie. The dark blue silky piece featured thin black straps that left most of her shoulders bare, and was dangerously low-cut.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/5.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> could see not just the top, but the inner halves of her breasts. As she had been every day since she found it in the closet, <<print $mom.call>> wore the silver necklace with the weird purple stone in it. The stone seemed to be glowing as it reflected the light from the lamp.
<P class="notation_text"> The longer he stared at the stone the more he became aware of the scent of her body spray. It seemed stronger than before. Even though his eyes were on the stone, he found himself thinking of her breasts. <<print $mom.call>> did have a nice set of tits for her age.
<P class="notation_text"> He blinked that thought away, what the hell was that? Nonetheless, his eyes dropped below the pendant. The nightgown was so low cut, if she leaned forward, he had no doubt he'd see her entire breast. It was tight enough to cling to her curves, including hugging her breasts and showing off her hard nipples.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/6.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Length wise it could not have gone much past her ass and with her sitting it had ridden up well past the midway point of her thigh. <<print $mom.call>> wasn't chubby, but not slender either, and with her legs open, her fleshy inner thighs were exposed to him.
<P class="notation_text"> Her feet were bare and he noticed both her toes and finger nails were the same blue as the nightgown.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Like it?" <<print $mom.call>> ran her hand down over her breasts and stomach. "I bought it to wear for your dad tonight"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Right, well, um..." <<print $bp.name>> pointed to the chair in the corner. "I have a flannel shirt over there; you may want to put it on."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Do I look bad?" <<print $mom.call>> frowned. "Am I too old for this?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "No, but I'm your <<print $mc.rel>> and that's kind of, you know, revealing."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It is, isn't it?" This time she ran both hands down over her breasts, and past the nighty, caressing her thighs. "Simple, but sexy. I feel sexy tonight, baby."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Why are you calling me that?" <<print $bp.name>> stared at her hands as they ran up and down her lush thighs, her blue nails a contrast to her fair skin.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Because you're my baby. My baby boy."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/8.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> slid closer to him and put her hand on his arm, squeezing it.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Hmm, but not so little anymore. You've turned into quite a sexy young man, haven't you?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "<<print $mom.call>> , have you been drinking?" <<print $bp.name>> swallowed nervously when she trailed her hand down his arm and across his bare chest.
<P class="notation_text"> It was a warm night and he was naked beneath the sheet. He was also sweating, and not just from the heat. More concerning was the swelling beneath the sheet. Like when she'd kissed his neck, <<print $bp.name>> was getting aroused.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "No, your father drinks enough for the two of us," she sighed. "He really hurt me tonight. Told me he thinks I'm cheating on him."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "How could that be?" <<print $bp.name>> asked, happy to be on a topic that would get his focus off his <<print $mom.rel>>'s scantily clad body and odd behaviour. "You want more time with him. If you were cheating you wouldn't care he wasn't around."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Try telling that to a drunk," <<print $mom.call>> explained. "Besides, he thinks that because I've been having dirty dreams and I guess I'm getting loud in them."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Whoa, I don't need to know those things <<print $mom.call>> ." Right back into the awkward zone.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/9.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Things got more awkward when <<print $mom.call>> moved. One leg at a time, she drew her legs up onto the bed and was now kneeling next to him. As she'd drawn her right leg up, <<print $bp.name>> was given a view up the short night gown and saw what no <<print $mc.rel>> should ever see. His <<print $mom.rel>> wasn't wearing panties.
<P class="notation_text"> This time, however, his mind seemed in the right direction. He quickly looked away, and didn't linger on the vision or any reaction to it other than he needed to get her out of his room. This was fucked up.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Can you blame a girl?" <<print $mom.call>> cupped her breasts through the blue material. "I'm horny, baby! Your dad hasn't touched me in weeks and for months before that, hardly at all."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "<<print $mom.call>> , you need to get off my...."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I do need to get off," <<print $mom.call>> smiled, "That's why I'm here."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "W...what?" His eyes widened.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I need it, <<print $bp.name>> ," <<print $mom.call>> 's voice lowered to a sultry whisper. "Your <<print $mom.rel>>'s a woman. A sexy woman who has needs. I need to be fucked, baby boy."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "You're drunk or on something." <<print $bp.name>> leaned away from the pillows, intent on getting off the bed. This was crazy.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/10.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> shoved him back against the bed and swung her leg over his waist, straddling him.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "<<print $mom.call>> , what hell are you..." He was cut off when she put a finger to his lips.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Baby, I'm so lonely and I'm so horny!" She leaned so close, he could feel her breath on his face. "Your <<print $mom.rel>> needs to be touched."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> Her lips lightly brushed his. "To be loved and appreciated." She slicked her lips, her pink tongue slowly sliding over the deep red lipstick. "I need to get fucked."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "<<print $mom.call>> , please..."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Pro_3">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
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<p><<print passage()>></p>
</div> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I've been having such nasty dreams," She had both her hands on his chest, trailing her nails up and down his skin. "Dreaming of getting what I need. Dreaming of having a sexy young man in my bed."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Young?" <<print $bp.name>> repeated, as she leaned into him. Her breasts were pressing into his chest, her nipples poking him through the nightgown.
<P class="notation_text"> But what he noticed more was the pendant being pushed into his chest. It was warm and seemed to be throbbing. <<print $bp.name>> 's heart raced and his breathing picked up. He felt flushed and his cock was now rock hard beneath the sheet.
<P class="notation_text"> Hard and throbbing. Throbbing to the rhythm of the pendant.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Yes, young," <<print $mom.call>> was now purring in his ear. "Young and hard. Hard for me because he loves me and wants me so badly! He wants to treat me like a whore, but loves me like his sweetheart."
<P class="notation_text"> Her lips brushed his neck as they had last night and this time a soft moan escaped him. The smell of strawberries was in his nose, and her large firm breasts felt good against his chest. Her soft lips slid along his neck.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/12.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> As if moving on their own, his arms slid around her waist.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Hmm, that feels so good," <<print $mom.call>> 's hot breath in his ear caused his cock to twitch. "Want to hear more about my dream?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Yes," he moaned as she moved her hips, grinding on his trapped cock. Even through the sheet he could feel the heat between her thighs.
<P class="notation_text"> Now the image he'd pushed away leapt into his mind. When she'd moved her leg he'd seen her pussy. Her pink lips and the dark patch of hair above it. That pink slit was what was rubbing his cock, and he found himself wishing the damn sheet wasn't there.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I took all my frustration out on him. I sucked his hard young cock until he came in your naughty <<print $mp.rel>>'s mouth. Then he licked my pussy and made me cum!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> 's hands were now moving up and down her back, sliding over the blue nightgown and her bare upper back and shoulders. Her skin was so warm, so soft.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Then he fucked me! Oh, his young cock felt so good in my needy cunt." <<print $mom.call>> moaned in ear. "Took me in every position. Know what the best part was?" "It...gets better?" His cock was so hard it hurt. He swore he'd never been this excited before.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/13.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He watched his hands as if they belonged to someone else as he eased the straps of her nightgown down her arms.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It does, know who I was dreaming about?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Tell me." He had the straps down to her elbows and <<print $mom.call>> pulled her arms back, slipping them from the straps.
<P class="notation_text"> She pushed the top down, allowing him to feel her now bare breasts against his chest, but didn't lean back so he could see them. It didn't matter, her hard nipples felt so fucking good, as did her firm warm tits squishing against his chest.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It was you, baby." She flicked her tongue across his ear lobe. "I've been dreaming of you fucking me every night for the last two weeks. I can't take it anymore. I need you baby!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/15.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> leaned back, but before he could look down to her breasts, she took his face in her hands and kept his eyes on hers. <<print $mom.call>> 's dark eyes seemed wider than usual and unnaturally bright. <<print $bp.name>> drowned, what the hell was he doing?
<P class="notation_text"> His <<print $mp.rel>> was on his lap talking dirty to him and grinding on his cock like a stripper giving a lap dance. And he was hard! This was <<print $mom.call>> , how could he...his eyes caught the pendant around her neck. It was glowing brightly
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Kiss me, <<print $bp.name>> ." <<print $mom.call>> cocked her head and parted her full red lips. "Give your <<print $mp.rel>> a kiss."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> hesitated, he wasn't as excited as he had been before, but <<print $mom.call>> wasn't taking no for an answer. She kissed him, softly at first, her lips sliding across his. <<print $bp.name>> kissed her back reflexively, but then when her lips lingered, tried to turn his head.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/16.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> held his face firmly in her hands and plunged her tongue into his mouth. <<print $bp.name>> gasped, but not just from the presence of his <<print $mp.rel>>'s tongue in his mouth. A cool sensation flooded his mouth and something cold with the texture of melted ice cream flowed down his throat.
<P class="notation_text"> Whatever it was had no taste, but he could feel the cold trail all the way down to his stomach. For a <<print $mom.call>> ent the cold sensation in his gut was painful. A <<print $mom.call>> ent later, the cold turned into a pleasant heat.
<P class="notation_text"> That heat seeped into his groyne and he moaned when his cock, which had been softening with nervousness at his <<print $mp.rel>>'s advances, swelled to a full erection. The warm sensation was in his balls as well. <<print $bp.name>> squirmed beneath his <<print $mp.rel>> as she writhed on his lap, grinding into him.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/17.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He swore he was even harder than before and his cock felt ready to explode. <<print $bp.name>> wondered why the hell he was resisting his <<print $mp.rel>>'s kiss, and not only returned it, but all but devoured her mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> moaned into their taboo kiss when <<print $bp.name>> 's tongue darted across hers and invaded her mouth. Their lips pressed hard against each other, and <<print $bp.name>> 's hands slid down her back. He lifted the nightgown. and finding the bare cheeks of her ass, squeezed them hard.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> whimpered, and worked her hips harder into him. <<print $bp.name>> was amazed at how firm her ass was, but was also being distracted by her soft tits pressing against him. God, he wanted to see them.
<P class="notation_text"> As if reading his mind, <<print $mom.call>> leaned away from him. She cupped her breasts, but this time her dark blue nails were on her bare flesh, teasing her rosy nipples.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You like...oh!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/kiss-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> cried out when <<print $bp.name>> lowered his head and sucked her right nipple into his mouth. He sucked and licked his <<print $mp.rel>>'s tit the way he had returned her kiss, lustfully. <<print $mom.call>> moaned and shoved her breast deeper into his mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> switched to her other nipple, while sliding his hands beneath hers and squeezing her breasts. They were soft, yet firm, and he was amazed at how heavy they were.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Yes!" <<print $mom.call>> groaned, "Suck that fucking tit!"
<P class="notation_text"> Her words sent a surge through his aching cock and he thrust his hips, pressing his trapped erection into her.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> swung herself off him, pulling her breast away. <<print $bp.name>> leaned forward, intent on recapturing his <<print $mp.rel>>'s gorgeous tits. He stopped when <<print $mom.call>> whipped the sheet off of him, exposing his cock.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh, look at how hard you are for your <<print $mp.rel>>!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/sc-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> moaned when she grabbed his cock and pumped him. He could feel himself throbbing in her hand and he swore his cock seemed bigger than usual. He gasped when she spit onto the tip of his cock and smeared it on his shaft.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Oh, fuck," he sighed as his <<print $mp.rel>>'s hand glided along his now slick shaft.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "So big," <<print $mom.call>> breathed, her tits heaving and her face flushed with excitement. "So fucking hard."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> Her brown eyes were wide and burning with lust. Licking her lips, she whispered, "I have to have it in my mouth."
<P class="notation_text"> With no hesitation, <<print $mom.call>> lowered her head and took him deep into her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Oh, my God, Oh my God!" <<print $bp.name>> moaned as his <<print $mp.rel>> bobbed her head in his lap.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Her soft red coated lips slid along his shaft, and her wet tongue flicked around the purple head of his cock. When she reached the top. <<print $mom.call>> moaned around him as if sucking him was the greatest thing she'd ever felt.
<P class="notation_text"> Her dark hair had spilled across her face, and <<print $bp.name>> gently pushed it to the side, and held it there. <<print $mom.call>> 's eyes were closed and there was a look of pure bliss on her face as she worked her <<print $mc.rel>>'s cock in and out of her hot wet mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> moaned at not just how good she felt, but the nasty loud wet gagging sounds she was now making. He leaned back against the pillows, moaning and staring in shock as his <<print $mp.rel>> gobbled his cock like a damn porn star.
<P class="notation_text"> She was kneeling next to him, hunched over with her head in his lap with her night gown pushed down to her waist. <<print $bp.name>> had never seen anything sexier and when she added her hands, cupping his balls while stroking him, his hips jerked.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> His cock thrust hard into her mouth and <<print $mom.call>> once again groaned as if she were gaining sexual pleasure just from sucking him. <<print $bp.name>> slid his hand through her hair and down her soft smooth back.
<P class="notation_text"> He grabbed the nightgown and pulled it over her hips. She was now completely naked other than the band of blue material around her waist and his eyes roamed lustfully over her body. He slipped his hand down past the nightgown and stroked her ass, cupping her cheek before dealing her a sharp little slap.
<P class="notation_text"> She purred around his cock, but continued sucking. <<print $mom.call>> was gagging and drooling and he could feel her spit sliding down his shaft and dripping onto his balls.
<P class="notation_text"> She was bobbing her head violently, as if her lust had driven her to the point she was attacking it as much as sucking it. Her face was red and her eyes watering from pounding his cock down her throat. <<print $mom.call>> was sucking him to the point she seemed out of control and he loved it!
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Pro_4">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/31.jpg'">
<!-- <P class="notation_text">
</p> -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, <<print $mom.call>>, check this out."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> and <<print $gf.name>> were there. Both women looked up at <<print $mc.name>> as he entered the kitchen.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, hi <<print $gf.name>>, didn't know you were still here." <<print $mc.name>> flashed her a huge smile.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I was just getting ready to go. Your <<print $mom.call>>'s had a long day." She stared at <<print $mc.name>>, then followed his eyes down to where she still had her breasts propped up on the table.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/32.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> felt a twinge of embarrassment when <<print $gf.name>> quickly sat back in the chair.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Well it's obvious what you were checking out, but what am I supposed to be looking at?" she asked.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh," <<print $mc.name>> lowered his head. "Sorry, <<print $gf.name>>. That was rude."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Nothing to be sorry about <<print $mc.name>>, boys will be boys, and on that note I should be getting back to my boy."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "He's hardly a boy." <<print $mom.name>> told her. "Not much younger than me I would think."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Just a phrase." <<print $gf.name>> replied, pushing away from the table and standing. "He's a boy to me in many ways." Her gaze shifted from <<print $gf.name>> to <<print $mc.name>>. "What's in the box?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What I found wanted <<print $mom.call>> to check out."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/16.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> put a square flat white box on the table in front of her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I found this on the floor under your bed when I was putting the sheets on."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You made my bed up for me?" <<print $mom.name>> grabbed his arm and tugged him down to her level to kiss him on the cheek. "You can be so sweet!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Right." <<print $mc.name>> rolled his eyes. "How much have you had to drink?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/30.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What? I can't kiss my baby and tell him he's sweet?" She heard her own words and conceded she'd probably had too much to drink.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I haven't been your baby in years." He puffed himself up.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "A <<print $mc.call>> is always their <<print $mom.rel>>'s baby. No matter how old," <<print $gf.name>> said softly, then as she had a couple of times during the conversation looked as if she'd thought she'd said something she shouldn't and quickly pointed. "What's in the box?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/17.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Open it, I'm heading back upstairs to finish yours," he gave her a wry smile, "Third shoe rack."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So, let's see what's in this box!" <<print $mom.name>> declared, and not just to get off the suddenly awkward conversation, but for whatever reason she was dying to see what was in there.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I already saw it. You can open it later. I hope you will like it." <<print $mc.name>> waved his hand.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Thank you, honey!" She didn't make him endure another kiss. "I appreciate it." <<print $mom.name>> spoke while staring at the box in front of her. She had no clue what was in it, but for some reason she felt a thrill of anticipation flowing through her.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 11>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/9.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> entered the living room and <<print $mom.name>> was there.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Hello Mrs. <<print $mom.name>>. I know you said it was okay, but I have to say I'm sorry at least once more." <<print $gf.name>> said from across the dining room table.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And for the last time, it's okay." <<print $mom.name>> told her, "Have to say," she smirked. "Not to sound like my <<print $mc.call>>, but um, good for you."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> laughed. "I get that a lot. <<print $cliff.name>>'s an attractive man, and yes, much younger than me. He's thirty eight."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And I think you said on one of our calls you're fifty five?" <<print $mom.name>> pointed at her. "You look amazing."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/10.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I take that as a huge compliment seeing how much of me you saw." <<print $gf.name>> lamented. "So thank you. <<print $cliff.name>> keeps me young. Have to keep up, you know."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I wouldn't actually." <<print $mom.name>> sighed. "My husband was the only person I was with for the last twenty two years."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry to hear that." <<print $gf.name>> briefly reached out and put her hand over hers. "<<print $cliff.name>> is my second husband. I first left about twenty years ago."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/23.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, I'm sorry. Well, his loss seems like you made out pretty well."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Had I spent the rest of my life alone, I'd have made out." <<print $gf.name>>'s lips twisted into a grimace. "He was a real piece of work. Very cruel to me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry. At least you moved on though. Lot of women stay. I used to take cases for victims of domestic abuse. There's a special place in hell for men like that."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Amen sister." <<print $gf.name>> held up her glass and clicked it against hers. "I hope he's roasting there now. He was so bad, I moved out of this house and next door because of him."
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[2] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/wine.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> entered the living room <<print $mom.name>> was there. <<print $gf.name>> had brought two bottles over as a housewarming gift, along with a lasagna she would just have to heat up later.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Wow, this wine is delicious." <<print $mom.name>> declared, staring at the deep red fluid, "Sweet and sort of...hey, wait." <<print $mom.name>> gestured around her. "You used to live here?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, I was born in this house. I stayed here after my parents died in the car accident and he moved in with me. I moved out after he left."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I see." <<print $mom.name>> said, but quietly as she thought about the stories <<print $mc.name>> had told her.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "My great grandparents bought this land and had these two houses built on it. They've been in the family ever since. But my parents only had me, so both houses were left to me."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/11.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"I used to rent the one I'm living in now, but with everything that happened I asked the family that lived there if they'd swap with me and they were kind enough to do it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What happened to them?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Happened?" <<print $gf.name>> looked puzzled. "He was a mucky muck with some banking firm and they relocated. I think it's down to Florida."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I see."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You say that a lot. That's an attorney thing?" <<print $gf.name>> chuckled. "But I know what you meant. This house has had some bad luck. The people in it anyway."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Seeing you said that." <<print $mom.name>> paused, wondering if she wanted to continue this conversation.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/24.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> In the <<print $mom.call>>entary silence she heard thumping from upstairs. After they had brought everything in from the trailer, <<print $mc.name>> had stayed upstairs, putting things away and putting together some of the racks she bought for the huge walk-in closet.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Seeing as I said that, what?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sorry." <<print $mom.name>> shook her head. "Long couple of days. I was just thinking that all the issues in this house had a recurring theme. An abusive husband."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Not really, my husband, of course Nathan, only two out of...
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>> told me about the woman who hung herself and the husband was investigated because the police had been there before for domestic issues."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/13.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Oh, Maria." <<print $gf.name>> lowered her head. "Such a sweet woman, life just became too much for her."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And the <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.call>> who vanished and again the police thought it was the husband, but no proof."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Kathy and Paul." <<print $gf.name>> said evenly, but now looked annoyed. "Been googling have we?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>> did, and he's been teasing me about the house being cursed."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_7_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!--Living Afternoon-->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/wine-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> In the evening <<print $mom.name>> was drinking <<print $gf.name>>’s wine. Warm and very relaxed. The sensation was a welcome one after the stress of the last few months, but she needed to be careful. She wanted to do a lot before she went to bed tonight.<<print $gf.name>> entered the Living area.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Hello <<print $mom.name>>,”
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> “Hi <<print $gf.name>>,” <<print $mom.name>> replied.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Where is <<print $mc.name>>?”, <<print $gf.name>> asked.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> “I think he is working away upstairs,” she replied.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/wine-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He lost his father and it's partly his age. But trust me, <<print $mom.name>>, a boy in <<print $mc.name>>'s situation, if he's a good boy, knows his new place."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Place?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, he's now not only your <<print $mc.call>>, but the man of the house who needs to look after his <<print $mom.rel>>. You were both heartbroken after your husband's death, I'm sure. But the aftermath is different for each of you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "How so?" <<print $mom.name>> was asking out of genuine curiosity now. <<print $gf.name>>'s situation with her husband couldn't have been more different than hers, but life afterwards was something she had not only dealt with, but seeing she was remarried and happy, had done it the right way.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You lost a life partner, a lover, a best friend, half your world. <<print $mc.name>> lost his father and that is traumatic, but he still has his <<print $mom.rel>>. You, on the other hand, have nothing to replace your loss."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/wine-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I have <<print $mc.name>> and he is part of Steven."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "That's good you see it that way." <<print $gf.name>> nodded in approval. "But friendship, companionship and of course a lover? Society says he could never fill those roles."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Society says?" More odd word choices. "That makes it sound like stealing. Only reason some won't do it is they would go to jail."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I just mean that we're all taught family being anything but family is wrong."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Because it is." <<print $mom.name>> pointed out. This was getting strange at this point.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/wine-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It is if someone is being abused or raped or molested. But over eighteen and consensual?" <<print $gf.name>> shrugged. "You practise law, <<print $mom.name>>, so you unquestioningly follow them. But when it comes to love there should be no laws or limits."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You sound like, what was that old movie that was a big deal when I was a kid..." <<print $mom.name>> snapped her fingers "Taboo! That movie got a lot of buzz."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "For good reason. Yes, it was called sick, and it was defended as fantasy, but it got people thinking." <<print $gf.name>> smirked. "Now? That material is all over porn sites and has a huge following."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Take your word for that." <<print $mom.name>> was lying. She'd been watching porn as a substitute for her sex life and had seen countless incest related clips. She always passed them by because she was sick, but there was obviously a market. She stopped and suppressed a shudder at an unwanted memory that some would say gave those fantasies credibility.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Do take my word," she laughed. "I'm a big fan of erotic movies. <<print $cliff.name>> too. We watch, we do."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_8_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
</div> -->
<!-- Living Evening -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/w-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> and <<print $gf.name>> were there. They were drinking wine and talking about the house.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "We were talking about me trying again with this house because I noticed the penchant for things to not seem to go well when men were in the picture. It is strange and I suppose coincidence, but sometimes I wonder. But it's not worth discussing." <<print $gf.name>> said.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I can imagine you wouldn't want to spook anyone. My <<print $mc.rel>>, however, thought it was all worth bringing up."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "And I doubt he knows all of it. Some things from years ago didn't make the internet precious." <<print $gf.name>> said cryptically.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's comforting. Should I ask?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/17.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "No." <<print $gf.name>> blinked her now glossy blue eyes. "I mean not no like please don't ask, no as in just random things. Nothing scary, but once one bad thing happens, people start seeing things that aren't there and coincidence becomes urban legend."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, so is this the local haunted house then?" <<print $mom.name>> laughed. " <<print $mc.name>> was right, this has a little bit of Hollywood to it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Nothing that exciting." <<print $gf.name>> turned serious for the first time. "But last year was more than enough. That was horrific. We heard all three shots. <<print $cliff.name>> ran over and broke the door down while I called the police. He found them all dead on the bed. Said half of <<print $mp.name>>'s face was gone."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, that's terrible." <<print $mom.name>> whispered. "I...I didn't even think about that. That you guys were neighbours."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $bp.name>> was shot in the chest." <<print $gf.name>> had a faraway look in her eyes as if she were seeing it all over again. "Nathan must have put the gun in his mouth because the back of his head..." she shuddered. "Okay, sorry. I keep going, you'll pack up and go."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/w-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She sighed, and leaning forward, folded her arms on the table.
<P class="notation_text"> The move pushed her ample breasts up in the dress and <<print $mom.name>>, who was on the smaller side on top briefly envied the older woman's large bust. She thought of <<print $cliff.name>> fondling her creamy breasts, sucking her pink nipples. <<print $mom.name>> thought of him coming on them, that thick white fluid flowing over her nipples.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> loved having her breasts 'painted' as they would say in porn. Warm sticky cum flowing over her sensitive nipples and her pussy still gaping from the cock that had been pounding it, leading up to that delicious explosion.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>?"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/w-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh!" She blinked. "Wow, sorry, I just um, drifted for a minute."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "That wine is strong and you're tired," <<print $gf.name>> noted. "How about I come back tomorrow after the movers leave and help you and we can chat some more." She reached across the table and took her hand. "It's so nice to have someone next door again. I hope we can be good friends."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'd like that too."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/w-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stared at <<print $gf.name>>'s hand which was as fair as the rest of her. It stood out against her own tanned skin and again her mind turned to sex. <<print $gf.name>>'s hand was soft and her slender fingers tipped in purple. She thought of that small hand around <<print $cliff.name>>'s thick cock.
<P class="notation_text"> Pumping it, stroking it as he sprayed his load on her tits. Again her mind went from <<print $gf.name>> to her own fond memories of sex. The feeling of Steven's cock in her hand. The way it throbbed and the way she could feel his cum racing through it, then twitching when he exploded for her.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was getting warmer by the minute and to her chagrin she was getting wet.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> She shook her head and <<print $gf.name>> gave her an odd look. "Feeling it aren't you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "The wine?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/18.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "What else would I be talking about?" The question made sense, but she had the distinct feeling <<print $gf.name>> was picking up on her arousal somehow.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It's...got me feeling pretty loose." She laughed nervously.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It's homemade. My great grandfather owned a vineyard. Did quite well for himself. My father sold the business, but passed down the recipe. They water it down for mass consumption, but when <<print $cliff.name>> and I make it, we keep the original recipe." She winked. "Complete with secret ingredients."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/w-7.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> caught herself getting ready to ask if one was an aphrodisiac because wow, was she....horny. There was no denying that sensation. She'd been thinking dirtier than usual lately, a product of no sex other than her toys and fingers, but tonight she was off the charts. Like she was back in college, drunk and looking to get laid.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I'll bring you over a couple more bottles tomorrow, if you'd like. We have an entire rack of it in our cellar."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sure, if you don't mind. If nothing else I'll sleep pretty well." And go through more batteries than ever if this really was the wine influencing her raunchy turn of mind.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Oh, it definitely helps out in bed." <<print $gf.name>> spoke off handedly, but once more <<print $mom.name>> had a hunch she knew the effect it was having on her.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 9>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[3] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom Afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/34.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> and <<print $gf.name>> were there. They were drinking wine and talking.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Hey, <<print $mc.name>>, would you like to try some wine?" <<print $gf.name>> tapped the bottle.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "He's only 20."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Oh, please, like he's never drank before." <<print $gf.name>> laughed. "And it's only wine."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/18.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll have some when I'm done." He touched <<print $mom.name>>'s flushed cheek. "<<print $mom.call>> seems to like it, that's for sure."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Be nice, you." She looked up at him. "Be good to your <<print $mom.rel>>." She pushed her lips into a pout and looked up at him through her eyelashes.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow, I've never seen that look before." <<print $mc.name>> surprised her with a big smile. "I like it, you look cute."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Thank you!" She beamed.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Usually you have that lawyer look, you know, kind of bitchy."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/21.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Ouch, <<print $mc.name>>, you'll do better with the girls when you learn when to stop," <<print $gf.name>> advised him.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "She's not a girl, she's my <<print $mom.call>>." <<print $mc.name>> replied, then shrugged. "I don't have a girlfriend anymore. Don't want one."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You think you don't, but the right woman will come along, and very soon I'll bet." <<print $gf.name>> smiled encouragingly. "You're a good looking boy, and you can try to act otherwise, but you're very good to your <<print $mom.call>>. Women love a boy who's good to his <<print $mom.rel>>. Tell them he'll be good to them."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And there's a whole city full of nice girls twenty minutes down the road," <<print $mom.name>> added. "But, I disagree with <<print $gf.name>>. Most women don't want a mama's boy."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "No, but they want a man of the house and <<print $mc.name>> is proving he can be right now." <<print $gf.name>> pressed. "My <<print $mc.call>> was for me as well and trust me he makes his wife very happy. He takes care of her in every way and he learned that from wanting to take care of me."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/19.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Every way?" <<print $mc.name>> raised his eyebrows. "That sounds a little creepy. Little to Kay Parker is taboo for me." He laughed at the look on <<print $mom.name>>'s face. "Come on, <<print $mom.call>>. That movie is a classic even kids my age have..." he caught himself, then winked. "Heard of it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I have it on DVD.' <<print $gf.name>> told him, then smiled when his eyes widened. "Whole series actually."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Out!" <<print $mom.name>> snapped.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm heading back upstairs, good night <<print $gf.name>>." He gave her a sly smile. "Maybe someday I could go through your movie collection."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/33.jpeg'">
<P class="notation_text"> With a laugh that told her she'd played right into him, <<print $mc.name>> left the room.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sorry." <<print $mom.name>> said. "He's not really a jerk, he's busting me up more than you."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I know, remember I raised a <<print $mc.call>>. But he's right, that movie is famous and for good reason. It changed the way people saw things."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Pervs anyway."
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 10>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[3] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
</div> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nixon/3.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <b>Prologue</b>
<P class="notation_text"> 1 year ago
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> jerked his head from his pillow and looked around his dark bedroom. He'd sworn he'd heard a loud bang. He realised the reason he could hear anything is his I-pod had died, or else he'd still have music blaring in his ears.
<P class="notation_text"> It wasn't easy to fall asleep listening to heavy metal, but it was better than listening to his parents fight again. This time it was over Dad ruining a special night they had planned. <<print $bp.name>> had hoped it would go well. The last few months dad's drinking had gotten out of hand and he was becoming verbally abusive to <<print $mom.call>>, and to him.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> didn't worry about himself, he'd be going to Florida State in a couple months, but he worried about his <<print $mom.rel>>. He suspected his father had hit her a couple times, but wasn't sure and it's not like <<print $mom.call>> would admit it.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/d-1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Even if he weren't touching her, he wasn't touching her in a good way either. A lot of their fights revolved around Dad not bothering with <<print $mom.call>> anymore in or out of bed. Not that he wanted to think about his parent's sex life, but they were only in their early forties and <<print $mom.call>> was an attractive woman.
<P class="notation_text"> Not just attractive, but sweet and loving. A good woman as dad used to call her before he was let go from his long time law firm. Now he was with a small firm, working twice the hours for half the pay and drinking his frustration away.
<P class="notation_text"> The last argument had ended with <<print $mom.call>> saying she was through being ignored and mistreated and she wanted her old husband back. Dad had seemed to come around, tearfully admitting he'd been an asshole to her and apologising to <<print $bp.name>> as well.
<P class="notation_text"> Tonight was his idea. Their favourite restaurant, dancing, and they were going to spend the night at a hotel. Dad had winked at him when he said the hotel was where he was really going to make things up to <<print $mom.call>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nixon/9.webp'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> had wanted it to happen that way, but instead dad had staggered home three hours late from work, reeking of scotch and in a foul mood. They'd had three separate yelling matches. The last one, a couple hours ago, had sent <<print $mom.call>> into their bedroom. <<print $bp.name>> had heard the lock click after the door was slammed shut.
<P class="notation_text"> His father was downstairs banging around in his den, yelling even though he was alone. <<print $bp.name>> decided to stay upstairs in his room, avoiding his father, and letting his <<print $mom.rel>> have some time alone.
<P class="notation_text"> More alone time was more accurate. <<print $mom.call>> had been spending a lot of time holed up by herself lately. In a way he didn't mind because she'd been acting pretty damn strange. That strange behaviour involved him and made him feel uncomfortable. It seemed like every time <<print $bp.name>> would turn around she was staring at him and it made him uneasy.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nixon/12.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> She'd recently walked in on him in his room several times. Each time she'd caught him in various stages of undress. Two nights ago he had just stepped out of the shower and she'd come in at that <<print $mom.call>>ent.
<P class="notation_text"> He was completely naked, and grabbed a towel. In the brief seconds he'd been frozen by surprise at her entering, he'd sworn she was staring at his cock. That was crazy of course, but she'd remained in there, talking casually to him.
<P class="notation_text"> Her eyes roamed across his chest and kept dipping down below his waist, even though by then he'd gotten a towel around himself. There was a look in her eyes that reminded him of how his girlfriend Sheila would look at him.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> could have chalked that up to him just being flat out wrong, but the last couple of week's <<print $mom.call>> had been very...touchy. She'd always been reasonably affectionate with him; a <<print $mom.rel>>ly hug, a kiss on the cheek at night.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/1.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Recently those kisses had lingered and twice she'd caught him briefly on the lips. When she hugged him, she held him close and didn't let go right away. The last two times, <<print $bp.name>> had been painfully aware she wasn't wearing a bra.
<P class="notation_text"> Last night when she'd hugged him she had planted a small kiss on his neck. <<print $bp.name>> had pulled away from her, but as much because he didn't like his own reaction. The little kiss, in such a sensitive place, had sent a not unpleasant shiver through him.
<P class="notation_text"> He'd noticed her looking at him expectantly and when his eyes lowered, had seen her nipples were erect. She'd been wearing a flimsy white top and he could not just see they were hard, but the darker skin around them through the shirt.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/2.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> He'd awkwardly said good night and got his ass upstairs. He lay on his bed, full of self-loathing as he waited for his hard on to go away. That was his damn <<print $mom.rel>>! Today he'd been embarrassed just to see her, and had tried to avoid her.
<P class="notation_text"> To his surprise, she'd brought it up. She looked nervous and seemed confused as she apologised for getting 'a little too close to him' and it wouldn't happen again. <<print $mom.call>> confessed she was lonely and neglected and had sought a little more closeness from him.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> said to not worry about it, but found himself really hoping dad would get his shit together and make tonight a great one. Maybe it would snap him back into being his old self. <<print $bp.name>> jumped at a soft knock.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Pro_2">
<p >Continue</p>
<P class="notation_text"> "Note: If you are playing this game for the first time, it is recommended to click on the 'Continue' button."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_0">
<p >Skip To Intro</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/99.webp'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Morality'; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/porn.gif';" >
<p >Watch Porn!</p>
</div> -->
<!-- <img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/hack.jpg'"> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Stamina'; $mediaType = 'image';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/100.jpg';" >
<p >Do Work! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Bedroom" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 4 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/87.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.myroom.rel[$myroomTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Bathroom');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.myroom.rel[$myroomTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $laundry is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$laundry = 1; $activityType = 'Rel';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/74.png';" >
<p >Laundry (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $shower is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$shower = 1; $activityType = 'Money';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/88.webp';" >
<p >Take Shower</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime gte 5 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/80.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here.</p>
<<if $currentTime eq 5 >>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.bedroom.rel[$bedroomTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Bedroom');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Require: <<print $talkEvent.bedroom.rel[$bedroomTalk]>> curse point</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Bedroom" onclick="statsChange(20,'Money'); forwardDay()" data-setter = "$message = ' '">
<p >Sleep</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $stealing is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$stealing = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/97.webp';" >
<p >Search (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick=" forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Nap (+1 Hour)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Computer" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Use Computer</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 1 >>
<div id="pos">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.kitchen.rel[$kitchenTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Kitchen');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Require: <<print $talkEvent.kitchen.rel[$kitchenTalk]>> curse point</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-6.mp4';" >
<p >Do Breakfast</p>
<<elseif $currentTime is 4 >>
<div id="pos">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/Penny/sc-11.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-10.mp4';" >
<p >Dinner</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> What should I do now?</p>
<<if $kitchenClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$kitchenClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/98.jpg';" >
<p >Clean Kitchen! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<!-- -->
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bedroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Kitchen');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Living');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/living.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Pool');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/home.webp'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('MyRoom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/my_room.jpg'">
<p><<print $mc.name>>'s Room</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bathroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 3 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/94.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte 150 and $knowledge gte 150>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/living-5.mp4';" >
<p >Check Out <<print $mom.call>></p>
<p class="notation_text">"Check Out" You need 100 relationship point and 100 Stealing point .</p>
<</if>> -->
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.living.rel[$livingTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Living');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Require: <<print $talkEvent.living.rel[$livingTalk]>> curse point</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Love'; $mediaType = 'video'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/outing-2.mp4';" >
<p >Outing With <<print $mom.call>>!</p>
</div> -->
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/living.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> What should I do now?</p>
<<if $exercise is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image';$exercise = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/78.jpg';" >
<p >Do Exercise! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $livingClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $livingClean = 1; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-9.mp4';" >
<p >Clean Living Room! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $watchTV is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $watchTV = 1; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/movie/t-10.mp4';" >
<p >Watch TV! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<set $message to "" >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/city/city.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Where should I go now?</p>
<div class="split-container">
<div class="column">
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Dad's Apartment</p>
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Office">
<p >Dad's Office</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Bar">
<p >Bar</p>
<div class="location_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Club');" data-passage="Club">
<p >Sin City</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _eventStamina =[$kitchen.stamina[0],$myroom.stamina[0],$living.stamina[0],$living.stamina[1],$pool.stamina[0],
<<set _eventMomLove = [$kitchen.mom_love[0],$myroom.mom_love[0],$living.mom_love[0],$living.mom_love[1],$pool.mom_love[0],
<<set _eventMomRel = [$kitchen.mom_rel[0],$myroom.mom_rel[0],$living.mom_rel[0],$living.mom_rel[1],$pool.mom_rel[0],
<<set _eventMomLust = [$kitchen.mom_lust[0],$myroom.mom_lust[0],$living.mom_lust[0],$living.mom_lust[1],$pool.mom_lust[0],
<<set _eventMoney = [$kitchen.money[0],$myroom.money[0],$living.money[0],$living.money[1],$pool.money[0],
<<set _eventMorality =[$kitchen.morality[0],$myroom.morality[0],$living.morality[0],$living.morality[1],$pool.morality[0],
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>><br>
<<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>><br>
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] lt 1>><<print "Weekday">>
<<else>><<print "Weekend">><</if>>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Cursed: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_rel >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Blue Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.money >>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Red Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.stamina >><br>
<!-- <p><span class = "ui_text">Black Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.knowledge >> -->
<p><span class = "ui_text">Love Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_love >>/<<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Sex Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_lust >>/<<print _eventMomLust[$eventCount]>><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Taboo Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.morality >>/<<print _eventMorality[$eventCount]>><br>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dad/dad24.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"> Dad went to start his shift at the Sin City strip club.</p>
<p class="notation_text">Money increased by $20</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="getInfo(20,'Money'); getInfo(5,'Work'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Club" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/42.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/65.png';
$taskDialogue= ' Memories of her husband's love flood her mind, bringing tears to her eyes.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gt 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/bj-4.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> pays a visit to <<print $gf.name>> s house, where the sound of groaning drifts from <<print $gf.name>> s bedroom. Quietly, she slips into her room, only to find <<print $cliff.name >> already there. Curious, she positions herself behind the door, observing them with hidden interest. <<print $cliff.name >> guided <<print $gf.name>> s head down to his balls and she licked and kissed in them tenderly as his cock pulsed, bobbing up and down, becoming more rigid with every heart beat. Precum was already oozing out of him, and she was using it as lube to stroke him.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/33.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/69.png';
$taskDialogue= 'Steven s favorite Tv Series play in the TV, stirring up emotions she struggles to contain.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/mis-10.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was thinking about <<print $cliff.name >> and <<print $gf.name>>. <<print $gf.name>> was pinned down on her back, her slender, delicate legs flailing around the strong, muscular physique of her young husband. <<print $mom.name>> couldn t shake the memory of the scene between <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >>. It had been days since she had sex, and that s why these memories kept haunting her.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<if $eventCount gt 10>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/movie/t-4.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> turned on the TV, only to find an erotic taboo movie playing. Uninterested, she quickly changed the channel, wanting to avoid watching it altogether.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 10! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/89.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/66.png';
$taskDialogue= 'She was sitting in the tub and thinking Steven. Her hands roamed her body with a gentle urgency, igniting sparks of pleasure wherever she touched.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/mis-5.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As <<print $mom.name>> sat in the tub, memories of <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >> flooded her mind. While she scrubbed and cleaned herself, the wild memories played out scenes of their encounters. <<print $mom.name>> closed her eyes for a moment, relishing the feel of the unbelievably good dick of <<print $cliff.name >> sliding in and out of <<print $gf.name>> s pussy. She had never been fucked by a dick like this. Her pussy tingled with excitement as all 8 thick inches of <<print $cliff.name >> s cock pounded in and out of <<print $gf.name>>, fucking her for all she obviously not worth.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/73.webp'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/67.png';
$taskDialogue= 'While cleaning herself, She started missing her husband and his absence weighs heavily on her heart, a constant ache she cannot shake.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/cg-4.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As <<print $mom.name>> sat in the tub, memories of <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >> flooded her mind. While she scrubbed and cleaned herself, the wild memories played out scenes of their encounters. <<print $gf.name>> grabbed at <<print $cliff.name >> s erection and pointed it squarely at her entrance. With a gentle ease, she slid all the way down onto his manhood. Immediately she wrapped around his erection, tasting, touching, indulging. <<print $cliff.name >> moaned again, hands tightening on her hips. started a slow hop up and down. This was it. Leshiotra grabbed at his shoulders. They were fucking now, as simple animals might. Not a slow and tedious process of sharing genetics by way of interlinking fibers, but a direct in and out as aroused organs pushed into each other.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $myroomTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/shop.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I purchase?</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(50,0,'groceries'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Buy Groceries ($50)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(200,0,'wine'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Wine ($200)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(100,0,'porn'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Porn DVD ($100)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(250,0,'gasoline'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Gasoline ($250)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(70,0,'video_game'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Video Game ($70)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(150,0,'cleaning_item'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Cleaning Item ($150)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(50,30,'gift_item'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Gift Item ($50)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(450,30,'camera'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Camera ($450)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(350,30,'computer_parts'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Computer Parts ($350)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/90.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/70.png';
$taskDialogue= 'She was walking at the lawn and thinking about Steven. The taste of him lingered on her lips, a delicious memory that left her craving more.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/lick-2.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> visits <<print $gf.name>> s house and hears laughter emanating from <<print $gf.name>> s bedroom. She moves silently to her own room, where she discovers <<print $cliff.name >> s presence. Intrigued, she begins watching them from her vantage point behind the door. <<print $cliff.name >> pushes <<print $gf.name>> onto her back flips up her dress, removes her panties and then says, --Your turn.-- He then starts eating her pussy with gusto of a starving man. <<print $gf.name>> soon was coming on his tongue, grunting, groaning and crying out, -- Yes, yes I m coming.-- She then starts to gyrate her hips trying to extricate her pussy from his tongue and says, -- Stop, stop too sensitive. I can t take it. Please stop.-- <<print $cliff.name >> stops his tongue wagging but still teasing her with little sucks on her clit causing her hips and legs to jerk and vibrate.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/88.webp'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/63.png';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was taking bath, with each passing moment, she yearned for the taste of Steven s lips against hers.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/sf-3.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ' While immersed in the bath, <<print $mom.name>> found herself engulfed in memories of <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >>. As she washed herself, the vivid recollections of their encounters unfolded before her like scenes from a porn movie. <<print $gf.name>> leaned her head as her entire body sunk deeper into the pleasure given to her. <<print $cliff.name >> s soft body smacked into <<print $gf.name>> s hard carapace repeatedly, creating that simple but delicious slap. Her entrance did its best to squeeze his cock as it pushed hotly through her, though even that grew hard with her body growing increasingly drunken with pleasure.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/80.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/56.png';
$taskDialogue= 'She finds herself reaching for her beloved husband Steven s side of the bed, wishing he were there.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/cun-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> s attempt to sleep was thwarted by the unsettling sight of <<print $gf.name>> and her husband. The image persisted, refusing to let her rest, and soon, it began to infiltrate her subconscious, manifesting as restless dreams. <<print $cliff.name >> sat back up and grabbed <<print $gf.name>> by the back of her knees, spreading her legs wide and popping her delicate flower open. A huge, clear pearl of precum had formed at the tip of his cock, and <<print $gf.name>> spread her inner lips with one hand and smeared it all over her throbbing, glistening slit. '" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/85.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/59.png';
$taskDialogue= 'She saves a seat for Steven at the dinner table, unable to accept his absence.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/cg-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $gf.name>> and <<print $mom.name>> were chatting in the kitchen. As <<print $gf.name>> divulged details about her sex life, <<print $mom.name>> envisioned their scenarios in her mind. -- <<print $gf.name>> s body shot up in anticipation as she felt the heavy, thick tip of <<print $cliff.name >> s cock press to her soaking pussy, it s end teasing her cunt and causing her to let out a moan. She breathed heavily as <<print $cliff.name >> began to pick up pace, driving inch after wonderful inch of his dick into her pussy, driving her ass into the bed as he did so. '" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/83.png'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/60.png';
$taskDialogue= 'As she closed her eyes, she could almost feel the warmth of her husband s breath against her skin.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/sf-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'In the kitchen, <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $mom.name>> engaged in conversation. While <<print $gf.name>> shared intricacies of her sex life, <<print $mom.name>> mentally visualized their scenarios. Every word she made sent a shiver of excitement through her body, her pussy now wet fully. She had no idea why she was enjoying hearing her landlord being fucked so ruthlessly by his much younger husband, but she couldn t help but listen on in awe. She wasn t sure if she was nervous, jealous, turned on, or an extreme mixture of all three.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/27.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/62.png';
$taskDialogue= 'She was reading a romantic novel and the memory of her husband s touch lingered on her lips, igniting a fire within her.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/cun-2.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> found herself unable to forget the scene that unfolded between <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >>. With each passing day of her loveless existence, the vivid recollection of their encounter grew stronger, persistently knocking at the door of her consciousness, refusing to be ignored. She was thinking how good was <<print $cliff.name >> while licking her older wife s pussy. <<print $cliff.name >> sucked on her each lip, right then left, quick suck on the clit. He buried his tongue deep into her, with his top lip, pushing down on her clit.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<if $eventCount gte 10>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/movie/t-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> open TV stand s drawer and found -- Taboo-1 -- Oh my goodness, how did these DVDs end up here?'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 10! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/81.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/57.png';
$taskDialogue= 'She dreams of his husband at night, holding onto the fleeting moments before waking to reality.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/mis-9.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> struggled to find sleep, but the sexual moment of <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >> lingered in her mind, preventing her from drifting off. The scene replayed incessantly, invading her thoughts and sparking vivid dreams. -- Come on baby... uhhh... fuck me...-- <<print $gf.name>> moaned, begging to be fucked rougher. She tightened her grip around <<print $cliff.name >> s waist with her legs and began to thrust upward, her pussy meeting <<print $cliff.name >> s dick with more intensity after each thrust. She moaned loudly, arching her back, trying desperately to get fucked as hard and fast as she could.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/84.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/61.png';
$taskDialogue= 'The sound of Steven s voice whispers in her ear, as if he were still by her side.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/dg-6.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'During their kitchen conversation, <<print $gf.name>> opened up about her love life, prompting <<print $mom.name>> to imagine their situations unfolding in her mind. -- As <<print $gf.name>> gripped tightly to the sheets beside her head, he started to pick up pace, driving every thick inch of his massive cock within the stunning wife, driving her ass deep into her bed with every hard fuck he made against her. '" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $kitchenTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _eventQuest = ["We don't like it, we move.","<<print $mc.name>>'s Girlfriend", "Cursed!",
"Old Memories", "Visit <<print $gf.name>>'s house.","<<print $gf.name>>'s visit", "Wow, this wine is delicious.","Society says?",
"The wine?","Every way?","What <<print $mc.name>> found?","Did you see that?",
"Hot tub!","Completed"]>>
<!-- <<set _eventQuestLocation = [$myroom.time[0],$kitchen.time[0],$kitchen.time[1],$living.time[0],$living.time[1],
$living.time[5],$living.time[6],$living.time[7],"Completed"]>> -->
<<set _eventQuestLocation = ["Kitchen", "<<print $mc.name>>'s Room","Living","Living","Outdoor","Living",
<<set _eventQuestTime = [$kitchen.time[0],$myroom.time[0],$living.time[0],$living.time[1],$pool.time[0],
<<set _eventMoney = [$kitchen.money[0],$myroom.money[0],$living.money[0],$living.money[1],$pool.money[0],
<<set _eventMorality =[$kitchen.morality[0],$myroom.morality[0],$living.morality[0],$living.morality[1],$pool.morality[0],
<<set _eventTitle = [$kitchen.morality[0],$myroom.morality[0],$living.time[0],$living.morality[1],$pool.morality[0],
<<set _eventStamina =[$kitchen.stamina[0],$myroom.stamina[0],$living.stamina[0],$living.stamina[1],$pool.stamina[0],
<<set _eventMomLove = [$kitchen.mom_love[0],$myroom.mom_love[0],$living.mom_love[0],$living.mom_love[1],$pool.time[0],
<<set _eventMomRel = [$kitchen.mom_rel[0],$myroom.mom_rel[0],$living.mom_rel[0],$living.mom_rel[1],$pool.mom_rel[0],
<<set _eventMomLust = [$kitchen.mom_lust[0],$myroom.mom_lust[0],$living.mom_lust[0],$living.mom_lust[1],$pool.mom_lust[0],
<<set _eventDay = ["Weekday","Weekend","Weekday","Weekday","Weekday","Saturday","Weekday","Weekday","Sunday",
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Quest</span><br>
Quest: <<print _eventQuest[$eventCount]>><br>
Location: <<print _eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>><br>
Time: <<print $dayTimes[_eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>><br>
Required: <br>
<!-- Money: <<print _eventMoney[$eventCount]>> || -->
<!-- Knowledge: <<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>> || -->
Love Desire: <<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>> ||
Sex Desire: <<print _eventMomLust[$eventCount]>> ||
Taboo Desire: <<print _eventMorality[$eventCount]>> ||
<!-- Stamina: <<print _eventStamina[$eventCount]>> -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc">Tips</span><br>
Curse: Clean Kitchen/Pool/Living/Room (Need Blue Stone)<br>
Blue Stone: Dinner, Breakfast, Shower, Sleep<br>
Red Stone: Exercise, Swim, Work, Watch TV (Need Blue Stone)<br>
Love Desire: Special Event <br>
Sex Desire: Special Event <br>
Taboo Desire: Special Event <br>
Special Event Location: <br>
Pool: Midday ||
Kitchen: Morning ||
Bedroom: Night ||<br>
Living: Early Morning & Afternoon ||
Bathroom: Evening (Weekday) <br>
Cheat Code: Available in Bedroom (Patreon Only)
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Character</span><br>
<<set _full = 100>>
<<set _event = 11>>
<<print $mom.name>>:<br>
Main Event Passed: <<print $eventCount>> ||
Completed: <<print Math.trunc(_full/_event) * $eventCount>>% / 100%
<div class="enter_button" data-passage= "Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
[[Credit]]<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Czech (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
Your feedback is insanely appreciated! You can send it to my Discord or Email (thetwist007@gmail.com) you want!
<p class="notation_text">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/the_twist" target="_blank">Visit my Patreon page.</a>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Start" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/32.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was in her bedroom lifting the lid of the box. Suddenly <<print $gf.name>> entered the bedroom.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> removed the lid and was confronted with an amethyst pendant attached to a silver chain. The pendant was in the shape of a teardrop and about an inch long. As <<print $mom.name>> stared at it, the hairs on the back of her neck rose and she felt as if a current of electricity were running through her.
<P class="notation_text"> She gasped when the surface of the pendant seemed to shift and she was now staring at a small eye the colour of the stone.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>>! Do you see..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/green-pen.avif'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> blinked and shook her head. The eye was gone as was the weird feeling, but more importantly, the pendant was now an emerald green. The same green as the earrings she was wearing. <<print $mc.name>> had bought them for her for <<print $mom.rel>>'s day last year because green was their shared favourite colour and they matched the stones in her engagement ring.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Did you see that?" She forced the words out as the older woman came around to her side of the table.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, it's beautiful."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, I mean what it did, it changed colours."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Changed? <<print $mom.name>>, you shouldn't have any more to drink." <<print $gf.name>> reached down and slipped the pendant from the box. "I was wondering where this had gone!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You've seen this before?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, it belonged to my great grand<<print $mom.rel>>. I had given it to Sherry, one of the previous tenants that I'd become close friends with. When she got up and left, her husband said he could never find it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Up and left?" <<print $mom.name>> spoke softly and her voice sounded far away. "You didn't mention Sherry before, this is another one?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/pen-2.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> In front of her <<print $gf.name>> was holding the chain and the pendant was swinging back and forth. Her eyes were locked onto it, waiting to catch a glimpse of what she'd sworn had been an eye. And it had been an amethyst, hadn't it?
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> rolled her eyes, but it seemed at herself rather than <<print $mom.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, I think I should stop drinking too, getting my tongue wagging for all the wrong reasons. Sherry was one of the sort of odd, but nothing really bad cases of things not working out here. But it was her, not this house in any way."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why would I think it was the house? I told you I don't buy any of that."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Sorry, I'm used to some of the old superstitious farts around here. They tell all kinds of weird stories." She put her hand over <<print $mom.name>>'s as she had before. "<<print $mom.name>>, will you promise me something?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/35.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sure." She nodded absently while still staring at the pendant. She had to have been seeing things. Stress, alcohol and fatigue were getting to her. Nonetheless she had a strange compulsion to put it on.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "If you hear anything that seems out of place about me from anyone, please ask me about it and don't just believe them."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What would they say? You seem so nice."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "My family has been around here a long time and there's some stories about my ancestors that may or may not have been true, but people associate it with me at times."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I don't subscribe to gossip." She reached out and touched the amulet and was surprised to feel it was warm to the touch. Or maybe that was her own heat from the wine.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Good. Like I said, I think we are going to become good friends with a lot in common. In fact, I'm so sure that I would like you to have this." She held the pendant out to her.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_12_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 2 >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/96.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.pool.rel[$poolTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Pool');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.pool.rel[$poolTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/44.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $poolClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$poolClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/93.jpg';" >
<p >Clean Pool! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $swimming is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $swimming = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/95.jpg'; ">
<p >Swim (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/82.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/58.png';
$taskDialogue= 'As she closed her eyes, she could almost feel the warmth of her late husband s breath against her skin.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/mis-7.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> s eyelids grew heavy with the desire for sleep, yet the unsettling image of <<print $gf.name>> and her husband persisted, haunting her thoughts. As she lay there, the scene replayed in her mind like a relentless loop, weaving its way into her dreams. <<print $cliff.name >> groaned through gritted teeth, his hands resting either side of <<print $gf.name>> s head as he continued to pump into his stunning wife. Every inch of his cock being squeezed by <<print $gf.name>> s hot, wet pussy. <<print $gf.name>> had always been a great fuck. <<print $cliff.name >> s eyes met <<print $gf.name>> s and the couple stayed staring at each other, faces inches apart and breathing heavily as <<print $cliff.name >> continued to drive his dick relentlessly into <<print $gf.name>> s welcoming pussy.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $bedroomTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime lte 4 >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/my_room.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $roomClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $roomClean = 1; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/76.jpg';" >
<p >Clean <<print $mc.name>>'s Room! (20 Blue)</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/closed_door.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"> Locked </p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/43.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/mom/5/brt-1-mor.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ''" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 CP)</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/71.png';
$taskDialogue= 'The scent of his cologne lingers in the air, a bittersweet reminder of his presence.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/cg-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> arrives at <<print $gf.name>> s house, where moans echo from <<print $gf.name>> s bedroom. Silently, she retreats to her room, discovering <<print $cliff.name >> s presence there. Intrigued, she watches them from behind the door, hidden in silence. Her mouth open as she breathed heavily, staring absently into <<print $cliff.name >> s cock. All she could focus on now was the hard dick driving into <<print $gf.name>>. Her need, her absolute desire to be fucked like this for days, and all the while the intensity of her orgasm began to build.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $poolTalk = 0>>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v1.3 "Chapter 3"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div class="intro">
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">Change Name & Relation by clicking on change button below. </p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/20.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcName">Change Name (Default: <<print $mc.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>):</label>
<input type="text" id="mcName" value="Juan" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcRel">Relation with <<print $mom.name>> (Default: <<print $mc.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="mcRel" value="Tenant" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcCall"><<print $mom.name>> should call him (Default: <<print $mc.call>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="mcCall" value="Juan" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/72.webp'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momName">She is <<print $mom.name>> (Default:<<print $mom.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momName" value="Mrs. Penny" placeholder="Enter any Mona/Silvee/Reba"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momRel">Relation with <<print $mc.name>> (Default: <<print $mom.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momRel" value="Landlady" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momCall"><<print $mc.name>> should call her (Default: <<print $mom.call>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momCall" value="Landlady" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/26.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="gfName">She is <<print $gf.name>> (Default: <<print $gf.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="gfName" value="Mrs. Dee" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/codey/1.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="cliffName">He is <<print $cliff.name>> (Default: <<print $cliff.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="cliffName" value="Mr. Codey" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<<button "Change" "Pro_1">>
<<set $mc.name = $("#mcName").val()>>
<<set $mc.rel = $("#mcRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.call = $("#mcCall").val()>>
<<set $gf.name = $("#gfName").val()>>
<<set $mom.name = $("#momName").val()>>
<<set $mom.rel = $("#momRel").val()>>
<<set $mom.call = $("#momCall").val()>>
<<set $cliff.name = $("#cliffName").val()>>
<div class="big_text">
<<if $mc.stats.money gte 20 or $activityType eq "Money" >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" >
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="statsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/blue.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Blue Stone!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/86.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/68.png';
$taskDialogue= 'She sets a family photograph on <<print $mc.name>> s table. She traces her fingers over her late husband s photograph, yearning for his touch.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/cg-5.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'While watching an erotic movie, <<print $mom.name>> got caught up in a steamy love scene. It triggered her imagination, and soon she was picturing <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >> in a similar situation. Her<<print $gf.name>> s grip on his shoulders tightened and her back arched as she tilted her face upward. She closed her eyes and released the sexiest sultry moan. The rush of wetness on his cock pushed him to the edge and he couldn t hold back. He used his grip on her ass to push her hips, grinding her wet needy cunt as he came filling her with his seed.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<if $eventCount gte 10>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/movie/t-3.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'She found PP Dvd --- I need to get rid of these DVDs before Eric watches them again. I really don t want that. '" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 10! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[3] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[3] += 1>>
<<set $livingTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
</div> -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/fing-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> had never seen this level of lust or passion before, not even in the porn he watched. He worked his hand in between the cheeks of her ass and slid it through to her pussy.
<P class="notation_text"> Holy shit, she was wet! His fingers glided through her soft moist lips and she cried out around him when he boldly plunged two fingers into her. Bold was the word. This was his <<print $mom.rel>>!
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Put another one in," she gasped breathlessly around his cock, "Get your <<print $mom.rel>>'s wet fucking cunt ready for her boy's big fucking dick!"
<P class="notation_text"> The dirty talk sent another wave of lust through him and he drove a third finger into her, then placed his thumb on her clit.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/fing-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> moaned and rocked back and forth, pushing his fingers deeper into her, then moving forward to take his cock down to his damn balls.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> felt so hard, so...big. His cock was so swollen in her mouth he thought he was going to explode and was amazed he hadn't come yet. <<print $mom.call>> was back to her sloppy blowing and her pussy was contracting around his fingers.
<P class="notation_text"> Her thighs were trembling, and she was whimpering around his throbbing dick. Leaning over her, <<print $bp.name>> got his other hand between her cheeks and with no hesitation, drove a finger into his <<print $mom.rel>>'s asshole.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> squealed around him, and <<print $bp.name>> groaned when both her holes tightened around his finger. Somewhere in his mind he wondered where this came from. A couple minutes ago he'd been rightfully trying to get her out of his bed.
<P class="notation_text"> Now he was fingering her ass like she was some slut he'd picked up at a bar and she was pretty much acting like one. Again, moving as if he wasn't entirely in control of his own movements, he pushed second finger into her ass.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> screamed around his cock, and her hips bucked wildly into his hand. Her holes convulsed as she came with her <<print $mc.rel>>'s fingers buried inside her. Somehow, even in the throes of orgasm, <<print $mom.call>> was managing to suck like a pro.
<P class="notation_text"> Like him, his <<print $mom.rel>> seemed far bolder and wilder than she had a right to be in this situation and proved it by shoving a finger unexpectedly into his ass, while taking him deep into her mouth. <<print $bp.name>> cried out in surprise, then once more, but this time in ecstasy.
<P class="notation_text"> He'd never had, or wanted to have anything near his ass, but it felt so good, he immediately exploded into his <<print $mom.rel>>'s mouth. She was still yelping from her orgasm and it turned into a wet gurgling sound as her mouth filled with her <<print $mc.rel>>'s cum.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> moaned loudly as his cock continued to erupt. He could feel the long spurts shooting into <<print $mom.call>> 's mouth. Just as he'd never felt this hard, he was coming harder, and more than he ever had before.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/bj-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> There was cum oozing from both sides of <<print $mom.call>> 's mouth, as she sucked him. She kept bobbing her head, slurping it back up, but more would come out. <<print $mom.call>> released him from her mouth and jerked him off and even now cum was still bursting from his cock and into her face.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> moaned and moved her head back and forth, letting him spray her cheeks as well as catch more in her open mouth. His balls were tightening in her hand as they emptied the biggest load he'd ever seen into her face.
<P class="notation_text"> With a long shuddering whimper, <<print $bp.name>> slumped back against the bed, gasping. <<print $mom.call>> stared at him, her face dripping with cum. It was all over her hands and chest as well as his cock. She was breathing as hard as him and her pussy and ass were still quivering around his fingers.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> sat up and without bothering to wipe his cum from her face and tits, eased his fingers from her holes, swung her leg over his hips and drove down onto his twitching cock. They both cried out as she bounced hard and fast on his hips, riding him like the out of control wild cat she'd been since they'd started.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Fuck yeah!" She yelled at his face, her eyes so wide they looked as if they were going to pop out of her head. "I need this! Oh, fuck I need my baby's cock!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> wrapped his arms around her and eagerly sucked her left tit, not caring he was getting some of his own cum in his mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "How's it feel to be inside your <<print $mom.rel>>'s hot fucking cunt?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "So fucking good," he spoke around her sticky nipple. "Christ, you're so fucking hot, <<print $mom.call>> ."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Yeah, you think your <<print $mom.call>> 's hot? You like her being a fucking whore for you?"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She drove down on him, then leaving him buried inside her, working her hips in circles. <<print $bp.name>> gasped as the head of his cock, still sensitive from coming, was working around her hot tight pussy. He whimpered, but switched to sucking her other tit, while thinking that his cock had not softened at all, it was like he'd never come.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Like <<print $mom.call>> my fucking you? Like how your cock feels inside my greedy little slit? Hope so, because I fucking love it!"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Pro_5">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Afternoon -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/bt-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She finished off the water, then turned on the faucet, splashed some water on her face. The water and the cold on her face helped clear some of the effects of the wine and turning around she leaned against the counter.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> wanted nothing more than to go upstairs and christen that hot tub. A nice long soak, then a good night's sleep and be ready for a busy day tomorrow. Instead she let her gaze wander over the boxes stacked on the floor containing their dishes and pots and pans and all the small items she had on the counters at home.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/bt-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She'd put some of it away before going upstairs. <<print $mc.name>> was working hard on her stuff. It wouldn't be fair for her to slack. With a sigh she picked up the utility knife from the counter and cut open the nearest box.
<P class="notation_text"> Pulling out a tea cup enveloped in a small bubble wrap bag, <<print $mom.name>> thought of <<print $gf.name>>. At home with her much younger husband who was crazy over her. They were going to fuck again tonight, she knew it.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/bt-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> was a lucky woman, being adored and kept satisfied. All <<print $mom.name>> had to look forward to was playing sticky finger in the hot tub. Putting the cup down and taking out another, <<print $mom.name>> thought <<print $mc.name>> wasn't the only one mad at life right now.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Patreon">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
</div> -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> eased off his cock and all but threw herself onto her back between his legs. Spreading her legs wide, she slid her hands between her thighs.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Come suck it, "she demanded, opening her pussy for him, and tapping her clit. "Suck my cunt and make me cum again! God, I need to come again!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> leaned forward, getting his knees under him, and dove between her thighs like a starving dog would attack a bowl of food. <<print $mom.call>> screamed his name as he plunged his tongue into her sloppy...cunt. That was such a dirty word, but <<print $mom.call>> kept saying it, and he loved hearing it.
<P class="notation_text"> He sucked hard, his mouth filling with her juices, and at this point some of his as well. <<print $mom.call>> wrapped her legs around his head, and yelped when he slammed a finger into her ass while he worked his tongue up to her clit.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Yes! Suck that clit, <<print $bp.name>> ! Show me what a good <<print $mc.rel>> you are!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> planned on doing just that. Not sure a good <<print $mc.rel>> would ram three fingers into his <<print $mom.rel>>'s pussy while another was in her ass, but she seemed to be loving it. He sucked her clit as violently as she'd worked his cock, his lips smacking and even nipping it with his teeth.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> was moaning his name repeatedly and it made his cock twitch every time she did. His eyes followed her sexy noises and he saw she was playing with her tits. Like everything else, she was not doing it gently.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> was tugging on her nipples, stretching them and twisting them. The pendant was right between them and it was glowing as it had before. Glowing and pulsing, but now there was red mixed with the purple.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Just like that! Just like that!" <<print $mom.call>> urged, her legs tightening around his shoulders. "Lick it! Lick that clit, make <<print $mom.call>> my come for...."
<P class="notation_text"> Her words turned into an animal like howl and <<print $bp.name>> flinched as a spray of stocky fluid exploded from around his fingers and into his face. <<print $mom.call>> 's legs constricted around her head, and her ass and pussy squeezed his fingers in time with her pulsing orgasm.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> She squealed over and over, and when her legs slid from his shoulders, she breathed. "Get up here and...Oh, fuck!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> had already risen to his knees and plunged his cock inside her still convulsing pussy. Leaning over, he braced his hands next to her head, and hammered into her, his cock making squelching sounds as it pounded her dripping pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Take it!" <<print $mom.call>> cried out, her eyes staring into his eyes. "Take your <<print $mom.rel>>, claim her, make her yours!"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.call>> put her hands over her head and crossed her wrists as if she were bound. "Oh, look at my boy taking his <<print $mom.rel>>! Making me your whore!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> slid his arms further up the bed and grabbed her hands so he was now pinning her to the bed. <<print $mom.call>> 's pussy tightened around his cock in response and she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him deeper inside her.
<P class="notation_text"> Leaning down, he kissed her hard. <<print $bp.name>> moaned when she nipped his lips with her teeth, then plunged her tongue into his mouth. He was fucking her so hard, the bed was rocking, the headboard slamming into the wall in time with his thrusting.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> His balls were slapping her ass and she was yelping into their kiss each time he plunged into her. She turned her head, and begged, "Harder! Faster! More, baby! <<print $mom.call>> my wants more!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> kissed her neck, nuzzling his face into her hair as he strove to pump her even harder. His balls were tightening and she was working her hips into him.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Oh, oh, fuck," he moaned in her ear as his body tensed.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Give it to me!" she cried, "Come inside me! Let me feel it!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> gasped as his cock once again erupted, but this time filling his <<print $mom.rel>>'s pussy. <<print $mom.call>> released a low sexy purr as her <<print $mc.rel>>'s balls released another unnaturally large load. His cock convulsed within her, sending long spurts deep inside her clutching pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "All of it!" She commanded. "Every drop, every fucking drop. Paint my pussy with that hot cum! Fill your <<print $mom.rel>>'s nasty cunt with that big fucking load."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> shuddered and let himself go limp as his <<print $mom.rel>>'s greedy pussy clenched, milking the last drops from his spent cock. He released her hands, and her arms went around him. She sighed in his ear, one hand running through his sweat dampened hair, the other trailing down his back, her nails tickling him, pleasantly.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Damn," he breathed. "That was...holy shit, <<print $mom.call>> ."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Wanted you so bad," she said softly. "Love you so much, <<print $bp.name>> , and now I'm loving you as a woman, not just a <<print $mom.call>> ."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> She kissed his cheek. "Do you love me too?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "All my heart," he whispered, his throat suddenly tight with emotion. "I love you in every way."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I love you too, and I lust for you, <<print $bp.name>> ." She tightened her legs around him for emphasis. "You're going to fuck me like a whore and love me like your best girl. You want that? I want that so bad."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/mis-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> smiled at the words, 'best girl' that was sweet. Not that he was lying in his <<print $mom.rel>>'s arms, his cock softening inside her now soupy pussy was sweet, but he felt a wave of love for her. That wave was as strong as his previous lust and there were now tears in his eyes as she held him.
<P class="notation_text"> He kissed her, this time sweetly, and she sighed contentedly into it. <<print $bp.name>> was aware of another warm sensation, but this one physical as the pendant pulsed slowly against his chest.
<P class="notation_text"> He sat up, pushing his <<print $mom.rel>>'s legs gently from him so he could do it. The stone was now a deep red. Blood red. It was pulsing slower than before, and on a whim, he put his hand over his <<print $mom.rel>>'s heart, and felt it beating in time to the stone.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>> put her hand over his and smiled up at him. "Love you, <<print $bp.name>> ."
<P class="notation_text"> She sat up s and kissed him again. Her hand dropped to his lap and stroked his semi hard cock. To his surprise, he immediately swelled in her hand, despite having cum twice in the last half hour.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Honey, will you make love to me?" She was looking up at him demurely from <<print $bp.name>> eath her long lashes. God, she was beautiful! "Please? Nice and easy this time?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Anything you want, anytime you want."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/mis-6.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> He pushed her onto her back and this time entered her slowly and gently. <<print $mom.call>> sighed and put her arms out to him. He sank into her loving embrace and moaned as much from her soft touch as from the soft, wet forbidden place between her thighs.
<P class="notation_text">He moved slowly within her and she worked her hips in the same slow rhythm.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Can't believe I can again," he admitted to her.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You can because the love and lust between a boy and his <<print $mom.rel>> is much stronger. A boy will never want another woman as much as his <<print $mom.rel>>."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/mis-7.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She spoke slowly, her head cocked, and her eyes distant as if listening to something.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span>But then her smile returned and she parted her lips, "Please kiss me, <<print $bp.name>> . Love your <<print $mom.rel>> the way you fucked her. With everything you have."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> leaned over, closing his eyes, his lips parted in anticipation of meeting hers. <<print $mom.call>> 's soft lips had just brushed his when his door flew open with a loud crash.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Pro_6">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- <div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
</div> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/d-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Mr. Nathan: </span> "What the fuck is this?" Dad screamed as he strode into the room.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Oh My God!" <<print $bp.name>> yelped, pushing himself away from his <<print $mom.rel>>.
<P class="notation_text"> He tried to sit up, but his leg tangled with hers and he fell against the headboard.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Nathan!" <<print $mom.call>>exclaimed, sitting up and turning on the bed to face him.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Mr. Nathan: </span> "I knew it!" Dad snarled coming into the dim light thrown by the lamp. "I knew you were fucking another man, you fucking slut!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/d-4.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> His face was red as a beet and his blue eyes bulged dangerously. He was still dressed from work, only his tie was missing. He was pointing at them with one hand, but the other was behind his back.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Dad!" <<print $bp.name>> yelled. He had no idea what the hell he was going to say, but didn't like the way he was looking at mom.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Mr. Nathan: </span> "You sick fucking bitch!" Dad shouted. "You're fucking our <<print $mc.rel>>!"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "That's right I am!" <<print $mom.call>>shocked <<print $bp.name>> by shouting back at him. "At least one man in this house can fuck me."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Mr. Nathan: </span> "You..." Dad seemed as surprised as <<print $bp.name>> at her words. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "What's wrong with me is I waited this long!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/d-5.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>>sat up on her knees, making no effort to cover her body. <<print $bp.name>> noted with dismay she still had cum on her from when she'd sucked him off.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I wasted my time with you, you sorry excuse for a man! I should have done this sooner!" She pointed to <<print $bp.name>> behind her. "My baby loves me more than you ever did and he's more of a man at nineteen than you've ever been!"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "See this?" She tapped her chest. "This is a satisfied woman! You should take a picture, now get out!
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Mr. Nathan: </span> "Out?" Dad repeated, and <<print $bp.name>>'s stomach clenched when he saw the naked rage on his face.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Yes, out! Get the fuck out! From now on it's me and <<print $bp.name>>. We're going to be happy together forever! We..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/gun.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Mr. Nathan: </span> "You'll be together forever, <<print $mp.name>>." Dad's other arm came into view and <<print $bp.name>>'s eyes widened at the sight of the gun in his hand. "In fucking hell, you disgusting fucking whore!"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Dad, no!" <<print $bp.name>> moved forward, but there was an ear splitting roar as the gun jumped in dad's hand.
<P class="notation_text"> Mom's head snapped back and her already lifeless body was slammed back onto the bed. <<print $bp.name>> screamed as he was struck by blood, and much worse. He stared down at the ruin of his <<print $mom.rel>>'s face and only dimly heard his father.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Mr. Nathan: </span> "You too, you sick <<print $mom.rel>>fucker." There was a harsh laugh. "Literally, a <<print $mom.rel>> fucker."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nixon/1.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> There was another explosion and a searing pain erupted in <<print $bp.name>>'s chest. He hit the wall, then fell forward onto the bed. He lay there, his body oddly numb and his vision swimming. His head was next to mom's chest and the last thing he saw was the pendant had changed again.
<P class="notation_text"> It now resembled a clear diamond with an eye in the middle staring back at him. As <<print $bp.name>>'s eyes closed for the final time, a lone tear trickled from the glowing eye onto his <<print $mom.rel>>'s still chest.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_0">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/drive-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>>'s reply was cut off by the GPS telling her to take the left that had appeared out of nowhere, sandwiched between two huge trees. She took the turn sharply, causing the Explorer's tires to chew into the dirt before the SUV surged forward. Her breath caught as she watched the small U-Haul trailer she was towing wobble dangerously before righting itself.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "There it is," she gestured. "Our new home sweet home."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> slowed as the road veered to the right and she stayed to the left and passed through the old white wooden picket fence on either side of the driveway. <<print $mom.name>> whistled when they approached the huge eight room two story colonial.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd done three virtual tours of it, one with <<print $mc.name>> who only grunted any time she pointed something out. The last one she had done while screen sharing with <<print $gf.name>>, the owner of the house and their new next door neighbour.
<P class="notation_text"> But even though the tours showed the outside, she was amazed at how large the house was.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I still can't believe we're getting this for fifteen hundred a month. Look at the size of it!" She exclaimed.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, there's a reason it's cheap," he muttered.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/7.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She knew what he was referring to, it had crossed her mind several times as well, but she'd told herself not to be a fool and lose out because of it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That's weird, that house over there is identical." <<print $mc.name>> pointed to the house less than fifty yards from their new abode. "All this farmland out this way and those two houses are next to each other."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>>, the landlord lives here. She owns both houses. I think an ancestor built them for the family. We're supposed to meet her at our place for the keys, but we're a couple hours early. We'll probably have to go over there.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I know I told you that, but you never listen to anything I say these days."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What?" <<print $mc.name>> asked, then seeing her glare at him added, "Kidding."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Smart ass," but she laughed. "Well maybe you'll start listening now seeing things are going to be different."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Different doesn't mean better." The smile left his face to be replaced by the sullen look he'd had for the last three months. "Just a different kind of suck."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/drive-7.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay." <<print $mom.name>> slammed the breaks, causing the explorer to fishtail in the dirt and the U-haul to wobble again. She threw the car into park, and through her sunglasses, turned to face him.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What are you doing?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "See that house?" <<print $mom.name>> pointed to it. "Know what it is?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "A good deal according to you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, <<print $mc.name>>, it's a new start for both of us and because it is, you and I are not stepping foot into it until we talk."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Here in the driveway?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes." <<print $mom.name>> took a deep breath. "I've tried talking to you for months and you ignore me or act like such a jerk I give up talking to you."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>>, look at me."
<P class="notation_text">When he shook his head, she put her hand on his hand.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Look, if you don't want to talk, that's fine. But because you don't talk to me I made this decision on my own, so you can't be mad at me."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm not mad at you," he whispered and she could hear he was choked up. "I'm mad at life."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, that's fair. It's been kind of sucky for both of us. So when you don't like where you are in life, you change, right?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I guess."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_2">
<p >Leave</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- Living middaY -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/home.webp'">
<P class="notation_text"> She had put the car back in drive and was slowly cruising up the long driveway towards the house.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> pulled up in front of the house. "Hey, the front door is open partway."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's inviting us in, Muahahaha!" <<print $mc.name>> burst into creepy laughter. "Join us!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Knock it off." She smacked him in the arm.
<!-- "<<print $gf.name>> is probably inside doing some last minute cleaning." -->
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stretched her arms over her head, and moved side to side, cracking her back. <<print $mc.name>> had driven most of yesterday, but she'd been behind the wheel the last seven hours. She reached back into the car to grab her purse and when she closed the door saw <<print $mc.name>> already heading for the house.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Hey, wait up!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> turned and shook his head.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Let me go in first, the door being open bothers me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Seriously?" She raised her eyebrows.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span>"No, <<print $mom.call>>. We're in the sticks and sick pricks can be anywhere. You don't know that woman's the one in the house. I'll go first."
<P class="notation_text"> He was completely serious and turned back to the house. He was several feet ahead of her and <<print $mom.name>> ran to catch up with him, wincing as the flip flops she had driven in her ended up getting rocks in them.
<P class="notation_text"> She caught him at the top step of the porch.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "She's never seen you, let me go first or she'll think you're the creeper."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "No." He looked over his shoulder at her. "Dad said look out for you and I take that seriously. Just give me a sec to walk in and see if anyone's here."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was touched and put her hand on his arm. "You my man of the house?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Have been since dad got sick," he told her. "As much as your stubborn ass lets me anyway. And until you decide to find someone."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/8.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Let's not discuss that again."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm in no hurry for that," <<print $mc.name>> shook his head. "But someday you will and it's my job to make sure he's not a dick." He turned back to the house. "Like the guys that lived here. Fucking weird, three assholes lived here the last few years."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Watch your mouth."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm twenty, not twelve."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And I'll always be your <<print $mc.rel>> . Watch your mouth."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes, <<print $mom.call>>," he rolled his eyes, then approaching the door, pushed it open and leaned his head in.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_3">
<p >Leave</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<<switch $activityType>>
<<case "Love" >>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 20>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<case "Lust" >>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 30>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<case "Morality">>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 50>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<if _person == true>>
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/red.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Red Stone!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" data-setter ="$msg = '';">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#leave-button").on("click", function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
// stopGame(variables().activityType);
// });
<div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Lying on the side of the small twin sized bed was <<print $gf.name>>. Her black sundress pushed up over her hips and a man <<print $mom.name>> assumed, or at least hoped, was <<print $cliff.name>>, kneeling between her thighs.
<P class="notation_text"> One of his large hands had <<print $gf.name>>'s panties to the side and the other was between her thighs and moving back and forth as he fingered her. His face was buried between her legs, and <<print $gf.name>> was staring up at the ceiling moaning.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd pushed her dress down and her breasts were exposed. They were large and milky white, and she was tugging on her pink nipples. Her legs lifted and she placed her feet on the man's shoulders.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/lick-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> He was completely dressed as was <<print $gf.name>> technically, but her dress at this point was pretty much gathered around her waist to bare all. <<print $mom.name>> swallowed hard and backed out of the room. More correctly, she told herself to back out, but remained standing there, watching.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> hadn't had sex since a few months before Steven's death and her body had made her acutely aware of that. In addition to her two failed dates she'd tried a one night stand, and that had started well and ended horribly.
<P class="notation_text"> That led to her masturbating like a horny college coed, and watching porn far more than she'd care to admit to anyone. The scene before her was sexier than any porn she'd watched because it was real. <<print $gf.name>>'s long auburn hair was fanned out on the white sheet and her eyes were only partially open as were her lips as she moaned softly.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/lick-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> The look of pleasure on her face caused a warm sensation to stir between <<print $mom.name>>'s thighs and she was aware of her nipples stiffening. Her own lips parted as her breathing picked up in time with <<print $gf.name>>s now louder and more frequent moans.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Right there, oh, right there. Oh, <<print $cliff.name>>, that feels so good." <<print $gf.name>> released that last word in a sexy purr that made <<print $mom.name>> recall her own sighs and moans when Steven would work his talented tongue between her thighs.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes roamed up and down <<print $gf.name>>'s body thinking that for a woman in her fifties she looked damn good. Good enough to attract a much younger man because from what <<print $mom.name>> could see of <<print $cliff.name>>'s face he had to be a good twenty years younger.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/lick-6.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> threw her head back and released a wail of pleasure that had <<print $mom.name>>'s heart racing and the heat between her legs was now accompanied by a wet sensation. With a start she realised her hand had slipped under her shirt and into her shorts.
<P class="notation_text"> She quickly removed it and clasped both her hands together as if afraid that they might stray again. <<print $gf.name>> bucked her hips, urging <<print $cliff.name>> to keep licking and pumping his fingers. <<print $mom.name>> took a small step backwards, just enough to be concealed by the door, but still remaining in the room.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> sighed, then sat up on the bed, "Let me have it." She opened her mouth and waggled her tongue proactively. <<print $cliff.name>> stood up and unsnapping his jeans went to reach into him. <<print $gf.name>>'s hands beat him to it and she plunged them into his pants with an enthusiasm <<print $mom.name>> fondly remembered.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> The long thick cock <<print $gf.name>> removed and took in her mouth caused her mouth to water at the memory of what it felt like to have it full of hard flesh. <<print $cliff.name>> moaned as <<print $gf.name>> easily took his sizable cock to the base and shook her head back and forth, her blue eyes fixed on his.
<P class="notation_text"> His hands caught her breasts and fondled them as she bobbed her head, sucking him fast and hard. <<print $mom.name>> was beginning to sweat and could feel herself flushing and not from embarrassment. Move, she tried telling herself again, but to no avail.
<P class="notation_text"> She watched <<print $gf.name>> bob her head several more times before releasing <<print $cliff.name>>'s cock with a sloppy sucking sound and a spray of spit trailing from her lips. <<print $gf.name>> leaned back on the bed, then rolled over so she was kneeling at the edge of the bed, her ass in the air.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $cliff.name>> gave her a playful spank that caused a tiny whimper to escape <<print $mom.name>>. Staring at <<print $gf.name>>'s well rounded ass, she again noted, this woman was damn hot for her age. Not that <<print $mom.name>> had any interest in women, but she appreciated the female form and what it took to keep it looking good.
<P class="notation_text"> Her red haired pussy was peeking out at her, but that was quickly obscured by <<print $cliff.name>> stepping forward and plunging into her. <<print $gf.name>> cried out and <<print $cliff.name>> grabbed the dress around her waist, using it as a handle as he pounded away on her.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_5_2">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Fuck yeah," <<print $gf.name>> moaned. "Just like that, baby. Fuck me hard and come for me! They'll be here soon so just give it to me the way I need it!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> obviously had no idea 'they' were already here and being nothing short of a pervert as she watched her new landlord getting fucked like...well like she wished she could get fucked. <<print $cliff.name>> was well hung and although fully dressed his broad shoulders and powerful forearms and hands indicated the rest of him was pretty damned impressive.
<P class="notation_text"> Lucky bitch, she thought while watching <<print $cliff.name>> go to town on her like she might take it away from him. There was a mirror opposite the bed and <<print $mom.name>> realised she could see <<print $gf.name>>'s face in it. Her eyes were wide and her mouth stretched into a silent 'O' as her much younger husband, fucked her.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> He was using long hard strokes and <<print $mom.name>> closed her legs together. She could feel how wet she was and her clit was now aching. Her thighs were trembling and her ass had tightened as if her body was putting itself in <<print $gf.name>>'s place, reacting to those nice hard pumps and being spread open by his invading flesh.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> tossed her head, sending her long hair across her creamy back and that simple, but sexy move, caused another whimper to escape her. God, she was so fucking horny! It had been so long and this reminded her of all she'd been missing, but was afraid to go out and find.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $cliff.name>> was breathing like a bull and his thrusting had switched to short hard violent strokes. It hadn't been so long that <<print $mom.name>> didn't know he was getting close and she found herself holding her breath in anticipation of his climax.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Her knees felt weak and her body tense again, as if she were the one getting the delicious fucking taking place in front of her. Her mind raced as <<print $cliff.name>> pounded towards the finish line. Would he explode inside her? Pull it out and spray it all over her ass?
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had a vivid image of Steven fucking her doggy and her pulling away from him, turning around and letting him spray her tits. The hot sticky cum flowing down her heaving breasts and over her sensitive nipples.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "Oh, fuck mo..."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Give it to me!" <<print $gf.name>> shouted, cutting him off.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $cliff.name>> emitted a low guttural moan that was so primal <<print $mom.name>> shuddered and he buried himself inside <<print $gf.name>>. He moaned and whimpered as he gave her short jerky thrusts and <<print $gf.name>> slammed her ass back into him, groaning.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"All of it! Every bit of it, every..."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_5_3">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/4.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Holy shit!" he exclaimed.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "What is it?" <<print $mom.name>> quickly followed him in.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "This place is huge." <<print $mc.name>> continued into the centre of the enormous living room. "Hey look, a fireplace!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "I told you it had one," she grunted. "You would have seen it online if you paid attention."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I thought it was fake." <<print $mc.name>> walked around the large black sectional couch and over the fireplace built into the far wall. "This is real. Hey, I get to chop wood! I loved that when we'd go to that cabin in New Hampshire!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> <<print $mom.name>> smiled. It was good to hear him excited. "Better watch out, <<print $mc.name>>. You didn't sound miserable just then."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> He gave her a rueful grin. "Yeah, I know, I've been kind of a dick lately."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/9.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "I won't correct your language on that one," she winked. "And you're right, I haven't been myself for months either. Like I said, this is a new beginning, but where we'll find our old selves."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hmm, that's deep." <<print $mc.name>> smirked. "You sound like one of those family channel movies."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "Back to being a dick," she muttered.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Next week as part of the clichéd heartwarming movie series," <<print $mc.name>> spoke while he walked around the large room, touching the chairs and looking at the rustic panelling and shelving built into the walls.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>> and <<print $mc.name>>, a heartbroken <<print $mom.rel>> and<<print $mc.rel>> flee Boston to get away from their pain and come to Shitsville where they discover a fireplace that will make everything better."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "<<print $mc.name>>." Wow, he was in rare form.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "But that's not all! Soon the script will bring in love interests for both of them. <<print $mom.name>> will forget the man who meant everything to her and <<print $mc.name>> will meet some naïve country girl who will fall for his city slicker charm and..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "<<print $mc.name>>, shut up!" She snapped, with more force than she intended on. "I'm tired of your shit. You want to wallow in misery that's fine, but I did this so we won't have to. This isn't to forget about your father, but to move on and ease some of the pain."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Right." He nodded. "Sorry, but I did get dad's sarcastic sense of humour."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "The one trait I didn't like in him. Try to tone it down for a bit, okay?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay," <<print $mc.name>> said.
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<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/14.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Did he read enough to find out Kathy and Paul turned up in California and were safe and sound? Kathy seemed very happy last I talked to her a couple months ago." When <<print $mom.name>> raised her eyebrows she added, "We keep in touch."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But it's pretty obvious why a <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.call>> would up and run." <<print $mom.name>> stated.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Is it?" <<print $gf.name>> gave her a sly smile, as if she was acknowledging an inside joke.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Again, the husband. So like I said, this house seems like a magnet for assholes."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>>'s brow furrowed in thought. "I see what you're saying. Guess there's a lot of bad men out there."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/26.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Seems they gravitate here."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Not in your case."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, not at all." <<print $mom.name>> stared down at her glass. "Steven was a loving husband and a dedicated father. He was a good man."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You know, <<print $mom.name>>, I wasn't going to rent this house again. Because of what happened last year and some of the previous occurrences. I don't need the money that bad. But <<print $cliff.name>> had never pulled the ad down and you found it."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/12.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I was going to tell you it was off the market, but we got to talking and your situation reminded me of mine. Wanting a new start from bad memories. Yours were different, and I only moved next door, but for me that was enough. So I decided to rent it to you," she laughed. "I admit the fact there was no husband made it easy. I saw the pattern and..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "A minute ago you acted like you hadn't."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Wow." <<print $gf.name>> nodded. "You got me. I had noticed it, but figured I'd kind of play dumb seeing it has no bearing on you. I figured if I was ever going to try it again, it would be just a <<print $mom.call>> and <<print $mc.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why that specific?" <<print $mom.name>> wasn't sure why she was asking. Maybe it was the attorney in her, but something about the way <<print $gf.name>> had said that had her instincts kicking in. Something was odd here. Maybe not exactly anything bad, but just off.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> drained her glass of wine, and when she put it down, picked up the bottle and poured more into it. This was her third glass to <<print $mom.name>>'s one. The woman could drink!
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What do you mean specifically?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You said <<print $mom.call>> and <<print $mc.call>>. I do not want a man after what happened to you and others, but it could be <<print $mom.call>> and daughters or a gay couple or a single person who wants a big house, some kids going to school in town."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/25.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> took another sip of wine. A stalling tactic, if she'd ever seen one. Wow, she was in interrogation mode.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You're very astute, <<print $mom.name>>." <<print $gf.name>> told her.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Comes with the profession."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"Or just plain old women's intuition," she chuckled. "But you're right. I was looking for a couple just like you and your <<print $mc.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "We're not a couple."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Now you're just picking at word choices." <<print $gf.name>> rolled her blue eyes. "Should I say pair? I decided because of past experiences here as well as my own terrible first marriage, I would only rent to a <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's your right. Just not sure why that," she paused and winked. "Pairing".
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/15.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> laughed and as <<print $mom.name>> drained her own glass was already picking up the bottle so the second she lowered her glass she was refilling it.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Mostly because of what I said. Reminds me of myself. After that piece of shit left it was just me and my <<print $mc.call>> and it was so peaceful."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, I didn't know you had a <<print $mc.call>>. Is he local?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Local," she repeated, then frowned. "No, he moved away a few years back. But for several years it was just the two of us and it was so nice."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/27.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> took several long swallows of the wine. She'd meant to sip it, but it was so damn good! It was sweet and a little on the thicker side, reminding her in a way of apricot juice in its texture. When she put the glass down she noticed how warm she was feeling.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "See, <<print $mom.name>>. <<print $mom.call>>s and daughters? Yes, there's a great bond there, but there's also teenage drama and conflict too. But a <<print $mom.call>> and her <<print $mc.call>>? Especially when the father is out of the picture for whatever reason? There's no closer bond."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Could have fooled me." <<print $mom.name>> grunted. "Kid barely talks to me sometimes."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Ok <<print $mom.name>>. I should go now. <<print $cliff.name>> would be returning home now. See you later.” <<print $gf.name>> left.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 7>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!--Living Afternoon-->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/wine-6.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "TMI, like my <<print $mc.call>> says." <<print $mom.name>> forced a smile, but was replaying <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>> even as she did. If she had the real thing, she doubted porn would be needed.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Sorry, but seeing you saw more of me than you'd ever want to I didn't see this as being any more embarrassing."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I think we got off topic." <<print $mom.name>> picked up her glass again. Even though she kept telling herself not to have anymore, she kept drinking, but forced herself to keep it to a reasonable swallow this time.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/dee/wine-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Kind of. Where I was going is you lost more than your <<print $mc.call>>. There's a bigger hole for you and a good boy will try to fill that hole." <<print $mom.name>> started to speak, but she held up her hand. "I'm referring to a man of the house roll. Helping you, being protective, trying to take care of you the way he saw his father do."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "We have been closer." <<print $mom.name>> agreed. "He's sulky, but he's always there when I need him."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "And he's a good looking boy. He should be with a cute girl or several, but he's not is he?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, but that's because his girlfriend since middle school shit on him." <<print $mom.name>> informed her.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Oh?" For a <<print $mom.call>>ent there seemed to be a smile playing at her lips, but it never completely formed. "That's too bad, may I ask what happened?"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/wine-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> hesitated for a <<print $mom.call>>ent, then decided to give her a brief version of the story. Even as she spoke, she realised she was not normally one to volunteer much of her life to anyone, but <<print $gf.name>> was new to her.
<P class="notation_text"> She had no attachment or history or preconceived notions about <<print $mom.name>> or <<print $mc.name>> and in that sense it was refreshing to talk to someone with an unbiased perspective. The wine most likely was helping as well, as her tongue felt as loose as her body at the <<print $mom.call>>ent.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Damn, that's cold." <<print $gf.name>> whistled. "We're talking about asshole men, but girls can be an entirely different level of evil when they want to be."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "True, but better she gets caught before he marries her." <<print $mom.name>> stopped in mid thought to drain her glass. "And it got him to go along with our move because life was ruined for him there in his eyes so I'll take the good with the bad."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "And something tells me a lot more good will come with this new start of yours." <<print $mom.name>> poured them both more wine. "You'll find the two of you getting much closer and life becoming much better."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/29.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She raised her glass and <<print $mom.name>> lifted hers and after they toasted, the both chugged half the contents of the large glass.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Wow, this is good," she declared.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It is." <<print $gf.name>> demonstrated the point by chugging the rest of hers as effortlessly as if it were water. "<<print $cliff.name>> says the only thing that goes down easier than this wine is me."
<P class="notation_text"> They stared at each other and then both burst out laughing.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "When you find a good one, take care of him." <<print $mom.name>> declared and surprised herself by also finishing off her glass. She blinked as the room spun. "Whoa. Haven't drank like this since college." She giggled. "I went down pretty easy then too."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "TMO is it?"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/wine-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "TMI!" They both laughed again and <<print $mom.name>> louder than the joke warranted, but it felt good to laugh. She was already feeling as if this was the right decision. Just the idea of having someone she could talk and joke with that only knew her in the now and not the past was nice.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Well, we seem to have digressed quite a bit." <<print $gf.name>> wiped at her eyes, which were watering from her own laughter. Her face was now close to as red as her hair, but she still seemed fairly sober.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> “Its okay we can talk later,”
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Yes sweety, I need to go now ”. <<print $gf.name>> Left.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 8>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[2] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/36.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, I can't take this. It's an heirloom." Even as she protested, <<print $mom.name>> wanted nothing more than to accept it.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "An heirloom I gave away and thought was lost the last few years. Besides, it would match those earrings and your eyes perfectly!" She focused her glossy blue eyes on her. "They are beautiful, like cat's eyes."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I don't know, <<print $gf.name>>, we just met and..."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "And I already feel close to you." <<print $gf.name>> walked around behind her. "I think some people are meant to connect, <<print $mom.name>>. We're sisters in spirit in many ways, so please take it. At least try it on."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/23.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Before she could put up another halfhearted protest, <<print $gf.name>> moved her ponytail to the side and reaching over her head, slipped the pendant around her. <<print $mom.name>> released a sharp breath as the second the pendant touched her upper chest, a warm tingling sensation flowed through her.
<P class="notation_text"> The feeling spread through her arms and legs, and into her stomach. It seeped down between her legs and her clit throbbed briefly as if she were in a high state of arousal. She was barely aware of <<print $gf.name>> clasping the chain and leaning over her to grab her purse from the table.
<P class="notation_text"> She slid it over and removed a small compact. <<print $mom.name>> felt her large breasts pressing into her back and could smell her perfume. <<print $gf.name>>'s red hair was on her arm and she had the insane desire for <<print $gf.name>> to kiss her neck.
<P class="notation_text"> She leaned back, pushing harder against <<print $gf.name>>'s tits while picturing them from earlier today. Large, creamy, hard pink nipples that looked oh so suckable!
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What?" she asked the question out loud. Never once in her life could she recall desiring a woman. What the fuck was in that wine?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/37.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Whatever it was, she had to admit she was feeling pretty damn fine and wished she had someone she could share that feeling with. <<print $mc.name>> was right, as part of the new beginning her pathetic ass needed to get some cock. In her mouth, in her pussy, hell, if he were good enough to her, in her ass.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>?" <<print $gf.name>> cut through her most recent depraved thoughts. She was holding up the mirror, allowing <<print $mom.name>> to see the pendant.
<P class="notation_text"> The chain was short, leaving the pedant in view over the neckline of her t-shirt. Her eyes dropped down to her own breasts. <<print $mom.name>> was not big on top, but her breasts were nicely rounded, perky and firm, her nipples a red similar to the colour of the wine.
<P class="notation_text"> She imagined pressing her smaller tits against <<print $gf.name>>'s large breasts, their nipples rubbing together.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/38.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What is in this?" She tapped the bottle.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Why do you ask? Is it hitting you hard?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It's...having an effect." <<print $mom.name>> said simply.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Alcohol loosens inhibitions. Maybe you're feeling the way you want to feel. So, do you like it? It looks beautiful on you, no?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It does." <<print $mom.name>> knew she should give it back. She had no right wearing something special like this, but she really loved how it looked, and it seemed to feel right. "You really don't mind?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Not at all, looks great and I feel good giving it to someone who appreciates it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I do, thank you so much!" <<print $mom.name>> stood and gave <<print $gf.name>> a huge hug, then kissed her cheek fondly.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/39.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She kissed her very close to the lips and found herself wondering how soft <<print $gf.name>>'s lips would be...both sets. One soft and sweet, the other set soft and...wet.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You're welcome." <<print $gf.name>> shocked her with a quick peck on the lips. Then gave her a rueful smile. "Sorry, my family was very affectionate and we thought nothing of little quick kisses like that."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Um, no problem." Well there was, and that it was quick and not lingering and tongue filled.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I'm heading home, I'm sure <<print $cliff.name>> is hungry and last time he tried cooking we ended up with the fire department here."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/25.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> She grabbed her purse and with a wave over her shoulder, exited through the kitchen door that led out into the backyard. <<print $mom.name>> watched her round ass sway pleasantly in her sundress and took in the long well shaped backs of her legs.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> walked over to the window, noticing she was listening to the right a bit, and watched <<print $gf.name>> walk across the yard towards her house. Reaching over, she opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of cold water, opened it and chugged half of it.
<P class="notation_text"> She continued to look out the window until <<print $gf.name>> reached her house. <<print $cliff.name>> came out on the porch to meet her and they shared a hug and a long kiss. This time she wasn't turned on, but sad. She remembered those greetings fondly and longed for someone to greet now.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 12>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bathroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/79.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/64.jpg';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mc.name>> was watching TV. She was looking at him, the sight of his belongings brings both comfort and sorrow, a tangible connection to the past.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<<if $eventCount gte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/dee/mis-5.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was engrossed in a romantic movie when suddenly a sex scene unfolded on the screen. Captivated by the moment, she found herself drawn into the scene, her mind drifting to imagine a similar scenario with <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name >>. <<print $cliff.name >> placed her ankles on his shoulders and slid his penis into her vagina and fucked her harder. <<print $gf.name>> arms and legs were flailing as she was staring right at him saying, --Fuck me, just like that, harder. <<print $cliff.name >> kept on stroking in and out.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 5! </p>
<<if $eventCount gte 10>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video';
$activityType = 'Morality'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/movie/t-5.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Taboo - AS -- I can t stand these kinds of movies. How do people even come up with this stuff?'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<p class="notation_text"> New Option Will Be Available After Event 10! </p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $livingTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/13.jpg'">
<!-- myroom evening -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Goddamn." <<print $mc.name>> whispered behind her.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Jesus!" <<print $mom.name>> yelped in surprise at his speaking right over her shoulder.
<P class="notation_text"> That set off a chain reaction of shocked exclamations and reactions. <<print $cliff.name>> rapidly withdrew from <<print $gf.name>> and turned his back to the door. <<print $mom.name>> could see him in the mirror and as embarrassed as she was, her eyes still fixed on his long glistening cock.
<P class="notation_text"> Just before he tucked it into his pants she saw the thin trail of white fluid dangling from the tip and even with her <<print $mc.call>> behind her, felt her pussy gush.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>>'s reaction would have been hilarious if the situation weren't so embarrassing. With a startled cry, she rolled over on the bed, balanced briefly on the edge of it then tumbled head over heels off it, her feet pointing at the ceiling as she hit the floor with a loud thud.
<P class="notation_text"> She landed on the side of the bed not facing them and as <<print $cliff.name>> stood there with his back to them, <<print $gf.name>> slowly stood up, her dress pulled up over her breasts. Her face was now as red as that dress and breathing hard, she stared at <<print $mom.name>>, her lips moving, but nothing coming out at first.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry!" <<print $mom.name>> broke the awkward silence. "I yelled when I came in, but no one answered. I just walked into the room, and...I'm so sorry!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm not." <<print $mc.name>> whispered behind her. "Wow."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/8.webp'">
<P class="notation_text"> He started to say something else, but it turned into a loud expulsion of breath when <<print $mom.name>> drove her elbow into his stomach.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "No, don't be." <<print $gf.name>> had regained her composure, but was still red faced. <<print $mom.name>> wondered if it were from shame or she was still flushed from that fucking. "I'm the one who should be sorry. This was very disrespectful. We were fixing the room up and um, well..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You don't have to explain." <<print $mom.name>> put her hands up and now that <<print $cliff.name>> had turned around and she caught a good look at him, no explanation was necessary. Damn.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $cliff.name>> was a few years younger than <<print $mom.name>>, meaning at least twenty years <<print $gf.name>>'s junior. He had big wide baby blue eyes and his features were delicate, with high cheek bones and soft jaw line. Despite the five o'clock shadow he was sporting, <<print $cliff.name>> still had the appearance of a pretty boy type.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/5.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> But his body was rugged enough to compensate. His t-shirt hugged a pair of impressive biceps and his chest as broad as his shoulders. Yet his waist was narrow, giving him the triangular build of a weightlifter. <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes darted down to the still large bulge between his legs and in an instant she knew she'd be masturbating tonight and to what.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "Really sorry, ma'am." His voice was as soft as his features and he bowed his head as he spoke. "My fault. <<print $gf.name>> was teasing a little and I...well..."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Less is more, <<print $cliff.name>>," <<print $gf.name>> scolded him. "I'm sure Miss Daniels knows what happens between couples sometimes."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You could tell me." <<print $mc.name>> laughed and stepped back before <<print $mom.name>> could land another elbow.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>>, this is my <<print $mc.call>>, <<print $mc.name>>. Don't mind him, he thinks he's funny because someone has to."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Boys will be boys." <<print $gf.name>> smiled at him. "Nice to meet you <<print $mc.name>>, but sorry about how."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm not." <<print $mc.name>> whistled. "You're pretty hot."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $mom.name>> turned on him. "Go downstairs right now!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, come on, <<print $mom.call>>!" He spread his arms out. "Why do we have to be serious? This is kind of funny, no?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "You know, he's right," <<print $cliff.name>> chuckled. "Especially the way you fell off the bed." He indicated <<print $gf.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Funny faux paus not funny ha-ha I suppose." <<print $gf.name>> grinned ruefully. "Again, I'm sorry. <<print $cliff.name>> here seems to still think we're newlyweds."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "Just me?" He raised his eyebrows and the smile on his face was so genuine, <<print $mom.name>> found herself smiling back at him. Sexy and on the sweet side. <<print $gf.name>> was a lucky woman.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, I don't blame you." <<print $mc.name>> chimed in. "Cougar town for sure."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>> stop talking," <<print $mom.name>> sighed, more embarrassed by him than actually being caught at this point. Thank god they didn't know how long she'd watched.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Oh, no worries." <<print $gf.name>> came around from the side of the bed. "I'm flattered. Not every day a good looking young man pays me a compliment."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "Not since me anyway." <<print $cliff.name>> winked.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You're not that young anymore." <<print $gf.name>> returned the wink, "Just younger than me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Still kind of our fault. I'm early." <<print $mom.name>> pointed out.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "No excuse, this is your house now and we were...very disrespectful." <<print $gf.name>> came over and extended her hand to <<print $mom.name>>, "I'm very sorry. Miss Daniels."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/47.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It's <<print $mom.name>>, and it's okay." She took her hand, trying not to envision it around <<print $cliff.name>>'s cock. "I think <<print $mc.name>>'s right. Something like this we should all just laugh off."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Holy crap, get a tape recorder. I'm right." <<print $mc.name>> laughed, as he approached <<print $cliff.name>> and put his hand out. "Nice to meet you."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "Same here." <<print $cliff.name>> shook <<print $mc.name>>'s hand then nodded approvingly. "Strong grip there, kid. You keep yourself in shape."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I will try. Hey, is there an axe around? I want to chop some wood."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "In the shed." <<print $cliff.name>> looked at him dubiously. "You know how? You can really get hurt if you don't."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "My dad showed me how."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "Still, maybe tomorrow I'll come over to show you again."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay." <<print $mc.name>> nodded, "That's cool."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "So anyway, we'll," <<print $gf.name>> looked down. " The keys are on the kitchen table."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "You folks need help with the stuff in your trailer?" <<print $cliff.name>> had gone over to the window that overlooked the front of the house.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/21.webp'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That would be great if you don't mind." <<print $mom.name>> gave him a grateful smile. "It's been a long day."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "No problem. You have furniture coming?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Some stuff tomorrow, but we have movers." <<print $mc.name>> told him.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"><<print $cliff.name>>: </span> "Well let me know if you need another pair of hands." <<print $cliff.name>> walked past him and tapped his arm. "How about we go start unloading the trailer and let the ladies chat?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/15.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure." <<print $mc.name>> put his hand out to <<print $gf.name>>. "Really nice to meet you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "We hope you're happy to see her." <<print $mom.name>> shot him a look.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> grinned at <<print $gf.name>> and turned to leave. As he passed her, he leaned over and whispered in her ear. "If you looked any happier when I came up here you would have needed a cigarette."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> He winked as she blushed furiously, then laughed. "No, I won't break anything this time."
<P class="notation_text"> As he walked away, <<print $mom.name>> didn't know what was worse. That he made that smart ass crack, or that he'd been right.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 5>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[0] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Story Author</span><br>
Laura Love Craft: <br>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/XLovecraftX" target="_blank">Visit Her Patreon Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/pe.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc">Penny Barbar</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/pamperedpenny" target="_blank">Visit Her Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ju.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Juan Loco</span><br>
<a href="https://x.com/elcaballoloco_" target="_blank">Visit His Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/co.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc">Codey Steele</span><br>
<a href="http://onlyfans.com/codeysteelefree" target="_blank">Visit His Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/de.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Dee Williams</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/deewilliams" target="_blank">Visit Her Profile.</a>
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