<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/intro.png'" >
<div class="intro">
<p style="margin:0;margin-top:1.5%;">Please, read this</p>
This game is intended for <span style="color:#ff7bac;">mature audience only</span>
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">By clicking on button below, you will be confirming you are an adult. </p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Settings" >
<p >Start</p>
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v0.2 "Episode 2"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<<set $currentDay to 0 >>
<<set $currentTime to 5 >>
<<set $mc_stats_arr = [] >>
<<set $character_stats_arr = [] >>
<!-- <<set $eventMoney = [] >>
<<set $eventMorality = [] >>
<<set $eventStamina = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLove = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLust = [] >> -->
<<set $message to "" >>
<<set $eventCount = 0>>
<<set $kitchenEvent to 0>>
<<set $kitchenClean to 0 >>
<<set $poolClean to 0 >>
<<set $livingClean to 0 >>
<<set $roomClean to 0 >>
<<set $exercise = 0>>
<<set $swimming = 0>>
<<set $laundry = 0>>
<<set $shower = 0>>
<<set $stealing = 0>>
<<set $watchTV = 0>>
<<set $activityType to "">>
<<set $activityImage to "">>
<<set $activityVideo to "">>
<<set $mediaType to "">>
<<set $taskDialogue to "">>
<<set $kitchenTalk to 0>>
<<set $bedroomTalk to 0>>
<<set $poolTalk to 0>>
<<set $livingTalk to 0>>
<<set $myroomTalk to 0>>
<<include "CharacterInit" >>
<<include "TimeInit" >>
Character Init:
<<set $mc = {
"name" : "Juan",
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call" : "Juan",
"lastname" : "Barber",
"age" : 20,
"stats" :
"energy" : 0,
"knowledge": 0,
"stamina": 0,
"money" : 0,
"morality" : 0,
"mom_love" : 0,
"mom_lust": 0,
"mom_rel": 0,
"red": 0,
"blue": 0,
"black": 0,
"inventory" : {
"bikini" : 0,
"camera" : 0,
"groceries" : 0,
"dress" : 0,
"flower" : 0,
"tools" : 0,
"skills" :
"massage" : 0,
"sexual" : 0,
"action" : 0,
"skills" : 0,
<<set $mom = {
"name" : "Mrs. Penny",
"lastname" : "Barber",
"age" : 42,
"rel" : "Landlady",
"call": "Mrs. Penny ",
<<set $gf = {
"name" : "Dee",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 55,
"rel" : "Neighbor",
"call": "Mrs. Dee",
<<set $cliff = {
"name" : "Codey",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 25,
"rel" : "Landlord",
"call": "Codey",
<<set $bp = {
"name" : "Nixon",
"lastname" : "Tylor",
"age" : 24,
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call": "Nixon",
<<set $mp = {
"name" : "Mrs. Nina",
"lastname" : "Tylor",
"age" : 50,
"rel" : "Neighbor",
"call": "Mrs. Nina",
<<set $pp = {
"name" : "Ricky",
"lastname" : "Johnson",
"age" : 24,
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call": "Nixon",
<<set $kp = {
"name" : "Kathy",
"lastname" : "Johnson",
"age" : 50,
"rel" : "Neighbor",
"call": "Mrs. Nina",
<<set $talkEvent = {
'kitchen' : {
'title' : ["Kitchen_Talk_6","Kitchen_Talk_13","Kitchen_Talk_16"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [120,260,320],
'knowledge' : [120,260,320],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'bedroom' : {
'title' : ["Bedroom_Talk_1", "Bedroom_Talk_7","Bedroom_Talk_14"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [20,140,280],
'knowledge' : [20,140,280],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'living' : {
'title' : ["Living_Talk_2", "Living_Talk_5", "Living_Talk_10","Living_Talk_15"],
'status' : [0,0,0,0],
'rel' : [40,100,200,300],
'knowledge' : [40,100,200,300],
'count' : [0,0,0,0],
'myroom' : {
'title' :["Myroom_Talk_3", "Myroom_Talk_9", "Myroom_Talk_11"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [60,180,220],
'knowledge' : [60,180,220],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'pool' : {
'title' :["Pool_Talk_4", "Pool_Talk_8", "Pool_Talk_12"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [80,160,240],
'knowledge' : [80,160,240],
'count' : [0,0,0],
<<set $bathroom = {
"title" : ["Event_4"],
"status": [0],
"time" : [2],
"money": [100],
"morality": [40],
"mom_lust": [40],
"mom_love": [40],
"mom_rel": [0],
"day": [0],
"stamina": [0],
<<set $bedroom = {
"title" : ["Event_3","Event_5","Event_6","Event_7","Event_8","Event_9","Event_10","Event_11","Event_13","Event_15"],
"status" : [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
"time": [3,3,1,2,1,2,1,4,1,2,],
"mom_rel": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
"day": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
"morality": [30,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,130,150],
"mom_lust": [30,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,130,150],
"mom_love": [30,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,130,150],
"money": [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100],
<<set $living = {
"title" : ["Event_1","Event_14",],
"status": [0,0,],
"time" : [5,2,],
"mom_rel": [0,0,],
"day": [0,0,],
"morality": [10,140,],
"mom_lust": [10,140,],
"mom_love": [10,140,],
"stamina": [0,0,],
"money": [100,100,],
<<set $myroom = {
"title" : ["Event_2","Event_12" ],
"status": [0,0,],
"time" : [4,5,],
"money": [100,100],
"morality": [20,120],
"mom_lust": [20,120],
"mom_love": [20,120],
"mom_rel": [0,0],
"day": [0,0],
"stamina": [0,120],
<<set $kitchen = {
"title" : [""],
"status": [0,0,0,0,],
"time" : [1,3,4,3],
"mom_rel": [0,0,0,0,],
"day": [0,0,0,0,],
"morality": [0,0,0,0,],
"mom_lust": [0,40,60,100,],
"mom_love": [10,70,80,100,],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0,],
"money": [100,100,100,100,],
<<set $pool = {
"title" : ["",],
"status": [0,],
"time" : [3,],
"money": [100,],
"morality": [0,],
"mom_lust": [0,],
"mom_love": [50,],
"mom_rel": [0,],
"day": [0,],
"stamina": [0,],
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Living middaY -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Ouch!" <<print $mom.name>> cried out as she was moving the boxes in her, and without looking down, she knocked her waist against the corner of the wardrobe.
<P class="notation_text">
She sat on the couch, running her hand over her leg. That was the third time she'd done it while moving around the wardrobe. Fortunately that was the last of it.
<P class="notation_text">
Standing, <<print $mom.name>> stared at the four remaining boxes, her leg still aching, and then headed to the living room.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Tomorrow is another day." She slumped into the couch, leaned back, and closed her eyes.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nixon/2/1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>"You tired<<print $mom.call>>?"
<P class="notation_text">
<<print $mom.name>> opened her eyes and flinched at the sight of a woman with long golden hair sitting across from her. Behind her was a tall young man with the same golden long hair.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"Long day, <<print $bp.name>>." The woman rubbed at her shoulders. "I'm sore."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"Here, let me do that." <<print $bp.name>>'s hands slipped beneath hers and kneaded her shoulders.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"Oh, honey, have I told you lately what a good <<print $mc.call>> you are?" <<print $mp.name>> released a relaxed sigh slumping further down in the couch. Wait, how did <<print $mom.name>> know the woman's name?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Because it's your dream silly." A soft voice chided in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/2/1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"A good <<print $mc.call>> should take care of his <<print $mom.rel>>, no?"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"I'd like to think so." <<print $mp.name>> laughed softly then purred contentedly as his large strong hands worked her shoulders. "Hmm, honey, that feels fucking amazing."
<P class="notation_text">
Those words, inappropriate as they were, had come out sounding even worse. <<print $mp.name>> had breathed them in a husky voice more fitting being with a lover than her <<print $mc.call>>.
<P class="notation_text">
Somewhere in her mind <<print $mom.name>> knew she was dreaming, but was unable to react to the scene in front of her. Did you usually know when you were dreaming in your dreams?
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>> was saying that earlier." <<print $bp.name>>-why did their names seem familiar?-spoke as his hands slid from her shoulders down to her upper arms. "Man, <<print $cliff.name>> was fucking her good."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "That he was," she whispered, "God, he was fucking her so hard."
<P class="notation_text">
Wait, they had seen <<print $cliff.name>> and <<print $gf.name>>? No, this was a dream...
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 1>>
/* Days of the week */
<<set $weekDays = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $weekendValue = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]>>
/* Current day in total */
<<set $dayValue to 0>>
<<set $dayTimes = [ "Early Morning", "Morning", "Mid Day","Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight" ]>>
<<set $dayTimeValue = 0 >>
/* Current time of the day */
<<set $timeInDay to 1>>
/* Wether to advance to the next time of the day when using the "leave" button */
<<set $timeForwardOnLeave = false>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/1.webp'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> wanted to watch her favorite TV show. She crossed the dark dining room, and turned on the small lamp in the corner to leave him a lighted path in the unfamiliar house. <<print $mom.name>> entered the living room and saw <<print $mc.name>> was asleep on the large sectional.
<P class="notation_text"> He had removed his shirt and was just wearing a pair of shorts and his I-pad was face down on his side. She quietly padded over to him, and smiled. He'd been so moody lately, but when he was asleep he looked like the sweet boy she and Steven had raised.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had dialled up a moving company, arranging for their services in the upcoming days.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/2/1.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> had worked his ass off, mounting the TV on the wall and setting up her computer and monitor so all he had to do when the movers came is put it on her desk. The cable couldn't come until next week, but he'd linked his I-pad to the TV so they could watch Netflix or movies.
<P class="notation_text"> He'd also brought all her clothes up to her room and hung up her work clothes and more playful dresses that she never wore anymore in the huge walk-in closet.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> had not only put together her shoe racks, but put all her shoes in them. Granted, her OCD would force her to arrange them, but it was the thought that counted. He'd even made her bed with the pillows and sheet set she'd brought in the trailer.
<P class="notation_text"> The movers were due with her desk and bookcases and <<print $mc.name>>'s bedroom furniture, along with a few small pieces of furniture she'd decided to take with them. That and the boxes of personal belongings that hadn't fit in the trailer.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/8.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Twenty plus years in that house and all they took fit into that trailer and a sixteen foot U-haul. She noticed <<print $mc.name>> had unpacked the photos that she wouldn't trust with the movers and lined them up on the mantle and in the shadow box on the wall opposite the fireplace.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> purposely looked away from them. She didn't need to look at Steven right now and wonder what he thought of her leaving the home and life they'd built together.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was breathing slowly and heavily and she grunted at the half empty bottle of wine and the empty glass on the coffee table in front of him. She'd told him he could have a glass, not two or three. But what the hell, he was twenty, a man now and he'd earned it.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/7.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Leaning over him, <<print $mom.name>> eased the I-pad from his side in case he moved so it wouldn't fall on the floor. When she touched it, the screen came up and she stifled a gasp. The picture on the screen was one <<print $mc.name>> had taken in a mirror and she was confronted with the sight of her <<print $mc.rel>> sitting on his bed with Ashley kneeling between his legs.
<P class="notation_text"> She was naked, but for a green thong, reinforcing it had always been his favourite colour. It dawned on her that picture was taken the day she'd walked in on them fooling around. <<print $mc.name>> hadn't locked his door and she didn't know Ashley had been over.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> slid the picture over and the next one was more graphic. This one <<print $mc.name>> had taken of Ashley blowing him, his cock was not visible as it was buried in her mouth, her lips at the base of his shaft.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_1_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Myroom Evening -->
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/mr-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/15.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Taboo. The word sounded in her mind. Not just the act, the movie. <<print $mc.name>> had mentioned it and <<print $gf.name>> had been saying weird things about <<print $mom.rel>> 's and <<print $mc.rel>>'s that sounded a little too close. That's where it had come from.
<P class="notation_text"> Not that she still should have any type of dreams or thoughts involving <<print $mc.name>>, but at least it gave her the feeling it had not come from nowhere. She hadn't caught a buzz in a long time nor had she been this tired. Tomorrow she'll be back to normal.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> passed the <<print $mc.name>>’s room that would be <<print $mc.name>>'s noting that the small cot <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>> had been fucking on was folded up and shoved into the corner.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/16.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $cliff.name>> was supposed to take it out tomorrow. Good thing they'd folded it up, or <<print $mc.name>> would have wanted to sleep on it and spend the night sniffing the sheets.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> caught herself thinking about <<print $gf.name>>'s glorious red haired glistening pussy and how it had looked with that big cock pounding it. Her own pussy yearned for that, tonight more than ever it seemed.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> went by the closed door that was going to be the guest room, not they'd ever have company, but she planned on eventually getting a bed for it, on the off chance they did. That room had been the master bedroom, but after what happened in it, <<print $mom.name>> had opted for the smaller second bedroom to be hers.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/15.webp'">
<P class="notation_text"> She stopped in front of the door, her eyes wide as she heard <<print $gf.name>>'s voice in her head. "<<print $bp.name>> was shot in the chest."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> and <<print $mp.name>> ; the <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.rel>> killed in the room she'd just passed. That's why the names in the dream sounded familiar.
<P class="notation_text"> Her stomach tightened as another thought leapt into her mind. All three bodies had been found in the <<print $mc.rel>>'s bedroom. Why had they been in the <<print $mc.rel>>'s room after midnight? <<print $mom.name>> recalled enough of her criminal investigation courses to know what a crime of passion murder scene would look like.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Midday-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/12.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> walked towards her bed, and flinched when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned quickly then rolled her eyes when she saw it was only her reflection in the mirror over the bureau.
<P class="notation_text"> She stepped closer to the mirror and took in her appearance. Her green eyes seemed brighter than ever and more than a little glazed, telling her the wine was still flowing strong in her. Her normally fair complexion was rosy red and she wished she was flushed for a reason other than booze.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stared at the pendant resting just over the neckline of her shirt. She'd thought the stone had been a deeper green previously, now she swore it was the exact shade of her eyes.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/14.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She was looking at herself in the mirror, her gaze trailing down her body. She was satisfied with the choice of her outfit. Knowing it would be hot and she'd be driving, she had opted for a form-fitting blue skirt that hugged her curvy figure. Her long, silky black hair cascaded freely down her back, a natural adornment she often preferred when not at work. She had forgone makeup, embracing her natural beauty for the day ahead.
<P class="notation_text"> As an attorney, <<print $mom.name>> always dressed the part during the week. Business suits, or modest skirts with long blouses and blazers. Her hair was always pinned up or pulled back, and her make up was just the right mix of flattering, but not over the top.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was aware she was an attractive woman, but never wanted to show it off and be accused of playing it up by clients or the competition, or even the boy's club asshole partners of her former firm.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/13.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> On the weekends however, she revelled in being comfortable and this was a typical warm weather ensemble for her. Steven had also enjoyed it. He was so used to seeing her dressed up he said it was a turn on to see her looking 'girl next door' as he called it.
<P class="notation_text"> She felt that was a good description of her. <<print $mom.name>> was tall and a little on the slender side and Steven said an outfit like this flattered her body.
<P class="notation_text"> He loved the way the slinky tank tops hugged her firm perky breasts. When she was younger she'd been a little self-conscious that she wasn't bigger up top, but Steven loved her tits, and said they looked perfect on her athletic body.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_3_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/23.png'">
<!-- Kitchen Afternoon -->
<P class="notation_text"> With an air of anticipation, She walked naked across the bedroom and into the bathroom. She went over and opened the door to the master bath and smiled at the large hot tub. It was definitely big enough for two people to have some serious fun. <<print $mom.name>> lifted the lever to close the drain and turned on the water.
<P class="notation_text"> The hot tub was close to full and shutting off the water, she turned on the button that activated the jets. <<print $mom.name>> stepped into the hot tub and when she sat down and stretched her legs out she released a loud sigh.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh. God this feels good." She declared as the strong currents of water struck her lower back and neck.
<P class="notation_text"> Leaning her head back, she slid lower until her nipples were under the warm water and with a purr of delight spread her legs and slipped her hands beneath the water. She teased a finger around her clit, while easing two fingers inside her sinfully wet pussy.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/24.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Lifting her legs, <<print $mom.name>> placed her feet on the sides of the hot tub and for a momentstared at her bare toenails. She needed to paint them. She used to always paint them for Steven. It was part of looking and feeling sexy.
<P class="notation_text"> She made a mental promise to paint her fingers and toes so she could show <<print $mc.name>>. Why would <<print $mc.name>> care if she painted her nails? Because she should look good for her boy of course was the answer that again seemed to be her voice, but not quite her words.
<P class="notation_text"> In fact, she would paint her nails green. A nice bright green because it would bring out her eyes and match her beautiful new necklace. Plus it was <<print $mc.name>>'s favorite color. That's why that little whore Ashley always wore it. Why was she wearing that skimpy little green thong?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/25.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> closed her eyes and her fingers pushed deeper inside her as she remembered when she'd walked in on them. She had knocked, but when no one answered opened the door and there was <<print $mc.name>> sitting on his couch and that little slut on her knees for him.
<P class="notation_text"> Ashley's head was bobbing rapidly. <<print $mom.name>> knew that when a woman sucked that fast she wasn't teasing or playing. No, when a woman worked a cock like that she had only one thing in mind, getting that nice hot creamy reward in her mouth.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_4_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- <img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/14.jpg'"> -->
<!-- pool evening <P class="notation_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/34.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was alone in her bedroom, why not be naked and enjoy the cool breeze coming in through the window on her skin? She'd pinned her hair up to soak in the tub and on a whim, let it down. Normally she slept with it up so it wouldn't be a mess in the morning, but it felt so good on her shoulders when it was down and made her feel sexy.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> wanted to feel sexy, she wanted to be sexy. She was sexy! Now all she needed was someone to appreciate that. <<print $mom.name>> strolled naked from the bathroom, even putting a little swing into her hips as if she were being watched and showing off.
<P class="notation_text"> Despite the faint headache she was still in that sensual mood the wine had put her in and was enjoying it. She froze when she entered the room and her heart skipped a beat.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/phillip/1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> There was a woman in her bed.
<P class="notation_text"> She was wearing a golden color short skirt. She appeared to be same age like <<print $mom.name>>, maybe fourty. Her long golden colored hair was stylishly cut and her high cheekbones and full lips gave her a classic beauty.
<P class="notation_text"> Her head was turned towards <<print $mom.name>> and her light blue eyes seemed to be focused on her.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span>"There you are, there's my boy."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>Mrs. Penny flinched as a tall young man passed by her, clad in a black t-shirt. His facial structure and eyes bore a striking resemblance to those of an older woman, perhaps suggesting a familial connection. His high cheekbones and the clean-shaven visage endowed him with a soft, almost pretty appearance.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $pp.name>>: </span> "Mom, what are you doing in here, dad's home!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/undress.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She smiled and unzipped her skirt, then smoothly pulled it away from her body.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "He passed out drunk again. He won't wake up." She exposed her breasts to her <<print $mc.rel>> . "Now come here and make your <<print $mom.rel>> happy."
<P class="notation_text"> The boy walked to the edge of the bed as the woman sat up. Now completely naked she slid down on the bed and spread her legs. Her pussy was completely smooth and she smiled as her <<print $mc.rel>> gazed hungrily at her.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/kiss.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "See? Nice and smooth for you, just like you like it." She slid his fingers through her wet lips and moaned. "Come on, <<print $pp.name>> , give your <<print $mom.rel>> a kiss."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $pp.name>>: </span> <<print $pp.name>> hesitated, "Did you at least lock the door?"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Yes," she sighed, "Now remove your t-shirt, and show me how hard you are for your <<print $mom.rel>>."
<P class="notation_text"> With a grin, <<print $pp.name>> slid up t-shirt and pulled down his jeans from his body, showing off his erect cock. He crawled up onto the bed, with his <<print $mom.rel>> beckoning him with one hand while spreading her lips with the other.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_5_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/89.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> entered the living room, finding her seated comfortably on the cot, engrossed in drinking wine.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> sat down next to her. "Are you better now?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes." <<print $mom.name>> gave him a strained smile. "I'm so sorry, <<print $mc.name>>. I shouldn't have said all those things."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You're right, you shouldn't have." He stared into her eyes, but didn't seem angry, just concerned. "Why did you? That's not like you, <<print $mom.call>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/90.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I don't know...seeing what you were watching really upset me."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I can tell." He put his hand gently over hers. "Mom, you know I'd never think about you like that."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"He's lying. He thinks his <<print $mom.call>>my is hot. That's why his girlfriend looked just like you and why he can't stop staring at the pictures of her sucking him."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I do know that." She sounded steadier, and despite the nagging voice with its sick remarks, her thoughts seemed to be rational once more.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Then why did you freak out? I know walking in on me was awkward, but to be that mad?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/91.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said I was sorry." She turned her hand over to him and squeezed it. "And I mean that. I'm ashamed of the things I just said."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "But why did you say them?" <<print $mc.name>> shook his head. "Mom, that was some seriously hardcore shit you were slinging. You sounded like the woman in the movie."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I know."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Because you want to be her."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes narrowed. Now that she was still and had calmed down, she was aware of a tingling sensation where the pendant rested against her chest each time she heard those odd thoughts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So what gives, <<print $mom.call>>?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/92.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay." <<print $mom.name>> nodded. "I always tell you to be honest with me so I'll be honest with you. I had a lot to drink last night and I was already tired and stressed out so that wasn't the best idea."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "But you're sober now."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I know that, let me finish while I feel like I can without sounding strange."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Too late for that." <<print $mc.name>> smirked. "That porn star potty mouth a couple of minutes ago was strange enough."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Guess so, but I'll tell you why it hit me so hard."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_11_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, <<print $mom.call>>?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes flew open at a gentle touch on her shoulder and she was surprised to see <<print $mc.name>> standing next to the bed.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>?" Her voice sounded hoarse and her mouth and throat were as dry as a bone. "Why are you in my room?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's ten, and the movers are coming in two hours. I knocked a few times, but you didn't answer." He smirked at her. "You had a lot to drink last night, didn't you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Um, yeah maybe too much." <<print $mom.name>> was lying on her back and went to push herself up when she realised she was naked and had come very close to exposing her breasts.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/36.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She sat on her back and noticed <<print $mc.name>> wasn't looking at her face, but to the side, along her body. <<print $mom.name>>'s back was bare, the sheet just over the curve of her ass and as was usually the case when she slept, her right leg was out from under the sheet. She quickly covered her right leg with the sheet.
<P class="notation_text"> Her body was bare right up to her hip and her hair was fanned around her head and down her back. It occurred to her that if <<print $mc.name>> were a lover, she would be presenting a sexy tease, showing a lot of skin, but with the 'good' parts still covered.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Huh?" he blinked, "Oh, anyway, sorry I came in, but you made me a little worried when you didn't hear my knocks."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm fine, honey, just a lot of wine and I soaked in the tub last night, it was sooo nice!" She purred the last part and realised it had come out a little racier than it should have. "Guess I needed the sleep." She quickly added to cover it up.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I slept well too except..." He frowned. "Weird dreams."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Really?" Her interest piqued. "About what?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> He shrugged and looked embarrassed. "I think I spooked myself trying to spook you. I had dreams of some of the people that lived here before. I mean, I think that's who they were."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_6_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Living Evening-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/45.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was immersed in a detective novel, her eyes scanning the pages eagerly as she delved deeper into the mystery. Suddenly an unwanted thought came to her; how long was he there before he woke her up? But it wasn't just him. The memory <<print $mom.name>> had that night was one she had forced herself to forget. She'd done something she should have never done that day, watching <<print $mc.name>>.
<P class="notation_text"> Immediately afterwards she had felt enough guilt and shame to make her feel she had moved on to the feelings a proper <<print $mom.rel>> would have. Why did it come back at night so vividly? And she couldn't lie to herself and pretend the image she had come to was of <<print $mc.name>> doing the unthinkable, fucking her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/47.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> But she'd had two dreams of the unthinkable between other people. One before her vision, one right after. She'd blamed <<print $gf.name>>'s odd conversation about <<print $mc.rel>>'s being the man of the house and taboo movies, but no way would it have put that much in her head.
<P class="notation_text"> But it did explain having her shameful memory surface. She nodded to herself; that was an explanation for that at least. But she and <<print $mc.name>> both dream of the same people, at least the <<print $mc.rel>>'s. Or was there more? She'd lied to <<print $mc.name>>, had he been holding back on her when she'd said she hadn't had dreams?
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_7_1">
</div><div class="big_text">
<!--Living Afternoon-->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-7.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stood before her dressing area, giving herself a thorough once-over in the mirror. After a <<print $mom.call>>ent, she walked over to the wardrobe. She opened it with a sense of purpose.
<P class="notation_text"> Inside were her under things. <<print $mc.name>> had hung up a lot of her clothes for her, but she didn't need him seeing her damn bras and panties.
<P class="notation_text"> She picked up a pair of blue cotton panties, and held them in front of her face. Why the hell did she keep wearing these boring things? How could she be the sexy milf she should be when she dressed like some boring housewife?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/55.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Dropping the panties, <<print $mom.name>> reached down into the bottom of the case and smiled at the black lace thong she'd pulled out. She slipped it on and turned, peered over her shoulder. The thong was minimal, having been part of a lingerie set, and she smiled at how it left the cheeks of her ass exposed.
<P class="notation_text"> Spreading her legs wider, she bent over enough to see the thin strip of material barely covering her slit. Now this is what a sexy woman should be wearing. On that note, she knelt down and opened up a large box marked summer clothes.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> rummaged through the box until she found the green sundress she'd been looking for. The dress had been one of Steven's favourites because it was lower cut and shorter than her other dresses.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_8_1">
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/61.png'">
<P class="notation_text">After taking a refreshing shower,<<print $mom.name>> sat in front of her dressing table, her gaze critically assessing her reflection in the mirror. The steam from the shower had left a warm glow on her skin, and for a <<print $mom.call>>ent, she allowed herself to just breathe in the tranquility of her new beginning. Then, with a determined exhale, she stood and strode purposefully towards the drawer.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was hunched over the drawer, she pulled it open and rummaging for a dress. She plucked a black lace bra from the drawer, then stopped and stared at it. Didn't she have a green thong? Tossing a few things out of the drawer she laughed when she found it. A perfect match to the dress, did she still have the bra that went with it?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/62.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Actually did she even need a bra? Of course she did. The dress wasn't just kind of low cut, but on the snug side. It would be obvious she wasn't wearing one. She had movers work here everyday at this time, plus <<print $mc.name>>.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Wouldn't it be fun to have men staring at you? Lusting after you? You know you like to tease, <<print $mom.name>>. That's why Steven loved the dress, he liked men looking at you."
<P class="notation_text"> He had, but <<print $mc.name>>...
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"<<print $mc.name>> likes to look too." There was a snicker from somewhere in her mind, that she had the unnerving feeling that it wasn't coming from her. "Why do you think he likes green, <<print $mom.call>>my?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> shook her head, trying to clear it, but the thoughts kept flowing.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Why do you think he bought slutty Ashley that green thong and always asked her to wear it?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Stop it," she whispered, trying to convince herself she was speaking to her own frazzled mind.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Think you're the only one in the family that did something they shouldn't have?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_9_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom Afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/70.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> woke up with a phone beep. Her phone beeped from where she'd left it on the bed, and leaning over, Mrs. Penny saw it was a text from the moving company. "Your movers are on schedule today and will arrive in a half hour."
<P class="notation_text"> The movers were coming soon, not to mention she always made it a point to dress modestly in front of <<print $mc.name>>. <<print $mom.name>> looked down into the drawer for something to wear, then shrugged. Screw it, she would just wear the red yoga pants, so what if they were a little tight? If the movers wanted to check her ass out <<print $mom.name>> supposed it would be flattering, and it's not like <<print $mc.name>> actually looked.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Keep telling yourself that, <<print $mom.call>>my."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> ignored the thought, which is what she planned on doing from now on. That and not touching anymore of <<print $gf.name>>'s homemade wine. Whatever was in it, had way too strong of an effect on her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/71.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She opened another drawer and grabbed the first thing on top, a sleeveless pink t-shirt. Like the shorts, the shirt was on the tight side, hugging her breasts. It was a bit on the short side as well, not quite covering her entire stomach, leaving her naval bare.
<P class="notation_text"> The shirt pressed the pendant to her chest and the heat emanating from it made her uneasy. She withdrew it from her shirt and watching in the mirror she fumbled once more with the clasp, but couldn't get it to budge.
<P class="notation_text"> Slipping on her comfy sandals from yesterday, she left the room and went to find <<print $mc.name>>. Assuming he was downstairs, she strode quickly down the hallway, but stopped when she swore she heard moaning.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/72.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> A sense of déjà vu came over her as she recalled walking in on <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>> yesterday. She paused and there it was again, the unmistakable sound of a woman moaning. Like yesterday it was coming from what was going to be the spare room.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> moved towards the door which was shut. She put her hand on the knob and hesitated. She thought of the weird dreams she'd had that night of the couples having sex. Couples with the names of the people who'd lived here before her. Annoyed at her irrational thoughts, <<print $mom.name>> turned the knob and stepped into the room.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_10_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/99.webp'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Morality'; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/porn.gif';" >
<p >Watch Porn!</p>
</div> -->
<!-- <img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/hack.jpg'"> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Stamina'; $mediaType = 'image';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/100.jpg';" >
<p >Do Work! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Bedroom" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 4 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/87.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.myroom.rel[$myroomTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Bathroom');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.myroom.rel[$myroomTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $laundry is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$laundry = 1; $activityType = 'Rel';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/74.png';" >
<p >Laundry (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $shower is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$shower = 1; $activityType = 'Money';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/88.webp';" >
<p >Take Shower</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime gte 5 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/80.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here.</p>
<<if $currentTime eq 5 >>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.bedroom.rel[$bedroomTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Bedroom');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Require: <<print $talkEvent.bedroom.rel[$bedroomTalk]>> curse point</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Bedroom" onclick="statsChange(20,'Money'); forwardDay()" data-setter = "$message = ' '">
<p >Sleep</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $stealing is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$stealing = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/97.webp';" >
<p >Search (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick=" forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Nap (+1 Hour)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Computer" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Use Computer</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 1 >>
<div id="pos">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.kitchen.rel[$kitchenTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Kitchen');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Require: <<print $talkEvent.kitchen.rel[$kitchenTalk]>> curse point</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-6.mp4';" >
<p >Do Breakfast</p>
<<elseif $currentTime is 4 >>
<div id="pos">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-11.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-10.mp4';" >
<p >Dinner</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> What should I do now?</p>
<<if $kitchenClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$kitchenClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/98.jpg';" >
<p >Clean Kitchen! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<!-- -->
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bedroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Kitchen');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Living');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/living.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Pool');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/home.webp'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('MyRoom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/my_room.jpg'">
<p><<print $mc.name>>'s Room</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bathroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p> -->
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 3 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/94.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.living.rel[$livingTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Living');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.living.rel[$livingTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/living.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> What should I do now?</p>
<<if $exercise is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image';$exercise = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/78.jpg';" >
<p >Do Exercise! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $livingClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $livingClean = 1; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-9.mp4';" >
<p >Clean Living Room! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $watchTV is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $watchTV = 1; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/movie/2/t-10.mp4';" >
<p >Watch TV! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<set $message to "" >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/city/city.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Where should I go now?</p>
<div class="split-container">
<div class="column">
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Dad's Apartment</p>
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Office">
<p >Dad's Office</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Bar">
<p >Bar</p>
<div class="location_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Club');" data-passage="Club">
<p >Sin City</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _eventMoney = [$living.money[0],$myroom.money[0],$bedroom.money[0],$bathroom.money[0],$bedroom.money[1],
<<set _eventMorality =[$living.morality[0],$myroom.morality[0],$bedroom.morality[0],$bathroom.morality[0],$bedroom.morality[1],
<<set _eventStamina =[$living.stamina[0],$myroom.stamina[0],$bedroom.stamina[0],$bathroom.stamina[0],$bedroom.stamina[1],
<<set _eventMomLove = [$living.mom_love[0],$myroom.mom_love[0],$bedroom.mom_love[0],$bathroom.mom_love[0],$bedroom.mom_love[1],
<<set _eventMomRel = [$living.mom_rel[0],$myroom.mom_rel[0],$bedroom.mom_rel[0],$bathroom.mom_rel[0],$bedroom.mom_rel[1],
<<set _eventMomLust = [$living.mom_lust[0],$myroom.mom_lust[0],$bedroom.mom_lust[0],$bathroom.mom_lust[0],$bedroom.mom_lust[1],
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>><br>
<<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>><br>
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] lt 1>><<print "Weekday">>
<<else>><<print "Weekend">><</if>>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Cursed: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_rel >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Blue Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.money >>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Red Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.stamina >><br>
<!-- <p><span class = "ui_text">Black Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.knowledge >> -->
<p><span class = "ui_text">Love Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_love >>/<<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Sex Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_lust >>/<<print _eventMomLust[$eventCount]>><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Taboo Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.morality >>/<<print _eventMorality[$eventCount]>><br>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dad/dad24.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"> Dad went to start his shift at the Sin City strip club.</p>
<p class="notation_text">Money increased by $20</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="getInfo(20,'Money'); getInfo(5,'Work'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Club" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/42.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-2-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As <<print $mom.name>> arrived at <<print $gf.name>> s house and entered the living room, she was greeted by the sound of giggling emanating from within. She recognized it as <<print $gf.name>> and her young husband, their laughter filling the air with a sense of joy and intimacy. <<print $mom.name>> hesitated for a <<print $mom.call>>ent, contemplating whether to intrude on their private momentor to respect their privacy and withdraw. However, curiosity got the better of her, and she found herself taking a step forward, unable to resist the urge to uncover the source of the laughter.<br><br> <<print $gf.name>> kissed him deeply, squeezing her impressive tits to his chest, then, running her hands down his spine and over his buttocks. She broke from the kiss and squatted in front of him. The view down over her breasts to her splayed thighs and the blond hair beyond was as impressive as it was erotic. He took her breasts softly into his warm welcoming mouth.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-2-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As chatted with <<print $gf.name>> at her house, she couldn t help but notice <<print $cliff.name>> s frequent visits to their room, accompanied by subtle gestures exchanged between him and his wife. After their conversation concluded, <<print $mom.name>> bid farewell to $gf.name and rose from the couch, heading towards the front door. However, as she glanced back, she caught sight of <<print $cliff.name>> s shadow darting into <<print $gf.name>> s room once more. Despite her initial intention to leave, <<print $mom.name>> s curiosity got the better of her, prompting her to quietly return to the room for a closer look. <br><br> -- I can t wait to get close to your beautiful pussy. Are you ready? -- $cliff.name said. She studied his face for a momentas if trying to decide whether he was being sincere. He must have passed muster because she gave him another deep, soulful kiss and said, -- Yes. I can t wait. -- As he lay down between <<print $gf.name>> s legs, $mom.name observed she had a flush of excitement and her breathing had changed. Her nipples were dark red nubs that begged to be nibbled on. As he moved closer, $mom.name could see her girl cum coating her pussy lips and pooling at the bottom of her opening. Unlike other girls he d gone down on, it had a milky tinge to it, and despite the size of the puddle, it wasn t running down towards her ass. He dipped his tongue in and scooped it up before making a show out of swirling it around his mouth. When he swallowed it, he said, -- I love the way it coats my tongue. It s so much fun to play with. And it tastes great! -- Hearing that $mom.name started touching herself. '" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-2-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered $gf.name s home and made her way towards her bedroom. Suddenly, she heard $mc.name s voice emanating from the room. Startled, she hurried towards the source of the sound, only to find $mc.name indeed present with $gf.name.
As the $mc.name was naked, $mc.name was undressing her.
Suppressing the urge to scream, $mom.name rationalized that if it wasn t $mc.name, it must be $cliff.name, and perhaps she was simply dreaming. Without dwelling further on the matter, she quietly slipped away, leaving the scene behind, knowing that confronting $gf.name could potentially destroy their relationship.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/33.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-2-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As <<print $mom.name>> stepped into the living room, her eyes were drawn to <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> kissing on the couch, their activities sending a shiver down her spine. It was the most intimate kiss between a <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.rel>> <<print $mom.name>> had experienced up to that point. They were both exploring each other s mouths, their tongues were lightly caressing each other.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-2-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As <<print $mom.name>> entered the living room, her gaze fell upon <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> seated on the couch, their presence sending a chill down her spine. <<print $mp.name>> looked at <<print $mom.name>> with only a ravenous smile, she spun around to assume a 69 position on top of her <<print $mc.rel>> . <<print $bp.name>> eagerly put his chin and tongue to work on her pussy as she slowly lowered her mouth to swallow his hardness. She just kept passionately sucking and jerking his thick, swollen cock while simultaneously massaging her <<print $mc.rel>> s heavy balls.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-2-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was watching TV, sipping her wine, when she felt the need for another drink. She headed to the kitchen. Suddenly she heard moaning voice of <<print $mc.name>>. She discovered <<print $mp.name>> was indeed arduously sucking his cock! What she saw left her in disbelief.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/89.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-2-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered the living room. She saw $kp.name and her <<print $mc.rel>> there. As the <<print $bp.name>> lay tranquilly on a massage mat, his back exposed and inviting care, <<print $mp.name>> began to massage him. Her hands moved with a tenderness that spoke of deep love and passion, each touch a whisper of their shared moments and affections. In the quiet of this intimate ritual, <<print $mom.name>> observed from afar, her heart aching with nostalgia. The loving scene unfolded before her, igniting memories of her own moments of closeness and care. The warmth of the connection she witnessed was a poignant reminder of what she once had, evoking a sense of longing for a past that cherished and mourned in equal measure.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-2-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As <<print $mom.name>> stepped into the living room, her eyes were drawn to <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> .
He dipped his head down to see if she wanted her ass licked, $pp.name casually grabbed her knees and pulled them back to expose her pale pink pucker. It was only when he sucked and tongue fucked her hole that she tensed and growled, -- Fuck yeah darlin! Make love to my li l hole!--
--Put that in my ass, darlin. --
A good bit went in his mouth, $mom.name had seen where it came from and it must be hot and tangy sweet. He clamped his mouth over that spot the next time her body clenched. He was only able to catch a fraction of the flow, but he eagerly swallowed that and lapped up what fell back onto her smooth skin.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-2-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name saw her $mc.call groaned his body tensed. He was so close to his release. Only a hussy like she would be eager to have a young man s cum in her mouth. Or on her tits. Her $mc.call gasped and shuddered. He was cumming. She loved that, too, the slut. She swallowed his cum. She gulped it all down.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/73.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-3-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered the bathroom and saw $kp.name came up and gently spread the warm oil over her <<print $mc.rel>> s body, starting on his back. $mom.name was so horny as to what was to come.
The soft gentle strokes down her <<print $mc.rel>> s back felt incredible as $kp.name spread the warm oil with her feminine hands. She stroked and massaged over his arms firmly with a sort of gentleness.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-3-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered bathroom and saw $pp.name was fucking his <<print $mom.rel>> s humongous breasts. She watched as his cock was sliding through the smooth, tight cleavage, being pleasured by his <<print $mom.rel>> s heavy and soft tits.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-3-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'With firm, gentle movements, $mc.name took hold of her thighs and spread them slightly wider, then with one final stroke of his hand over her pussy, he pulled up her dress.
She gripped the table even more tightly, her arms tensing. $mc.name never relented, only kept up the movements, his tongue on her clit, sucking, licking. She hadn t opened her eyes in minutes.
But it just kept approaching, her moans coming faster, louder, closer together, rising in pitch. Her feet dug into $mc.name s back, and, like an onrushing train, her orgasm washed over him, her whole body tensing, back arching, her arms shaking as she desperately tried to hold on. She squeezed her tits tighter, creating an even more immensely pleasurable experience as he cried out.
$mc.name never missed a second and each touch of his tongue, each movement seemed only to make her cum harder.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $myroomTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/shop.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I purchase?</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(50,0,'groceries'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Buy Groceries ($50)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(200,0,'wine'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Wine ($200)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(100,0,'porn'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Porn DVD ($100)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(250,0,'gasoline'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Gasoline ($250)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(70,0,'video_game'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Video Game ($70)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(150,0,'cleaning_item'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Cleaning Item ($150)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(50,30,'gift_item'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Gift Item ($50)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(450,30,'camera'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Camera ($450)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(350,30,'computer_parts'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Computer Parts ($350)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/90.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-1-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> cautiously approached the poolside, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as she sensed an eerie presence. To her horror, she saw <<print $mp.name>> seated on the pool chair, her <<print $mc.rel>> looming over her with a sinister intensity. The air seemed to thicken with an unsettling tension as <<print $mom.name>> watched, frozen in place by the chilling scene unfolding before her.
He leaned down on her and kissed her. Their lips melted together, his dick trapped between them. Her large tits rubbed into his chest. ' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-1-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ' As <<print $mom.name>> returned to her bedroom after swimming, she was greeted by an unsettling sight. Strange sounds emanated from within, sending shivers down her spine. Stepping cautiously into the room, she discovered <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> on her bed. Her ass faced him. She knelt before his <<print $mc.rel>> .
He swirled his tongue around her pucker, giving it a thick coating of saliva. Then he blew on it, causing her hole to twitch and her ass to tighten. Diving in, he plastered his mouth to her hole, sucking on it as he forced his tongue through her ass ring. Up until then Kim had been mostly quiet, groaning softly and giving me an occasional moan of encouragement. When he attacked her ass, she let out a growl and said, -- Oh, fuck yes! Oh yeah, eat my ass. Oh! Shove that tongue up my dirty hole! --'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-1-tab.mp4';;
$taskDialogue= 'As <<print $mom.name>> stepped back into the dining area after swim, a sense of unease washed over her. Unusual sounds echoed from within, filling the air with an eerie tension. With trepidation, she ventured further into the room, only to come face to face with the unsettling sight of <<print $mp.name>> and <<print $mc.name>>, their presence casting a sinister shadow over the tranquil surroundings.
She starts sucking, while her tongue continues to run teasingly over his shaft. His enormous member disappears deeper and deeper into her mouth, it just barely fits. She thoroughly enjoys it, she used to be a blowjob champion in her days, the boys were practically lining up for it, she had quite a reputation. And she hasn t lost it yet, she notes with satisfaction, despite the lack of practice.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $mc.stats.stamina = 100>>
<<set $mc.stats.money = 50>>
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/88.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-1-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> entered the bathroom for a shower but was startled by the sound of giggling emanating from within. Curiosity piqued, she stepped closer and was taken aback to find <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> playfully splashed and embraced in the bath, their laughter echoing through the steam-filled room. Outside this bubble of joy, <<print $mom.name>> gazed on, her heart aching with the memory of her late husband. Each ripple of water and echo of happiness was a reminder of the love she once shared, now a cherished memory in the quiet solitude of her thoughts.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-1-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ' $mom.name heard a couple s voices emanated from the bathroom. <<print $mom.name>> entered and immediately recognized them as <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> s. Intrigued, she approached quietly to investigate. Inside, she found <<print $mp.name>> giving her <<print $mc.rel>> an oil massage. She leaned forwards, her breasts rubbing her <<print $mc.rel>> s chest delightfully.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/btr-1-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'After her shower, <<print $mom.name>> emerged from the bathroom, her senses alert to a strange sound emanating from the dining area. Curiosity piqued, she made her way there to investigate further.
$mp.name lifted her tits, separating them to make a cozy little slot for his cock. Straddling her body, He cocked his hips and slid his cock between her tits, and she squeezed them tight around him. She winked and said, -- Fuck me hard, stud.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/18.png'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-1-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ' <<print $mom.name>> came out of the bathroom and moved towards her bedroom. As she entered her bedroom, she saw <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.call>> there. Their presence, a chilling reminder of the thin veil between life and death, filled the room with an eerie silence. -- I ve another problem maybe you could help me with but let s go to bed now as I want your big thick cock inside me. -- <<print $mp.name>> said. Her <<print $mc.call>> began moving down, kissing her on his way. He kissed her neck, her breasts, her stomach, until her was down at her pussy. He smoothly began pulling off her bra, she moved her hands to make it easier for him to pull them off. ' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-1-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> came from the living room and moved towards her bedroom. Suddenly, she saw <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.call>> kissing in the hallway. They were slowly moving towards her bedroom. As they moved, a haunting silence enveloped <<print $mom.name>>, her every instinct screaming to flee from the nightmare unfolding before her. <<print $mp.name>> laid down on the bed. and broke the kiss to take her shirt off. <br> He then moved down and started slowly licking outside of her outer lips, teasing her. He licked from the bottom of her pussy to the top, in one tongue movement. She responded with a little gasp of pleasure. He then started sucking and kissing her clit. As he continued <<print $mp.name>> s breathing became heavier, and she started to occasionally moan out these groan-like moans, he could clearly hear the pleasure within them.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-1-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> emerged from her bedroom, feeling thirsty. As she made her way towards the kitchen, she heard <<print $mom.name>> s voice along with another female voice emanating from there. Intrigued, she approached silently. What she saw left her in disbelief. <<print $mom.name>> s heart raced, her body frozen in place, as the boundary between the living and the spectral ominously blurred before her eyes. She saw <<print $mc.name>> was there and <<print $mp.name>> walks up to him. She begins to lean slightly forward and puts her hands on <<print $mc.name>> s cock. She was slowly rubbing it. <<print $mom.name>> covered her mouth with her hand, closed her eyes briefly, then quietly exited the scene. -- I don t want to see his cock. -- she whispered to herself.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/84.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-1-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '
$mom.name stood at the kitchen door, her heart pounding as she witnessed $kp.name and her <<print $mc.rel>> engaged in conversation. Their voices seemed distant, almost otherworldly, sending shivers down her spine. Unsure whether what she was seeing was real or a figment of her imagination, $mom.name hesitated.
$kp.name slowly moved her hand from his face, to stroking his chest, to lightly grabbing his cock.
-- I wanted to look pretty for you,-- she said in her deep feminine voice.
-- You certainly are,-- he answered.
It was an awkward answer, but she didn t seem to care. Frankly he didn t really care either. As he was about to go down on his knees. She stopped him.
-- Wait, I want to see you naked first, -- $kp.name said, with a subtle yet strong confidence in her voice.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-1-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$kp.name turns around and is very aware of her <<print $mc.rel>> s extra hard cock pushing to get out of his pants, and she pushes him against the other counter. She must manipulate his cock to get it out, and the pants drop to the floor in near perfect timing with going to her knees. In one full motion, the head of her <<print $mc.rel>> s cock is in her mouth and she s sucking hard pushing it in a little deeper each time it moves in and out of her mouth. Halfway....in, out, in, out, as her hand is cupping my balls. In, out, in, out......three quarters of the way. $mom.name shocked she s going so deep.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-1-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name froze at the threshold of the kitchen, her breath catching in her throat as she glimpsed $kp.name and $mc.name there. He was sucking and rubbing her pairs. That tits around him felt heavy, suffused with an erotic energy that sent a chill down $mom.name s spine. She couldn t shake the feeling that something incest-ous sinister was lurking just beyond her sight, waiting to reveal itself in the shadows.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[0] += 1>>
<<set $kitchenTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/83.png'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-2-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ' He pulled down the front of her shirt and grabbed her naked breast, and moved his chin over her breast, teasing her nipple. Her body started to writhe against him, her hand continuing to play with his dick while he massaged and held her tit, lightly pulling on her nipple. Their breathing was heavy, but otherwise they were soundless, lusting for each other in the dark.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-2-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$pp.name sat between her splayed thighs, admired the open pinkness of her clearly excited sex, and set to work. -- Enough with the teasing.-- Was all I heard as he started firm upward strokes, finishing on her clit. The wriggling and squirming below me continued, as he concentrated more and more on her clit with soft flicking strokes of his tongue. Her hands on the back of his head forcing it down into her cunt. She got increasingly animated and more and more noisy, until she let out a low gurgle, lifted her bum off the lounger and forced her sex up into his face before collapsing back on the chair.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-2-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$kp.name bobbed her head, putting such enthusiasm into sucking my $mc.call s cock. She nursed on him like a complete trollop. She suckled on him with all her might.
$mom.name pumped her digits away at him as his moans filled the air. He slid his fingers through her red hair as $mom.name shuddered here. Her nipples throbbed. Her twat clenched down on my digits. I breathed faster and faster, capturing every last momentof this.
That s it, he growled at her. -- Mmm, such a slutty women. Suck my dick. You re mine. I own you! --
$kp.name moaned her agreement around his dick.
-- Yes, yes, he owns your skanky ass, -- $kp.name hissed, loving this moment. -- Ooh, ooh, you re such a strong boy. That s it. Yes, yes, just use me. I deserves it! --
$mom.name s heart pounded wildly in her chest as her <<print $mc.call>> gripped a fistful of her red hair. $kp.name s orgasm built faster and faster as he used the whore.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/27.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream..</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-1-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was watching TV when unexpectedly she noticed <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> walk up and sit on the couch opposite her. As they sat there, their presence seemed to wrap the room in a blanket of unsettling tension, punctuated only by the distant. <<print $bp.name>> began kissing <<print $mp.name>>. She started sliding her skirt s straps off her shoulders. Thus exposing her beautiful big tits which he began massaging with two hands. <<print $mp.name>> responded by moaning and wiggling her tits while encouraging, -- Yes baby, play with my tits, make your <<print $mom.call>> s nipples erect and her pussy wet! God I want you to fuck me so bad.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-1-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was cleaning the living room when she suddenly heard a woman s moaning from behind. Chills crawling down her spine, she slowly turned, only to behold <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> on the couch — figures she knew were long dead, yet hauntingly present within her home. <<print $mp.name>> motioned to <<print $bp.name>> that she wanted to suck his cock, so she unzipped his pants and then slowly lowered her body until his cock was in her mouth. She was completely sucked in by pleasure. She was moaning and gasping loudly.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-1-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was engrossed in watching TV in the living room when she heard a strange noise emanating from the dining area. Curiosity piqued, she cautiously made her way there, only to find <<print $mc.name>> was licking <<print $mp.name>> s pussy. <<print $mp.name>> suddenly said, -- STOP! -- <<print $mc.name>> said, -- Fuck no, I can t stop now! -- <<print $mp.name>> got him on the verge of cumming! -- Oh fuck I need to cum so bad. Yes eat me, eat my cunt and make me cum! -- With her one foot still up on the stool, <<print $mc.name>> continued eating her pussy and was able to use his tongue on her clit. She placed one hand on the counter to steady herself and had her other hand on back of his head pushing his face tight into her crotch. <<print $mc.name>> had a mouth full of pussy lips and was sucking really hard when she suddenly screamed and cum began oozing from her pussy and into his mouth. What she saw left her in disbelief. -- How could this be possible? Is she losing her mind? -- <<print $mom.name>> asked herself, bewildered by the surreal situation unfolding before her.'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/81.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-2-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'After dinner, the air in <<print $mom.name>> s home felt unusually heavy, a precursor to the unsettling discovery that awaited her. She entered her room, only to be met with a chilling sight: <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.call>>, figures from beyond the grave, were perched on her bed. <<print $mp.name>> sucking his tongue into her mouth doing amazing things in his mouth. -- I d never kissed like this. -- <<print $mom.name>> thought. She was enjoying the things <<print $mom.name>> was doing to her <<print $mc.call>>, his cock was now rock hard he could feel the weight of <<print $mp.name>> s massive tits on his hands. -- I was sure she must have felt the hardness of her <<print $mc.call>> s cock. -- after several of incredible tongue kissing <<print $bp.name>> fondling his <<print $mom.call>> s tits. , -- <<print $mom.call>> I love your big tits they are easily the biggest I ve ever felt in my life they are a lovely big handful. -- <<print $bp.name>> said.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-2-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> entered her bedroom and found <<print $mp.name>> and her <<print $mc.call>> on her bed. The line between reality and the erotic event of spirits grew thin, a horrifying tableau rooted in the depths of her fears. She was sucking her <<print $mc.call>> s big cock. -- Mmmmmm, these feel nice and full,-- she mewed as she cradled his heavy balls. -- Are you ready to give me another big mouthful, <<print $mc.call>>? -- She looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye and a playful smile at the corner of her soft red lips as she started to raise her head towards his painfully-engorged cock. -- Oh fuck.....yesssssssss, -- <<print $bp.name>> hissed as her soft lips made contact with the hot red head. He was so turned on and feverish with need that he surprised it didn t burn her mouth as she let her lips slip open and follow the flared contours of the huge mushroom cap. She bathed the fiery tip with a soothing bath of saliva as her tongue circled the sensitive membranes while her lips slid forward.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-2-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> emerged from her bedroom. Abruptly, she caught sight of <<print $mc.name>> and <<print $mp.name>> making their way towards the dining area, her breath caught in a mix of fear and disbelief. . After just a reaching there, <<print $mc.name>> went to his knees and with his face at <<print $mp.name>> s crotch level, she lifted her skirt and removed her panties. <<print $mc.name>> pushed his face into her crotch. She rotated her hips a bit and raised one leg placing her foot on a nearby stool giving easy access to her exposed pussy. He immediately began eating <<print $mp.name>> s exposed juicy pussy.-- What a nightmare, -- <<print $mom.name>> murmured under her breath. She trailed after them, feeling a sense of unease. Once again in her bedroom, she pondered, -- What s going on with me? --'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $mc.stats.money = 50>>
<<set $mc.stats.stamina = 100>>
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/85.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-3-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered the kitchen and saw $kp.name and her <<print $mc.rel>> there. As $pp.name slammed her tits, a couple of inches of his cock popped through. $kp.name looked down and opened her mouth, positioning it so she could suck and lick his head for a moment on each stroke. He was already on a short fuse, and after a minute of that he was grunting, -- Oh fuck! Oh fuck! --' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-3-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$pp.name reamed her hole with his tongue, using her hands to spread her ass wide. He licked her hole until spit was dripping down her ass and reamed it with his tongue until he felt her trying to open her ass for him. She was actively trying to get his tongue deeper into her ass. Between licks he started talking dirty to her.
-- You love my tongue deep in your ass.--
-- You want to be a complete ass slut now. --'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/kit-3-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Oh, fuck yes, $mc.name, cum in my mouth. Cum all over your whore s mouth! -- $kp.name removed his cock from her throat long enough to speak. Her eyes were watery, and her makeup already started to run. Lines of drool clung between the tip of his cock and her lips. -- You like these tits? I ve seen you stare at your $mom.call s tits many times. I bet they d feel wonderful wrapped around your cock. -- $kp.name peeled the straps to her dress off her shoulders and let the weight of her dress fall to the side, revealing her massive breasts.
$mom.name was shocked by what she heard from $kp.name; it was unexpected. Could it be true? Did $mc.name really do this? Despite the shock, she couldn t deny a hint of awkward happiness creeping into her emotions.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[2] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _eventQuest = [
"Had never thought!",
"Why was she thinking about this?",
"What was the sense of wearing it?",
"A good <<print $mom.rel>> would watch,",
"I'm dreaming.",
"Weird dreams.",
"Was her dream true?",
"A house with a weird history?",
"Wouldn't it be fun to have men staring at you? ",
"Keep telling yourself that, <<print $mom.call>>my.",
"Because you want to be her.",
"I want it off now!",
"Get out of here you jerk!",
"Get rid of it",
"But who cared?",
<!-- <<set _eventQuestLocation = [$myroom.time[0],$kitchen.time[0],$kitchen.time[1],$living.time[0],$living.time[1],
$living.time[5],$living.time[6],$living.time[7],"Completed"]>> -->
<<set _eventQuestLocation = ["Living", "<<print $mc.name>>'s Room","Bedroom","Bathroom","Bedroom","Bedroom",
"Bedroom","Bedroom","Bedroom","Bedroom","Bedroom","<<print $mc.name>>'s Room","Bedroom","Living","Bedroom","Completed"]>>
<<set _eventTitle = [$living.title[0],$myroom.title[0],$bedroom.title[0],$bathroom.title[0],$bedroom.title[1],
<<set _eventQuestTime = [$living.time[0],$myroom.time[0],$bedroom.time[0],$bathroom.time[0],$bedroom.time[1],
<<set _eventMoney = [$living.money[0],$myroom.money[0],$bedroom.money[0],$bathroom.money[0],$bedroom.money[1],
<<set _eventMorality =[$living.morality[0],$myroom.morality[0],$bedroom.morality[0],$bathroom.morality[0],$bedroom.morality[1],
<<set _eventStamina =[$living.stamina[0],$myroom.stamina[0],$bedroom.stamina[0],$bathroom.stamina[0],$bedroom.stamina[1],
<<set _eventMomLove = [$living.mom_love[0],$myroom.mom_love[0],$bedroom.mom_love[0],$bathroom.mom_love[0],$bedroom.mom_love[1],
<<set _eventMomRel = [$living.mom_rel[0],$myroom.mom_rel[0],$bedroom.mom_rel[0],$bathroom.mom_rel[0],$bedroom.mom_rel[1],
<<set _eventMomLust = [$living.mom_lust[0],$myroom.mom_lust[0],$bedroom.mom_lust[0],$bathroom.mom_lust[0],$bedroom.mom_lust[1],
<<set _eventDay = ["Weekday","Weekend","Weekday","Weekday","Weekday","Saturday","Weekday","Weekday","Sunday",
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Quest</span><br>
Quest: <<print _eventQuest[$eventCount]>><br>
Location: <<print _eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>><br>
Time: <<print $dayTimes[_eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>><br>
Required: <br>
<!-- Money: <<print _eventMoney[$eventCount]>> || -->
<!-- Knowledge: <<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>> || -->
Love Desire: <<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>> ||
Sex Desire: <<print _eventMomLust[$eventCount]>> ||
Taboo Desire: <<print _eventMorality[$eventCount]>> ||
<!-- Stamina: <<print _eventStamina[$eventCount]>> -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc">Tips</span><br>
Curse: Clean Kitchen/Pool/Living/Room (Need Blue Stone)<br>
Blue Stone: Dinner, Breakfast, Shower, Sleep<br>
Red Stone: Exercise, Swim, Work, Watch TV (Need Blue Stone)<br>
Love Desire: Special Event <br>
Sex Desire: Special Event <br>
Taboo Desire: Special Event <br>
Special Event Location: <br>
Pool: Midday ||
Kitchen: Morning ||
Bedroom: Night ||<br>
Living: Early Morning & Afternoon ||
Bathroom: Evening (Weekday) <br>
Cheat Code: Available in Bedroom (Patreon Only)
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Character</span><br>
<<set _full = 100>>
<<set _event = 11>>
<<print $mom.name>>:<br>
Main Event Passed: <<print $eventCount>> ||
Completed: <<print Math.trunc(_full/_event) * $eventCount>>% / 100%
<div class="enter_button" data-passage= "Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
[[Credit]]<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Czech (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
Your feedback is insanely appreciated! You can send it to my Discord or Email (thetwist007@gmail.com) you want!
<p class="notation_text">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/the_twist" target="_blank">Visit my Patreon page.</a>
<<set _prev = previous()>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_prev" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-12.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> made her way into <<print $mc.name>>'s room, the pendant around her neck glinting in the soft light. <<print $mc.name>> was on his bed, completely engrossed in a phone conversation..
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>, I need you to get this off me." She grabbed the chain and lifted the pendant off her chest. "I tried to take it off, but the clasp is stuck."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Really?" It looks great on you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>> what colour was this when you first saw it?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Huh?" He blinked. "It was green of course." <<print $mom.name>> went to speak, but he snapped his fingers. "No, wait, I think it was kind of light purplish."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/106.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But it's green now!" She said with a little more concern than she had intended.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Matches your eyes." <<print $mc.name>> nodded. "Maybe it's like a mood stone."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Take it off me, now." <<print $mom.name>> forced herself to remain calm.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay." <<print $mc.name>> leaned closer and took the chain in his fingers.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/107.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> His right hand covered the pendent and <<print $mom.name>> gasped when a wave of heat flowed through her. Simultaneously, <<print $mc.name>> released a sharp breath and blinked several times as if he were confused. The heat emanating through her body caused her nipples to stiffen beneath the dress and yet again she became aware of a different kind of heat, a very moist one, between her legs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "This really does look good on you, <<print $mom.call>>," <<print $mc.name>> spoke softly and his eyes had a distant look in them. "It matches your gorgeous eyes."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You like my eyes?" Her voice sounded breathy and she realised that was because she was suddenly breathing heavily.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "They're beautiful," He gave her that sweet smile she'd barely seen in the last few months. "Just like the rest of you."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_12_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 2 >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/96.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.pool.rel[$poolTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Pool');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.pool.rel[$poolTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/44.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $poolClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$poolClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/93.jpg';" >
<p >Clean Pool! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $swimming is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $swimming = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/95.jpg'; ">
<p >Swim (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/82.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-3-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> cautiously stepped into her bedroom opened the door and saw <<print $kp.name>> was standing there in a red bra and panties. She slid her tits up and down on her <<print $mc.rel>> s cock once, and then he started pumping. At first, he was hesitant to pump too hard, but $kp.name reminded him, -- I told you to slam my tits. Make me feel it, -- so he began pounding her cleavage.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-3-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ' <<print $mom.name>> cautiously stepped into her bedroom, her heart pounding with a mix of dread and disbelief. To her horror, she saw <<print $kp.name>> and her <<print $mc.rel>> on her bed.
<<print $pp.name>> sniffs her scent with pleasure, -- Now you smell even better! -- He growls excitedly, the next moment she sees his head disappear between her legs and <<print $kp.name>> lets out a hoarse scream. -- Oooh, <<print $pp.name>>! -- she gasps, his tongue runs expertly over her button, he sucks, licks, blows, and meanwhile slides two fingers into her pussy, it s mind blowing, she becomes completely entranced. <<print $pp.name>> s other hand has reached for her breasts, he starts to massage her nipples in turn, sending even more wonderful stimuli to her clit.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/br-3-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '<<print $mom.name>> was enjoying a quiet moment in the shower when she heard an unsettling noise echoing from her room. With trepidation, she shut off the water and wrapped a towel around herself before venturing out to investigate.
As she entered her room, her heart froze in terror at the sight before her –
<<print $kp.name>> and <<print $mc.name>> were on her bed.
He watched her long, athletic legs uncross and spread as she hiked up the knee closest to him, leaving the other leg still straight. She then reached down and pulled the crotch of her panties slightly aside. What he saw was a matted, sticky smear of cum that completely filled the folds of her pussy and creamed the liner of her panties. The viscosity of the semen clung to both the fabric and her body as she gently pulled at the garment, stretching out between the two with long, fluid strands.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $bedroomTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime lte 4 >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/my_room.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $roomClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $roomClean = 1; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/76.jpg';" >
<p >Clean <<print $mc.name>>'s Room! (20 Blue)</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/closed_door.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"> Locked </p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/43.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-3-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '
$mom.name stepped into $gf.name s house and heard groans coming from the living room area. She knew what was happening there, and as she peeked in, she saw them entangled on the couch. Despite knowing she shouldn t, she couldn t resist the temptation to witness the scene unfold.
Hearing her deep sexy voice saying that in his ear gave her goosebumps. She began to kiss his neck, moving down to his chest, and eventually just above his cock. At this point he was pretty hard. He saw in her eyes that sexual confidence. She took his cock in her hand. She started to lick from the bottom of his shaft to the top of his head, all in one tongue movement. When she reached the top, she wrapped her lips around his cock, using her tongue and her lips to cover her teeth, and started sucking. She started giving him a blowjob, she sucked pretty slow. She could have easily made him cum pretty fast by sucking faster, maybe even letting him mouth fuck her, but she didn t. She wanted the process to be slow, to be sensual, yet sluty.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-3-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered $gf.name s house and heard moans and groans coming from the living room area. She knew what was happening there, but she couldn t resist the temptation to witness the scene unfold. She was addicted to it.
$gf.name began moaning louder but eventually he began moaning louder than her. He started to pick up speed, depth and force. Eventually he rose up and watched her whole body as he fucked her. The feeling then changed; it didn t feel as intimate as romantic. He started to feel more dominant, and $gf.name started to feel more submissive, more sluty. It wasn t BDSM, she wasn t even porn fucking really, even though that thrust speed was getting there. But the sex got dirtier and rougher, still very passionate, and there was still a lot of love, but it wasn t as lovely. The pleasure didn t stop though.
-- Ah yes, fuck me baby! -- She commanded, with sexual desperation in her voice.
-- You like this, don t you? -- he asked, with clear feelings of dominance coming through in his tone.
-- I fucking love it! -- she answered in a slutty voice.
-- I know you could never resist me though, -- she continued, her voice shaking in pleasure.
$mom.name was utterly taken aback by the $cliff.name s performance. Even though he could hold her down, choke her and slap her face, she was still in control. He only fucked her this good because she wanted to get fucked this good. If she said stop, he would stop immediately. He may find the dominance empowering but he was still guided by love. His goal, whether he realized it or not, was to pleasure her.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/out-3-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '
$mom.name stepped into $gf.name s home and headed towards the living room. As she entered, she overheard $mc.name s voice coming from within. Hastening her steps, she approached the source of the sound and was surprised to find $mc.name there with $gf.name.
He played with her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers and pulling them out into a taut cone. As he got more into her breast kissing, he started rubbing his between her pairs. Suppressing her initial reaction, $mom.name hesitated, considering the implications of what she was witnessing. With this in mind, she decided to quietly retreat, leaving the situation unresolved for the time being.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $poolTalk = 0>>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v1.3 "Chapter 3"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div class="intro">
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">Change Name & Relation by clicking on change button below. </p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/20.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcName">Change Name (Default: <<print $mc.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>):</label>
<input type="text" id="mcName" value="Juan" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/72.webp'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momName">She is <<print $mom.name>> (Default:<<print $mom.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momName" value="Mrs. Penny" placeholder="Enter any Mona/Silvee/Reba"><br>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/26.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="gfName">She is <<print $gf.name>> (Default: <<print $gf.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="gfName" value="Mrs. Dee" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/codey/1.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="cliffName">He is <<print $cliff.name>> (Default: <<print $cliff.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="cliffName" value="Mr. Codey" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<p style="notation_text">------ Select Character's Relation ------- </p>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momRel">Relation with MILF: (Default: <<print $mom.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momRel" value="Landlady" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momCall">Young Boy should Call Her: (Default: <<print $mom.call>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momCall" value="Landlady" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcRel"> Relation with young-man: (Default: <<print $mc.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="mcRel" value="Tenant" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcCall">Milf should call him: (Default: <<print $mc.call>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="mcCall" value="Tenant" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<<button "Change" "Intro_0">>
<<set $mc.name = $("#mcName").val()>>
<<set $mc.rel = $("#mcRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.call = $("#mcCall").val()>>
<<set $gf.name = $("#gfName").val()>>
<<set $mom.name = $("#momName").val()>>
<<set $mom.rel = $("#momRel").val()>>
<<set $mom.call = $("#momCall").val()>>
<<set $cliff.name = $("#cliffName").val()>>
<div class="big_text">
<<if $mc.stats.money gte 20 or $activityType eq "Money" >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" >
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="statsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/blue.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Blue Stone!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/86.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-4-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered the living room. She saw $kp.name and her <<print $mc.rel>> on the couch. She is a bit plumper around her stomach and hips than she used to be. Her hair is still reddish, only a bit lighter these days, because more and more gray is secretly sneaking in. Her breasts still defy gravity with ease, he is pleased to see, despite their considerable size. Thanks to conscientiously wearing a good bra, of course, that really helps, she knows. And her skin is still virtually wrinkle-free, count your blessings.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-4-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered the living room. She saw $kp.name and her <<print $mc.rel>> on the couch. She took her <<print $mc.rel>> s cock softly into her warm welcoming mouth. $pp.name looked down at her as she looked up into his eyes and continued to suck with increasing enthusiasm, while still fondling his balls. Eventually she let his cock slip from her mouth, and a thin string of saliva and precum kept us connected briefly.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-4-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered the living room. She saw $kp.name and $mc.name on the couch.
She seemed mesmerized by the slow, sinuous undulations of her hips as she rocked to meet his tongue.
All too soon, her hips became more urgent and her grip on his head tightened. Her gentle whispers became urgent commands,
--Lick that pussy. Suck that clit. Make me cum, lover. Make my pussy cum so hard. --
When her hips began thrusting urgently, seemingly of their own accord, she tapped him on the head and said, -- Now! Now! --'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[3] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[3] += 1>>
<<set $livingTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/124.png'">
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> was engrossed in her book on the bed when <<print $mc.name>> entered her room.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Hello, <<print $mom.call>>," he greeted her. "The movers are on the way. They will be here soon. Are you coming to give them instructions?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Ok", She added to herself. "<<print $mc.name>>, do you really not remember what just happened that day?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That your wimp <<print $mc.rel>> can't break a necklace?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, before that?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, are you...?'
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/125.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Answer the question without another question." She spoke as if he were a witness she was questioning. "Do you remember what we did before that?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow," <<print $mc.name>> muttered. "No more homemade wine for you, young lady." When she glared at him he rolled his eyes. "You came in and caught me watching a movie and yelled at me and then said you were sorry and we talked about the house and the dreams we had."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's it?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes, <<print $mom.call>>. " He seemed annoyed, which told her he was telling the truth.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/7.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> had no recollection of their touching and conversation.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Good, do me a favour?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Do you have any more weird dreams or if anything seems strange to you, tell me." When he nodded, she added. "Promise."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Promise, but right now the only thing that's strange is you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Funny. And you sure you didn't dream about anything but what you told me?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, I..." He jumped at the sound of a loud horn blaring from beneath the window. "Movers are here!"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_13_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "And she looked so good, damn she was hot." <<print $bp.name>> was no longer massaging, but caressing her arms, sending a shiver through her. "The way her dress was bunched up and just on her knees taking it? I was so fucking hard."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"And your naughty <<print $mom.rel>> was very wet," <<print $mp.name>> sighed, "In fact, I'm getting pretty wet right now." She put her hands on his forearms and squeezed them. "Damn, you've got a hard body."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span> "Got a hard cock too, and not from thinking about <<print $gf.name>>." <<print $bp.name>> swept her hair to the side and kissed her neck. "But from my hot as hell <<print $mom.rel>>."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"Oh, that's nice." She reached back, putting her arm around his head as his soft lips slid along her neck.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/nina/2/2.png'">
<P class="notation_text">
His scruff scraped her cheek as he nuzzled her and she moaned at the slight discomfort. <<print $mom.name>> was aware of her nipples hardening and she was squirming in the couch. <<print $bp.name>>'s hands moved down her arms and across her stomach.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
What the hell was this? That was his <<print $mom.rel>>! "You think your mommy's hot?" She gasped when his hands worked their way beneath her shirt.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"I think my mommy's the sexiest woman I've ever seen," he whispered in her ear. "Remember all that milf porn you found on my laptop? I watch that because I think of my milf."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"I like that." she cooed as he fondled her soft stomach and worked their way up towards her aching breasts. "You think about that? About your <<print $mom.rel>> being your little porn star?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"I think about my <<print $mom.rel>> being what I know she wants to be." His hands cupped her breasts through her bra. "My dirty fucking whore."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/2/breast-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text">
He punctuated his words by yanking her shirt and bra down over her ample tits and <<print $mom.name>> felt a wave of heat flow through her as it had when she'd been watching <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"Oh, yes," <<print $mp.name>> moaned when her <<print $mc.rel>> captured her swollen nipples in his mouth. "I'll be your whore, baby. Your dirty girl, your slut. After all, shouldn't a <<print $mom.rel>> take care of her <<print $mc.rel>> in every way?"
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"Then take care of me." His voice had an edge to it. "Be a good <<print $mom.rel>> and give your <<print $mc.rel>> what he wants."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"What do you want?" she asked while putting her hands over his head, pressing that harder to her tits. "Tell me."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"I want my <<print $mom.rel>> to suck my cock." He released her tits.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/2/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text">
<<print $mp.name>> unsnapped his pants, pulled his zipper down. <<print $mom.name>> saw he was wearing underwear and licked her lips at the same time <<print $mp.name>> did as she reached in to pull out his cock. He paused, an evil smirk on his face.
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"Tell me what you want, <<print $mom.call>>. "
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
"I want to suck my <<print $mc.rel>>'s big hard cock."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/nina/2/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span>
Opening wide, she waggled her tongue at him, "Give it to me, baby, feed your <<print $mom.rel>> that big dick."
<div class="dialog_text bp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "bp"><<print $bp.call>>: </span>
"Well, you always told me to never tell you no." <<print $bp.name>> laughed, and with a flourish whipped his cock out and shoved her head towards it.
<P class="notation_text">
There was a green haze that obscured her vision and when it cleared <<print $mom.name>> was staring at herself, sitting in the couch, her shirt up and her tits exposed. She was eagerly sucking <<print $mc.name>>'s cock!
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"Oh, fuck <<print $mom.call>>," he moaned, "That feels so..."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_2">
<p >Leave</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/4.png'">
<P class="notation_text">
<<print $mom.name>>'s eyes flew open and jerked upright in the couch.
<P class="notation_text">
She sat there, her heart beating so hard she thought it was going to burst through her chest.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What the hell was that?" she whispered, rubbing at her temples.
<P class="notation_text">
Her heart slowed, but her mind raced. Seriously, what the hell was that? The last few weeks she'd been having an increasing amount of wet dreams. It was obvious her body was telling her she needed to do more than go through batteries like they were going out of style.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/3.png'">
<P class="notation_text">
Her reaction to <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>> earlier was a sign of that. She still couldn't believe she'd not only stood there watching, but to have that reaction? She swore if <<print $mc.name>> hadn't shown up she might have popped her cork just from observing them. She was definitely going into heat, the effect of the wine on her proved that. <<print $gf.name>> was right, it did lower inhibitions.
<P class="notation_text">
But that dream? A dirty dream was one thing, but a <<print $mom.rel>> with her <<print $mc.rel>>? Worse, seeing her and <<print $mc.name>> in that position? Where the hell could that have possibly come from? Like pretty much every normal <<print $mom.rel>>, she had never once had an obscene thought of her <<print $mc.rel>>.
<P class="notation_text">
To the contrary, on occasions where she'd noted her <<print $mc.rel>> was a good looking young man, she felt a little awkward.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It's okay," she muttered softly. "Too much to drink, new house, nerves." Her words sounded as lame as they were. There were just some things you never thought of no matter how tired or drunk you were.
<P class="notation_text">
She rose from the couch, wincing at how sore she was. Time for that soak and bed. <<print $mom.name>> left the small light on over the counter in case <<print $mc.name>> got thirsty in the middle of the night and left the living room.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<switch $activityType>>
<<case "Love" >>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 20>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<case "Lust" >>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 30>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<case "Morality">>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 50>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<if _person == true>>
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/red.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Red Stone!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" data-setter ="$msg = '';">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#leave-button").on("click", function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
// stopGame(variables().activityType);
// });
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/15.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Athletic. That was Steven in a nutshell. Other guys, and she herself, referred to her build as skinny. He said athletic. But he made her feel good about how she looked and decided he was right, her breasts did match her body type.
<P class="notation_text"> Steven was also more of a 'waist down' kind of guy as he put it and enjoyed the way the cut offs showed off her tight, well-shaped ass. In addition, the shorts left her best asset in her mind, her long legs, bare and showed them off pretty well.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> knew Steven wasn't just flattering her. On weekend mornings if she came downstairs dressed like this and <<print $mc.name>> was out, she'd quickly find herself, on the couch, her shirt up and her husband sucking her tits.
<P class="notation_text"> His tongue would head south and her shorts would be on the floor in minutes. Then after he gave her a hard squealing orgasm, she'd be bent over, her ass in the air and Steven showing his full appreciation of her form.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Still staring at herself in the mirror, <<print $mom.name>> stripped off the tank top, tossing it on the floor. Beneath it, she wore nothing.
<P class="notation_text"> She had lingerie as well, packed away in a bag she now hoped <<print $mc.name>> hadn't looked at while arranging her closet. She owned a few thongs, but had only worn them on date nights and there hadn't been many of those in the last year. Again, what was the sense of wearing it?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Because you're a beautiful sensual woman and should show it."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> cocked her head, that last thought seemed different for some reason, more than just a where had that come from, but more like it had been put there. But the thought made sense. She was no narcissist, but she was attractive and seemed unwilling to show it lately, why?
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Retrieving a plain black bra from the closet, she quickly put it on. She always wore plain bras and comfortable panties. Reaching behind her, she hooked her bra. Her perky tits were sitting high and proud and her rosy nipples were hard beneath it.
<P class="notation_text"> Her long thick hair looked sexy lying on her shoulders and upper chest and she shivered when the tip of it caressed her brasts. <<print $mom.name>> cupped her breasts and set up her bra. Her tits did look good. Tight, well rounded, and in her opinion very suckable. She gave them a squeeze and moaned softly.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> thought back to her failed attempt at a one night stand a couple of months ago. She'd met him in a bar on the other side of town. A place she'd never been before and dressed in a fairly short skirt and tight low cut blouse. Her hair down and her make up extra heavy, <<print $mom.name>> was making no bones about what she was looking for.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_3_2">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Midday-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/18.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> His name-the one he gave her anyway-was Gary. He was tall, broad shouldered, with sandy brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He was smooth, funny and most of all laid back. She had no doubt he wanted what she did, but unlike a lot of guys he was not forward at all and seemed to be waiting for her green light.
<P class="notation_text"> After a few drinks she gave it to him in the not so original line of "you live nearby?" That was good enough for him and turned out he did live only a mile or so from the bar. <<print $mom.name>> had followed him home, and once there he'd poured them some wine and kept up with his unhurried approach.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had shocked herself by making the first move and kissing him. They'd ended up hot and heavy on his couch, not just kissing, but their hands wandering. Gary had asked if she wanted to go to his bedroom and she giddily allowed him to take her hand and lead her there.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/19.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> In his room, he'd stepped up behind her, moved her hair to the side and kissed her neck. He licked and teased, taking his time. All the while he slowly undressed her. Unbuttoning and removing her blouse, unhooking her bra and slipping it off.
<P class="notation_text"> His lips explored her neck and upper shoulders as his hands fondled her tits and teased her nipples, just as she was teasing them now. <<print $mom.name>> had ground her ass back into him, moaning at the sensation of his hard cock against her ass.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd reached back and unzipped her skirt and shimmied out of it, working her now only thong clad ass into his impressive erection. She'd turned in his arms and pulled his shirt off. They kissed again, her bare breasts pressing into his chest.
<P class="notation_text"> Feeling more brazen than had imagined she could be, she unzipped his jeans, and pushed them down along with his underwear. His hard cock pressed into her stomach and even thinking about it, her mouth began to water.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/22.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She had been ready to drop to her knees, but Gary had given her a playful push, sending her onto her back on the bed. He grabbed the sides of her thong and slid id down her long legs. <<print $mom.name>> spread her legs, exposing her pussy.
<P class="notation_text"> He had sank to his knees, kissed her thighs then dove in with an enthusiasm that had her moaning and squealing. He seemed hell bent on making her come, but not wanting to let her nerves creep in on her, she urged him to slide up and fuck her, telling him they could play later, but she needed it.
<P class="notation_text"> Gary had given her a huge smile that she'd returned. When he slid up between her legs, and looked down at her, that's when it had happened. She'd envisioned Steven in Gary's place. Steven looking down at her with that little smile and adoring look he always had when they'd made love or even when they were flat out fucking.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_3_3">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/4.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Holy shit!" he exclaimed.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "What is it?" <<print $mom.name>> quickly followed him in.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "This place is huge." <<print $mc.name>> continued into the centre of the enormous living room. "Hey look, a fireplace!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "I told you it had one," she grunted. "You would have seen it online if you paid attention."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I thought it was fake." <<print $mc.name>> walked around the large black sectional couch and over the fireplace built into the far wall. "This is real. Hey, I get to chop wood! I loved that when we'd go to that cabin in New Hampshire!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> <<print $mom.name>> smiled. It was good to hear him excited. "Better watch out, <<print $mc.name>>. You didn't sound miserable just then."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> He gave her a rueful grin. "Yeah, I know, I've been kind of a dick lately."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/9.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "I won't correct your language on that one," she winked. "And you're right, I haven't been myself for months either. Like I said, this is a new beginning, but where we'll find our old selves."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hmm, that's deep." <<print $mc.name>> smirked. "You sound like one of those family channel movies."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "Back to being a dick," she muttered.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Next week as part of the clichéd heartwarming movie series," <<print $mc.name>> spoke while he walked around the large room, touching the chairs and looking at the rustic panelling and shelving built into the walls.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>> and <<print $mc.name>>, a heartbroken <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.call>> flee Boston to get away from their pain and come to Shitsville where they discover a fireplace that will make everything better."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> " <<print $mc.name>>." Wow, he was in rare form.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "But that's not all! Soon the script will bring in love interests for both of them. <<print $mom.name>> will forget the man who meant everything to her and <<print $mc.name>> will meet some naïve country girl who will fall for his city slicker charm and..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> " <<print $mc.name>>, shut up!" She snapped, with more force than she intended on. "I'm tired of your shit. You want to wallow in misery that's fine, but I did this so we won't have to. This isn't to forget about your father, but to move on and ease some of the pain."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Right." He nodded. "Sorry, but I did get dad's sarcastic sense of humour."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"> <<print $mom.name>> : </span> "The one trait I didn't like in him. Try to tone it down for a bit, okay?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay," <<print $mc.name>> said.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/26.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> should have left immediately. It was her <<print $mc.call>>, but...
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"You didn't, did you? No, you dirty girl, you stayed and watched, just like you watched <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>>."
<P class="notation_text"> She'd never allowed herself to think about that day when she'd shamed herself as a <<print $mom.rel>> and watched her <<print $mc.call>> fuck his girlfriend. But seeing that picture on his I-pad and watching <<print $gf.name>> today had brought it back full bore. Just like she should have stopped watching, but didn't, she now couldn't stop replaying it in her mind now.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> had moaned and placed his hands in Ashley's sandy brown hair, guided her mouth along his cock. <<print $mom.name>> had backed up out of his direct view, but remained in the hall along the door. She could see them in the mirror, but couldn't be seen.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> groaned, his eyes rolling back as he said Ashley's name several times. She released a gurgling squeal and <<print $mom.name>> could imagine her mouth being flooded with her <<print $mc.call>>'s hot load. She'd quickly stood up and even in the mirror <<print $mom.name>> could see a line of cum on her chin and dripping onto her small tits.
<P class="notation_text"> That didn't stop <<print $mc.name>> from eagerly sucking her nipples as he grabbed her thong and pulled it down. Ashely's perfect little ass jiggled fetchingly as he gave each cheek a playful little slap, before grabbing her cheeks in his large hands. He spread it open and <<print $mom.name>> could see her pink little slit. <<print $mc.name>>'s fingers probed first her ass crack, then her slit.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/30.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had stood there, her heart pounding and a taboo heat growing between her legs. When her <<print $mc.call>>'s finger disappeared into his girlfriend's pussy she'd had to repress a moan.
<P class="notation_text"> It wouldn't have mattered, Ashley's would have drowned it out anyway as she wriggled her ass and rocked her hips, pushing <<print $mc.name>>'s finger deeper. <<print $mc.name>> abruptly stood up, slipping his hands under her ass, lifted the giggling Ashley and turned to the side, laid her on the couch.
<P class="notation_text"> That was definitely when she should have looked away because <<print $mc.name>> was naked and his semi hard, and still dripping cock, was in full view. A good <<print $mom.rel>> would have looked away, she thought, and somewhere in her mind, the wanton side of her that had possessed her all night corrected her.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"No, a good <<print $mom.rel>> would watch, a better <<print $mom.rel>> would be the one pleasing her boy" .
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_4_2">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/31.png'">
<P class="notation_text">Those additional words should have been disturbing, but instead, her finger pressed harder to her clit while her other two fingers drove knuckles deep inside her greedy little cunt. <<print $mc.name>> had dropped to his knees, spread her legs and buried his face between them.
<P class="notation_text"> Ashely moaned and whimpered, squirming in the couch and playing with her tits while her <<print $mc.call>> pleased her with what seemed to be a pretty talented tongue.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had been getting wetter by the minute and this time did moan, but it was lost under Ashley's loud wail as she came in <<print $mc.name>>'s face. She'd quickly rolled over on her hands and knees, pushing her ass at <<print $mc.name>> who had risen to his feet.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> He was hard again, and so hard! His cock long and thick, plunged into Ashley's little pink slit and hammered away at her. <<print $mom.name>> could see her face in the mirror, see her wide eyes and open mouth as she got it good and hard.
<P class="notation_text"> By that time <<print $mom.name>>'s hand had strayed, slipping into her skirt and stroking her pussy.
<P class="notation_text"> No, she hadn't done that. She hadn't masturbated.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"But you wanted to, and you did, later and you know what you masturbated to, don't you, you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No," <<print $mom.name>> moaned, but her fingers still worked her pussy beneath the warm water. "I didn't."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"You did," the soft sibilant voice countered. "You know you did, and it's okay, you saw your boy as a man and wanted him as a woman. It's the way it should be."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I didn't want him." she insisted. She hadn't, that wasn't true.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> What was true was she had remained where she was, watching her naked <<print $mc.call>> pound the hell out of his equally naked girlfriend. Ashely was a petite little thing, making <<print $mc.name>>'s hands look all the bigger on her slim hips.
<P class="notation_text"> She only had a side view of him, but could see the muscles in his arms and chest as he fucked. His ass flexed as he pumped his hips, delivering long hard strokes. <<print $mom.name>> so needed those long hard strokes.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, fuck," she whimpered as she rubbed her clit harder.
<P class="notation_text"> That little fucking whore, getting sex like that. Having a nice young hard cock to suck and fill her mouth then be hard again in minutes to plunder her little twat.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_4_3">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She didn't deserve a fucking like that, but <<print $mom.name>> did. She tried to lose herself in work and worrying about <<print $mc.name>>, tried to pretend her life was getting better as time went on. But she was lying to herself and denying herself what she really needed. <<print $mom.name>> needed to get fucked.
<P class="notation_text"> She didn't want to be made love to, she wanted to be a whore. She wanted to be some lucky young stud's dirty fucking cougar. She wanted to suck cock and talk dirty. She wanted her tits and pussy licked and sucked and have her cunt stuffed with hard cock.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/33.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> twisted her feet on the tub and pushed, lifting her ass beneath the water and driving her fingers so hard it was bordering on painful. <<print $mc.name>> and Ashely, became <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>>, then briefly became her and Steven, a memory of when life was good and he couldn't get enough of her.
<P class="notation_text"> She rubbed her clit as hard as she could and whimpered as the orgasm she'd anticipated all day began to flow through her. Her toes curled and her pussy tightened around her fingers as the warm water tickled her aching nipples and her lust addled mind filled with images of fucking.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She went back to <<print $mc.name>> and him whipping his cock out of Ashley. She'd stretched out, her legs sliding along his hips as she sat on the floor. <<print $mc.name>> had stroked his cock and exploded, all over her face. Ashely coed delightedly as he leaned forward and sprayed his cum on her tongue.
<P class="notation_text"> Something happened and the image replayed, except this time it was <<print $mom.name>> on the couch. It was her taking that pounding and when <<print $mc.name>> withdrew she had rolled over onto her back imploring him to come all over his <<print $mom.rel>>'s tits.
<P class="notation_text"> As the imaginary <<print $mc.name>> stroked his cock and the first warm jet of sticky white fluid struck her nipple, <<print $mom.name>> threw her head back and released a long loud wail. Her hips thrust wildly beneath the water and she cried out repeatedly as the most powerful orgasm she could remember crashed through her.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_4_4">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/79.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-3-love.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'She started responding and put her hand on his chest, trying to pull him into a soft kiss. she gave a squeal of surprise and grabbed onto his crotch. They whispered together for a minute.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-3-lust.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$kp.name feels his fingers on her labia and clit.
-- Oh, <<print $mom.call>>, you are so incredibly wet! -- $pp.name whispers hoarsely. $mom.name is also pleasantly surprised about it, it has been years since she was so moist down there...
$pp.name s fingers slide practiced over his <<print $mom.call>> s clit, it gets harder and harder, she moans with pleasure.'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/liv-3-tab.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name made her way towards the kitchen, she heard voices coming from there, one of which belonged to $kp.name. Intrigued, she approached silently. What she saw left her in disbelief. Her heart raced, her body frozen in place. She saw $mc.name there, and $kp.name walked up to him. Overwhelmed, $mom.name covered her eyes with her hand, closed her eyes briefly, then quietly exited the scene, whispering to herself, -- I can t see my $mc.call naked. --'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[2] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Midday-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/20.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> It must have shown on her face, because Gary had asked if she were alright and instead of saying yes and closing her eyes and letting him have her, passing the point of no return by having him inside her, she had asked him to wait.
<P class="notation_text"> The second she did, she knew it was over. He couldn't hide his disappointment as he rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed. Feeling like an idiot she'd started babbling about how she'd lost her husband and was trying to get back into enjoying life, but it was hard and...
<P class="notation_text"> That night faded in her mind as suddenly as if a door had been slammed. She remembered she'd ended up apologising repeatedly as she'd gotten dressed and Gary being a gentleman. He didn't not give her any grief and gave her his number if she wanted to get together again.
<P class="notation_text"> But now it was the present that had her attention and in the present she was playing with her tits and staring at her body as if she were lusting for herself. She was a sexy woman. Her tits were perfect for her body and felt and looked damn good.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/16.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Sliding her hands down her stomach as if there were a lover behind her. She turned around and watched over her shoulder as she wriggled out of them.
<P class="notation_text"> Like her bra, her black panties were plain but still hugged her ass nicely. <<print $mom.name>> shimmied the rest of the way out of the shorts then turned to face the mirror again as she eased her panties up.
<P class="notation_text"> The small patch of hair just over her pussy was moist to the touch and as her fingers trailed through it, a shiver went through her. Her fingers slid between her wet lips and she moaned when she glided over her swollen clit.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/17.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> pusher her panties down to her hips imagining the view it would give the lover she so badly needed. Her sweet little ass cheeks framing her pink wet, and so fucking neglected, pussy.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> straightened and licked her lips, giving her reflection a lascivious wink. "Like them?" She cupped her breasts once more. "You like my titties, baby? You want to suck them? What about my pussy?" She inquired of her mirror image. "You want to spread my lips and shove your tongue into my wet fucking cunt?"
<P class="notation_text"> Cunt. She never used that word, but for some reason the fact she'd said it out loud excited her. <<print $mom.name>> was breathing hard and her breasts were heaving. At various points of the evening she'd been strangely horny, but right now she felt absolutely wanton and wished there was someone there to enjoy it.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 3>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bathroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Living Afternoon -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-13.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was in the living room, diligently cleaning the floor. <<print $mom.rel>>s and <<print $mc.rel>>s. <<print $mom.name>> looked back at the TV. <<print $mc.name>> had mentioned he'd found the movie in a box in the closet. Rising from the floor, she walked over to the TV which had a DVD player built into it and ejected the disc.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Loving <<print $mom.rel>>s volume two." She read aloud. <<print $mc.name>> had lied; he'd said it didn't have a name on it.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> went to the closet and opened the door and saw it was empty except for a cardboard box on the floor. Squatting, <<print $mom.name>> peered into the box. There were two stacks of DVD's and several old video cassettes still with the bulky plastic cases.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/130.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Taboo, Taboo Two, Mama's Boys, A <<print $mom.rel>>'s craving," she read the titles on top aloud.
<P class="notation_text"> Reaching into the box, <<print $mom.name>> picked up a stack and flipped them back into the box one by one. Good <<print $mom.call>>'s Do, If Dad only knew, Let <<print $mom.call>> be your girl, Tempting <<print $mom.call>>s.
<P class="notation_text"> Every DVD was <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.rel>> material. The Videos were no different. Man of the house, The Lust of a <<print $mom.rel>>. One titled at the feet of my <<print $mom.rel>> showed a young man licking an older woman's feet.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>>'s all tied up and <<print $mom.call>>'s bound to Please featured women tied to the bed while a young man stared lustily down at them, their cocks hard and ready to plunder their helpless '<<print $mom.rel>>s'
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_14_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">
Dear Patreons,
I want to extend our sincerest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support. Your commitment to our project means the world to us, and I am incredibly grateful for your continued enthusiasm.
As a token of my appreciation, I am excited to offer you early access to my upcoming releases. While you may not have access to the full games just yet, I hope this sneak peek will give you a taste of what's to come. Your feedback and support are invaluable to me as we work to bring you the best possible gaming experience.
Thank you once again for being part of my journey. I couldn't do it without you!
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="enter_button">
<p><<print passage()>></p>
<!-- Myroom evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/134.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stood in front of her dressing table's mirror and began taking off her t-shirt, she slipped on the first bra which was white. When she slipped the dress back on, she frowned. The white lace bra showed clearly through the flimsy dress. What was she thinking? She needed to change her dress.
<P class="notation_text"> Shaking her head caused her hair to drift in front of her face and reaching up she gathered it in her hand to pull it back. Staring at herself in the mirror she saw the dress had ridden up to show off the still flat stomach she was proud of.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/135.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was proud of her body too, he'd told her so. He'd also told her how sexy she was and how it turned him on that his friends wanted to fuck her.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> sucked on her lower lip at the idea some of <<print $mc.name>>'s good looking friends may have laid there in her house and jacked off to the idea of her sucking their hard young dicks and fucking them.
<P class="notation_text"> The pendant grew warm again, but at the moment she wasn't concerned with it. <<print $mom.name>> reached down to grab a clip for her hair, the decided why not leave it down? After all, her <<print $mc.rel>> had just told her how much sexier she looked with it down.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/137.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He liked her dress too, so why should she change it? He'd even admitted how he liked her long legs and ass in the too tight shorts. With a smile, <<print $mom.name>> nodded to her reflection and left the room to go downstairs.
<P class="notation_text"> She supposed she should be concerned the movers would stare at her, but who cared? If her <<print $mc.rel>> was proud of her body, shouldn't she be? More importantly, shouldn't she look good for her boy?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"That's it, <<print $mom.name>>," the sibilant voice cooed in her mind. "A good <<print $mom.rel>> always wants to look sexy for her <<print $mc.rel>>."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Patreon">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/27.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> Her pussy convulsed around her fingers and her clit sent electric currents of pleasure through her. The image of <<print $mc.name>> coming on her tits was vivid in her mind and even as she continued to writhe in pleasure she moaned, "Oh, no."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Oh, yes. This is what you wanted that night and ever since. This is why you don't let yourself remember. You should remember, there's nothing wrong with a <<print $mom.rel>> wanting to be her <<print $mc.call>>'s lover and every good boy wants to take care of his <<print $mom.call>> in every way."
<P class="notation_text">The voice was not harsh or spiteful, but purred the words encouragingly and as <<print $mom.name>> lay there, gasping for breath, her body trembling from the strength of her climax, it added.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice"> "Good girl, this is the first step to knowing what you want."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/29.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was too relaxed to form a response. After cleaning herself, she simply closed her eyes, smiled, and allowed herself to slip into the peaceful oblivion of sleep.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> opened her eyes and wondered how long she'd lain asleep in the tub. The water was now cool and she could see the full moon above her through the skylight. Her legs were still draped over the tub, spread wide and she counted herself lucky her head hadn't slid under the water while she slept.
<P class="notation_text"> Slipping her legs down, she sat up and flipped the lever to allow the tub to start draining. She stood up and quickly put her hand against the wall to keep her balance. The bathroom spun and a dull throbbing was beginning in her head.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/32.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> carefully stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. As she patted herself dry she stared into the bathroom mirror. The pendant seemed duller than it had before, was the thing some kind of damn mood stone?
<P class="notation_text"> She put her hand around it and it no longer felt warm as it had previously. She thought about taking it off, but then let it go. It was beautiful and she liked how it looked on her fair skin. <<print $mom.name>> was going to wrap the towel around herself to go into her room, but why do that?
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 4>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bathroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Hmm, that cock is going to feel so good when you slide it in after you make me come in my baby's face."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $pp.name>> all but dove between her legs and she cried out when he buried his face in her pussy. <<print $mom.name>> watched him suck her clit with lip smacking gusto and the woman wrapped her legs around him, locking her ankles over his back, pinning his face to her pussy.
<P class="notation_text"> Her heart was racing and once more her body was responding to the scene before her. The woman had her eyes closed, moaning softly as her <<print $mc.call>> went down on her. Her eyes then opened and turning her head towards <<print $mom.name>> she smiled.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "See this, <<print $mom.name>>?" she reached down and placed her hand in her <<print $mc.call>>'s hair as he continued to suck her pussy. "Know how it started? By me watching my <<print $mc.call>> have sex. Just like you did."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/35.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No." she shook her head.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "And look at me now. Getting my twat licked by my young beautiful <<print $mc.call>>. Getting his hard cock anytime I want it. He's so good to me, <<print $mom.name>>!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm dreaming."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "You are," she agreed, "Dreaming of what could be. This could be you. You want it to be you, you know you do."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's not true!" she snapped. "I don't want my <<print $mc.call>>! That's sick, that's..."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/lick.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She was cut off by the blonde emitting a squeal and writhing in ecstasy on the bed. She spread her legs around <<print $pp.name>> 's head and opened her quivering pussy for his face. Her eyes were wide and her mouth open as she yelped and squealed while her <<print $mc.call>> licked her to orgasm.
<P class="notation_text"> Despite her objections, <<print $mom.name>>'s nipples stiffened and the pendant was heating up against her skin again making her think it was somehow reflecting her body's reactions. When she groaned softly and let her legs fall from <<print $pp.name>> 's shoulders, he sat up on her knees between her legs.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/fuck.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> His cock was hard and ready, but even as he leaned over, preparing to enter her, the woman spoke to <<print $mom.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp"><<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Stop being a damn lawyer, <<print $mom.name>>." She gasped when her <<print $mc.call>> entered her and as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, she smiled, "Some laws are meant to be broken."
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 4>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/37.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Honey, can you turn around for a second? I want to sit up and..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You're naked." His eyes widened and he blushed as if he hadn't meant to say it.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes, I was born that way, just like you," she joked, but her thoughts went back to the way he seemed to be looking at her a minute ago. "Too tired to get dressed after the tub."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> nodded and turned away, <<print $mom.name>> swiftly sat up on the bed. She grabbed her t-shirt and hastily pulled it over her head, ensuring she was decently covered before adjusting herself. As it had last night the movement of her reflection in the mirror caught her eye. She glanced over and found herself staring at <<print $mc.name>> who was facing the mirror.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/38.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She quickly covered her exposed breasts, and for what was probably exposed only a few seconds, but still more hesitation than there should have been, she didn't move. Her eyes were on his and his were. on her breasts. His gaze shifted and for a momenttheir eyes met.
<P class="notation_text"> She turned, and leaned back against the headboard, but her mind was racing. There was no doubt <<print $mc.name>> had been staring at her tits, and for a brief <<print $mom.call>>ent, she had let him.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "How do you know they were people that lived here?" <<print $mom.name>> stayed on topic and <<print $mc.name>> answered so quickly she knew he was grateful she hadn't called out his looking at her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "The names <<print $bp.name>> and Paul. I remember them from when I looked up the house."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/40.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So those were the only two you saw?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was now disturbed for reasons other than her and her <<print $mc.call>> being caught in an awkward momentreminiscent of some stupid porn script. <<print $mc.name>> had seen the same two boys she had seen.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, just them, but not at the same time. Why'd you ask? You have weird dreams too?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I was so out of it I don't remember anything from laying down to you waking me up," she lied. She felt bad doing it, but she didn't need <<print $mc.name>>'s mind racing, hers was going to be, but let her be the one to think this through.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So what were they doing?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_6_2">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "They were just talking," He looked at her uneasily and continued hurriedly, telling her he was lying. "Just saying haunted house stuff, like welcome and I was going to have fun here, like they did."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $bp.name>> was shot in the head!" She blurted out.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, it was a crazy dream." He grinned. "I may have had a little too much wine too, that shit was pretty damn good."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "A little too good." <<print $mom.name>> muttered, recalling her out of control lust and knowing full well he'd been having a lewd dream of his own.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/41.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The fact his dream was of the same scenario she had thought about bothered her. It was as strange as the fact they'd both dreamt of the house's former occupants. Odd he'd only seen the <<print $mc.call>>s though. Odd, but good. <<print $mc.name>> didn't need dreams of <<print $mc.call>>s doing unnatural things to their <<print $mom.rel>>s.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, anyway. The movers will be here so I figured I'd get you up. I put the rest of the pans away and cut down all the boxes. I'm going to head back downstairs and unpack my laptop and put my stuff in my room."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, I'll get down early enough to make breakfast." She shrugged. "Well, cereal and eggs is all we have for now. I'm going to go into town and do some grocery shopping later today."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I had some cheerios already." <<print $mc.name>> told her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/39.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She was trying to fix her t-shirt. His eyes lingered on her chest and <<print $mom.name>> wondered if he were trying to see her breast.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What are you looking at?" Please don't answer what you're really looking at.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That necklace," he said to her relief. "It looks good on you."
<P class="notation_text"> He leaned over and to her surprise took it in his hand. He held it there, just over the edge of her t-shirt and <<print $mom.name>> had an insane urge to pull it down. Okay, she was no longer drunk, what the fuck was going on?
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_6_3">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's beautiful." <<print $mc.name>> spoke softly and his eyes had a distant look to them, as if he were seeing something more than the pendent.
<P class="notation_text"> Still holding the pendent he caught her off guard by giving her a soft, sweet kiss on the cheek.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Just like you." He gave her another kiss and this time his lips came close to grazing hers, kissing her just to the right of her mouth. "I love you, <<print $mom.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I love you too," she replied, touched by the display of affection.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry I've been an ass lately." <<print $mc.name>> let the pendent go, but kept speaking. "I shouldn't give you a hard time. A good <<print $mc.call>> is always good to his <<print $mom.rel>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/43.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I appreciate that," she spoke slowly, not thrilled with his choice of words after her dreams.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I appreciate you and should show it more. Show it anyway I can."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then just be less miserable, can you do that for me?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll do anything you want, <<print $mom.call>>," he told her with that strange look in his eyes. "Anything."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/44.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Well you can start by letting me get ready so I can go downstairs and help you."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure." He sounded reluctant, but stepped back from her. As soon as he did his eyes seemed to regain their focus. "See you soon."
<P class="notation_text"> He turned and headed for the door. Stopping in the doorway, he turned to look at her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span>"You really are a beautiful <<print $mom.call>>. You should let someone take care of you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So should you."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> He shrugged, "Who knows, maybe we'll just keep taking care of each other."
<P class="notation_text"> He closed the door behind him and <<print $mom.name>> rubbed her temple. What was going on here? <<print $mc.name>> had seemed like there was a stranger meaning behind his words than there should be. He had been looking at her breasts, no doubt about it and had been staring at her body when she was laying down.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[2] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/48.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $bp.name>> and <<print $mp.name>> , the last tenants. <<print $pp.name>> and...? <<print $mom.name>> forced herself to relax and count backwards from twenty to one. It was something she'd started in college and for some reason it always helped reset her thoughts when working on a case.
<P class="notation_text"> She replayed <<print $gf.name>>'s account of the various events of the house. <<print $pp.name>> was the <<print $mc.call>> who had vanished with his <<print $mom.rel>>, <<print $kp.name>> . The blond must have been <<print $kp.name>> . In the dream <<print $pp.name>> had worried about being caught by his father. <<print $kp.name>> and <<print $pp.name>> had vanished, only to turn up months later in California.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd been convinced the only reason a <<print $mom.rel>> would take her <<print $mc.call>> and run was because of an abusive father, but when she had said that, <<print $gf.name>> had smirked and asked "Is it?" She'd also said she kept in touch with <<print $kp.name>> .
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/49.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Was her dream true? Had <<print $kp.name>> had some type of incestuous relationship with her <<print $mc.call>> and they ran away to be together? And <<print $gf.name>> knew it?
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No," she said aloud. "This is crazy."
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> was not superstitious, but did believe that places where negative or sad events had taken place could hold a charge of sorts. Maybe in her exhausted and inebriated state she'd picked up something.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Now, that's crazier than a <<print $mc.call>> banging his <<print $mom.rel>>." She spoke aloud again, another habit when she debated the findings of a case.
<P class="notation_text"> Her eyes landed on the pendent. There was something strange about it. The wine had affected her, but she'd gone into a frenzy of lust once she'd put it on and it had definitely changed colour and temperature.
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/50.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> When <<print $mc.name>> had held it, he'd gotten strange. Way too affectionate.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Now, what <<print $mom.name>>? A talisman? A curse that makes you horny?"
<P class="notation_text"> She tried to laugh, but couldn't. Well this would be easy enough to prove. <<print $mom.name>> reached behind her neck and fumbled with the clasp trying to open it.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, come on," she muttered when the clasp wouldn't budge.
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> spun the chain around her neck so she could see what she was doing in the mirror. She was able to get a firm grip on the clasp with her fingernail, but again it wouldn't move.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/53.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Fighting off a growing unease, she turned it back around and pulled the pendant forward. The chain had some length to it and <<print $mom.name>> lifted it by the pendant, pulling it over her chin. The emerald rubbed her lips and it was warm against them.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> looked into the mirror and noticed the pendant was close to even with her emerald earrings. They were an exact match and it looked good on her. More importantly <<print $mc.name>> had said it was beautiful. Not just the pendent, but she was beautiful as well.
<P class="notation_text"> He'd kissed her so sweetly and looked at her with an adoration in his eyes she hadn't seen since he was young and really was her baby. If <<print $mc.name>> liked it on her shouldn't she keep it on? Shouldn't she want her boy to find her beautiful?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/52.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The pendant brought out her eyes as well, calling attention to her most stunning feature. When he was young <<print $mc.name>> had always said, "Mommy, you have such pretty eyes!" <<print $mom.name>> had gotten a glimpse of that sweet boy today and it started with a compliment to her new accessory.
<P class="notation_text"> Why would she want to lose that by taking it off? No, she'd been missing that side of him since Steven's death and wasn't going to throw it away. <<print $mom.name>> pushed the pendant back down and held it close to her chest.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "My boy thinks I'm beautiful." She smiled at herself, taking in her perfect tits and her adorable pink nipples. They really were sexy and so was she and it was time to act that way.
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/58.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He referred to it as 'playful' and that was a pretty good description because on the few occasions she'd worn it they always played. <<print $mom.name>> sucked on her lower lip at the memory of the last time she'd worn it.
<P class="notation_text"> They'd gone on a weekend trip up to Maine and <<print $mom.name>> had worn the dress for him. Steven had spent all day staring at her legs and remarking how he kept hoping for a breeze because the dress was so short it wouldn't take much to expose the cheeks of her ass.
<P class="notation_text"> That was why she only wore it when they were away or around the house if <<print $mc.name>> wasn't around. The dress wasn't just short, it was borderline inappropriate to wear in public and certainly nothing she'd wear in front of her <<print $mc.call>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/56.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> But she was going to wear it now. She stopped at that thought. Why was she going to put it on? Not only was it a little short to have <<print $mc.name>> around, but the movers were also working here. <<print $mom.name>> had never been one to like to tease, unless she was somewhere no one knew her and for her husband's benefit.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"You wore it to look good for your man, why not wear it now to look good for your boy?."
<P class="notation_text">That soft voice whispered in her ear again and <<print $mom.name>>'s stomach tightened because unlike that night she was stone cold sober.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Don't blame the wine and don't act like these aren't your thoughts. They've been there ever since that day you watched your <<print $mc.call>> only now, they're coming to the surface."
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/59.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Of course they were her thoughts, what did she think, that someone was in her head? That she was possessed by a horny ghost in a house with a weird history?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Exactly, now stop worrying and go back to that hot sexy memory of the last time you put on your slutty little dress."
<P class="notation_text"> As if the words conjured it, <<print $mom.name>> saw the climax of that day. She sprawled out on the kitchen table because Steven couldn't even wait to get into the bedroom. Her dress shoved down to allow her braless tits to bounce wildly as he hammered away at her.
<P class="notation_text"> The bottom of the dress was over her hips, leaving her with a band of green material bunched around her waist as she put her sandal clad feet on her husband's shoulders as he fucked her so hard the table eventually broke.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/60.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She'd remained on the table top, now on the bed, the broken legs lying beneath it with Steven now over her, his hands on either side of her thighs.
<P class="notation_text"> The fall had only stopped him long enough to slip back inside her and he continued to fuck her until he whipped his cock out and sprayed his hot load all over his favorite place, her tits and nipples.
<P class="notation_text"> As <<print $mom.name>> remained on her knees, the memory of how good his hot sticky cum felt on her sensitive nipples, fading, something dawned on her. That had been how <<print $gf.name>> looked yesterday, on her back her dress around her waist, tits out, legs up, just getting fucked.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sold!" She giggled and put the dress on the bed.
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/63.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> What are you talking about? As soon as the thought entered her mind, <<print $mom.name>> cursed at herself for being stupid. Who the hell was she asking? These were just her thoughts. Maybe the wine and the weird <<print $mom.call>> <<print $mc.call>> dreams were having a lingering effect on her.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Maybe there's a reason your baby boy loves green on his <<print $mom.call>>my. Maybe that reason is why he wants Ashley to wear it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Shut up," she whispered, putting her fingers to her temples.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Ever notice how much Ashley looks like you?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> remained on her knees on the floor, the bra in her hand and her head pounding. The pendant was warm between her breasts and she swore it was pulsing in time with her heartbeat. Take the damn thing off.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/64.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She put her hand on it and went to slide it over her head. <<print $mom.name>> frowned when it wouldn't go past her chin. It seemed to have plenty of play in the chain to easily go over her head. She tried again, then rolling her eyes, she spun it around so it was lying between her shoulder blades.
<P class="notation_text"> She found the clasp with her fingers and fumbled with it. She could feel the small lever, but when she pushed back on it, it wouldn't budge. The damn thing was stuck. An irrational fear went through her that it didn't want to come off.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Get a grip," she said aloud. "It's stuck, just let <<print $mc.name>> take it off."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> pulled the chain around so the pendant would be in front again. As she let it fall, it dropped across her right breast and she gasped as her nipple hardened and a warm pleasant shiver went through her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/65.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She put her hand over the green stone and her mind was filled with another memory of the green dress. In fact it was the first time she wore it. They had gone to a party and Steven-and many guys for that matter-couldn't take his eyes off her.
<P class="notation_text"> They'd planned on having a good time so they took a cab there so they didn't have to worry. They'd drank more than they'd had in years and danced the entire time. <<print $mom.name>> was showing herself off, dancing lewdly and grinding into her very happy husband.
<P class="notation_text"> They'd been horny all night and when the cab dropped them off they all but ran into the bedroom. They'd had fucked right in the living room, but <<print $mc.name>> was home.
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<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-9.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> As soon as they were in the room they were kissing and Steven's hands were all over her. He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. He'd lifted her dress over her head as she removed her bra. She stood there moaning as he sucked on her sensitive nipples and watched in the mirror over her dresser as her husband devoured her breasts like it was the first time he'd seen them.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd been wearing the thong she had just found. After a few minutes of her husband pleasuring her nipples with his skilled tongue, she dropped to her knees and unsnapping his jeans pushed them down his hips.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd taken his cock into her mouth and like he had with her tits, sucked it like a slutty one night stand rather than a wife of twenty years. She pushed his chest so he'd sit on the bed and continued giving him a blow job that would put a porn star to shame.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/66.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> spit on his cock, slurped it back up and was making sloppy wet gagging sounds that really did sound like the audio from an x-rated movie. She'd been moaning and wiggling her ass as blowing him was getting her hotter and wetter by the minute.
<P class="notation_text"> Steven had grabbed her by the hair and thrust his hips, fucking his wife's mouth like she was the slut she was acting like. Within a minute he groaned her name and shot a huge load into her eager mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s heart skipped a beat when her mind's eye had replaced Steven with <<print $mc.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> It was now her <<print $mc.call>> filling her mouth with cum and whimpering, "Oh, <<print $mom.call>>!"
<P class="notation_text"> The visual quickly reverted back to Steven. He had barely finished when he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to her feet so fast, cum spilled from her mouth all over her tits. He quickly reversed their position and pulled the thong to the side, licked her to a screaming orgasm.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/67.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> In the midst of that orgasm, it happened again. It was now <<print $mc.name>> kneeling between her legs, licking away and shoving two fingers into her sloppy cunt while she clamped her thighs around his head and cried out his name.
<P class="notation_text"> Steven returned and it was as if they'd turned back the clock because even though she came quickly, he was hard and ready. He stood, lifted her legs and hammered away at her. <<print $mom.name>> had played with her nipples, then rubbed her clit as her husband gave her the hardest fucking he had in years.
<P class="notation_text"> Her fingers danced across her swollen button and when it was <<print $mc.name>>, not Steven fucking her, <<print $mom.name>> came with her head back, mouth wide open and her feet pressed into his chest. She urged him to lie back, and as soon as he had, she straddled his hips and rode him like a bull at a rodeo.
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<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-10.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> As she remained on the bed, breathing hard and unable to push away the images, <<print $mom.name>> was alternately riding her husband, then her <<print $mc.call>>. Both of them were moaning and bucking their hips, Steven calling her name and <<print $mc.name>> calling her <<print $mom.call>> even as she was impaled on his cock.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> from memory was putting on a show for both her men, playing with her nipples and working her hips wildly as she worked for her prize.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Yes, both your men, the one who loved and lusted for you and now the only one who can take his place."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/68.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> received the prize she'd been fighting for, a nice hot load shooting deep into her sopping slit. As she continued to ride him, contracting her pussy around him and milking him for every drop as he moaned beneath her, <<print $mc.name>> had returned and remained as she turned and looked at them in the mirror again, smiling at how sexy she looked and loving how sexy her <<print $mc.call>> had made her feel.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Stop it!" <<print $mom.name>> jumped to her feet and threw the green thong back into the drawer as if it had burned her.
<P class="notation_text"> She added the dress and slamming the lid shut pushed the drawer back with, wincing as she stubbed her toe. <<print $mom.name>> turned away from the bed and went over to her dresser, pulling a black skirts from a drawer and a matching sleeveless top.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/69.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> As she stepped into the shorts, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her skin was flushed and her eyes bright. Even brighter was the pendant. It seemed since she'd put it on anytime she got excited or aroused it grew brighter.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd also been aroused almost constantly since she'd put it on.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Right, a horny stone," she muttered to her reflection.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> wriggled into the shorts which fit her snugly and realised this wasn't the pair she wanted. They were also part of her 'not safe for work or home' collection, Steven had referred to her fun sexy clothes as.
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/73.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was sitting on the cot and watching the TV she'd noticed on an old table against the wall. On the screen was a woman on her knees, getting pounded hard by the man behind her.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice_2">
"Oh, fuck, baby! Oh, you're giving it to me so good!" The woman cried out as her dark eyes stared at the screen, her red painted lips parted as she moaned and yelped from the pounding she was receiving.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> noticed the woman was much older than the young man behind her and it reminded her of <<print $cliff.name>> fucking <<print $gf.name>>. Just like she had yesterday, <<print $mom.name>> didn't move, but simply watched the scene from behind <<print $mc.name>> who was oblivious to her presence.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/2/porn.gif'">
<P class="notation_text"> The woman's large breasts were swinging back and forth and her round ass jiggled as her lover hammered her with an enthusiasm <<print $mom.name>> had fond memories of and would give anything to experience again, and soon.
<P class="notation_text"> The young man dealt her a playful slap that caused her ass to jiggle even more and the sound of both the slap and her yelp of surprise caused her to swallow hard and try to ignore the warm moist feeling growing between her legs. God, it seemed like she'd been wet more than not on the day they'd been in the house.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice_2">
"Oh, you like that?" The woman looked over her shoulder, at her lover.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/2/p-3.gif'">
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice_2">
"I do." He moaned and spanked the other side of her ass. "It's like role reversal."
<P class="notation_text"> Role reversal? Not something <<print $mom.name>> would expect to hear in a porn, but her attention was now drawn to the ever increasing heat of the pendent. Like it had last night, it wasn't just warming up but seemed to be pulsing.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice_2">
"Yeah, baby?" The woman on the screen laughed. "You getting back at your <<print $mom.rel>> for all the times she spanked you?"
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/74.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.rel>>, the word seemed to echo in her mind. The boy was fucking his <<print $mom.rel>>. <<print $mc.name>> was watching <<print $mom.rel>> <<print $mc.call>> porn. <<print $mom.name>> watched the couple continue to fuck, with the '<<print $mom.rel>>' now rolling onto her back and putting her feet on her <<print $mc.call>>s chest while he resumed pounding her.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Just like you saw <<print $mc.name>> fucking you as like your dream. Looks good, doesn't it <<print $mom.call>>my?"
<P class="notation_text"> She shook her head and swore she heard that strange giggle again in the back of her mind.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"<<print $mc.name>> seems to think so, or don't you see his hand moving?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/76.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> That comment drew her attention from the screen and back to <<print $mc.name>>. Her <<print $mc.call>> was leaning forward, and his arm was moving up and down. She couldn't see between his legs from where she was, but there was no doubt of what he was doing.
<P class="notation_text"> What the hell, she rationalised. He was a young man with no girlfriend; of course he'd watch porn.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Mommy porn?" The giggle again, "An internet full of porn, but this is what he watches? This is what he's into?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/2/p-4.gif'">
<P class="notation_text"> He's not into it for that, she argued. It's just a hot scene and...
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice_2">
"Yes! Fuck me!" The woman cried out. "Fuck your <<print $mom.rel>>'s hot cunt and shoot that hot fucking load all over my slutty face!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That's it," <<print $mc.name>> groaned in front of her. "Fuck your <<print $mom.rel>>, cum all over her..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $mom.name>> shouted, startling herself almost as much as him with how loud and forceful that one word had come out.
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/77.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Startled, <<print $mc.name>> jumped to his feet and fumbled with his underwear, tucking himself back in. There was a flash of movement to her left. <<print $mom.name>> turned her head to see it was just <<print $mc.name>>'s reflection in the mirror over the old dresser on the other side of the room.
<P class="notation_text"> For a brief momentshe caught sight of his cock, his still hard cock, before he shoved it out of sight.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Not like you haven't seen it before, <<print $mom.call>>my"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/80.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What the hell are you doing?" <<print $mom.name>> demanded, focusing on <<print $mc.name>> rather than the voice she kept telling herself was hers and the product of stress.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> kept his back to her. "Pretty much what it looked like I was doing."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "The movers are coming soon and you decide you have to jerk.." She caught herself. "Do that now?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Movers are due in an hour today." He turned to face her, an embarrassed grin on his face. "It doesn't take that long."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice_2">
"Oh fuck yeah, give <<print $mom.call>>my that cum!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/79.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The video was still playing and <<print $mom.name>> turned to see 'mom' on her knees, her mouth wide open and her tongue wagging as her <<print $mc.call>> jerked his cock over her face. <<print $mom.name>> reached down and grabbed the remote, pointing it at the TV.
<P class="notation_text"> She hesitated when his cock erupted and a long thick stream of cum splattered onto her tongue. 'Mom' pushed the cum out of her mouth, sending it drooling down her chin even as several more spurts splattered on her cheeks and sprayed into her mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s nipples stiffened when the camera showed cum flowing down her chest and over her breasts and could feel her face flushing and not from embarrassment as <<print $mc.name>>'s had. Before her, the woman grabbed her <<print $mc.call>>'s balls and took over stroking his now barely dripping cock.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/2/p-5.gif'">
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice_2">
"All of it, baby," she purred through her cum coated lips. "Give <<print $mom.call>>my every dr..."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> thumbed the off button so hard her knuckle popped and rearing back, she threw the remote across the room where it broke into pieces against the wall.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Whoa!" <<print $mc.name>> exclaimed. "What the fuck, <<print $mom.call>>?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What the fuck?" <<print $mom.name>> jabbed her finger into his chest. "First off, you don't talk to me like that. Second? I'm the one who should be asking what the fuck?"
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<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/81.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Jeez, I'm sorry. I thought I could act like an adult seeing I am one." He winced and rubbed his chest where she'd poked him. "And not for nothing, I had the door closed and you just barged in."
<P class="notation_text"> Even while <<print $mom.name>> glared at him angrily, her eyes dropped down to his crotch. <<print $mc.name>>'s jeans were on the tighter side and there was a large bulge where his obviously still hard cock strained against the fabric. Why was he still hard? She was standing here yelling at him!
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Why are you noticing he's still hard?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I didn't think you'd be stroking your goddamn cock before noon with a lot of work to do."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/82.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow, and you want me to watch my mouth?" <<print $mc.name>> looked legitimately surprised at her language. She'd never spoken like that in front of him before.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You didn't mind watching his <<print $mom.call>>my's mouth did you?" She demanded. "Sitting here telling him to fuck his <<print $mom.rel>>? Her telling her <<print $mc.call>> to cum in her slutty face?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It was just a movie."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "About a <<print $mc.call>> fucking his <<print $mom.rel>>!" She shouted at him. "You don't think that's wrong?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's fake." He seemed confused at her anger. "They're actors, it's not like he was really her <<print $mc.call>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/83.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But the fantasy is real!" <<print $mom.name>> ranted. "People watch what they wish they could do!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Calm down, <<print $mom.call>>." <<print $mc.name>> put his hands up as if surrendering. "It's just a DVD I found in a box and decided to put it in. It didn't have a case. I had no idea what it was."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But you kept watching it and were about to blow a load to it, weren't you?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, have you had any more of that wine?" He wasn't smiling. "Because you're really getting carried away."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/84.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "When a <<print $mom.rel>> sees her <<print $mc.call>> with his cock in his hand and telling a guy in a movie to fuck his <<print $mom.rel>> its worth getting mad about!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, I..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Do you want to fuck me, <<print $mc.name>>?" She blinked as soon as the words left her mouth and wondered where the hell that had come from.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> stood there stunned, his dark eyes wide and his mouth gaping. "W...what did you say?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You were pretty into it there, baby boy," she continued as if she had no control over her words. "You've been thinking about it? Been thinking about fucking your lonely <<print $mom.rel>> and being the man of the house?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_10_5">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/85.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom!" He raised his voice over hers. "Knock it off, that's....Christ, you sound just like that movie."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then you should like it." She spread her arms out. "Like what you see, <<print $mc.name>>? Is that it? Have you been seeing me differently lately? You want a piece of your <<print $mom.rel>>'s ass?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, please stop."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Maybe it's about getting back at me? Shoving your cock in your <<print $mom.rel>>'s mouth to shut her up and fucking that snotty bitch? Maybe if you fuck me I'll stop being such a cunt? Maybe..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Shut up!" <<print $mc.name>> grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Stop talking like that!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/87.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why? You liked that <<print $mom.rel>> talking dirty!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "She's not my <<print $mom.rel>> and neither are you right now!" His anger seemed to fade and <<print $mom.name>> was shocked to see his eyes filling up. "Please stop talking like this."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I..." <<print $mom.name>> stepped back from him and put her hands to her face. "Oh, my God!" She gasped. "What the hell am I saying?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I don't know, but just stop, okay?" <<print $mc.name>> implored her, his voice cracking. "You're scaring me, <<print $mom.call>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/88.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry, honey." <<print $mom.name>> was choking up herself. "I don't know what just came over me."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"But you know who you want coming over, don't you?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, you don't look so hot." <<print $mc.name>> patted the bed. "Why don't you sit down?"
<P class="notation_text"> She felt like herself again, but still had no idea why she'd been so upset.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Honey, I think I need some rest," She expressed, releasing a long breath. With that, she headed to her room.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 10>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[7] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[6] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/93.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You're going to lie, aren't you?"
<P class="notation_text"> Another tingle, no doubt about it now.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Last night when <<print $gf.name>> and I were talking she said some kind of weird things."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Like what?" <<print $mc.name>> had kept his hand in hers and <<print $mom.name>> was grateful her outburst hadn't made him afraid to be close to her.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You mentioned some of the things that happened here." When he nodded, she continued. "<<print $gf.name>> brought them up and some things you hadn't."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/94.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Bad things?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "A couple, but most were just odd. But they all have a recurring theme."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Besides asshole guys?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes, the men were part of some of the things, but not others and..." Did she really want to voice these thoughts?
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "And what?" <<print $mc.name>> prodded.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/95.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>> was saying odd things about <<print $mom.rel>>s and <<print $mc.call>>s."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Like what?" <<print $mc.name>>'s eyes narrowed and had that intense look he'd inherited from his father whenever he was thinking something through.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "She mentioned that movie taboo and then kept making little remarks about <<print $mom.rel>>s and <<print $mc.call>>s being very close."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Like that kind of close?" He pointed to the TV.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Not directly, but she said things like taking care of their <<print $mom.rel>>s in every way and man of the house type comments. I think she was implying it and waiting for me to comment."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/96.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Huh, interesting." <<print $mc.name>> stroked his chin. Another classic Steven move.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Not really," She shrugged. "But <<print $gf.name>> was drinking a lot too, so maybe she wasn't making sense and I admit I was buzzed big time."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So <<print $gf.name>> hinting at something kinky set you off?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It was more than that." <<print $mom.name>> took the plunge. "The murder suicide. All the bodies were found in the <<print $mc.call>>'s bedroom."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_11_2">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/97.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why was a <<print $mom.rel>> in her <<print $mc.call>>'s room at midnight?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Talking?" <<print $mc.name>> suggested. "When dad was sick and right after he passed, you'd come in my room late to see if I was okay and wanted to talk."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "True." Hearing him say it made her wonder why she hadn't considered that. "But why kill them there? What set him off?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Article said he had lost a good job, taken a shitty one and was a big time drunk." <<print $mc.name>> put his hand up. "Had one too many, was mad at the world and just lost his shit." He winked. "Case closed councillor."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But why kill his wife and <<print $mc.call>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Where are you going with this?" <<print $mc.name>> asked, his eyes focused on hers.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/98.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What if they were lovers?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "The <<print $mom.call>> and <<print $mc.call>>?" <<print $mc.name>>'s eyes now widened. "Why would you think that?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "The scene read like a classic crime of passion," she admitted. "Textbook perfect."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> stroked his chin again, mulling over her words, and she continued trying to justify her actions.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I went to bed thinking about that and then all the things <<print $gf.name>> said about <<print $mom.rel>>s and <<print $mc.call>>s and I was drunk and...I had a strange dream."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/99.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "About what?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> She released a sigh and took the plunge. "I had a dream about them and they were...doing things."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Doing things? That's more like my prude of a <<print $mom.call>>." <<print $mc.name>> said, but his smile seemed forced.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What's that look?" <<print $mom.name>> asked. "Something wrong?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I had a dream too and it was about the kid that lived here. He was sitting in the armchair across from where I was sitting." <<print $mc.name>> looked around awkwardly as he spoke.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/100.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Say anything to you?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It was a dream <<print $mom.call>>." <<print $mc.name>> rolled his eyes. "If he did I don't remember."
<P class="notation_text"> As he spoke his eyes darted to the side just like he always did when he lied. As an attorney <<print $mom.name>> was all about people's 'tells' when they weren't telling the truth.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oddly, we both dreamt of him."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "We talked about it yesterday and it was hard not to think about it last night when I was alone up here putting your things together. You said <<print $gf.name>> mentioned it, coincidence."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_11_3">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/101.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I guess, but after all that taboo innuendo and my thinking something may have been going on and that dream I come in here and you're watching <<print $mom.rel>> <<print $mc.call>> porn and getting into it." <<print $mom.name>> gave him a weak smile. "I lost my shit as you so eloquently put it."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That you did." He smirked. "Never knew you had such a gutter mouth."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Well..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Then again you watch your share of porn too, don't you?" The smirk grew wider. "Found it when you let me use your laptop a couple weeks ago."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Don't talk to me about porn, it's not right." She felt defensive again.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/103.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I seem to recall it was a woman with a younger guy. The Cougar Cub Club," he laughed.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said drop it." <<print $mom.name>> warned him tensely.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You really want a guy my age?" He whistled. "You could land one you know. Bunch of my friends bust my balls about my hot <<print $mom.call>>"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I don't want a young guy!" <<print $mom.name>> snapped at him. "It was just a video and you shouldn't have been snooping!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I didn't, you forgot to close the browser." He put his hand up to cut her off. "But the point is you watched something you say you don't want, so same for me with that video."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/104.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, point taken." She agreed. "But at least what I watch isn't...unnatural."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Still no reason for the things you said." He was now serious when he spoke. "That's not you at all, <<print $mom.call>>. If anything, you try to act prim and proper around me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said I was sorry, <<print $mc.name>>. I'm just not feeling myself at the <<print $mom.call>>ent. All that weird talk and what happened here unsettled me."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Guess so because I think this is the first time I've ever seen you not wear a bra." He stared pointedly at her chest. "With a white shirt no less."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/105.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stared down at herself and to her chagrin saw he was right, she'd never put a bra on. Her small breasts were clearly defined in the tight shirt to the point the skin around her nipples were visible. <<print $mc.name>> was right, she never walked around without a bra in front of him, how had she not put one on?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Because you want to show off your tits to your <<print $mc.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, God." She whispered and felt her face growing hot.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, it's not that big of a deal." <<print $mc.name>> told her. "Not like I'm looking."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Oh, yes he is, you saw his eyes keep moving."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It is a big deal." Because she apparently really wasn't completely herself and hadn't been since she…
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 11>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[7] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/108.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You think your <<print $mom.rel>>'s beautiful?" She surprised herself with a giggle. "Tell me more."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I like your hair down." He put his left hand in her hair and lightly ran his fingers through it. "You always wear it up, but I really like it like this."
<P class="notation_text"> A shiver went through her as he played with her hair and like that night her nipples were so hard they were aching.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Maybe I'll wear it down more," She winked. "Just for my boy."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You look so uptight with your head up and the way you dress." <<print $mc.name>> continued to play with her hair. "But when it's down it makes you look playful."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/109.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Playful?" Seemed like an odd term for a boy his age.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, and sexy." His voice had lowered to a husky pitch and she noticed he was breathing harder. "Like this outfit."
<P class="notation_text"> His hand left her hair and she swallowed hard when he put his palm on her bare chest just over the low neckline of the dress.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why?" She found herself looking forward to the response.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Because it shows you off. Shows how sexy you really are." He gave her a sly smile as his eyes now fixed directly on her breasts.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/110.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Those shorts show off those long legs and your..." He winked lasciviously. "There's a nice rear view."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You look at your <<print $mom.rel>>'s ass?" She giggled again even as somewhere in her mind she told herself to shut the hell up.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You're a sexy woman, <<print $mom.call>>." <<print $mc.name>> leaned closer as he spoke. "I wasn't kidding. A lot of my friends would fuck you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Would they now?" She stared into his eyes and saw a look in them that no <<print $mc.call>> should ever give his <<print $mom.rel>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/111.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Know what?" He put his head next to hers and spoke in her ear. "It turns me on."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> His breath was hot on her ear and sent a thrill through her. "Tell me why," she whispered in his ear, her lips so close, they brushed his ear lobe.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> shuddered and released a soft sigh at the contact. His palm was trembling on her chest, but his other hand remained on the pendent which was now pulsing in time with her rapidly increasing heartbeat.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I think it's hot my friends want to fuck you. That they think my <<print $mom.rel>> is a sexy fucking milf they dream about doing dirty things to them."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_12_2">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-14.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Am I your nasty milf, baby boy?" She asked, and as if of its own accord, her hand rose and she placed her palm against his scruffy cheek.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "No, you're usually a frigid looking uptight lawyer." He was still speaking in her ear and she tilted her head so his lips would slide along her neck.
<P class="notation_text"> When they did, she released a soft sigh and <<print $mc.name>> a sharp breath as he'd inadvertently kissed his <<print $mom.rel>>'s neck.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "But today you look so fucking hot. Those tight shorts and this slinky little dress with no bra." He paused and when next he spoke his voice was barely audible. "You have nice tits, <<print $mom.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "They're small," she replied, her other hand covering his over her chest.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/114.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "They're perfect," he responded. "Just like the rest of you. You have a nice slender body and your perky little tits look just right on it."
<P class="notation_text"> Slender body...what twenty year old spoke like that? Worse, what <<print $mom.rel>> sat there letting him talk about her tits?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"A <<print $mom.rel>> who is finally realising what she wants."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "These tits?" Again, seemingly without her direct consent, she moved.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> arched her back and pushed <<print $mc.name>>'s hand down, placing it directly on her right breast. <<print $mc.name>> gasped in surprise, but the sound coming from her was a loud moan as her <<print $mc.call>>'s palm grazed her throbbing nipple through the thin material.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/115.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> For the first time since he'd touched her, <<print $mc.name>> looked stunned and uncertain, but <<print $mom.name>> purred in his ear. "Go ahead, baby, play with <<print $mom.call>>my's tit."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>>'s trembling fingers gently squeezed her breast and when she moaned, he grew bolder and his fingers found her nipple and rolled it between them. Her pussy gushed as her <<print $mc.call>> fondled her tit. Putting her arm around him, she kissed his neck.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> released a whimper that caused another wave of sticky moisture between her thighs and her voice lowered into a purr that would make a phone sex operator jealous.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Want to see <<print $mom.call>>my's tits, <<print $mc.name>>? You want to suck on them?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_12_3">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-15.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, yes, <<print $mom.call>>...please?" He whimpered again and <<print $mom.name>>'s hand dropped into his lap.
<P class="notation_text"> They both moaned when she felt how hard he was through his jeans. She squeezed his cock and ran her hand along it, admiring its length thickness and how fucking hard he was!
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"No woman can make a young man as hard as his <<print $mom.rel>> can."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Hmm, this has <<print $mom.call>>my thinking about sucking something too." <<print $mom.name>> moaned, then easing back from him, grabbed his hands.
<P class="notation_text"> She guided them to her waist and pushed the bottom of her dress into them.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/117.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>Raising her arms over her head, she looked him in the eye. "Take this damn dress off and suck your <<print $mom.rel>>'s tits."
<P class="notation_text"> Her heart pounded and she squirmed on the bed noting how the thong stuck to her sopping pussy. <<print $mc.name>> blinked several times and his eyes seemed to come back into focus. He lifted the dress several inches, then stopped and let her dress go so fast it was as if it had burned him.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What...?" he stared down at his hands as if like her he hadn't been in control of them.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> swore she heard something snap in her mind and immediately crossed her arms over her chest, covering her obviously erect nipples. She shook her head as all of a sudden she wasn't quite sure what she had just said or done. Had her <<print $mc.call>> just touched her breast? Had she helped him do it?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/119.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She could see it in her mind's eye, but it now had a dreamlike feel to it as if it hadn't been real. <<print $mom.name>> took a deep breath and chased the image through her mind. It had to have been real. As wet as she was and as swollen as her nipples were there had been contact, a desired contact.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, what...what were you saying?" <<print $mc.name>> looked as if he were struggling the same way she was, but in his case had lost what she was convinced had just happened, which was a good thing.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said take this damn thing off me." <<print $mom.name>> grabbed the pendant which had cooled considerably once <<print $mc.name>> let it go.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> Oh, right." He nodded, and reached for it. "Wow, I think I kind of went away for a minute there."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_12_4">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/120.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sorry I'm so boring." <<print $mom.name>> gave a half hearted laugh. "No!" She snapped when he went to take the pendant in one hand. "I'll hold it."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Excuse me." He rolled his eyes, and then narrowed them as he fumbled to get the small clasp between his large fingers.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Huh," he grunted. "Seems stuck." <<print $mom.name>> kept her head up and tried to fight against an irrational feeling of panic when he continued to tug on the chain and mutter under his breath.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "This damn thing doesn't want to budge."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/121.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Break the chain." She told him. "Just grab the sides and yank it, it's thin, it should break."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll just get the wire cutters out of my tool box downstairs."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I want it off now!" She hissed. "Just break the chain."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow, <<print $mom.call>>, first the porn rant now this. You need to take a nap after the furniture comes."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I will, now..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I know, get it off." <<print $mc.name>> grabbed the chain in both hands and yanked in opposite directions.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/122.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You have to be kidding me." He whistled and yanked again, hard enough to make <<print $mom.name>> wince when the chain bit into the back of her neck.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>>'s forearms bulged as he pulled harder, but the flimsy looking chain wouldn't give.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Jesus." He relaxed, then as if trying to catch the chain off guard, ripped his arms outward.
<P class="notation_text"> This time <<print $mom.name>> cried out as the chain dug into her neck.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's this damn thing made of?" <<print $mc.name>> released the chain. "We'll go downstairs and cut it off."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Right." If we can.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 12>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[8] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/127.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Go downstairs and let them in." <<print $mom.name>> instructed. "I'll be down in a minute."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> rose from the bed and went to leave the room, but stopping at the door, looked over his shoulder. "Hey, <<print $mom.call>>?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What is it?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How about you do yourself a favour and put a bra on." He pointed to her chest. "I mean unless you're trying to get a discount or a date."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/126.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Get out of here you jerk!" She pointed to the door, but laughed at his joke. Her laugh sounded strained, but it was a real one and helped calm her nerves as <<print $mc.name>> left the room.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> The horn sounded again and <<print $mc.name>> yelled, "Keep your damn pants on!" as he pounded down the stairs.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> released a long breath and put her head in her hands. If <<print $mc.name>> had no memory of it, had it happened? Maybe she was losing her mind and seeing things like she had that night. Or maybe it had happened, but the pendant was the key. <<print $mc.name>> had no desire for her until he touched it. As soon as he let it go he stopped.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/128.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's fucking nuts," she spoke aloud.
<P class="notation_text"> So was the fact her hundred and eighty pound muscular <<print $mc.call>> couldn't break the clasp or chain on the pendant. <<print $mom.name>> tentatively touched it, and found it was cool. No strange voice for the last part of her episode with <<print $mc.name>> and since he let it go.
<P class="notation_text"> Did it sleep?
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Jesus, <<print $mom.name>>, you hear yourself?" she muttered. "Your honour, I'd like to enter a plea of insanity."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/129.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> But something was wrong with this necklace and the house itself. <<print $mom.name>> remained sitting on the bed even though she heard <<print $mc.name>> let the movers in and telling them where to put things.
<P class="notation_text"> Then again, <<print $mc.name>> didn't have a clue of what happened. Maybe it hadn't. He also hadn't seen two sets of <<print $mom.rel>>s and <<print $mc.call>>s having sex in his dreams as she did. Maybe it was her. Was she more stressed than she thought?
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[8] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/133.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Who the hell comes up with this?" <<print $mom.name>> rummaged beneath the videos and removed several old paperbacks.
<P class="notation_text"> These were much older than the movies. She recognized them as the old style X-rated material she'd once found in her Uncle's attic. All had lurid covers and were written by anonymous. She looked at only two titles, "<<print $mom.rel>> of My Dreams and All I want for Christmas is <<print $mom.call>>. "
<P class="notation_text"> All told between the books and movies there were at least three dozen items in the box and every one of them dedicated to <<print $mom.rel>> <<print $mc.call>> incest. <<print $mom.name>> knew <<print $mc.name>> well enough to know they weren't his and had been left here.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/132.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> But <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>> had supposedly cleaned the house and she hadn't seen anything else lying around. The only things they seemed to leave behind were this collection of Oedipal fantasies and the damn thing around her neck.
<P class="notation_text"> Staring into the box, <<print $mom.name>> again thought about <<print $bp.name>> and <<print $mp.name>> killed in the <<print $mc.call>>'s room. She wished she could see the actual report. Had they been on the bed? Were they naked? Would the autopsy show <<print $mp.name>> had sex before she died? Did they do a DNA test to see who she'd had sex with?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/131.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The thoughts were farfetched, but thinking coherently and sliding into work mode made her feel much better. <<print $mom.name>> closed the box and picked it up, placed it on the table. <<print $gf.name>> had said she might come by today to see how they were doing. <<print $mom.name>> would mention the box to her and tell her to get rid of it.
<P class="notation_text"> The sound of banging and <<print $mc.name>> yelling for the movers to watch out for his <<print $mom.rel>>'s favourite chair, reminded her she needed to stop thinking about taboo sex and murder victims and go downstairs. She left the room and went back into her bedroom.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[9] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/melody/2/1.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> Ashley's big brown eyes were staring up at him and <<print $mom.name>> thought the little slut looked pretty good with something in her mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> On that note, she quickly shut the I-pad off and wondered what was wrong with her? She should have done that the second she saw the first pic, not look for more. She was sure there were a whole series of them there.
<P class="notation_text"> She leaned all the way over the couch and carefully placed the I-pad on the coffee table. Now that she'd gotten over her moment of parental indiscretion she felt a mixture of anger and sadness that he was looking at those pictures. He needed to get over the little bitch.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/9.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He'd meet someone here once he got a job and started spending time in the city. <<print $mc.name>> was good and would go back to his sweet happy go lucky persona once he found someone to make him happy. He'd filled out pretty nicely too, she noted as she straightened up and looked down at him.
<P class="notation_text"> His chest was broad and his stomach hard and flat. He had his arms up behind his head and even relaxed, his biceps were visible and impressive. <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes trailed from his peaceful face down his chest and his stomach, and froze when she noticed there was another large muscle showing itself in the form of an impressive bulge in his shorts.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/11.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Impressive? She shook her head, but continued to stare. Beneath her, <<print $mc.name>> moaned softly in his sleep and his hips moved. When she realised her <<print $mc.rel>> was obviously having a dirty dream, she...remained where she was and watched his hips rock.
<P class="notation_text"> The warm feeling was coming over her again, but this time centred in her chest. She swore the pendent was heating up. <<print $mom.name>> put her hand over it. It was cool to the touch, but her body wasn't. She was heating up again in more ways than one.
<P class="notation_text"> She wondered if he was dreaming of Ashley. His sexy little girlfriend, sucking and fucking him and letting him take pictures. <<print $mom.name>> snapped herself out of those thoughts by wondering if the little twat was letting Mark take pictures then too.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/10.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> took one more look at <<print $mc.name>>, that hard young body and right now hard where it counted. He was wasting himself not having fun. Then again so was she, because there was no reason she shouldn't be getting some hard young cock.
<P class="notation_text"> With that thought, she spun around on her heel so fast she almost lost her balance. Young? <<print $mom.name>> had never thought about younger guys. She had no desire to play cougar to some kid <<print $mc.name>>'s age. Then again if they looked like <<print $mc.name>>...
<P class="notation_text"> She strode across the room and walked up the stairs, trying to distance herself from her <<print $mc.rel>> whom she was just staring at in an un<<print $mom.rel>>ly way. That brought back that screwed up dream of watching some <<print $mc.rel>> and his <<print $mom.rel>>, then the brief flash of it being her and <<print $mc.name>>.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Husband catches wife with a lover, kills the lover out of rage, the wife from rage and betrayal. Then they turn it on themselves for what they did or not wanting to face the consequences.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>, what are you thinking?" she asked aloud, to try to joke it off, but her gut, which she trusted unquestionably felt she was on to something.
<P class="notation_text"> Was the <<print $mom.rel>> and <<print $mc.rel>> having a twisted affair? But why would she dream of it? Now that she had it really fell into place. The article hadn't had a lot of detail as it was so cut and dried, but she wondered what the autopsy report had said.
<P class="notation_text"> Had the <<print $mom.rel>> showed signs of sexual activity before death? If so, was it the <<print $mc.rel>>'s DNA found within her? There had to be a report somewhere, unless they half assed it for being an obvious cause of death.
<P class="notation_text"> Why was she thinking about this?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/14.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> forced herself to get out of investigator mode and chalk everything up to just an eventful day and her tired mind was spinning like a hamster in a wheel because it had nothing better to do.
<P class="notation_text"> She smiled at how neatly her bed was made and walking over to the closet peeked inside and saw <<print $mc.name>> had not only done her show racks, but put up her shelving and stacked some of her totes of winter clothes in the back for her.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> noted the shoes were arranged as badly as she imagined, but it was the thought that counted. <<print $mc.name>> might be a shit at times these days, but still a good kid and he did do what he could to take care of her. Just not in every way.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 2>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Czech (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
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<p><span span class = "jc">Story Author</span><br>
Laura Love Craft: <br>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/XLovecraftX" target="_blank">Visit Her Patreon Profile.</a>
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<p><span span class = "mc">Penny Barbar</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/pamperedpenny" target="_blank">Visit Her Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ju.jpg'">
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<p><span span class = "jc">Juan Loco</span><br>
<a href="https://x.com/elcaballoloco_" target="_blank">Visit His Profile.</a>
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<p><span span class = "mc">Codey Steele</span><br>
<a href="http://onlyfans.com/codeysteelefree" target="_blank">Visit His Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/de.jpg'">
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<p><span span class = "jc">Dee Williams</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/deewilliams" target="_blank">Visit Her Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ni.jpg'">
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<p><span span class = "mc">Nina Elle</span><br>
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