<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/intro.png'" >
<div class="intro">
<p style="margin:0;margin-top:1.5%;">Please, read this</p>
This game is intended for <span style="color:#ff7bac;">mature audience only</span>
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">By clicking on button below, you will be confirming you are an adult. </p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Settings" >
<p >Start</p>
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v0.4 "Episode 4"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<<set $currentDay to 0 >>
<<set $currentTime to 5 >>
<<set $mc_stats_arr = [] >>
<<set $character_stats_arr = [] >>
<!-- <<set $eventMoney = [] >>
<<set $eventMorality = [] >>
<<set $eventStamina = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLove = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLust = [] >> -->
<<set $message to "" >>
<<set $eventCount = 0>>
<<set $kitchenEvent to 0>>
<<set $kitchenClean to 0 >>
<<set $poolClean to 0 >>
<<set $livingClean to 0 >>
<<set $roomClean to 0 >>
<<set $exercise = 0>>
<<set $swimming = 0>>
<<set $laundry = 0>>
<<set $shower = 0>>
<<set $stealing = 0>>
<<set $watchTV = 0>>
<<set $activityType to "">>
<<set $activityImage to "">>
<<set $activityVideo to "">>
<<set $mediaType to "">>
<<set $taskDialogue to "">>
<<set $kitchenTalk to 0>>
<<set $bedroomTalk to 0>>
<<set $poolTalk to 0>>
<<set $livingTalk to 0>>
<<set $myroomTalk to 0>>
<<include "CharacterInit" >>
<<include "TimeInit" >>
Character Init:
<<set $mc = {
"name" : "Juan",
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call" : "Juan",
"lastname" : "Barber",
"age" : 20,
"stats" :
"energy" : 0,
"knowledge": 0,
"stamina": 0,
"money" : 0,
"morality" : 0,
"mom_love" : 0,
"mom_lust": 0,
"mom_rel": 0,
"red": 0,
"blue": 0,
"black": 0,
"inventory" : {
"bikini" : 0,
"camera" : 0,
"groceries" : 0,
"dress" : 0,
"flower" : 0,
"tools" : 0,
"skills" :
"massage" : 0,
"sexual" : 0,
"action" : 0,
"skills" : 0,
<<set $mom = {
"name" : "Mrs. Penny",
"lastname" : "Barber",
"age" : 42,
"rel" : "Landlady",
"call": "Mrs. Penny ",
<<set $gf = {
"name" : "Dee",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 55,
"rel" : "Landlady",
"call": "Mrs. Dee",
<<set $cliff = {
"name" : "Codey",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 25,
"rel" : "Landlord",
"call": "Codey",
<<set $bp = {
"name" : "Nixon",
"lastname" : "Tylor",
"age" : 24,
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call": "Nixon",
<<set $mp = {
"name" : "Mrs. Nina",
"lastname" : "Tylor",
"age" : 50,
"rel" : "Landlady",
"call": "Mrs. Nina",
<<set $pp = {
"name" : "Ricky",
"lastname" : "Johnson",
"age" : 24,
"rel" : "Tenant",
"call": "Ricky",
<<set $kp = {
"name" : "Kathy",
"lastname" : "Johnson",
"age" : 50,
"rel" : "Landlady",
"call": "Mrs. Kathy",
<<set $talkEvent = {
'kitchen' : {
'title' : ["Kitchen_Talk_6","Kitchen_Talk_13","Kitchen_Talk_16"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [120,260,320],
'knowledge' : [120,260,320],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'bedroom' : {
'title' : ["Bedroom_Talk_1", "Bedroom_Talk_7","Bedroom_Talk_14"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [20,140,280],
'knowledge' : [20,140,280],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'living' : {
'title' : ["Living_Talk_2", "Living_Talk_5", "Living_Talk_10","Living_Talk_15"],
'status' : [0,0,0,0],
'rel' : [40,100,200,300],
'knowledge' : [40,100,200,300],
'count' : [0,0,0,0],
'myroom' : {
'title' :["Myroom_Talk_3", "Myroom_Talk_9", "Myroom_Talk_11"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [60,180,220],
'knowledge' : [60,180,220],
'count' : [0,0,0],
'pool' : {
'title' :["Pool_Talk_4", "Pool_Talk_8", "Pool_Talk_12"],
'status' : [0,0,0],
'rel' : [80,160,240],
'knowledge' : [80,160,240],
'count' : [0,0,0],
<<set $bathroom = {
"title" : [""],
"status": [0],
"time" : [2],
"money": [100],
"morality": [40],
"mom_lust": [40],
"mom_love": [40],
"mom_rel": [0],
"day": [0],
"stamina": [0],
<<set $bedroom = {
"title" : ["Event_1","Event_2","Event_3",],
"status" : [0,0,0,],
"time": [1,5,6,],
"mom_rel": [0,0,0,],
"day": [0,0,0,],
"stamina": [0,0,0,],
"morality": [10,20,30],
"mom_lust": [10,20,30],
"mom_love": [10,20,30,],
"money": [0,0,0,],
<<set $living = {
"title" : ["","",],
"status": [0,0,],
"time" : [1,1,],
"mom_rel": [0,0,],
"day": [0,0,],
"morality": [10,30,],
"mom_lust": [10,30,],
"mom_love": [10,30,],
"stamina": [0,0,],
"money": [100,100],
<<set $myroom = {
"title" : ["","","" ],
"status": [0,0,0],
"time" : [4,4,4],
"money": [100,100,100],
"morality": [40,50,60],
"mom_lust": [40,50,60],
"mom_love": [40,50,60],
"mom_rel": [0,0,0],
"day": [0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0],
<<set $kitchen = {
"title" : [""],
"status": [0,],
"time" : [1,],
"money": [100,],
"morality": [20,],
"mom_lust": [20,],
"mom_love": [20,],
"mom_rel": [0,],
"day": [20,],
"stamina": [0,],
<<set $pool = {
"title" : ["Event_4","Event_5","Event_6","Event_7","Event_8","Event_9","Event_10","Event_11","Event_12",],
"status": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
"time" : [2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3],
"money": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
"morality": [40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120],
"mom_lust": [40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120],
"mom_love": [40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120],
"mom_rel": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
"day": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living middaY -->
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was dreaming about <<print $kp.name>> and her two boys. Suddenly a boy approaches her, holds her hand and pulls her to his bed. <<print $mom.name>> sat up and looked wildly around the room, assuring herself she was awake this time. She thought she'd heard screaming. Was it from the dream or had she woke herself up screaming?
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "You okay, honey?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> froze at the sound of an all too familiar voice.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Steven?" She whispered, and slowly turned to her left.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-2.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Steven was sitting up next to her, wearing that ratty Patriots t-shirt that she kept telling him she was going to burn one of these days. His dark eyes were full of concern and as she sat there unable to move from the shock of seeing him, he put his arm around her shoulders.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "That must have been one hell of a bad dream."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You...you can't be here."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Why?" He gave her a mischievous smile, "You got that young landscaper coming over?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> blinked at the running joke Steven had told ever since she'd made a comment that if she were single she'd ravage the hot young guy who mowed their lawn.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You could at least wait until I kick off to fool around with the boys you know."
<P class="notation_text"> He kissed her forehead and that simple gesture, which he'd done since they'd started dating, caused a lump to rise in her throat.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But you're dead."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Jeez, I know I can't get it up like I used to, but I'm not dead!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, you're dead. You died of cancer. You can't be here."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Oh." His smile faded. "So that was your nightmare."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, this is a dream. You died, you..."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stopped as her eyes focused past him and saw the wall beyond her with the framed portrait of their first dance at their wedding.
<P class="notation_text"> She was in their old bedroom, right down to the purple comforter and Steven's stack of paperbacks on the nightstand. He'd buy one, read two chapters, get bored and start another.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Just a dream, green eyes." He turned on the bed and put his arms around her, his hand pushing her head gently to rest it on her shoulder. "If I were dead could I hold you?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div>/* Days of the week */
<<set $weekDays = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $weekendValue = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]>>
/* Current day in total */
<<set $dayValue to 0>>
<<set $dayTimes = [ "Early Morning", "Morning", "Mid Day","Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight" ]>>
<<set $dayTimeValue = 0 >>
/* Current time of the day */
<<set $timeInDay to 1>>
/* Wether to advance to the next time of the day when using the "leave" button */
<<set $timeForwardOnLeave = false>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> opened her eyes to see <<print $mc.name>> kneeling next to her on the bed. His right hand was around her wrist, his left on her shoulder, shaking her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wake up!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm awake." She said numbly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "God, mom, you scared me." <<print $mc.name>>'s eyes were wide "I heard you yelling and I came in here, but you wouldn't wake up right away."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I kept trying to wake up."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That must have been one hell of a nightmare." He released her wrist, but held her hand in his.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It was. I dreamt of your father."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry, mom." He surprised her with a hug and a kiss on the forehead. A kiss just like Steven would give her. Something he'd obviously picked up from him.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice"> "He's everything good about the two of you, <<print $mom.name>>. That's why he's perfect for you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's nice." <<print $mom.name>> murmured in <<print $mc.name>>'s ear. "I know you hate to hear it, but you're a sweet boy, <<print $mc.name>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Whatever," <<print $mc.name>> eased back from her, but kept his hands on her shoulders. "I just came in because your yelling was keeping me up.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Of course." She gave him a strained smile. "Can't you come running to your mom's defence."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "She's a tough woman, she doesn't need me." He grinned.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "She is, but that's because she has you." <<print $mom.name>> placed her hand against his cheek. "I love you, <<print $mc.name>>, and you are sweet, just like your dad."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice"> "Don't look now, but your sweet boy is staring at mommy's tits again."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-4.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s smile faded when she saw <<print $mc.name>>'s eyes were indeed on her chest. The slinky camisole top she wore clung to her breasts, flattering their shape and showing off her nipples. She remained silent, watching <<print $mc.name>>'s eyes to see if they would quickly dart away, but to her dismay his gaze lingered on her. Had he really been thinking of her? She wouldn't be surprised with the movies and books she knew he was checking out, but had he previously as her dream Steven had said?
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Huh?" He looked up.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What were you looking at just now?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_1_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, mom, can I tell you something?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"I always tell you that you can tell me anything."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I had some weird dreams too." He lowered his head. "Seeing you did too, I was wondering if um, maybe you might want me to stay here with you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "In my bed?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, like we did a few times right after dad died." <<print $mc.name>> looked away, his face flushing. "But I mean if you don't think you need the company then..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'd like the company." She wasn't just saying that for his benefit. After that last dream she didn't think she'd be able to go back to sleep. Maybe with <<print $mc.name>> near her she'd be able to.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Me too." He looked around the room. "I gotta tell, this place is freaking me out a little."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I think more happened here than <<print $gf.name>> let on." <<print $mom.name>> told him. "I think I'm going to do some digging."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How do you know that?" <<print $mc.name>> asked.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Mathew said some things to me and I want to see if they're true."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Like what?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Seeing we're both spooked I'd rather not talk about this tonight. Not to mention he may not be right. He made it sound like there's something weird about <<print $gf.name>> so I don't want to just believe it. But I promise once I do some research I'll tell you."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Fair enough." <<print $mc.name>> slid off the bed, then lifted the covers to slide under next to her.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Easy!" <<print $mom.name>> pushed the covers down. "I'm only in my underwear. Let me put something else on."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Why?" <<print $mc.name>> had gotten under the covers and laid back on the pillow next to her. "You think I want to look at them like you think I look at your boobs?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said I was sorry. As for now it just doesn't seem proper."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Just stay in bed, mom. I promise not to peek."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Right." <<print $mom.name>> leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> She placed her hand against her chest not just to keep her shirt from lowering to expose her breasts, but to keep the pendant tucked away. "Sweet dreams, hon."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hopefully." He returned the peck on the cheek, then slid further down the bed, but pushed the covers down to his waist. "Warm here. I should have put the AC in."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Tomorrow's another day."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> rolled away from him to shut the lamp off and remained on her side facing away from him. She closed her eyes and let her body relax, but her mind continued to race. Steven-or whatever was using him-in her dream had made a disturbing point; she had not been in this house when she watched <<print $mc.name>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-5.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She had been aroused and told herself it was only because she'd denied herself. No different than being aroused by watching <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>> yesterday. That turned her mind towards what Mathew had said, insinuating <<print $cliff.name>> and <<print $gf.name>> weren't married.
<P class="notation_text"> Even if they weren't, what was the big deal? Was the small town down the road that backwards an older woman just having a young lover was not acceptable? <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes opened when <<print $mc.name>> mumbled something next to her.
<P class="notation_text"> She listened and he did it again, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. It was obvious he was sleeping and she continued to listen in case he was having another nightmare. He had alluded to dreams both last night and tonight, but she felt he was holding things back.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<!-- Myroom Evening -->
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/mr-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/wine.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had stared at the clock, unable to believe it was only midnight. By one am, she'd eased out of the bed once more and gone downstairs. She took a glass of wine and grabbed her purse and sat down on the couch.
<P class="notation_text"> She removed the card Mathew had given her with Sherri's name on it and then her cell phone. It was way too late to call someone. But <<print $mom.name>> felt if she waited until tomorrow she would find an excuse not to reach out to her.
<P class="notation_text"> Despite all the weird events of the last two days and the creepy necklace she still couldn't remove from her neck, <<print $mom.name>> hadn't wanted to chase someone down to hear ghost stories. But she had just had a sexual encounter with her son and the proof was right there all over her tits that it hadn't been another vivid dream.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/3-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> Why didn't he remember? She was thrilled he didn't, but why? <<print $mom.name>> had pulled out the small notebook she always carried with her and scribbled. "Does the pendent erase the memory?" She paused and added. "Does the pendent create the desire in <<print $mc.name>>?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> had not behaved in any improper way unless he was in contact with the pendent. Once it touched him he turned into one of the characters from those mother son movies. Then he forgot about it. Yet <<print $mom.name>> had the thoughts and sick desires and she recalled everything they'd done.
<P class="notation_text"> There had now been three encounters like that, each getting progressively worse. There was only one way to go further than they had last night and that was to do the unthinkable and have sex with her son.
<P class="notation_text"> That thought pushed her to send a text to Sherri. Hopefully it wouldn't wake her and she could reply in the morning. She'd kept it simple.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/3-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Hi, this is <<print $mom.name>>. I just moved into the house on Hollow road and Mathew said you wanted to speak to me. Sorry for how late this is. Hope to hear from you tomorrow."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> put the phone down and went back to the notebook, listing all the things she'd decided she would research while lying there last night. She was surprised when her phone beeped and she picked it up to see a reply.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Hi <<print $mom.name>>! Don't worry about the time. Trust me, I'm not surprised you're texting me this late. Night time is when most things happen there."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/3-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Can I call you?" <<print $mom.name>> quickly replied.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Sorry, but no. I'm not alone and don't want to be overheard. Would you like to meet in town tomorrow? Susan's pub has a fantastic collection of wine and is usually quiet after the morning rush."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had a meeting with her new employer tomorrow and asked if one would be okay? Sherrie replied it was fine and she was thrilled to talk to her. She'd added not to worry, she had reason to believe <<print $mom.name>> and <<print $mc.name>> weren't in any danger, but simply needed to understand what was happening.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 3>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[2] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Midday-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-1.jpeg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stared down at the paperwork in front of her which was her contract the new firm wanted her to sign which asked her to work there a minimum of three years and included a two year DNC that only applied to their two biggest competitors.
<P class="notation_text"> The rest was her salary, vacation, benefits and pretty much an employee handbook. Two days ago <<print $mom.name>> would have signed it right in the office. But today, even though it went smoothly and the partners were all very nice and eager to meet her, she said she wanted to look it over.
<P class="notation_text"> Fact was she might be high tailing it out of here if things didn't straighten out. She knew she could move into town, but if <<print $mom.name>> was going to leave over what was going on in the house then she'd want to put some serious distance between her and it; a couple of states worth of distance.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-2.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> While flipping through the paperwork, <<print $mom.name>> took note of her emerald green nails. Her meeting had ended earlier than she expected and Sherri had texted her and said she was sorry, but she would be an hour late.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> planned on simply hanging around the pub for an hour and seeing if she could dig up some dirt on not only the house, but <<print $gf.name>> and her family. When she spotted the nail salon just putting out their sign for the day she decided to treat herself to a much needed manicure and pedicure.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd chosen the deep green colour for her fingers and toes to bring out her eyes, but now looking at her fingers she recalled her lust fueled thoughts of last night. Thoughts of how much sexier she'd look for her son if she painted her nails.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-3.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had touched the pendant which she had tucked under her button up black blouse and noted it was cool to the touch. Just as it had been since she left the house. Flipping open her notebook, she scribbled. 'Does it lose power when not in the house? Is it the house itself that does this and the necklace is some kind of transmitter?
<P class="notation_text"> She looked at the pad and thought how ridiculous her notes were. Like something out of a lame ass horror story. The bells sounded again and <<print $mom.name>> looked up and froze.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> had just entered the pub. She was looking in the other direction and <<print $mom.name>> quickly lifted the small menu and held it over her face while lowering her head.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Women: </span> "Hey <<print $gf.name>>," The woman behind the counter greeted her. "Haven't seen you in weeks!" /up
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Been busy." <<print $mom.name>> heard <<print $gf.name>> reply, "But I came here to meet up with a friend. Can I get some of that fantastic glass of wine?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Women: </span> "Come right up, have a seat and I'll bring it out." /up
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Oh, and a blondie too." <<print $gf.name>> laughed. "Can't come in here and not fall off the wagon you know."
<P class="notation_text"> The woman laughed and <<print $mom.name>> risked a peek over the menu. To her dismay <<print $gf.name>> was heading right towards her. Giving up the childish idea of hiding, <<print $mom.name>> lowered the menu and gave her a wave.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Hey, fancy meeting you here."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"Not really." <<print $gf.name>> slid into the booth across from her. "You did agree to meet me here."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> stared hard at her. "You're Sherri? What the hell kind of bullshit is this?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I know this is underhanded and I'm sorry." <<print $gf.name>> put her hands up in a disarming gesture. "Just give me a minute to explain and if you want to leave then I won't try and talk you out of it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Talk fast because I don't like being duped."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_4_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/5-1.jpg'">
<!-- Kitchen Afternoon -->
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> entered <<print $gf.name>>'s home in the afternoon. <<print $gf.name>> was in the dining area drinking tea.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Hello <<print $mom.name>>.Please take a seat. Do you want some tea?”
<P class="notation_text"> Without saying anything <<print $mom.name>> sat on a chair.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> took another sip of tea, then sat back in her chair and gestured to <<print $mom.name>>. "Go ahead, ask away and you can decide if I'm telling the truth now."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "A woman really hung herself in the house?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You knew that. You brought it up the night we sat and talked. Your son looked it up."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But you didn't tell me about her sons. One vanished and the other ended up in an institution?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "That's true Sean ran away right after his mother's funeral and Kenny had a breakdown. After a few months Tim moved Kenny to Connecticut to a private facility. Last I heard he was doing much better and was back home, but won't ever talk about his mother."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/5-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why did she kill herself? You made some remark about life being too much for her, but now I think there's more than that."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> broke off a piece of her blondie and chewed slowly as she no doubt was stalling on how to answer.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So much for honesty." <<print $mom.name>> made to rise, but <<print $gf.name>> reached out and put her hand on her.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I'm just trying to decide how much to say and how soon." <<print $gf.name>> explained. "So I'll answer a question with a question. Have you dreamed of Maria?"
<P class="notation_text"> It was her turn to take her time to respond. Did she really want to openly admit her dreams? She hadn't even told <<print $mc.name>> about them and here was <<print $gf.name>> who was little more than a stranger.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/5-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "This is where you need to be honest in order for me to be." <<print $gf.name>> prodded her.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> weighed her options. If putting her cards on the table would get her somewhere with this madness, then she may as well show good faith as she'd tell an opposing attorney, then she may as well make the first move.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes and I had dreams about <<print $mp.name>> and another woman named <<print $kp.name>>."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Happening very quickly." <<print $gf.name>> said it as if it were a good thing. "I always wondered how the absence of a husband would change things."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/5-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Sorry," <<print $gf.name>> blinked. "I'm getting ahead of myself. When you dreamt of the women, were they alone?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I have a feeling you know the answer so why are you bothering to ask?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"I need to know for sure you saw the big picture so to speak and not just a glimpse."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stalled by sipping from her coffee and <<print $gf.name>> didn't push, instead she picked at her blondie, patiently waiting for <<print $mom.name>>'s reply.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "They were with their sons," <<print $mom.name>> scrunched her face up in disgust. "And I mean with their sons. Maria with both."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_5_1">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom Afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> throwing back to back questions to <<print $gf.name>>. <<print $gf.name>> was not tired to tell her story to <<print $mom.name>> until she can’t convince the lady. Also, <<print $gf.name>> was in the right tract to attack <<print $mom.name>> with her questions.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Maybe it was a passing thought or a sudden surprising fantasy like it was for me. Maybe you saw something you shouldn't have. Something that would make you see your son as a man and not a boy and not your son."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> looked down at the table and knew she may as well have just admitted it had happened. That she had watched <<print $mc.name>> with Ashley and it had an effect on her she'd been ashamed of.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Whatever it was the power of the pendent has augmented that desire in you and is inching you closer to what it, and you, want."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"I do not want my son." <<print $mom.name>> insisted. "Okay, maybe I had a weak moment where something I saw at a time when I was very frustrated caused me to have a thought best left unsaid, but it was one time."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> raised her eyebrows. "So you saw something and never once thought of it after that time? I don't believe that, but said I wouldn't push you. The fact that the pendent is affecting you tells me I'm right."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So you're telling me there's nothing I could do. That I couldn't just go home tell <<print $mc.name>> to get in the car and hightail it out of here?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Something would happen that you wouldn't leave." <<print $gf.name>> told her. "I don't mean that in an ominous way, but you'd change your mind or decide to wait a little longer."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Why doesn't <<print $mc.name>> remember anything?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Seeing you've seen this play out before I won't pretend nothing's happened. There's been a couple of shall we say incidents. He has no memory of them, but I do."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Because the pendant is bonded to you, not him. It, and you through it, are the instigator so to speak. I'm guessing <<print $mc.name>> is a proper son, but when he comes into contact with the stone he's very receptive to his mother as a lover."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But why? At this point I'm willing to admit it's having an effect on me, but how can it just throw that switch in <<print $mc.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Have you been listening to me?" <<print $gf.name>> asked as if the answer were obvious.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes, but..."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The pendant doesn't create the lust from scratch. Both parties have to have had thoughts of each other. If the son has no desire at all and never has the stone will have no effect on him and at that point the mother either because it's pointless. The goal of the stone is not a forced relationship, but to push something being repressed because we're taught it's wrong."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "My son has never thought of me like that."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "If you're experiencing everything I know you are then he has."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No."<<print $mom.name>> was adamant. "<<print $mc.name>> would never think of me like that."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_11_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<!-- <img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/14.jpg'"> -->
<!-- pool evening <P class="notation_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/6-1.webp'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> entered the house. <<print $gf.name>> was in her bedroom. She heard the sound of the footsteps and stared at <<print $mom.name>> with a smile.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Hey !” she waved her one hand to <<print $mom.name>>. /rp
<P class="notation_text"> Her other hand reached into the neckline of her blouse to withdraw what was at the end of the silver chain around her neck. <<print $mom.name>> gasped when she saw it was a stone the same size and shape as hers, but appeared to be a diamond.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I know from firsthand experience."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That one is just like this?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, they're a set."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/6-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But if you're wearing it then..." <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes widened as she heard Mathew in her mind talking about Cliff. "That means..."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, <<print $mom.name>>." <<print $gf.name>> spoke softly, looking her in the eye. "<<print $cliff.name>> isn't my husband, he's my son."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Your son." <<print $mom.name>> repeated numbly.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I told you I'd be honest with you." <<print $gf.name>> tucked the diamond pendant back into her dress. "Now that you've seen my necklace and heard that confession I hope you'll have no issue being open with me, and more importantly know I won't think anything you say or ask is crazy."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You're living with your son." <<print $mom.name>> shook her head. "He's your lover."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/6-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He's my son, my lover, my best friend," She smiled fondly. "<<print $cliff.name>> is my everything and I couldn't be happier."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I can't believe it. <<print $gf.name>>, that's sick."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Why because society tells us it is? You saw <<print $cliff.name>> and I together, did it look sick?" She smirked. "You didn't seem to think so."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I didn't know who he was."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "That change it?" <<print $gf.name>> sighed. "I know, you're conditioned to believe that."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/6-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So is everyone else." <<print $mom.name>> pointed out. "So let me guess, all that incest porn in <<print $mc.name>>'s closet, you left that there?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, it's all part of setting the stage and the mood."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And you gave me this pendent." <<print $mom.name>> continued. "You gave this to every woman that's lived there."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I have to keep trying." <<print $gf.name>> told her. "Our pendants were once one larger stone that was cut in half. One half has fulfilled its legacy, but the other is still searching for the woman who will let it accomplish its mission."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Its mission." <<print $mom.name>> sat back and rubbed her temples. "I suppose if I follow this insanity its mission involves mothers and sons?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> becomes concerned. She said, “I have to take a leave. But I will answer you for sure. For now, just excuse me!” /rp
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[2] = 0>><div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<!-- living afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> came to <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $gf.name>> started her story again. <<print $mom.name>> listened to her carefully.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "My family is originally from Scotland and generations ago one of my ancestors fell in love with his mother. The story is his father was a drunken womanizer and abusive as well."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The son, Connor, who I imagine would be my grandfather a couple times removed, saw how his mother was mistreated and felt she deserved better. He spent a lot of time with her and was always comforting her and trying to get her to leave his father.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Back then women didn't leave, they just took whatever their husbands gave them. Connor decided that if she were to find a better man, one who would love and cherish her and be good to her in every way she would leave."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And for some reason he thought he would be that man?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I don't know the details, but yes, he fell in love with his mother and wanted her to love him. He felt she did, but was holding back because its wrong."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It is."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "So one night he hiked into the hills to seek out a local witch. "
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh for fuck's sake." <<print $mom.name>> sighed.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>, have you heard it speaking to you?" <<print $gf.name>> leaned over and pointed to her. "Honest answer. Have you heard its voice?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> looked away, but whispered. "Yes."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Then you know that isn't just a pretty necklace so please let me tell the story."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> nodded, and <<print $gf.name>> went on.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The witch sold him a cheap necklace with a pendant she referred to as the family jewel. It was a talisman of forbidden lust and love."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That I believe."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "But the witch warned him that it would only work if there was some desire on his mother's behalf. The stone couldn't create that desire, but if it were there even in the slightest form it could augment it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I took it, it worked."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It did. He gave it to his mother and as the story goes shortly thereafter Connor and his mother ran away together; all the way to the United States and to the city of Chicago."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_7_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<!-- Living Evening-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/8-1.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"><<print $gf.name>> continued her story. Suddenly she went to her room inside and came back with something on her hands. <<print $mom.name>> stared at her curiously.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I want to show you a couple of pictures." <<print $gf.name>> put her purse on the table and fumbled around in it. She produced a small photo album and opened it.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "This is a picture of my parents with my brother Jason."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> looked at the photo which was taken in front of the house she just moved into. The first thing she noticed was the woman in the picture was wearing the pendant, except in the black and white photo it appeared much darker.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>>'s brother appeared to be in his late teens and <<print $mom.name>> noticed he wasn't looking at the camera, but at his mother while the father stood behind the two of them. He was giving his mother a shy smile that she seemed to be returning.
<P class="notation_text"> Up until a couple nights ago <<print $mom.name>> wouldn't have thought anything of the way they were looking at each other, but now she swore the look was flirty.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/8-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "This is a picture of me with my mother and father taken a few years later."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes widened at the second picture which showed <<print $gf.name>>'s mother sitting on the porch with a young <<print $gf.name>> sitting on her lap, smiling and waving at the camera. What caught her attention was the man standing behind them with his arms around <<print $mom.name>>'s mother's neck was her brother.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Wait, you said this was your mother and father."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It is. My father is my much older brother Jason." <<print $gf.name>> smiled sadly. "He died of a heart attack about two years after my mother died. I think it was really a broken heart he died from."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/8-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Your brother was your father."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Jason's father was a cheating dog who kept my mother home and pretty much isolated. He wasn't physically abusive, but my mother was lonely and neglected. Jason was her world and he was very close to our mother. Even in his teens he spent all his time with her. His father made fun of him, calling him a mama's boy.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "At some point their affection began to drift from familial to thoughts best left unspoken. My mother's desire woke the stone which from the time Timothy gave it to his two daughters to that point had seemed dormant."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Jason's father was caught having another affair, but this one became public because he got a woman in their church pregnant. My mother was humiliated and angry and Jason, well dad to me after I discovered he truth, told me her anger sent the stone into overdrive and she came into his room and seduced him.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/8-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He said he tried to resist, but once my mother started," <<print $gf.name>> cleared her throat. "Coming onto him, he couldn't resist her. They carried on a few months behind Jason's fathers back until the woman had her baby, then my mother told him to go play family with her because she was done."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Timothy's vineyard was left to his daughters and with a provision their husband's or any husband to any of his female descendants could have no claim to it. So my mther and her son remained in the house as lovers and I was born a year later."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/8-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So this thing keeps making mothers want their sons?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Only if there's a problem. My sister Janice was born two years later and we both got married. I lived in the house you're in now, Janice in the one I now call home. My husband..."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> put the album back in her purse. "I told you about him and won't talk about him anymore except to say he was as bad as they come. My mother had left me her necklace and given Janice the other. I never wore it because I knew what it did and honestly I felt the way you do."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "The way almost everyone would." <<print $mom.name>> added.
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> became confused after seeing the photographs as proof. The pendant is surely a mysterious kind of thing!
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<<set $talkEventCount = 8>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[5] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[4] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> somehow trying to convince <<print $mom.name>>. She continued her brutal situation of life to <<print $mom.name>>. <<print $mom.name>> was listening carefully. /np
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "One night when I lay in bed barely able to move from the beating he'd given me I was in tears and like any woman, even an adult woman with a child of her own, I wanted my mother."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "She was gone, but I remembered the necklace and how she wore it all the time. I put it on and within a few days it began whispering to me. Telling me how I deserved better and how there was an amazing young man right there in my house who longed to treat me the way I should be treated."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I knew my mother's story and the history of the stone. I tried to take it off, but as I'm sure you've found out, you can't."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"But your mother did. You said she gave it to you."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Because she had consummated her love with her son. The stone was dormant and content. If I was happily married, putting it on would have never affected me. But I was unhappier than my mother ever was and had thoughts of <<print $cliff.name>> who at the time had just turned eighteen."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You had thoughts before you put it on?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "If I did, I would have had to. As I said, <<print $mom.name>>, it can't create the desire from nothing. There has to have been some prior thought or some type of incident that planted the seed."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $cliff.name>> used to rub my shoulders for me to try and help me relax. One night he was doing it and I was hot and took my robe off. <<print $cliff.name>>'s hands felt so good on my Rp shoulders and at one point he leaned over and kissed my cheek."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I had this image of him kissing my neck, first softly, then much more passionately. I thought of turning my head and my lips meeting his. As he kept rubbing my shoulders and upper back I found myself going into a full fantasy.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I thought of my son returning that kiss and putting his arms around me and pulling off my top, fondling..." She stopped and gave a mock shudder. "Sorry, getting myself going."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Great." <<print $mom.name>> sighed.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "But of course I didn't do anything. But that little waking wet dream stayed with me. It turned into some nastier dreams, but nothing more. Until I put this on."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So the one I'm wearing was your sisters. Where is she, and why is it still working?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Janice was much luckier than I was. She married an amazing man who loved her very much. She was completely happy and wanted for nothing. She knew its history just like I did, but in her case she knew she was safe and wore the pendant as a family heirloom to remind her of our mother."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "When <<print $cliff.name>> and I had been sleeping together behind my husband's back for a few weeks..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You keep saying your husband," <<print $mom.name>> interrupted. "What was his name?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_9_1">
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/10-1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> After hearing lots of suspicious incidents about the pendant, <<print $mom.name>> becomes quite bothered. She becomes restless at a time. /np
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay so I think I've heard enough history. What does this mean in the present?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The stone is trying to accomplish its mission which is to bond a mother and son together in a loving relationship, but one that will remain here in this house."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "This is so fucked up." <<print $mom.name>> grumbled. "But not as fucked up as the fact I'm sitting here listening to it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Because you've heard it and felt it and you know what it wants." <<print $gf.name>> paused meaningfully. "And my guess is it's getting it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You make it sound like it has a mind of its own." <<print $mom.name>> ignored <<print $gf.name>>'s comment, refusing to acknowledge what she'd done with <<print $mc.name>> that had her actually giving credence to this whack job story.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/10-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It's sentient to a point, but has no reason. It has its agenda and isn't going to stop until it accomplishes it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, so let me get this straight, it affected at least four women who lived in the house."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "More like six." <<print $gf.name>> admitted.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Lovely. Two women are dead. One woman turns into a guilt ridden zealot. One son is dead, one ran away and who knows what happened to him and one lost his mind for a period of time. Sherri's son abandoned her after something happened between them."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "But don't forget about <<print $kp.name>> and <<print $pp.name>> who are happy and <<print $cliff.name>> and..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/10-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "The odds aren't in favour of happy endings here. In fact your ancestor was killed by her husband. This thing drives mothers to fuck their sons then, " She tapped the table. "Okay, wait, something occurred to me."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "What's that?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "This thing pushes this desire and makes them think they want it, but then when it's over it seems like they end up realizing what they did and bad things happen."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why? If the agenda is getting them together then why does it all go to hell?'
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_10_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/99.webp'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Morality'; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/porn.gif';" >
<p >Watch Porn!</p>
</div> -->
<!-- <img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/hack.jpg'"> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Stamina'; $mediaType = 'image';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/100.jpg';" >
<p >Do Work! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Bedroom" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 4 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/87.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.myroom.rel[$myroomTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Bathroom');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.myroom.rel[$myroomTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $laundry is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$laundry = 1; $activityType = 'Rel';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/74.png';" >
<p >Laundry (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $shower is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$shower = 1; $activityType = 'Money';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/88.webp';" >
<p >Take Shower</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime gte 5 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/80.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> is here.</p>
<<if $currentTime eq 5 >>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.bedroom.rel[$bedroomTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Bedroom');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Require: <<print $talkEvent.bedroom.rel[$bedroomTalk]>> curse point</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Bedroom" onclick="statsChange(20,'Money'); forwardDay()" data-setter = "$message = ' '">
<p >Sleep</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $stealing is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$stealing = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/97.webp';" >
<p >Search (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick=" forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Bedroom" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Nap (+1 Hour)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Computer" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Use Computer</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 1 >>
<div id="pos">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.kitchen.rel[$kitchenTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Kitchen');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Require: <<print $talkEvent.kitchen.rel[$kitchenTalk]>> curse point</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-6.mp4';" >
<p >Do Breakfast</p>
<<elseif $currentTime is 4 >>
<div id="pos">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/sc-11.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-10.mp4';" >
<p >Dinner</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> What should I do now?</p>
<<if $kitchenClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$kitchenClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/98.jpg';" >
<p >Clean Kitchen! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<!-- -->
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bedroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Kitchen');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Living');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/living.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Pool');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/home.webp'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('MyRoom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/my_room.jpg'">
<p><<print $mc.name>>'s Room</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bathroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p> -->
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 3 >>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/94.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.living.rel[$livingTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Living');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.living.rel[$livingTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<div id="pos2">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/living.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> What should I do now?</p>
<<if $exercise is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image';$exercise = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/78.jpg';" >
<p >Do Exercise! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $livingClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $livingClean = 1; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/penny/sc-9.mp4';" >
<p >Clean Living Room! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $watchTV is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $watchTV = 1; $activityVideo = 'scenes/video/movie/2/t-10.mp4';" >
<p >Watch TV! (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<set $message to "" >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/city/city.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Where should I go now?</p>
<div class="split-container">
<div class="column">
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Dad's Apartment</p>
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Office">
<p >Dad's Office</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="location_button" data-passage="Bar">
<p >Bar</p>
<div class="location_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Club');" data-passage="Club">
<p >Sin City</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _eventMoney = [$bedroom.money[0],$bedroom.money[1],$bedroom.money[2],$pool.money[0],$pool.money[1],
<<set _eventMorality =[$bedroom.morality[0],$bedroom.morality[1],$bedroom.morality[2],$pool.morality[0],$pool.morality[1],
<<set _eventStamina =[$bedroom.stamina[0],$bedroom.stamina[1],$bedroom.stamina[2],$pool.stamina[0],$pool.stamina[1],
<<set _eventMomLove = [$bedroom.mom_love[0],$bedroom.mom_love[1],$bedroom.mom_love[2],$pool.mom_love[0],$pool.mom_love[1],
<<set _eventMomRel = [$bedroom.mom_rel[0],$bedroom.mom_rel[1],$bedroom.mom_rel[2],$pool.mom_rel[0],$pool.mom_rel[1],
<<set _eventMomLust = [$bedroom.mom_lust[0],$bedroom.mom_lust[1],$bedroom.mom_lust[2],$pool.mom_lust[0],$pool.mom_lust[1],
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>><br>
<<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>><br>
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] lt 1>><<print "Weekday">>
<<else>><<print "Weekend">><</if>>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Cursed: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_rel >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Blue Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.money >>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Red Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.stamina >><br>
<!-- <p><span class = "ui_text">Black Stone: </span> <<print $mc.stats.knowledge >> -->
<p><span class = "ui_text">Love Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_love >>/<<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Sex Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.mom_lust >>/<<print _eventMomLust[$eventCount]>><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Taboo Desire: </span> <<print $mc.stats.morality >>/<<print _eventMorality[$eventCount]>><br>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dad/dad24.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"> Dad went to start his shift at the Sin City strip club.</p>
<p class="notation_text">Money increased by $20</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="getInfo(20,'Money'); getInfo(5,'Work'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Club" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/42.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/29.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Robert continued thrusting his hips into her, their pelvic bones grinding together.
Robert moaned aloud, and fucked her faster, pushing deeper and deeper. Instantly her hands left her breasts, and grabbed handfuls of bedding on either side of her. Her knuckles whitened in intensity, as she let out a quiet, high-pitched scream. As his thrusts intensified, she rapidly let go of the sheets and gripped the sides of his head, holding him in place, staring deep into his eyes. Her mouth was open, but no noise was coming out. The orgasm was too intense. Sherry was loving it and so was Robert. They were too close and deep.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/30.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'It was $gf.name anf $cliff.name s most private and radiant moment.
$gf.name stroked $cliff.name s hardening cock against her wet and ready pussy and then guided him inside her before he could get any larger. He saw a look of satisfaction and victory on her face as her plan had clearly worked. $gf.name moved back and took all of him in as he was, probably only about a third of the way to my maximum size.
– Mmm, it already feels so good, – $gf.name moaned.
She leaned in and their lips embraced once more. He felt her, start to slowly gyrate her hips as if she was encouraging his cock to grow and even had she not wanted him to, there was no stopping his erection now.
– Oh, oh wow it s growing so fast, -- she said with a satisfied smile.
– It s not hurting you is it? – $cliff.name asked.
– It s stretching me pretty good, -- she said with a slight wince, – but it feels amazing! –
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/47.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were on $mc.name s bed and having intimate time with each other.
$mc.name s gaze drifted from her eyes, down to her perky breasts, and finally to the wet spot forming in the crotch of her panties. He smirked as he reached out and touched her leg, slowly moving his hand up her thigh. $mom.name let out a soft moan as his fingers brushed against her wet panties.
$mc.name moved between her legs, his mouth hovering just above her wet pussy. $mom.name s breathing hitched as $mc.name s tongue flicked out, tasting her wetness. She reached down and tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as he lapped at her clit. $mom.name s moans grew louder as $mc.name s tongue delved deeper, exploring every inch of her wet pussy.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/63.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name was sleeping and started to dream of $mc.name.
$mom.name was a stunning blonde with a set of double Ds that made $mc.name s dick twitch with anticipation every time he saw her. They were lying on the bed, both of them naked and glowing from their recent shower. $mom.name, with her body still damp, pushed her breasts to $mc.name s mouth, inviting him to suck on them. $mc.name happily obliged, wrapping his lips around her nipple and teasing it with his tongue.
$mom.name let out a soft moan, her hands reaching for $mc.name s dick. She found it already hard, the tip glistening with precum. She wrapped her fingers around it, feeling its girth and length. $mc.name let out a groan, his hips bucking upwards, seeking more friction.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/33.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/15.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Maria & Kenny was playing with their intimate parts so excitedly.
Each time, Kenny s cock kissed her cervix and sent wave after wave of satisfaction through her. They need to be fucked and filled was primal. Nothing else in the world mattered, not even his own pleasure. Maria needed to feel him ejaculate inside her. Maria moaned louder and louder. He drove my pleasure to the edge once he began to tweak her nipples again. Maria unexpectedly was going to actually come. Maria knew she wasn t supposed to, and she knew he could take it all away at any second, yet still she let herself succumb to the feelings. Maria s whimpers became more desperate and her ass was arched so much that she could feel his cock begging to rip open her cervix altogether. Just one more stroke in that spot and she d be cumming. – Please – Maria begged to Kenny in a whisper.
– What was that? –
– Please – Maria spoke louder, desperation in her eyes
– I told you, you don t get to cum –
– Please I ll do whatever you want –
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/16.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Still above her, Kenny pushed between her legs. Maria arched her back slightly and I found myself sliding smoothly into her. The angle was strange, but I gently pushed on until I was fully in. Kenny started moving gently in and out. She groaned as I moved.
– Don t stop, but keep it slow –
Slow and steady it was. The feeling of her bum pressing into me was wonderful. It wasn t like when she was kneeling. This way we had full skin to skin contact from neck down. Her legs moved apart a little further and the angle I was at changed again. Still slow and steady, slow and steady, although I was speeding up, I couldn t resist it. Maria had already come from his fingers so was close then as he speeded up. Kenny began to feel himself getting closer too. Kenny had his arms under her arms, gripping back on her shoulders, levering himself into her as he thrusts, harder and harder, faster and faster.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/40.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '
$mom.name was in her bed and suddenly fall asleep as she was tired today. She started to dream and saw $mc.name was in her bed.
$mc.name could feel $mom.name s big, soft breasts pressing against his chest, as she continued to grind her hips against his. $mom.name then broke the kiss, and started to kiss $mc.name s neck. She was biting and sucking on his neck, as she started to unbutton his trouser. $mc.name moaned, as he felt his mother s lips on his neck. He then felt her hand wrap around his hard cock, as she started to stroke it. $mom.name then leaned down, and took $mc.name s cock in her mouth. She started to suck and lick his cock, as she stroked it with her hand. $mc.name moaned, as he felt his mother s warm, wet mouth on his cock. He then felt her tongue swirling around the tip of his cock, as she took it deeper into her mouth. $mom.name then started to deepthroat $mc.name s cock, as she stroked it with her hand. $mc.name moaned, as he felt his mother s lips and tongue on his cock.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/56.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name began to dream that they were sharing a kiss while resting on $mc.name s bed.
$mc.name moved closer to $mom.name and started sucking on her mom s breasts. $mom.name let out a soft moan as $mc.name started licking and kissing her breasts, his hands wandering down her body.
$mc.name couldn t get enough of $mom.name s perfect breasts. He sucked on her nipples, biting them gently, causing $mom.name to gasp. $mc.name s hand moved down $mom.name s body, feeling her soft skin, and finally reaching her wet pussy. $mom.name moaned as $mc.name started rubbing her clit, his fingers exploring her wet folds.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/89.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/23.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Robert was so intense that Sherri began to gasp and moaned intensely.
As his cock oozed with pre-cum, Sherri turned around, arching her back in a downward curve, and sticking her ass out for Robert, welcoming him into her pussy. She rubbed it against his crotch. Robert thought it only natural that she wanted to be fucked doggy style.
Robert took his cock in one hand and grabbed her hip into the other, sliding into that wild unshaven pussy. It slid in easily enough for how dripping she was, and the warmth of her entrance baked his cock like an oven. – Oh,-- Sherri squeaked as he ploughed his cock deep inside her. – My alpha… –
– Keep calling me that, -- Robert commanded. With how horny he was, he found himself liking that title more and more. It made him feel strong, powerful, primal. Like he was just another hound about to claim his female. He thrust his weight onto her with all his strength, her ass clapping each time his pelvis smashed against her.
– Yes, my alpha! – she cried, – Don t stop! – Her body was being thrust back and forth as Simon smashed her from behind. His hands clamped down on her hips, his fingernails sinking into the tender brown flesh. Her ass cheeks jiggled with violent ripples every time his body smacked against hers.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/24.mp4';
$taskDialogue= ' – Wow,-- $gf.name grinned back at him, – arenxt you glad you saved it all up? --
– Ahhh, so that s what that was all about,-- <<$cliff.name>> shook his head.
– Mmmhmm, I wanted a nice fireworks show with you,-- $gf.name half-smiled. – It was over pretty quick though wasn t it? Is it supposed to go that quick? --
– No. I m sorry, it s been a while since I ve had sex and I ve been really worked up and this is just totally totally fucking hot. –
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/44.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and kissing each other passionately.
$mom.name s heart raced as $mc.name sat down in front of her, their legs touching. She couldn t believe she was feeling this way about her own son, but she couldn t deny the attraction she felt. She watched as $mc.name leaned in closer, his tongue darting out to trace her bottom lip.
$mom.name gasped as $mc.name deepened the kiss, his hands roaming over her body. She could feel her nipples hardening under her dress, and she knew he could feel her body shaking with desire. She couldn t believe this was happening, but she didn t want it to stop.
$mc.name broke the kiss, his eyes filled with lust. -- Mom, I ve wanted to do this for so long, -- he said, his voice husky with desire.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/60.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'One night, $mom.name slept quickly and started to dreaming about $mc.name s body.
She could feel her orgasm building deep inside her, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before she exploded.
$mom.name looked down at $mc.name s cock, which was standing at attention. She reached down and wrapped her hand around it, feeling its girth and length. She started to stroke it slowly, matching the rhythm of $mc.name s tongue. $mc.name moaned again, the sound vibrating against her clit. $mom.name could feel her orgasm building faster now, and she started to stroke $mc.name s cock harder and faster.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/73.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/25.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jemma was moaning with excitement when Jason threaded his fingers through her hair.
Jemma took Jason s swollen tip between her plush lips, gently sucking in a way that made him shout her name. She smiled around his girth, loving his reaction already.
Slowly, so slowly, she took more of his heavy length into her hot, wet mouth. Jason was panting, lost in bliss, as inch by inch she descended.
– F-fuck, darling, your mouth is heaven, -- he groaned, hips starting to pump shallowly. Jemma just hummed in response, sending delicious vibrations through his cock.
When she d finally taken him to the hilt, Jemma looked up at him with lust-darkened eyes. Jason threaded his fingers through her hair, speechless with ecstasy.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/26.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
She began to stand up fully and twist towards me, but I stopped her, and pushed her back to her position.
– No, – I instructed. I grabbed her hip firmly and guided my cock inside her. Reflexively she tightened her muscles, and I pushed in slow and deep, pulling her firmly against me. I soft sigh escaped her lips while a deep groan escaped mine.
Then with both hands grabbing her, I began to pump inside her. Going hard and deep. I pulled out slowly, then slammed hard into her again, pushing even deeper. She moaned in approval, and I found myself slowly blocking out all distractions, and focused solely on the primal pleasure I was experiencing.
I thrust again, and again. Deep and hard. Slowly increasing my pace. Her back arched and lowered, which I took as a sign of encouragement. And soon, I was fucking hard, slamming into her with my hard shaft.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/45.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having sex.
$mom.name opened her silky nighty, revealing her large, soft breasts. $mc.name s eyes widened as he stared at his mother s ample cleavage.
$mc.name reached out and gently cupped one of $mom.name s breasts in his hand, feeling the weight of it and the softness of her skin. He leaned down and started to suck on her nipple, causing $mom.name to moan softly.
$mom.name arched her back, pressing her breast further into $mc.name s mouth. She started to rub his cock gently.
$mom.name reached down and grabbed the back of $mc.name s head, pulling him closer to her pussy. $mc.name started to suck on her clit, causing $mom.name to scream out in pleasure.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/61.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'At night, $mom.name slept quickly and started to dreaming about $mc.name one day.
$mom.name leaned down and started to kiss $mc.name, their tongues intertwining as they continued to fuck each other. $mom.name could feel herself getting closer and closer to climaxing, and she knew that she wanted to cum with $mc.name inside her.
She was naked, only a pink sexy panty was in her bottom, covering her pussy. $mc.name was in T -shirt but bottomless, kissing her mother with passion and giving her a good experience. $mc.name was moaning and was happy to see her mother enjoying with him.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $myroomTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/shop.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I purchase?</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(50,0,'groceries'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Buy Groceries ($50)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(200,0,'wine'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Wine ($200)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(100,0,'porn'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Porn DVD ($100)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(250,0,'gasoline'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Gasoline ($250)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(70,0,'video_game'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Video Game ($70)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(150,0,'cleaning_item'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Cleaning Item ($150)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(50,30,'gift_item'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Gift Item ($50)</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(450,30,'camera'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Camera ($450)</p>
<!-- <<if $mc.inventory.camera == false>> -->
<div class="loc_button" onclick="addInventory(350,30,'computer_parts'); " data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<p>Computer Parts ($350)</p>
<!-- <</if>> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/90.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/27.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '– Just fuck me harder. -- He hesitated and started to pull out, but I clamped down around him and he gave in, pumping his cock deep and fast. With just a few strokes I was right on the edge again. I held my breath, trying hard to not give away the fact that I was seconds away from my orgasm. Finally he thrust once more deep within me, reaching the spot I so desperately craved and wave after wave of climatic pleasure rolled through me. My mouth hung open and my pussy spasmed. There was no hiding my orgasm now. Travis stopped fucking me in shock.
– You dirty slut! –
– Oh fuck you, Travis.--
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/28.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Having his MILF give him head was good, because she really knew how to use her tongue, but that wasn t what he was wanting, and neither did she. Proof of that was when she pulled off and climbed right up, and into the saddle for some good ol cowgirl. Johnathan took time to suckle the other almond nipple, and when Mckinsey Craft moaned and began to ride him harder, he switched to tugging and twisting her nipples. DAMN it felt good to be inside her, and he knew she was totally into it, when she responded by kissing him.
Mckinsey loved watching her lover, a man literally half her age, slide his cock in and out of her. It was slick with her juices, and her body totally yielded to it. She also really liked cowgirl, and this variation of being supported while leaning back and being able to see the invader sliding inside her, was powerfully erotic, and she felt a small wave of orgasm rolling towards her.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/46.mp4';;
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were sitting on $mc.name s bed and kissing each other.
$mc.name felt his cock getting hard in his pants. He wanted to touch her so bad.He couldn t resist her any longer. He moved closer to her and touched her belly. She looked at him and smiled. He knew she wanted him.
$mc.name ran his fingers over $mom.name s belly, feeling her soft skin under his touch. He moved his fingers up to her big boobs and started to touch them. She moaned softly and closed her eyes. He leaned in and kissed her neck, and she wrapped her arms around him. He knew she wanted him, and he was ready to give her what she wanted.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/62.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'At night, $mom.name slept quickly and started to dreaming that they are fucking each other.
$mom.name pulled back and smiled at her son, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She reached down and undid his pants, pulling them down and freeing his hard cock.
$mc.name gasped as his mom wrapped her hand around his dick, stroking him up and down as she leaned down and took him into her mouth. $mc.name s head fell back as he felt his mom s lips and tongue working their magic, bringing him closer and closer to the edge.
$mom.name pulled back and climbed on top of her son, positioning herself so that his cock was pressed against her wet pussy. She looked into his eyes as she slowly lowered herself down onto him, taking him all the way in and starting to ride him.
'" > -->
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/88.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/21.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Sherri & Robert was in their intense part of sex and was feeling amazing together.
– Fuck me.-- Sherri said.
Simple. Arousing. It felt like her soul was smiling in response to that simple statement.
Sherri slowly opened her legs as Robert climbed on top of her. – I love you.-- Robert whispered, as she slid his tongue into her mouth. They kissed passionately, and he soon slid my shaft inside her.
God it felt good!
Robert pushed in deep, stretching her and filling her completely. She moaned into my mouth. Her hands gripped my ass and squeezed hard, as she ground her hips against me. He thrust slow and deep inside her.
She pulled her mouth from mine, and sighed loudly. – Harder – she cried.
Robert immediately complied, thrusting harder and deeper. Her body tensed and her breathing quickened as the bed shook with each heavy thrust.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/22.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Sherri & Robert were in their intense time. They were close to their peak time.
– Gd you re so fucking hot!! – Robert could barely contain himself.
– Mmm, I like that you see me that way – Sherri sighed as she wiggled her ass in front of me.
They both smiled in delight and anticipation. And finally Robert couldn t handle the tension any more. She looked away as she prepared for me to push my aching hard rod inside her. Instead, he squatted down quickly, and began eating her out from behind. She gasped in surprise as my tongue lashed over her ass and between her legs. She reached back with one arm to grab his head, pushing it harder as she shifted her hips to allow him better access to her.
Her juices coated my face as he slid his tongue inside her. God she tasted good!
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/43.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having fun with each other.
$mom.name s eyes widened as she saw her son s long, hard dick. She couldn t help but reach out and touch it, running her fingers along the length as $mc.name moaned in pleasure. She wrapped her hand around it, feeling the warmth and hardness of his cock as she began to stroke it.
$mc.name lying down, pressing his lips against his mother s. $mom.name opened her mouth, allowing her son s tongue to explore her mouth as he continued to rub his dick against her hand. $mom.name couldn t help but feel a surge of desire as she felt her son s cock twitch in her hand.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/59.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'One night, $mom.name slept quickly and started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having intimate time with each other.
-- Suck my asshole, $mc.name, -- she commanded, wiggling her ass suggestively. $mc.name felt a rush of adrenaline as he heard his mother s words, and he couldn t help but comply. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her puckered hole, feeling her muscles tense beneath his touch.
$mom.name moaned louder as she felt her son s tongue explore her most intimate areas, and she widened her legs to give him better access. She reached back and grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him closer as she ground her ass against his face.
$mc.name felt a sense of power and excitement as he pleased his mother in this way, and he couldn t help but feel a sense of pride as she moaned and writhed beneath his touch. He slid his tongue deeper into her ass, feeling her muscles relax and contract as he explored her depths.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/18.png'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name entered her Bedroom and saw Kenny was in her bed and Maria standing in front of her.
In the blink of an eye, like a magician, Kenny took Maria s towel off. Caressing her from Her toes to Her ears and everything in between, Kenny kept marveling at how soft and smooth she felt. As Kenny s hands went up her thighs, he remarked, -- You re very wet.-- Kenny’s cock was oozing pre-cum as Maria fondled it exclaiming, -- So are you. -- He started to suck Maria s boobs, which was making her more and more wet.' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/2.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jason was groaning helplessly, already stirring beneath Jemma s despite his spent state. The erotic display had reawakened his passions tenfold.
-- You insatiable minx, -- he rasped, reaching up to palm her full breasts. Jemma gasped, nipples pebbling at his expert touch. -- Even after breaking me, you crave more. --
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/33.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Suddenly $mom.name fell asleep and started to dream.
$mom.name slowly entered the room and found $mc.name on his bed. She is wearing a silky revealing nightie. She is looking sex bomb.
$mom.name s nipples hardened under the thin silk of her nighty, and her breath hitched as $mc.name s fingers brushed against them. She arched her back, pressing her tits into his touch, letting out a low moan as he began to knead her flesh.
$mom.name s hips bucked as $mc.name s finger slid inside of her, and she couldn t help but grind against him. She was so close, so fucking close, and she knew that she was going to cum harder than she ever had before.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/49.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having sex passionately.
$mom.name let out a soft moan as $mc.name s lips met her skin. She could feel her body responding to his touch, her pussy growing wet with desire. $mc.name reached her panties and hesitated for a moment, but then he slowly began to pull them down.$mom.name widen her legs and allow him to suck her wet pussy.
He leaned in closer, taking a deep breath of her scent before he began to kiss her pussy. $mom.name let out a loud moan as $mc.name s tongue touched her clit, her body writhing in pleasure.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/84.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/7.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Sherri & Robert were playing with their bodies and were having their own time.
Robert moaned in Sherri’s ear when his palms rubbed across her hard nipples.
– Yes,-- Sherri groaned. – Play with them.--
When Robert caught her nipples between his fingers, she sighed, saying, – Hmm, just like that.--
Sherri s hot breath in his ear and the sexy purr of her voice spurred him on. Cupping her tits, he fondled them while stroking her swollen flesh with thumbs. Robert kissed Sherry again and this time all but devoured her lips as I caressed her nipples. Her tongue plunged into my mouth and swirled around dancing across Robert and tickling the roof of his mouth.
Robert slipped Sherri s tongue across her and it occurred to him that there was a better place his tongue could be.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/8.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jason was groaning passionately and feeling completely out of this world with Jemma.
As requested Jason made her come with my mouth, then Jason used a cushion to lift her up and take her from behind as they had on the paving, although a little more comfortably than before. Then after a rest, Jason laid on top of Jemma, fucking at her mouth as Jason made her come again with his tongue. Jason held off from coming quite heroically, until she was on her fourth. Then we quickly reversed and I fucked her face to face, her legs wrapped tightly around me, she was having my hard cock from back in her juicy wet pussy. After coming once more we united in one last ear-shattering joint climax.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/36.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name was dreaming, $mom.name and $mc.name standing in front of each other and teasing each other. They were in their living room.
$mom.name could smell the fresh scent of $mc.name s cologne, feeling his warm breath against her cheek.
-- Mom, I ve been thinking about you all day, -- $mc.name whispered, his hand reaching out to gently touch $mom.name s arm.
$mom.name shivered with anticipation, her heart racing as she felt $mc.name s touch on her skin. She knew that they shouldn t be doing this, but she couldn t resist the temptation any longer.
– I ve been thinking about you too, $mc.name,-- she replied, her voice husky with desire.
$mc.name s hand moved up to $mom.name s shoulder, his fingers tracing the curve of her neck as he leaned in to kiss her. $mom.name responded eagerly, her lips parting to allow $mc.name s tongue to explore her mouth.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/52.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name was tired. So she was trying to sleep this night. Suddenly she started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed.
$mc.name pushed $mom.name to her bed. $mom.name smiled and she felt happy with desire. $mc.name didn t waste any time. He dove in, his tongue exploring every inch of $mom.name s wet pussy. He licked and sucked, teasing her clit with his tongue. $mom.name s moans turned into screams of pleasure as $mc.name brought her closer and closer to the edge.
$mom.name could feel herself on the brink of orgasm. She grabbed onto the sheets, her body trembling with pleasure. And then, with one final flick of $mc.name s tongue, she came. Her orgasm ripped through her body, leaving her breathless and panting.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[0] += 1>>
<<set $kitchenTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/83.png'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/9.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jemma rode Jason with abandon, bouncing vigorously in his lap and they were out of the world.
Jemma rode Jason with abandon, bouncing vigorously in his lap as his thick length filled her perfectly on each downward stroke. The delicious friction had them both hovering on the razor s edge in no time.
– Baby, I m so close, don t stop! – Jason groaned, hands squeezing her bouncing breasts for purchase.
Jemma rode him, walls clamping down on his pistoning cock with each bounce. The delicious friction had them both hovering right on the precipice.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/10.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jemma groaned as Jason s long cock was reaching at her constricted ring, inch by inch.
Jemma moaned as Jason filled her so well like this, even in her inexperienced back door.
– You re doing so well, darling,-- Jason soothed, nuzzling her neck as he bottomed out with excruciating slowness.
Once fully seated, he held still, letting her adjust to his generous girth. Jemma trembled, clutching the sheets at the exquisite fullness.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/37.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Suddenly $mom.name fell asleep and started to dream. She saw $mc.name in her dream. They were in their bed at night.
$mom.name knew how much $mc.name enjoyed her attention, but tonight she was determined to take things further than usual. She had waited a long time for this moment, and she was ready to make her move.
$mc.name couldn t believe his luck when $mom.name started touching him over his pants. He had always found his mom attractive, but he never thought she would make a move on him. As she leaned over him, pressing her breasts against his chest, he felt his cock start to harden.
$mc.name groaned as $mom.name wrapped her hand around his cock. He couldn t believe how good it felt. He had never felt anything like this before.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/53.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name was tired. So she was trying to sleep this night. Suddenly she started to dream that she is on $mc.name s bed.
$mom.name decided to take $mc.name s dick into her mouth. She started licking it with passion, rubbing it back and forth. $mc.name was moaning with joy and was taking the feel of $mom.name s mouth on his dick. $mom.name was playing with the long dick as it is a toy.
$mom.name then decided to take things to the next level, and she got on top of $mc.name. She started riding him, and $mc.name was moaning louder.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/27.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream..</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/13.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jason rhythm kicked up a notch and she was whimpering slurred words to him. Jemma’s fingers still rubbing her clit. Her other hand... caressing his chest... neck... arms... waist. She stopped twinkling her clit and touched his dick as he fucked her. Jason sliding between her petite fingers as he thrusts. She mumbled...
– Sexy. – A few whimpers. – Jason. –Two squeaks. – It feels so fucking good.-- A long wheeze. – You have an incredible dick.-- In a crescendo... and rapidly announced...
– I can t believe... Holy FUCK... I... Orggg... Gaa... Grr... OhMyGod, I think... YES... YES... YES... FEELS... HOOOOO-LY FUCK! – Her last two words... a petite, high pitch slur.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/14.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Kenny started in rough, banging her sweet sex with his own, athletically hammering her crotch with his junk. Maria gasped with each impact, her knees flailing back and forth, getting into the helpless-fuck-doll victim thing.
– Gawd! Take me, you monster! Fuck this bitch! Don t let up! I m your fuck machine! –
Kenny didn t; he got into a rhythm, hips angled just right to extract then plunge! Straight into her, sliding frictionlessly into her body, feeling her contract around him, clutch at his dick on the way out, squeeze on each return.
– Huh! Huh! Huh! Cum in me! I m cummmmmmming!!! –
Maria convulsed hard, her torso thrashing, knees flailing, her butt off the shelf now, banging him back! He picked her up by the thighs again, got her fully mated, started into his ejaculation thrusts.
– Fucker! Fill me! Fill me! You cunt-fucking girl-breeder! Shit! Shit! –
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/39.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name was in her bed and suddenly fell asleep as she was tired today. She started to dream and saw $mc.name was in her bed.
$mom.name was wearing a red lacy nightgown that barely covered her big boobs, as she made her way to the bed. Her heart was racing with excitement and anticipation. She had been fantasizing about this moment all day. $mc.name was already lying on the bed, his toned chest exposed. He opened his t-shirt, revealing his perfectly chiselled abs. $mom.name felt her pussy getting wet just by looking at him.
$mc.name watched as $mom.name slowly approached him, her hips swaying seductively. He couldn t take his eyes off her big boobs, which were threatening to spill out of her nightgown. He licked his lips in anticipation, ready to taste her soft skin.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/55.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name fall asleep and started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having fun with each other.
$mom.name had widen his legs, her body propped up on her arms, giving $mc.name an unobstructed view of her wet pussy. He was licking it, his tongue exploring every inch of her slit.
$mc.name was naked, his dick hard and standing straight up. $mom.name couldn t help but stare at it, the way it twitched every time $mc.name moaned into her pussy. She reached down, wrapping her hand around the base of his shaft and giving it a gentle squeeze. $mc.name s moans grew louder, his tongue working faster against her clit.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[0] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/81.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/3.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jason spent a few minutes kissing Jemma s neck and nibbling at her ears. All the time Jason could hear her breath getting slower as she relaxed under his ministrations. Now that Jemma was relaxed Jason intended on getting her turned on.
Slowly Jason started to rub lower down her front, tracing the contour of her bra under her top and Jason felt her body start to tremble. Jason held his breath and without pausing he deftly undid the button of her blouse, and then the next one. Jemma didn t stop him. Continuing down Jason undid all remaining buttons on her silk blouse and he returned to stroking her soft and sensitive skin.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/4.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'She climbed on top of Kenny, straddling his face as she lowered her pussy down onto his mouth. At the same time, she took his cock in her mouth, sucking and stroking him as he licked her.
They were now in the 69 position, with Maria on top, blowing and Kenny licking. Maria s moans were muffled by Kenny s cock, but she didn t care. She was lost in the pleasure of the moment, and she didn t want it to end.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/34.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name saw in her dream that she stood at the door to her son s bedroom, a playful smile on her face as she looked down at the figure sitting in bed.
$mc.name reached up to touch her breasts, his fingers tracing over the thin material of her nighty. He could feel her nipples harden even more under his touch, and she moaned softly as he squeezed them gently.
$mom.name leaned down to kiss him again, her tongue exploring his mouth as she ground her hips against his. $mc.name could feel her heat through the thin fabric of her panties, and he knew that she was already wet for him.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/50.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and she was naked.
$mom.name broke the kiss and started to move down her son s body, her lips leaving a trail of kisses as she went. She reached $mc.name s cock and wrapped her lips around the head, swirling her tongue around it as she took him deeper into her mouth.
$mc.name let out a loud moan as his mother started to suck on his cock, her head bobbing up and down as she took him deeper and deeper. $mom.name s hand continued to move up and down his shaft.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[1] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/85.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/11.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Lifting her head, Jemma shivered as she looked down between her legs and watched Jason slide onto his stomach, spread her legs open with shoulders, so he could bury his face in her pussy.
Just seeing his head between her legs, was almost enough to make her come, before he d even started to probe Jemma with his tongue, giving her an erotic little tongue-fucking.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/12.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jason was in ferocious and wild mode onto the couch and was eager to have Jemma soon.
Jemma groaned loudly as Jason pushed her back onto the couch and bent over her, kissing her with a ferocious manner that left no doubt how much he wanted me. He sucked one tit into his mouth as his fingers explored her pussy.
Cradling his head onto her tit Jemma moaned, – Oh Jason, you re going to make me cum. It feels so good. Please make me cum. –
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/38.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Suddenly $mom.name fall asleep and started to dream. She saw $mc.name in a dream and they were in bed at night and started to tease each other.
$mc.name s touch was electric, and $mom.name found herself becoming more and more aroused with every passing second. She widened her legs, allowing $mc.name to move closer to her.
$mc.name s hand continued to explore $mom.name s body, moving down to her chest and gently cupping her breast. $mom.name let out a soft moan as $mc.name s thumb brushed over her nipple, causing it to harden under his touch.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/54.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name fall asleep. She started dreaming of his son $mc.name.
$mc.name, was lying on his back on the bed, his legs spread wide to accommodate his mother between them. His dick was rock hard, and he was moaning softly as $mom.name worked him over, her mouth and tongue and hands all focused on bringing him pleasure. Mother $mom.name took the rock hard dick of his son $mc.name in the middle of her breasts. She was hold tightly and rubbing the cock in the middle of her breasts.
$mc.name was moaning with passion.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.count[2] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _eventQuest = [
"You want to see me happy?",
"I want you so bad,",
"Why didn't he remember?",
"Hey, fancy meeting you here.",
"They were with their sons",
"I have to keep trying.",
"I took it, it worked.",
"So this thing keeps making mothers want their sons?",
"I had no choice.",
"This is so fucked up.",
"Have you been listening to me?",
"You haven't crossed the line completely",
<!-- <<set _eventQuestLocation = [$myroom.time[0],$kitchen.time[0],$kitchen.time[1],$living.time[0],$living.time[1],
$living.time[5],$living.time[6],$living.time[7],"Completed"]>> -->
<<set _eventQuestLocation = ["Bedroom", "Bedroom","Bedroom","Outdoor","Outdoor",
<<set _eventTitle = [$bedroom.title[0],$bedroom.title[1],$bedroom.title[2],$pool.title[0],$pool.title[1],
<<set _eventQuestTime = [$bedroom.time[0],$bedroom.time[1],$bedroom.time[2],$pool.time[0],$pool.time[1],
<<set _eventMoney = [$bedroom.money[0],$bedroom.money[1],$bedroom.money[2],$pool.money[0],$pool.money[1],
<<set _eventMorality =[$bedroom.morality[0],$bedroom.morality[1],$bedroom.morality[2],$pool.morality[0],$pool.morality[1],
<<set _eventStamina =[$bedroom.stamina[0],$bedroom.stamina[1],$bedroom.stamina[2],$pool.stamina[0],$pool.stamina[1],
<<set _eventMomLove = [$bedroom.mom_love[0],$bedroom.mom_love[1],$bedroom.mom_love[2],$pool.mom_love[0],$pool.mom_love[1],
<<set _eventMomRel = [$bedroom.mom_rel[0],$bedroom.mom_rel[1],$bedroom.mom_rel[2],$pool.mom_rel[0],$pool.mom_rel[1],
<<set _eventMomLust = [$bedroom.mom_lust[0],$bedroom.mom_lust[1],$bedroom.mom_lust[2],$pool.mom_lust[0],$pool.mom_lust[1],
<<set _eventDay = ["Weekday","Weekend","Weekday","Weekday","Weekday","Saturday","Weekday","Weekday","Sunday",
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Quest</span><br>
Quest: <<print _eventQuest[$eventCount]>><br>
Location: <<print _eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>><br>
Time: <<print $dayTimes[_eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>><br>
Required: <br>
<!-- Money: <<print _eventMoney[$eventCount]>> || -->
<!-- Knowledge: <<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>> || -->
Love Desire: <<print _eventMomLove[$eventCount]>> ||
Sex Desire: <<print _eventMomLust[$eventCount]>> ||
Taboo Desire: <<print _eventMorality[$eventCount]>> ||
<!-- Stamina: <<print _eventStamina[$eventCount]>> -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc">Tips</span><br>
Curse: Clean Kitchen/Pool/Living/Room (Need Blue Stone)<br>
Blue Stone: Dinner, Breakfast, Shower, Sleep<br>
Red Stone: Exercise, Swim, Work, Watch TV (Need Blue Stone)<br>
Love Desire: Special Event <br>
Sex Desire: Special Event <br>
Taboo Desire: Special Event <br>
Special Event Location: <br>
Pool: Midday ||
Kitchen: Morning ||
Bedroom: Night ||<br>
Living: Early Morning & Afternoon ||
Bathroom: Evening (Weekday) <br>
Cheat Code: Available in Bedroom (Patreon Only)
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc">Character</span><br>
<<set _full = 100>>
<<set _event = 11>>
<<print $mom.name>>:<br>
Main Event Passed: <<print $eventCount>> ||
Completed: <<print Math.trunc(_full/_event) * $eventCount>>% / 100%
<div class="enter_button" data-passage= "Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
[[Website]]<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Czech (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
Your feedback is insanely appreciated! You can send it to my Discord or Email (thetwist007@gmail.com) you want!
<p class="notation_text">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/the_twist" target="_blank">Visit my Patreon page.</a>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Start" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-1.png'">
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> was concerned about her son and she was puzzled about the situation. The connection between the stone and her son was unavoidable.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The stone is moving much more quickly than I ever saw it before because there's not another man in the picture to cause hesitation on either of your parts. Your calling me told me something happened between the two of you.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You haven't crossed the line completely, but I imagine you've gotten close." <<print $gf.name>> reached out and put her hand over hers. "Don't fight it, <<print $mom.name>>. You have no idea how beautiful it can be." / Rp
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Christ, <<print $gf.name>>, you hear yourself? I guess I can understand the draw of fantasy in flat out porn. The taboo of screwing a family member, but you're talking love."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>> when something is off limits to you, but you do it anyway, isn't it more of a thrill? The extra spice added because you know it's wrong, but doing it anyway?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "We're not talking about sneaking out with a boy my parents didn't like or getting drunk at a friend's house. We're talking about..." She lowered her voice. "Incest."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>> let me tell you something. The love I have for my son is like nothing I ever felt before and he feels the same way. When <<print $cliff.name>> looks at me I see love and desire."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> glanced over to where the woman behind the counter was now cleaning off the tables around them. She leaned closer, and like <<print $mom.name>>, lowered her voice.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The sex is incredible. We've been together for over fifteen years and we can't get enough of each other. Whether it's the taboo or that genetic sexual attraction theory I read up on or hell maybe even something to do with the stone, the passion is incredible."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> slid her hand from <<print $gf.name>>s. "So this is what it's all about? Kinky sex?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You know yourself the best sex is with someone you love and trust and want to be good to. <<print $mom.name>>, your son wants to make you happy and please you in every way and as his mother you know no one could love him better than you and that extends to the bedroom too."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So all this twilight zone style mystique can be pretty much summed up in one of those movies you left for my son to watch."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Every fantasy is based on a real life desire. The women who have dared cross society's imposed boundaries have been well rewarded as have their sons. You'll see soon enough."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It's not going to happen." <<print $mom.name>> told her. "Know why? Because something's missing from this little puzzle."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "What's that?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>> has never thought of me in that way."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He has or it wouldn't have gotten as far as it has." <<print $gf.name>> gave her a sly smile. "How far has it gotten, <<print $mom.name>>? A kiss? Some heavy petting? Maybe more?"
<P class="notation_text"> Try a blow job, <<print $mom.name>> thought disgustedly.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Your silence and the look on your face is all the proof I need." <<print $gf.name>> continued. "Now I'll tell you what. Are you really convinced your son has never had thoughts of you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm sure of it."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_12_1">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is 2 >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/96.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $mc.stats.mom_rel gte $talkEvent.pool.rel[$poolTalk]>>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="talkEventCheck('Pool');">
<p >** Special **</p>
<p class="notation_text">Special Task Require: <<print $talkEvent.pool.rel[$poolTalk]>> curse point</p>
<<else >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/44.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.call>><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $poolClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$poolClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/93.jpg';" >
<p >Clean Pool! (20 Blue)</p>
<<if $swimming is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $swimming = 1; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/95.jpg'; ">
<p >Swim (20 Blue)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/82.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/5.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '– I want you to ride me,-- Kenny said, his voice hoarse with desire.
Maria nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She climbed on top of him, straddling his waist and guiding his cock inside her. She moaned loudly as she sank down onto him, her tight pussy gripping his cock like a vice.
Kenny grabbed her hips, helping her move up and down. Maria leaned back, her hands on his thighs as she rode him hard and fast. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, and Kenny couldn t take his eyes off of them.
–Fuck, you feel so good,-- Maria gasped, her voice hoarse with pleasure.
Kenny couldn t agree more. He had never felt anything like this before, and he knew he was never going to forget it. He watched as Maria s face contorted with pleasure, her moans getting louder and louder.
– I m close, – she gasped, her hips moving faster and faster.
Kenny knew he wasn t far behind. He could feel his orgasm building, his balls tightening as he thrust up into Maria s pussy.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/6.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Maria was feeling out of the world and moaning with passion.
Kenny positioned himself behind her and with his hand on her ass, teased her by slapping his cock on her dripping hole. Causing her to whimper in frustration, pushing her ass back into his hand. Eventually, he sank himself into her quickly in one stroke, shoving his cock deep.
Maria glanced at him, and he nodded urgently. She moaned then, screaming out, her body quivering, her legs suddenly very shaky. She leaned down and caught herself on her elbows, as she screamed.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/35.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name was on her bed and was taking a rest. Suddenly she fell asleep and had a dream about $mc.name.
$mom.name stood in front of $mc.name, her pink nighty revealing her flattering breasts. She was looking so young and beautiful tonight. $mc.name couldn t help but touch her lips with his fingers, feeling her soft skin against his rough hands.
$mom.name started to tease $mc.name, her fingers tracing the outline of his chest through his shirt. She could feel his heart racing, his body tense with desire. $mc.name let out a low growl, grabbing $mom.name s waist and pulling her closer. Their bodies pressed together, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss.
$mom.name s hands wandered down to $mc.name s pants, feeling his hard cock through the fabric. She bit her lip, her body on fire with need. $mc.name s hands roamed over $mom.name s body, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples through the thin fabric of her nighty.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/51.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having fun with each other.
$mom.name opened her white bra, leaned over and took $mc.name s cock in her hand. She started to stroke it gently, feeling it grow harder in her hand. $mc.name let out a low moan as his mother s hand worked its magic.
$mom.name then straddled $mc.name, positioning herself so that his cock was in the middle of her breasts. She started to rub them together, feeling the cock sliding between them. $mc.name watched as his mother s breasts moved back and forth, the nipples tightening even more.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $bedroomTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime lte 4 >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/my_room.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> should ...</p>
<<if $roomClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Rel'; $roomClean = 1; $activityImage = 'scenes/mom/76.jpg';" >
<p >Clean <<print $mc.name>>'s Room! (20 Blue)</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/closed_door.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"> Locked </p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/43.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/31.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Sherri & Robert were kissing each other, they were within each other!
Sherri wrapped her arms around Robert s back, and he quickly wrapped his arms around her as well. She leaned in and kissed him again. He hugged her body as they kissed, and then he felt her soft fingers on his cock. They stroked him gently for a moment, and then he felt wetness on the end of his cock. He felt his tip slowly enter the tight wetness of her pussy, and then move further in. They both moaned out together, into each other s mouths as Sherri let his cock slowly fill her. She broke the kiss and leaned back, and Robert stared at her tits again, before finally looking down. His cock was buried deep inside her, and it felt incredible.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/32.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name saw $gf.name and $cliff.name was there.
– Ohhh ohhhhh FUUUUUCK!! Oh Yes! oh yes! Stretch me open, pleaseeeee, please, please fuck me like the little white slut that I am, --
$gf.name begged over and over again.
– Please use me like a fucking whore! –
$cliff.name fisted the base of his cock placed it at her cunt hole and shoved several inches inside her. Those first few inches was probably the most She d ever taken in her life, so at this point I had no idea how $gf.name could take the rest. $cliff.name though, couldn t and didn t give a fuck. He quickly pulled those first inches out, then rammed his thick cock straight back in. Then pulled all of it out again, laughing as $gf.name closed her eyes and shook her head in shock and disbelief. Then once again he jammed and rammed all of his thick cock into her cunt and began brutally pounding away at her as $gf.name screamed and yelled like a stuck pig.__
– Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck, oh god your cock is so big, please, please, ohhhh please –
She moaned repeatedly. I wasn t sure if she was begging him to stop for a break or if she wanted him to use her even harder.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/48.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having sex with each other.
$mc.name rode on her mom, pushing his long cock to her mouth. $mom.name grabbed his cock, pushed it into her mouth and sucked it, back and forth. She loved the feeling of his dick in her mouth, feeling the tip of his cock reach her throat.
$mom.name moaned as $mc.name pushed deeper into her. She could feel her son s cock throbbing in her mouth, his balls slapping against her chin. $mom.name grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper into her. She could feel her pussy getting wetter with every thrust.
$mc.name moaned as he felt his mom s mouth around his cock. He loved the feeling of her warm mouth, her tongue swirling around his cock. He pushed deeper into her, feeling her gag slightly. $mom.name didn t mind, she loved the feeling of her son s cock in her mouth.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/64.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'At night, $mom.name felt quite sick. She decided to sleep earlier tonight. She went to bed and started dreaming about $mc.name.
$mom.name was wearing a pink silky nighty, and she couldn t get her mind off of $mc.name. She watched as $mc.name lay on his bed in his shorts, rubbing his dick. It was hard, and she knew he wanted her. She climbed onto the bed, straddling him. She felt his dick press against her through the thin fabric of her nighty. She teased him, rubbing her pussy against it, feeling herself get wetter with every movement.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.count[2] += 1>>
<<set $poolTalk = 0>>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v1.3 "Chapter 3"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div class="intro">
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">Change Name & Relation by clicking on change button below. </p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/20.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcName">Change Name (Default: <<print $mc.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>):</label>
<input type="text" id="mcName" value="Juan" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/72.webp'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momName">She is <<print $mom.name>> (Default:<<print $mom.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momName" value="Mrs. Penny" placeholder="Enter any Mona/Silvee/Reba"><br>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dee/26.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="gfName">She is <<print $gf.name>> (Default: <<print $gf.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="gfName" value="Mrs. Dee" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/codey/1.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="cliffName">He is <<print $cliff.name>> (Default: <<print $cliff.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="cliffName" value="Mr. Codey" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<p style="notation_text">------ Select Character's Relation ------- </p>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momRel">Relation with MILF: (Default: <<print $mom.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momRel" value="Landlady" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="momCall">Young Boy should Call Her: (Default: <<print $mom.call>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="momCall" value="Landlady" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcRel"> Relation with young-man: (Default: <<print $mc.rel>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="mcRel" value="Tenant" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcCall">Milf should call him: (Default: <<print $mc.call>>)</label>
<input type="text" id="mcCall" value="Tenant" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<<button "Change" "Intro_0">>
<<set $mc.name = $("#mcName").val()>>
<<set $mc.rel = $("#mcRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.call = $("#mcCall").val()>>
<<set $gf.name = $("#gfName").val()>>
<<set $mom.name = $("#momName").val()>>
<<set $mom.rel = $("#momRel").val()>>
<<set $mom.call = $("#momCall").val()>>
<<set $cliff.name = $("#cliffName").val()>>
<div class="big_text">
<<if $mc.stats.money gte 20 or $activityType eq "Money" >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" >
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="statsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/blue.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Blue Stone!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/86.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/19.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$gf.name s Brother Jason and Mother Jemma were there.
Jason moved a finger to her pussy entrance and traced around it while I sucked her sensitive clit. I pushed my finger forwards, parting her pussy lips and easing inside her, up to the first knuckle and then the second. Jason heard a gasp from her pretty lips as she felt his finger invade her tight pussy but she didn t move away.
Her gasps became faster when he started to rub the inside of her pussy, his finger sliding across her g-spot in a gentle rhythm. Then he started to fuck her young tight pussy with my finger, thrusting my finger in and out of her in time to my licking her clit. Her pussy was clamped around my finger but he managed to slip in a second finger and continued to fuck her while she groaned and moaned above me.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/20.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Sherri was desperate to feel her partner s penis inside her.
Sherri caressed his head and shoulders to get him to lift his face from her vagina, – Please, I need to feel you inside me… – Robert would lick her for hours to multiple orgasms if she let him. He moved up the bed and resumed kissing her as she reached down and caressed his rock hard member. She loved tasting herself on his lips and tongue. She guided the head of his penis to her entrance, rubbing it in her juices to prepare for pulling him inside. As she guided him in and he moved his hips and they became one she finally felt whole again. They still fit perfectly together. He resumed kissing her on her lips and neck and she passionately returned the kisses as he set their rhythm. – You feel amazing,-- he sighed as her post orgasm aftershocks made her walls contract around his penis.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/42.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mc.name lay back on the bed, his eyes glued to his mother s cleavage as she bent over him, teasing him with her curves.
-- $mc.name, sweetie, -- $mom.name said, her voice dripping with faux sweetness. -- I need your help with something. --
$mc.name swallowed hard, his throat dry. -- What is it, Mom? --
$mom.name reached down and grabbed the waistband of $mc.name s pants, pulling them down roughly. $mc.name s dick sprang free, already hard and throbbing.
-- I think you know what it is, -- $mom.name said, a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips.
$mc.name s heart raced as his mother wrapped her hand around his dick, her fingers barely able to encircle his girth. She began to stroke him slowly, her grip tightening as she moved her hand up and down his shaft.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/58.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'One night, $mom.name started to dream that they were lying on $mc.name s bed and having intimate time with each other.
$mom.name lay in bed with $mc.name. She was wearing her favorite pink silky nighty, and $mc.name couldn t help but stare at her curves. $mom.name leaned over and started to kiss $mc.name s neck, making her way down to his chest. She could feel his heart racing as she made her way down to his pants.
$mom.name slowly unbuttoned $mc.name s pants, revealing his rock-hard dick. She started to lick and rub it, making $mc.name moan with pleasure. $mom.name loved the feeling of $mc.name s dick in her mouth, and she could feel herself getting wet as she continued to pleasure him.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[3] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[3] += 1>>
<<set $livingTalk = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-16.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The pendant slid from her loose top and touched his chest. At the contact, <<print $mom.name>>'s rage increased, but her course of action changed drastically. Her son was begging for release from a filthy little skank that had the nerve to deny him sex while she was fucking his best friend.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd broken his heart and here he was still dreaming of her and longing for her. <<print $mc.name>> whimpered and his hips jerked again.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's not fair! I made you come and now you're teasing."
<P class="notation_text"> The whore had made <<print $mc.name>> get her off then cock teased him and was making him beg? That was the last straw! <<print $mom.name>> turned on her side so she was lying across <<print $mc.name>> with her back to him, her weight resting on his chest.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-17.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Grabbing his shorts she shoved them back down, causing his cock to spring free and with no hesitation grabbed it in her right hand. If that little whore wouldn't take care of her boy, then she would.
<P class="notation_text"> Pumping his cock in her fist, <<print $mom.name>> listened to her son moan in pleasure behind her and a smile spread across her face. That's right, honey, you don't need to beg that little bitch. Not when your mother's here to take care of you.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> squeezed his cock tighter, causing pre cum to spurt from the tip and her pussy gushed at how fucking hard he was. His cock pulsed in her hand and her clit responded, throbbing in the same rhythm.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hmm, that feels so good, Ash." <<print $mc.name>> sighed.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm not Ashley." <<print $mom.name>> hissed, pumping his cock faster. "I'm not the slut that teased you, I'm your mother. The woman who's spent her life trying to give you everything you need."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-18.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> brought her other hand into play, cupping his balls and gently squeezing them. They were so swollen, so....full. Full of cum and frustration that needed to be released. Wasn't that what a good mother did? Help her son in any way she could.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">And you're a good mother aren't you, <<print $mom.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes." For the first time since she heard it, she agreed with the voice. "I'm a very good mother."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"A loving mother who would never want to see her son go without in any way."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "My baby needs his mother," she replied in a whisper as she stared at her son's cock in her hand.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-20.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He was so thick her fingers barely touched around his shaft and again she imagined having her cunt stuffed and stretched by that much hard flesh. But she couldn't do that. She couldn't fuck her son. That was a line no mother should cross.
<P class="notation_text"> But she could do this. She could jerk his cock and make him come. Make her boy feel better. After all, it was only her hand, something he could do for himself. But why should he? Why should such an amazing young man with so much to offer be lying here jerking his own cock?
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s nipples were aching and she let his cock go long enough to ease the straps of her top down her shoulder and arms. The loose fitting camisole slid down her chest exposing her breasts. She lowered her chest to <<print $mc.name>>'s stomach and moaned when her nipples pressed into his skin.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-21.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Reaching up, she removed the green scrunchie from her hair and shook it out, letting it fall down her back and across his chest.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Look at you, how sexy you are, <<print $mom.name>>."
<P class="notation_text"> She turned and saw her reflection in the mirror; wantonly sprawled across her son, topless, his cock in her hand. Staring back at her in the mirror was a woman overcome with lust. Her eyes were bright, face flushed and her lips parted as her breasts heaved with desire.
<P class="notation_text"> That magnificent cock protruding from her fist was inspiring that lust. Somewhere in her mind she knew this was horribly wrong, but at the same time the fact this was her son pulsing in her hand was fueling her desire to a level she hadn't felt in a long time.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was laying back, his eyes closed, moaning and whimpering. He was no longer begging and pleading that snotty little girl who never deserved him, but enjoying his mother's touch.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_4">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No." <<print $mom.name>> choked out the word, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I missed you so much!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "I was never gone <<print $mom.name>>." He squeezed her tightly to him, then released her and sat back. "That must have been some dream."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It..." <<print $mom.name>> shook her head. "It wasn't. I couldn't have dreamt last year. I'm dreaming now."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "You need to lay off the wine before bed, hon." Steven whistled. "Last year? We went to sleep two hours ago."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It can't be."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> looked down and saw there was no pendant on her chest, nor was there anything else. A quick peek under the covers showed she was naked, how she always slept after they had sex because she was always too satisfied and sleepy to bother getting dressed.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Lose something?" Steven reached under the covers and slid his hand along her thigh. "I'll help you find it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I lost you." She grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand away. "Stop fucking with me."
<P class="notation_text"> She wasn't speaking to Steven, but whatever had been messing with her head since they'd moved in yesterday. God, had that only been yesterday?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "I'm right here, <<print $mom.name>>." Steven's look of concern was genuine. "You're really shaken up, aren't you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It just can't be. You can't be alive."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Sorry to disappoint you." He sighed. "But you know, <<print $mom.name>> I've wanted to talk about what would happen if I did pass and you never wanted to."
<P class="notation_text"> Wanted to....past tense. <<print $mom.name>>'s mind seemed to be functioning clearly for a dream....could this be real?
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Because you're not going anywhere, anytime soon." She responded as she always had because Steven had tried to bring it up many times. She'd never wanted to talk about it, even when they discovered he was terminal.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "But if I did? Look, we know financially you'd be fine. I have plenty of insurance. The house will be paid and <<print $mc.name>>'s school. You make great money. There wouldn't be any worries."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Money wouldn't be what I'd care about."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "But what I'd really want is for you not to be alone."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I am alone." She forced the conversation to stay in what she felt had to be her reality; the one without her husband.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Because you choose to be." Steven replied, "You..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then this is a dream and you are dead!" She pulled away from him, sliding over to the other side of the bed. "You're not my husband!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> Steven shook his head, but with a slight smile. "Always a lawyer. Always thinking, dissecting, stringing people along until they screw up."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_2">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> He gave her a slow clap. "Very good, <<print $mom.name>>. You're still the savviest, sexiest attorney in town."
<P class="notation_text"> Steven had always said that to her, but if there was something in her head it would know that.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Okay, confession time. Yes, this is a dream, but I am your husband. I was just trying to give you a few happy moments and maybe relive some fond memories before getting into your depressing present."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "The real Steven wouldn't fuck with me." Wake up, damn it, why couldn't she wake up?
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>, this is your dream and it started with what you really want; me to be back and things to be normal." He gestured around the room. "You created this."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I miss my real husband."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "And I appreciate it, but <<print $mom.name>>, you need to move on." Steven spoke softly and there was no sense of mocking in his tone. "You've grieved since I've been gone and that's far too long."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I moved here to start over. Not working out at the moment." She gave him a dry chuckle. "You would like it here. You always did believe in ghosts."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "There's no ghosts, <<print $mom.name>>, only influences and they can only have an effect if there's something to feed on."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Nothing I've seen is anything I want."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>, you're lonely." Steven pointed out. "And it's a flat out sin for a woman as brilliant, beautiful and caring to be alone for this long."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You'd rather I'd have jumped in with the landscaper?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "I'm happy you honored my memory and put our son before your own needs, but you can't ignore them, <<print $mom.name>>."
<P class="notation_text"> When she didn't answer right away, he continued.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "You're not just lonely, you're frustrated. You've denied yourself being with a man and its taking its toll. You're a healthy, desirable woman in her prime. That's why since you've been here all you think about is sex."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I've tried, Steven. I can't be with another man."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "We have been together since sophomore year of college, of course it's hard for you to be with someone else. That and deep down you still feel like you're betraying me."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-12.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes." Maybe this was her dream. A dream where…
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "I give you my blessing to move on." He nodded. "That is why I'm here."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But I still...I don't know if I can. I could never replace you, Steven."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Of course you could." He slid over to her. "You can find another man just like me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"No," She shook her head, but didn't resist when he put his arm around her shoulders. "Not like you."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_3">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<<switch $activityType>>
<<case "Love" >>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 20>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<case "Lust" >>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 30>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<case "Morality">>
<<if $mc.stats.stamina lt 50>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<<if _person == true>>
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/red.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Red Stone!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" data-setter ="$msg = '';">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#leave-button").on("click", function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
// stopGame(variables().activityType);
// });
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> ducked her head and placing her tongue to his shaft ran it up along the full length of his cock. His thighs trembled and he moaned when she ran it back down the other side, then ended by swirling it rapidly around his purple head.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> held him tightly, staving off his impending orgasm, and fluttered her tongue across his tip. She loved the way he whimpered and his entire body was now trembling in anticipation. Yet his fingers were still moving pushing deep inside her and his thumb was pressed more firmly to her clit.
<P class="notation_text"> Her own body was trembling and she squeezed her thighs harder around his hand. Both of them were right on the edge and as bad as she wanted him to come for her and to get her own much needed release, <<print $mom.name>> was enjoying this so much she didn't want it to end yet.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She licked his cock up and down again and his moans told her once more that she really did have full control of him and she loved it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, mom, please....please don't tease me!"
<P class="notation_text"> His words caused her breath to catch as her pussy contracted around his fingers.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Ashley was a tease, are you going to tease too? Or are you going to show your boy how a mother will always leave him satisfied?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Please suck it, mom." <<print $mc.name>>'s fingers tightened in her hair, but he didn't push on her head.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Suck it!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Suck it," she whispered and eagerly took her son into her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, fuck, mom!" <<print $mc.name>> cried out.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/clit-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> He buried his fingers hard into her and his thumb jammed hard into her clit. <<print $mom.name>> moaned around the spongy head of his cock before sliding him further into her mouth. The feeling of his cock twitching beneath her tongue and the taste of his pre cum caused her to open wider and work him all the way into her mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> She shuddered as her lips wrapped around the base of his cock and her pussy contracted once more at the way he moaned when she slipped her tongue out and caressed his balls with it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Mom, that's...Oh my God!" He cried out as she quickly withdrew him from her mouth, spit and precum flying about her lips, and oozing down her chin. She gave his slick cock a couple of quick pumps, then taking him back into her mouth and bobbed her head rapidly.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/clit-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Another time she would linger and tease and enjoy her son's cock, but this first time she would show <<print $mc.name>> that unlike Ashley, his mother was no cock tease. She worked her soft lips up and down his now jerking cock, keeping her tongue pressed tightly to his shaft.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> Behind her <<print $mc.name>> released a loud gasp and thrust his hips. His cock pushed deep into her mouth and he cried out, "Oh, mom!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes widened when his cock twitched and erupted, sending a long thick spurt of cum into her mouth. It slid wetly down her throat and at the taste and sensation of her son filling her mouth, <<print $mom.name>> went over the edge.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/clit-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She squealed around his cock as her pussy convulsed around his plunging fingers. As <<print $mc.name>> moaned 'mom' over and over, <<print $mom.name>> released his cock, cum flowing from her mouth. As she yelped and squealed from the most powerful orgasm she could remember, she gave herself a thrill she'd long denied herself,
<P class="notation_text"> Pumping his cock, she arched her back and painted her tits with her son's cum. The feeling of the warm sticky fluid flowing over her nipples caused a second orgasm to crash through her and throwing her head back she howled like an animal as waves of pleasure flowed through her body.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> kept his fingers moving despite his moaning and enjoyment of his own orgasm and <<print $mom.name>> had the thought that he was truly a good boy, keeping his mother coming even as his balls emptied all over her.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/clit-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> released a long shuddering moan as the last of her second orgasm flowed through her and she slumped onto <<print $mc.name>>, her heart pounding as she tried to catch her breath. <<print $mc.name>>'s moans turned into a whimper as she continued to pump his cock until the last few drops oozed from him,
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> took him back into her mouth and sucked hard. <<print $mc.name>> gasped as a few more drops dribbled into his mother's mouth. Keeping his head in her mouth, <<print $mom.name>> sucked gently and swirled her tongue around his head.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Stop, mom! Oh, goddamn!" <<print $mc.name>> groaned as she worked his now overly sensitive head with her tongue.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/clit-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> released him with a smack of her lips and sat up. She turned to face him and as his cum flowed down her chin and tits, she squeezed his still hard cock.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Like that, baby?" / ep
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I....damn mom." He shook his head. "Hell yeah, I liked it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Good." <<print $mom.name>> swung her leg over his hips and lowered herself toward his cock as she held it to guide him inside her. "Because I want more!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes flew open and she lay there staring at the ceiling, her heart again hammering in her chest.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_7">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-30.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Another dream and thank god it was a dream. She released a long breath and wondered at what point she'd actually woke up. The sound of deep breathing to her left caused her to turn her head. <<print $mc.name>> was asleep next to her.
<P class="notation_text"> The covers were pulled up and his head was facing away from her. <<print $mom.name>> closed her eyes, then opened them again. With a sinking feeling in her stomach she swallowed, then ran her tongue around inside her mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> He swore she tasted cum. No, it was in her head from the dream, she tried to tell herself. One way to find out; taking a deep breath, <<print $mom.name>> lifted the sheet.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, no," she whispered as the sheet peeled from her chest and she was confronted with the sight of the sticky mess still on her tits.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-32.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> looked up at the sound of bells announcing the door to the small coffee shop opening. When two men entered she looked back at the contract in front of her. After realising last night's filthy dream about sucking her son off while she fingered him had been a reality, <<print $mom.name>> had slipped out of the bed and after washing up, changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
<P class="notation_text"> She got back into bed next to <<print $mc.name>> and laid there feeling as if she'd just committed a crime. After a half hour of debating, she'd woken <<print $mc.name>> up and asked him if he'd remembered anything. Unless her son had the lying ability of a politician or Oscar winning acting abilities, he seemed to have no idea what she was asking him.
<P class="notation_text"> He'd insisted after he'd come in and they'd spoken he'd been asleep until she'd just woke him up. When <<print $mom.name>> asked if he'd had any dreams he'd denied it, but had seemed nervous. <<print $mom.name>> had pushed and with a sigh he'd admitted he'd had a dream about Ashley.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-31.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> pressed him for specifics and with an eye roll he told her it had been a dirty dream as he put it. <<print $mom.name>> had tried to figure out a way to ask for details, wondering if he would recall what they'd done, but thought it was Ashley during his dream.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> became annoyed and told her she didn't need details like that and why the hell would she even want to know? <<print $mom.name>> had let it slide at that point, and after apologizing for waking him up rolled over and pretended to go back to sleep.
<P class="notation_text"> To her relief she heard <<print $mc.name>>'s breathing return to the slow heavy sound of sleep. She had the horrible thought of hoping to hell he didn't put his fingers up to his face before washing them. What the hell would he think if he did and he smelled her on him?
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 2>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 0>><div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-13.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Exactly like me." He kissed her forehead again. "Sweet, sensitive, but tough when he needs to be. Good looking, caring, and most of all? A man who would absolutely worship and adore you like I did."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I have enough single friends to know finding one man like you was a miracle." She let herself relax into him. "But another one?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "He not only exists, but is closer than you think." Steven stroked her hair and she closed her eyes. Even if it was a dream it was so good to be close to him again.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But I just moved here. I haven't even been in town yet. How could he exist, never mind be just like you?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "He's right down the hall and he exists because we created him."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-14.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes opened. "What?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Our son, <<print $mom.name>>. <<print $mc.name>> isn't just like me, he is me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> pulled away from him. "Shut up," she hissed. "Now I know you're not Steven!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "And he's like you too." He spoke as if she hadn't. "He's the best of both of us, <<print $mom.name>> and he loves you more than any man you'd be able to find."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "He's our fucking son!" She shouted at him.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> Steven remained calm in the face of her anger. "And who could love you better than our son?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It's not the same love!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-15.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Not in most cases, but in special cases that love crosses the line and a young man like <<print $mc.name>> realizes what few lucky boys have." He smiled as if he were telling her good news. "That no woman could ever love him like his mother, especially in bed."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Get out of here with your sick talk!" <<print $mom.name>> slapped him hard in the face. "My husband would never want something so disgusting!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Your husband wants you to be happy." Again there was no reaction to her outrage, not even a handprint on his cheek. "<<print $mc.name>> can make you happy."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Not like that!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Just like that. He's been thinking of you, <<print $mom.name>>. And you've thought of him."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-16.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You're lying. Its this fucking house and this damn thing I can't get off my neck!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Were you in this house when you watched our son fuck his girlfriend?" Steven's smile turned into an uncharacteristic smirk. "When you watched her sucking him and loving the way he took her?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No." She whispered. "I..."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "The only thing affecting you was lust and not just because you hadn't had any sex of your own, but because seeing your son as a man taking his woman awakened something within you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Not true, that's not true." Even in her dreamlike state, <<print $mom.name>>'s denials were losing strength.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Intro_4">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The day you arrived when we were talking that night I asked you that if anyone said anything strange about me you'd come to me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I remember."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Look, <<print $mom.name>> I've lived in this town my entire life and as I alluded to my family has a strange reputation as does the house you moved into."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Well deserved, at least about the house." <<print $mom.name>> grunted. "Strange doesn't do it justice."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Mathew gossips like an old woman and you're not the first tenant he's opened his mouth to about things that happened there."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Since when is the truth gossip?" <<print $mom.name>> stopped when the woman brought <<print $gf.name>> her wine, and refilled her glass for her.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You're running out of time to convince me of why I should be listening to you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I knew he would say something to you and he thinks it's funny to be cryptic and leave people curious. He's gotten people thinking poorly of me in the past and I'm tired of it happening."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> She took a sip of her wine and shrugged. "So I set the old coot up and had a friend call him and play into his little game of liking to spook people and tell him she knew he was moving someone else into the house and to please have them call."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I can't believe you'd trick me like that." <<print $mom.name>> shook her head. "Why not just be a damned adult and come talk to me?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Because I needed to wait until you were ready to talk. Seeing you texted I assume you want to talk about what's happening."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I do, which means I guess your little stunt worked because now that you're here you owe me some explanations."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>, I promise I'll tell you anything you want to know, but with conditions."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You're pretty damn ballsy aren't you?" <<print $mom.name>> asked, but <<print $gf.name>> seemed unaffected by her words.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"I will be completely honest with you as long as you keep an open mind and let me explain what's going on."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/4-9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'll do what I can." Fact was after what had been going on <<print $mom.name>> would be hard pressed to dismiss anything <<print $gf.name>> might say.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "But fair is fair and if I ask you things you need to be honest with me or we're wasting our time."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>>, you just played a high school level trick. You have some nerve asking for honesty from me."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You're right, <<print $mom.name>>." <<print $gf.name>>'s blue eyes lowered to stare into her wine. "I hate not being forthcoming, but if you listen to what I say maybe you'll understand why I can't."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> “Ok enough is enough. Now tell me what’s in your mind?”
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Sorry darling, time up I need to go I have a meeting. You can come to my home any day in the afternoon then I’ll share the details.”
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 4>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/31.png'">
<P class="notation_text">Those additional words should have been disturbing, but instead, her finger pressed harder to her clit while her other two fingers drove knuckles deep inside her greedy little cunt. <<print $mc.name>> had dropped to his knees, spread her legs and buried his face between them.
<P class="notation_text"> Ashely moaned and whimpered, squirming in the couch and playing with her tits while her <<print $mc.call>> pleased her with what seemed to be a pretty talented tongue.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> had been getting wetter by the minute and this time did moan, but it was lost under Ashley's loud wail as she came in <<print $mc.name>>'s face. She'd quickly rolled over on her hands and knees, pushing her ass at <<print $mc.name>> who had risen to his feet.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> He was hard again, and so hard! His cock long and thick, plunged into Ashley's little pink slit and hammered away at her. <<print $mom.name>> could see her face in the mirror, see her wide eyes and open mouth as she got it good and hard.
<P class="notation_text"> By that time <<print $mom.name>>'s hand had strayed, slipping into her skirt and stroking her pussy.
<P class="notation_text"> No, she hadn't done that. She hadn't masturbated.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"But you wanted to, and you did, later and you know what you masturbated to, don't you, you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No," <<print $mom.name>> moaned, but her fingers still worked her pussy beneath the warm water. "I didn't."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"You did," the soft sibilant voice countered. "You know you did, and it's okay, you saw your boy as a man and wanted him as a woman. It's the way it should be."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I didn't want him." she insisted. She hadn't, that wasn't true.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> What was true was she had remained where she was, watching her naked <<print $mc.call>> pound the hell out of his equally naked girlfriend. Ashely was a petite little thing, making <<print $mc.name>>'s hands look all the bigger on her slim hips.
<P class="notation_text"> She only had a side view of him, but could see the muscles in his arms and chest as he fucked. His ass flexed as he pumped his hips, delivering long hard strokes. <<print $mom.name>> so needed those long hard strokes.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, fuck," she whimpered as she rubbed her clit harder.
<P class="notation_text"> That little fucking whore, getting sex like that. Having a nice young hard cock to suck and fill her mouth then be hard again in minutes to plunder her little twat.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_4_3">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She didn't deserve a fucking like that, but <<print $mom.name>> did. She tried to lose herself in work and worrying about <<print $mc.name>>, tried to pretend her life was getting better as time went on. But she was lying to herself and denying herself what she really needed. <<print $mom.name>> needed to get fucked.
<P class="notation_text"> She didn't want to be made love to, she wanted to be a whore. She wanted to be some lucky young stud's dirty fucking cougar. She wanted to suck cock and talk dirty. She wanted her tits and pussy licked and sucked and have her cunt stuffed with hard cock.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/33.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> twisted her feet on the tub and pushed, lifting her ass beneath the water and driving her fingers so hard it was bordering on painful. <<print $mc.name>> and Ashely, became <<print $gf.name>> and <<print $cliff.name>>, then briefly became her and Steven, a memory of when life was good and he couldn't get enough of her.
<P class="notation_text"> She rubbed her clit as hard as she could and whimpered as the orgasm she'd anticipated all day began to flow through her. Her toes curled and her pussy tightened around her fingers as the warm water tickled her aching nipples and her lust addled mind filled with images of fucking.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/melody/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She went back to <<print $mc.name>> and him whipping his cock out of Ashley. She'd stretched out, her legs sliding along his hips as she sat on the floor. <<print $mc.name>> had stroked his cock and exploded, all over her face. Ashely coed delightedly as he leaned forward and sprayed his cum on her tongue.
<P class="notation_text"> Something happened and the image replayed, except this time it was <<print $mom.name>> on the couch. It was her taking that pounding and when <<print $mc.name>> withdrew she had rolled over onto her back imploring him to come all over his <<print $mom.rel>>'s tits.
<P class="notation_text"> As the imaginary <<print $mc.name>> stroked his cock and the first warm jet of sticky white fluid struck her nipple, <<print $mom.name>> threw her head back and released a long loud wail. Her hips thrust wildly beneath the water and she cried out repeatedly as the most powerful orgasm she could remember crashed through her.
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<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/79.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">A curse appeared in <<print $mom.name>>'s mind, and she began to dream.</p>
<p class="notation_text">What's going on her mind now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Love';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/17.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Sherri was in her peak of satisfaction and hold tightly to her partner.
Sherri moaned as her juices started to flow. His lips found her neck as his hands cupped my tits, squeezing them through my dress before tugging my now hard and erect nipples. Sherri groaned as indescribable pleasures rushed throughout. My resolve was gone. Sherri wanted this man. Sherri thirsted for his touch, hungered for his cock.
Robert pulled her dress down exposing my tits. Sherri turned her head back and their lips met. His fingers expertly rolled, pulled, and flicked my nipples creating a tsunami of pleasure inside her. As she frantically kissed him, she felt her dress being pulled up exposing her panties. The intensity of herdesire was off the charts. Sherry was on fire. Wet and hot for his continued touch.
' " >
<p> Love+ (20 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/18.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Kenny s cock was still growing inside her. He watched as the bulge widened and lengthened, slowly making its way up inside her body. Maria was shaking and moaning as it continued, the pleasure almost too much to handle.
– Oh fuck, ah god, mmmm, – she cried, – it s splitting me open! --
It may have just been his imagination over exaggerating things, but he recall thinking as he looked down at her hips that they looked a little wider than before, having been forced apart by my ever growing cock. It finally came to a stop just as he was in danger of breaching her ribs.
'" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/41.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name was in her bed and suddenly fall asleep as she was tired today. She started to dream and saw $mc.name was in her bed.
$mom.name started rubbing $mc.name s cock, teasing him. $mc.name was lying in bed, with his mother s big boobs in his face. $mom.name bent down and started kissing $mc.name, and he couldn t help but kiss her back. $mom.name s hand was still on $mc.name s cock, and she started jerking him off. $mc.name was in heaven, he couldn t believe his mother was doing this to him.
$mom.name then started sucking $mc.name s cock, and he couldn t help but moan. $mom.name was an expert at giving blowjobs, and $mc.name was in ecstasy. $mom.name then started riding $mc.name, and he couldn t help but grab her big ass.
'" >
<p> Taboo+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="MoneyGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Morality';
$activityVideo = 'scenes/video/event/4/57.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mom.name loved the way her pink silky nighty felt against her skin. She was in bed, trying to sleep, as she was tired. After falling asleep, she dreamt of $mc.name.
$mom.name could feel his hard dick pressing against her leg, and she couldn t help but get turned on.
She reached down, rubbing her hand over his dick. $mc.name let out a low moan, enjoying the feeling of his mom s hand on him. $mom.name couldn t believe what she was doing, but she couldn t stop herself. She started licking and rubbing his dick, enjoying the taste and feel of it.
$mc.name was in heaven. He had always had a thing for his mom, but he never thought anything would ever happen between them. But now that it was, he was loving every second of it. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to cumming, and he didn t want to stop.
'" >
<p> Extra+ (50 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.count[2] += 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Midday-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/20.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> It must have shown on her face, because Gary had asked if she were alright and instead of saying yes and closing her eyes and letting him have her, passing the point of no return by having him inside her, she had asked him to wait.
<P class="notation_text"> The second she did, she knew it was over. He couldn't hide his disappointment as he rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed. Feeling like an idiot she'd started babbling about how she'd lost her husband and was trying to get back into enjoying life, but it was hard and...
<P class="notation_text"> That night faded in her mind as suddenly as if a door had been slammed. She remembered she'd ended up apologising repeatedly as she'd gotten dressed and Gary being a gentleman. He didn't not give her any grief and gave her his number if she wanted to get together again.
<P class="notation_text"> But now it was the present that had her attention and in the present she was playing with her tits and staring at her body as if she were lusting for herself. She was a sexy woman. Her tits were perfect for her body and felt and looked damn good.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/16.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Sliding her hands down her stomach as if there were a lover behind her. She turned around and watched over her shoulder as she wriggled out of them.
<P class="notation_text"> Like her bra, her black panties were plain but still hugged her ass nicely. <<print $mom.name>> shimmied the rest of the way out of the shorts then turned to face the mirror again as she eased her panties up.
<P class="notation_text"> The small patch of hair just over her pussy was moist to the touch and as her fingers trailed through it, a shiver went through her. Her fingers slid between her wet lips and she moaned when she glided over her swollen clit.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/17.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> pusher her panties down to her hips imagining the view it would give the lover she so badly needed. Her sweet little ass cheeks framing her pink wet, and so fucking neglected, pussy.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> straightened and licked her lips, giving her reflection a lascivious wink. "Like them?" She cupped her breasts once more. "You like my titties, baby? You want to suck them? What about my pussy?" She inquired of her mirror image. "You want to spread my lips and shove your tongue into my wet fucking cunt?"
<P class="notation_text"> Cunt. She never used that word, but for some reason the fact she'd said it out loud excited her. <<print $mom.name>> was breathing hard and her breasts were heaving. At various points of the evening she'd been strangely horny, but right now she felt absolutely wanton and wished there was someone there to enjoy it.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 3>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bathroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-19.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> turned to stare at the dripping swollen head of her son and eased closer to it as she pumped him. She stared at her bare fingers around his cock and wondered why she didn't paint her nails anymore? She had nice natural long nails, why keep them plain? It would look that much sexier if they were a nice deep red or her son's favorite shade of green.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Tomorrow is another day. And don't forget your toes. Steven always said you had sexy feet. Your son will think so too."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Yes," she agreed once more. "Time to be the sexy woman my son deserves."
<P class="notation_text"> But for now what her son deserved was to come nice and hard and not from some little pig who only cared about herself, but from a woman who wanted to make her son feel good. Not just good, but make him feel like a man.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-22.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Because that's what he was. <<print $mc.name>> was a man now and the big fucking cock now twitching in her hand was proof of that. He was no longer mommy's little boy, but <<print $mom.name>>'s man of the house. He has tried to do everything for her since Steven's death, so why shouldn't she let him take care of her needs as a woman?
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> and Steven had both told <<print $mc.name>> when it comes to love and sex you will get what you give, so why not give her son something special? Make him want to take good care of his sexy mother who needed to be taken care of herself?
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>>'s moans grew louder and his hips rocked, pushing his now slick cock through her hand. <<print $mom.name>> slid across his stomach, bringing his cock closer to her. God, it was amazing! Her hips were moving as well, grinding in circles as her pussy flowed and her clit throbbed with need.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-24.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She jumped when <<print $mc.name>> touched her back, his hand flat between her shoulder blades beneath her hair.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "M...mom?" He whispered.
<P class="notation_text"> He was awake! The thought should have caused her alarm, but instead it increased her passion and desire to make him feel good.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's right, baby boy." She purred, propping herself up on her elbow so she could look over her shoulder at him. "It's your mother making you feel good."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>>'s eyes were barely open, and dull with sleep, but he was staring at her, a surprised look on his face. "But you're....not supposed to..."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/4/hj.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You don't worry about what people say I'm supposed to do." She squeezed his cock for emphasis, causing him to groan. "You just let your mother give you what you need."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I...That does feel good," he whispered, his eyes growing wider and as they did <<print $mom.name>> could see his look of surprise turning into the same lust she knew he could see in her face.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then just lay back and enjoy, baby." She cupped his balls once more. "My boy's balls are awfully full and a good mother would never let her baby go without her?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-23.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "And a good boy wouldn't just let his mother take care of him." To her delight his hand slid down her back and over her ass.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> yipped in surprise when he gave her ass a hard squeeze, before slipping his fingers into her panties.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, <<print $mc.name>>!" She whimpered as his fingers slid through the wet lips of her cunt.
<P class="notation_text"> She drew her right leg up so her foot was flat on the bed and her legs open for her son to explore his mother's shopping slit. She turned back to his cock and leaning over it, slapped it against her tits.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_5">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">
Dear Patreons,
I want to extend our sincerest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support. Your commitment to our project means the world to us, and I am incredibly grateful for your continued enthusiasm.
As a token of my appreciation, I am excited to offer you early access to my upcoming releases. While you may not have access to the full games just yet, I hope this sneak peek will give you a taste of what's to come. Your feedback and support are invaluable to me as we work to bring you the best possible gaming experience.
Thank you once again for being part of my journey. I couldn't do it without you!
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-25.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> They both moaned as the room was filled with the sound of his hard flesh smacking against her soft skin. <<print $mom.name>> slapped it directly onto her nipples, going from one to the other and whimpering at how good it felt and the way his precum coated her rosy flesh.
<P class="notation_text"> She gasped when he boldly plunged two fingers into her sloppy twat and pumped them into her. She was so wet she could hear his fingers driving into her and that only served to cause even more moisture between her legs.
<P class="notation_text"> When his thumb found her clit she cried out and lowered her leg, trapping his hand between his mother's quivering thighs. <<print $mom.name>> resumed pumping his cock, her face now mere inches from his dripping tip.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-26.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>>'s free hand caressed her back and the way he touched her felt almost as good as his playing with her pussy. His hand went into her hair and she shuddered as he ran his fingers through it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "God, you look so good, mom." He breathed. "And you're so fucking wet!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Because you make me that way." She responded. "Seeing my baby hard for his mommy gets me so fucking hot I just had to touch it."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"He wasn't hard on you. He was hard on his slut." The voice angered her, but then continued. "But he's been hard for you before and from now on he'll only be hard for you."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"You have him helpless, <<print $mom.name>>. You have your son by the balls, literally. Feel him trembling? Hear him whimpering? You're his mother and now his lover. He's all yours now <<print $mom.name>>. You own his cock and you'll soon own his heart and you're learning he already has yours."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-27.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s hips were grinding, driving her son's fingers deeper inside her and helping his thumb work her clit. He'd only been playing with her for a couple of minutes, but her thighs were already trembling and her toes curling as her pussy reacted to something other than her own fingers or a toy for the first time in two years.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, fuck, mom." <<print $mc.name>>'s desperate groan and twitching cock told her he was getting close as well.
<P class="notation_text"> His hand, which had been running through her hair, slid up to the top of her head and to her surprise pushed gently.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Please suck it."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-28.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s lips eased closer to his dripping tip and her pussy released another wave of warm sticky fluid at his words. Her son had just asked her to suck his cock! Could anything be more wrong? But at the same time hearing the nervous excitement in his voice had the newly awakened taboo desire in her wondering what could be hotter?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"He said please, <<print $mom.name>>. Why? Because no matter how bad he wants you and would love to treat you like his whore, you're his mother and he respects you. He's almost all yours, mommy. Take the next step to owning your son's dick and put it in your mouth."
<P class="notation_text"> She licked her lips, then flicked her tongue out. It barely caught the tip of his cock, but <<print $mc.name>>'s hips thrust upward and she moaned at the sticky sweet taste of pre cum on her tongue. She leaned over and this time slowly ran her tongue around his sensitive head.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-30.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The pathetic high pitched whimper from behind her was the sexiest sound she'd ever heard. The voice was right. <<print $mc.name>> was at the mercy of his mother. He wanted her to please him, but would never push her to do anything, he would just patiently wait for her to decide what she would give him.
<P class="notation_text"> So different from the cocky, arrogant and grabby men her age that she was supposed to date. Men who expected sex and always thought they'd be in charge. That she would be demure and just submit to them and be their porn star, striving to please while they barely tried and in the end would give her two minutes of lame sex before blowing their load.
<P class="notation_text"> But <<print $mc.name>> was hers to teach. She would show him just how she liked to be licked and fucked and as a reward she would blow his mind with sex he'd only imagined at this point. The kind of sex he'd been watching fake mothers give their make-believe sons in those movies, but this would be his real mother and because she was, she'd be the best he'd ever had.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Then suck his cock, mommy. Show him what a good boy who wouldn't just sit back and let his mother please him and is making sure to please her, gets. The reward of his mommy's hot forbidden mouth."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_6">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/27.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> Her pussy convulsed around her fingers and her clit sent electric currents of pleasure through her. The image of <<print $mc.name>> coming on her tits was vivid in her mind and even as she continued to writhe in pleasure she moaned, "Oh, no."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Oh, yes. This is what you wanted that night and ever since. This is why you don't let yourself remember. You should remember, there's nothing wrong with a <<print $mom.rel>> wanting to be her <<print $mc.call>>'s lover and every good boy wants to take care of his <<print $mom.call>> in every way."
<P class="notation_text">The voice was not harsh or spiteful, but purred the words encouragingly and as <<print $mom.name>> lay there, gasping for breath, her body trembling from the strength of her climax, it added.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice"> "Good girl, this is the first step to knowing what you want."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/29.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> was too relaxed to form a response. After cleaning herself, she simply closed her eyes, smiled, and allowed herself to slip into the peaceful oblivion of sleep.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> opened her eyes and wondered how long she'd lain asleep in the tub. The water was now cool and she could see the full moon above her through the skylight. Her legs were still draped over the tub, spread wide and she counted herself lucky her head hadn't slid under the water while she slept.
<P class="notation_text"> Slipping her legs down, she sat up and flipped the lever to allow the tub to start draining. She stood up and quickly put her hand against the wall to keep her balance. The bathroom spun and a dull throbbing was beginning in her head.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/32.jpg'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> carefully stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. As she patted herself dry she stared into the bathroom mirror. The pendant seemed duller than it had before, was the thing some kind of damn mood stone?
<P class="notation_text"> She put her hand around it and it no longer felt warm as it had previously. She thought about taking it off, but then let it go. It was beautiful and she liked how it looked on her fair skin. <<print $mom.name>> was going to wrap the towel around herself to go into her room, but why do that?
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 4>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bathroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/5-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Both?" <<print $gf.name>> seemed surprised. "You had two dreams of her?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, they were with her at the same time."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "That's...." <<print $gf.name>> frowned. "I had no idea. I assumed she was with one of her sons and the other one caught her."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Let's just say she wasn't playing favourites."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Both of them desired her and she them," <<print $gf.name>> whistled. "I would have never thought polygamy would be an option."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/5-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Obviously it wasn't." <<print $mom.name>> rolled her eyes. "So if my dream wasn't some twisted thing my subconscious came up with and she did commit that act I'm going to assume it was the reason for her suicide?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, some people handle it differently." <<print $gf.name>> said softly. "Now I see why both boys were affected so strongly. The guilt must have been overwhelming."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Okay, I'm going to step right into this twilight zone conversation and ask why because unless my dream was off they were all pretty goddamn happy with what was going on."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "They were at the time because they were under its influence. But..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/5-7.jpeg'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> touched her neck. "The Pendent."
<P class="notation_text"> The pendant. <<print $gf.name>> said it so matter-of-factly. <<print $mom.name>> had spent the last three days wondering if she were losing her damn mind and most of those thoughts surrounded the necklace. Here <<print $gf.name>> had brought it up as casually as she would the weather.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You're saying this pendant affects women and their sons? Does it make them desire each other?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Long answer is there are certain requirements and conditions for it to do it, but the short answer is yes."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "How do you know that? Wait!" She snapped her fingers. "Mathew said he saw this on other women. Did you talk to them? Did..."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> raised her hand to stop her. There’s a sound of footstep approached to them /np
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> “Sorry dear, <<print $cliff.name>> arrived. I’ll share the next part tomorrow. ”
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 5>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[1] = 0>><div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom Afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/52.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "The weird things. The dreams. All you saw was the boys who lived here?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes." He nodded, then sent her heart racing, "But they were saying things to me. Fucked up things."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Fucked up how?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/53.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> lifted his arm and stroked his chin, and <<print $mom.name>> let him think before he spoke. Her eyes darted to the sheet where he'd been stroking something else and could make out a fairly large bulge still there. Such a shame a good looking boy like him was jerking off. As much of a shame as a woman with her needs playing with herself.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "They were saying what <<print $gf.name>> was saying. Things like, I have to take care of you and be the man of the house and be everything to you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Everything."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Like um,..." he sighed. "They didn't say it, but I had the feeling they were talking about sex."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/54.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I had the same dreams." <<print $mom.name>> withheld the fact she'd seen the sexual acts he'd been told about. "But <<print $gf.name>> had said a lot of the same stuff to me. More than you heard her say."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So it stuck with both of us like that? I suppose it could." He didn't sound convinced. "Then..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then what?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I found that box of movies and books." <<print $mc.name>> lowered his head as he spoke. "All of it about <<print $mom.call>> son sex and the stuff they said in the movies was stuff the boys in the dreams said."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/55.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So you got it from them." <<print $mom.name>> pointed out.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I didn't find them until today," he countered. "I bet they belonged to the kid that lived here before."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Probably."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Or maybe <<print $gf.name>>; she said she liked Taboo and it was in the box."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_6_2">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom Afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/56.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why would she leave porn behind?" <<print $mom.name>> asked, curious as to how he saw this.
"Why would she leave it anyway? Though they cleaned the place up."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was thinking right along with her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "There's something else, <<print $mom.call>>." He cut into her thoughts. "But something I'm not sure I can say."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>>, with all we've been through you can tell me anything."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> 'You won't get mad?" <<print $mc.name>> raised his eyebrows. "You've been pretty mad at yourself a couple times today."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/57.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Promise."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "There's another reason I got really mad."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm listening." <<print $mom.name>> smiled encouragingly while he still seemed hesitant to say more. "I..." He took a deep breath, then shook his head. "Nevermind."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That was lame, <<print $mom.call>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/58.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Tell you what." <<print $mom.name>> slid close to him. "How about we do what we used to do when you were little and whisper it in my ear. You know, like our little secret."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Fine, then..." "But okay." He gave her a classic shy <<print $mc.name>> smile she wished she could see more of these days.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's my boy." She laughed, then leaned close and turned her head so her ear was right at his lips. "Tell <<print $mom.call>>my all about it."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/60.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"I was looking at you too." <<print $mom.name>> was too shocked to reply, not just by his words, but the soft voice chuckling in her mind.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Told you, <<print $mom.call>>. Dress for your boy and he'll see you in a whole new way."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "And," <<print $mc.name>> continued. "I liked what I saw."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What?" <<print $mom.name>> went to move back, but became aware of a growing heat on her chest.
<P class="notation_text"> She lowered her head and saw the pendant was dangling and touching the top of <<print $mc.name>>'s shoulder.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I was thinking you really looked good. You didn't look like my <<print $mom.call>>; you looked like a sexy older woman."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_6_3">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/61.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> " <<print $mc.name>>, you sh..." She tried to say shouldn't look, but the words came out. "Tell me more."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I thought about what I would do if you weren't my mother."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Like what?" She put her hand on his chest and could feel his heart pounding beneath her touch.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Like everything that kid said and more and...." The next words were barely audible. "I saw myself doing them to you and you loved it."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s heart was racing as well and she was heating up again. Her face was flushing and her pussy flowing. Her nipples had grown stiff and <<print $mc.name>>'s hot and heavy breathing in her ear told her he was experiencing the same thing.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/63.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Its been a long time since your mother's gotten a good fucking." Where was this coming from?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"From deep inside you. They're your thoughts, <<print $mom.name>>, not mine. You want your boy. Wanted him since Steven died and you had that dream about him with Ashley and you wanted it to be you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Shut up," she whispered.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.call>>? Are you mad?" <<print $mc.name>> asked. "Did I want to touch you like that?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/65.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Of course not, I'd love my baby boy to show me how much he loves and wants me."
<P class="notation_text"> She jumped when <<print $mc.name>> placed his hands on her cheeks and turned her head to face him.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Then let me show you." Like before he leaned towards her, his eyes closed, his lips parted.
<P class="notation_text"> As <<print $mom.name>> leaned closer to him, his hand left her cheek and slid down her tops. His lips found hers and pressed firmly against them. They both groaned and <<print $mom.name>>'s hips rocked when his hand dropped to her thigh.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/66.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She shivered when his hand slid onto the soft inner half of her tops and gently caressed it. He kissed her harder and she returned it with equal passion. <<print $mc.name>>'s fingers trailed up her thigh then left it. She gasped when she felt him tugging on her shorts and a wave of moisture flowed through her when she felt her snap pop open.
<P class="notation_text"> The sound of his breath over the rushing of blood in her ears and somewhere in her mind she yelled that her son was trying to take off her shorts.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"And you want to let him."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> rose up, so she was kneeling on one leg on the bed, her other foot on the floor. Her head was now over his, the pendant laying against his cheek and so bright it seemed to be glowing. <<print $mom.name>> cupped his face in her hands as he had done to her and kissed him hard, driving her tongue into his mouth.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_6_4">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<!-- Myroom Afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "In his desperation to find them, Connor's father went to the same witch. For a price she told him exactly what she did and provided him with a divining rod to search out the stone."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He followed them here, but it took some time and by the time he showed up on their doorstep they'd had a child together, a son."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It seems he did love his wife, or perhaps was too prideful to admit she would leave him never mind for who, and he tried to get her to see reason and go back home with him. She refused, but wouldn't let Connor do what he wanted, which was kill his father so they could have peace once and for all."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Big mistake."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He tried to woo her back. Kept coming around with gifts, acting apologetic and of course telling her how sick her being with Connor was. In the end he blamed the stone and took it from her and smashed it with a sledgehammer."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "A week later he returned and when she still pledged her love for Connor he killed her, then Connor when he came home. Fortunately the son was being watched by a neighbour or I'm sure he would have killed him too.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Just like Nathan killed <<print $mp.name>> and her son."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Exactly, because he then killed himself. The boy was raised by the neighbour and Connor's father, and Connor himself never knew his son, Timothy, had found two pieces of the stone and kept them."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "When he grew older he smoothed out the two pieces and made two necklaces from them. Necklaces he bestowed upon his daughters when they were of age. Timothy had found work at a winery and became quite adept at making his own. Adept enough to get a loan and open his own vineyard."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He bought the land that is now mine and built two houses, one for each of his girls and their husbands. That's when the stone came back into play. I have my great grandmother's diary and it seems she managed to do some research on this stone by reading up on old folklore and eventually speaking to someone with, as she put it, knowledge of all things ungodly."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $gf.name>>, is there a point to this story? Not to be rude, but I'm worried about myself and my son."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Just trying to help you understand. See, the stone had one purpose, to bring mothers and sons together. I think originally it might have required something specific to activate it, but once it was broken I guess to put it in modern terms it was glitching."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/7-8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Great."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "But it still held to its original mission and the rule there had to be some thought and feelings between the mother and their son. The pendant affects the mother more strongly. It increases the thoughts and desires and feeds the libido."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "A horny stone." <<print $mom.name>> laughed without humour.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The stone pushes the mother to be the aggressor, it doesn't affect the son unless he is in direct contact with it. Once he touches it seems to transmit the mother's desire to him and he instantly thinks of her in ways a young man is taught to never think about his mother."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> looked down at the notebook she'd scribbled questions in. She had to admit <<print $gf.name>> was answering them as she went along.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 7>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[4] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[3] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Myroom Afternoon -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/50.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> When <<print $mc.name>> had held it, he'd gotten strange. Way too affectionate.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Now, what <<print $mom.name>>? A talisman? A curse that makes you horny?"
<P class="notation_text"> She tried to laugh, but couldn't. Well this would be easy enough to prove. <<print $mom.name>> reached behind her neck and fumbled with the clasp trying to open it.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, come on," she muttered when the clasp wouldn't budge.
<P class="notation_text"><<print $mom.name>> spun the chain around her neck so she could see what she was doing in the mirror. She was able to get a firm grip on the clasp with her fingernail, but again it wouldn't move.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/53.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Fighting off a growing unease, she turned it back around and pulled the pendant forward. The chain had some length to it and <<print $mom.name>> lifted it by the pendant, pulling it over her chin. The emerald rubbed her lips and it was warm against them.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> looked into the mirror and noticed the pendant was close to even with her emerald earrings. They were an exact match and it looked good on her. More importantly <<print $mc.name>> had said it was beautiful. Not just the pendent, but she was beautiful as well.
<P class="notation_text"> He'd kissed her so sweetly and looked at her with an adoration in his eyes she hadn't seen since he was young and really was her baby. If <<print $mc.name>> liked it on her shouldn't she keep it on? Shouldn't she want her boy to find her beautiful?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/52.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The pendant brought out her eyes as well, calling attention to her most stunning feature. When he was young <<print $mc.name>> had always said, "Mommy, you have such pretty eyes!" <<print $mom.name>> had gotten a glimpse of that sweet boy today and it started with a compliment to her new accessory.
<P class="notation_text"> Why would she want to lose that by taking it off? No, she'd been missing that side of him since Steven's death and wasn't going to throw it away. <<print $mom.name>> pushed the pendant back down and held it close to her chest.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "My boy thinks I'm beautiful." She smiled at herself, taking in her perfect tits and her adorable pink nipples. They really were sexy and so was she and it was time to act that way.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[4] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[3] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/58.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He referred to it as 'playful' and that was a pretty good description because on the few occasions she'd worn it they always played. <<print $mom.name>> sucked on her lower lip at the memory of the last time she'd worn it.
<P class="notation_text"> They'd gone on a weekend trip up to Maine and <<print $mom.name>> had worn the dress for him. Steven had spent all day staring at her legs and remarking how he kept hoping for a breeze because the dress was so short it wouldn't take much to expose the cheeks of her ass.
<P class="notation_text"> That was why she only wore it when they were away or around the house if <<print $mc.name>> wasn't around. The dress wasn't just short, it was borderline inappropriate to wear in public and certainly nothing she'd wear in front of her <<print $mc.call>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/56.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> But she was going to wear it now. She stopped at that thought. Why was she going to put it on? Not only was it a little short to have <<print $mc.name>> around, but the movers were also working here. <<print $mom.name>> had never been one to like to tease, unless she was somewhere no one knew her and for her husband's benefit.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"You wore it to look good for your man, why not wear it now to look good for your boy?."
<P class="notation_text">That soft voice whispered in her ear again and <<print $mom.name>>'s stomach tightened because unlike that night she was stone cold sober.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Don't blame the wine and don't act like these aren't your thoughts. They've been there ever since that day you watched your <<print $mc.call>> only now, they're coming to the surface."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_8_2">
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/59.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Of course they were her thoughts, what did she think, that someone was in her head? That she was possessed by a horny ghost in a house with a weird history?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">"Exactly, now stop worrying and go back to that hot sexy memory of the last time you put on your slutty little dress."
<P class="notation_text"> As if the words conjured it, <<print $mom.name>> saw the climax of that day. She sprawled out on the kitchen table because Steven couldn't even wait to get into the bedroom. Her dress shoved down to allow her braless tits to bounce wildly as he hammered away at her.
<P class="notation_text"> The bottom of the dress was over her hips, leaving her with a band of green material bunched around her waist as she put her sandal clad feet on her husband's shoulders as he fucked her so hard the table eventually broke.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/60.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She'd remained on the table top, now on the bed, the broken legs lying beneath it with Steven now over her, his hands on either side of her thighs.
<P class="notation_text"> The fall had only stopped him long enough to slip back inside her and he continued to fuck her until he whipped his cock out and sprayed his hot load all over his favorite place, her tits and nipples.
<P class="notation_text"> As <<print $mom.name>> remained on her knees, the memory of how good his hot sticky cum felt on her sensitive nipples, fading, something dawned on her. That had been how <<print $gf.name>> looked yesterday, on her back her dress around her waist, tits out, legs up, just getting fucked.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sold!" She giggled and put the dress on the bed.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[5] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[4] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>>'s eyes grew hard and her lips curled into a sneer. "Something I swore I woud never repeat because that disgusting animal doesn't ever deserve to be acknowledged."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Wow, tell me how you really feel." <<print $mom.name>> joked, but was taken aback at the look of malice on <<print $gf.name>>'s normally serene face.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I just did. He suspected I was having an affair and lied about a trip for work. He snuck back home and caught me in bed with our son."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh jeez."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He tried to attack me, but <<print $cliff.name>> got in the way. His father was as big and mean as a man can come, but my son had hated him for years for how he treated me as his mother and now I was his lover. It was an ugly fight and <<print $cliff.name>> wasn't going to win."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> looked down and idly poked at the crumbs on her plate.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Frightened for my son I went and grabbed the shotgun and told my husband if he didn't get the fuck out I'd kill him. He laughed at me and came at me." <<print $gf.name>> gave her a nasty smile. "I was a woman of my word."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh my god." <<print $mom.name>> whispered. "You killed him?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I had no choice and when the police came and saw the scene they agreed. People in town knew what he was like and what he did to me. I could have shot him in his sleep and gotten away with it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "But Janice put it together and asked me if I was with <<print $cliff.name>>. She was my sister and my best friend so I told her the truth. She was disgusted with me and demanded I stop my evil relationship with my son."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I refused and she was so upset she convinced her husband to put in for a transfer at work and she picked up and moved. She left the necklace behind and I took it. I rented the house to a family and I..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> shook her head. "I don't know how it happened, but the next thing I know the woman, her name was Sherri, comes over to ask if <<print $cliff.name>> could help her husband move something and she's wearing it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I asked where she got it and she said she found it in the closet. I told her it was mine and I'd been looking for it. She gave it back to me, then two weeks later it was on her again. She didn't remember me ever asking for it back and when I did this time she couldn't get it off.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"We were out on the deck and she'd been sunbathing and while we were talking I happened to look up and catch her son in the window. He was staring down at his mother and taking pictures of her. It had started."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_9_2">
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What happened to her?" <<print $mom.name>> asked warily.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "One night <<print $cliff.name>> and I were out in the yard and we heard the husband yelling at Sherri. I sent <<print $cliff.name>> over to make sure everything was okay and when he got there the husband," She narrowed her eyes. "Harry, that was his name, was leaving with a suitcase."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $cliff.name>> asked what happened and Harry told him he'd found a bunch of pictures of his wife having sex with another man. He didn't know who because the man's face wasn't in any of them."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Pictures?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Her son, Robert, was studying to be a photographer. His mother became his favorite subject and when they crossed the line he mixed his passions and took pictures. Harry found them. He had no idea the mystery man was his son, but it was enough to make him leave."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"And Sherri and her son?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> looked away.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What happened to them?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Robert left to live with his father in the city and after spending weeks in a deep depression Sherri entered some type of commune."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"A commune?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes, she told me and <<print $cliff.name>> she had committed a huge sin and wanted to rededicate her life to God in order to earn forgiveness. She didn't tell us what she did, but we knew."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "She didn't have the necklace on when she left and we searched the house and couldn't find it.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> Then <<print $kp.name>> and her husband and son moved in and guess what? She found it, and said it was under her bed."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $kp.name>>." <<print $mom.name>> repeated. "Her and her son Paul were the ones who vanished and you said you turned up in California."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-12.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "And we are very happy together to this day." Robin smiled. "They moved far away where no one knew them and people just think she's a lucky older woman with a good looking young boyfriend."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So they're happy?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Very."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then why didn't this thing happen?" She tapped her chest. "Go back to damn sleep like yours? In fact, why didn't she keep it?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The necklace is bound to this family and when it was broken some of its essence and power seeped into the dirt where Timothy's father buried the pieces he could find. Its now bound to the land as well."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/9-13.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So <<print $kp.name>> just took it off and left it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "No, she came to me on the day she left and I noticed it wasn't on her neck and she said she lost it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But I bet it showed up with the new tenants, didn't it?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The next tenants no. They lived here for a year and I never saw it. Then it appeared on Maria."
<P class="notation_text"><<print $gf.name>> was concluding her story with new characters and <<print $mom.name>> was continuously asking several questions to become clear about her curiosities.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<<set $talkEventCount = 9>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[6] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[5] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-10.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> As she remained on the bed, breathing hard and unable to push away the images, <<print $mom.name>> was alternately riding her husband, then her <<print $mc.call>>. Both of them were moaning and bucking their hips, Steven calling her name and <<print $mc.name>> calling her <<print $mom.call>> even as she was impaled on his cock.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> from memory was putting on a show for both her men, playing with her nipples and working her hips wildly as she worked for her prize.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Yes, both your men, the one who loved and lusted for you and now the only one who can take his place."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/68.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> received the prize she'd been fighting for, a nice hot load shooting deep into her sopping slit. As she continued to ride him, contracting her pussy around him and milking him for every drop as he moaned beneath her, <<print $mc.name>> had returned and remained as she turned and looked at them in the mirror again, smiling at how sexy she looked and loving how sexy her <<print $mc.call>> had made her feel.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Stop it!" <<print $mom.name>> jumped to her feet and threw the green thong back into the drawer as if it had burned her.
<P class="notation_text"> She added the dress and slamming the lid shut pushed the drawer back with, wincing as she stubbed her toe. <<print $mom.name>> turned away from the bed and went over to her dresser, pulling a black skirts from a drawer and a matching sleeveless top.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/69.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> As she stepped into the shorts, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her skin was flushed and her eyes bright. Even brighter was the pendant. It seemed since she'd put it on anytime she got excited or aroused it grew brighter.
<P class="notation_text"> She'd also been aroused almost constantly since she'd put it on.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"Right, a horny stone," she muttered to her reflection.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> wriggled into the shorts which fit her snugly and realised this wasn't the pair she wanted. They were also part of her 'not safe for work or home' collection, Steven had referred to her fun sexy clothes as.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[6] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[5] = 0>>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/10-4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It brings them together, but once the act is fully consummated, it releases its hold. At that point there is no more influence and they are left to deal with the consequences. For me and <<print $kp.name>> we both still desired our sons and they wanted us as well. Others, well unfortunately you've heard what happens."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "How can I get rid of it?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You can't. Not until you..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Don't even say it." <<print $mom.name>> snapped. "I am not seducing my son and even if I tried he has no interest in me."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/10-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'll leave. If I pack up and go it will fall off my damn neck and lose itself won't it?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You won't leave." <<print $gf.name>> said simply. "You're too close for it to let you go."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Excuse me?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>, what I'm going to say I won't ask you to answer because I'm sure you wouldn't be able to bring yourself to admit I'm right. So I'll just say it and you know in your heart if I'm right."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Go ahead and get it over with."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/10-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "At some point, I'm guessing after your husband's death you had a sexual thought about <<print $mc.name>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Bullshit! I..."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I said you don't have to admit it. But I'm saying it to get you to understand why this is inevitable."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> felt her stomach tightened at that word. As crazy as this was, it had happened before and <<print $gf.name>> had witnessed it each time. If she thought something was going to happen she couldn't just discount it.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $gf.name>> was in the correct phase and pointed <<print $mom.name>> in her weakness. <<print $mom.name>> was in quite a dilemma whether she should be open to her or not.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 10>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $pool.status[7] = 1>>
<<set $pool.status[6] = 0>><div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/3/2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Both boys slid a hand down between her legs. Sean plunged his tongue into his mother's glistening slit, while <<print $pp.name>>'s fingers rubbed her clit in a slow circle. She sighed, and turning her head to the left, took <<print $pp.name>>'s cock into her mouth.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s nipples ached as she watched her bob her head and make sloppy wet sucking sounds as she slurped her son's dick. Releasing it with a smack of her lips, she turned and took her other son deep into her mouth and worked her mouth along his shaft,
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stood there with her clit throbbing in time with the pendent and her hand sliding under her shirt and into her baggy pants. She gasped when she found her clit and rubbed it in time with <<print $pp.name>>'s fingers.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/3/3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> On the bed, the woman moaned and bucked her hips, thrusting Sean's fingers deeper into her pussy. She turned back to <<print $pp.name>>'s cock, giving it a few hard sucks, then went back to Sean's. Both her hands were in motion, stroking their cocks while she took turns sucking on them.
<P class="notation_text"> Both boys were moaning as they sucked her tits and played with their mother's red haired cunt. Her hips worked faster and her moans went up in pitch. Yet even as she drew near her climax, she continued to stuff her mouth with her son's dicks.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> opened her legs and sliding her other hand between her legs, shoved her finger up inside her sopping slit. She stood there shamelessly masturbating to the incestuous threesome in front of her.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/3/4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Feels better than it looks." The woman told her, and then with a wink effortlessly deep throated Sean's cock.
<P class="notation_text"> She gave him several hard sucks, then removed him from her mouth. She smiled at <<print $mom.name>>, a trail of pre cum oozing down her chin.
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "I'd let you join in, but these are my boys, not yours. A loving mother never shares her boy." She moaned softly and placed a hand on each of her son's heads and arched her back, shoving her tits deeper into their mouths. "But my babies can share their <<print $mom.call>>my!"
<P class="notation_text"> She released a squeal that caused <<print $mom.name>>'s fingers to move faster in her clit. The woman closed her legs and bucked her hips wildly as she repeatedly cried out in pleasure as her son worked her pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/3/5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She pumped their cocks faster and both of them moaned when she released them and cupping their balls gently squeezed them.
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Both my boys have such full balls! Full of cum for their <<print $mom.call>>my." She sat up and whispered something to them.
<P class="notation_text"> Both boys stood on the bed and as she rose to her knees between them, she sucked on Sean's cock while continuing to play with his balls. <<print $pp.name>> paused to strip, then grabbing his mother roughly by the hair, turned her head towards his cock.
<P class="notation_text"> She eagerly devoured it and <<print $mom.name>>'s knees were trembling to the point she leaned back against the bureau. Easing her pants down to over her hips, she sat on the bureau and put her foot on it, opened her legs wide and worked her pussy with both hands.
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "That's it, mama," The woman purred to her. "Enjoy the show and think about how your own boy could please you." She winked. "And how much better it would be if you had two sons!"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_10_3">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/3/6.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> She went back to sucking <<print $pp.name>>'s cock, then Sean's. After several minutes of sloppy wet cock sucking, she gave Sean a gentle push. He lay on his back on the bed and swinging her leg over his hips, the woman straddled him and impaled herself on his cock.
<P class="notation_text"> They both cried out as she bounced wildly up and down on him as he grabbed her hips and thrust up into her descending pussy. <<print $pp.name>> leaned over her and bracing his hands on the bed, drove his cock down into her willing mouth. She gurgled around him as he roughly fucked his mother's face to the point her eyes were watering. But her squeals were of pure joy and she was riding Sean like it was a rodeo bull. <<print $pp.name>> stopped fucking her mouth and to <<print $mom.name>>'s twisted delight, he slid over behind his mother.
<P class="notation_text"> He pushed her in the back, causing her to fall on top of Sean who wrapped his arms tightly around her, pinning her to his chest. <<print $pp.name>> eased between his brother's outstretched legs and spreading his mother's round white cheeks, drove his cock into her ass.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/3/7.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Oh, my...Oh, fuck!" The woman squealed as both her sons were inside her and fucking her hard and fast. "That's it boys! Use your mother! Use her like you used those slutty girlfriends of yours! I'm all yours boys! All mama's holes are yours!"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> whimpered as she neared her climax. She was right on the edge, her eyes locked on the sight of a mother being penetrated by both her sons and screaming in ecstasy as they roughly pounded her.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes had begun to close as her orgasm closed in, but they flew open at the sound of a loud bang from somewhere in the house. She heard someone walking across the hardwood floors beneath them and a voice called out.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Stranger: </span> "Hey, <<print $kp.name>>! Hey Boys! Come on down here! I have a surprise for you!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/phillip/3/8.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "We have a better one up here!" The woman giggled and winked at <<print $mom.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Stranger: </span> "<<print $mom.name>>!" The voice called again.
<P class="notation_text"> The threesome in front of her, immediately ceased. <<print $pp.name>> almost fell off the bed in his haste to get off his mother and grab his clothes. <<print $kp.name>> rolled over and grabbing a terry cloth bathrobe slipped it on as her sons, their cocks still at full attention, donned their clothes.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Stranger: </span> "Be right down, honey!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/phillip/3/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Show's over, sweetie." <<print $kp.name>> smiled at <<print $mom.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Stranger: </span> "<<print $kp.name>>, hurry up! What are you guys doing up there?"
<div class="dialog_text kp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "kp"> <<print $kp.name>>: </span> "Oh, just hanging around." <<print $kp.name>> cackled and her face shifted into a blue black mess, her pink tongue protruding from her purple lips.
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<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/81.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Jeez, I'm sorry. I thought I could act like an adult seeing I am one." He winced and rubbed his chest where she'd poked him. "And not for nothing, I had the door closed and you just barged in."
<P class="notation_text"> Even while <<print $mom.name>> glared at him angrily, her eyes dropped down to his crotch. <<print $mc.name>>'s jeans were on the tighter side and there was a large bulge where his obviously still hard cock strained against the fabric. Why was he still hard? She was standing here yelling at him!
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Why are you noticing he's still hard?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I didn't think you'd be stroking your goddamn cock before noon with a lot of work to do."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/82.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow, and you want me to watch my mouth?" <<print $mc.name>> looked legitimately surprised at her language. She'd never spoken like that in front of him before.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You didn't mind watching his <<print $mom.call>>my's mouth did you?" She demanded. "Sitting here telling him to fuck his mother? Her telling her son to cum in her slutty face?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It was just a movie."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "About a son fucking his mother!" She shouted at him. "You don't think that's wrong?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's fake." He seemed confused at her anger. "They're actors, it's not like he was really her son."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/83.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But the fantasy is real!" <<print $mom.name>> ranted. "People watch what they wish they could do!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Calm down, <<print $mom.call>>." <<print $mc.name>> put his hands up as if surrendering. "It's just a DVD I found in a box and decided to put it in. It didn't have a case. I had no idea what it was."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But you kept watching it and were about to blow a load to it, weren't you?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, have you had any more of that wine?" He wasn't smiling. "Because you're really getting carried away."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/84.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "When a mother sees her son with his cock in his hand and telling a guy in a movie to fuck his mother its worth getting mad about!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, I..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Do you want to fuck me, <<print $mc.name>>?" She blinked as soon as the words left her mouth and wondered where the hell that had come from.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> stood there stunned, his dark eyes wide and his mouth gaping. "W...what did you say?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You were pretty into it there, baby boy," she continued as if she had no control over her words. "You've been thinking about it? Been thinking about fucking your lonely mother and being the man of the house?"
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_10_5">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/85.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom!" He raised his voice over hers. "Knock it off, that's....Christ, you sound just like that movie."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then you should like it." She spread her arms out. "Like what you see, <<print $mc.name>>? Is that it? Have you been seeing me differently lately? You want a piece of your <<print $mom.rel>>'s ass?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, please stop."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Maybe it's about getting back at me? Shoving your cock in your <<print $mom.rel>>'s mouth to shut her up and fucking that snotty bitch? Maybe if you fuck me I'll stop being such a cunt? Maybe..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Shut up!" <<print $mc.name>> grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Stop talking like that!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/87.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why? You liked that <<print $mom.rel>> talking dirty!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "She's not my <<print $mom.rel>> and neither are you right now!" His anger seemed to fade and <<print $mom.name>> was shocked to see his eyes filling up. "Please stop talking like this."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I..." <<print $mom.name>> stepped back from him and put her hands to her face. "Oh, my God!" She gasped. "What the hell am I saying?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I don't know, but just stop, okay?" <<print $mc.name>> implored her, his voice cracking. "You're scaring me, <<print $mom.call>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/88.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry, honey." <<print $mom.name>> was choking up herself. "I don't know what just came over me."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"But you know who you want coming over, don't you?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, you don't look so hot." <<print $mc.name>> patted the bed. "Why don't you sit down?"
<P class="notation_text"> She felt like herself again, but still had no idea why she'd been so upset.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Honey, I think I need some rest," She expressed, releasing a long breath. With that, she headed to her room.
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<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "When he touches the stone does he say that or does he tell you things a lust filled young man would tell you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm not answering that."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "The things he says are what he would love to be in position to say to you if he felt he could get away with it. The stone is augmenting it and bringing it to the surface, but they're his words."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> thought about some of the things he'd said to her the times they'd come dangerously close to crossing the line. Then how he'd behaved last night when she'd…
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It's like alcohol. It..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Speaking of what's in that goddamn wine?" <<print $mom.name>> demanded harshly as she turned her anger at what she'd done that night towards <<print $gf.name>>. "Mathew said it was banned from being sold because it was like a damn date rape in a bottle."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "An exaggeration, but my grandfather did have a wine that was infused with aphrodisiacs. He marketed it as a date night wine for lovers who wanted a special evening. It had never occurred to him that some men would try to use it for such a disgusting purpose."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But you still make it and you gave a bottle to me and tried to get <<print $mc.name>> to drink it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I did and yes it was to help set the mood so to speak."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You admit it?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "<<print $mom.name>> you have to understand, I feel terrible about the things that have happened because of the family jewel. I was incredibly fortunate that mine worked for me and I've been happy with what it brought my way."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But the one you have has never been able to bring that peace to anyone. I thought it would end with <<print $kp.name>> and Paul, but they ran from her husband and the stone has to stay here."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You don't think it tears me up what happened to Maria and <<print $mp.name>>? Even Sherri, losing her relationship with her son and now wasting her life living like some kind of nun? I want it to end, <<print $mom.name>>, I really do."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then you should have never rented the damn house anymore!" <<print $mom.name>> hissed at her. "This cursed fucking rock couldn't do anything if no one was there to find it."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I wasn't going to. In fact when the realtor I used called and asked me if I would rent again after <<print $mp.name>> I told him no. But for some reason he never told his partner and they ran the ad anyway. I told him to pull it when I found out and the next day you called."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Why didn't you say it wasn't for rent then?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Because," <<print $gf.name>> touched her chest. "The stones were once one and still have a connection. I planned on telling you no, but what came out was me asking you questions and we started chatting and you told me why you wanted a new start."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> put her hands out. "I just kept thinking that what kept getting in the way were the other women's husbands. In most cases they were the cause of the mother seeking happiness elsewhere, but also the reason things become complicated.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It took longer for the stone to get the mother to realize who it was she needed and made the opportunity to do it more difficult. Most importantly once the stone's hold broke after the culmination of their lust, there was now the guilt of having cheated on their husbands and the fear of what would happen if they found out.
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<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- living Midday -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span>"That's what drove Sherri to exile and Maria to suicide. <<print $mp.name>> was caught red handed and you know what happened there. <<print $kp.name>> and Paul, the couple that would have been the fulfilment of the stones purpose, had to leave because they ran from her husband."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's why you made the comment about looking for a specific pairing." "I actually wasn't looking, but what was I going to say? A voice in my head gave me the idea once we spoke?" <<print $gf.name>> chuckled dryly.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "But it made sense. No husband to feel guilty about or to fear or to be discovered by or run from. Just a mother and her son. A mother who's heartbroken and lonely and frustrated and who needed a man in her life, but couldn't get over the one who'd been her life until recently."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>"But what about <<print $mc.name>>? He..."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "When you told me what <<print $mc.name>>'s girlfriend did to him, I felt this was even more perfect. Your son's in the same state as you. Lost, lonely, in his case betrayed, and unable to get over his heart break. But also wanting to see his mother happy."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "So you have me come here, give us some horny goat weed wine and fill my son's room with mother son porn." <<print $mom.name>> shook her head. "You set this whole thing up."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/11-11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I did. In fact seeing it's all out in the open I'll confess that I planned your catching <<print $cliff.name>> and I having sex. Just one more thing to awaken that lust."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You're a real piece of work. You know that?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "I know it seems bad, but <<print $mom.name>> I think you and <<print $mc.name>> are perfect and you both need each other and love each other and want each other to be happy. The thoughts were blurring already even if it was subconsciously."
<P class="notation_text">The actual story is more dark than <<print $mom.name>> thought. She was trying to avoid or skip answers but the real plot is more mysterious and she had to listen <<print $gf.name>>.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
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<<set $talkEventCount = 11>>
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/101.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I guess, but after all that taboo innuendo and my thinking something may have been going on and that dream I come in here and you're watching <<print $mom.rel>> <<print $mc.call>> porn and getting into it." <<print $mom.name>> gave him a weak smile. "I lost my shit as you so eloquently put it."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That you did." He smirked. "Never knew you had such a gutter mouth."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Well..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Then again you watch your share of porn too, don't you?" The smirk grew wider. "Found it when you let me use your laptop a couple weeks ago."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Don't talk to me about porn, it's not right." She felt defensive again.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/103.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I seem to recall it was a woman with a younger guy. The Cougar Cub Club," he laughed.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said drop it." <<print $mom.name>> warned him tensely.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You really want a guy my age?" He whistled. "You could land one you know. Bunch of my friends bust my balls about my hot <<print $mom.call>>"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I don't want a young guy!" <<print $mom.name>> snapped at him. "It was just a video and you shouldn't have been snooping!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I didn't, you forgot to close the browser." He put his hand up to cut her off. "But the point is you watched something you say you don't want, so same for me with that video."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/104.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, point taken." She agreed. "But at least what I watch isn't...unnatural."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Still no reason for the things you said." He was now serious when he spoke. "That's not you at all, <<print $mom.call>>. If anything, you try to act prim and proper around me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said I was sorry, <<print $mc.name>>. I'm just not feeling myself at the <<print $mom.call>>ent. All that weird talk and what happened here unsettled me."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Guess so because I think this is the first time I've ever seen you not wear a bra." He stared pointedly at her chest. "With a white shirt no less."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/105.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stared down at herself and to her chagrin saw he was right, she'd never put a bra on. Her small breasts were clearly defined in the tight shirt to the point the skin around her nipples were visible. <<print $mc.name>> was right, she never walked around without a bra in front of him, how had she not put one on?
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Because you want to show off your tits to your <<print $mc.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, God." She whispered and felt her face growing hot.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, it's not that big of a deal." <<print $mc.name>> told her. "Not like I'm looking."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Oh, yes he is, you saw his eyes keep moving."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "It is a big deal." Because she apparently really wasn't completely herself and hadn't been since she…
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/77.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Considering the conversation not so much."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"Liar. Lying to yourself, lying to him."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Still, I'm sorry, <<print $mom.call>>." He gave a mock shudder. "I'm disgusted with myself."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But that's the only time you thought of me? And it wasn't like...detailed I hope?" She really did hope.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I didn't get like....you know, graphic." He replied. "Got mad at myself first."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/69.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Good to hear." But not good the lawyer noticed he hadn't answered whether or not it was the first time.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, I'm glad you're not mad about that and sorry for hitting that kid." He released a long breath. "I'll call and apologise, or better yet, go into town with you and do it."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That would be the right thing to do." <<print $mom.name>> put her hand in his thick hair and tousled it. "You're a good kid, <<print $mc.name>>."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Got a great <<print $mom.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Who's dying to be an even greater <<print $mom.call>>."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/70.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> <<print $mom.name>> rose from the bed, trying to ignore the way her thong was stuck to her once again oozing slit. "So how about you be a great kid and help your great <<print $mom.call>> put the rest of our crap away so we can be officially settled in and call this place home?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> lifted the sheet and swung his legs from the bed. He was wearing sweatpants and <<print $mom.name>> forced her eyes not to seek out his crotch. She did catch a glimpse of the book beneath the sheets, but it was still face down.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Let's go slowpoke." <<print $mc.name>> told her as he headed out of the room. "I'm not doing it alone."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/74.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Right behind you." <<print $mom.name>> replied, but leaning forward, quickly reached under the sheet and pulling out the book turned it over. She experienced a sinking sensation in her stomach as she saw the lurid photo of a woman bent over a kitchen table.
<P class="notation_text"> Her hands were pinned behind her back by the young man who from the look on her face was fucking her against her will. The title in big red letters did little to make her feel better.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Ravaging my slut mother."
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
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<<set $talkEventCount = 6>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[2] = 0>>
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You know everything he thinks? All the time?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Don't play games. I know he's never wanted me." / ep
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Then prove me wrong and yourself right."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "How?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Simple. I told you the stone releases inhibitions and can bring out secret desires. When <<print $mc.name>> is contacted with the stone his secret lust is revealed. He's also all yours and will do whatever you want him to."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "There a point to this latest line of crap?" <<print $mom.name>> asked testily.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Yes. Have your son touch the pendant and ask him if he's ever thought of you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But the stone makes him want me."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "He wants to please you in every way. Tell him you want to know the truth and if he says no, then maybe I'm wrong and the stone is gone totally one way, but I can't see it changing its pattern. If he says yes? Ask him for details and decide whether or not you want to believe him."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm not letting him touch it again." <<print $mom.name>> declared adamantly.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "Because you're afraid of what will happen." <<print $gf.name>> smiled tightly. "I don't just mean between the two of you, but if you ask him you'll find out he's thought of his very attractive and lonely mother."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I think we're done here." <<print $mom.name>> reached into her wallet and left a twenty on the table. "I'm not so stubborn that I won't admit I believe some of what you said, but I don't believe it has to end the way the others have."
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "It doesn't. It will end happily for you two. I know it will." <<print $gf.name>> smiled away as if they were discussing wedding plans. "I thank you for listening and being open minded and understanding your anger and concerns."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/12-9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Nice of you." <<print $mom.name>> quipped as she rose to her feet.
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> "You're a lawyer <<print $mom.name>> and as such I know everything has to be questioned and disbelieved until there's total proof." <<print $gf.name>> stood as well. "I'll just ask you to try to keep one thing in mind."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What would that be?"
<div class="dialog_text gf_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "gf"><<print $gf.name>>: </span> <<print $gf.name>> turned serious. "That some laws are meant to be broken."
<P class="notation_text"> with that note, <<print $gf.name>> Stood up from the chair and gives the floor to <<print $mom.name>> to understand and take a decision about the whole situation.
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<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/penny/2/sc-15.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, yes, <<print $mom.call>>...please?" He whimpered again and <<print $mom.name>>'s hand dropped into his lap.
<P class="notation_text"> They both moaned when she felt how hard he was through his jeans. She squeezed his cock and ran her hand along it, admiring its length thickness and how fucking hard he was!
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice">
"No woman can make a young man as hard as his <<print $mom.rel>> can."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Hmm, this has <<print $mom.call>>my thinking about sucking something too." <<print $mom.name>> moaned, then easing back from him, grabbed his hands.
<P class="notation_text"> She guided them to her waist and pushed the bottom of her dress into them.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/117.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span>Raising her arms over her head, she looked him in the eye. "Take this damn dress off and suck your <<print $mom.rel>>'s tits."
<P class="notation_text"> Her heart pounded and she squirmed on the bed noting how the thong stuck to her sopping pussy. <<print $mc.name>> blinked several times and his eyes seemed to come back into focus. He lifted the dress several inches, then stopped and let her dress go so fast it was as if it had burned him.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What...?" he stared down at his hands as if like her he hadn't been in control of them.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> swore she heard something snap in her mind and immediately crossed her arms over her chest, covering her obviously erect nipples. She shook her head as all of a sudden she wasn't quite sure what she had just said or done. Had her <<print $mc.call>> just touched her breast? Had she helped him do it?
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/119.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She could see it in her mind's eye, but it now had a dreamlike feel to it as if it hadn't been real. <<print $mom.name>> took a deep breath and chased the image through her mind. It had to have been real. As wet as she was and as swollen as her nipples were there had been contact, a desired contact.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mom, what...what were you saying?" <<print $mc.name>> looked as if he were struggling the same way she was, but in his case had lost what she was convinced had just happened, which was a good thing.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I said take this damn thing off me." <<print $mom.name>> grabbed the pendant which had cooled considerably once <<print $mc.name>> let it go.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> Oh, right." He nodded, and reached for it. "Wow, I think I kind of went away for a minute there."
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<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-11.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> The contact sent a thrill through her, and angry that it did, she grabbed his hand and shoved it from her breast while throwing an elbow into his side. He released a sharp breath in her ear from the blow, but that turned into a gasp when his hand grazed the pendent.
<P class="notation_text"> Even as an electric shock went through her, <<print $mom.name>> tried to push his hand from the stone, but he'd wrapped his fingers around it and held it tightly.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>, let go!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That's how you want to play, Ash?" he whispered in her ear. "Going to play hard to get tonight?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm not Ashley!" <<print $mom.name>> dug her nails into the back of his hand, but he didn't seem to feel it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Come on, baby." <<print $mc.name>> implored her. "It's been a few days and I'm horny."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-12.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> She felt him fumbling behind her, then jerked her hips away from him when he pushed his now bare cock into her thigh. <<print $mom.name>> could feel his sticky pre cum oozing down her leg, then yelped when his fingers grabbed her panties and tried to pull them to the side.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> hit him again with her elbow, much harder this time and with a cry of pain, <<print $mc.name>> rolled over onto his back. His hand left the pendent and afraid she might have caught him in the face, she quickly rolled over to look at him.
<P class="notation_text"> His eyes were still closed and he was breathing heavy, his lips moving as he continued to mutter in his sleep. Sleep? How the hell could he still be asleep after she'd hit him that hard? Speaking of hard....the covers had been thrown off when they'd rolled over.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-13.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> had pushed his shorts down enough for his cock to be sticking out and he was fully erect. Even in the dim glow of the moon through the skylight, <<print $mom.name>> makes out how swollen and purple his head was and the glistening drops of pre cum oozing from it.
<P class="notation_text"> He emitted a soft whimper and moved his hips, thrusting his tormented cock into the air.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Please Ash?" He begged. "I said I was sorry."
<P class="notation_text"> Sorry, what the hell would he have to be sorry about with that skank?
<P class="notation_text"> He whimpered again as he continued to fuck nothing. His cock twitched and more pre cum flowed from it. <<print $mom.name>> knew she shouldn't be looking, but couldn't take her eyes off her son's dick.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-14.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mc.name>> was bigger than average and his head so purple she imagined he was literally aching with desire. God he was hard, and long....and thick. She caught her tongue sliding across her lips at the thought if this cock was on any man but her son she'd have it in her mouth right now.
<P class="notation_text"> Her mouth, then her needy and long to neglected cunt. <<print $mom.name>>'s heart raced and her face grew hot. Against her chest the pendant matched the pace of her heartbeat and she was presented with the image of her swinging her leg over his hips, sliding her panties to the side and impaling herself on her son's gorgeous cock.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No." She said softly and grabbing the edge of <<print $mc.name>>'s shorts tried to tug them up over his cock. She'd then wake him up, even if she had to push him off the damn bed to do it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I want you so bad, Ash." He groaned. "Please?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Stop begging that fucking whore," she muttered angrily.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-15.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> sat up and leaned over her son, grabbed his shoulder and shook him.
<P class="notation_text"> His head lolled to the side and he mumbled something unintelligible that is except for the last word which was clearly please.
<P class="notation_text"> Enraged, he was still pleading with that cheating pig even if only in a dream, she lowered her head until her face was only inches from his. She'd planned on yelling directly in his ear not caring if she scared him. Enough was…
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_3">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/67.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> They moaned and <<print $mom.name>> felt him tugging her tops down. They were tight and she wiggled her body, helping him undress her. Her eyes shifted to the mirror and she watched her tops sliding over her breasts, exposing the nipples .
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Aren't you glad you wore this and not some boring bras?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> nodded even as her tongue invaded her son's mouth. As the tops downed she could see the half view of her brests and couldn't wait for <<print $mc.name>> to grab that next and pull it down, peeling it from her soft breasts.
<P class="notation_text"> Her eyes dropped to the bureau beneath the mirror and landed on a picture of the three of them at <<print $mc.name>>'s high school graduation. <<print $mc.name>> standing between them and smiling, proudly displaying his diploma. <<print $mom.name>> and Steven weren't facing the camera, but each other, both beaming with pride for their son and love for each other.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/69.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> Steven.
<P class="notation_text"> She was about to fuck their son.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No!" She thought she was shouting, but a whisper came out. She forced herself to focus and with an act of will pulled her head back. The pendant swung away from <<print $mc.name>> and she swore she again heard something snap in her mind.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "No, what?" <<print $mc.name>> looked at her as he had before; a distant look in his eyes and his voice faraway.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/75.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "No, I'm not mad." <<print $mom.name>> managed to get the words out as she quickly pulled her tops up and covered them, before sitting back on the bed as she had been.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Not mad I was kind of looking?"
<P class="notation_text"> He had remembered saying it this time!
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I can't say I'm happy, but I guess with all the talk, the movie you watched and hearing him say it I could see how your mind might kind of play the 'what's the fuss about' game."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Maybe, but I felt like an asshole and took it out on him."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/3/76.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You shouldn't have, but I'm glad you could confide in me."
<P class="notation_text"> She was impressed with how calm she sounded even though her heart felt like it could explode.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You....haven't had any thoughts about me have you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You?" <<print $mom.name>> scrunched her face up. "Don't flatter yourself kid. You're not my type."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> <<print $mc.name>> laughed then blushed. "Sorry, that was a horrible question."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_6_5">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I don't think you'd like that."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Not if they're assholes. You need to find a good man who knows you're a good woman."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "That's deep for you." She eased back from him and tousled his hair. "But the same goes for you. You need a good girl who appreciates you. Not a conniving slut like Ashley."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"She was, but...I still miss her." He sighed.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> Because you haven't replaced her." <<print $mom.name>> told him. "Ashley isn't like your father. You didn't spend decades with her. You can find another girlfriend easy."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I guess, but in the meantime I still...." He looked away. "I swear there's part of me that still would take her back."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Then I'm glad we left."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "If we didn't, would you be mad if I took her back?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Damn straight I would!" <<print $mom.name>>'s lips curled into a sneer. "That little whore not only cheated on you, but made a fool of you and she would have married you and kept doing it. That is not someone you ever take back."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow, tell me how you really feel."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-12.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "If you're even thinking that way then you really need to get into town and meet someone. I don't care if you just go get laid. You need to get that bitch out of your mind."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Now there's some motherly advice." <<print $mc.name>> mocked her. "Get laid."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You haven't thought of any other girl since her, <<print $mc.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I..." he hesitated just long enough she noticed. "No."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Seriously? When I was your age I had a lot of guy friends and they had dirty thoughts about any cute girl they saw."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-13.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Not me. Maybe she ruined it for me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Oh, please." <<print $mom.name>> waved her hand. "If that was the case you wouldn't watch porn."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "True."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "How about porn stars or any woman? No thoughts at all?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Maybe one woman, but..." He stopped and poked at his lip in thought. "Its not like it would happen and shouldn't, but I guess it was still thinking about sex."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay then." She answered, but didn't like that answer one bit. Wouldn't and shouldn't happen had an ominous tone to it after everything she'd experienced here
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You." He shrugged. "This a trick question or something?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Looking kind of low." She grunted. "Kind of made me want to say my eyes are up here."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What? You think I was looking at your..." <<print $mc.name>> didn't finish the sentence. "God, mom, what's up with you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Sorry, it just seemed like you were staring."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry if I don't like just staring into your face." He rolled his eyes, then made a show of looking her in the eye and holding his chin up. "Better?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, point taken."
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice"> "He's lying and you know it. Just look between his legs. Your baby boy liked what he saw."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> quickly lowered her eyes to <<print $mc.name>>'s crotch. He wore a pair of gym shorts that were tight enough to be considered boxer briefs and clearly showed his cock was in a state of arousal.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What was the dream about?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Just your dad. He was telling me to move on and be happy." With you.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Dad's still looking out for you." <<print $mc.name>> smiled sadly. "And he's right as usual."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I know he is <<print $mc.name>> and I think it is time I meet someone."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Good."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You too though."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay, how about we hit a bar and we can be each other's wingmen? You meet a dick I bail you out. I meet some slut you..." He laughed. "Leave me alone."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Funny, but seriously, it's time."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You lonely, mom?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I am, honey," she said softly. "I miss your dad. I thought that would pass in time, but I swear I miss him now more than ever."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry, mom." <<print $mc.name>> surprised her with another hug and she was grateful the pendent was inside her shirt because any other time he'd had contact with it, things had gotten strange.
<P class="notation_text">
<i class="voice"> "Not strange, but honest. Like drinking, it lowers inhibitions and causes you to stop worrying about socially acceptable behaviour and just focus on what you really want."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I'm okay, <<print $mc.name>>. It just catches up with me sometimes."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/1-9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's not okay. You deserve to be happy, not alone and you deserve someone who will take care of you."
<P class="notation_text"> His words sent a shiver through her. So much like Steven's in her dream.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You want to see me happy?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Of course I do!" He told her, still hugging her which although pleasant made her nervous. <<print $mc.name>> hadn't been this affectionate since his early teens. "You're an amazing woman. You're smart and have a great career, and you're beautiful and..."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Get the high boots." She joked, but cut him off in fear the word sexy would come out.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I mean it. Guys would line up to be with you, mom."
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_1_2">
<p >Continue</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living Evening -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-6.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> If the house was having a similar effect on him, what was he dreaming of? The movies and books made the lawyer in her sure the theme of this fucked up house was incest. She was going to her interview tomorrow which was only a formality as she knew she had the job.
<P class="notation_text">It was more of an introduction to the firm before she started working. <<print $mom.name>> decided she was going to ask where she could find the best sources for local stories and history. She'd start with trying to find more details on the murder suicide, but also look for a second suicide, specifically a woman hanging herself in this house.
<P class="notation_text">Police records of any calls of domestic disputes or any other types of incidents. <<print $gf.name>> had mentioned the houses being in her family for generations. <<print $mom.name>> would look up <<print $gf.name>>'s ancestors.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-7.png'">
<P class="notation_text">As her mind methodically ticked off the list of things and slipped into 'work mode' her eyes closed and her thoughts slowed down. Research was real and dealt with facts. She'd find out all she could and see if any of it made sense with the odd happenings of the last two days.
<P class="notation_text">She'd begun to drift when her eyes flew open. <<print $mc.name>> had mumbled something and rolled over onto his side, his body now pressing into hers. His arm slid around her waist and he sighed contentedly in her ear as he nestled into her like a comfortable lover.
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> stiffened, but didn't pull away from him. His slow steady breathing in her ear told her he was still sleeping. His arm tightened around her and a wave of anger went through her when he mumbled again and she clearly made out the name Ashley.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-8.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> He was curling up to her dreaming of that little fucking bitch. <<print $mom.name>> hadn't had an issue with Ashley spending the night as that was better than them sneaking around to have sex in cars and now imagined <<print $mc.name>> holding her like this in his bed.
<P class="notation_text"> Little bitch had no idea how good she had it. <<print $mc.name>> was good looking, sweet and at the time had goals for his education and career. Meanwhile <<print $mom.name>> had laid in her room alone, the love of her life taken from her.
<P class="notation_text"> It would have been one thing if Ashley truly loved <<print $mc.name>>. She would never begrudge her son that. But the whore was lying in his arms after fucking him while thinking of the next time she'd fuck his best friend. They'd probably laughed about him all those months they'd been fucking behind her naïve son's back.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-9.png'">
<P class="notation_text"> And after he'd lost his father she'd been doing this. <<print $mom.name>>'s anger, although justified, seemed irrational. Another out of control emotion, but at least this wasn't lust. As if in response to that last thought, <<print $mc.name>> moaned in her ear and thrust his hips into her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Hmm, Ashley, that feels so good."
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>>'s eyes widened at not just his words, but the feeling of his cock pushing into her ass. Even through their clothes she could feel how hard he was. He pumped his hips several times in the throes of his wet dream and when she tried to ease forward his arm held her in place.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>, wake up."
<P class="notation_text"> His response was to whisper how good Ashley's mouth looked on his cock and his hand flattened on <<print $mom.name>>'s stomach. He slid it up under her shirt, his palm caressing her stomach.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/2-10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>!" She spoke more loudly and grabbed his wrist, pushing it down and away from where he'd almost reached her breasts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Tease." <<print $mc.name>> whispered in her ear.
<P class="notation_text"> His hand relaxed and he allowed her to push it behind her.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>." She started to roll over. "You need to...hey!"
<P class="notation_text"> His arm slipped around her once more and before she could stop him, his hand went up her shirt and cupped her breast.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You have the hottest little tits," he breathed in her ear while sliding his palm across her now erect nipple.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Event_2_2">
<p >Continue</p>
</div><div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Czech (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
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<<set _prev = previous()>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_prev" data-setter = "$message = ''">
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<!-- Living Afternoon -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 1 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> Michael could only groan helplessly, already stirring beneath her despite his spent state. The erotic display had reawakened his passions tenfold.
"You insatiable minx," he rasped, reaching up to palm her full breasts. Katherine gasped, nipples pebbling at his expert touch. "Even after breaking me, you crave more."
She smiled wickedly down at him. "What can I say, you've spoiled me for any other lover, hero."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 2 Position Name :
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 3 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> I spent a few minutes kissing her neck and nibbling at her ears, all the time I could hear her breath getting slower as she relaxed under my ministrations. Now that she was relaxed I intended on getting her turned on.
Slowly I started to rub lower down her front, tracing the contour of her bra under her top and I felt her body start to tremble. I held my breath and without pausing I deftly undid the button of her blouse, and then the next one. Cindy didn't stop me. Continuing down I undid all remaining buttons on her silk blouse and I returned to stroking her soft and sensitive skin.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 4 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> She twisted her neck and he craned forward to meet her. Her lips dissolved into his, tongue teasing him skillfully. She tasted like the gin she must have been drinking earlier.
"That's it bro', open me up. Open me up with that nice thick tool of yours."
"Feeling better?"
"Meh, at last it doesn't hurt anymore. It's a start anyway."
"But not feeling good either?"
"Uh uh. Still, it's crazy hot knowing that it's my big brother's noodle that's buried in my butt." She looked back at him and smiled. "Are you going to come again, stud?"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 5 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> She was working her pussy up and down his shaft with each pump of her hips, I realized I was salivating watching her ride him. I moaned, jerking my cock to this glorious sight.
She was moaning, her chest heaving as she slid the fat dick in and out. He glided easily between her hot pussy lips to just his head and a couple of inches then went all the way down to the base of his shaft.
He bucked his hips with a moan as his tip bottomed out in my wife. Faster, he fucked her pussy. Gripping her hips, he started working his cock deep into her with each thrust.
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<P class="notation_text"> He positioned behind her and with his hand on her ass, teased her by slapping his cock on her dripping hole. Causing her to whimper in frustration, pushing her ass back into his hand. Eventually, he sank himself into her quickly in one stroke, shoving his cock deep. She glanced at him, and he nodded urgently. My wife moaned then, screaming out, her body quivering, her legs suddenly very shaky. She leaned down and caught herself on her elbows, as she screamed.
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<P class="notation_text"> Sam moaned in my ear when my palms rubbed across her hard nipples. "Yes," she groaned.
"Play with them." When I caught her nipples between my fingers, she sighed, saying, "Hmm, just like that."
Her hot breath in my ear and the sexy purr of her voice spurred me on. Cupping her tits, I fondled them while stroking her swollen flesh with my thumbs. Sam kissed me again and this time all but devoured my lips as I caressed her nipples. Her tongue plunged into my mouth and swirled around dancing across mine and tickling the roof of my mouth.
I slipped my tongue across hers and it occurred to me that there was a better place my tongue could be.
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<P class="notation_text"> Katherine rode Michael with abandon, bouncing vigorously in his lap as his thick length filled her perfectly on each downward stroke. The delicious friction had them both hovering on the razor's edge in no time.
"Baby, I'm so close, don't stop!" Michael groaned, hands squeezing her bouncing breasts for purchase.
Katherine rode Michael with wild abandon, walls clamping down on his pistoning cock with each bounce. The delicious friction had them both hovering right on the precipice.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/10.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 10 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> Katherine moaned as Michael's thick length stretched her tight ring inch by inch. He filled her so well like this, even in her inexperienced back door.
"You're doing so well, darling," Michael soothed, nuzzling her neck as he bottomed out with excruciating slowness.
Once fully seated, he held still, letting her adjust to his generous girth. Katherine trembled, clutching the sheets at the exquisite fullness.
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<P class="notation_text"> Lifting my head, I shivered as I looked down between my legs and watched Milo slide onto his stomach, spread my legs open with his shoulders, so he could bury his face in my pussy.
Just seeing his head between my legs, was almost enough to make me come, before he'd even started to probe me with his tongue, giving me an erotic little tongue-fucking.
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<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 12 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> I groaned loudly as he pushed me back onto the couch and bent over me, kissing me with a ferocious manner that left no doubt how much he wanted me. He sucked one tit into his mouth as his fingers explored my pussy.
Cradling his head onto my tit I moaned, "Oh TJ you're going to make me cum. It feels so good. Please make me cum."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/13.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
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<P class="notation_text"> He started in rough, banging her sweet sex with his own, athletically hammering her crotch with his junk. She gasped with each impact, her knees flailing back and forth, getting into the helpless-fuck-doll victim thing.
"Gawd! Take me, you monster! Fuck this bitch! Don't let up! I'm your fuck machine!"
He didn't; he got into a rhythm, hips angled just right to extract then plunge! Straight into her, sliding frictionlessly into her body, feeling her contract around him, clutch at his dick on the way out, squeeze on each return.
"Huh! Huh! Huh! Cum in me! I'm cummmmmmming!!!"
She convulsed hard, her torso thrashing, knees flailing, her butt off the shelf now, banging him back! He picked her up by the thighs again, got her fully mated, started into his ejaculation thrusts.
"Fucker! Fill me! Fill me! You cunt-fucking girl-breeder! Shit! Shit!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/15.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 15 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> Each time, his cock kissed my cervix and sent wave after wave of satisfaction through me. The need to be fucked and filled was primal. Nothing else in the world mattered, not even my own pleasure. I needed to feel him ejaculate inside me. I moaned louder and louder. Travis drove my pleasure to the edge once he began to tweak my nipples again. I unexpectedly was going to actually come. I knew I wasn't supposed to, and I knew he could take it all away at any second, yet still I let myself succumb to the feelings. My whimpers became more desperate and my ass was arched so much I could feel his cock begging to rip open my cervix altogether. Just one more stroke in that spot and I'd be cumming.
"Please" I begged in a whisper.
"What was that?"
"Please" I spoke louder, desperation in my eyes
"I told you, you don't get to cum"
"Please I'll do whatever you want"
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<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 25 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> Katherine took Michael's swollen tip between her plush lips, gently sucking in a way that made him shout her name. She smiled around his girth, loving his reaction already.
Slowly, so slowly, she took more of his heavy length into her hot, wet mouth. Michael was panting, lost in bliss, as inch by inch she descended.
"F-fuck, darling, your mouth is heaven," he groaned, hips starting to pump shallowly. Katherine just hummed in response, sending delicious vibrations through his cock.
When she'd finally taken him to the hilt, Katherine looked up at him with lust-darkened eyes. Michael threaded his fingers through her hair, speechless with ecstasy.
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<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 26 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> She began to stand up fully and twist towards me, but I stopped her, and pushed her back to her position.
"No," I instructed. I grabbed her hip firmly and guided my cock inside her. Reflexively she tightened her muscles, and I pushed in slow and deep, pulling her firmly against me. I soft sigh escaped her lips while a deep groan escaped mine.
Then with both hands grabbing her, I began to pump inside her. Going hard and deep. I pulled out slowly, then slammed hard into her again, pushing even deeper. She moaned in approval, and I found myself slowly blocking out all distractions, and focused solely on the primal pleasure I was experiencing.
I thrust again, and again. Deep and hard. Slowly increasing my pace. Her back arched and lowered, which I took as a sign of encouragement. And soon, I was fucking hard, slamming into her with my hard shaft
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<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 27 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> "Just fuck me harder." He hesitated and started to pull out, but I clamped down around him and he gave in, pumping his cock deep and fast. With just a few strokes I was right on the edge again. I held my breath, trying hard to not give away the fact that I was seconds away from my orgasm. Finally he thrust once more deep within me, reaching the spot I so desperately craved and wave after wave of climatic pleasure rolled through me. My mouth hung open and my pussy spasmed. There was no hiding my orgasm now. Travis stopped fucking me in shock.
"You dirty slut!"
"Oh fuck you, Travis."
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<P class="notation_text"> I continued thrusting my hips into her, our pelvic bones grinding together. I moaned aloud, and fucked her faster, pushing deeper and deeper. Instantly her hands left her breasts, and grabbed handfuls of bedding on either side of her. Her knuckles whitened in intensity, as she let out a quiet, high-pitched scream. As my thrusts intensified, she rapidly let go of the sheets and gripped the sides of my head, holding me in place, staring deep into my eyes. Her mouth was open, but no noise was coming out. The orgasm was too intense. She was loving it and so am I. we were too close and deep
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/31.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
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<P class="notation_text"> Video Name: 32 Position Name :
<P class="notation_text"> ______"Ohhh ohhhhh FUUUUUCK!! Oh Yes! oh yes! Stretch me open, pleaseeeee, please, please fuck me like the little white slut that I am,"
She begged over and over again.
"Please use me like a fucking whore!"
He fisted the base of his cock placed it at her cunt hole and shoved several inches inside her. Those first few inches was probably the most She'd ever taken in her life, so at this point I had no idea how Lisa could take the rest. Toby though, couldn't and didn't give a fuck. He quickly pulled those first inches out, then rammed his thick cock straight back in. Then pulled all of it out again, laughing as Lisa closed her eyes and shook her head in shock and disbelief. Then once again he jammed and rammed all of his thick cock into her cunt and began brutally pounding away at her as Lisa screamed and yelled like a stuck pig.__
"Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck, oh god your cock is so big, please, please, ohhhh please"
She moaned repeatedly. I wasn't sure if she was begging him to stop for a break or if she wanted him to use her even harder.
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<P class="notation_text"> I moaned as my juices started to flow. His lips found my neck as his hands cupped my tits, squeezing them through my dress before tugging my now hard and erect nipples. I groaned as indescribable pleasures rushed throughout. My resolve was gone. I wanted this man. I thirsted for his touch, hungered for his cock.
He pulled my dress down exposing my tits. I turned my head back and our lips met. His fingers expertly rolled, pulled, and flicked my nipples creating a tsunami of pleasure inside me. As I frantically kissed him I felt my dress being pulled up exposing my panties. The intensity of my desire was off the charts. I was on fire. Wet and hot for his continued touch.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/video/event/4/18.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
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<P class="notation_text"> I moved a finger to her pussy entrance and traced around it while I sucked her sensitive clit. I pushed my finger forwards, parting her pussy lips and easing inside her, up to the first knuckle and then the second. I heard a gasp from her pretty lips as she felt my finger invade her tight pussy but she didn't move away.
Her gasps became faster when I started to rub the inside of her pussy, my finger sliding across her g-spot in a gentle rhythm. Then I started to fuck her young tight pussy with my finger, thrusting my finger in and out of her in time to my licking her clit. Her pussy was clamped around my finger but I managed to slip in a second finger and continued to fuck her while she groaned and moaned above me.
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<P class="notation_text"> "Fuck me." she said.
Simple. Arousing. It felt like my soul was smiling in response to that simple statement.
She slowly opened her legs as I climbed on top of her. "I love you." I whispered, as I slid my tongue into her mouth. We kissed passionately and I soon slid my shaft inside her.
God it felt good!
I pushed in deep, stretching her and filling her completely. She moaned into my mouth. Her hands gripped my ass and squeezed hard, as she ground her hips against me. I thrust slow and deep inside her.
She pulled her mouth from mine, and sighed loudly. "Harder" she cried.
I immediately complied, thrusting harder and deeper. Her body tensed and her breathing quickened as the bed shook with each heavy thrust.
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<P class="notation_text"> "Gd you're so fucking hot!!" I could barely contain myself.
"Mmm, I like that you see me that way" she sighed as she wiggled her ass in front of me.
We both smiled in delight and anticipation. And finally I couldn't handle the tension any more. She looked away as she prepared for me to push my aching hard rod inside her. Instead, I squatted down quickly, and began eating her out from behind. She gasped in surprise as my tongue lashed over her ass and between her legs. She reached back with one arm to grab my head, pushing it harder as she shifted her hips to allow me better access to her.
Her juices coated my face as I slid my tongue inside her. God she tasted good!
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<P class="notation_text"> As his cock oozed with pre-cum, Nayeli turned around, arching her back in a downward curve, and sticking her ass out for him, welcoming him into her pussy. She rubbed it against his crotch. Simon thought it only natural that she wanted to be fucked doggy style.
Simon took his cock in one hand and grabbed her hip into the other, sliding into that wild unshaven pussy. It slid in easily enough for how dripping she was, and the warmth of her entrance baked his cock like an oven. "Oh," Nayeli squeaked as he ploughed his cock deep inside her. "My alpha..."
"Keep calling me that," Simon commanded. With how horny he was, he found himself liking that title more and more. It made him feel strong, powerful, primal. Like he was just another hound about to claim his female. He thrust his weight onto her with all his strength, her ass clapping each time his pelvis smashed against her.
"Yes, my alpha!" she cried, "Don't stop!" Her body was being thrust back and forth as Simon smashed her from behind. His hands clamped down on her hips, his fingernails sinking into the tender brown flesh. Her ass cheeks jiggled with violent ripples every time his body smacked against hers.
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<P class="notation_text"> "Wow," she grinned back at him, "aren't you glad you saved it all up?"
"Ahhh, so that's what that was all about," he shook his head.
"Mmmhmm, I wanted a nice fireworks show for my first time," she half-smiled. "It was over pretty quick though wasn't it Scooter? Is it supposed to go that quick?"
"No. I'm sorry, it's been awhile since I've had sex and I've been really worked up and this is just totally totally fucking hot."
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-17.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "You were thinking it was a shame that big dick and hard fucking were being wasted on a little girl like that. And then she broke his heart and he still stares at pictures of her?"
<P class="notation_text"> <<print $mom.name>> no longer tried to reply, but instead listened to the twisted words delivered in her husband's voice.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "He misses her and part of you is angry that he does. That whore hurt your son and he still wants her. Why? Because he doesn't know better and he hasn't been shown better. But you could show him, couldn't you <<print $mom.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "You could show your son how a real woman treats her man. Give him a fucking he's only seen in movies and in the end? Hold him and love him like no other girl could. Show him the love of a mother mixed with the insatiable lust of a woman in her prime."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-18.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "You can be his mother, his lover, his everything!"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I want to wake up!" She shouted. "Wake up!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "And for <<print $mc.name>>? He sees your loneliness, and lately has seen your lust. He's been trying to take care of you in all the ways I did. He's done a good job, but there's one thing you need that he's told he can't give you." "But he's changing his mind, <<print $mom.name>>. He's seeing you as what you are. A hot milf, and he's envisioning being the man who could make you happy. He has what you need <<print $mom.name>>, the lust to satisfy yours, but the love to make it pure and not just incestuous fucking."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "There is nothing pure about incest!"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "There is when there's love." Steven gave her a sad smile. "But you won't know until you try <<print $mom.name>>. Stop fighting it and give in to the desires you refuse to admit you have."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-19.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I don't..."
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "I have to go <<print $mom.name>>, but I'll leave you with one last thing." He leaned over and whispered. "What if I told you, you're not the only one who's had a not so pure encounter in your house?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "What do you mean?"
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "You watched <<print $mc.name>>, but did you know your son's jerked off to you?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "He's never done that."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/4/0-20.png'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "And before here, <<print $mom.name>>, back at home and in your bed." He winked. "Bet you could even guess when you tried. But your baby boy saw you as a woman and reacted the way he would if you were any woman, but his mother. He grabbed his cock and stroked it and blew a nice big load."
<P class="notation_text"> He paused and <<print $mom.name>> flinched when she could now see through him. The wall behind him was no longer their old bedroom, but the new house. He beckoned to her and swallowed hard, she leaned forward to hear his last words.
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp"> Steven: </span> "Not just to you, but all over you." He laughed in her ear. "You really had a lot to drink that night. Didn't even wake up when he squirted all over you."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Stop lying!" <<print $mom.name>> swung again, half expecting her hand to pass through him.
<P class="notation_text"> Instead her hand struck solid flesh and she cried out when something grabbed her wrist and wouldn't let go.
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<<set $talkEvent.kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $talkEvent.pool.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 1>>