<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/intro.jpg'" >
<div class="intro">
<h2 style=" color:#b5bad6">N-95</h2>
<p class="">This game is intended for <span style="color:#ff7bac;">mature audience only</span>
<p class="">By clicking on button below, you will be confirming you are an adult.
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Settings" >
<p >Start</p>
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v0.3 "Episode 3"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With <span style="color:#ff7bac;">♥</span> from The Twist.</p>
<<set $currentDay to 0 >>
<<set $currentTime to 0 >>
<<set $mc_stats_arr = [] >>
<<set $character_stats_arr = [] >>
<!-- <<set $eventMoney = [] >>
<<set $eventMorality = [] >>
<<set $eventStamina = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLove = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLust = [] >> -->
<<set $message to "" >>
<<set $eventCount = 0>>
<<set $kitchenEvent to 0>>
<<set $kitchenClean to 0 >>
<<set $poolClean to 0 >>
<<set $livingClean to 0 >>
<<set $roomClean to 0 >>
<<set $exercise = 0>>
<<set $swimming = 0>>
<<set $laundry = 0>>
<<set $shower = 0>>
<<set $stealing = 0>>
<<set $watchTV = 0>>
<<set $tm = 0>>
<<set $previous = 1>>
<<set $gameType to "">>
<<set $activityType to "">>
<<set $activityImage to "">>
<<set $activityVideo to "">>
<<set $mediaType to "">>
<<set $taskDialogue to "">>
<<set $ap_starts to 1>>
<<set $ep_starts to 1>>
<<set $cp_starts to 1>>
<<set $mp_starts to 1>>
<<set $mr_starts to 1>>
<<set $ed_starts to 1>>
<<set $up_starts to 1>>
<<set $ep_appearing_event to 1>>
<<set $ed_appearing_event to 1>>
<<set $myroomTalk to 0>>
<<set $shopEvent to 0>>
<<set $bedroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $outdoorEvent to 0>>
<<set $livingEvent to 0>>
<<set $myroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $kitchenEvent to 0>>
<<set $baseofficeEvent to 0>>
<<set $cpofficeEvent to 0>>
<<set $collegeEvent to 0>>
<<set $bathroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $sisterroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $dadhouseEvent to 0>>
<<set $dadofficeEvent to 0>>
<!-- unlocked -->
<<set $alilison_fck to 1>>
<<set $carolyn_fck to 1>>
<<set $nicole_fck to 1>>
<!-- Locked -->
<<set $eline_fck to 1>>
<<set $susan_fck to 1>>
<<set $edward_fck to 1>>
<<set $maria_fck to 1>>
<<set $christina_fck to 0>>
<<set $danae_fck to 0>>
<<set $maggie_fck to 0>>
<<set $mp_scene to 0>>
<<set $gp_scene to 0>>
<<set $up_scene to 0>>
<<set $dp_scene to 0>>
<<set $ez_scene to 0>>
<<set $ed_scene to 0>>
<<set $cp_scene to 0>>
<<set $mr_scene to 0>>
<<set $ap_scene to 0>>
<<set $sceneType = ''>>
<<set $sceneCode = ''>>
<<set $sceneDialogue = ''>>
<<set $sceneVideo = ''>>
<<set $charObj = {}>>
<<set $sceneObj = {}>>
<<set $charStats to "mp">>
<<include "CharacterInit" >>
<<include "TimeInit" >>
<<include "QuestInit" >>
Character Init:
<<set $mc = {
"name" : "Nick",
"rel" : "Neighbor-Son",
"call" : "Nick",
"lastname" : "Jones",
"age" : 19,
"up" : "Neighbor-Brother",
"hp": "Neighbor-Nephew",
"dad": "Neighbor-Son",
"shortcode" : "mc",
"stats" :
"energy" : 0,
"knowledge": 0,
"stamina": 0,
"money" : 0,
"morality" : 0,
"update": 0,
"love" : 0,
"lust": 0,
"romance": 0,
"fuck": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
"men_freq" : 0,
"t_meter" :
"sex_freq": 0,
"men_freq" : 0,
"charge" : 100,
"software_up": 0,
<<set $mp = {
"name" : "Eline",
"lastname" : "Jones",
"age" : 38,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Mother",
"call": "Neighbor-Mom",
"up": "Neighbor-Daughter",
"mc": "Neighbor-Son",
"hp": "Neighbor-Brother",
"shortcode" : "mp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $gp = {
"name" : "Maggie",
"lastname" : "Mrs. Devlin",
"age" : 40,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Mother",
"call": "Neighbor-Mom",
"shortcode" : "gp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $ap = {
"name" : "Allison",
"lastname" : "Collins",
"age" : 18,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Allison",
"shortcode" : "ap",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $ep = {
"name" : "Nicole",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 18,
"rel" : "Neighbour",
"call": "Nicole",
"shortcode" : "ep",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $cp = {
"name" : "Carolyn",
"lastname" : "Desuza",
"age" : 25,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Carolyn",
"shortcode" : "cp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $up = {
"name" : "Susan",
"lastname" : "Jones",
"age" : 21,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Sister",
"call": "Susan",
"hp": "Neighbor-Niece",
"dad": "Neighbor-Daugher",
"shortcode" : "up",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $hp = {
"name" : "Harry",
"lastname" : "Turner",
"age" : 40,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Uncle",
"call": "Harry",
"sis" : "Neighbor-Sister",
"niece": "Neighbor-Niece",
"shortcode" : "hp",
<<set $ed = {
"name" : "Miss Edwards",
"lastname" : "Frank",
"age" : 28,
"rel" : "Teacher",
"call": "Miss Edwards",
"shortcode" : "ed",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $mr = {
"name" : "Maria",
"lastname" : "Joe",
"age" : 28,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Maria",
"shortcode" : "mr",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $dad = {
"name" : "Deryl",
"lastname" : "Mr Harrison",
"age" : 50,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Father/Man",
"call": "Neighbor-Dad",
"shortcode" : "dd",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $jt = {
"name" : "Janet",
"lastname" : "Mason",
"age" : 44,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Janet",
"shortcode" : "jt",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $dp = {
"name" : "Danae",
"lastname" : "Lorel",
"age" : 24,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Danae",
"shortcode" : "dp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $ct = {
"name" : "Christina",
"lastname" : "Roy",
"age" : 34,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Christina",
"shortcode" : "ct",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $bedroom = {
"title" : ["Event_18", "Event_20", "Event_21",],
"status": [0,0,0],
"char": ["mc","mc","mc"],
"time" : [0,5,5,],
"men_freq": [0,0,0],
"sex_freq": [0,0,0,],
"knowledge": [0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0],
"love": [1000,1100,1200],
"lust": [1000,1100,1200],
"event": [0,0,0,],
"level": [18,20,21,],
"t_freq": [0,0,0,],
<<set $myroom = {
"title" : ["Event_3","Event_4","Event_8","Event_13","Event_14","Event_17", ],
"status": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"char": ["mc","ep","ep","mp","mc","mp"],
"time" : [0,3,0,5,0,0],
"men_freq": [0,100,200,200,0,300],
"sex_freq": [0,100,200,200,0,300],
"knowledge": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"love": [300,0,0,0,900,0],
"lust": [300,0,0,0,900,0],
"event": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"level": [3,4,8,13,14,17],
"t_freq": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $outdoor = {
"title" : ["Event_7",],
"status": [0],
"char": ["mc"],
"time" : [2],
"men_freq": [0],
"sex_freq": [0],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [500],
"lust": [500],
"event": [7],
"level": [7],
"t_freq": [0],
<<set $living = {
"title" : ["Event_5","Event_6","Event_9","Event_12","Event_15","Event_16",],
"status": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"char": ["mc","mr","mc","mp","up","up"],
"time" : [3,3,5,2,4,3],
"men_freq": [0,100,0,100,100,200],
"sex_freq": [0,100,0,100,100,200],
"knowledge": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"love": [400,0,600,0,0,0],
"lust": [400,0,600,0,0,0],
"event": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
"level": [5,6,9,12,15,16],
"t_freq": [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $college = {
"title" : ["Event_1", "Event_2","Event_10", "Event_11", ],
"status": [0,0,0,0],
"char": ["mc","mc","mc","mc"],
"time" : [0,0,0,0],
"men_freq": [0,0,0,0],
"sex_freq": [0,0,0,0],
"knowledge": [0,0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0,0],
"love": [100,200,700,800],
"lust": [100,200,700,800],
"event": [0,0,0,0],
"level": [1,2,10,11],
"t_freq": [0,0,0,0],
<<set $sisterroom = {
"title" : ["Event_19", ],
"status": [0,],
"char": ["up"],
"time" : [2,],
"men_freq": [300,],
"sex_freq": [300,],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [0,],
"lust": [0,],
"event": [0,],
"level": [19,],
"t_freq": [0,],
<<set $bathroom = {
"title" : ["",],
"status": [0],
"char": ["mp"],
"time" : [5],
"men_freq": [0],
"sex_freq": [0],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [0],
"lust": [0],
"event": [12],
"level": [9,14],
"t_freq": [120],
<<set $kitchen = {
"title" : ["", "",],
"status": [0,0],
"char": ["mp","mp"],
"time" : [5,4],
"men_freq": [0,0],
"sex_freq": [0,0],
"knowledge": [0,0],
"stamina": [0,0],
"love": [0,0],
"lust": [0,0],
"event": [5,10],
"level": [0,2],
"t_freq": [50,100],
<<set $baseoffice = {
"title" : ["", "", "", "",],
"status": [0,0,0,0],
"char": ["mp","mp","mp","ep"],
"time" : [5,3,5,5],
"men_freq": [20,40,80,300],
"sex_freq": [20,40,80,300],
"knowledge": [0,0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0,],
"love": [0,0,0,0],
"lust": [0,0,0,0],
"event": [1,2,4,6],
"level": [1,2,4,6],
"t_freq": [10,20,40,60],
<<set $fuckEvent = {
/* Nicole EF 0 - T 3 */
'ep1' : {
'title' : 'ep1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 3,
/* Allison EF 0 - T 3 */
'ap1' : {
'title' : 'ap1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene","as_scene"],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Side Fuck","Anal"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180,210,240],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120,150,],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 3,
/* Carolyn EF 0 - T 4 */
'cp1' : {
'title' : 'cp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 4,
/* Maria EF 4 - T 5 */
'mr1' : {
'title' : 'mr1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene"],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Side Fuck"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180,210],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 4,
/* Susan EF 14 - T 4 */
'up1' : {
'title' : 'up1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene"],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Side Fuck"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180,210],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 4,
/* Eline-2 EF 12 - T 5 */
'mp1' : {
'title' : 'mp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Doggy"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,],
'men_freq' : [30,60,90,120,150,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 5,
/* Eline-1 EF 9 - T 3 */
'mp2' : {
'title' : "mp2_scene",
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,],
'men_freq' : [170,190,210,230,250,270,],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 3,
/* Edwards EF 11 - T 2 */
'ed1' : {
'title' : 'ed1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Licking","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 11,
'event_time' : 2,
/* Eline-3 EF 20 - T 5 */
'mp4' : {
'title' : 'mp4_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","rcg_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Licking","69","Grinding","Face Sitting","Fingering",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [290,310,330,350,370,390,410],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 20,
'event_time' : 5,
'mp3' : {
'title' : 'mp3_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene"],
'desc' : ["sed_scene","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Sidefuck"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'men_freq' : [430,450,470,490,510,530,550,570],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120,],
'event_fuck' : 100,
'event_time' : 100,
'ct1' : {
'title' : 'ct1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 100,
'event_time' : 100,
'gp1' : {
'title' : 'gp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 100,
'event_time' : 100,
'dp1' : {
'title' : 'dp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 100,
'event_time' : 100,
<<include "SceneInit" >><div class="big_text">
<!-- Living middaY -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/50.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> works late on Thursday night and I try to write an outline for the writing contest to show <<print $ed.name>> on Friday. I keep getting distracted by everything that's happening. Images keep flashing through my brain as I try to work; <<print $ed.name>> role playing and getting spanked by her boyfriend, me finally fucking my <<print $mp.call>>, another threesome with Maria and <<print $ep.name>>. Maybe I am letting this transmitter thing get out of control.
<p class="notation_text"> When we go to bed, I cuddle up to my <<print $mp.call>>'s back with my hard cock pressing against her ass, and she just laughs.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/2/60.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Not tonight, stud." <<print $mp.call>> says, patting my thigh. "Save it for your girlfriend this weekend." She adds.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm still recovering from last night." I laugh and kiss her neck, wrapping my arm around her, cupping her tit in my hand. I fall asleep and dream of spanking <<print $ed.name>> curvy ass while she's tied to the bed.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $college.status[0] = 1>>
</div>/* Days of the week */
<<set $weekDays = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $weekendValue = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]>>
/* Current day in total */
<<set $dayValue to 0>>
<<set $dayTimes = [ "Morning", "Mid Day", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight" ]>>
<!-- <<set $dayTimes = [ "Early Morning", "Morning", "Mid Day","Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight" ]>> -->
<<set $dayTimeValue = 0 >>
/* Current time of the day */
<<set $timeInDay to 1>>
/* Wether to advance to the next time of the day when using the "leave" button */
<<set $timeForwardOnLeave = false>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "ed">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/1.png'">
<!-- Character : <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $ed.name>> Loc: college / Afternoon -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> After school, I show <<print $ed.name>> my outline. When I get close to her desk, I see her nipples push against her blouse and her face get flushed. I guess my suggestion for her to get aroused is working.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I don't have much time today, <<print $mc.name>>. "She says fidgeting in her chair. "My boyfriend is picking me up in a few minutes." She's reading my outline and squeezing her knees together.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> Her boyfriend is coming here? I put the ear buds in as she reads, tune in her frequency and hit the button.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ed.name>>, is your boyfriend meeting you here in the classroom?" I ask her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Yes." She says blandly, "We're going to get some dinner and see a movie."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Have you ever had sex in your classroom, <<print $ed.name>>?" I ask, an idea formulating in my mind.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "No." She answers.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Next day, when your boyfriend comes in let me know."
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Okay." She says.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $collegeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $college.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $college.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "ed">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/3.png'">
<!-- Character : <<print $ed.name>> & Kevin Loc: College -->
<p class="notation_text">The classroom was empty when I walked in, except for <<print $ed.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Today, when your boyfriend comes in. You will lock the doors and put the black out paper over the windows. Tell him you need him right now and you want to role-play in your classroom. Tell him you want him to tie you up, spank you and fuck you. I'm going to be hiding in the tall cabinet where we hang our coats and you won't tell your boyfriend I'm here. You'll have an explosive orgasm knowing that I'm watching you get spanked and fucked. Okay?"
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Okay." She says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What time will he be here?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Any minute now." She answers.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay, when I push the button, you'll hand me back my outline, telling me it's fine. Then you'll tell me to get in the closet because your boyfriend is coming." I hesitate, and then add, "You'll kiss me passionately before I get in the closet." I push the button on the transmitter, and put it away.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "This is fine, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $ed.name>> says, handing me my outline. "Now you'd better get in the closet because Kevin will be here any minute." She stands up and walks me over to the closet opening the door.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/5.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> Just before I get in, she leans up and wraps her arms around my neck, pushing her lips against mine. Our tongues intermingle and I feel her hard nipples press against my chest, making my cock stiffen between us. I climb in the closet; kneeling with the door open about an inch and watch <<print $ed.name>> walk back over to her desk. I can't wait to see if this is going to work.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Hi babe." Kevin says as he walks into the classroom, smiling at <<print $ed.name>>. "You ready to go."
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I'm ready." She breathes seductively, kissing him hard on the lips. "But not ready to go, yet." Breaking the kiss, she closes and locks the doors, securing the window coverings. "Kevin, I need you right now." She says walking back over to him unbuttoning her blouse. "I want you to tie me up, spank me and fuck me in my classroom." She says removing her blouse and unfastening her bra.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Here? Now?" Kevin says staring at her. "Babe, are you sure? You could lose your job if we get caught." He's taking in her lustful look and glancing around the classroom.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Yes." She says, pushing her tits against his chest and rubbing her hand over his emerging bulge in his pants. "I want you to role-play with me." She says. "I've been bad." She adds, demurely.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Okay." He says, getting in character, he pushes her away from him. "What have you been doing?" He yells, pinching her nipple between his thumb and finger and twisting it hard. Damn, that has to hurt, I think, but my cock is getting hard watching him.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I've been teasing a boy in my class." She says quietly, her nipples getting rock hard.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Teasing? How have you been teasing him?" Kevin asks, still pulling and twisting her nipples. He releases the right nipple and slaps the side of her tit. "And don't lie to me!" He yells.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oww!" She cries. "I kissed him and pushed my nipples against his chest." She says, glancing at the closet, then casting her eyes down.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "You deserve punishment, don't you, slut?" Kevin yells.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" <<print $ed.name>> says quickly. "You need to punish me."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Take off the rest of your clothes." He says as he mauls her tits, squeezing hard, leaving red blotches where his fingers press into her fleshy mounds.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/sc-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ed.name>> pull up her skirt and slips it down revealing a black thong and thigh high nylons. He smacks her bare ass cheeks and tells her to hurry up. She sits on her desk to remove her nylons, staring at Kevin, her face flush with excitement. I can't believe what he's doing to her and how much it's turning her on. It's also turning me on and my hard cock is pushing against my jeans.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "I said, hurry up!" Kevin yells, taking the nylons from her.
<p class="notation_text"> Grabbing a pair of scissors from the top of her desk, he cuts the thin black strips of material on either side of her thigh and roughly pulls her thong from between her legs.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> Holding it up to her face he yells, "This is soaking wet! What have you been doing, slut?"
<p class="notation_text"> He flings the thong across the room and it hits the closet door I'm kneeling behind. As she's sitting on the desk he pushes her legs apart and jams two fingers up inside her pussy.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh!" <<print $ed.name>> moans, spreading her legs and leaning her head back.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Aren't you the horny slut?" He says, removing his fingers and putting them under her nose. "What you need is a good spanking.”
<p class="notation_text"> He sits down on <<print $ed.name>>' desk chair and pulls her across his lap. As he does this, I get a quick glimpse of Miss Edward's pussy and it appears she has just a thin strip of neatly trimmed hair on her pussy mound. Kevin has his back to me and I can see <<print $ed.name>>' ass and legs on one side of him and her head on the other. I reach out of the closet and pick up her thong and as I'm closing the door, I see her smile at me and wink.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "This is what you deserve for teasing that boy!" Kevin says as he brings his hand down hard across <<print $ed.name>>' ass.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack!
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Ow!" <<print $ed.name>> squeals.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Ow! Ow! Ow!" <<print $ed.name>> yells.
<p class="notation_text"> Kevin is really hitting her hard. I watch <<print $ed.name>>' face and I can't tell if she's flushed with excitement or pain. I start to wonder if I've done the right thing with my suggestions when Kevin abruptly pulls her off his lap and stands up.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "You little slut! You're getting my pants all wet! Your cunt is dripping wet!" He yells as he rubs his hand between her legs. "You're enjoying this aren't you?"
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I can't help it!" She says, batting her eyes at him and thrusting out her chest. "I'm just a little slut!" She whimpers.
<p class="notation_text"> Kevin turns her around and when I see her red ass cheeks, my cock begs for release from my pants. I don't understand why this turns me on so much, maybe because she likes it. I have her wet thong up to my face and I'm breathing in her aroma as I watch the role play unfold in the classroom.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/sc-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Kevin ties her nylons around her wrists and leans <<print $ed.name>> over her desk. Walking around the desk he pulls the nylons tight, tying them to the desk legs. <<print $ed.name>> is now stretched across her metal desk; her tits smashed flat against her desk blotter and her shiny red ass cheeks sticking up in the air. My view is from the side of the desk and I can see the side of her flattened tit, her ass in the air and her face as she looks over at me. She smiles at me and gives her ass a little wiggle, knowing I'm watching.
<p class="notation_text"> Kevin stands behind her and begins spanking her again. <<print $ed.name>> is on her tiptoes and she appears to be rubbing her pussy against the edge of the desk.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Ow! Ow!" <<print $ed.name>> is rolling her hips and humping her pussy against the desk, while Kevin slaps her ass.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "You are shameless!" He roars, as she bucks her hips against the desk. "Alright, there's only one thing to do." Kevin says as he sheds his clothes and steps up behind her, his hard cock pointing at her burning ass.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I've pulled my cock out, too and I'm stroking it furiously as Kevin slams his hard cock into <<print $ed.name>>' pussy.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh yes! Fuck me, Kevin! Fuck me hard!" <<print $ed.name>> screams, pushing her tender ass back against him as he thrusts into her. He has his hands on her hips and he's pounding her like a jackhammer.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh! Fuck yes!" <<print $ed.name>> is moaning and pushing her ass back to meet his thrusts.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "You don't deserve this much pleasure!" Kevin says, pulling his cock out of her. "How about we change holes, slut? What do you think about that?" He says positioning his cock head against her puckered asshole. I can't believe he's going to fuck her in the ass!
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah! Fuck my ass, Kevin!" She moans, spreading her legs as wide as possible. Kevin pushes his hard, pussy-soaked cock into her tight ass, burying it all the way to his balls.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh my god!" <<print $ed.name>> cries as Kevin pumps his cock in and out of her asshole.
<p class="notation_text"> This pushes me over the edge and I cum in <<print $ed.name>>' thong, panting and leaning against the back of the closet. <<print $ed.name>> is rubbing her pussy against the edge of the desk while Kevin pistons her ass with his hard cock.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I'm cumming!" <<print $ed.name>> breathes, closing her eyes, opening her mouth and rolling her pussy against the plastic edge of the desk.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Me too, babe!" Kevin responds, jerking wildly as he spews his cum inside <<print $ed.name>>' ass. He leans against her back, catching his breath and then slowly removes his spent cock from her ass. He doesn't immediately untie her. Instead, he gets a tissue, wads it up and pushes it up in her ass, to keep her from dripping his cum on the floor.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Any lotion, babe?" He asks <<print $ed.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> She nods. "In the bottom drawer of my desk." She says dreamily, still breathing hard and shivering all over. Kevin pumps some lotion into his hand and gently rubs in on her bright red ass cheeks.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Mmmm. Thanks." She says. "I needed that."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "Obviously." He says. "Glad I happened by." He laughs. "You might have acted on your fantasies with one of your students." Kevin steps back from her ass, smiles and sits down at a desk in the front row. "If it wasn't Friday, I might be tempted to leave you like this. Wouldn't that be a treat for your horny boys in the front row?"
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Very funny." She says, smiling at me and winking again. Kevin unties her hands and when she stands up they embrace in a passionate kiss, rubbing their bodies together.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Lets go home." <<print $ed.name>> says. "I'm not done with you." She adds, wrapping her hand around his recovering cock. I want to suck you, but not until you've had a shower, you nasty boy."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Kevin: </span> "No dinner or movie?" Kevin says playfully.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "We can have each other for dinner and I have a digital video camera if you want movies." She says laughing.
<p class="notation_text"> I've got my cock back in my pants and I'm watching them get dressed. <<print $ed.name>> has her bra on and is looking around for her thong, then smiles and just starts putting her skirt on without it. I can clearly see the stripe of black pubic hair over her mound and it looks like the rest of her pussy is bald! <<print $ed.name>> not only has the hottest body, she is the sexiest, kinkiest fucking woman ever!
<p class="notation_text"> As they are leaving the classroom, I realize that I didn't give her any commands to forget about me watching her. She looks back and gives me a little wave and I wonder what will happen when I see her on Monday. I also wonder if <<print $ep.name>> would like to be tied up and spanked.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $collegeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $college.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/2/20.png'">
<!-- Scene 3 :
Character - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $ep.name>>
Time: Morning (myroom) -->
<p class="notation_text"> I'm in my room early the next morning, anxious to try out my new suggestions on <<print $ep.name>>. I've been working on them all week. I even wrote them down so I don't mess up. I don't want to change who she is, I just want her to get excited about the possibilities of the transmitter, like she was initially. I also want to experiment with the trigger concept. Of all the people I've had sexual contact with recently, <<print $ep.name>> is the only one I can relate to outside of the sex. We're the same age with a lot of the same interests, if I can just get rid of her hang-ups about the transmitter.
<p class="notation_text"> I call her and she comes right over. I'm waiting for her and tuning in her frequency before I open the door. I press the button as I turn the doorknob and she's zapped before she sees the transmitter. I tell her to remember exactly how she's standing and invite her into the house. She looks very sexy in a tank top with no bra and tight jeans.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/20.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> I read to her from the bullet points I typed up before I left home. "<<print $ep.name>>, * You will regain the excitement you initially had about the erotic possibilities of the transmitter. * You will never use it on me or cause anyone else to use it on me. * You will realize that it was <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> who abused the transmitter, not me and forego any further interference in my use of the transmitter. * You will accept my use of the transmitter on my <<print $up.rel>> and my <<print $mp.rel>> as a natural outgrowth of my sexual curiosity and not view it as perverted. * You will be proud of your body, especially your beautifully shaped, firm tits. * When I say the words, 'Think about it, <<print $ep.name>>' whatever I suggest next will be totally accepted and enthusiastically embraced by you." I finish reading and add, "Now you will go back outside in the exact same position you were in and not remember that you were zapped." I wait until <<print $ep.name>> is back outside, close the door almost all the way, press the button and open the door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hi <<print $ep.name>>." I say embracing her and kissing her passionately. "I've missed you."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/26.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I missed you, too, <<print $mc.name>>!" She says, kissing me back. "I'm so sorry about using the transmitter on you and making the video, <<print $mc.name>>."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry I got so angry and left." I tell her. "Come on, let's make up for lost time." I say, leading her into the myroom.
<p class="notation_text">Flopping on the bed, we snuggle together, running our hands up and down each other's body. Slipping her tongue into my mouth, she pushes me on to my back and straddles me rubbing her crotch against the bulge in my pants. Sitting up she pulls her tank top over her head and runs her hands seductively over her firm white mounds. Leaning forward, she offers her nipple for me to suckle. I wrap my lips around her nipple, sucking a large portion of her tit into my mouth and flicking her nipple with my tongue.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." I love it when you suck my tits." <<print $ep.name>> says, rocking against my aroused cock and working her fingers on the buttons of my shirt.
<p class="notation_text"> I move to her other nipple and suckle it as I unfasten her jeans. We break apart long enough to shed our clothing. <<print $ep.name>> straddles my cock again; rubbing her pussy lips up and down it's length before impaling herself on it. Sitting up she starts rocking back and forth, sliding my cock in and out of her hot, young pussy.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "So, tell me." <<print $ep.name>> says, adopting a slow, steady rhythm with her hips and running her hands up and down my chest. "Who have you been using the transmitter on while you were gone?" She's smiling and rocking back and forth.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Just my <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $ed.name>>, my English teacher." I tell her, wondering how my suggestions are going to work.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Your English teacher? Cool!" she smiles. "What happened? How old is she? What does she look like? Tell me everything."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> She picks up the rhythm as I tell her everything, starting from when <<print $ed.name>> asked me to stay after school until her boyfriend spanked and fucked her in the classroom. I watch <<print $ep.name>> get progressively turned on and hump my cock faster and faster. Obviously the suggestions are working.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "That is so hot!" She says, almost bouncing off my cock. "She really got turned on being tied up and spanked?" She asks incredulously.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah! And having her nipples pinched and twisted, like this." I answer, pinching her nipples and twisting them like I watched Kevin do to <<print $ed.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Ow! Ohhh!" <<print $ep.name>> yells. "That hurt, but it sent a bolt of lightning to my pussy, too." She says with a quizzical look on her face. "Try it again, I want to see something." She says as she rocks her hips faster and I thrust my ass off the bed to match her rhythm. I reach up and massage her tit and then pinch and twist her nipple with my thumb and index finger just as I thrust my cock deep inside her burning pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oooo. It's really weird." She says, bouncing frantically on my cock and pinching her own nipples. "A little pain really is exciting, but be careful, okay?" she asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure. I'm not trying to hurt you." I tell her. "Do you want to try the spanking or being tied up? I watched <<print $ed.name>> get off so hard, it was amazing." I explain.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I don't think so, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, still bouncing on my cock. "That's a little kinky." Time to test the trigger.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Think about it, <<print $ep.name>>." I say, "We'll role-play that you've been bad, I'll spank you over my knee and then fuck you against your burning ass. I think you'll like it." I wait for her reaction.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Okay, let's try it!" She says, jumping off my cock, leaving me humping the air. "What do we do?" She asks, kneeling on the bed. I sit up on the edge of the bed, my feet on the floor. Goddamn! The trigger works!
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Come over here." I tell her, "Lay across my lap." My hard cock is sticking straight out and I position her so that her side is against my slippery cock. I run my hand over her firm round cheeks, slipping a finger between them into her sopping wet pussy, and remember how much I love her tight little ass.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." She moans. "Come on, spank me, <<print $mc.name>>. I want to see what it's like."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> I slap her ass hard.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack!
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Ow! That really hurts!" She cries.
<p class="notation_text"> I hit her two hard slaps in rapid succession.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack!
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Fuck!" She yells, but then raises her ass up for another slap.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<p class="notation_text"> Her ass is getting red.
<!-- but she's squirming around trying to push her pussy against my leg. She raises her ass off my lap and slides her hand between us, rubbing her pussy. -->
<!-- <div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Go ahead." She says, "Spank me, <<print $mc.name>>. Spank me while I rub my clit!" She says.
</div> -->
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<p class="notation_text"> I'm alternating ass cheeks until they are both glowing bright red.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh! Fuck!" She yells, humping against her hand. "That's enough, <<print $mc.name>>. Please fuck me now." She pleads.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I stand her up and turn her around, positioning her on the bed on all fours, her shiny red ass cheeks pointing towards me. I stand next to the bed and slide my cock inside her drenched pussy. Holding her hips, I pump frantically in and out of her extremely slippery hole. She's still rubbing her clit with her hand and rocking back against me with each stroke.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh god, <<print $mc.name>>! I'm cumming!" <<print $ep.name>> yells.
<p class="notation_text">I pump faster, feeling my own imminent release building fast. <<print $ep.name>>'s body shakes as the first wave of her orgasm rolls through her. I keep pumping and finally shoot inside her with quick, jerky thrusts. <<print $ep.name>> falls forward on the bed, pulling my cock from her sopping wet pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> I get some body lotion from the bathroom and crawl up beside her. Massaging the cool lotion over her glowing, red ass cheeks, I ask her how it felt.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "It was an amazing turn on. I couldn't believe it made me so hot!" She says, but then adds, "But it hurts now!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Is it something you'd like to try again sometime?" I ask her, still rubbing cool lotion against her heated skin and wondering what it would feel like to fuck her ass. Running my hands over her sexy, curvaceous ass has my cock stirring again.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I don't know." She answers. "Let me see how I feel in a couple of hours." She laughs. Turning over she kisses me and says, "I really came hard though, so maybe. Did you enjoy spanking me?" She asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah!" I say, maybe too enthusiastically. "I don't know why it's so erotic. I don't ever want to hurt you, but it didn't feel like that. It just felt really exciting."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Thanks for the lotion. It really helps." She says, pushing me back on the bed. Getting up on her knees, she starts licking her juices off my semi-erect cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I haven't properly said hello, down here, yet." <<print $ep.name>> laughs, sucking the head of my cock into her mouth.
<p class="notation_text">My cock quickly responds to her oral stimulation and I'm soon humping my ass off the bed while she bobs her head up and down. Cupping my balls with her hand, she slides her lips all the way to the base of my shaft, slipping my cock head just inside the entrance to her throat.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck, <<print $ep.name>>! That feels amazing." I tell her.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ep.name>> shifts her body around, straddling my shoulders, without breaking the rhythm of her mouth on my cock.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm." <<print $ep.name>> moans around my cock, creating a vibrating sensation up and down my shaft.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I'm pumping my cock in and out of her mouth, as I build to my orgasms. I tense my legs and so close to my much-needed release. I start shooting my load in her mouth. She continues sucking my cock and swallowing my cum.
<p class="notation_text"> We take our time showering, soaping each other and enjoying the slipperiness of our bodies rubbing together. We dress and <<print $ep.name>> leaves.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/14.png'">
<!-- Scene 4 :
Character - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $mr.name>>
Time: Afternoon (myroom) -->
<p class="notation_text"> I'm in my room at afternoon, I call <<print $ep.name>> and she comes right over.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry!" I tell her. "Last day I forgot <<print $mr.name>>'s names" I say, leading her into the myroom.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "<<print $mr.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Remember <<print $cp.name>>, from the mall?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Yeah." She says. "I remember watching you fuck her in the department store."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/15.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> “After that we fucked several times at <<print $cp.name>>'s workplace.” I said.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span><<print $ep.name>>’s eyes showed surprise,”Really?”
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>“Well,you know what? Once when I had fucked <<print $cp.name>> at her workplace, I couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching us. I looked around the room, but I didn’t see anyone. I didn’t let it distract me, though, as I continued to fuck <<print $cp.name>> hard and fast. I finished with <<print $cp.name>> and saw a female shadow slowly moved away from the door.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/mb-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Followed and saw <<print $cp.name>>’s secretary <<print $mr.name>> sitting behind her desk and rubbing her pussy, her eyes was shut with excitement. She had been watching us the whole time, and the thought of it turned me on even more. I knew right then and there that I can fuck her, too.
<p class="notation_text">I pulled my pants back up and walked over to her room. She was totally nervous and she confessed for peeping. Suddenly she sitted up came towards me with a naughty smile and bent herself on her workdesk. Pointing her ass to me told me to punish her and requested me to not share this incident with <<print $cp.name>>.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Come on, punish me, <<print $mc.name>>."
<p class="notation_text"> I was astonished by her bold move and without thinking anything slapped her ass hard.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack!
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Ohh!".
<p class="notation_text"> I hit her two hard slapped in rapid succession.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack!
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Fuck!" She yelled, but then raised her ass up for another slap.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<p class="notation_text"> She was squirming around tried to push her pussy against my crotch. She raised her ass off my lap and slided her hand between us, rubbed her pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Go ahead." She said, "Spank me, <<print $mc.name>>. Spank me while I rub my clit!" She said.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<p class="notation_text"> I was alternating ass cheeks until they were both glowing bright red.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh! Fuck!" She yelled, humping against her hand.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">She undressed and positioned her pussy just over my face and for a minute I hesitated to eat the mixture of juices that were dripping from her pussy lips. Then, I thought what the fuck and pulled her pussy down to my face and buried my tongue between her drenched lips. Her taste and aroma overwhelm and I vigorously tongue fucked her.
<p class="notation_text"> I was sucking and nibbling at her pussy lips and lapping up her juices. Resting my hand on her ass cheek, I felt the heat of her spanking and her cheeks were bright red.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mr.name>> was grinding her pussy against my face.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">I felt a tremor from <<print $mr.name>>'s pussy. She tensed her legs.
<p class="notation_text">She grinded down hard, almost smothering me through several tremors of her own, each releasing a flood of juices in my mouth and overflowed down my cheeks. As she relaxed her legs, flips her body around and shoves her tongue in my mouth. We traded juices, as our tongues entwined in a passionated love dance. Her naked body felt soft, lyied on top of mine, and I cupped her hot ass cheeks, just holding her against me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You deserve punishment, don't you, slut?" I yelled.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" <<print $mr.name>> says quickly. "If you want to punish more, meet me here at night."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/27.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span><<print $ep.name>>’s eyes widened listening to my whole story, a blush spreading across her cheeks. “Really?”
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah! and I invited her over when she gets off work at evening." I tell <<print $ep.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>"Really?" She asks. "What for?" She's looking at me curiously.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Well, remember how hot we both got the last time?" I remind her. "You and I hadn't even done anything yet. It's what led to us finally getting together. I just thought it would be fun to try it again, as more of a threesome, with you really joining in this time. What do you think?" I ask, wondering if I'll have to use the trigger again.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/27.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Sure." <<print $ep.name>> says, slowly. "Whatever you want, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, hesitantly. What the hell, we need a little more enthusiasm here.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Think about it, <<print $ep.name>>." I say. "You'll eat each other's pussy's and one of you can suck or fuck me while I eat the other one. It'll be fun."
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Okay! let me know when she is here, I will join." She says.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $maria_fck = 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/8.png'">
<!-- Scene 4 -<<print $mr.name>>, James, <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $ep.name>>
Time: Afternoon -->
<p class="notation_text"><<print $ep.name>> and I was waiting for <<print $mr.name>> as the doorbell rings. <<print $mr.name>> has come to my place at afternoon.she looks really excited. </p>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hi <<print $mr.name>>" I say, as I open the door, immediately embracing her luscious body. "You look amazing!"
<p class="notation_text">She does, in a light pink blouse, curving snugly around her ample bosom, unbuttoned enough to show a considerable amount of her shiney shimmery cleavage. Her knee length skirt is stretched tightly across her rounded ass cheeks and my cock springs to attention as I watch her walk across the room.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You remember <<print $ep.name>>, I told you?" I say, introducing them.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Hello <<print $ep.name>>! I saw you last time when you were at department store when <<print $mc.name>> was fucking <<print $cp.name>>. I was also there." <<print $mr.name>> says.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I was actually just an observer last time." <<print $ep.name>> says, walking toward <<print $mr.name>> with a lustful look in the eye. "This time I want to play, too." She says, embracing <<print $mr.name>> and kissing her on the mouth. <<print $mr.name>> is surprised, but doesn't balk at the attention.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/29.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Hmmm." She says, breaking the kiss. "We'll have to see." She says, eyeing <<print $ep.name>>'s tight ass and small tits, before turning her attention back to me.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "I'm so glad you called me, <<print $mc.name>>." She says. "And now I even have a name to call you. I've thought of nothing else since your call." She walks over to me and pulls my shirt over my head. Leaning her head down she bites at my nipples while she unfastens my belt.
<p class="notation_text"> I've got her blouse unbuttoned and I'm unhooking her bra when we hear a car pull up outside.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $mr.name>> yells, looking out the front window. "It's my husband! Shit!" She's pulling her blouse around her. "He must have followed me here! Oh fuck!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Calm down." I tell her, taking the transmitter out of my jeans and putting the ear buds in my ears. "Don't panic, I'll handle everything." I tell her, walking to the front door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's his name?" I ask, just before I walk outside.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "James." <<print $mr.name>> answers, clearly panicked.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> As I walk out, I hear <<print $ep.name>> say, "Don't worry, <<print $mr.name>>. <<print $mc.name>> will fix everything. You'll see." I meet James on the sidewalk. Tuning in his frequency, I hit the transmitter button.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hi James, I'm <<print $mc.name>>." I say calmly.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Hi." He says in my favorite monotone.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What are you doing here?" I ask him.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "I followed <<print $mr.name>> to this house. I think she's cheating on me." He answers blandly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "James, have you ever cheated on <<print $mr.name>>?" I ask, thinking this is a good place to start.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Yes, with my <<print $mc.up>>'s wife." He says.
<p class="notation_text"> Now that's very interesting, <<print $mr.name>> fucking his <<print $mc.up>> while he's fucking his <<print $mc.up>>'s wife. I see a potential swap situation in their future. Right now, I'm trying to decide if I want to send him away or have him join us. I've never fucked with another guy around; it might be interesting to see what happens. I think girls will get a surprise too.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/10.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>“Hey, James,” I say casually, trying to sound as relaxed as possible. “You should come by my place next afternoon. I’ve got a little surprise waiting for you.”
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span>“A surprise? What kind of surprise?” he asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> “Something you won’t expect. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. Just come by ,okay?” I said.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span>He clearly intrigued with post hypnotic suggestion without too many questions. “Alright.”, he leaves. I head into the house.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>“Hey, you two,” I say, getting their attention. “There is a little change in plan. You should come by my place next afternoon. I’ve got something for both of you, too.”
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/30.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span><<print $ep.name>> glances over at me with a raised eyebrow. “Another surprise? What’s going on with you, <<print $mc.name>>?”
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span><<print $mr.name>>, looking intrigued, chimes in, “Yeah, what kind of surprise?”
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>I sit back on the couch, trying to keep a cool expression. “Trust me, it’ll be good. You’ll like it. Just be there. I promise, it’ll be worth it.”
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span><<print $ep.name>> gives me a skeptical look but shrugs. “Alright, alright. We’ll be here.”
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/11.png'">
<!-- Scene 11 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $ed.name>> -->
<p class="notation_text"> I entered the English class calmly. But while my class was going on ,I got excited as my eyes kept being fixed at <<print $ed.name>> cleavage . At the end of my English class, I linger behind until everyone leaves. <<print $ed.name>> looks up as I approach her desk.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Hello, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, smiling. "What can I do for you?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, you know that writing competition?" She nods as I sit in the chair next to her desk. Touching her arm, I use the trigger, "<<print $ed.name>>, I need your help."
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Well, let's not waste any time, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, excitedly, pushing her chair back and unbuttoning her blouse. "Lock the doors, <<print $mc.name>>, and cover the windows."
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/12.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> Wow! I race to the doors and do what she asks. When I turn around, <<print $ed.name>> already has her blouse and bra off and is pulling down her panties. Her tits are perfect, round globes with thick pink nipples that appear to be fully erect. I start to undress but <<print $ed.name>> stops me.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Wait, <<print $mc.name>>. Don't get undressed yet." She says, grabbing her keys from her handbag. "Here. Go next door to the teacher's lounge and get a cup of ice cubes. I'm going to teach you how to really tease a woman. There shouldn't be anyone there, but if there is just tell him or her the ice is for me."
<p class="notation_text"> I run next door, unlock the teachers' lounge and thankfully there is no one there. I fill a Styrofoam cup with ice cubes from the refrigerator. When I return, <<print $ed.name>> is completely naked. My eyes are locked on her firm, round ass cheeks, as she moves around her desk, clearing everything off. My cock is straining against my zipper as I take the cup of ice to <<print $ed.name>>.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/13.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Good!" She says, sitting it on the desk. "Today, you're going to learn how to drive a woman crazy with ice cubes. Go ahead and take off your clothes, <<print $mc.name>>."
<p class="notation_text"> I do as she says, while she continues to explain what we're going to be doing.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "You'll tie me to the desktop, face up and then use the ice cubes on my tits to make my nipples hard." She scoots her ass up on the desk, dangling her legs over the edge while she waits for me to finish undressing.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Use one of my nylons to tie my wrists together." She instructs, holding her hands out for me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> My hard cock bumps against her knee as I make the knot.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I'm glad you're excited about this, <<print $mc.name>>. So am I." She says, laughing. "Good. Now loop the other nylon around this one and tie it to the bottom of the desk." She says, lying back on the desk with her arms over her head.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/15.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> I go around the desk and tie her arms so she can't lift them off the desk.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Grab an ice cube, <<print $mc.name>>, and rub it over my nipples and watch what happens."
<p class="notation_text"> Her nipple looks pretty hard already when I put the ice cube on it.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah!" <<print $ed.name>> says, gritting her teeth against the cold. As I rub the ice cube all over her hard nipple, it actually gets thicker and harder. "The other one too!" She pants. "Don't forget the other one. In fact, get two ice cubes <<print $mc.name>> and do them at the same time." My cock is rock hard as I tease <<print $ed.name>>' tits with the ice cubes. "Now pinch them while they're cold and hard." I pinch her tits and twist them a little.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck yes!" She says as I pull on her hard, cold nipples. "Here's the real essence of this lesson, <<print $mc.name>>. I can't tell you exactly what to do; you have to use your imagination and watch how I respond. If I tell you everything, I might as well do it myself. A big part of the arousal is in not knowing what's coming next, whether you'll use the ice cube again or your mouth or whatever. You need to randomly alternate using the ice cube with pinching, biting, sucking, etc. It's like with your writing project; I can give you ideas, but you have to provide the creativity. Do you see what I mean?"
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/16.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes, <<print $ed.name>>." I tell her as I'm again using the ice cubes on her nipples. "I believe I do."
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "And, <<print $mc.name>>, don't limit yourself to my tits." She says, smiling. "My whole body needs to be teased like that. Just watch for the signals, including how wet my pussy gets." Oh fuck! I immediately shift my gaze to her nearly bald pussy, imagining how I'll use the ice cubes on her protruding pussy lips. Her thin strip of black hair is neatly trimmed and her thick pussy lips are already glistening with moisture.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $ed.name>> moans as I bite her left nipple and press the ice cube against her right one. I keep the ice cube in my palm as I move my hand down under her tit, fondling her soft flesh and pressing the ice cube into it. "The trick, <<print $mc.name>>, is to keep surprising me with new sensations." She says, as I switch tits and suckle the left one and fondle the right one. When her nipples are so hard that they look sore, I start running the ice cube between her tits and down to her navel.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/18.gif'">
<p class="notation_text"> Walking around to the end of the desk, I position myself between her legs, my cock pointing straight at her wet pussy. Spreading her legs, I rub ice cubes up and down her inner thighs.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! That's cold!" She yells, trying to close her legs, but I don't let her. I pull up her desk chair and sit between her legs, bringing the ice cubes closer and closer to her pussy lips. I savor my first close look at her aroused pussy lips, on her nearly hairless pussy. She's oozing juice as I press the ice cubes against the outside of her pussy lips and slide my tongue between them.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! Yes! Eat me, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $ed.name>> pants. One of the ice cubes has melted to about a third of its original size and I push it inside her pussy with my finger. Wrapping my mouth around her pussy lips, I suck the melting ice cube and pussy juices back out. I hold the ice cube in my cheek while I lap up her juices and then push it back inside her pussy with my tongue.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "What are you doing? Oh Fuck!" She yells, pushing her pussy against my tongue, and then pulling back when she feels the cold ice cube.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I continue to eat her delectable pussy while using a fresh ice cube on her mound, running it up and down her racing stripe of pussy hair. As it melts, the ice water runs down around her pussy and into the crack in her ass. Who would believe that I'm sitting here, pushing ice cubes into <<print $ed.name>>' pussy, while I'm sucking on her juices? The ice cube I'm using on her mound is getting smaller. I push it deep into her pussy, pull it back out and then stand up and reach my hand up to drop it into her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm!" <<print $ed.name>> sucks the pussy flavored ice cube, as I return my tongue to her burning snatch. There is one ice cube left in the cup and I know exactly what to do with it. Pumping my tongue as far into her pussy as I can, I press the last ice cube against her clit.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck you, <<print $mc.name>>! You're freezing my clit!" She yells as she squirms around trying to get away from it to no avail. "Oh god! That's cold!" She yells. Pulling my tongue from her pussy, I put the ice cube in my mouth and suck her clit in with it.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh my God! Suck my clit! Oh fuck! That's cold!" She doesn't know what to do with the dual sensation of having her clit sucked on with the ice cube in my mouth.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I pop the ice cube out of my mouth into my hand and as I return my mouth to her clit, I rub the ice cube down past her pussy lips and push it into her ass with my finger.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" <<print $ed.name>> yells.
<p class="notation_text"> I keep my lips locked around her clit, flicking my tongue across it. With one finger in her ass, holding the ice cube inside, I use my other hand to shove two fingers inside her pussy. Squirming and thrashing around on the table, <<print $ed.name>> erupts with a flow of pussy juice running down my fingers and my chin. I pump my fingers in and out of her gushing pussy while I continue to suck on her clit.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh, enough!" She breathes as her chest heaves and her ass settles down.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I release her clit and begin lapping up her sweet nectar.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "You're a fast learner, <<print $mc.name>>." She says as I stand up and position my cock against her pussy lips. "I came really hard!" She has her head back and her eyes closed as I thrust forward, driving my hard cock into her slippery, wet, channel up to my balls.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh God!" She yells as her eyes pop open and I start pumping my cock in and out of her soggy pussy. "Yes! Fuck me, <<print $mc.name>>! Fuck me hard!" She's trying to move her hips with the rhythm of my cock, but with her legs dangling over the edge of the desk, she has no leverage.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "My nipples, <<print $mc.name>>!" She yells. "Pinch my nipples! Squeeze them hard!" I reach up to her bouncing tits and catch her nipples, squeezing them hard.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Harder, <<print $mc.name>>!" She pants. "Squeeze them harder, pull on them! Make it hurt!" Remembering how Kevin really pulled and twisted them, I yank hard on her nipples, twisting them back and forth.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> It overtakes me so suddenly, I can't hold back; her scent, her smell, her moans, and the vision of her tied to her desk, I erupt, jerking violently against her fiery pussy. I release her tits, as my spasms diminish. I pull my spent cock from her soggy hole, knowing she didn't climax. Walking around to the side of the desk, I turn her face toward me and push my cock against her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Clean me up, <<print $ed.name>>." I command, as I reach down cupping her mound with my hand and running my thumb over her clit.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm!" She moans, sucking my flaccid cock into her mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> I slip three fingers into her anxious pussy while moving my thumb in circular motions over her clit. Her mouth is working magic on my cock as her tongue snakes around it licking the sides and sucking off her juices. As my cock stiffens, I start pumping it in and out, fucking her warm mouth, while continuing to finger fuck her pussy and massage her clit. Reaching over, I grab a handful of tit and squeeze and twist her entire breast in my hand.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Mmphh!" She moans around my cock,
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/dg-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I do the same thing to her other tit. Pulling my fully recovered cock from her mouth, and moving back to the end of the desk, I slam it hard into her drenched pussy, keeping my thumb on her clit.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! Yes! <<print $mc.name>>! YES!" She yells, trying to close her legs as her orgasm hits her.
<p class="notation_text"> I push her legs farther apart as her pussy muscles try to clamp down on my cock. I just keep pounding into her like a jackhammer, as I reach up and maul her tits, pinching, twisting, and squeezing her nipples all the way through her orgasm.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Agghhhhhh!" She wheezing as I keep up my ferocious onslaught on her pussy and her tits. I'm getting close to cumming again. I pull hard on her nipples, stretching them out from her blotchy tits and slam my cock hard against her saturated pussy.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Ohh! Yes! Oh Fuck! <<print $mc.name>>!" She yells
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/dg-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I bury my cock to my balls, shooting my load deep inside her burning snatch. This time I let her tighten her quivering pussy around my cock, as her whole body trembles through another orgasmic wave of pleasure. Her chest is heaving and she can't seem to get her breath, as I disengage my cock and stumble back onto her desk chair.
<p class="notation_text"> Grabbing some tissues, I push them between her pussy lips to keep our combined juices from dripping on the floor. Walking around to the other end of the desk and untying her hands, I impulsively lean down and kiss her lips, pushing my tongue into her mouth. Her arms encircle my neck and she returns the kiss with the ardency of an impassioned lover.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "You are an excellent student, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $ed.name>> says as she sits up and hops off the table. Watching her tits bouncing up and down arouses my spent cock. "You were creative with the ice cube; even surprising me a couple of times. You were also sensitive enough to realize I still needed more of your cock after you came the first time." She's on her tiptoes, reaching her arms around my neck. "You'll be learning spankings in no time!" She says, just before slipping her tongue in my mouth.
<p class="notation_text">Her hard nipples are pressed against my rib cage and my semi-aroused cock is pushing into her stomach. I bend down, cupping my hands around her ass cheeks and pulling her more tightly against me as we continue to trade tongues.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/19.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "That's enough for today, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $ed.name>> says, stepping back and looking around for her clothes. "Time to get dressed." <<print $ed.name>> has a little trouble with her nylons, but we manage to put ourselves back together fairly well.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ed.name>>, thanks for your help." I say, triggering her to forget everything that just happened.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Your welcome, <<print $mc.name>>." She answers, squirming around on the chair and adjusting her clothing. I guess it wasn't back as neatly as I thought. "See you tomorrow."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, bye." I call to her from the door. As I'm leaving, I run into Kevin, who's there to pick her up. I just smile and keep walking.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $collegeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $college.status[3] = 0>>
<<set $edward_fck = 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = "mr">>
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/12.png'">
Scene 5 -james, <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $mr.name>> -->
<p class="notation_text">The door bell rang, <<print $ep.name>> and <<print $mr.name>> have come. They’re chatting about surprise <<print $mr.name>>’s husband when jame’s coming?
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "James, <<print $mr.name>> is inside ready to enjoy an afternoon of sex with <<print $ep.name>> and I. You don't see anything wrong with that as long as you get to join in the fun. Have you ever fucked a young girl with a tight pussy, James?" I ask him.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "No, but I've thought about it a lot." He answers.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, today's your lucky day. We're going to have a happy foursome today with <<print $mr.name>>, <<print $ep.name>>, you and I. There'll be no jealousy and you'll be completely accepting of <<print $mr.name>> coming here. In fact, you'll thank her for letting you fuck a young girl’s pussy. Do you understand?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Yes." He answers. "It's okay that <<print $mr.name>> is here with you and <<print $ep.name>>, and I get to join in and we'll all have sex together."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Very good, James. One more thing, when you and <<print $mr.name>> leave you can suggest that you get together and do the same thing with your <<print $mc.up>> and his wife, I'm sure she'll be receptive."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/14.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> James and I head into the house. James is a handsome man, a little slimer to match with <<print $mr.name>>’s curves though but with a firm muscular build. He has curly black hair and I can't help but notice his firm biceps, as we walk in the house together. I'm glad I have the transmitter on my side.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Hi baby." James says, walking over to <<print $mr.name>> and giving her a kiss. "<<print $mc.name>> here just invited me to join the fun."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> He looks <<print $ep.name>> up and down and smiles. "Thank you for making this possible, baby. I think it's going to be real fun." He says, almost leering at <<print $ep.name>>'s body.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "What's he talking about, <<print $mc.name>>?" <<print $ep.name>> asks, now she's the one pa<<print $mc.name>>ing.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, instead of a threesome, James wants to make it a foursome. Doesn't that sound like fun?" I ask.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/15.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I'm not sure." <<print $ep.name>> says, while <<print $mr.name>> is just standing there with her mouth open, amazed at everything. "What did you 'suggest' to him, <<print $mc.name>>?" <<print $ep.name>> wants to know.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I just said that <<print $mr.name>>, you and I are going to be fucking, but since that's an uneven number it would be even better if he joined us." By this time, <<print $ep.name>> is backing away from James, shaking her head.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Think about it, <<print $ep.name>>." I say, "You'll suck and fuck James's cock and then you and <<print $mr.name>> can put on a show for James and I. What do you say?" <<print $ep.name>> immediately reverses herself and starts walking toward James.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Let's see what you've got, James." She says tugging at his shirt and running her hand up and down the bulge in his pants.
<p class="notation_text"> I walk over to <<print $mr.name>> and again start unbuttoning her blouse. She just looks from me to James in disbelief and lets me take her blouse and bra off without moving.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh my." <<print $ep.name>> sighs. "James, my god!" She says.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I turn around as <<print $ep.name>> has James's sweatpants down around his ankles and is running her hand up and down his large cock. It's thicker and longer than any cock I've ever seen and I'm amazed when I see <<print $ep.name>> drop to her knees and suck the head of it into her mouth. The sight of her white cheeks puffed out around his large cock is very erotic. I soon have <<print $mr.name>> naked and we move to the couch to watch. I shed the rest of my clothes before I sit down next to <<print $mr.name>>. Running my hands over her luscious brown tits, we watch <<print $ep.name>> pump about six inches of James's cock in and out of her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Oh fuck, baby." James moans. "That feels so good." He has his hands on the back of her head and is pumping his cock in and out of her mouth. James is thrusting his hips forward and <<print $ep.name>> is bobbing her head back and forth, matching his rhythm. With his shirt off, James's six-pack abs and muscular chest are a sight to behold.
<p class="notation_text"> I lean down and start sucking on <<print $mr.name>>'s thick nipples while my fingers comb through her velvety black bush. Sliding my hand between her legs I run one finger up and down her pussy lips and she involuntarily spreads her legs. She still seems to be mesmerized by the sight of <<print $ep.name>> giving her husband head.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Fuck, <<print $mr.name>>, that feels so good," I moan, my hands reaching down to tangle in her dark hair. I can feel her breasts pressing against my thighs, her nipples hard as pebbles beneath the thin fabric of her bra.
<p class="notation_text">She lets out a soft hum of approval, the vibrations sending a jolt of pleasure straight to my balls. I can feel myself getting closer, my hips thrusting upwards as I fuck her mouth. She takes it all, her fingers digging into my hips as she holds on, never breaking eye contact.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"I'm gonna cum," I gasp, my balls tightening as the familiar sensation builds. She nods, her mouth never leaving me as she presses her breasts together, giving me a show.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Goddamn, girl! You are so fucking hot!" James says, looking between <<print $mr.name>> and <<print $ep.name>>, taking in the striking contrast between the small breasted, tight-assed white girl and the voluptuous body of his wife.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Come on, James." She says seductively. "It's my turn. Let's see how big your tongue is." She laughs, as James drops on his knees between her legs and starts licking from her knees to the top of her thighs.
<p class="notation_text"> I turn my attention back to <<print $mr.name>>, kissing my way down her body and positioning myself between her beautiful brown thighs. <<print $mr.name>>'s attention is all on James, who now has his face buried in <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy, when I replace my fingers with my tongue between her thick pussy lips.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! Eat me James!"
<p class="notation_text"><<print $ep.name>> has her hands on the back of James's head pulling him tightly against her pussy as she humps her ass off the couch and into his face. James has his hands on her breasts, pinching her nipples as he tongue fucks her pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mr.name>> is finally responding to my onslaught on her pussy, as I suck her clit into my mouth and pinch her pussy lips with my fingers. Shoving my two fingers back inside her hot, wet pussy I pump them furiously, as I continue sucking her clit. She's now bucking up against me and grabbing handfuls of my hair, pulling my face tightly against her fiery pussy. James and I work our tongues on the girls' pussies filling the room with loud slurping noises.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I'm cumming!"
<p class="notation_text">I hear <<print $ep.name>> yell, as I continue to manipulate <<print $mr.name>>'s clit with my mouth and twist my fingers around inside her pussy. Glancing up, I see <<print $ep.name>> in the throes of orgasm, bucking wildly against James's face, her teen sized tits jiggling all around. Finally, she collapses back on the couch, releasing her grip on James's head.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck, baby!" <<print $mr.name>> gasps. "Keep that up, just like that!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">She's pulling my face tighter against her pussy and my tongue is flicking the tip of her clit, which I've sucked entirely inside my mouth. I'm teasing her pussy lips with my fingers, pinching, twisting and flicking them from side to side. <<print $mr.name>> squeezes her legs tightly around my head, nearly suffocating me, while her body spasms through an explosive orgasm. Relaxing her legs, her juices gush out around my fingers and I quickly position my mouth to catch as much of her nectarous flow as I can.
<p class="notation_text"> Pulling my head back from <<print $mr.name>>'s pussy, I see James positioning his huge cock at the entrance to <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy. Her head is leaned back, her eyes are closed and I'm not sure she's aware of what's coming. <<print $mr.name>> sees it the same time I do and abruptly sits up.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh baby!" She yells.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/16.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wait a minute. She can't take that without some help." This gets <<print $ep.name>>'s attention and she looks down just as James is rubbing the thick, head of his cock against her pink pussy lips.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Whoa." She says, sitting up and pulling her pussy back. "Just a minute. Let me get ready for that monster." She says, smiling at James.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Here, baby." <<print $mr.name>> says to <<print $ep.name>>. "I know how to do this, I'll help you." <<print $mr.name>> leans over and pulls <<print $ep.name>>'s legs up, bending them up to her shoulders, then pushes them wide apart. "Hold your legs out like this with your hands." She tells <<print $ep.name>>. "This will give you the widest opening for him to slide into." Turning to James, she tells him, "You are not going to just shove your big cock into her little, white pussy! You'll split her apart!" Reaching down and grabbing James's cock she starts rubbing his cock head up and down <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy lips. "I will feed your cock into her, slowly." She says.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Mmmm. Okay, baby. Whatever you say." James says, clearly enjoying the sensations.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/fk-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">I reach out and start fondling <<print $mr.name>>'s breasts, feeling their weight in my hands. She lets out a soft moan as I knead them, her nipples becoming even harder under my touch. I lean in and take one of her nipples in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it and sucking gently. <<print $mr.name>> arches her back, pressing her boobs into my hands even more.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Ohhh! It's so big!" <<print $ep.name>> moans
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mr.name>> has her hands on <<print $ep.name>>'s breast, squeezing them gently and pinching her nipples. Nicole's breathing becomes heavier as <<print $mr.name>> plays with her boobs, her body writhing in pleasure.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh, fuck, <<print $mr.name>>, that feels so good," <<print $mr.name>> gasps, her boobs bouncing as I continue to fondle them.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"<<print $ep.name>>, you like that too, don't you?"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>"Yes, <<print $mr.name>>, I do," <<print $ep.name>> moans, her body trembling with pleasure. "Keep going, both of you."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "She is so fucking tight!" James breathes.
<!-- <p class="notation_text"> <<print $mr.name>> is sitting next to <<print $ep.name>> on the couch. She has one hand around James's cock, feeding it into <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy. With her other hand she starts massaging <<print $ep.name>>'s clit.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span>"This will keep you lubricated and allow you to take more of his cock inside of you." Turning to me, she says, "Why don't you go around the other side and suck on her titties; the more stimulation the better." I quickly do as she says, kissing <<print $ep.name>> on the mouth before leaning down and sucking her nipple into my mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> as <<print $mr.name>> feed James's cock into her tight, young pussy. <<print $mr.name>> has pushed about four inches of James's thick cock inside <<print $ep.name>>'s tight pussy and she stops to let <<print $ep.name>> get used to it's girth, while continuing to rub <<print $ep.name>>'s clit. With me sucking her nipples and <<print $mr.name>> playing with her clit, <<print $ep.name>> is soon pushing her pussy against James's cock trying to get more of it inside of her. <<print $mr.name>> pumps James's cock in and out of <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy, pushing it farther in with each stroke. When she has about two-thirds of the length inside <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy she tells James to slowly stroke it in and out. <<print $mr.name>> keeps her hand around the base of James's cock to keep him from slamming the entire length into <<print $ep.name>> before she's ready.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/fk-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">
James is breathing hard and trying to keep the slow pace of fucking going, but it's easy to see that <<print $ep.name>>'s tight pussy is driving him to the brink of eruption.
<<print $ep.name>> meanwhile is bucking wildly and already trembling from several quick orgasms generated by the simultaneous stimulation of her clit, her tits and her stretched out pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "She's ready!" <<print $mr.name>> announces, while she keeps her fingers working feverishly at <<print $ep.name>>'s clit. James lifts his whole body up and pushes his cock into <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy, burying it to his balls.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" <<print $ep.name>> yells, thrusting her pussy up to meet James's invasion.
<p class="notation_text"> Then he's fucking her, the entire length of his cock is pulling out and slamming back into her pussy, her slick lips stretched wide around his thick throbbing member. I can't believe she took the whole thing inside of her. I keep sucking, pinching and twisting her nipples and I feel her shudder through several more orgasms before James erupts inside of her. She collapses back on the couch, shaking and shivering from the intensity of her multiple orgasms. James stays buried inside of her while he catches his breath and then slowly pulls his spent cock from her quivering hole.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/fk-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "That was so hot!" <<print $mr.name>> exclaims. "Get over here and fuck me <<print $mc.name>>. My pussy is dripping wet from watching that." <<print $mr.name>> seems to have accepted James being here, joining in the fun. She's bending forward and leaning her hands on the back of the couch, her soft ass wiggling invitingly in the air.
<p class="notation_text"> I look up from <<print $ep.name>>'s teen sized mounds and see <<print $mr.name>>'s large brown tits hanging down over the couch next to us. They are swaying back and forth, as she wiggles her ass and her rigid black nipples are pointing down at the seat cushions. I kiss <<print $ep.name>> on the lips, while she's still catching her breath, and move over behind <<print $mr.name>>.
<p class="notation_text"> I rub my throbbing cock up and down her pussy lips a couple of times before sliding it all the way into her sizzling pussy. She pushes her round ass cheeks back against me and we start pounding against each other, picking up a tense, urgent rhythm. <<print $ep.name>> smiles at me and lies down on the couch, sliding her head under <<print $mr.name>>'s tits.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah! That's fine!" <<print $mr.name>> says,
<p class="notation_text"> as <<print $ep.name>> sucks her thick, black nipple into her mouth. James sits on the couch, watching me fuck his wife, while <<print $ep.name>> sucks on her tits. I can see his large, cock starting to recover, as I slam my hard cock into <<print $mr.name>>'s pussy. <<print $ep.name>> reaches between <<print $mr.name>>'s legs, running her fingernails under my scrotum as I pound <<print $mr.name>>'s pussy relentlessly. Her fingers scrape across my balls and then I hear <<print $mr.name>> moan.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh! Yes!" <<print $mr.name>> cries.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Play with my clit! Oh fuck! Keep doing that!" <<print $ep.name>> is still sucking on <<print $mr.name>>'s tits, but her fingers must have found her clit. James's cock is fully erect and I can't help but stare at the size, still amazed that <<print $ep.name>> took the whole thing. James gets up and walks around the back of the couch. Leaning forward, he positions his huge, stiff cock close to <<print $mr.name>>'s head.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Come on, baby." James says, pushing his cock forward toward her face. "Take it in both ends." <<print $mr.name>> lifts her head up, opens her mouth and James pushes half of his long, thick cock into her welcoming mouth. James is tall enough that his balls are dangling on the back of the couch, while he fucks <<print $mr.name>>'s mouth. <<print $ep.name>>, lying on her back, sucking <<print $mr.name>>'s tits and playing with her clit, reaches her other hand up and starts fondling James's balls.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Oh fuck yes!" James yells, stepping up the pace of his thrusts in and out of his wife's mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> He's holding her head in his hands and starts matching the rhythm <<print $mr.name>> and I have going, thrusting in while I'm pulling back.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm!" <<print $mr.name>> is moaning around James's thick cock.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ep.name>> has her thumb and index finger around the base of James's cock, while running her other three fingers across his balls. Watching all of this is too much for me and I slam hard against <<print $mr.name>>'s ass cheeks, shooting my load deep within her burning snatch.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Ohhhh!" James yells. "Swallow this, baby!" He cries, jerkily shooting his cum into his wife's mouth.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> The simultaneous release of cum in <<print $mr.name>>'s pussy and her mouth drives her own climax and she clenches her pussy muscles around my cock, her legs shaking violently from her orgasm, as she swallows James's cum.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Jesus fucking Christ!" <<print $mr.name>> yells when James pulls his cock from her mouth. "That was amazing!" She's panting and falls down on the couch next to <<print $ep.name>>, pulling my spent cock from her sopping pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ep.name>> sits up and embraces <<print $mr.name>>, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss while they cup each other's ass cheeks, pulling their bodies tightly together.
<p class="notation_text"> I drop into a chair to recover, as I watch <<print $ep.name>>'s small, white mounds disappear between <<print $mr.name>>'s beautiful brown orbs. The intensity of their kiss is matched by the urgent exploration of their hands on each other's body. When <<print $mr.name>>'s fingers brush across <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy lips, <<print $ep.name>> bucks her hips forward, humping <<print $mr.name>>'s hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Oooo, baby!" <<print $mr.name>> says breaking the kiss. "You need to cum again, don't you?" <<print $mr.name>> asks.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ep.name>> just nods, spreading her legs so <<print $mr.name>> can slide her fingers inside. With <<print $mr.name>> finger fucking her, <<print $ep.name>> shoves her tongue back into <<print $mr.name>>'s mouth, kissing her more fervently than before. <<print $mr.name>> again breaks the kiss and pushes <<print $ep.name>> back on the couch, kneeling on the floor between her legs.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "I haven't done this in years." <<print $mr.name>> says, replacing her fingers with her tongue, feverishly devouring the mix of juices in <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> James and I just look at each other, smiling as we watch the show. James's cock is almost fully recovered again, and mine is sticking up pretty straight, as well.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ep.name>> is sprawled back on the couch, her knees pulled up and her legs spread wide, while <<print $mr.name>> is on all fours eating her pussy. James walks over and kneels behind <<print $mr.name>>, positioning his long, thick cock between her sopping pussy lips. With one quick thrust, he buries the entire length inside his wife's cunt.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Oommmff" <<print $mr.name>> says, her moan muffled by <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy. <<print $ep.name>> opens her eyes and sees James slamming into <<print $mr.name>> from behind, pushing <<print $mr.name>>'s face harder against her pussy. Smiling, she grabs a handful of <<print $mr.name>>'s hair and starts bucking faster against <<print $mr.name>>'s mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> Watching all this, I'm stroking my fully recovered cock and looking for a way to get in on the action. I'm thinking about sucking <<print $ep.name>>'s tits again when she catches my eye, licks her lips and looks at my hard cock. Wondering if this is going to work, I stand up on the couch and place my feet on either side of <<print $ep.name>>'s body. Leaning my knees against the back of the couch on either side of her, my cock is aimed right at her mouth. Wrapping her free hand around it, she opens her mouth and sucks it in, flicking her tongue around the head. I start pumping my cock in and out of her mouth. With her head against the back of the couch, she can't move away, as I push more and more of my cock into her warm, wet mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> With his hands gripping her hips, James is slamming into <<print $mr.name>>, their bodies slapping together from the ferocious onslaught. <<print $mr.name>>'s face is still squashed against <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy, held there by the combined pressure from James behind her and <<print $ep.name>>'s grip on her hair.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I have <<print $ep.name>>'s head pinned against the back of the couch while I drive my cock farther into her mouth. The room is filled with grunting, slurping and moaning sounds, as we all push towards the ultimate climax of the day.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" <<print $ep.name>>'s lips are vibrating around my cock as she tenses her body and clamps her legs around <<print $mr.name>>'s head. Her body is shaking as her orgasm rumbles through her. She moves her hand to caress my balls, triggering my release. I pump my load into <<print $ep.name>>'s mouth, as I listen to the loud slurping of <<print $mr.name>>'s tongue, lapping up <<print $ep.name>>'s juices.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Oh fuck!" James grunts, slamming hard into <<print $mr.name>> and holding her hips against him as he spews his cum inside her already trembling pussy. <<print $mr.name>> pushes back against him, he loses his balance and they tumble to the floor, still connected.
<p class="notation_text"> My cock slips from <<print $ep.name>>'s mouth, and I slide down her body, trailing a string of cum over her tits and her stomach. Straddling her body, I clamp my lips over hers, tasting my cum in her mouth, as we kiss.
<p class="notation_text"> When we recover, a weird awkwardness settles over the group. With nothing in common but our nakedness, we slowly gather up our clothes, vowing to get together again. Before they leave, <<print $mr.name>> takes me aside.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/17.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Just what did you say." <<print $mr.name>> asks. "How did you get James to join in?" She wants to know.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I can be very persuasive." I tell her, and she just raises her eyebrows at me. "We had a man to man, <<print $mr.name>>. I questioned him about his fidelity and also pointed out that you had a young white girlfriend for him." I shrug. "You saw how excited he was about that."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Whatever." <<print $mr.name>> says, kissing me and rubbing my crotch. "It was fun, <<print $mc.name>>."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, <<print $mr.name>>." I say before she rejoins her husband. "I think James might like to do this with his <<print $mc.up>> and his wife. You might want to consider it." I smile. <<print $mr.name>> just looks at me, shakes her head and walks out to join her husband.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So, <<print $ep.name>>." I say, when we're alone. "What do you want to do now?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/18.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I don't know." <<print $ep.name>> answers. "But I don't want anything in my pussy for a while." She laughs. "I'm a little sore."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I know what we can do!" I announce, excitedly. "Why don't we clean up and go on a date. We'll go to dinner and see a movie. We've never done anything like that." I tell her. "What do you say?"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh <<print $mc.name>>, I love it!" <<print $ep.name>> answers. "I'll go home, shower and change. You can pick me up in an hour." <<print $ep.name>> starts for the door and turns back. "<<print $mc.name>>, let me borrow the transmitter. I want my parents to agree to let me spend the night here."
<p class="notation_text"> I hesitate, and then realize she can't use it on me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Here." I say, giving her the transmitter. "Be careful with that thing." I tell her smiling.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/20.webp'">
<!-- Scene 6(?)- <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $ep.name>>
Location: Outdoor / midday-->
<p class="notation_text"> I reached at her house, I'm not even out of the car and she comes running out with an overnight bag and a big smile. She's wearing a beige blouse and a tight, black skirt. She has make-up on, her hair is perfect and she looks stunning. I've never seen her in anything but jeans or sweats. When she gets in the car, her skirt rides up and I smile.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You look wonderful." I tell her as I lean over and kiss her lips, tasting her lipstick and breathing in her perfume. "Tell me again why we want to go to a restaurant?"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Because it's a date!" She says, slapping me playfully. "Thanks, <<print $mc.name>>. This is a great idea!"
<p class="notation_text"> We go to a local Italian eatery at the mall and have a great time. We talk all through dinner about everything; school, teachers, music, sports and I even learn that <<print $ep.name>> is in the drama club.
<p class="notation_text"> We're about halfway through the movie, the popcorn is gone, and <<print $ep.name>>'s head is on my shoulder. I have my arm around her, holding her against me, when I feel her hand in my lap. She's running her fingers up and down the length of my zipper and my cock is responding accordingly. She keeps it up, squeezing and teasing my cock through my jeans for the rest of the movie. My cock is rock hard and I make sure we don't wait for the credits. The bulge in my jeans is obvious as I hurry us through the lobby and the parking lot to my car.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/19.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "What's the matter?" <<print $ep.name>> says, laughing. "Why are we in such a hurry?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You know why, you little tease." I answer, laughing with her as we get in the car.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I'm not a tease." She says, smiling. "You'll see!" Before we're out of the parking lot, <<print $ep.name>> has my zipper down and is pulling my cock through the fly in my jockey shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What are you doing?" I ask, trying to steer us out of the mall parking lot. <<print $ep.name>> is kneeling on the seat and bending her head down toward my erect cock.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/cbj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "What I've wanted to do for the past hour!" She says, sliding her warm mouth over the end of my cock and bobbing her head up and down.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" I moan, pushing the seat back and tilting it more to give her better access. "<<print $ep.name>>!" I sigh, as I thrust my hips up to meet her mouth, while still trying to drive.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "This isn't working!" She says, undoing my belt and opening my jeans. She maneuvers my jockey shorts over my cock and I lift my ass from the seat so she can push my jeans and jockeys down below my crotch. "That's better." She says, cupping my balls with her hand and sucking my cock back into her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Shit!" I yell, swerving back into my lane.
<p class="notation_text">I'm trying hard to stay focused on driving, but <<print $ep.name>> is taking my cock into the back of her throat and teasing my balls with her fingers. With my pants around my thighs, I have limited movement and I'm slow in moving my foot from the gas to the brake at a traffic light. Stopped a little across the line, I lean my head back and listen to the slurping sounds of <<print $ep.name>>'s mouth on my cock. With my left hand on the steering wheel, I slide my other hand over <<print $ep.name>>'s ass, squeezing her cheeks through her tight, skirt.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/cbj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> A horn honks and I look in the rearview mirror, but I can't see anything because I've slid so low in the seat. I adjust the mirror and push the gas pedal, again focusing on staying in my lane. <<print $ep.name>>'s head is bobbing up and down faster and faster and I'm thrusting up to meet her mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> I slide my hand under <<print $ep.name>>'s skirt and I'm surprised when I feel her bare ass cheek. She's either not wearing any panties or she's wearing a thong. Further exploration reveals a thin strip of material between her ass cheeks. I fondle her smooth ass as she continues sucking my hard cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Fuck!" I yell, when I see the blue light flashing in the rearview mirror. I look at the speedometer and see that we've slowed to 15 miles per hour on a 45 mph highway. "Shit, <<print $ep.name>>." I say, pulling my hand back and sitting up straight. "We're being pulled over!" She looks up over the seat and then reaches in her purse, pulling out the transmitter.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Here." she says, "Take care of it, I'm busy." She slides her mouth back over my cock, like nothing's happening.
<p class="notation_text"> I frantically push the ear buds in, lower the window and start spinning the thumb wheel. Got it!
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hello, Officer." I say, as I push the button.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/21.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Male Police: </span> "Hello." He says in a low monotone. He's looking in the window with a glazed look in his eyes.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ep.name>> is bobbing up and down on my cock with a renewed intensity. I think she's trying to make me cum while the officer is standing here.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "There is no problem here officer. You will react like blowjobs are a normal part of every driving experience." I jump as the passenger window is pounded on.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Female Police: </span> "Sit up and lower this window!" A female officer yells from the passenger side of the car. Her flashlight is shining on <<print $ep.name>>, but <<print $ep.name>> doesn't stop.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Take care of that, too, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $ep.name>> says, before sliding her lips back down to the base of my cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Have you ever had sex with your partner." I ask the officer at my window, barely able to speak because <<print $ep.name>> has me on the brink of climax.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/22.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Male Police: </span> "No." He answers, flatly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Have you ever wanted to?" I ask, nearly panting.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Female Police: </span> "I said, 'Sit up and open this window!" The other officer is yelling and tapping on the window with her flashlight.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Male Police: </span> "Yes, sir, I sure have." He says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Tell her she had better come around here and talk to me. Then go wait in your car for her." I tell him. "And you'll forget you even stopped us."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Male Police: </span> "You'd better come around here and talk to him yourself, Julie." The officer says as he walks back to his car.
<p class="notation_text"> I'm dialing the transmitter like crazy, while pushing my cock against <<print $ep.name>>'s mouth. Okay, this must be her frequency and I push the button.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/cbj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hello, Julie." I pant, thrusting my cock into <<print $ep.name>>'s mouth, as the officer reaches my window.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Female Police: </span> "Hello, sir." She says very calmly. She's about thirty, with short blonde hair and her uniform blouse is tailored to cut tightly across her large breasts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Julie, blowjobs, as you can see, are a natural part of the driving experience. You will go back to your squad car, undo your partner's uniform pants and give him the best blowjob of his life, swallowing all of his cum. You will forget you even stopped us. You'll think you pulled over for the blowjob."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Female Police: </span> "Yes sir." Julie answers
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/cbj-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I watch her ass swish back and forth as she walks back to the squad car. I see her remove her hat and lean across the seat, disappearing from view. I put the car in gear and drive toward <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "She's doing it!" I laugh. "She's giving her partner a blowjob!"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "That was so cool, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $ep.name>> says, as she takes a breath. Lowering her head, she devours my entire cock in one smooth motion, pushing it into her throat.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh God! <<print $ep.name>>!" I moan, trying to keep my foot on the gas and push my cock up at the same time.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/vid/cbj-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Sliding her lips back along my shaft, she pumps my cock in and out of her mouth in rapid-fire motion the rest of the way home. Just as we pull into <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s driveway, I can't take it any longer. Pushing on the brake, I raise my ass off the seat and erupt into <<print $ep.name>>'s mouth. Sucking and swallowing, she milks several loads of cum from my jerking cock before sitting up and licking her lips.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That was too fucking amazing!" I tell her. "You are unbelievable!"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I don't usually do that on a first date." She says, smiling.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "But you do sleep over, right." I laugh. "Come on." I say, pulling my pants up and getting out of the car.
<p class="notation_text"> Inside the house, we shed our clothes on our way to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s room.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Lying naked on <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s bed, I lick and suck <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy to a burning orgasm while giving my cock time to recover. We finish with a slow, grinding fuck of such impassioned intimacy that we fall asleep with our bodies still locked together, my spent cock nestled inside her drenched pussy.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $outdoorEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/57.png'">
<!-- Scene 7 <<print $ep.name>> & <<print $mc.name>> -
Time: My room / Morning -->
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Good morning." She says, pushing her ass back against my hard cock. "God, it feels good waking up with you."
<p class="notation_text"> It’s surreal, really. I’ve always known this would be the next step, but now that it’s happening—now that <<print $ep.name>> is here with me, she comes at night for a few days—everything feels… different. Better. More real than I ever expected. There’s something about the space being filled with her presence, her laughter, the little things she does that make my apartment feel more like home.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm." I answer, massaging her tit and rubbing my cock up and down the crack of her ass. "So, what do you want to do today?" I ask.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Whatever we do, I don't think we can top yesterday." <<print $ep.name>> says, dreamily.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How did you like fucking James?" I ask. "That was pretty intense."
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh my god!" <<print $ep.name>> answers. "I felt like I was losing my virginity all over again. He was so fucking big!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, made me a little self conscious." I told her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/23.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Don't worry, I couldn't do it very often." <<print $ep.name>> says, reaching behind her and grabbing my cock. "You are the perfect size for me."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Speaking of losing your virginity." I say, cautiously, rubbing my hand over her ass. "There is one place where you're still a virgin."
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh, I don't think I'm ready for that, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $ep.name>> says, turning to face me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Think about..." I stop. I've got to get myself under control. She's had enough 'Think about it, <<print $ep.name>>' suggestions for one weekend. We'll just do something else today.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Think about what?" She asks, her eyes locked on mine.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Think about whatever you want to do today." I answer. "I have some urgent business to take care of." I add, heading into the bathroom. "Then, let's have some breakfast."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/3/24.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> When I come out of the bathroom, <<print $ep.name>> is already in the kitchen, toasting bagels. She's still naked and I kiss her neck, wrapping my arms around her body.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Breakfast in bed and stay naked all day!" <<print $ep.name>> exclaims. "That's what I want to do today."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You've got it!" I answer, tweaking her nipples as she spreads cream cheese on the bagels.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm! That feels nice." She says, turning to me, pushing her finger in my mouth to let me lick off the cream cheese. "Let's take these in the bedroom." She says, picking up the plate of bagels and walking down the hall.
<p class="notation_text"> Back in bed, I smear cream cheese on <<print $ep.name>>'s tits, sucking it off her nipples until they are fully erect. Not to be outdone, <<print $ep.name>> rubs her bagel against my cock, coating it in cream cheese and then licking it like an ice cream cone.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">When she has it almost clean, she takes my fully aroused cock into her mouth and sucks up and down the shaft, removing the remaining cream cheese. We continue playfully, sucking and fucking until the morning is gone and it's time for me to drive home. We take a shower, lathering each other and slithering our slippery bodies together, neither of us wanting our time together to end.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I don't know about next weekend, but definitely the weekend after." I tell <<print $ep.name>> as I'm taking my stuff to my car.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "That's okay, I'll just call James." She teases.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Would you like to get together with them when I come back?" I ask, excitedly. This was my first experience with group sex and I found it incredibly exciting.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Maybe." <<print $ep.name>> says, smiling. "I liked it a lot more than I thought I would." She says. "At first I was scared to be with more than one person during sex, but I came so fucking hard with what everyone was doing to me." She says. "Fine, call them and let's see what happens." All right!
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/sleep.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> At my room, I relive the weekend. Starting with <<print $ed.name>> on Friday night, then the foursome with Maria & James yesterday and even the blowjob in the car and the police officers, this was the most erotic weekend I've ever spent. To top it off, I've got a message on my phone from <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Hey, little <<print $mc.up>>." The message starts. "<<print $mp.call>> says you're down with your girlfriend. That's great, I just hope you're saving something for me. I'll be home next Saturday morning. Will you pick me up from the airport? I can't wait!" There's a pause and then
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh Sherrie isn't coming, but I'll try to take care of you. See ya!" Wow! I can't wait to see <<print $up.name>> again. I wonder how my suggestion to <<print $mp.call>> about <<print $up.name>> and I will work.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[2] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/14.jpg'">
Scene 8 <<print $mp.call>> & <<print $mc.name>> -
Time - Night
Location : Living Room -->
<p class="notation_text"> I get home late and <<print $mp.call>> is curled up on the couch, fast asleep in front of the TV. She's wearing a long shirt, with nothing underneath it; I can see her firm, round ass where the shirt has ridden up. I start to wake her up to go to couch, but instead, I kneel on the floor with my face near hers and run my hand around on her ass cheeks. When she starts to stir, I kiss her on the lips, while running my fingers between her ass cheeks and down over her pussy lips.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm." She says dreamily, kissing me back and lifting her leg to give me better access to her pussy. "How's everything with you and <<print $ep.name>>?" She asks, breaking the kiss and staring at my crotch.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/21.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Great!" I tell her, while I stroke her pussy lips. "We had a wonderful time together, with no fighting."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "That's good." She says, but she seems disappointed not to see a big bulge in my pants. "What time is it?" She asks, "I didn't mean to fall asleep, but I wanted to wait up for you." She says sleepily.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's a little after eleven." I answer. "I'm ready for bed if you are." She sits up, cutting off my access to her pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Turning to her, I lift her dress over her head and run my hands over her tits, before tucking her into couch. Quickly shedding my clothes I crawl in next to her and hold her naked body against mine. I kiss her again, this time slipping my tongue into her mouth and she responds by reaching between us and fondling my flaccid cock.
<p class="notation_text"> This is the first time <<print $mp.call>> has initiated sexual contact and attempted to arouse me, instead of just responding to my aroused state. I'm not sure if I've got much arousal left in me after the weekend I've had, but <<print $mp.call>>'s expert manipulations of my cock and balls has me rock hard in no time. I scoot my ass back so she has room to maneuver while sliding my hand between her legs. Running my fingers up and down her slit, releases juices that coat her lips and lubricate my fingers, so they easily slip inside her hot pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm. <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, pulling her face back from our kiss. "I missed you this weekend." She says, looking me in the eyes. "I got really horny and started to watch a video, but I didn't want the vibrator or the dildo, I wanted you. I hope you don't think your <<print $mp.call>> is weird or perverted or whatever." She's stroking my hard cock while her fingers are tantalizing my balls.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh no! Not at all, <<print $mp.call>>!" I tell her emphatically. "I love being with you like this. I'm aroused because of you, <<print $mp.call>>! No one else!"
<p class="notation_text"> I push my tongue back into her mouth and increase the machinations of her pussy with my fingers. My cock is rock hard in <<print $mp.call>>'s hand and her pussy is gushing juice around my fingers, as our tongues fight for dominance of our passionate kiss.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/8.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text"> I push <<print $mp.call>> onto her back and suck one of her hard nipples into my mouth, biting it gently as I finger fuck her fiery pussy. <<print $mp.call>>'s tits are bigger and softer than <<print $ep.name>>'s and my cock is oozing pre-cum as I suckle at her breasts. <<print $mp.call>> is humping her ass up against my fingers and moaning as I kiss my way down her stomach and suck her clit into my mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh my god!" <<print $mp.call>> yells as I lick and suck on her clit while increasing the pace of my fingers pumping in and out of her burning hole. <<print $mp.call>> must have really been horny. In no time she's bucking wildly against my hand, tensing her legs and moaning.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/7.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh! Yes! Oh <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $mp.call>> cries.
<p class="notation_text">As her orgasm rips through her body, she clenches her pussy around my fingers and pulls my head away from her clit. She continues gently tugging on my head until we're face to face and I'm almost lying on top of her, my fingers still inside her quivering pussy. <<print $mp.call>> slides her tongue in my mouth and pulls me down hard against her.
<p class="notation_text"> I let my fingers slip from her pussy, and settle my body tightly against hers. With my tongue dancing around in her mouth, I can feel her hard nipples pushing into my chest and my rigid cock throbbing against her mound.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I suppose it's your turn." <<print $mp.call>> says, breaking the kiss and rolling us over, putting herself on top.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/1.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text">She lifts her upper body until her hard nipples are the only part of her dangling tits making contact with my skin. Shifting her hips around, she nestles my hard cock between her steamy pussy lips. Rocking back and forth, she drags her nipples along my chest while gliding her slick pussy lips up and down my rigid shaft.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh <<print $mp.call>>!" I moan, as I push my cock against her slippery lips, wondering how long she'll do this before she slides down and takes me in her warm mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> has her eyes closed and her head back as she skims her hot pussy lips, excruciatingly slowly, from the tip of my cock down to my balls and back.
<p class="notation_text"> Oh God! With her hard nipples continuing to tease my chest, it's almost like we're actually fucking! I push my cock up against her soggy lips as they slide up and down, again and again, from my balls to the tip, smearing her hot pussy juice along the way.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/2.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Lowering her chest against mine, <<print $mp.call>> lets her pussy lips linger at the head of my cock, not moving. Shoving her tongue in my mouth and snaking it urgently around mine, she presses her tits down hard against my chest. With a roll of her hips, my cock head slips between her lips and she pushes her body down engulfing the entire length of my cock in her velvety furnace. Oh Fuck! I'm inside her! My cock is inside my <<print $mp.rel>>'s pussy! Neither of us moves as our tongues continue their ferocious onslaught.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I wanted you, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> whispers, as she pulls her tongue from my mouth and looks directly into my eyes. "I wanted you inside me. That's all I've thought about all weekend." When she starts moving, it's like I've never been fucked by anyone before.
<p class="notation_text"> My <<print $mp.call>>'s hips are rotating in a circular fashion while she slowly raises and lowers herself on my cock. Her plush pussy walls are molded around my hard cock, pulsating pleasure through every pore. Sitting up she continues to rotate her hips, grinding her pussy down around my cock.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/3.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh my God, <<print $mp.call>>!" I moan. "You are amazing!"
<p class="notation_text">Reaching behind her she slips her hand between my legs and cups my balls, massaging them as she rides my cock. I've never felt anything like this! I am awestruck! I just lay there, staring at my sexy <<print $mp.rel>> riding my cock until she grabs my hands and presses them against her tits. I rub my palms in a circular motion around her hard nipples and squeeze her soft tits.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh, <<print $mc.name>>! Squeeze my tits harder! Pinch my nipples!" She instructs, as she rolls her hips back and forth, sliding my hard cock in and out of her burning pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> I respond like in a dream, doing as I'm told, kneading her gorgeous tits and pinching her hard nipples, as she clenches and unclenches her pussy muscles around my cock. I feel her hot juices running down my balls, which she continues to caress with her hand. She keeps rolling her hips in a rippling motion over my cock as I pinch and twist her erect nipples. I'm a full participant now, matching her rhythm and thrusting my cock deeper inside her enflamed pussy.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/4.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Letting go of my balls and picking up her speed, she starts riding me harder and faster. I'm bucking wildly on the couch pushing my cock into her pussy while she bounces up and down, rolling her clit against me and leaning her hands against my shoulders. I move one hand between her legs and find her clit with my thumb, massaging it in a circular motion. She rides me to a frenzied orgasm that has her moaning and screaming my name.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>! Oh <<print $mc.name>>! I'm cumming! <<print $mc.name>>! Cum with me, <<print $mc.name>>! Cum inside me!" She yells, riding wave after wave of pleasure
<p class="notation_text"> I shoot my load deep inside her quivering pussy. She collapses on my chest and we lay there, gasping for air as we try to catch our breath. My head is spinning! I actually fucked my <<print $mp.rel>>! No, she fucked me! Un-fucking-believable!
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/5.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Cradling her head against my chest and running my hand up and down her back, I think back to the suggestions I gave <<print $mp.call>>, trying to make sense of this. I remember telling her that she would get aroused when we're touching and when she's helping me with my sexual tension. Oh fuck! Now I remember! I told her that when she's aroused, it would seem natural for her to turn to me for release. That must be it! She got horny and my suggestion overpowered any other form of release. Well, whatever it was, it was incredible.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I love you, <<print $mp.call>>." I say softly, kissing her on her forehead.
<!-- <img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/3.png'"> -->
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I love you, too, <<print $mc.name>>." She whispers, turning her lips to mine and kissing me gently. "I don't know what came over me." She says, "I couldn't wait for you to get home."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm glad." I tell her. "You are an amazing lover, <<print $mp.call>>. It's never felt like that with anyone."
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-6.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/2.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm. Thanks." She says dreamily. "You're no slouch, yourself." She says, settling my head back down in her chest.
<p class="notation_text">We fall asleep like that, my head in <<print $mp.call>>'s chest and my cock still inside her pussy. I dream about a threesome with <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $up.name>> that matches the video scene <<print $mp.call>> likes.
<p class="notation_text"> We oversleep next day morning and are so rushed there is no time to talk. I hope <<print $mp.call>> isn't feeling guilty about what happened. She doesn't seem to be, but we're in such a hurry, it's hard to tell. <<print $mp.call>> drops me at school, kisses me on the cheek and drives off to work.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $college.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $eline_fck = 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/1.png'">
<!-- Scene 9 <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $ed.name>>
Time: Morning
Location : College -->
<p class="notation_text"> I run into <<print $ed.name>> in the hallway as I'm walking to my second period class. She hesitates, looks around and then approaches me. She looks scrumptious in a tight black skirt and white blouse with blue stripes that curve around her full breasts.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>." She calls me. "Can I see you during your lunch today?" She asks nervously, shifting from one foot to the other.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure, <<print $ed.name>>." I tell her, wondering where this will lead. "Do you want me to come to your classroom?" Her face flushes as I walk close to her, grazing her arm with my hand.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "That, um, would be fine, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, her quickening breath causing her tits to swell, pushing the stripes on her blouse out even farther.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay, see you then." I tell her, walking down the hall, smiling. I wonder how she's going to handle what happened on Friday.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/6.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $ed.name>> is sitting at her desk when I arrive and she invites me to sit in the chair next to it. When I get close to her, the suggestion takes over and she becomes obviously aroused. Her nipples are pushing out against her blouse and she's rubbing her legs together.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What did you want to see me about, <<print $ed.name>>?" I ask innocently.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>, I wanted to talk about last afternoon." She says, her face flush from the arousal emanating through her body. "Um, tell me what you thought of it, <<print $mc.name>>." She asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ed.name>>, that was the most erotic afternoon of my life." I tell her, excitedly. "The things you and your boyfriend..." She cuts me off.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Then we did... you were in the..." <<print $ed.name>> puts her hands over her face in anguish. "I was hoping I'd imagined it. What could have ever possessed me to do such a thing?" She's crying.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ed.name>>." I say, trying to console her. "It was amazing!"
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "It was wrong!" She yells, pulling her hands away from her face and looking at me. "You're a student, a minor, it should never have happened. It's illegal, unethical and immoral!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm eighteen, <<print $ed.name>>." I tell her.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Okay, so it's only unethical and immoral!" She says, sobbing.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "No one knows." I tell her. "And no one is going to know."
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I know!" She tells me. "I'll have to quit my job. That's it. I'm not fit to be here. I can't be trusted around high school boys. I've always known my passions were a little out there, but I never thought I'd ever do anything like this!" She buries her head in her hands, crying.
<p class="notation_text"> Oh fuck! What have I done? <<print $ed.name>> can't quit her job because of me. This is exactly the kind of thing <<print $ep.name>> was worried about! I'm going to have to fix this. I pull the transmitter out of my pocket and put the ear buds in while <<print $ed.name>> has her eyes covered. Dialing in her frequency, I push the button.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ed.name>>." I say. "Sit up and dry your eyes."
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Okay." She says, responding immediately.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ed.name>>, who else knows about me being here on Friday?" I ask her.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "No one, as far as I know, unless you've told someone." She says in that familiar expressionless tone.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Forgetting about the immoral, unethical aspects of it, how did you feel sexually about what happened?" I ask, wondering if I misread her on Friday.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "It was the most thrilling sex I've ever had." She answers. "Knowing you were in the closet, watching Kevin spank me and tie me up, gave me the most intense orgasm ever."
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/3.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> My cock stirs as I listen to <<print $ed.name>> talk about her orgasm. As she sits there dry-eyed, talking to me, her erect nipples still pushing against the fabric of her blouse, I remember the image of her sexy body tied across her desk as Kevin fucked her. I know I should just tell her to forget I was there and leave her alone from now on, but my rock hard cock has other plans for <<print $ed.name>>. Never one to deprive my cock, I decide to try a trigger on <<print $ed.name>>, like I did with <<print $ep.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ed.name>>." I say. "I was not there Friday night. You imagined I was in the closet to create more excitement in your role-play. You will no longer get aroused just by being close to me." As I say this, her nipples actually recede back into her blouse. "You will not remember asking me to come here at lunch time or that I was here." Now, I need to create a trigger that allows me to temporarily change all that.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "When I place my hand on your arm and say '<<print $ed.name>> I need your help', you will become immediately aroused, shed all inhibitions and become my private sexual tutor. You will teach me exactly what to do to satisfy your unique sexual passions. When I say, '<<print $ed.name>>, thanks for your help.' You will forget everything that happened and believe that you spent the time helping with my writing assignments. Each time you become my sexual tutor, you will remember what we've done before and what you've taught me. Do you understand?"
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "Yes." She answers, flatly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What are you do after school?" I ask, my cock bulging in my pants.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $ed.name>>: </span> "I stay here, grading tests for two hours and then Kevin pick me up." She answers.
<p class="notation_text"> Perfect, my first lesson will be next day. I leave her classroom, pushing the transmitter button as I'm closing the door.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $collegeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $college.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $college.status[2] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <p class="notation_text">Scene Number: <<print $sceneNumber>></p>
<p class="notation_text">Char: <<print $char>></p>
<p class="notation_text">ActivityType: <<print $activityType>></p>
<p class="notation_text">SceneType: <<print $sceneType>></p>
<p class="notation_text">SceneCode: <<print $sceneCode>></p> -->
<<if $mc.t_meter.charge gte 20 >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" onclick="statsChange(25, 'Charge');">
<p>STOP </p>
<video id="sceneVideo" class="scenes_image" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<<if $char == 'mp' or $char == 'ct'>>
<p class="notation_text">** Related Video is only available for Patreon. **</p>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $fuckScene[$sceneCode][$sceneType].scene_dialogue[$sceneNumber]>></p>
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="random-button" onclick="statsChange(25, 'Charge'); charStatsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/low.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">T-Meter do not have enough Charge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
//statsChange(-25, "Charge");
// $("#random-button").on("click", function() {
// // stopGame(variables().activityType,'Char',variables().char);
// });
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $shower is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$shower = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/shower.webp'; $loc = 'Bathroom';" >
<p >Shower (Stamina +)</p>
<<if $laundry is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$laundry = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $char = 'mp'; $loc = 'Bathroom';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/laundry.jpg';" >
<p >Laundry</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Peeping</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.mp4.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/50.png'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $eventCount gte $fuckEvent.mp1.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mp4;
$charObject = $mp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/up/3/34.png';">
<p><<print $mp.call>> & <<print $up.name>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** Complete Event <<print $fuckEvent.mp4.event_fuck>> ***</p>
<<if $eventCount gte $fuckEvent.mp1.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mp1;
$charObject = $mp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/mom/3/5.png';">
<p>Interact with <<print $mp.call>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** Complete Event <<print $fuckEvent.mp1.event_fuck>> ***</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/etc/locked.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<p class="notation_text">The Door Is Locked. **New Scene** available at night!</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What Should I Do...</p>
<<if $currentTime is 0 >>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<div id="pos">
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/mom/46.png'; $loc = 'Kitchen';" >
<p >Do Breakfast</p>
<<elseif $currentTime is 4 >>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/mom/58.png'; $loc = 'Kitchen';" >
<p >Dinner</p>
<<if $kitchenClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$kitchenClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image';
$char = 'mp'; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/kitchenclean.gif'; $loc = 'Kitchen';" >
<p >Clean Kitchen!</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $taskDialogue = "">>
<<set $sceneDialogue = "">>
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($eventChar[$eventCount])>>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<p class="notation_text" style="color: #ff7bac; margin-left:8%;" >
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>> ||
<span style="color:#95fc00;"><<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>></span> ||
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] is 0>>
<<print "Weekday">>
<<print "Weekend">>
<div style="margin-bottom:10%">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bedroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" data-setter= '$msg = ""' data-passage="Kitchen">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Living');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/living.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Sisterroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/s_bedroom.jpg'">
<p><<print $up.name>>'s Room</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('MyRoom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/myroom.jpg'">
<p>My Room</p>
<div class="loc_button" data-setter= '$msg = ""' data-passage="Bathroom">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" data-setter= '$msg = ""' data-passage="Baseoffice">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/baseoffice.jpg'">
<p>Basement Office</p>
<div class="loc_button" data-setter= '$msg = ""' data-passage="Pool">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/pool.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Outdoor');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/outdoor.webp'">
<p class="notation_text" style=" margin-left:8%">
<span style="color:#99ff7b;"><b>Quest:</b> <<print $eventQuest[$eventCount]>></span> <br>
<span style="color:#ff7bac;"><b>Location:</b> <<print $eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>> ||
<b>Time:</b> <<print $dayTimes[$eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>></span>
<<if _cName.shortcode eq "mc">>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b>
<<if _cName.stats.love lt $eventLove[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.lust lt $eventLust[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b> (
<<if _cName.stats.men_freq lt $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.sex_freq lt $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<b>T-Meter Level:</b>
<<if $mc.t_meter.software_up lt $eventLevel[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000">v3.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v3.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00">v3.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v3.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#ffd800;"><b>Check Quest For <<print _cName.name >>'s Location & Time</b> </span>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/living.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What Should I Do...</p>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.mp4.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<<if $eventCount gte $fuckEvent.mp1.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mp2;
$charObject = $mp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/mom/3/22.png';">
<p >Interact with <<print $mp.call>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** Complete Event <<$fuckEvent.mp1.event_fuck>> ***</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'image';
$activityType = 'Knowledge'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/porn.gif'; $loc = 'Living';" >
<p >Watch TV</p>
<<if $livingClean is 0 && $currentTime lt 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$livingClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $char ='mp'; $loc = 'Living';
$activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/clean.gif'; $loc = 'Living';" >
<p >Clean</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/college.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $currentTime lte $fuckEvent.ed1.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "ed">>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.ed1;
$charObject = $cp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/jp/10.png';">
<p >Interact With <<print $ed.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime gte 0 && $currentTime lte 3 >>
<<set $charStats = "ed">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = " $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'College';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/jp/12.png'; $char = 'ed'" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Start Class (Men Freq+)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Outdoor" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>><br>
<<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>><br>
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] lt 1>><<print "Weekday">>
<<else>><<print "Weekend">><</if>>
<!-- <p><span class = "ui_text">Men Freq: </span> <<print $mc.t_meter.men_freq >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Sex Freq: </span> <<print $mc.t_meter.sex_freq >> -->
<p><span class = "ui_text">Knowledge: </span> <<print $mc.stats.knowledge >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Stamina: </span> <<print $mc.stats.stamina >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Money: </span>$ <<print $mc.stats.money >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Love: </span> <<print $mc.stats.love >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Lust: </span> <<print $mc.stats.lust >></p>
<p><span class = "ui_text">T_Meter: </span> v3. <<print $mc.t_meter.software_up >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">T_Meter Charge: </span><<print $mc.t_meter.charge >>
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($charStats)>>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Character: </span> <<print _cName.name>> <br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Relation: </span> <<print _cName.rel>> <br>
<<if _cName.shortcode == 'mc'>>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Love Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.love>> <br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Lust Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.lust>></p>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Men Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> <br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Sex Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>></p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/dad/dad24.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text"> Dad went to start his shift at the Sin City strip club.</p>
<p class="notation_text">Money increased by $20</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="getInfo(20,'Money'); getInfo(5,'Work'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Club" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $currentTime = 3 >>
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/shop.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I purchase?</p>
<<if $currentTime lte 3>>
<<set $charStats = "ap">>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.ap1;
$charObject = $ap; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/ap/6.png';">
<p >Interact With <<print $ap.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/shop.gif'; $loc = 'Shop';" >
<p >Work (Money +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Outdoor" data-setter = "$message = ''" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($eventChar[$eventCount])>>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp">Quest</span><br>
<b>Quest:</b> <<print $eventQuest[$eventCount]>><br>
<b>Location:</b> <<print $eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>><br>
<b>Time:</b> <<print $dayTimes[$eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>><br>
<b>Required:</b> <br>
<!-- Event Name :</b> <<print $eventQuestTitle[$eventCount]>><br> -->
<b>Character Name:</b> <<print _cName.name>> <br>
<<if $eventChar[$eventCount] eq "mc">>
<b>Character:</b> <<print _cName.name >> Need: (<b>Love:</b> <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>> || <b>Lust:</b> <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>>) <br>
<b>Character:</b> <<print _cName.name >> Need: (<b>Men Freq:</b> <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>> || <b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>>)<br>
<b>T-Meter Level:</b> v3.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>> ||
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Tips</span><br>
<b>Increase Money:</b> Work, Chores, Sex, Seduction <br>
<b>Increase Knowledge:</b> Research, Watch TV, Work, Chores, Seduction, Seduction, BlowJob, Cunnilingnus <br>
<b>Increase Stamina:</b> Dinner, Breakfast, Swim, Shower, Exercise, Sexual Activities<br>
<b>Increase MC's Love:</b> Interact, Chores <br>
<b>Increase MC's Lust:</b> Interact, Sexual Activities <br>
<b>Increase Men Freq :</b> Breakfast, Dinner, Chores, Interact, Work, Seduction, BlowJob, Cunnilingnus <br>
<b>Increase Sex Freq With Character:</b> Sexual Activities <br>
<b>TM Charge:</b> Knowledge (20), Money (20), Stamina (20)<br>
<b>TM Update:</b> Knowledge (100), Money (300), Love (100), Lust (100)<br>
<b>Cheat Code:</b> Available in Myroom (Patreon Only)
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<<set _full = 100>>
<<set $event = 20>>
<p><span span class = "mc">Character Location</span>
<br><<print $ap.name>> : Shop (Afternoon)
<br><<print $mp.name>> : Bedroom (Night, Evening), Living (Afternoon)
<br><<print $ep.name>> : Baseoffice (Afternoon)
<br><<print $cp.name>> : <<print $cp.name>>'s Office (Afternoon)
<br><<print $up.name>> : <<print $up.name>>'s Room (Evening), Bedroom (Night)
<br><<print $mr.name>> : <<print $cp.name>>'s Office (Night)
<br><<print $gp.name>> : N/A
<br><<print $dp.name>> : N/A
<br><<print $ct.name>> : N/A
<br><span span class = "mc">Progress</span><br>
<b>Main Event Passed:</b> <<print $eventCount>> ||
<b>Completed:</b> <<print Math.trunc(_full/$event) * $eventCount>> / 100%
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Finnish (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
Your feedback is insanely appreciated! You can send it to my Discord or Email (thetwist007@gmail.com) you want!
<p class="notation_text">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103460546" target="_blank">Visit my Patreon page.</a>
<p class="notation_text">
<a href="https://www.twistedtwist.com" target="_blank">Visit my Website For More Game!.</a>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/4.png'">
<!-- Scene 11 - <<print $mp.call>> & <<print $mc.name>> -->
<p class="notation_text"> Now <<print $ed.call>> and I are fucking most of the day after class, I got home. The door bell rang. As soon as I closes the door, <<print $mp.call>> surprises me with a French kiss, sinking her tongue deeply inside my mouth. With one hand around my neck and the other on my ass, she pulls me tightly against her, grinding her pussy against my cock. I guess this answers my question about how <<print $mp.call>> feels about last night.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmm? New girlfriend?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, pulling her head back and licking her lips.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> Oh fuck! I forgot I have <<print $ed.name>>, taste in my mouth. How stupid!
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry, <<print $mp.call>>. I should have brushed my teeth." I stammer, while <<print $mp.call>> smiles at me, mischievously.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> It's okay, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> laughs. "It's just surprised me, that's all. I actually don't mind the taste, it's um..." She trails off as she walks into her bedroom, lost in thought.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/3/3.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> I grab the transmitter and follow her into the bedroom, dialing in her frequency. She's hanging up her blouse and unzipping her skirt.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Yes, <<print $mc.name>>." She answers in a dull monotone voice.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What were you thinking about just now, after you said you don't mind the taste?" I ask her.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I was thinking about how long it's been since I've tasted another woman's flavor." She answers, standing still with her skirt half off. She's wearing another of her thongs and matching bra.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You can continue changing while we talk, <<print $mp.call>>." I tell her and she immediately finishes removing her skirt and takes off her bra. "How do you feel about that?" I ask, adding, "Tasting another woman, I mean." I'm admiring her lovely tits as she contemplates her answer.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It's intriguing." She answers, pulling a long t-shirt over her head. "Tasting another woman's pussy on your tongue surprised me in two ways. One, because I wasn't expecting it, and two, I was surprised by how much I really liked it."
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/5.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> You can imagine what I'm thinking! I've got to get <<print $mp.call>> together with <<print $up.name>> while she's home this weekend.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>, you will remember how much you enjoyed the taste of pussy juice on my tongue, but you won't care or ask about how it got there or who's it is." I continue with the suggestions. "The next time I eat your pussy, you'll fantasize about eating pussy yourself. Because it's your <<print $mp.mc>> eating your pussy, you'll naturally fantasize about eating your <<print $mp.up>>'s pussy. You'll wonder what it would be like to be in a threesome with <<print $up.name>> and I, living out the erotic sex scenes from your videos. This will seem like a natural outgrowth of our relationship and you will feel no guilt or shame if it happens." I decide to leave it like that and let her develop the idea.
<p class="notation_text"> Turning off the transmitter, I decide to give <<print $mp.call>> another taste just for good measure. Wrapping my arms around her, I squeeze her bare ass cheeks, while slipping my tongue in her mouth. She responds passionately, sucking on my tongue and running her hands up and down my back. <<print $mp.call>> sucks the remaining taste of <<print $ed.name>> off my tongue, and then jerks her head back and starts frantically undoing my pants.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Does your cock taste like that, too?" She asks anxiously, yanking my pants and jockey shorts down.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I kick off my shoes and step out of my pants, realizing she's right; my cock will taste like <<print $ed.name>>' pussy. <<print $mp.call>> is on her knees, rubbing my cock against her cheeks and deliriously breathing in <<print $ed.name>>' scent. Slamming my hard cock up against my stomach, <<print $mp.call>> starts lustfully licking my balls.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> moans, licking and sucking my balls. "Her taste is everywhere." She whispers excitedly, licking around the base of my cock.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Her warm tongue feels amazing as she meticulously licks all around, searching for traces of <<print $ed.name>>' juice. By the time she licks up the length of my throbbing cock, I'm oozing precum.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>, can we do this on the bed?" I ask, panting as she licks up and down my shaft.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Yes, yes, of course." She says, standing up and hurriedly pulling her t-shirt over her head.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I lay back on the bed as <<print $mp.call>>'s stripping off her thong. She crawls up on the bed, between my legs, her hard nipples brushing my thighs as she lowers her head and takes the entire length of my cock into her mouth and throat.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm" <<print $mp.call>> moans around my cock, creating a vibrating sensation on my sensitive shaft.
<p class="notation_text"> She picks up speed as she bobs her head up and down, pumping my hard cock in and out of her mouth. I hump my ass off the bed, thrusting my cock deeper into her warm, wet mouth while she pulls her mouth off my throbbing cock to catch her breath
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>, why don't you swing your body around so I can eat you?" I ask, thinking how much stronger my suggestion will be if she's tasting pussy juice when I eat her.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" <<print $mp.call>> says twisting her body around and positioning her eager pussy over my mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> is grinding her pussy against my tongue, as it pistons in and out of her soppy hole. Wrapping my hands around her ass cheeks, I pull her clit to my mouth and suck it in between my lips.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> With my lips around her clit and my nose brushing against her wet pussy lips, she pushes down hard, smothering my face under her quivering pussy. Tensing her legs, her trembling orgasm releases a flood of juices all over my face. I hungrily lap up her thick cream.
<p class="notation_text"> Flipping her body around, she pushes her tongue inside my mouth, while sliding her fiery pussy lips around my hard cock. Clamping her pussy muscles around my rigid shaft, she sucks her juices off my tongue and then attacks my face, eagerly lapping up her own taste. Aching for release, I try to pump my cock into her clenched pussy, but she is totally absorbed with cleaning her own juices off my cheeks and chin. Wow! That last suggestion has her totally fixated on the taste of pussy. That'll be great this weekend, but right now I really need her riding my cock! She pushes her tongue back inside my mouth, swirling it around for any residue of pussy juice.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/2.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Having satisfied herself that she has it all, she sits up and starts riding my cock like a wild woman, bouncing and slamming her pussy down around me. I've never seen my <<print $mp.rel>> so out of control; she's pinching her nipples, twisting them and stretching them out from her jiggling tits. My cock, already throbbing from the blowjob is ready for release and I tense my legs, pushing my ass off the bed, as my balls constrict.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>, I'm cumming!" I yell just as her pussy grips my cock and she pushes down hard against me.
<p class="notation_text"> I clench my ass cheeks and erupt inside her pulsating pussy, jerkily shooting load after load of hot cum. Her whole body is trembling as she collapses on my chest, her hard nipples pushing into me. We're both gasping for breath as my hands again find her ass cheeks, holding her tightly against me. Her head is on my shoulder and her lips lightly brush my cheek as her breathing returns to normal.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/2.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Thank you, <<print $mc.name>>. I needed that." She says, raising her head and kissing me firmly on the mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Now, I have to make dinner." She smiles, lifting herself off of me, her firm tits dragging across my chest.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "<<print $up.name>> is coming home this weekend." <<print $mp.call>> says, as I watch her get up and remove her bra. "I don't know if we should sleep together while she's here, <<print $mc.name>>. I'm not sure she'll understand." Interesting, I guess she really has been thinking about <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I guess you're right, <<print $mp.call>>." Is all I say.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[3] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[3] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/pool.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $poolClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$poolClean = 1; $char = 'mp'; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/pool-clean.jpg'; $loc = 'Pool'" >
<p >Clean Pool</p>
<<if $swimming is 0 and $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$swimming = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/swim.gif'; $loc = 'Pool';" >
<p >Swim (Stamina +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/myroom.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $currentTime gte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MyRoom" onclick="forwardDay()" style="width:25vw">
<p >Sleep</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MyRoom" onclick="forwardTime(1)" style="width:25vw">
<p >Nap (+1hr)</p>
<<if $exercise is 0 and $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$exercise = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/exercise.webp'; $loc = 'MyRoom';" >
<p >Exercise (Stamina +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''" style="width:25vw">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v1.3 "Chapter 3"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div class="intro">
<!-- **************************************************** MC STATS **************************************** -->
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">Change Name & Relation by clicking on change button below. </p>
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcName">Change Name (Default: <<print $mc.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>):</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mcName" value="Nick" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** MP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpName">She is <<print $mp.name>> <<print $mp.lastname>> (Default:<<print $mp.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpName" value="Eline" placeholder="Enter any Mona/Silvee/Reba"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpRel">She is your (Default: <<print $mp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpRel" value="Neighbor-Mother/Woman" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcRel">You are her (Default: <<print $mc.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mcRel" value="Neighbor-Son/Boy" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpCall">You should call her (Default: <<print $mp.call>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpCall" value="Neighbor-Mom/Woman" placeholder="Enter any "><br>
<!-- **************************************************** UP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="upName">She is <<print $up.name>> <<print $up.lastname>> (Default: <<print $up.name>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="upName" value="Susan" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<div class="setting_text ">
<label for="upRel">She is your (Default: <<print $up.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="upRel" value="Neighbor-Sister/Girl" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcupRel">You are her (Default: <<print $mc.up>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mcupRel" value="Neighbor-Brother/Boy" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpupRel">She is her (<<print $mp.name>>'s) (Default: <<print $mp.up>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpupRel" value="Neighbor-Daughter/Girl" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<!-- **************************************************** Ep STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="epName">She is <<print $ep.name>> <<print $ep.lastname>> (Default: <<print $ep.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="epName" value="Nicole" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** Gp STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/gp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="gpName">She is <<print $gp.name>> <<print $gp.lastname>> (Default:<<print $gp.rel>> )</label><br>
<input type="text" id="gpName" value="Maggie" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mona/Silvee/Reba"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="gpCall">She (<<print $ep.name>>) should call her (Default: <<print $gp.call>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="gpCall" value="Neighbor-Mom/Woman" placeholder="Enter any "><br>
<!-- **************************************************** AP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="edName">She is <<print $ed.name>> <<print $ed.lastname>> (Default: <<print $ed.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="edName" value="Miss Edwards" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="apName">She is <<print $ap.name>> <<print $ap.lastname>> (Default: <<print $ap.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="apName" value="Allison" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** CP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="cpName">She is <<print $cp.name>> <<print $cp.lastname>> (Default: <<print $cp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="cpName" value="Carolyn" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** MR STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mrName">She is <<print $mr.name>> <<print $mr.lastname>> (Default: <<print $mr.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mrName" value="Maria" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** HP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/hp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="hpName">He is <<print $hp.name>> <<print $hp.lastname>> (Default: <<print $hp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="hpName" value="Harry" placeholder="Enter only nick name John/Michael/etc.">
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="hpRel"> He is your (Default: <<print $hp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="hpRel" value="Neighbor-Uncle" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mchpRel">You are his (Default: <<print $mc.hp>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mchpRel" value="Neighbor-Nephew/Boy" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="uphpRel"><<print $up.name>> is his (Default: <<print $up.hp>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="uphpRel" value="Neighbor-Niece/Girl" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<!-- **************************************************** SCRIPT **************************************** -->
<<button "Change" "Intro_0">>
<<set $mc.name = $("#mcName").val()>>
<<set $mc.call = $("#mcName").val()>>
<<set $mp.mc = $("#mcRel").val()>>
<<set $ep.name = $("#epName").val()>>
<<set $mp.name = $("#mpName").val()>>
<<set $mp.rel = $("#mpRel").val()>>
<<set $mp.call = $("#mpCall").val()>>
<<set $up.name = $("#upName").val()>>
<<set $up.rel = $("#upRel").val()>>
<<set $ap.name = $("#apName").val()>>
<<set $ed.name = $("#edName").val()>>
<<set $cp.name = $("#cpName").val()>>
<<set $mr.name = $("#mrName").val()>>
<<set $gp.name = $("#gpName").val()>>
<<set $gp.call = $("#gpCall").val()>>
<<set $hp.name = $("#hpName").val()>>
<<set $hp.rel = $("#hpRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.hp = $("#mchpRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.up = $("#mcupRel").val()>>
<<set $mp.up = $("#mpupRel").val()>>
<<set $up.hp = $("#uphpRel").val()>>
<<button "Default" "Intro_0">>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <<if $mc.stats.money gte 0 >> -->
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" >
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="statsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/blue.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Money or Knowledge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
</div> -->
<!-- <</if>> -->
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/2/20.png'">
<!-- Scene 12 - <<print $up.name>>
Time: Night
Location : myroom -->
<p class="notation_text">At night, I’m lying back on my bed, scrolling through Instagram, flicking past picture after picture of <<print $ed.name>>. My mind is somewhere between tiredness and restlessness.As I’m scrolling, my phone buzzes with a notification.
<p class="notation_text"> I get a message from <<print $up.name>>. "Hey little <<print $mc.up>>, I e-mailed you my flight information. Who's picking me up at the airport? Please say it's you... not <<print $mp.call>>. I bought a new outfit, I can't wait to see your reaction... and I mean SEE your reaction! See you Soon. Bye."
<p class="notation_text"> When I check my e-mail for <<print $up.name>>'s itinerary, there is one from <<print $ep.name>>, too. She's anxious to meet my <<print $up.rel>> and suggests that she could come up this weekend. The idea of <<print $ep.name>> and <<print $up.name>> together is intriguing, but not this weekend. I write back that I'd love for her and <<print $up.name>> to meet, but <<print $mp.call>> has this weekend all planned. We'll do it next time, for sure. I e-mail <<print $up.name>> that I will pick her up at the airport. I'm still not sure what suggestion to give <<print $up.name>> about <<print $mp.call>>.
<p class="notation_text"> My days has been passing very fast but very excitingly I couldn’t even imagined to be.I don't even bother, <<print $ed.name>> for any more help because <<print $mp.call>> and I are fucking like rabbits every night. At night, after a particularly intense, sweat-inducing ride, <<print $mp.call>> collapses on my chest breathing hard.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Wow!" She whispers, "I'm going to miss sleeping with you tomorrow night, <<print $mc.name>>. I've gotten addicted to orgasms." <<print $mp.call>> laughs. "I've never needed sex so much in my life." She says, running her fingers over my cheek. "Nor have I had a young man as virile as you to satisfy me."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "The pleasure is all mine." I tell her, squeezing her firm ass cheek.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Not all of it." She says, dreamily, squeezing her pussy muscles around my spent cock and snuggling her head into my shoulders.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[4] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[3] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <<if $activityType == 'Update'>>
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge lt 0 || $mc.stats.money lt 0>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<</if>> -->
<!-- <<if _person == true>> -->
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<!-- <<else>> -->
<!-- <img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/red.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Money or Knowledge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" data-setter ="$msg = '';">
<p >Leave</p>
<</if>> -->
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#leave-button").on("click", function() {
// stopTask(variables().activityType);
// $("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
// stopGame(variables().activityType);
// });
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/13.png'">
<!-- Scene 14- <<print $mp.call>>, <<print $up.name>> & <<print $mc.name>>
Time : Morning
Location : Kitchen -->
<p class="notation_text"> I turn <<print $up.name>> towards me and kiss her on the mouth, while I squeeze her ass cheeks. She slips her tongue briefly in and out of my mouth and rubs her hand over my hardening cock.
<!-- <p class="notation_text"> I entered the kitchen. <<print $up.name>> is already there. I stood behind her.
</p> -->
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Who's hungry?" <<print $mp.call>> yells from the kitchen. "I'm making sandwiches."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Don't you think she looks sexy?" I whisper, giving her ass another squeeze.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I'm going to change." She says, walking down the hall. "I'll have a sandwich, <<print $mp.call>>." She yells towards the kitchen.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll help you." I whisper, following <<print $up.name>> down the hall.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "No you won't!" She turns and puts her palms against my chest, pushing me back down the hall. "Go help <<print $mp.call>> with the sandwiches, I'll be right there." She insists.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Need any help?" I ask walking into the kitchen.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> is spreading mayonnaise on six slices of bread as I walk up behind her. Wrapping my arms around her and rubbing my hard cock between her ass cheeks, I cup her firm tits, running my thumbs over her hard nipples.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> says, pushing back against me. "Be careful." She whispers. "Where's your <<print $up.rel>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "In her room, changing." I answer and <<print $mp.call>> spins around returning my embrace.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Here." <<print $mp.call>> says, handing me the knife. "Finish making the sandwiches, <<print $mc.name>>." Kissing me on the chicks she adds, "Maybe tonight after <<print $up.name>>'s asleep..."
<p class="notation_text">Her voice trails off as she slips her hand inside the waistband of my shorts and massages my hard cock. She is grinding her pussy against my leg, like a dog in heat. <<print $mp.call>> is clearly aroused and when she's aroused, she turns to me for release, just like I suggested with the transmitter.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Listen for your <<print $up.rel>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, as she unfastens my shorts and pulls my jockey shorts out over my hard cock. "I'm only going to do this if you keep making the sandwiches."
<p class="notation_text">She laughs, dropping to her knees and sucking my hard cock in her mouth. She stops suddenly and looks up at me, with a shocked look on her face. Oh God! How could I forget that I just fucked <<print $up.name>> at the airport?
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/kit-bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "This is very fresh tasting." <<print $mp.call>> says, licking all up and down my cock. "You either stopped somewhere on the way to the airport or..." <<print $mp.call>> hesitates, her eyes locked on mine as she again wraps her lips around my cock.
<p class="notation_text"> Sucking fast and furious, <<print $mp.call>> pumps my pussy-flavored cock in and out of her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Is this your <<print $up.rel>>'s taste?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, panting excitedly, taking a breath before attacking my hard cock again.
<p class="notation_text"> I hear <<print $up.name>>'s bedroom door open and I jump back, pulling my shorts up and struggling to fasten them around my hard, throbbing cock. <<print $mp.call>> stands up, licking her lips and finishes making the sandwiches, without taking her eyes from mine.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/10.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $up.name>> has changed into shorts and a t-shirt, with no bra. My eyes bounce back and forth between the two women standing on either side of me in the kitchen. Both women are aware of the bulge my cock is making in my pants, as I watch their tits jiggle around under their thin tops.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Here you go." I say handing <<print $up.name>> a sandwich and some potato chips.
<p class="notation_text">Our kitchen table has two chairs on each side. I sit next to <<print $up.name>> and <<print $mp.call>> sits across from me. My <<print $mp.call>> and my <<print $up.rel>> are two of the sexiest women I've ever seen and I'm the lucky bastard who gets to fuck them both! God! I want to be sandwiched between these two women in <<print $mp.call>>'s bed this weekend! As I try to figure out what suggestion to give <<print $up.name>> to make it happen, <<print $mp.call>> is asking <<print $up.name>> all about college. I'm lost in revelry of my imagination when something <<print $mp.call>> says gets my attention.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/37.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "We were always half-naked when I was in college" My <<print $mp.call>> says, I have no idea within what context she's talking.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "What?" <<print $up.name>> asks, as I look across the table and see a big smile on <<print $mp.call>>'s face.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "No matter what we decided to do, it always ended up with someone shedding some clothes." <<print $mp.call>> says, "We'd play strip poker, strip backgammon, hell we even played strip monopoly once." <<print $mp.call>> laughs. "You can't tell me that with the new co-ed dorms, that things are that different from when I was in college. Are you saying that you and Sherrie never get involved in anything like that?" <<print $mp.call>> asks. <<print $up.name>> is blushing, but her nipples appear to be more prominent than they were a few minutes ago.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Well..." <<print $up.name>> starts to answer.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh, it's alright." <<print $mp.call>> says. "You don't have to tell your <<print $mp.rel>> everything. Talking with you about college just kind of brought some of that back to me. Sort of reminiscing." <<print $mp.call>> sighs, and I try not to stare at her hard nipples poking out the thin material of her tank top. <<print $up.name>> has her hand in my lap and is running her fingers up and down the front of my shorts."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/14.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "It's just embarrassing to discuss something like that with your <<print $mp.rel>>." <<print $up.name>> says as she squeezes my cock through my shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I don't know what's to be embarrassed about" <<print $mp.call>> says, staring at <<print $up.name>>'s hard nipples. "But hey, what happens in college, stays in college, right?"
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I will tell you that Sherrie and I have had a few exciting adventures." <<print $up.name>> says, squeezing my hard cock for emphasis on the word exciting. "But nothing I'd want my <<print $mp.rel>> to know about." She laughs.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>>'s nipples are jutting straight out from her t-shirt, as she continues to massage my cock under the table. <<print $mp.call>>'s nipples are still hard and very noticeable under her thin tank top.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It's okay, hon." <<print $mp.call>> smiles. "I shouldn't pry into your life. I'm just interested, that's all." It's clear to me that <<print $mp.call>> is very interested in <<print $up.name>> in ways that <<print $up.name>> can't imagine. I've got to figure out a way to help that along.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/3/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Tell me the truth, sis." I say, when <<print $mp.call>> leaves to go to the bathroom. "Don't you think <<print $mp.call>>'s body is very sexy?" We're still sitting at the table and <<print $up.name>> is still rubbing my hard cock through my shorts.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Okay, she does have a very nice body and her hard nipples are a little distracting." <<print $up.name>> admits. "But she's still our <<print $mp.rel>>!" <<print $up.name>> says, letting go of my throbbing cock when she stands up to clear the table.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "And I'm your <<print $mc.up>>, but we've discovered that incest isn't all that bad, haven't we?" I ask, reaching around her from behind and cupping her tits, while I rub my hard cock against her ass.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/15.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Yes, but..." <<print $up.name>> sighs. "I don't know." She says, turning the water on to rinse the plates.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I want to see <<print $mp.call>>'s sexy body again, <<print $up.name>>, and I need your help to do it." I say, cautiously.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Me? What do you want me to do?" <<print $up.name>> asks, turning to face me, bumping her leg against the tent in the front of my shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Let's play a game of strip something, like <<print $mp.call>> did in college." I say, excitedly. "We'll tell <<print $mp.call>> that we want to help her relive a little of her college days." I look <<print $up.name>>'s in the eyes. "Please! Just do this for me." I plead. "I'll make it worth your while." I smile, pulling her to me and grinding my hard cock against her pussy mound, while I squeeze her ass cheeks. "Besides, this is just family, it's not like you're fucking in front of strangers in a parking lot." I laugh, reminding her of her exhibitionism this morning.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/16.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You're right." <<print $up.name>> laughs. "Okay, if you can get her to do it, I'll go along." <<print $up.name>> says, kissing me on the lips. She turns to finish rinsing the dishes.
<p class="notation_text"> As <<print $mp.call>> walks back into the room .Eyeing my hard cock and looking at <<print $up.name>>'s firm ass, <<print $mp.call>> stands in the doorway smiling.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, <<print $mp.call>>." I move toward her. "How would you like to relive a little of your college days with <<print $up.name>> and I this afternoon?" I say, winking at her. <<print $up.name>> still has her back to us and I brush my hands over <<print $mp.call>>'s hard nipples.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "What do you mean?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, running her fingers lightly over the bulge in my pants.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, how about if we play a game of strip something, like you did in college? What kind of games did you play?" I ask, not giving her time to answer the first question.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/36.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "We played everything, just whatever games were popular at the time, we just added the twist of removing clothing if you lost." She says, clearly excited about this. She drops her hands to her side as <<print $up.name>> turns around.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "We could play Uno." <<print $up.name>> says. "Whoever has the most points left in their hand at the end of each round has to remove something." She looks down at herself and says. "Hey! I'm only wearing three things!" She looks up at <<print $mp.call>> and I.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Looks to me like we're all starting even." I say, as if it's already been decided. "We each have a shirt, shorts and underwear - I presume." I say smiling at <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Yes, I have underwear on, smarty." She says sarcastically.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I'll get the Uno game." <<print $mp.call>> says, leaving the room.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/17.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I hope you know what you're doing." <<print $up.name>> whispers. "This is weird!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Trust me!" I tell her, squeezing her luscious tits. "You'll have a great time."
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You better be in my room tonight after <<print $mp.call>> goes to sleep!" She whispers, just before <<print $mp.call>> comes back. I foresee a real challenge tonight, trying to be in both bedrooms. Nice problem to have, though.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "We'll play in the living room, on the floor. "<<print $mp.call>> says. "We always liked sitting cross legged on the floor rather than hiding behind a table." <<print $mp.call>> smiles.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[5] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[4] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/sleep.jpg'">
<!-- Scene 17 - <<print $mp.call>>, <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>> myroom -->
<p class="notation_text"> I lie on my bed thinking about what suggestions I should give <<print $up.name>> to remove her guilt and make her more open to a sexual relationship with <<print $mp.call>>. I'm still contemplating it when <<print $mp.call>> comes to my room, combing out her wet hair. She's wearing a different pair of shorts and a white tank top, this time with a bra under it.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> says, when she sees me stretched out on the floor naked. Glancing at the bathroom door and hearing the shower running, <<print $mp.call>> comes over and kneels between my legs. "Did you fuck your <<print $up.rel>> again while I was in the shower?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, lustfully, lowering her head toward my pussy-drenched cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah. She pretty much attacked me, after how hot you made her playing with her bald pussy mound." I answer, smiling at her.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/liv-bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> is licking all over my cock and my balls, savoring <<print $up.name>>'s pussy flavoring. When she has licked <<print $up.name>>'s juices from my balls and around my cock, she sucks my flaccid tool into her mouth, licking up and down the sides of my quickly recovering shaft.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> moans around my hardening cock. "She tastes exquisite." <<print $mp.call>> says, taking a breath from sucking my cock. "I can't wait to taste it first hand." She laughs. "Not that I mind this method, it's just not the same." <<print $mp.call>> sits up. "I guess you'll have to wait until later for the rest of this." <<print $mp.call>> says, running her hand up and down my saliva coated cock. "I don't think <<print $up.name>>'s ready to deal with it yet." She smiles, bending forward and kissing the head of my cock, before standing up and continuing to comb out her hair.
<p class="notation_text"> I take a shower while <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $up.name>> are shopping, then fall asleep dreaming about the impending threesome that I hope we'll share later.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[5] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/25.jpg'">
<!-- Scene 19- <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>>
Time: sister room / Noon
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $up.name>>?" I say, entering her room. She's just sitting on the edge of her bed.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Yes." She says in transmitter monotone style.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How did you feel while you were waxing <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "It was very erotic." She answers, flatly. "It was just like with me and Sherrie. I wanted to lean down and lick <<print $mp.call>>'s wet pussy so badly, but I knew it would be so wrong."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $up.name>>, you will feel no guilt about your sexual attraction to <<print $mp.call>>. You will regard it as a natural expression of your love for her and be as comfortable with her as you are with Sherrie." I hesitate, thinking of what else to say. "You will also regard <<print $mp.call>>'s sexual relationship with me as normal and willingly participate in a threesome with <<print $mp.call>> and me. You will..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/21.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "What the fuck are you talking about?" <<print $up.name>> asks, looking at me incredulously. Oh fuck! I look at the transmitter. It's lost power. How could I not realize that the transmitter would need some kind of recharging?
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Your sexual relationship with <<print $mp.call>>?" <<print $up.name>> asks. "Are you telling me that you're fucking <<print $mp.call>>?" <<print $up.name>> is looking at me with a shocked, wide-eyed expression on her face. "And what the fuck is that?" <<print $up.name>> asks pointing to the transmitter.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh, um, just an old mp3 player a friend of mine gave me. I'm trying to get it to work." I answer, lamely.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You're working on an mp3 player, while you tell me you're fucking our <<print $mp.rel>> and you want to fuck us together?" <<print $up.name>> asks, a disbelieving look on her face. She turns and looks at my naked body, shaking her head.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/19.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You really are fucking <<print $mp.call>>?" <<print $up.name>> asks, her voice quieter. She's still fully clothed and I'm still naked. My cock's battery seems to have died with the transmitter's demise.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It just happened." I tell her, wondering if she got any of the suggestion, before the transmitter died. "<<print $mp.call>> is a very sexy woman." I say, starting to explain, "Since dad left, she's been really lonely, too."
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "She is very sexy." <<print $up.name>> says. "I wouldn't mind..." <<print $up.name>> nuzzles against me, absently running her fingers up and down my leg and across my flaccid cock. Lifting her hand to her face, she sniffs her fingers. "I can still smell her on my fingers." She says, holding them under my nose. "I got so wet, <<print $mc.name>>."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "When you were waxing her?" I ask. Maybe some of the suggestion got through. "Didn't you just want to dive in and eat her?" I ask.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/20.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Yeah." <<print $up.name>> sighs. "I wonder why I didn't." <<print $up.name>> asks. "She sure seemed willing and it's not like me to be shy." She laughs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>> is still in there admiring the great wax job you did." I reassure her. "You just said you were going to wash your hands. You didn't say you weren't coming back."
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I can't believe you've been fucking <<print $mp.call>> and didn't tell me." <<print $up.name>> says, giving a little tug on my recovering cock. "You're a naughty boy, fucking your <<print $mp.rel>> and your <<print $up.rel>>." She laughs, getting up and moving towards the door with me following her. "Okay, let's go." She says.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $sisterroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $sisterroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/16.png'">
<!-- Scene 20 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>>
Time: Bedroom Night
<p class="notation_text">Walking into <<print $mp.call>>'s bedroom. <<print $mp.call>> is still standing in front of the mirror, turning and looking at her newly smooth pussy mound from different angles.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "It's beautiful, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says, embracing her and kissing her face. "I'm sorry I ran out like that. I, um, uh..."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Don't worry, dear." <<print $mp.call>> says, running her hands up and down <<print $up.name>>'s back. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you asking you those questions. I guess I went too far."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "No! No, you didn't!" <<print $up.name>> insists, pulling <<print $mp.call>>'s body more tightly against hers. "Not far enough, actually." <<print $up.name>> says, kissing <<print $mp.call>>'s lips and pushing her tongue into her mouth.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> eagerly responds, kissing her back and squeezing <<print $up.name>>'s ass cheeks through her shorts. Standing in the doorway, I watch them grind their bodies together, while they hungrily devour each other's tongues. Obviously, the first part of the suggestion got through before the battery died. My cock is rock hard, as <<print $up.name>> slides her hand between them and starts mauling <<print $mp.call>>'s tits.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm!" <<print $mp.call>> says. "Yeah!" Breaking the kiss to give <<print $up.name>> better access to her breasts.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> takes this opportunity to pull her own shirt over her head and unfasten her bra, tossing them both aside. Lowering her mouth to <<print $mp.call>>'s right nipple and sucking it into her mouth, she kneads <<print $mp.call>>'s tits with both hands. With her head back and her chest thrust out, <<print $mp.call>> welcomes <<print $up.name>>'s onslaught with a loud sigh.
<p class="notation_text"> Bending her head down to suckle <<print $mp.call>>'s nipple, leaves <<print $up.name>>'s tits hanging provocatively within reach. <<print $mp.call>> grabs one in each hand, using her thumbs to further stimulate <<print $up.name>>'s already hard nipples. I'm stroking my hard cock as I watch this incestuous porn show live in my <<print $mp.call>>'s bedroom. Wow! As much as I want to participate, I'm fascinated by the incredible urgency with which they are attacking each other's body.
<p class="notation_text"> After sucking, squeezing and biting both of <<print $mp.call>>'s tits, <<print $up.name>> hungrily shoves her tongue back in <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth while, she gropes <<print $mp.call>>'s smooth pubis before slipping her fingers into <<print $mp.call>>'s wet pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" <<print $mp.call>> moans, humping her pussy against <<print $up.name>>'s fingers. "Oh, don't stop." <<print $mp.call>> whines, as <<print $up.name>> pulls her fingers out of <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy. Lifting her fingers to her lips, <<print $up.name>> sucks the pussy juice off of them one by one, never breaking eye contact with <<print $mp.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh, baby." <<print $mp.call>> coos, thrusting her own hand into the waistband of <<print $up.name>>'s shorts, diving down for some of her syrupy taste. "You're very wet, dear." <<print $mp.call>> says, dipping her finger between <<print $up.name>>'s pussy lips and bringing it to her lips. <<print $mp.call>> is smiling as she maintains eye contact with <<print $up.name>>.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $up.name>> has her hand back between <<print $mp.call>>'s legs before <<print $mp.call>> finishes licking her own fingers. <<print $mp.call>> is fumbling with <<print $up.name>>'s shorts, desperately tying to get at <<print $up.name>>'s tasty pussy. She gets them unfastened and then yanks her shorts and thong down together. She runs her hands over <<print $up.name>>'s smooth, hairless mound before again slipping her fingers between <<print $up.name>>'s protruding pussy lips.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-kiss-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Their pussy-flavored tongues are back in each other's mouth, as they stand next to the couch, finger fucking each other. The pussy juice sampling seems to have ignited a greater urgency in both women as they hump each other's hands, maul each other's tits and continue to kiss feverishly, moaning into each other's mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> is pushing <<print $up.name>> backwards towards the couch, while they continue to assault each other's bodies with their hands. <<print $up.name>>'s legs hit the couch handle and she tumbles backward, releasing her grip on <<print $mp.call>>. <<print $mp.call>> pulls <<print $up.name>>'s shorts and thong from around her ankles and pushes <<print $up.name>>'s legs wide apart. Running first her hands and then her cheeks over <<print $up.name>>'s hairless mound, before crawling up on the couch and stretching her body over <<print $up.name>>'s. With her tongue back in <<print $up.name>>'s mouth and her tits crushed against <<print $up.name>>'s larger ones, <<print $mp.call>> grinds her oily mound against <<print $up.name>>'s bald pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I step closer, stroking my throbbing cock as I watch my <<print $up.rel>> and my <<print $mp.rel>> mash their bodies together. <<print $mp.call>> now takes her turn sucking <<print $up.name>>'s large nipples into her mouth. <<print $up.name>> has her head back and her eyes closed, as <<print $mp.call>> suckles her breasts.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh God!" <<print $up.name>> moans as <<print $mp.call>> shoves two fingers inside her sopping pussy. "That feels so good <<print $mp.call>>!" <<print $up.name>> cries, humping her ass off the couch, trying to push <<print $mp.call>>'s fingers deeper into her burning hole.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> licks her way down <<print $up.name>>'s body, kneeling on the edge of the couch, and replacing her fingers with her tongue inside <<print $up.name>>'s pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck yes!" <<print $up.name>> yells, pushing up against <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm. Just as delicious as I knew you'd be." <<print $mp.call>> says, licking her lips and looking over her shoulder at me. "I think I recognize the flavor, too!" <<print $mp.call>> says, turning back to continue eating <<print $up.name>>'s pussy. <<print $up.name>> is writhing around on the couch as <<print $mp.call>> slurps up her juices, but her eyes are wide open, staring at me.
<p class="notation_text"> My cock is aching as I survey the action on <<print $mp.call>>'s couch, but I don't want to interrupt their first time together. I lean against the dresser and just watch.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm." <<print $up.name>> moans as <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth works frantically on her clit. <<print $up.name>> is thrashing her hips all over the couch, pushing her pussy against <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth and pulling at her own swollen nipples.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Keep doing that, <<print $mp.call>>!" <<print $up.name>> yells, grabbing a handful of <<print $mp.call>>'s hair and holding her head against her clit. "I'm cumming! Oh fuck!" <<print $mp.call>> keeps her lips wrapped around <<print $up.name>>'s clit, as <<print $up.name>> thrusts her ass off the couch, spasming through several waves of intense orgasmic pleasure.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Aaaaggghhhh!" <<print $up.name>> moans, collapsing back on the couch and pushing <<print $mp.call>>'s face away from her clit. <<print $mp.call>> slides her tongue down between <<print $up.name>>'s bald pussy lips, lapping up her creamy juices.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You taste so good!" <<print $mp.call>> says, kissing her way up <<print $up.name>>'s body. "I could eat you all night." She says, nibbling on <<print $up.name>>'s tits before sliding the rest of the way up and pushing her pussy-soaked tongue into <<print $up.name>>'s mouth. They're grinding their bodies together and kissing fervently, while I continue leaning against the dresser, my hard cock sticking straight out in front of me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/17.webp'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Now, which one of you is going to be the first to explore my newly waxed pussy?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, rolling off of <<print $up.name>> and lying on her back with her legs spread. <<print $up.name>> looks at me and I shrug.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You've never tasted her." I say, why don't you go first. <<print $up.name>> looks at me, incredulously, like she can't believe I've eaten <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy, but she scoots down on the couch and runs her hands over <<print $mp.call>>'s oily, bare mound.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "How does it feel?" She asks. "Sometimes when I'm first waxed, it's pretty tender." <<print $up.name>> explains.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It is a little tender." <<print $mp.call>> answers. "But not enough to prevent us from enjoying ourselves." She laughs.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> kneels between <<print $mp.call>>'s legs and hooks her arms behind her knees. Leaning forward, she pushes <<print $mp.call>>'s legs in the air while lowering her mouth to her wide-open pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah!" <<print $mp.call>> yells. "Mmmmmm!" <<print $mp.call>> looks over at me, smiling lustfully.
<p class="notation_text">I'm stroking my throbbing cock, as I watch my sexy <<print $up.rel>> bury her face in <<print $mp.call>>'s anxious pussy. <<print $mp.call>>'s humping her ass against <<print $up.name>>'s mouth, as loud slurping noises fill the room. I lie on the couch for a better view and watch <<print $up.name>> slide her mouth up to <<print $mp.call>>'s clit.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $mp.call>> moans. "Keep doing that. Oh my god!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> is humping her ass up like crazy, writhing all over the couch and moaning. <<print $up.name>> slips two fingers inside <<print $mp.call>>'s inflamed pussy and starts pumping them in and out. My cock is aching, begging to be included in this, but I bide my time, watching <<print $up.name>> finger fuck <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy and suck on her engorged clit.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh! I'm cumming!" <<print $mp.call>> cries, thrusting her pussy up against <<print $up.name>>'s face and raising her shoulders off the couch.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>>'s mouth is wide open, but no sound is coming out as her orgasm shakes through her body, jerking her violently around on the couch. She finally collapses on the couch, her chest heaving and her eyes closed. <<print $up.name>> hungrily laps up <<print $mp.call>>'s generous flow of juices.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh my!" <<print $mp.call>> says, wrapping her hand around by swollen cock. "You really enjoyed watching us, didn't you, <<print $mc.name>>?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, stroking her hand up and down my rigid shaft as she catches her breath.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<!-- Scene 20 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>>
Time: Bedroom Night
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-69-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">I entered the <<print $mp.call>>'s bedroom. Standing in the doorway, I watch <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $up.name>> grind their bodies together in 69 position, while they hungrily devour each other's pussy. <<print $mp.call>> eagerly responds, kissing her clit and <<print $up.name>>'s head under <<print $mp.call>>'s ass, and her thumbs pulling <<print $mp.rel>>'s ass cheeks apart, <<print $up.name>> suck on her thick pussy lips, while pushing her tongue between them. My cock is rock hard, as <<print $mp.call>> slides her hand between <<print $up.name>>'s pussy and starts mauling her clit.
<p class="notation_text">I'm stroking my throbbing cock, as I watch my sexy <<print $up.rel>> bury her face in <<print $mp.call>>'s anxious pussy. <<print $mp.call>>'s humping her ass against <<print $up.name>>'s mouth. I lie on the bed for a better view and watch <<print $up.name>> slide her mouth up to <<print $mp.call>>'s clit.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/ts-bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Is <<print $mc.name>> feeling left out?" <<print $up.name>> says, teasingly, lifting her head from <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy. <<print $up.name>> shifts her body over and wraps her moist lips around the head of my cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" I groan, laying back on the bed while <<print $mp.call>> pumps my cock in and out of my <<print $up.rel>>'s warm mouth.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> rolls up on her side and slides her other hand under <<print $up.name>>'s chin, cupping my balls and teasing them with her fingers. I'm pushing my ass off the bed, trying to get more of my cock into my <<print $up.rel>>'s mouth when <<print $mp.call>> presses her lips against mine and slides her tongue in my mouth. Tasting my <<print $up.rel>>'s pussy juice on my <<print $mp.rel>>'s tongue gives me a flash of the scene <<print $mp.call>> described from her video.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/18.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>." I say, pulling back from her kiss. "Remember that scene from your video where two girls are seducing one guy?" I ask her.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Yeah." She says, leaning forward to push her tongue back in my mouth. "That's what we're doing."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I know, but what about your favorite scene." I ask, keeping my face back from hers.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "What favorite scene?" <<print $up.name>> asks, pulling her mouth off my throbbing cock. <<print $mp.call>> still has her hands on both my cock and my balls; I can't believe I'm stopping them.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>> loves the scene where two women are riding one guy; one on his cock and one on his face and they are embracing and kissing each other." I explain to <<print $up.name>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/19.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Awesome!" She exclaims, sitting up. "Which one do I get?" <<print $up.name>> asks, looking at <<print $mp.call>>. We're both looking at <<print $mp.call>>, waiting for her to choose.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Well, I, um, that is, I don't care." <<print $mp.call>> stutters, confused. I think she's trying to figure out how I know that's her favorite scene. I forgot that she told me that when she was under the influence of the transmitter.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "It's your choice, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says. "If you don't have a preference, taking his cock might feel better on your sensitive skin than having him sucking on your pussy lips." <<print $up.name>> says. <<print $mp.call>> has released my cock and it's standing straight up, waiting for them to decide.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Alright! It's decided!" I say. "Come on, <<print $mp.call>>. I can't wait much longer."
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/ts-mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/1.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> has already moved up near <<print $mp.call>>'s head and I scoots down on the bed. Getting up on my knees, I straddles <<print $mp.call>>'s legs, then moves up positioning her slick pussy lips against my hard, throbbing cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh god!" I moan, sliding my cock against <<print $mp.call>>'s burning pussy lips.
<p class="notation_text">I slides back and forth a few times along the length of my shaft while <<print $up.name>> gets in position, facing me. My <<print $up.rel>>'s pussy is still dripping wet, as she settles over <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth and she lick her tongue along <<print $up.name>>'s lips.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah!" <<print $up.name>> cries. "Eat my pussy, <<print $mp.call>>." She says as she leans forward to embrace me.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/ts-mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/2.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text">Sliding my shaft back along her pussy, <<print $mp.call>> lets my cock head slip between her lips, and then thrusts my hips forward, impaling herself fully on my anxious pole. With <<print $mp.call>>'s hands under <<print $up.name>>'s ass, and her thumbs pulling <<print $up.name>>'s cheeks apart, <<print $mp.call>> suck on her thick pussy lips, while pushing her tongue between them.
<p class="notation_text"> Glancing to the side, I catch the reflection of our threesome in <<print $mp.call>>'s full-length mirrored closet doors. I and <<print $up.name>> are mauling each other's tongue while kissing and moaning into each other's mouths. <<print $up.name>> is pushing her pussy down against <<print $mp.call>>'s face, while I moving back and forth on her pussy. I've been imagining this exact scene ever since <<print $mp.call>> told me about it, but nothing in my imagination prepared me for the awesomeness of the real thing.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/ts-mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/3.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<p class="notation_text"> Eating one gorgeous woman while fucking another would be more than enough to get any guy off, but when it's your <<print $mp.rel>> taking your cock and your <<print $up.rel>>'s hot pussy your <<print $mp.rel>> licking, it's indescribable! My <<print $up.rel>>'s juices are flowing into <<print $mp.rel>>'s mouth and down her cheeks; her delicious taste and intoxicating aroma keep her driving her tongue deeper, creating more creamy sauce with each plunge. My <<print $mp.rel>>, taking my cock for all she's worth, is slapping her ass on my thighs at a frenetic pace.
<p class="notation_text"> I'm ready to explode! The built up pressure in my cock is swelling, my balls start to constrict and I'm humping my ass forward to meet my <<print $mp.rel>>'s frantic rhythm. <<print $mp.call>> pull <<print $up.name>>'s ass back, positioning her clit over her mouth and wrap her lips around it.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/ts-mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/4.png'">
<p class="notation_text">*** Video Is available Only For Patreon ***</p>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $up.name>> cries, gushing more of her delectable juices over <<print $mp.rel>>'s face. She sucks on her clit, flicking her tongue across the tip. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhhhhhhhhh!" <<print $up.name>> moans, crushing her thighs around <<print $mp.rel>>'s head as she rocks her fiery pussy against <<print $mp.rel>>'s face. Just when I think I can't hold out any longer, <<print $mp.call>> slams hard, clenching her pussy walls around my throbbing cock.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I'm cumming!" <<print $mp.call>> yells, as my cock erupts inside her over-heated pussy.
<p class="notation_text">Our pent up juices collide, as her hot pussy spasms around my jerking cock. <<print $up.name>> is pulling her clit away from <<print $mp.rel>>'s mouth, flooding <<print $mp.call>>'s face with her sweet pussy juice. She drinks as much of her flowing sauce as she can, while <<print $up.name>> and I embrace in an impassioned kiss.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/3/ts-cum-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> We did it! My <<print $mp.call>>, my <<print $up.rel>> and I, in an amazing threesome, all of us cumming together in an incestuous orgy of love, lust and blissful satisfaction! If I died right here, right now, I can't imagine that I would be missing anything that could compare with this <<print $mp.call>>ent. If there is a heaven on earth; this is it!
<p class="notation_text"> When I finally doze off, sandwiched between my sexy <<print $mp.rel>> and my voluptuous <<print $up.rel>>, I remember the transmitter is dead. Drowsily, I wonder if I'll be able to get it recharged. I don't even know what kind of battery it uses. Even if I never get it working again, my <<print $mp.call>> and my <<print $up.rel>> are fully cooperative sexual partners and I still have the triggers on <<print $ep.name>> and Ms. Edwards. Life is good!
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Patreon">
<p >Continue</p>
<!-- <<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[4] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[2] = 0>> -->
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/3/6.jpg'">
<!-- Scene 18 - <<print $mp.call>>, <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name
Time: Myroom morning
>> -->
<p class="notation_text"> I awake to the sounds of talking and laughing. Sitting up on the edge of my bed, still naked from my shower, I head toward the bathroom without bothering to get dressed. They're in <<print $mp.call>>'s room and when I'm done in the bathroom, I join them.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey." I say, as I enter <<print $mp.call>>'s bedroom. "You started without me."
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> is lying on the bed, naked with some old sheets under her so the wax won't get on the bedspread. She's holding her legs in the air, spread wide apart and <<print $up.name>> is sitting next to her rolling the hot wax around her pussy lips.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "We couldn't wait for you sleepyhead." <<print $mp.call>> says. "<<print $up.name>>'s already trimmed my hair short and waxed all around my ass. If we'd waited for you, we'd never get done. Oww!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/38.png'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> yells as <<print $up.name>> pulls the thin strip off, yanking out the hair by the roots. I sit on the other side of <<print $mp.call>> to watch. <<print $up.name>> looks at me quizzically, probably wondering why I should even be here watching her wax <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> I watch as <<print $up.name>> grips <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy lip between her thumb and her fingers and tries to pull it to the side. <<print $mp.call>>'s lips are so wet that <<print $up.name>>'s fingers keep slipping off.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I'd be enjoying this." <<print $mp.call>> says. "If I didn't know you're just doing it to rip my hair out." <<print $mp.call>> laughs.
<p class="notation_text">I watch <<print $mp.call>>'s tits rise and fall as she breathes. She didn't have to get completely naked for <<print $up.name>> to wax her, but I guess she thought it would move things along. <<print $up.name>>, on the other hand, is completely dressed.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/37.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Jesus, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> laughs. "You are so wet, I can't even get a grip." <<print $up.name>> says, inserting three fingers into <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy and using her thumb to stretch <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy lips across her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> says, involuntarily pushing up against <<print $up.name>>'s hand. <<print $mp.call>>'s nipples are rock hard and her pussy is oozing juice. "That's not doing anything to curb the flow of juices." <<print $mp.call>> says, as <<print $up.name>> rolls the wax along the outer edge of <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy lip.
<p class="notation_text"> I cringe as she applies the thin strip to the gooey wax. I watch <<print $mp.call>>'s face as she balances the pleasure of <<print $up.name>>'s fingers in her pussy with the anticipation of the pain of the waxing. <<print $mp.call>> sees me and reaches for my hand, squeezing it between her fingers, as <<print $up.name>> expertly rips the strip off, keeping her fingers close to <<print $mp.call>>'s flesh.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/39.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $mp.call>> yells, as the tearing sound fills the room. The side of <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy is bright red where the hair has been removed.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says, gripping her other pussy lip in the same fashion. "This is the worst part. Once we're done around the labia, it's not so bad." Turning to me, she says. "<<print $mc.name>>, get me a towel for my fingers, will you. They're soaking wet." She laughs.
<p class="notation_text"> The intoxicating aroma of <<print $mp.call>>'s juices is thick in the air and the affect isn't lost on <<print $up.name>>. Stepping into the bathroom to get a towel, I glance back and see <<print $up.name>> turn her head away from <<print $mp.call>> and quickly suck her fingers into her mouth. I'm smiling broadly as <<print $up.name>> notices me and quickly pulls her hand away. Blushing, she gives me a shrug, as if I'm making too big a deal of her tasting <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy juice.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Do you still need this?" I ask, handing her the towel.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/40.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Yes, smarty!" <<print $up.name>> says, wiping the rest of <<print $mp.call>>'s juices on the towel. I take <<print $mp.call>>'s hand as <<print $up.name>> rips the hair from the other side of her pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Agghh!" <<print $mp.call>> screams, squeezing my hand.
<p class="notation_text">Her chest is heaving and I want to take one of her hard nipples in my mouth and suck on it. My cock is hard from watching <<print $up.name>> manipulate <<print $mp.call>>'s saturated pussy. <<print $mp.call>>'s bright red pussy looks sore and I realize that pussy waxing isn't as erotic as I envisioned. Looking at my <<print $up.rel>>, I notice that her face is flush, she's breathing rapidly and her hard nipples are visible through her blouse and her bra. Maybe she is finding this erotic after all.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/41.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> After a couple more rips alongside <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy lips, <<print $up.name>> tells <<print $mp.call>> to lower her legs, but keep them spread apart as she goes to work on her mound. <<print $up.name>> glances at my hard-on and smiles as she rolls the wax in neat strips across <<print $mp.call>>'s trimmed bush. It looks like she has cut the hair very close and she's waxing in strips up and down <<print $mp.call>>'s mound. <<print $mp.call>> winces with each rip of the waxing strip, but at least she isn't crying out. When <<print $up.name>> has waxed completely across, she begins rolling the wax across <<print $mp.call>>'s mound the other way.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What are you doing now?" I ask, watching her wax the same area she's just completed.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You have to do it both directions to make sure you get all the hair." <<print $up.name>> explains. "Otherwise she'll have stubbles."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/42.png'">
<p class="notation_text">There isn't much noise as she rips the strip off this time. She must have gotten most of the hair the first time. I lie down next to <<print $mp.call>> and put my face next to hers, my hard cock pointing at <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You doing okay?" I ask her. "Are you sorry you agreed to this?"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "I'm doing better, now that the worst is over." <<print $mp.call>> says, turning her head to smile at me. "Your <<print $up.rel>> really knows what she's doing. I just hope it looks good, after all of this!"
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh, it looks great!" <<print $up.name>> exclaims, maybe a little too exuberantly. "You're going to love how it looks and feels." <<print $up.name>> says, continuing to work on <<print $mp.call>>'s mound. She looks over my hard cock and frowns; she doesn't seem comfortable with <<print $mp.call>> and I lying next to each other naked.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/43.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "There! All finished!" <<print $up.name>> cries, reaching for a bottle from the waxing kit. "This will help soothe it." She tells <<print $mp.call>>, pouring some kind of oil on her hands. Starting with her mound, <<print $up.name>> massages the oil into <<print $mp.call>>'s inflamed skin.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> moans. "That feels very nice. I'll give you an hour to stop that." <<print $mp.call>> laughs, lifting her legs and spreading them apart so <<print $up.name>> can rub the oil around her pussy. <<print $up.name>> is sliding her oily hands over <<print $mp.call>>'s ass and up alongside her pussy lips, still dripping with <<print $mp.call>>'s juices.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/46.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "<<print $up.name>>, when you and Sherrie do this, do either of you get this aroused?" <<print $mp.call>> asks. "Because I'm trying to imagine how embarrassing it would be to have this done at a spa." <<print $mp.call>> says, rocking her pussy against <<print $up.name>>'s oily hands.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Well, um, uh." <<print $up.name>> stammers, looking over at me. I just smile. "No, not really. I mean, you know, if someone is rubbing you with oily hands, you know, um, no, it's..."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It's okay, sweetie." <<print $mp.call>> says. "I wasn't trying to pry. I really just wondered if this reaction was normal." <<print $mp.call>> is smiling reassuringly at <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Yeah, well, pretty much, I guess." <<print $up.name>> says, capping up the bottle of massage oil. "All done, see what you think." <<print $up.name>> says, getting off the bed and putting the waxing kit on <<print $mp.call>>'s vanity. <<print $mp.call>> reaches down and rubs her hand over her smooth mound and down around her pussy lips.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/47.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oooo." <<print $mp.call>> says. "Pretty sexy, huh?" Smiling at <<print $up.name>> and I, <<print $mp.call>> stands up and walks over to her full-length mirror. "Wow! Nothing hidden, is there?" <<print $mp.call>> says, looking at her bare pussy lips hanging down between her legs. My cock is standing at attention as I imagine myself lapping up the juices from between those beautiful lips.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You look great <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says, backing out of the room. "I'll just go wash the oil off my hands." She says, quickly leaving the bedroom.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Let me feel." I whisper, hurrying over behind <<print $mp.call>> and reaching around her body, my hard cock bumping against her ass cheeks. "Does it still hurt?" I ask, running my hands over her smooth skin and slipping a finger between her soggy pussy lips.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/48.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> says, leaning back against me. "Not much. The only ache I have now, you can take care of later." <<print $mp.call>> sighs. "Why don't you go make sure your <<print $up.rel>> is alright?" <<print $mp.call>> says, pulling away from me. "I think she's very aroused and very conflicted about her feelings right now."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure." I tell <<print $mp.call>>. "I think you're right. I'll see what I can do." Leaving <<print $mp.call>>'s room, I stop by mine and get the transmitter. Tuning in <<print $up.name>>'s frequency as I open her door, I push the button.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $sisterroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-6.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<!-- Scene 14 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>>
Time: Morning
Location : My room
Introductory text about scene -->
<p class="notation_text"> We’ve started a good morning fuck.After that I convinced <<print $mp.call>> that she should sleep in while I pick up <<print $up.name>> from the airport. I'm waiting in the lounge area when I spot her coming down the corridor. I'm not the only one looking at her. Every guy is gawking and every woman is glaring as <<print $up.name>>'s ass swishes and her tits bounce inside her flimsy dress. One guy almost trips over a young child, because he's looking back at <<print $up.name>> instead of where he's going. An older gentleman walking next to her, has his eyes glued to her cleavage and two guys behind her are trying not to let their wives see them checking out her ass. I don't blame them; her outfit leaves little to the imagination. I can't believe she got on a plane like that.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/49.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text"> She's wearing a short beige dress that clings to her body, riding high on her shapely thighs as she walks. The top crisscrosses between her breasts, displaying the rounded tops and inside curves of her tanned tits. It's obvious she's not wearing a bra and her nipples are readily apparent, sticking out like bullets through her thin dress.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Hi" She says, wrapping her arm around my neck and molding her body to mine as she kisses me on the lips.
<p class="notation_text"> I squeeze her ass cheek as I return her kiss, pulling her tightly against my hardening cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Jesus, <<print $up.name>>, every guy on the plane must have a bulge in his pants, if not a wet spot." I say, looking her up and down.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/50.webp'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "There's only one bulge I'm interested in." She says, looking approvingly at the front of my jeans. "But I must admit, old teasing habits are hard to break and it was a turn-on for every guy to be leering at me and adjusting their crotches."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You're lucky their wives didn't gang up on you." I laugh, taking her overnight case and walking with my arm around her waist.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Thanks for picking me up by yourself." She says, leaning into me as we walk. "I don't think <<print $mp.call>> would approve of my outfit, do you?"
<p class="notation_text"> I've let my hand slide down from her waist to her hip without feeling any panty line.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You're not wearing anything but that dress, are you?" I ask, my cock hardening more at the idea of <<print $up.name>> sitting on a plane with just her short, flimsy dress on.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/52.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Now that you mention it, I may have forgotten underwear." She laughs, as we arrive at the parking deck and I put her case in the car.
<p class="notation_text"> I start to walk around to the driver's door but <<print $up.name>> grabs my arm.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Not so fast, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, pulling me between the cars and wrapping her arms around my neck. "You haven't officially welcomed me home yet." She says, pulling me to her and pushing her tongue in my mouth.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">I slide my hands down her tops and cup her breasts, pulling her pussy tightly against my hard cock, kissing her breasts feverishly. <<print $up.name>> has one hand behind my neck pulling my mouth hard against hers as our tongues dance around each other. Her other hand is kneading my ass while she grinds her pussy against me.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $up.name>> lifts one leg off the ground and rubs it up and down my thigh, while I reach my hand around her leg and slip it under the hem of her short dress. Squeezing her bare ass cheeks, I manage to slip one finger into her wet pussy and finger fuck her while I grind my rigid cock against her pussy mound. <<print $up.name>> pulls her face from mine and squats down, unfastening my pants to free my raging hard-on. I look around to make sure no one can see us, but she's gotten me so hard that I don't think I care at this point.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> We're in the middle of the parking deck with cars all around us. <<print $up.name>> pulls my pants and my jockey shorts down to my knees and my cock springs free. Wrapping her hand around it, she sucks the head into her mouth, licking all around it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" I moan. "That feels so good." I'm trying to push more of my cock in her mouth, but <<print $up.name>> has a firm grip on it and is just sucking the head. I've got my eyes closed and my hands on the back of her head as I try to get a rhythm going in her mouth. <<print $up.name>> abruptly releases my cock and stands up.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I'll taste your cum later, little <<print $mc.up>>." <<print $up.name>> says, turning around and facing away from me. "Right now, I need you to fuck me." She says, spreading her legs apart, bending over and leaning one hand on each of the adjacent car fenders.
<p class="notation_text">Her skirt rides half way up her ass, exposing her creamy white cheeks and wet pussy lips. I push her dress up to the middle of her back and take a last look around to make sure we're alone.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You are such a slut, sis." I tease, smacking her hard across her gorgeous ass.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Hey! What the fuck was that for?" She yells, just before I thrust my hard cock deep inside her in one stroke. "Mmmmm" <<print $up.name>> moans, pushing back against me. I grab her hips with my hands and start ramming my cock in and out of her slippery pussy.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh yes! Fuck me, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $up.name>> yells, "Fuck me hard!" I'm pounding into her like a jackhammer. It feels so good to be fucking my <<print $up.rel>> and slamming up against her firm, round ass.
<p class="notation_text"> Add to that the thrill of doing it in broad daylight, in the middle of an airport parking deck, and I'm almost ready to shoot my load.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "God you feel so good, <<print $up.name>>!" I pant. "I'm not going to last much longer." I tell her, trying to slow the pace a little. <<print $up.name>> removes one hand from the car fender and reaches between her legs.
<p class="notation_text"> Looking around, I'm startled to see a young, twenty-something couple standing in the next aisle watching us. The woman is in front of the man, leaning against him. He's got his arms wrapped around her body with one hand cupping her pussy mound through her shorts and the other massaging her tits. She has her head against his chest and is humping her pussy against his hand, as they watch us fuck. Seeing me looking at them, they both smile and she manages a little wave as he slides his hand inside the waistband of her loose fitting shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "We have an audience." I tell <<print $up.name>> as I continue to slow my rhythm.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I'm almost there! Just ignore them and keep fucking me." She says. "Don't slow down!" Her arm is moving frantically as I pound into her faster and faster. "I'm cumming!" She yells, just as I slam deep into her, shooting my load in quick, spasmodic motions. <<print $up.name>> clenches her pussy around my cock, and her legs shake as she gushes hot cream around my cock, soaking my balls.
<p class="notation_text"> I look at the other couple and the woman seems to have hit her orgasm too. Throwing her head back and closing her eyes, her whole body trembles against him and it looks like he's holding her up so she won't fall.
<p class="notation_text"> We stay like that, our chests heaving. <<print $up.name>> has both hands back on the car fenders as she gasps for breath. <<print $up.name>> looks up, spotting our audience, as the woman pulls her companion's hand from her shorts and sucks his fingers into her mouth. Both give us a little wave and then walk away down the aisle.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/51.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Jesus, it's getting so you can't get any privacy anymore!" <<print $up.name>> laughs as she wiggles her skirt down over her hips. "You have any tissues in your car, <<print $mc.name>>?" She asks, opening the door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You'll never guess what happened last week." I tell <<print $up.name>> as we're driving home. "I accidentally saw <<print $mp.call>> masturbating to a porn video." I tell her, anxious for her reaction.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You what?" She says, turning toward me with astonishment on her face.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I came home early from <<print $ep.name>>'s last week and <<print $mp.call>> was in her bedroom, lying on her bed naked, watching porn, with a vibrator in her pussy." I tell her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/54.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh my god!" <<print $up.name>> says disgustedly. "What did you do?" <<print $up.name>> asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I watched her from the hallway; she didn't see me." I answer. "She looked really hot with the vibrator moving in and out of her."
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>, that's disgusting!" <<print $up.name>> exclaims. "You are really sick, watching your own <<print $mp.rel>> like that!" This isn't the reaction I was hoping for.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What?" I ask. "Watching your <<print $mp.rel>> is sick, but fucking your own <<print $mc.up>>, isn't?" I guess I've been living in a fantasy world thinking <<print $up.name>> would accept what <<print $mp.call>> and I have been doing as normal behavior.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Maybe that's sick, too." She says quietly, sitting back in the seat. "I just can't help myself, <<print $mc.name>>." She says reaching over and putting her hand on my thigh.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/55.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> This isn't going at all like I wanted it to. I know <<print $mp.call>> has been thinking about <<print $up.name>>'s pussy and I'm pretty sure she's ready to make a move. <<print $up.name>> needs to be ready to respond to her. I try another tactic.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You don't think <<print $mp.call>> has a great body and has kept herself in shape?" I ask <<print $up.name>>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I've never thought about it." She says. "She's our <<print $mp.rel>>, <<print $mc.name>>. You just don't think that way about your <<print $mp.rel>>." She's says softly, rubbing her hand on my leg.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "When we get home, forget she's our <<print $mp.rel>> and just look at her like a woman. See if you can understand why I say she's hot, okay?" I ask, thinking that I'm going to have to use the transmitter to get <<print $up.name>> to come around.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I don't think it's right; you watching <<print $mp.call>> masturbate, but I'll look at her and tell you what I think." <<print $up.name>> concedes. I decide to wait and see what happens. We've got all weekend.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/7.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> greets us at the door wearing tight shorts and a thin tank top, which barely contains her bouncing tits. <<print $up.name>> glances at me as <<print $mp.call>> embraces her, pressing her body against <<print $up.name>>'s and kissing her on the cheek. <<print $mp.call>> holds the embrace, pressing her tits against <<print $up.name>>'s and running her hands up and down her back.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Welcome home, sweetie." <<print $mp.call>> says, finally stepping back, her erect nipples poking out the material of her tank top. "Wow! What a dress!" <<print $mp.call>> says, making <<print $up.name>> blush. "You must have had every man on that plane crossing his legs." <<print $mp.call>> laughs turning back into the house. Her shorts stretch tightly across her firm ass cheeks as she walks ahead of us.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I guess." <<print $up.name>> responds, hesitantly, raising her eyebrows questioningly at me. I nod at <<print $mp.call>>'s ass and raise my eyebrows back at her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/56.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "What happened to <<print $mp.call>> while I've been gone?" <<print $up.name>> whispers.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What do you mean?" I whisper back, knowing exactly what she means.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "She's different." <<print $up.name>> whispers again, checking out <<print $mp.call>>'s ass swishing through the door. "Sexier." She confides. "She just walks around like that when you're home?" She asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Look who's talking." I answer, looking her up and down. "Who was the tease last month?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "That was different." She asserts. "I was just... oh no!" She puts her hand to her mouth. "You don't think <<print $mp.call>> has the same latent sexual desires about you, do you?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I don't know." I answer. "It was you she was rubbing her tits against just now. Did you notice how hard her nipples were when she stopped?" I ask <<print $up.name>>, just before we walk in the house.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[4] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[4] = 0>>
<<set $susan_fck = 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">
Dear Patreons,
I want to extend our sincerest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support. Your commitment to our project means the world to us, and I am incredibly grateful for your continued enthusiasm.
As a token of my appreciation, I am excited to offer you early access to my upcoming releases. While you may not have access to the full games just yet, I hope this sneak peek will give you a taste of what's to come. Your feedback and support are invaluable to me as we work to bring you the best possible gaming experience.
Thank you once again for being part of my journey. I couldn't do it without you!
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/18.webp'">
Scene 15 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>> <<print $mp.call>>
Time : Afternoon
Location : Living -->
<p class="notation_text"> The three of us sit in a circle, cross-legged while <<print $mp.call>> deals the cards. The first hand goes pretty quickly, after several skips and draws twos; I lose and take off my shirt.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Okay! Let's see if we can get those shorts!" <<print $up.name>> exclaims as she deals the second hand.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> loses this one and takes off her shirt, proudly displaying her firm, round tits. <<print $up.name>> stares at <<print $mp.call>>'s rigid, rose-colored nipples, poking out from her large, dark areolas, while I shuffle the cards for another hand. <<print $mp.call>> is smiling while she watches <<print $up.name>> stare at her naked tits. <<print $up.name>> looks up and quickly glances away when she sees <<print $mp.call>> has caught her staring.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It's okay, hon." <<print $mp.call>> says, patting <<print $up.name>> on the leg. "I'm not embarrassed to have you see my body. I'm quite proud of how I look for my age." <<print $mp.call>> says, smiling at <<print $up.name>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/27.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "You, um, look terrific, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> stutters. "I just didn't mean to stare, that's all."
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> looks down as she picks up her cards. My cock is tenting the front of my shorts from watching <<print $up.name>> check out <<print $mp.call>>'s bare tits. This is getting exciting.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> and I gang up on <<print $up.name>>; playing draw twos, draw fours and skips. When <<print $mp.call>> finally calls Uno and goes out, <<print $up.name>> has a handful of cards. Standing up, she surprises us by taking off her shorts. Her t-shirt is so long, that even with her shorts off, she doesn't reveal anything.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hey, that's not fair." I laugh. "You should have taken your top off." I was looking forward to <<print $mp.call>>'s reaction when she sees <<print $up.name>>'s perfect tits."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/28.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I didn't hear any rules that said what I had to take off."
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> smiles as <<print $mp.call>> shuffles the cards for another round. <<print $mp.call>> winks at me and we both go after <<print $up.name>> again, but the cards are in her favor and <<print $mp.call>> loses this round. <<print $mp.call>> stands up and pulls her shorts down, revealing a white thong.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Wow, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says. "A thong, very sexy!"
<p class="notation_text">She's watching <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy as she sits back down. <<print $mp.call>> is clearly turned on by the erotic game and the small triangle stretched across <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy is very wet, making it almost transparent. I catch <<print $up.name>> eyeing <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy lips, puffed out against the thin material.
<p class="notation_text"> I lose this hand and remove my shorts, leaving me in just my jockey shorts. No one has to guess whether I'm enjoying the game; my cock is making a white tent out of the front of my jockeys. Both <<print $up.name>> and <<print $mp.call>> smile as I sit back down.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/32.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> and I really go after <<print $up.name>> during this next hand and after several wild draw fours, she has a fist full of cards. I go out and <<print $up.name>> stands up to remove another piece of clothing. Again she surprises us by reaching under her long t-shirt and pulling a black thong down her legs. Kicking the thong to the side, she smiles and sits back down, her t-shirt tucked between her legs, revealing nothing.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You really know how to play this, don't you?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, while she shuffles the cards.
<p class="notation_text"> We're each down to one piece of clothing; <<print $mp.call>> has her thong, I have my jockey shorts and <<print $up.name>> has her t-shirt. I smile as I pick up my cards and see all the skips and draw twos.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/29.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I've never done anything like this before." <<print $up.name>> giggles. "I'm just lucky I decided to put on a long t-shirt instead of a tank top."
<p class="notation_text">She smiles looking at <<print $mp.call>>'s tits again. After several reverses that allow me to drop the draw twos and skips on <<print $up.name>>, <<print $mp.call>> goes out and <<print $up.name>> and I count our points.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Eighty-two." She says, looking at me anxiously.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Eighty." I exclaim, throwing down my cards. "Take it off, sis. Let's finally see your body." I'm so excited; I act like I've never seen it before. I watch <<print $mp.call>> for her reaction.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/30.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $up.name>> stands up, looks from me to <<print $mp.call>> and back to me. Hesitantly, she grabs the bottom of her t-shirt and pulls it up. <<print $mp.call>> sighs at the sight of <<print $up.name>>'s naked, hairless pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh, honey." <<print $mp.call>> sighs. "That's beautiful." <<print $mp.call>> breathes. "You're so smooth."
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> is squirming around as <<print $up.name>> pulls the t-shirt the rest of the way over her head. When <<print $up.name>> has the t-shirt around her head and can't see us, <<print $mp.call>> winks at me, smiling with a look of pure lust in her eyes. <<print $up.name>> stands there for a minute, tossing her t-shirt on the floor next to her shorts and thong. <<print $mp.call>>'s eyes keep shifting between <<print $up.name>>'s perfect tits, with their hard, thick nipples and her smooth, bald pussy.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Am I still in the game?" <<print $up.name>> asks, still standing, giving us a great view of her puffy slit.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "YES!" We cry out in unison. "You have to play until we see who wins." <<print $mp.call>> says, looking at the spike in the front of my jockey shorts. "You seem to be enjoying the game, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, laughingly. When <<print $up.name>> sits down, cross-legged, her pussy lips open slightly, exposing her moist, pink pussy.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/31.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "God! I can't believe I'm just sitting here, exposing myself to my <<print $mp.call>> and my <<print $mc.up>>." <<print $up.name>> says, self-consciously.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You were fine with it a minute ago, when we were exposing ourselves to you." <<print $mp.call>> says, smiling. "It's your deal, <<print $up.name>>. Let's see who gets defrocked next."
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> shuffles the cards, while <<print $mp.call>> continues to stare at her sexy body. <<print $up.name>>'s thick nipples are clearly aroused; sticking straight out from her perfectly centered reddish-brown areolas. <<print $mp.call>> is watching <<print $up.name>>'s large tit's jiggle as she deals the cards.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "What happens if I lose?" <<print $up.name>> asks, suspiciously.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Then one of us will have gone out and the other person has to remove their last item of clothing." <<print $mp.call>> says, and then, leans over and whispers something to <<print $up.name>>.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> smiles, nodding as she finishes dealing the cards. I figure they're ready to gang up on me. At this point, I don't really care who wins. I'm already winning by sitting here with my naked <<print $up.rel>> and nearly naked <<print $mp.call>>. I'm also competitive, and want to see <<print $mp.call>> get completely naked in front of <<print $up.name>>.
<p class="notation_text"> It's an intense hand, but I finally call Uno and go out.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I won!" I yell, as <<print $mp.call>> stands up and pulls her wet thong down her shapely legs.
<p class="notation_text">My cock is throbbing inside my jockey shorts and I watch <<print $up.name>> admiring <<print $mp.call>>'s neatly trimmed bush and protruding pussy lips. My <<print $mp.call>> and my <<print $up.rel>> are both naked, staring at each other. I notice <<print $mp.call>> give <<print $up.name>> a slight nod and I'm wondering what it could mean, when they both pounce on me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You're going to lose those jockey shorts." <<print $mp.call>> says, as she sprawls across my chest, pinning me to the floor, her tits pushing against my chest.
<p class="notation_text">They're both giggling like schoolgirls, as <<print $up.name>> reaches her hands inside the waistband of my briefs, trying to tug them down. <<print $mp.call>> is holding my arms, pressing her hard nipples firmly against my chest while <<print $up.name>>'s keeps struggling with my jockey shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Ow!" I yell, as <<print $up.name>> yanks on my waistband, which is caught around the head of my hard cock.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Ooops! Sorry!" <<print $up.name>> says, lifting the waistband to release my throbbing cock.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/12.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> is looking at me laughing, as she lies sideways across my chest, keeping me from moving. I wiggle one hand lose and slip it between <<print $mp.call>>'s legs, stroking her soaking wet pussy lips. <<print $up.name>>, oblivious to what I'm doing and knowing <<print $mp.call>> can't see what she's doing, quietly slips her lips around my hard cock, sucking the head into her mouth. After a few quick sucks, flicking her tongue across the underside of my cock, <<print $up.name>> pulls her head back and finishes removing my jockey shorts.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Okay, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says, flicking my jockey shorts across the room. "He's as naked as we are, now."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/13.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> I remove my finger from <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy lips just as she's starting to hump against my hand. Pushing myself up into a sitting position tumbles <<print $mp.call>> onto her ass on the floor. All three of us are sitting on the floor, naked, panting, wondering what happens next. <<print $up.name>> seems the most uncomfortable by the fact that we're all sitting around naked. <<print $mp.call>> and I both know what's going on. I think <<print $mp.call>> notices <<print $up.name>>'s discomfort and attempts to diffuse it.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "<<print $up.name>>, who does your waxing?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, nonchalantly.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Sherrie and I do each other." She says, glancing at her own hairless mound.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It looks divine. Do you think I should do mine?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, spreading her legs and waiting for <<print $up.name>>'s response. <<print $up.name>> stares at <<print $mp.call>>'s wide-open pussy, so wet it's almost dripping. She licks her lips and clears her throat before she answers.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I think you'd love it, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says enthusiastically. "Do you want me to do it? We could get a waxing kit and I'd do it for you." <<print $up.name>> has clearly warmed up to the idea.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Umm. Let me think about it." <<print $mp.call>> says. "Can I get a closer look at yours, honey?" <<print $mp.call>> asks quietly.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Sure." <<print $up.name>> says, scooting closer to <<print $mp.call>> and spreading her legs so <<print $mp.call>> can get a good look at her smooth mound. <<print $mp.call>> rests one hand on <<print $up.name>>'s thigh and runs her other hand over her hairless mound.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/14.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It's very smooth." <<print $mp.call>> whispers. "How often do you have to wax?" My cock is throbbing, as I watch <<print $mp.call>> run her hands over <<print $up.name>>'s porcelain smooth pussy mound.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "At first we did it once a month, but now we're doing it about every two months." <<print $up.name>> answers, her breathing labored as <<print $mp.call>> strokes her hand up and down her pussy mound. "It grows back thinner each time and you can go longer between waxings."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Did it hurt?" <<print $mp.call>> asks. "I've had bikini waxes, but I've always been afraid to have those strips torn off so close like this."
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I won't lie to you, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says, spreading her legs wider as <<print $mp.call>>'s hand caresses her pussy mound. "It really hurt the first time I got the full Brazilian wax, but only for the <<print $mp.call>>ent. There wasn't any lasting pain or anything. And I love the way it feels. Mmmmm." <<print $up.name>> says as <<print $mp.call>>'s fingers get closer to her puffed pussy lips.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It feels incredible." <<print $mp.call>> says. "Very sexy."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/34.png'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> is raising her hips off the couch, trying to position her pussy lips against <<print $mp.call>>'s hand. <<print $mp.call>> is very subtle, keeping her hand moving on <<print $up.name>>'s smooth, hairless mound. Abruptly, <<print $mp.call>> stops. Scooting back from <<print $up.name>>'s inflamed pussy, she stands up.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Let's do it!" <<print $mp.call>> declares, smiling. "I'll take a shower and then we can go get a waxing kit. What do you say?" <<print $mp.call>> asks <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Sure!" <<print $up.name>> answers. "I'll jump in the shower right after you." <<print $up.name>> says, excitedly. "We'll leave junior here to have dinner ready for us when we get back." <<print $up.name>> says, laughing.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Fine." I say. "As long as you don't mind hot dogs and chips." <<print $mp.call>>'s tits hang teasingly in front of <<print $up.name>>'s face as she leans down to kiss her on the forehead.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/35.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Thank you both for a wonderful afternoon." <<print $mp.call>> says, her rigid nipples dangling inches from <<print $up.name>>'s mouth. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time!"
<p class="notation_text">Standing back up, her pussy is now at <<print $up.name>>'s eye level and <<print $up.name>> is staring wide-eyed at <<print $mp.call>>'s neatly trimmed bush. Looking over at me, <<print $mp.call>> winks and then takes her time gathering up her clothes, bending provocatively to give <<print $up.name>> a great view of her firm ass cheeks and moist pussy lips.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I told you she was sexy." I say, after <<print $mp.call>> has left the room. I'm sitting with my back against the recliner, smiling at my very aroused <<print $up.rel>>. <<print $up.name>> just sits there dumbfounded, her eyes dropping to my rigid cock, sticking straight at her from between my legs. <<print $up.name>> doesn't move until she hears the shower running.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/liv-cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<!-- Scene 16- <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>> -->
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh my god!" <<print $up.name>> exclaims, crawling towards me on the floor. "That was so weird!" She says as she pushes me down on my back on the floor. "<<print $mp.call>> got me so fucking hot without really doing anything." <<print $up.name>> says, straddling my legs and sliding her pussy up over my hard cock. "I can't believe she's going to let me wax her pussy." <<print $up.name>> says, slipping my cock head between her soggy pussy lips, she drops down hard, engulfing my throbbing cock in her hot, liquid chasm.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhh!" <<print $up.name>> cries as she rocks back and forth on my rigid cock. I push my hips up against her, feeling the heat from her steamy pussy, as I match her rhythm. Catching her bouncing tits in my hands, I knead her soft flesh and pull on her hard, thick nipples.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh god!" <<print $up.name>> moans. "Oh fuck!" She is frantically riding my cock, rolling her hips back and slamming her clit down against my pelvic bone.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/liv-cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> We're both so aroused from the afternoon activities that we peak in no time at all. Thrusting my hips up to drive my cock deeper into her fiery cunt, I'm on the verge of exploding when she clamps her pussy down around my cock. With her head thrown back and a vice-like grip on my throbbing cock, she shakes and shivers through an intense orgasm. I let loose, shooting streams of hot cum deep inside her quivering pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> I hear the shower stop as <<print $up.name>> collapses on my chest, gasping for breath. I wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head as her cheek lies against my chest.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I really thought she was going to touch my pussy." <<print $up.name>> says into my chest. "I wanted her to touch me." She says quietly.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/liv-cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I know." I say, rubbing my hand up and down her back. "It was very erotic watching you two."
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "But she's still our <<print $mp.rel>>, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $up.name>> says, lifting her head and looking me in the eyes. "I still don't think it's right." I'm obviously going to have to use the transmitter to remove her guilt and clear a path for a threesome. I'll wait until they get back from their shopping trip.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "I better get in the shower." <<print $up.name>> says, lifting herself up, leaving me soaked in our combined juices when my cock slips from her pussy. "You could use one yourself." <<print $up.name>> laughs as she heads for the bathroom.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[5] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[5] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/2/58.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>"Hey! When do I get to see the pictures? How many are there? Is it just me or are there others?" <<print $ep.name>> entered and asked.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"There are a lot of pictures, a twenty minute video and a MS-Word file documenting the session. They are pretty graphic pictures, <<print$ep.name>>. Are you sure you want to see them?"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"Yes!" She says emphatically. "You promised!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"You can see them. I just want to make sure you understand what they are. I mean, there are shots of your pussy that fill the entire computer screen. I think maybe you should look at them in private. How about if I copy them for you and you can look at them at home?"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"Okay, that sounds like a good idea." She says. "But you've already seen them right?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/2/59.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"Yes, I told you that I actually got off looking at your lovely tits, remember?" I tease, sucking her right nipple into my mouth, and then switching and sucking her left nipple, they're both still hard.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"There are other people on different discs, <<print$ep.name>>." I tell her. "I'm not sure it's a good idea to show them to you. You wouldn't want me showing yours to them, right?"
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"Yeah, you're right. That makes sense." She says. "Is my <<print $mp.call>> on there?" She asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"Yes." I answer quietly. "How did you know?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/2/60.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"I know she confided in <<print $hp.name>> about things. You know, like the way my dad was before." She says. "My <<print $gp.call>>'s pretty good looking and I just figured he might have used it on her. Did you watch it?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"Actually I scanned through it. I didn't know who it was and I was really looking for your pictures." I admit.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"Really?" She smiles. "You really wanted to see naked pictures of me, huh?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"Yes. I'm already calculating what they'll be worth on the Internet!" I tell her playfully.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/2/61.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"Yeah if they have a 'tiny & natural' site, maybe." She laughs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"Oh shit!" I say, looking at my watch. "I told my <<print $mp.call>> not to come out of the basement until I call her. We'd better get dressed. I'll copy that disc for you before I call her."
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"I hope we get another chance to get together before you leave, <<print $mc.call>>." <<print$ep.name>> says, pushing her body against mine and cupping my ass cheeks in her hands. "What am I going to do when you leave? Now that you've gotten me so horny?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"We're not leaving yet!" I tell her. "I can't wait to taste that delicious pussy of yours again and have it wrapped snuggly around my cock once more."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/2/62.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"I wish I could spend the night here!" She pleads. "You could use the transmitter to make it okay with your <<print $mp.call>>." She says excitedly, taking my cock in her hand and gently squeezing it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"I'd love to, <<print$ep.name>>, but you want to look at those pictures and I have to be careful how much I zap my <<print $mp.call>> with that transmitter. I don't know all of its effects yet. Why don't you come back first thing in the morning and we can spend the day together?" I say kissing her again. I can't believe my cock is getting hard again in response to her squeezing.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>
"Are you sure?" She says smiling and stroking her hand up and down my cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>
"I'm sure." I laugh, moving her hand from my cock. I slap her playfully on the ass. "Come on. Let's get dressed and I'll copy that disc for you."
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $outdoorEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[5] = 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[3] = 0>>
<<set $nicole_fck = true>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/3/42.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What?" He exclaimed. "I never said that because I don't. Jeez, <<print $mom.call>>, what kind of kid would like hearing guys say sex things about their <<print $mom.rel>>?"
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, I must have heard that wrong."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You see how mad that jerk made me."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Too mad." <<print $mom.name>> came over and sat on the edge of the bed at an angle so she was facing him. "I've never seen you that mad. Not even right after your dad died."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry if I didn't like hearing it. It's not like he said you were hot, he was going on about the things I said and worse."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/3/46.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "But still, "<<print $mc.name>>, its just dumb talk and..."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I was mad because I could see why he'd say it!" "<<print $mc.name>> snapped at her. "Christ, <<print $mom.call>>, you're walking around in goddamn daisy dukes."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I suppose they're a little much."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "And that bra? May as well not be wearing one! Black under white? And could you bend over anymore than you did?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/3/43.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "You're right, I guess it was nice to be looked at." <<print $mom.name>> confessed, after all at this point how could she deny it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You all but had a damn free lunch sign hanging off your neck."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Okay, "<<print $mc.name>>. I said you were right."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Pissed me off when he said you were a cock tease because that's exactly what you were doing."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/3/47.png'">
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "Enough!" She pointed to him. "I might have been wrong, but I'm still your <<print $mom.rel>> and you will respect me."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Then respect yourself. You were parading around like one of those sluts in those cougar cub movies you like."
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "I only watched it once!" She shouted at him, her own temper flaring. "One goddamn time and I forgot to shut it off and now you think I'm on the prowl or something."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mom/2/3/44.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wonder what would've happened if me and that old guy hadn't been here." "<<print $mc.name>> started her in the eye. "Wonder if you would have let them tag team....ow!"
<P class="notation_text"> He yelped in surprise when <<print $mom.name>> slapped him in the face.
<div class="dialog_text jc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "jc"><<print $mom.name>>: </span> "How dare you!" She hissed. "You don't ever talk like that to me!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc"> <<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>> sat there in shock, his hand going to his cheek. "You hit me." He sounded more surprised than hurt.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $talkEventCount = 5>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/2/15.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">
I open the safe to get the discs I remember there's a fourth DVD-Rom that I haven't even looked at yet. I put that one in the computer first and open the picture file. Holy shit! Sitting in the same position on <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s bed is my <<print $up.rel>> <<print $up.name>>! <<print $up.name>> is two years older than I am and is currently attending college out of state.
<p class="notation_text">
When <<print $up.name>> was in high school, I used to jack off fantasizing about her sexy body. She was the sexiest girl I knew and I tried everything to catch a glimpse of her naked body but never could. The last time she was home from college, I remember her walking around with no bra, and I beat off fantasizing about how she'd look naked. Now, here are pictures of her on <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s computer. I click to the close-up of her tits and my cock, already hard from <<print$ep.name>> and <<print $mp.call>>, jumps up and starts clamoring for release.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/2.png'" >
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $up.name>>'s tits are better than I ever fantasized. They are round and full and large, almost touching each other as they hang proudly from her chest. Her nipples, clearly erect in this picture are as thick as my pinky finger and stick out about a half-inch from her large, dark pink areolas. I'm stroking my cock through my pants with one hand and clicking the mouse with the other. When I get to the close shot of her pussy, I almost cum in my pants. Her pussy is completely bald. Oh fuck! She shaves her pussy! I never imagined my <<print $up.rel>> would have a shaved pussy. Her puffy lips are bright pink, spread slightly apart and glistening from her moisture. I've got to see the video.
<p class="notation_text">
I close the picture viewer and open the video file. <<print $up.name>> is spread eagle with her back up against <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s headboard. I release my cock from my pants and continue stroking it as <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> is interviewing her.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/vid/1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"<<print $up.name>>, are you a virgin?" <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> asks.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"No." She answers in the all too familiar monotone.
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"When did you lose your virginity?"
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"Prom night, my senior year in high school." <<print $up.name>> answers. I knew she let that Phil guy fuck her.
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"Tell me how that happened." <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> seems to really get off on this type of thing.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"There were three couples and we rented a suite at the local hotel. Two of us girls were virgins and we'd already decided we wouldn't be after prom night. Each couple took turns using the bedroom for about an hour each, while the rest of us made out in the living room. When Phil and I got our turn, he ate my pussy to get me ready and then we fucked."
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"Did you enjoy your first time?" Man, <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> wants the details.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/4.png'" >
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"Not really. Phil came pretty fast. I didn't orgasm until I got home and made myself cum by masturbating."
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"How long have you been shaving your pussy, <<print $up.name>>? Was it shaved that night?"
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"No. I shaved it about a year ago. A couple of my sorority <<print $up.rel>>s and I did it on a dare. I really liked it and I've kept it that way ever since." <<print $up.name>> answers flatly.
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"Does your boyfriend like it?" <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> asks.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"I don't have a boyfriend right now, but my past boyfriend really liked it. He would eat me and eat me. He said he could eat my smooth pussy forever."
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"When's the last time you had sex?" <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> sounds like he's breathing harder than before, I wonder if he's jacking off while all this is going on.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/5.png'" >
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"You mean sex, as in fucked a guy?" <<print $up.name>> asks. I wonder what other sex he could have meant.
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"Have you had sex other than fucking a guy?" I guess <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> wonders too.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"Well my roommate and I sometimes eat each other's pussies when we get horny between boyfriends and I masturbate quite frequently." <<print $up.name>> says matter-of-factly.
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"What do you think about when you masturbate?" <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> really can get into it.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"Oh different things. Right now I fantasize about fucking my history professor. Sometimes I fantasize about movie stars. Last time I was home, I fantasized that <<print $mc.call>> was watching me masturbate." What the fuck! I can't believe she just said that.
<div class="dialog_text hp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "hp"><<print $hp.name>>: </span>
"<<print $mc.call>>, your <<print $mc.up>>?" <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> sounds as surprised as I am.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span>
"Yes. <<print $mc.call>> has always been infatuated with me, checking out my body, peeking down my top, trying to look up my skirt. The last few times I've been home I've noticed the bulge in his pants whenever he's with me, so I've made a game out of it. I wear skimpy clothing around him and see how long it takes for him to go into his bedroom or the bathroom to jack off. One day I even pinched my nipples until they were really hard, sat next to him in a thin t-shirt and watched how uncomfortable he got trying to adjust his cock so the bulge wouldn't show. It makes me so wet to watch him get hard like that and I always masturbate, imagining him jacking off."
<p class="notation_text">
That fucking prick-tease! Wait until I get my transmitter on her. I can't believe she's been teasing me like this on purpose.
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> zooms the camera in on her tits and tells her to harden her nipples. It almost looks like time-lapse photography the way her nipples just expand until they're fully erect. I can't wait until the next time I see my <<print $up.rel>> so I can suck on those incredible tits. The view changes to a close up of her bald pussy and I hear <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> tell her to lubricate her pussy without having an orgasm. <<print $up.name>>'s pussy lips are thinner than they looked in the still picture but then as I watch, they just puff out, turn a brighter shade of pink, flutter open and start seeping juice. Her lips, glistening with moisture, now look just like the photograph as her cream continues oozing out of her pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/vid/2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> continues with the same commands he used on the others, telling <<print $up.name>> to keep her legs spread wide apart as she orgasms. Her legs immediately stiffen as her pussy lips start trembling and I watch her clit puff up and out toward the camera. I hear her moan and her whole body starts shaking. Her pussy lips swing wide-open and thick cream gushes out in a steady stream down her ass cheeks. I'm frantically stroking my cock while staring at my <<print $up.rel>>'s bald, drenched pussy when I hear <<print $mp.call>> coming up the stairs. Fuck!
<p class="notation_text">
I shut down the video, close all the files and tuck my cock back in my pants just as <<print $mp.call>> reaches the doorway to the library.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[5] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mr">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.Imagmrath+'scenes/char/mc/2/20.png'">
<!-- Scene 3 :
Character - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $mr.name>>
Time: Morning (myroom) -->
<p class="notation_text"> I'm in my room at afternoon, I call <<print $ep.name>> and she comes right over.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry!" I tell her. "Last day I forgot <<print $mr.name>>'s names" I say, leading her into the myroom.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "<<print $mr.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Remember <<print $cp.name>>, from the mall?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Yeah." She says. "I remember watching you fuck her in the department store."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> “After that we fucked several times at <<print $cp.name>>'s workplace.” I said.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span><<print $ep.name>>’s eyes showed surprise,”Really?”
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>“Well,you know what? Once when I had fucked <<print $cp.name>> at her workplace, I couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching us. I looked around the room, but I didn’t see anyone. I didn’t let it distract me, though, as I continued to fuck <<print $cp.name>> hard and fast. I finished with <<print $cp.name>> and saw a female shadow slowly moved away from the door.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/mb-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Followed and saw <<print $cp.name>>’s secretary <<print $mr.name>> sitting behind her desk and rubbing her pussy, her eyes was shut with excitement. She had been watching us the whole time, and the thought of it turned me on even more. I knew right then and there that I can fuck her, too.
<p class="notation_text">I pulled my pants back up and walked over to her room. She was totally nervous and she confessed for peeping. Suddenly she sitted up came towards me with a naughty smile and bent herself on her workdesk. Pointing her ass to me told me to punish her and requested me to not share this incident with <<print $cp.name>>.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Come on, punish me, <<print $mc.name>>."
<p class="notation_text"> I was astonished by her bold move and without thinking anything slapped her ass hard.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack!
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Ohh!".
<p class="notation_text"> I hit her two hard slapped in rapid succession.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack!
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Fuck!" She yelled, but then raised her ass up for another slap.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<p class="notation_text"> She was squirming around tried to push her pussy against my crotch. She raised her ass off my lap and slided her hand between us, rubbed her pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Go ahead." She said, "Spank me, <<print $mc.name>>. Spank me while I rub my clit!" She said.
<p class="notation_text"> Smack! Smack! Smack!
<p class="notation_text"> I was alternating ass cheeks until they were both glowing bright red.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh! Fuck!" She yelled, humping against her hand.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">She undressed and positioned her pussy just over my face and for a minute I hesitated to eat the mixture of juices that were dripping from her pussy lips. Then, I thought what the fuck and pulled her pussy down to my face and buried my tongue between her drenched lips. Her taste and aroma overwhelm and I vigorously tongue fucked her.
<p class="notation_text"> I was sucking and nibbling at her pussy lips and lapping up her juices. Resting my hand on her ass cheek, I felt the heat of her spanking and her cheeks were bright red.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mr.name>> was grinding her pussy against my face.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">I felt a tremor from <<print $mr.name>>'s pussy. She tensed her legs.
<p class="notation_text">She grinded down hard, almost smothering me through several tremors of her own, each releasing a flood of juices in my mouth and overflowed down my cheeks. As she relaxed her legs, flips her body around and shoves her tongue in my mouth. We traded juices, as our tongues entwined in a passionated love dance. Her naked body felt soft, lyied on top of mine, and I cupped her hot ass cheeks, just holding her against me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You deserve punishment, don't you, slut?" I yelled.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" <<print $ed.name>> says quickly. "If you want to punish more, meet me here at night."
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span><<print $ep.name>>’s eyes widened listening to my whole story, a blush spreading across her cheeks. “Really?”
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah! and I invited her over when she gets off work at evening." I tell <<print $ep.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span>"Really?" She asks. "What for?" She's looking at me curiously.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Well, remember how hot we both got the last time?" I remind her. "You and I hadn't even done anything yet. It's what led to us finally getting together. I just thought it would be fun to try it again, as more of a threesome, with you really joining in this time. What do you think?" I ask, wondering if I'll have to use the trigger again.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Sure." <<print $ep.name>> says, slowly. "Whatever you want, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, hesitantly. What the hell, we need a little more enthusiasm here.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Think about it, <<print $ep.name>>." I say. "You'll eat each other's pussy's and one of you can suck or fuck me while I eat the other one. It'll be fun."
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Okay! let me know when she is here, I will join." She says.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Czech (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
Play My Other Games
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<a href="https://www.twistedtwist.com" target="_blank">Visit my Web page.</a>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 21: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 22: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 23: Position: Blowjob</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 21: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 22: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 23: Position: Blowjob</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $fuckScene= {
'mp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'As I keep lapping her tasty nectar from inside her burning snatch. She hesitates a minute and then slowly, relaxes her legs, allowing me to push them open and suck on her pussy lips. I gently suck one and then the other of her lips into my mouth, eliciting another moan from $mp.call The taste mixed with her aroma is driving me crazy and I feel like I m getting high on my $mp.call s pussy..',
'With my lips around her clit and my nose brushing against her wet pussy lips, she pushes down hard, smothering my face under her quivering pussy. Tensing her legs, her trembling orgasm releases a flood of juices all over my face. I hungrily lap up her thick cream.',
'I move my tongue up so I m licking the top of her slit, just below her clit and slip two fingers inside her pussy. I slide my fingers in and out of her pussy as I lightly lick her clit.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call starts frantically undoing my pants. $mp.call is on her knees, rubbing my cock against her cheeks. Slamming my hard cock up against my stomach, $mp.call starts lustfully licking my balls. Her warm tongue feels amazing as she meticulously licks all around.',
'By the time she licks up the length of my throbbing cock, I m oozing presed-1. $mp.call licks up and down my shaft and moans around my cock, creating a vibrating sensation on my sensitive shaft.',
' She picks up speed as she bobs her head up and down, pumping my hard cock in and out of her mouth. I hump my ass off the bed, thrusting my cock deeper into her warm, wet mouth while she pulls her mouth off my throbbing cock to catch her breath',
'I lay back on the bed as $mp.call s stripping off her thong. She crawls up on the bed, between my legs, her hard nipples brushing my thighs as she lowers her head and takes the entire length of my cock into her mouth and throat.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call sits up and starts riding my cock like a wild woman, bouncing and slamming her pussy down around me. I ve never seen my $mp.call so out of control; she s pinching her nipples, twisting them and stretching them out from her jiggling tits.',
'Oh Fuck! I m inside her! My cock is inside my $mp.call s pussy! Neither of us moves as our tongues continue their ferocious onslaught. My $mp.call s hips are rotating in a circular fashion while she slowly raises and lowers herself on my cock.',
'Her plush pussy walls are molded around my hard cock, pulsating pleasure through every pore. Sitting up she continues to rotate her hips, grinding her pussy down around my cock.',
'Reaching behind her she slips her hand between my legs and cups my balls, massaging them as she rides my cock. I ve never felt anything like this! I am awestruck! I just lay there, staring at my sexy $mp.call riding my cock until she grabs my hands and presses them against her tits.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-4.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-5.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call lowered her head to the bed and pushed her ass up higher. I paused with my cock buried inside her still twitching pussy. She heard me take a breath then cried out as I tore into her so hard she had to put her arms out to brace herself against the headboard so she didn t pitch forward.',
'I continued to fuck her fast and $mp.call groaned and rocked her hips back into me. She was in sensory overload. The stinging slaps to her ass and best of all that relentless cock stuffing her cunt.(Yeah, that s how you take a woman!) -- She looked over her shoulder at me. (This is how you make her yours. Now go ahead and claim your $mp.call s pussy!)',
'I slapped her ass. I did again, harder and $mp.call felt a fresh wave of heat flow through her at both the sound and sting of my slap.(You spanking your $mp.rel) -- She called out from where her face was partially buried in the bed. (You paying me back for all the times I was bitchy to you? Are you punishing your slutty $mp.call??)(I m giving her what she needs.) -- I slapped both sides of her ass hard and in rapid succession.',
'(Oh, damn!) -- I groaned over her ass and his thrusts became even more frenzied. I shifted my hands to her ass cheeks, squeezing them as I fucked her faster and harder while gasping each time I was buried inside her.',
'(Come!) -- She cried out. (Come for me, $mc.name! Come inside me! Fill your $mp.rel s slutty cunt the way you filled my mouth! Come on, baby! Give your $mp.rel a treat! I...Ohhhh!)',
'I cried out and $mp.call purred as my cock twitched inside of her and a warm wet stream of sed-1 squirted on her ass. I whimpered over her and she wiggled her hips and contracted her pussy around my erupting cock.I moaned and my thrusts slowed down, but each one ended with another deliciously sinful squirt of sed-1 as I painted the walls of his $mp.call s pussy. When I stopped moving, $mp.call contracted around me several times making me emit another adorable whimper as my $mp.call s insatiable cunt milked a few more drops from my spent cock.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',,'Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I already rise on my knees and plunged my cock inside her still convulsing pussy. Leaning over, I brace my hands next to her head, and hammered into her, my cock making squelching sounds as it pounding her dripping pussy.(Take it!) $mp.call cried out, her eyes staring into my eyes. (Take your $mp.call, claim her, make her yours!)',
'My balls are slapping her ass and she is yelping into their kiss each time I plung into her. My balls are tightening and she is working her hips into me. (Oh, oh, fuck,) I moan as my body tense.(Give it to me!) she cries, (Come inside me! Let me feel it!)',
'$mp.call put her hands over her pussy and rubbing as if she were making it more slippery. (Oh, look at my boy taking his $mp.call! Making me your whore!)',
'I am fucking her so hard, the bed was rocking, the headboard slamming into the wall in time with my thrusting.',
'I gasp as my cock erupted, but this time filling $mp.call s pussy. $mp.call releases a low sexy purr as my balls release another unnaturally large load. My cock convulse within her, sending long spurts deep inside her clutching pussy. I shudder and let myelf go limp as my $mp.call s greedy pussy clenched, milking the last drops from my spent cock. Leaning down, I kiss her hard. I moan when she nipped my lips with her teeth, then plunged her tongue into my mouth.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I squeeze her bare breasts, while slipping my tongue in her mouth. She responds passionately, sucking on my tongue and running her hands up and down my cock.',
'$mp.call is on her knees, rubbing my cock against her breasts and deliriously breathing in cock s scent. Slamming my hard cock up and down against her breasts.',
'She responds passionately, sucking on my tongue and running her hands up and down my cock.',
/* Eline Scene 2 */
'mp2_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Come suck it!','Yes! Suck that clit!','Oh! You are too good!',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Come suck it,) -- $mp.call demanded, opening her pussy for me, and tmpping her clit. (Suck my cunt and make me sed-1! God, I need to come!) I leaned forward, getting my knees under her, and dove between her thighs like a starving dog would attack a bowl of food. $mp.call screamed my name as I plunged my tongue into her sloppy...cunt. That was such a dirty word, but $mp.call kept saying it, and I loved hearing it.',
'I sucked hard, my mouth filling with her juices, and at this point some of me as well. $mp.call wrmpped her legs around my head, and yelped while I worked my tongue up to her clit. (Yes! Suck that clit, $mc.name! Show me what a good boy you are!)',
'I sucked her clit as violently. $mp.call was moaning my name repeatedly and it made my cock twitch every time she did. My eyes followed her sexy noises and I saw she was playing with her tits. Like everything else, she was not doing it gently. $mp.call was tugging on her nipples, stretching them and twisting them.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['I m so hard!','Oh, my God','Suck my cock!',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call swung herself off him, pulling her breast away. (Oh, look at how hard you are for your $mp.call!) I moaned when she grabbed my cock and pumped. I could feel myself throbbing in her hand and swore my cock seemed bigger than usual.I gasped when she spit onto the tip of my cock and smeared it on my shaft.',
'$mp.call lowered her head and took my cock deep into her mouth.(Oh, my God, Oh my God!) I moaned as $mp.call bobbed her head in my lmp. Her soft red coated lips slid along my shaft, and her wet tongue flicked around the purple head of my cock. When she reached the top. $mp.call moaned around me as if sucking was the greatest thing she d ever felt.',
'I moaned at not just how good she felt, but the nasty loud wet gagging sounds she was now making. I leaned back against the pillows, moaning and staring in shock as my $mp.call gobbled my cock like a damn porn star.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-4.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-5.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She lifts her upper body until her hard nipples are the only part of her dangling tits making contact with my skin. Shifting her hips around, she nestles my hard cock between her steamy pussy lips. Rocking back and forth, she drags her nipples along my chest while gliding her slick pussy lips up and down my rigid shaft.',
'Lowering her chest against my face, $mp.call lets her pussy lips linger at the head of my cock, not moving. She presses her tits down hard against my face. With a roll of her hips, my cock head slips between her lips and she pushes her body down engulfing the entire length of my cock in her velvety furnace. Oh Fuck! I m inside her! My cock is inside my $mp.rel s pussy! . I push my cock up against her soggy lips as they slide up and down, again and again, from my balls to the tip, smearing her hot pussy juice along the way',
'Reaching behind her she slips her hand between my legs and cups my balls, massaging them as she rides my cock. I ve never felt anything like this! I am awestruck! I just lay there, staring at my sexy $mp.rel riding my cock until she grabs my hands and presses them against her tits. I rub my palms in a circular motion around her hard nipples and squeeze her soft tits.',
'Letting go of my balls and picking up her speed, she starts riding me harder and faster. I m bucking wildly on the couch pushing my cock into her pussy while she bounces up and down, rolling her clit against me and leaning her hands against my shoulders. I move one hand between her legs and find her clit with my thumb, massaging it in a circular motion. She rides me to a frenzied orgasm that has her moaning and screaming my name.',
'$mp.call drove down on me, then leaving me buried inside her, working her hips in circles. I gasped as the head of my cock, still sensitive from coming, was working around her hot tight pussy. I whimpered, but switched to sucking her other tit, while thinking that my cock had not softened at all, it was like I d never come.',
'($mc.name! Oh $mc.name! I m sed-1ming! $mc.name! Cum with me, $mc.name! Cum inside me!) -- She yells, riding wave after wave of pleasure.I shoot my load deep inside her quivering pussy. She collmpses on my chest and we lay there, gasping for air as we try to catch our breath. My head is spinning! I actually fucked my $mp.rel again! Shoving her tongue in my mouth and snaking it urgently around mine, she presses her tits down hard against my chest.My cock is inside my $mp.rel s pussy! Neither of us moves as our tongues continue their ferocious onslaught.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-4.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-5.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call on her fours. I slid my cock inside her. $mp.call moaned and moved her ass back and forth.(Fuck yeah!) -- She yelled at his face, her eyes so wide. (I need this! Oh, fuck I need my baby s cock!)',
' We both cried out as I pounded hard and fast on her hips, pounding her like the out of control wild cat she d been since we d started. I gasped as the head of my cock, still sensitive from coming, was working around her hot tight pussy.',
'$mp.call reached between her legs and rubbing her clit with her fingers. She was rubbing her clit in hard fast circles.',
'Each time I slided into her she could feel more warm juice flowing down her thighs and could see my thighs and balls were glistening with it.',
'(That s it, $mc.name! Fuck me! Fuck your $mp.rel! Fuck me like you wanted that day! Fuck me like that little girl $ep.name! Fuck me like the goddamn whore I need to be for you!)',
'(Easy, baby,) she whispered. (Just lay there and catch your breath.) She sighed. (I can feel your heartbeat on my back.)($mp.call, that was amazing.) I kissed her cheek, then rolled off of her and onto his back. (Wow.)',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-3.mp4',,'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I pushed $mp.call onto her back and entered her slowly and gently. $mp.call sighed and put her arms out to me. I sank into her loving embrace and moaned as much from her soft touch as from the soft, wet forbidden place between her thighs.I moved slowly within her and she worked her hips in the same slow rhythm.',
'$mp.call found my rhythm and matched it, moving her hips in time with mine. Unlike our wild lust filled romp of earlier, I was going soft and slow, pleasing her with long deep strokes that felt amazing.',
'(Let me have it, honey. Let me feel it inside me.) -- she whispered.I released one of those adorable whimpers from before followed by a sigh as I let myself go.(Oh, honey.) $mp.call purred as I continued to move slowly within her as I came. (So good, baby. That feels so good.) (I love you $mp.call,) -- I breathed as I continued to fill her. (Love you so much.)',
'(A boy will never want another woman as much as his $mp.call.)-- She spoke slowly, her head cocked, and her eyes distant as if listening to something.But then her smile returned and she parted her lips, (Please kiss me, $mc.name .Love your $mp.call the way you fucked her. With everything you have.)I leaned over, closing my eyes, my lips parted in anticipation of meeting hers. $mp.call s soft lips had just brushed mine.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-0.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-2.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Kiss me, $mc.name.) $mp.call cocked her head and parted her full red lips. (Give your $mp.call a kiss.)I hesitated, I wasn t as excited as I had been before, but $mp.call wasn t taking no for an answer. She kissed me, softly at first, her lips sliding across mine. I kissed her back reflexively, but then when her lips lingered, tried to turn my head.',
'As if reading my mind, $mp.call leaned away from me. She cupped her breasts, but this time her dark blue nails were on her bare flesh, teasing her rosy nipples. (You like...oh!) $mp.call cried out when I lowered my head and sucked her right nipple into my mouth. I sucked and licked my $mp.rel s tit the way I had returned her kiss, lustfully. $mp.call moaned and shoved her breast deeper into my mouth. I switched to her other nipple, while sliding my hands beneath hers and squeezing her breasts. They were soft, yet firm, and I was amazed at how heavy they were.',
'I swore, I was even harder than before and my cock felt ready to explode. I wondered why the hell I was resisting his $mp.call s kiss, and not only returned it, but all but devoured her mouth. $mp.call moaned into our taboo kiss when my tongue darted across hers and invaded her mouth. Our lips pressed hard against each other, and $mp.rel s hands slid down on my crotch.',
/* Eline Scene 3 */
'mp3_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She turns around, climbing onto the bed and spreading her legs. She looks over her shoulder at me, a challenge in her eyes. (Are you going to lick my pussy, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice full of desire. I don t need to be told twice. I crawl onto the bed, positioning myself between her legs. I take a moment to admire the view, her pussy glistening with desire. I lean in, my tongue flicking out to taste her. She let out a gasp, her body arching as I continued to explore her with my tongue. I can feel her desire building, her moans growing louder. I reach up, my fingers finding her clit. I circle it, my touch matching the rhythm of my tongue.',
'She let out a cry, her body tensing as she came. I continue to lick her, savoring the taste of her desire. (Fuck, $mc.name,) she gasp, her body trembling. I climb up her body, my dick throbbing with desire. I capture her lips in a kiss, my dick finding its way inside her. She let out a moan, her legs wrapping around my waist as I begin to move.',
'I can feel her desire building again, her body moving in rhythm with mine. She arch her back, her fingers digging into my shoulders. (Fuck, $mc.name, I m going to come again,) she gasp, her words sending me over the edge. I let out a groan, my body tensing as I come inside her. I collapsed on top of her, my body slick with sweat. We lay there for a moment, our breaths coming in heavy pants. She looked up at me, a satisfied smile on her face. (Well, $mc.name, that was quite the experience,) she says, her voice full of satisfaction. I smile back at her, my fingers tracing lazy circles on her skin. (Indeed it was, $mp.call,) I say, my voice full of satisfaction. (Indeed it was.)',
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her onto the bed, her legs parting in welcome. The sight of her, spread out before me, is enough to make my heart race. Her pussy glistens with anticipation, and I can t help but lean down, my tongue darting out to taste her. She gasps, her hands fisting in the sheets as I explore every inch of her, savoring her sweetness. (Please, $mc.name,) she begged, her voice trembling with need. (I want you inside me.) I position myself between her legs, my cock pressing against her slick entrance. I look into her eyes, seeing the desire reflected back at me, and then I thrust forward, filling her completely. She arches her back, a moan escaping her lips as I begin to move, each stroke sending waves of pleasure coursing through us both.',
'(Yes, $mc.name,) she cried out, her nails digging into my back. (Harder.) I oblige, my movements becoming more frenzied, our bodies slapping together in a primal rhythm. The room is filled with the sounds of our passion, our breathing ragged and uneven, our moans mingling together in a symphony of pleasure. ',
'(I m close, $mc.name,) she pants, her muscles tightening around me. (I m going to come.) I reach down, my fingers finding your clit and circling it in time with my thrusts. She cries out, her body shuddering as she climaxes, her pussy clenching around my cock. The feeling of her orgasm sends me over the edge, and I explode inside her, my sed-1 mixing with her juices in a hot, wet mess. We collapse onto the bed, our bodies slick with sweat, our breaths coming in ragged gasps. I roll onto my side, pulling her close, our hearts beating in sync. (That was incredible,) she whispered, her voice still husky with pleasure.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I am sitting on the bed, completely naked, my hard dick standing at attention. $mp.call,my gorgeous partner, is kneeling between my legs, her eyes fixed on my manhood. She licks her lips, and I cant help but feel a shiver run down my spine. (Fuck, $mp.call, youre making me crazy,) I say, my voice husky with desire. She looks up at me and gives me a wicked smile. (That s the idea,) she says, and then she leans forward and takes me into her mouth.',
'I cant help but let out a low moan as I feel her warm, wet mouth envelop my dick. She starts to move her head up and down, her lips tight around me, creating an incredible sensation. I reach down and run my fingers through her hair, pulling it back gently so I can watch her. (Goddamn, $mp.call, you re so good at this,) I say, my voice strained. She looks up at me and gives me a sly smile, her mouth still full of my dick. She starts to move faster, her head bobbing up and down, her lips and tongue working me over. I can feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, and I know I am not going to last much longer.',
'($mp.call, I m gonna come,) I warn her, but she doesnt stop. Instead, she redoubles her efforts, her mouth and hand working in perfect harmony. I let out a loud moan as I feel myself reaching the point of no return. (Fuck, fuck, fuck,) I chant, my hips thrusting up to meet her. And then I am there, exploding in her mouth, my hot load filling her up. $mp.call doesnt miss a beat, swallowing every last drop of me. She pulls back, a satisfied smile on her face, and looks up at me. (Did you enjoy that?) she asks, her voice dripping with innocence.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Guiding her hips down so that my cock pressed against her entrance. She let out a gasp as I fill her, her pussy clenching around me. (Fuck, $mc.name,) she moan, her hands braced on my chest as she begin to rock back and forth. I watch as her tits bounce with each movement, my hands reaching up to cup them. (That”s it, ride me, $mp.call,) I encourage, my thumb flicking over her nipple. (Take what you need.).',
'She leans forward, her hair falling around us like a curtain as she captures my mouth in a passionate kiss. Her hips move in a steady rhythm, each thrust sending a jolt of pleasure through my body. I groan into her mouth, my hands gripping her hips as I help her move. (Fuck, you feel so good,) I murmur, my teeth nipping at her lower lip. (I could stay inside you forever.) She breaks away from the kiss, a wicked smile on her lips. (Then you better make me come, $mc.name,) she challenged, her hips picking up speed. (Make me come so hard that I see stars.)',
'I smirk up at her, my hands guiding her hips in a faster rhythm. (Challenge accepted,) I reply, my thumb finding her clit and circling it in time with your movements. She cries out as she feels the first waves of pleasure crash over her, her pussy clenching around my cock as she comes. ($mc.name!) she shouted, her body shaking with ecstasy. I groan, feeling my own release building. (Fuck, $mp.call,) I groan, my hands tightening on her hips as I thrust up into her one last time. (I m coming!) She collapses on top of me, her breath coming in ragged gasps as we both come down from our highs. (Well,) she says, her voice breathless. (I think you passed the challenge.) I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. (I ll take that as a compliment,) I reply, nuzzling her neck. (But I think I might need a rematch to make sure.)',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her onto all fours on the bed. I admire the view, her ass round and full, her pussy glistening with desire. I position myself behind her, my dick pressing against her entrance. (Are you ready?) I ask, my voice barely a whisper. (Yes,) she replied, her voice barely more than a breath. (Fuck me, $mc.name.) I slide into her, her tightness enveloping me like a glove. She gasps as I fill her, her body adjusting to my size. I start to move, my pace slow and steady at first, building up to a frenzied rhythm.',
'(Oh God, $mc.name,) she cried out, her voice filled with pleasure. (Fuck me harder.) I obey, my thrusts becoming faster and more forceful. I reach around, my fingers finding her clit, and I begin to rub it in time with my thrusts. She screams out in pleasure, her body trembling with the force of her orgasm.',
'I continue to fuck her, my own orgasm building with each thrust. I feel it start to take over, my body tensing as I release inside her. You moan in pleasure, her body milking me dry. I collapsed onto the bed, my body spent but satisfied. She turned to face me, her eyes filled with satisfaction. (That was incredible,) she says, her voice filled with awe.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I watch, mesmerized, as she reaches down and guides my dick inside her. The feeling of her wet pussy enveloping me is almost too much to bear. She leaned forward, her breasts brushing against my chest, and whispered in my ear. (Reverse cowgirl, $mc.name. I want to see your face when I ride you.) She shifted her position, turning to face my feet. Her ass, full and round, is on display for me. I reach out, running my hands over her smooth skin, feeling the muscles beneath flex as she begins to move. She started slowly, rocking back and forth, her pussy gripping my dick tightly. I groan, the sensation overwhelming. She picks up the pace, Her movements becoming more erratic. She leaned back, her hands on my thighs, giving me a perfect view of her body.',
'(Fuck, $mp.call,) I groan, my hands gripping the sheets beneath me. (You feel so fucking good.) She smiles over her shoulder, her eyes filled with desire. (I know, $mc.name. And I am not even close to being done with you.) She leans forward, her hands on my chest, and begins to grind against me. The feeling of her clit rubbing against my dick is almost too much. I can feel my orgasm building, but I am determined to make this last. (Come on, $mc.name,) she whispered, her voice husky with desire. (Give me everything you ve got.)',
'I reach up, grabbing her hips, and thrust up into her. She cries out, her pussy clenching around me. I can feel her trembling, on the edge of her own release. (That s it, $mp.call,) I growl. (Fuck me like you mean it.) She does, riding me hard and fast. I can feel my orgasm building, my balls tightening. I reach out, grabbing her ass, and pull her down onto me. (Fuck, $mp.call!) I shout, my orgasm crashing over me. I can feel her trembling above me, her own release following closely behind.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I shift my weight, positioning myself between her legs and guiding my dick to her entrance. She is already so wet, and I groan as I slide inside her. (Fuck, $mc.name,) $mp.call breathe, (you feel so good.)',
'She gasps as I fill her, (Oh god, $mc.name,) she says, (fuck me harder.) I obey, thrusting deeper and faster. Her breasts bounce with each movement, and I lean down to capture a nipple in my mouth, sucking and biting gently. She cries out, her pussy clenching around me as she comes.',
'I continue to fuck her, feeling her orgasm ripple through her body. She is so tight, so wet, and I know I wont last much longer. I reach down to rub her clit, and she comes again, this time dragging me over the edge with her. I groan, my dick pulsing as I fill her. We lay there for a moment, panting and sweaty. (Wow,) she says, (that was amazing.) I grin, rolling off of her and pulling her close. (Glad I enjoyed it,) I replied, (but I m not done with you yet.) She raised an eyebrow. (Oh really?) she says, a smile playing on her lips. (What do you have in mind?)',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', 'Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Christina Scene */
'ct1_scene': {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I laid her down on the couch, her legs spread wide for me. I could see the wetness between her thighs, and I couldn t wait to taste her. I lowered my head between her legs, and my tongue found her clit, flicking it softly at first, and then with more force as she began to moan louder.',
'I slipped a finger inside of her, and she let out a moan that sent shivers down my spine. I could feel her tightening around my finger, and I knew she was close. I picked up the pace, my tongue working in time with my finger, and soon, she was screaming my name as she came, her body shaking beneath me.',
'(Fuck, $mc.name, don t stop,) she gasped, her body arching as me continued to explore her with my tongue. I looked up at her, my eyes meeting hers, and I could see the satisfaction in her eyes. (I want to taste you too,) she whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming my name.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I position myself behind her, my cock brushing against her wet pussy. I enter her slowly, savoring the feeling of her tight walls clenching around me. She let out a low moan, her head falling back against my shoulder as I filled her up. (God, yes,) she breathed, her hands reaching back to grip my thighs as I begin to move.',
'I set a slow, steady rhythm, my cock sliding in and out of you with ease. I lean down to whisper in her ear, my breath hot against her skin. (You feel so fucking good, $ct.name,) I murmur, my words causing her to shudder in pleasure. I reach around to find her clit, circling it with my thumb as I continue to fuck her. Her breath hitches, her moans growing louder as I bring her closer to the edge.',
'(I m going to come,) she gasps, her body tense with anticipation. I increase my pace, my cock pounding into her as I chase my own release. (Come for me, $ct.name,) I growl, my voice low and commanding. She shatters around me, her pussy clenching tight around my cock as she cries out in pleasure. I follow close behind, my cock throbbing as I fill her with my sed-1.'
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Her hands slid down my chest, tracing the contours of my muscles, before she unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. My dick springs free, already hard and aching for her touch. You wrap her hand around it, her fingers barely able to close around my girth. (Fuck, $ct.name,) I groan, my head falling back against the cushions. She chuckles, a soft, sultry sound that sends a shiver down my spine. (You like that, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice dripping with desire. I can only nod, my throat too dry to form words. She leans down, her breath hot against my dick as she says, (Good. Because I m going to give you something you ll never forget.) ',
'Her lips part, and she takes the head of my dick into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip. I let out a low, guttural moan, my fingers tangling in her hair. You look up at me, her eyes locked on mine as she takes more of me into her mouth. The sight of her, with my dick between her lips, is almost too much to handle.',
'She bops her head up and down, her mouth moving in perfect rhythm with her hand. I can feel the pressure building in my balls, the sensation of her mouth on my dick pushing me closer and closer to the edge. I can t take it anymore. ($ct.name, I m going to come,) I warn. She doesn t stop, her movements only getting more frenzied. I explode in her mouth, my sed-1 spilling down her throat. She swallows every last drop, her eyes never leaving mine. When she finally pulls back, she wipes her lips with the back of her hand and smiles. (Was that good for you, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice still husky with desire.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her to the couch, my hands never leaving her body. She straddles me, her eyes never leaving mine. I can see the desire in them, the want, the need. I reached down, guiding her hips so that my cock pressed against her entrance. She let out a gasp as I filled her, her pussy clenching around me in a way that sent shivers down my spine. (Fuck, $ct.name,) I groan, my hands gripping her hips tightly. (You feel so fucking good.) She leaned forward, her breasts pressing against my chest as she started to move. The cowgirl position allows her to take control, and she takes full advantage of it. She rises and falls on my dick, her pace slow and deliberate at first, but quickly gaining speed.',
'(Is this what you wanted, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice breathless. (Is this what you ve been dreaming about?) I can only nod, my eyes half-closed as I revel in the sensation of her tight pussy milking my cock. I reach up, cupping her breasts in my hands, pinching her nipples between my fingers. She moans in response, her movements becoming more erratic. (Yes, $mc.name,) she cried out, her voice echoing in the room. (Yes, just like that.) I can feel myself getting closer, my body tense with anticipation. I want to make her come, I want to feel her clench around me as she reaches her peak. I reach down, my fingers finding her clit. She gasps as I begin to circle it, my movements in sync with her own.',
'(Oh, God,) she moaned, her body trembling. (I m so close, $mc.name. I m so fucking close.) I can feel her pussy tighten around me, and I know she is close too. I thrust up into her, my movements becoming more desperate as I chase my own release. And then, with a final cry, we both come. Her body collapses onto mine, both of us panting and sweating. We stay like that for a moment, our hearts racing in sync. And then, she looked up at me, a wicked grin on her face. (Well, $mc.name,) she says, her voice still husky. (That was quite the ride.)',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her onto all fours on the couch, admiring the view. Her ass is round and full, her pussy glistening with desire. I position myself behind her, my dick pressing against her entrance. (Are you ready for me, $ct.name?) I ask, my voice low and husky. (Fuck me, $mc.name,) she reply, her voice filled with need. I start to fuck her in doggy style, my hands gripping her hips as I thrust into her. She is tight, her pussy clenching around my dick, making me groan with pleasure. I can feel her wetness coating my dick, her moans echoing in the room. (Fuck, $ct.name, she feel so good,) I murmur, my thrusts becoming more forceful.',
'I reach around to rub her clit, my fingers slick with her arousal. She cries out, her body shaking with pleasure. (Yes, $mc.name, just like that,) she pants, her voice barely audible over the sound of our bodies slapping together. I can feel her getting close, her pussy tightening around my dick. (I m going to come, $mc.name,) she warned.',
'I increase my pace, my thrusts becoming wild and desperate. I can feel my orgasm building, my balls tightening. (Come with me, $ct.name,) I demand. With one final thrust, I come, my sed-1 filling her. You follow me over the edge, her pussy convulsing around my dick as she screams out her pleasure. We collapsed onto the couch, our bodies spent and satisfied. (Fuck, that was amazing,) she pant, her chest heaving. (Yes, it was,) I agree, pulling her into my arms.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I watch, mesmerized, as she straddles me, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. (You ready for me, $mc.name?) she purrs, her voice low and seductive. I can feel my heart racing as she reaches down and guides my throbbing dick inside her. The feeling of her wet pussy enveloping me is almost too much to bear. (Fuck, $ct.name,) me groan as she begins to move, her hips rolling in a slow, seductive rhythm. I reach up and grab her full, perky breasts, pinching her nipples lightly between my fingers. (You feel so fucking good,) me whisper in her ear, causing her to moan and grind down harder on me.',
'She leans back, her hands resting on my thighs for support, and I cant help but admire the view. Her curves are on full display as she rides me, her ass bouncing up and down in a hypnotic rhythm. I reach out and give her a playful smack, eliciting a gasp and a moan from her. (You like that, baby?) I ask, my voice thick with lust. (Yes,) she breathes, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure. (Harder.)',
'I oblige, my hand coming down on her ass with a satisfying smack. The sound of skin on skin fills the room, mingling with her moans and my grunts. I can feel your orgasm building, the pleasure almost too much to handle. ( I m going to come,) I warn her, my voice barely recognizable as my own. (Do it,) she encourages, her hips moving faster now, her pussy gripping me tight. (Fill me up, $mc.name.) I let out a guttural cry as I came, my dick throbbing inside of her as I spilled my seed. She collapses on top of me, both of us panting and slick with sweat. (Fuck, that was good,) I say, running my hands through her hair.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I shift my weight, positioning myself between her legs, and she can feel the hardness of my dick pressing against her. I guide my dick to her entrance, teasing her with it, and she buckles her hips, trying to get me inside her. I groan as I slide inside her, feeling her wrap around me. She is so tight, so wet, and I can feel her muscles clenching around me. (Fuck, $ct.name,) I groan, and she let out a moan in response.',
'I start to fuck her in the missionary position, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. I can feel every inch of her, feel her breath on my neck, and I can see the desire in her eyes. (Harder,) she whispers, and I oblige, slamming into her with more force. She let out a loud moan, her nails digging into my back, and I can feel her getting closer.',
'I reach down, finding her clit with my fingers, and I start to rub it in circles. She let out a series of loud moans, her body trembling beneath me, and I can feel her pussy clenching around me. (I m gonna come,) she gasps, and I can feel her muscles tensing.',
/* Danae Scene */
'dp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She is on all fours, her ass in the air, a sight that never fails to make my dick twitch in anticipation. Her hair, usually so well-kept, is cascading down in wild disarray, framing her flushed face perfectly. (You look so fucking hot like this, $dp.name,) I can t help but murmur, admiring the view. (Is that right, $mc.name?) She teases, tossing a glance over her shoulder, her eyes glinting with desire. (Well, then why don t you do something about it?)',
'I reach behind her, my fingers tracing the curve of her ass before dipping lower. She gasps as I brush against her wetness, her pussy already slick with anticipation. (You re so fucking wet for me, baby,) I whisper, my voice thick with lust.',
'With a low growl, I lower my head, my tongue finding her clit in one smooth motion. She let out a strangled cry, her hands clenched into fists as I began to work her over. I lick and suck, my tongue exploring every inch of her, relishing in her moans and whimpers. (Oh, fuck, $mc.name!) She cries out, her hips bucking against my face. (Don t stop, please don t stop!)',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She guided the head of my cock to her entrance, and lowered herself down onto me. She gasped, and I took the opportunity to run my hands along her thighs, over her hips, up her stomach, until I wrapped them around her breasts. She was tight, but in a small matter of seconds she had taken my cock deep into her pussy. I could feel myself throbbing inside her, and the walls of her cunt were gently squeezing me.',
'She lifted her hips and continued riding me. With every thrust, she let out a sharp little moan, and her breasts jiggled under his palms. Soon, I felt her squeezing me tightly, and she bit her lip. She was bouncing hard now, fucking herself savagely with my cock, and suddenly she cried out, her pussy gripping me over and over as she came.',
'(Are you enjoying me, $mc.name?) she asked, her lips right against my ear. $mc.name nodded, running my hands along her smooth back and down to her ass. (Yes... Fuck yes...,) Her body trembled, and she held me close as we came together. For several moments, we lay still, riding out the last waves of pleasure, until finally $dp.name lifted her hips and let me slip out of her.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I wrapped my hand around my cock as I aimed for her vagina and inserted my tip back into her. She moaned again as I filled her back up. Pushing in deep, I held myself still, enjoying the feeling. I rubbed her fit ass and softly spanked it a few times. Putting my hands on her hips, I used my grip on them to start moving her back and forth, watching as my cock appeared out of her pussy before disappearing back into it',
'Holding her body still, I started to thrust my hips back and forth, sliding my cock out to its tip before pushing back deep inside her. Encouraged by her moans, I started going harder and faster, slamming into her over and over. I rubbed my hands all over her back and ass and reached around to cup her breasts as I pounded into her.',
'Feeling my orgasm building up, holding tightly to her hips as I pushed in over and over. Throwing my head back, I let out a primal grunt as I orgasmed, feeling the cum erupting out of my tip as I pushed deep into Danae. She moaned as she felt my cum filling her, my cock twitching as it pumped slowly inside her.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(You ready, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice a sultry whisper that sends shivers down my spine. I watch, mesmerized, as she reaches down and guides my dick inside her. The feeling of her wet pussy enveloping me is almost too much to bear. I groan, my hands instinctively gripping her hips as she begins to move. (Fuck, $dp.name,) I breathe, my voice a mere rasp in the steam-filled room.',
'She shifts back to me, and I realize what she is doing. A grin spreads across my face as she lowered herself onto me, reverse cowgirl style. Her hands press against my thighs for support as she starts to ride me, her body moving in a rhythm that s both seductive and maddening. (You like that, $mc.name?) she teases, her voice dripping with desire. (You like feeling my pussy clench around your dick?)',
'She leans back, her hands on my knees, and I take a moment to admire the view. Her ass sways in time with her movements, and I can t resist the urge to reach out and grab it. I spank her, the sound echoing in the small room, and she moans, her body shuddering in response. (Fuck me harder, $mc.name,) she beg, her voice a desperate plea. I oblige, my hips thrusting up to meet her downward movements. The sound of our skin slapping together fills the room, a symphony of desire that drives us both closer to the edge.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I shift my weight, positioning myself between her legs. She spread them willingly, inviting me in. I guide my dick to her entrance, feeling the warmth radiating from her. She is already so wet, and I groan as I slide inside her. The feeling is indescribable, a mix of pleasure and pain that sends shivers down my spine.',
'(Fuck, $dp.name,) I groan, burying my face in the crook of her neck. She wraps her legs around me, pulling me deeper into her. I start to move, my hips rocking against her in a rhythm as old as time. I can feel every inch of her, the tightness of her pussy gripping my dick like a vice.',
'(Harder, $mc.name,) she whispered in my ear, her voice a soft moan. I oblige, increasing my pace. The sound of our bodies colliding fills the room, a symphony of pleasure that drowns out the world outside. I can feel the tension building inside me, the need to release growing stronger with each thrust.',
/* Maggie Scene */
'gp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Fuck, you re beautiful,) I murmur, my fingers tracing $gp.name s pussy lips, spreading them open.she moans,her hips lifting up to meet my touch.And then my mouth is on her, my tongue sliding through her folds, lapping at her juices.she moans as I eat her out, my tongue exploring every inch of her.',
'I suck on her clit, my tongue sliding in and out of her, fucking her hard and fast. I can feel the orgasm building inside us.(Don t stop,$mc.name,)$gp.name begs, her voice hoarse with pleasure. (Don t stop.)',
'I don t, my tongue and fingers working her over until she s crying out my name.I pull back, my lips glistening with her juices. $gp.name can see the satisfaction in my eyes.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$gp.name s mouth open and waiting. I can see the desire in her eyes as she takes me in her mouth, her tongue starts swirling around my tip. I let out a low moan, (Fuck,$gp.name. You feel so good.)Soon after $gp.name s tongue start tasting my precum. It s salty and sweet, and she wants more.Her head bobbing up and down my hard rock solid shaft. She looks up at me ,our eyes get locked. ',
'I don t say anything but my eyes are glazed over with desire.$gp.name leans in closer and wraps her lips around my dick, taking it all in. she starts to suck and lick, her tongue exploring every inch of my shaft.(Ohhh Baby!)I say, my voice strained.She s unstoppable. $gp.name keeps on sucking and licking, her lips moving up and down my hard ,rock solid shaft. She starts stroking it with her lips and tongue, feeling its girth and length.(Fuck, babe,)I moan , as I close my eyes and lean head back.$gp.name can feel my dick getting harder inside her mouth. She can see the anticipation in my eyes as I keep on stroking my dick into her mouth out.',
'(Fuck, yes,)I say , as $gp.name wraps her lips around my hardened dick.$gp.name can feel my dick hitting the back of her throat, and I can t help but moan.she can feel my hands on the back of her head, guiding me as she sucks on my dick.(Fuck, babe, that feels so good,)I say, as I look down at her.I can see the pleasure in $gp.name s eyes, and it s making me even hornier. I start stroking my dick as she sucks on it, feeling every inch of it. She can feel me getting harder in her mouth, and I know I’m close.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I stand up, my dick in my hand. I guide it to $gp.name s entrance, feeling her heat. I push inside of her, feeling her tighten around me. She feels amazing, better than anything I ve ever felt before.$gp.name starts to move, riding me hard. I reach up, grabbing her breasts, feeling their weight in my hands. I pinch and suck her nipples, hearing her moan louder. (Fuck, $mc.name, you feel so good,) she breathes, her hips moving faster.I can feel myself getting closer, my balls tightening. I know I m not going to last much longer. I reach down, rubbing her clit as she rides me. She cries out, her pussy clenching around me as she comes. ',
'I grab a handful of $gp.name’s ass, feeling the firm, smooth skin beneath my fingers as I guide her up and down on my dick. She s riding me in the cowboy position, her pussy gripping me tight as she bounce on the chair. (Fuck, you feel so good,) I groan, my hands exploring her body as she moves.I slide a hand down between us, finding her clit and rubbing slow circles around it. she gasps, her pussy clenching around me even tighter. (Oh god, don t stop,) she begs, her voice taking on that desperate edge that I love. I oblige, increasing the pressure and speed of my fingers as I continue to fuck her from below.But I want to take it to the next level, to really make $gp.name scream. So I pull my hand away from her clit and give her ass a hard smack. She yelps in surprise, but the sound quickly turns into a moan as I spank her again and again, the sound of my hand on her flesh filling the room.',
'I ve got $gp.name bent over the chair,her arms wrapped around its back, gripping tight as I thrust into her. She’s riding me in the cowboy position, her hips moving in a rhythm that matches the pounding of my heart. Her hair falls in wild curls around her face, a sheen of sweat glistening on her skin. (Fuck, $gp.name,) I groan, my voice raw with desire, (you feel so damn good.)I lean forward, my dick still buried deep inside her, and take one of her breasts in my mouth. She gasps as I suck on her nipple, hard and insistent. I can feel the tremors running through her body, the pleasure building inside her like a storm about to break. I let go of her breast and run my hand down her back, over the curve of her ass, and give it a firm spank. (God, you re so fucking sexy when you take control,) I tell $gp.name , she moans in response.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I turn $gp.name to one side,my hands cup her breasts, my thumbs rubbing circles around her nipples. she moans, her head falling back as pleasure washes over her. I lean forward, taking one of her nipples into my mouth and sucking hard. $gp.name gasps, her body arching towards mine .I grip $gp.name’s hips,my fingers digging into her soft flesh as I slam my dick into her pussy from behind.I start fucking her juicy hole passionately.my hands explore her body, fingers tracing patterns on her skin,boobs.she’s lost in pleasure, my body moving in time with her.(Don t stop,)$gp.name begs, her voice barely above a whisper. (Please, don t stop.)I don t, my hips moving faster, thrusts deeper. I can feel myself building towards an orgasm, her pussy clenching around him. $gp.name groans, her fingers digging into the table top as I fuck her harder. She moans as she felt me inside her,I continued fucking her, grinding my hips against her.',
'I push myself inside of her ,I can feel her tight walls grip me.(Goddamn,$gp.name. You feel so fucking good,) I groan, starting to thrust in and out of me.(Fuck me harder,$mc.name. I want to feel you deep inside of me,) $gp.name begged, her voice getting louder with every thrust. I grabbed her hips and started to pound into her harder and faster. ',
' I grip $gp.name s hair tightly as I thrust myself into her from behind. She s all over around the table top,her body quivering with every hard push from me. (Oh, fuck,$mc.name,) $gp.name moans as I pull her shoulder, making her head snap back. (Just like that, harder!) I oblige, slamming my hips against her ass, my balls slapping against her pussy lips. The sound of our bodies coming together filled the room, along with our gasps and moans.I growl at her words, grabbing her shoulder again and pulling her head back. I lean down and whisper in her ear, (You are my slut, $gp.name. My perfect juicy fucktoy.)',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I begin pinching $gp.name s nipple, rolling it between my fingers as I continue to press her boobs. I squeeze her breast harder, as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm me. (You like that, don t you?)I whisper in her ear, my hot breath making her shiver with pleasure.(Yes, yes, I love it,) $gp.name replied, her voice trembling with pleasure.I take $gp.name onto my lap on a chair and start fucking her ',
'Flipping her over onto her back in reverse cow girl position, holding onto her and pulling it gently as I thrust into her.her moans grow louder and louder, filling the room with the sound of my pleasure.',
'(Oh, fuck, $mc.name, I m going to cum,) $gp.name moans, her body trembling with pleasure. (Cum for me, my love,)I whisper, kissing her neck and I continue fucking $gp.name in cowboy position',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I push $gp.name down onto the brown table, my body covering her as I start fucking her, holding her one leg upon my shoulder..I press her asscheeks wrapped around my hip.(You re so fucking wet,) I groan, my fingers sliding through her folds. She moans, her hips bucking up to meet my touch. I feel your pussy clench around my dick.(Don t stop, $mc.name,) she begs,her voice hoarse with pleasure. (Don t stop!)',
'I pull out of $gp.name and she whimpers in protest. I smile against her skin and slide a finger into her wet pussy. (I m not done with you yet, baby,)I promise, and she relaxes back into me with a sigh. $gp.name starts moving her finger in and out her, matching the rhythm of her thumb as it circles her clit. She s so wet,egar, so ready for me, and I can feel her getting closer and closer to the edge.I push $gp.name back onto the table top,my body covering hers and starts fucking her again roughly..she cries out of pleasure, her body trembling around mine. I feel her pussy clench around my dick, milking me for all I m worth',
'I continue fucking $gp.name again in my own rhythm.my hips slap against her pussy. She moans loudly as I fuck her. My cock hits her g-spot every time I thrust into her. I feel my orgasm building up again.$gp.name grabs onto the armrest of the table as I fuck her harder and harder.(I m gonna cum,)she moans.I thrust into her a few more times before she cums inside of me. I feel her hot juice fill my dick up. I can see her body trembling in pleasure. ',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'As $gp.name starts to stroke my dick. (Yes!. Just like that.)I cry out.. she drops to her knees in front of me, (I want to make you come,) she says, her voice low and sultry while stroking my dick.',
/* Allison Scene */
'ap1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'My tongue flicks across her clit, which I ve sucked completely inside my mouth. I m pushing my fingers in and out, twisting them back and forth, sloshing her hot juices all around inside her fiery pussy. Her juices run down my arm and soak the bedspread beneath her ass. She collapses back on the bed, her pussy pulsating around my fingers, as I let her clit slip from my mouth.',
'She pulls hard on the bedspread and her head and shoulders lift off the bed. Her eyes are closed, her mouth is open and she s moaning loudly as she pushes harder against my mouth and my fingers. My face and hand are completely soaked with her juices as she grinds against my mouth and clamps her legs around my fingers, jerking wildly.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$ap.name began to suck on the head and the first few inches of the shaft. Her hand caresses the shaft of my dick while she sucks the tip of it. she once again took the head of my cock into her mouth and began working its length in.',
'$ap.name got onto her hands and knees. Scooting forward on her knees, $ap.name raised her mouth to my cock and began to lick the head.',
'$ap.name worked more and more of my cock in, until I finally felt it bump the back of her throat. She immediately began to gag from the contact and began to pull out.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I lay down on the bed and she climbs on top of me and rides me like a cowgirl. Her pussy wall pressing my cock. It’s warm and wet inside.',
'Then $ap.name rises up and impales herself on my cock. We both sigh as I feel my dick sliding inside her wet pussy. $ap.name: Oh, $ap.name... ($ap.name moans in a sweet voice.)',
'$ap.name slowly starts riding my cock. I place my hands on her hips and stroke her smooth thighs and her back. $ap.name: Oh.... oh... oh yeah... (She moans every time my penis fills her vagina.)',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"as_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'as_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/as-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/as-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/as-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Carolyn Scene */
'cp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Her pussy, waxed or shaved clean. $mc.name: You re so wet. So sticky. And you smell so sweet, (I licked my lips) I can t wait to taste you.',
'My tongue flicks out, in an upward movement along her clit and she moans.',
'(Don t stop, $mc.name,) -- $cp.name begged, her voice filled with need. (I m so close.) I didn t plan on stopping. I wanted to make $mr.name cum harder than she ever had before. I sucked and licked her clit with more urgency, my fingers fucking her pussy faster and deeper.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She rips my pant down my thick thighs. Scooting forward on her knees, $cp.name raised her mouth to my cock and began to lick the head and shaft. After thoroughly licking the cock she began to suck on the head and the first few inches of the shaft.',
'With each head thrust down, she worked more and more of my cock in, until I finally felt it bump the back of her throat. She immediately began to gag from the contact and began to pull out.',
'She once again took the head of my cock into her mouth and began working its length in.My body is shivering with lots of excitement.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$cp.name smiles in a sexy way and then starts riding me with much more passion. She starts to rise and fall on my cock much faster, her tits starting to sway.',
'She starts moaning louder and sexier when she fucks me like a naughty slut.',
'$cp.name: Oooooh! Oh! (She moans, floating on my rock hard cock again and again.) Oh $mc.name, you re so big!',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She was so eager to have my cock inside her young body that she started moving her ass back towards me, urging me to fill her up even more. I used my hands on her hips to show what she needed to do, getting her to slide her ass back and forth while I stood still. Soon she was dictating her own pace, sliding her tight pussy in and out my engorged cock while I watched.',
'I start to slide my dick in and out, picking up speed, and finding a rhythm.',
'My cock had a hard time pushing in but I kept up the pressure and slowly, painfully her ass spread for mine, and I entered her from the rear.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'After a few more minutes, she mounted me again, this time in reverse cowgirl and gently lowers herself onto my unprotected cock.',
'She continues to bounce up and down on my cock. I feel her pussy muscles clench around my throbbing cock and she starts to buckle and jerk her hips, moaning and babbling gibberish.',
'Her pussy feels so fucking good wrapped around my cock. I reach up and grab her boobs, squeezing them gently as she grinds her hips against me. (You like that, don t you?) -- she asks, looking back at me with a wicked smile. I nod, unable to speak as she starts to bounce harder on my dick. I can feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as she grinds against me. I reach down and start to finger her clit, making her moan even louder.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She leaned back and lay on the couch. Her thighs parted wide, her knees up and her feet on the floor. Her bald, glistening pussylips parted slightly. I dropped to my knees, leaned down, took my hard shaft in my fist, rubbed the tip of my cock up and down her sloppy wet slit, found her gapping opening and eased my cock into her cunt.',
'As the girth of my dick penetrated deeper into her, the inside of her pussy s warm flesh melted around it and seemed to suck me in. I put my hands on either side of her and straightened my arms out so I could look down at her as we fucked.',
'My hips thrusting against hers. $cp.name wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me deeper inside her. I can feel her wetness coating my dick, her pussy clenching around me as I fuck her. (Fuck, you feel amazing,) -- I groan, my lips finding hers again.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'The liquor, her scent, her touch, everything is intoxicating and I get lost in everything she s doing. Feeling her flick her hand over me between my legs, as her teeth tugs my bottom lip. I give in to the pleasure and wrap my arms around her. I move my lips against hers, kissing her again, this time with more fervor and need.',
'My own hand moving up to her chest and squeezing her breast as I continue to push myself against her. My breathing quickened once more.',
'She rips her skirt up over her head. I lean forward and begin to kiss her breast. I suck harder onto her nipple and pushing her breast further into my mouth.',
/* Nicole Scene */
'ep1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Her pussy is delicious. I can feel her wetness on my lips. I lick her vagina, it s warm and wet as only a virgin girl s pussy can be. $ep.name begins to moan with pleasure feeling my lips on her crotch.',
'I moved even closer and licked her pussy, and she tasted wonderful. Finding her clit I discovered that it was engorged and I licked around it before sucking on it gently. ',
'Suddenly I felt her pussy clamp even tighter around my tongue and then her pussy started to pulse around them. I heard her cry out -- Oh my God, yessss -- and she screamed as I continued to lick her clit.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Wow! What a beautiful pussy you have,) ',
'$ep.name sits infront of me and started jerking my cock. ',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$ep.name slid down further, slowly, sucking and slurping all the while, her tongue pressing at the gland. My hand rested on the top of her head as she bobbed up and down',
'She takes my dick out of his mouth for a moment and smiles as she caresses my dick with her hand. She sucks with all her might, purring delightfully, her tongue curls around my shaft and caresses it. She starts moving her head up and down while her lips tighten on my cock. $ep.name moans as she sucks, my precum flows out in her mouth and I feel she lick it off my cock.',
'With each head thrust down, she worked more and more of my cock in, until I finally felt it bump the back of her throat. She immediately began to gag from the contact and began to pull out.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$ep.name mounted my big, hard, thick, cock. She lowered herself until the tip of my cock came into contact with her pussy. She slowly rocked her hips back and forth, pushing my cock through the thick forest until I could feel the lips of her cunt. ',
'Her beautiful young body is completely exposed for me to play with. I reach down to her firm breasts and play with them freely while she slowly moves her hips as she rides my cock.',
'$To see her beautiful, naked body move with such sensitivity on me is stunning. She gulped air and squeezed me with her pussy muscles. I grab her ass and squeeze it tight.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'The sight of her smooth buttocks and pink wet pussy is too tempting. I grabbed her firm butt from behind. I put my dick in her tight pussy. Then $ep.name sighs with pleasure.',
'I grab her hips and slowly start fucking her from behind, enjoying the wetness and softness of $ep.name s vagina again. For a few moments, I love her calmly, listening to her purr. ',
'Then, without undue delay, I begin to make strong, quick thrusts her ass from behind. $ep.name moans every time my cock enters her tight pussy.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I took my hard shaft in my fist, rubbed the tip of my cock up and down her sloppy wet slit, found her gapping opening and eased my cock into her cunt.',
'She laid her head back down, her mouth open, inhaling as my dick continued to slice deeper into her.',
'I pushed my cock to the hilt inside her and pulled back and then started to rhythmically fuck her. Her feet came off the bed and danced freely in the air. Her tits sloshed up and down with each thrust and withdrawal. The body odor from her pits and pussy mixed exotically around us.',
/* Maria Scene */
'mr1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-3.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-4.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-5.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-6.mp4'],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mr.name turns around and wiggle her ass at me.I can t help but stare at it for a moment, admiring the way it look. I walk over to her and lean down, kissing her soft skin. (I can t wait to feel your tongue on me,) -- she says, her voice low and sultry. I smile and start kissing her ass, working my way down to her asshole. I spread her cheeks apart and start licking her tight little hole. She moans and push back against me, encouraging me to go deeper.',
'She s already wet for me, her pussy glistening with desire. I run my tongue along her slit, savoring her sweetness as she moans softly. (Fuck, $mc.name,) -- she gasps, her fingers threading through my hair as I continue to lick and suck on her clit. (Don t stop.) I have no intention of stopping. I want to make her come harder than she ever has before.',
'I slip a finger inside of her, feeling her walls tighten around me as I explore her depths. I add another finger, fucking her with my hand as I sucking on her clit. $mr.nam e s moans grew louder, her body writhing on the table as I bring her closer and closer to orgasm. (Don t stop, $mc.name,) -- $mr.name begs, her voice fills with need. (I m so close.) ',
'I start flicking my tongue faster, and I can feel her getting closer and closer to orgasm. I slide another finger into her pussy, and I start fingering her clit and pussy at the same time. Sh e s moaning so loud now, and I know she s close. (I m gonna cum, $mc.name,) -- she says, her voice trembling.',
'She is so tight and wet, and I realize she is close to cumming. (Oh god, $mc.name,) -- she moans, her hands clutching at the table. (Don t stop, please don t stop.) I press one of her boobs, feeling her nipple harden under my touch. I am contiously sucking and licking her pussy, my finger moving in and out of her as I m rubbing her clit with my thumb. (I m gonna cum, $mc.name,) -- she gasps, her body tensing. (I m gonna cum so hard.)',
'I positioned myself between her legs, my heart racing with anticipation. I slowly trace my fingers along the lace of her panties, feeling the heat radiating from her core. (I m going to make you feel so good, $mr.name,) I murmur, looking up at her through my lashes. I continued licking and sucking her pussy, my tongue swirling around her clit. $mr.name grabs my hair, pulling me closer to her. (Oh my god, $mc.name,) she moans, her hips bucking against my face. I continue to lick and suck, my fingers finding their way to her entrance. I slid one finger inside her, then two, curling them up to hit her G-spot. (Fuck, $mc.name,) -- she cries out, her legs shaking.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/mb-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/bj-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She pulled my cock out, and I couldn t believe how hard I was. She started sucking on it, and I felt like I was going to explode right there. "Fuck, $mr.name," I said, moaning. "That feels so good. "She looked up at me, and I could see the satisfaction in her eyes. She knew she was driving me crazy. She kept sucking, and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge.',
'She sucks me deep, her lips wrapped tightly around my cock as she bobs her head up and down. I can feel her tongue swirling around me, her mouth hot and wet as she takes me deeper and deeper. I can t help but let out a string of curses as she continues to suck me, my hips bucking involuntarily',
'"You like that, don t you?" she asks, her voice sultry and low. She licks her lips, and I can t help but groan as she takes me into her mouth. $mr.name is amazing at giving head. She wraps her lips around me, taking me deep into her throat, and I can feel her tongue swirling around me. I thread my fingers through her hair, guiding her as she bobs her head up and down, her mouth a wet, warm paradise.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'($mr.name, you re so beautiful,) -- I say, my voice barely above a whisper. $mr.name smiles, her full lips curling up into a seductive grin. (I m glad you think so,) -- she says, before slowly lowering herself onto my dick. I gasp as I feel her tight pussy envelop me, the sensation almost too much to bear. $mr.name starts to ride me, her hips moving in a slow, steady rhythm. I can feel every inch of her, and I know this is going to be a night I ll never forget.',
' (Fuck, $mc.name,) she moans, throwing her head back and exposing her neck. I can t resist the temptation, leaning up and biting down on her delicate skin. She shivers in pleasure, her pussy clenching around me. I run my hands up her body, feeling the curve of her waist and the swell of her breasts. I cup them in my hands, squeezing gently as I lean up and take one of her nipples into my mouth.',
'I reach up and grab her hips, helping her move faster and harder. $mr.name leans forward, her perfect tits just inches from my face. I can t resist the temptation, and I lean forward and take one of her nipples into my mouth. $mr.name moans, her pussy clenching around my dick. I suck harder, my tongue swirling around her nipple.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', 'Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-3.mp4', 'scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(You ready for me, $mr.name?) -- I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. (Yes, $mc.name. I m ready,) -- she replies, her voice quivering with anticipation. I don t waste any time. I press the tip of my dick against her asshole, feeling her tightness surround me. I push inside her slowly, savoring every inch of her as I enter her. She moans in pleasure, her body adjusting to the intrusion. Once I m fully inside her, I start to move. I grab onto her black hair, pulling it gently as I fuck her from behind.',
'(Harder, fuck me harder!) -- $mr.name moans. I pull her hair tighter and slam into her ass. She gasps, pushing back against me. I feel her tight ass clench around my dick as I pull her hair. (Fuck me harder, you asshole! You like fucking me in my tight ass, don t you?) I slam into her even harder, making her ass bounce back against me. I can feel my dick twitching inside her ass. (Fuck, you feel amazing. You re my tight little slut, aren t you?) -- I whisper in her ear. She moans, pushing back against me even harder.',
'(Fuck, $mc.name. You feel so good inside me,) -- she moans, her voice filled with pleasure. I start to fuck her harder, my hips slapping against her ass with each thrust. She meets me stroke for stroke, her body moving in perfect harmony with mine. I can feel her getting closer and closer to cumming, her body tensing up with each thrust.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I grab $mr.name s hips, pulling her down onto my hard dick, letting out a satisfied sigh as she starts riding me. $mr.name is wearing this beautiful pink lingerie that highlights her caramel skin, her big ass bouncing on my dick as she rides me in reverse cowgirl position.',
'I look up and see $mr.name s tits bouncing in front of me. Her pussy feels so fucking good wrapped around my cock. I reach up and grab her boobs, squeezing them gently as she grinds her hips against me. (You like that, don t you?) -- she asks, looking back at me with a wicked smile. I nod, unable to speak as she starts to bounce harder on my dick. I can feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as she grinds against me.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-3.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I lay her down on the table, her legs spread wide open for me. My dick is throbbing and I can feel my balls tightening up already. (Fuck, $mc.name, you feel so good inside me,) -- $mr.name moans as I start thrusting deeper and harder. I reach up and grab one of her boobs, squeezing it gently as I continue to fuck her.',
'I start rubbing her clit, and I can feel her getting closer to orgasm. I can feel her pussy juices on my dick, and I start fucking her harder. (You feel so good, $mr.name. You feel so fucking good,) -- I say, as I start fucking her harder. She starts moaning louder, and I can feel her body shaking underneath me. I stood up and pushed her back onto the table, spreading her legs wide. I lined my cock up with her entrance and slammed into her, making her cry out again.',
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', 'Scene-4','Scene-5',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-3.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-4.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-5.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I lay down behind her. (I ve never done this before.) -- $mr.name. I slid up to his knees, grabbed her thighs and spreading her legs wide open ploughed his rigid cock into her. (Yes, yes, yes!) -- $mr.name howled as I plundered her dripping cunt.',
'$mr.name kissed me and pressed her soft ass to his cock. I was grabbing her feet and holding her legs apart as far as my arms could go while slamming into her hard enough to cause my balls to slap against her ass. $mr.name yelped with each hard thrust, but kept her eyes on me.',
/* Eline & Susan Lb Scene */
'mp4_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call licks her way down $up.name s body, kneeling on the edge of the couch, and replacing her fingers with her tongue inside $up.name s pussy. (Oh fuck yes!) -- $up.name yells, pushing up against $mp.call s mouth. (Mmmm. Just as delicious as I knew you d be.) -- $mp.call says, licking her lips and looking over her shoulder at me.',
'(Aaaaggghhhh!) -- $up.name moans, collapsing back on the couch and pushing $mp.call s face away from her clit. $mp.call slides her tongue down between $up.name s bald pussy lips, lapping up her creamy juices. (You taste so good!) -- $mp.call says, kissing her way up $up.name s body. (I could eat you all night.) -- She says.',
'(Mmmmm.) -- $up.name moans as $mp.call s mouth works frantically on her clit. $up.name is thrashing her hips all over the couch, pushing her pussy against $mp.call s mouth and pulling at her own swollen nipples. (Keep doing that, $mp.call!) -- $up.name yells, grabbing a handful of $mp.call s hair and holding her head against her clit. (I m cumming! Oh fuck!) -- $mp.call keeps her lips wrapped around $up.name s clit, as $up.name thrusts her ass off the couch, spasming through several waves of intense orgasmic pleasure.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$up.name kneels between $mp.call s legs and hooks her arms behind her knees. Leaning forward, she pushes $mp.call s legs in the air while lowering her mouth to her wide-open pussy. (Oh yeah!) -- $mp.call yells. (Mmmmmm!) $mp.call looks over at me, smiling lustfully.',
'$mp.call is humping her ass up like crazy, writhing all over the couch and moaning. $up.name slips two fingers inside $mp.call s inflamed pussy and starts pumping them in and out. My sexy $up.rel bury her face in $mp.call s anxious pussy. $mp.call s humping her ass against $up.name s mouth, as loud slurping noises fill the room.',
'(Ohhhhh! I m cumming!) $mp.call cries, thrusting her pussy up against $up.name s face and raising her shoulders off the couch. $mp.call s mouth is wide open, but no sound is coming out as her orgasm shakes through her body, jerking her violently around on the couch. She finally collapses on the couch, her chest heaving and her eyes closed. $up.name hungrily laps up $mp.call s generous flow of juices.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fs-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fs-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fs-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$up.name gets in position and her pussy is dripping wet, as she settles over $mp.call s mouth and she lick her tongue along $up.name s lips. (Oh yeah!) -- $up.name cries. (Eat my pussy, $mp.call.) She says as she leans forward to embrace me.',
'$mp.call s hands under $up.name s ass, and her thumbs pulling $up.name s cheeks apart, $mp.call suck on her thick pussy lips, while pushing her tongue between them. $mp.call pull $up.name s ass back, positioning her clit over her mouth and wrap her lips around it. (Oh fuck!) -- $up.name cries, gushing more of her delectable juices over $mp.rel s face. She sucks on her clit, flicking her tongue across the tip. (Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhhhhhhhhh!) -- $up.name moans, crushing her thighs around $mp.rel s head as she rocks her fiery pussy against $mp.rel s face.',
'$up.name is pushing her pussy down against $mp.call s face. My Neighbor-Sister s juices are flowing into $mp.rel s mouth and down her cheeks; her delicious taste and intoxicating aroma keep her driving her tongue deeper, creating more creamy sauce with each plunge. $up.name is pulling her clit away from $mp.rel s mouth, flooding $mp.call s face with her sweet pussy juice. She drinks as much of her flowing sauce as she can.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fn-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fn-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fn-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She runs her hands over $up.name s smooth, hairless mound before again slipping her fingers between $up.name s protruding pussy lips.',
'(You re very wet, dear.) -- $mp.call says, dipping her finger between $up.name s pussy lips and bringing it to her lips. $mp.call is smiling as she maintains eye contact with $up.name.',
'(Oh God!) -- $up.name moans as $mp.call shoves two fingers inside her sopping pussy. (That feels so good $mp.call!) -- $up.name cries, humping her ass off the couch, trying to push $mp.call s fingers deeper into her burning hole.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.calll grinds her oily mound against $up.name s bald pussy.',
'I watch them grind their pussys together, while they hungrily devour each other s tongues.',
'They re grinding their bodies together and moaning.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/UP-69-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/UP-69-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/UP-69-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call and $up.name grind their bodies together in 69 position, while they hungrily devour each other s pussy.',
'$mp.call slides her hand between $up.name s pussy and starts mauling her clit.',
'$mp.call eagerly responds, kissing her clit and $up.name s head under $mp.call s ass, and her thumbs pulling $mp.rel s ass cheeks apart, $up.name suck on her thick pussy lips, while pushing her tongue between them.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Susan Scene */
'up1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', ],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-3.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-3.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Edward Scene */
'ed1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mb-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
<!-- ********************************* MC ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $mc.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $mc.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Knowledge: </span> $mc.stats.knowledge</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Money: </span> $mc.stats.money</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span> $mc.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span> $mc.stats.lust</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mp.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.mc</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $dad.name: </span><br> $dad.rel / $mc.dad</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $up.name: </span><br> $mc.up / $up.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $hp.name: </span><br> $hp.rel / $mc.hp</h3>
<!-- ********************************* MP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $mp.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $mp.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $mp.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $mp.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $mp.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $mp.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.mc</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $up.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.up</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $hp.name: </span><br> $mc.up / $up.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> Bedroom (<<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.mp1.event_time]>>), Living (<<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.mp2.event_time]>>) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* UP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $up.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $up.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $up.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $up.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $up.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $up.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $mc.up / $up.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mp.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.up</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $hp.name: </span><br> $hp.rel / $up.hp</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> <<print $up.name>>'s Room: (<<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.cp1.event_time]>>)</h3>
<!-- ********************************* EP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $ep.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $ep.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $ep.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $ep.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $ep.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $ep.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $ep.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mr.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.up</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> Baseoffice (<<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.ep1.event_time]>>) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* ED ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $ed.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $ed.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $ep.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $ep.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $ed.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $ed.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $ed.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> College (<<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.ed1.event_time]>>)</h3>
<!-- ********************************* Mr ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $mr.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $mr.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $ep.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $ep.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $mr.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $mr.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $mr.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br><<print $cp.name>>'s Office (<<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.mr1.event_time]>>) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* AP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $ap.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $ap.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $ap.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $ap.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $ap.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> Shop (<<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.ap1.event_time]>>) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* CP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $cp.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $cp.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $cp.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $cp.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $cp.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> <<print $cp.name>>'s Office ( <<print $dayTimes[$fuckEvent.cp1.event_time]>>) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* GP ************************************** -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center;">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/tm.webp'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Transmitter: </span>Active</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Battery Charge: </span> <<print $mc.t_meter.charge>>%</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Software Level: </span> v3.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>></h3>
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge gte 20 and $mc.stats.money gte 20 and $mc.stats.stamina gte 20 >>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="statsChange(200, 'Energy'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="TM" >
<p >T Meter Charge</p>
<p class="notation_text">T Meter Charge : Required 20 (Knowledge, Stamina and Money)</p>
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge gte 100 and $mc.stats.money gte 300 and $mc.stats.love gte 100 and $mc.stats.lust gte 100 >>
<div class="enter_button" onclick= "statsChange(1,'Update'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="TM">
<p >T Meter Update</p>
<p class="notation_text">T Meter Update : Required 100 (Knowledge,Love,Lust) and 300 Money</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/rcg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/rcg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/sf-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/sf-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 21: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 22: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 23: Position: Blowjob</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $ep_starts = 1>>
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/62.png'" >
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.ep.title>>
<<if $ep_starts gte 1>>
<<if $ep.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.ep.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.ep.desc[_i]>></p>
<<set $ep_starts to 0>>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.ep.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.ep.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Nicole_Event" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $charStats = "cp">>
<!--<<set $cp.stats.men_freq = 100>> -->
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp/1.png'" >
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$complement = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Cpoffice'; $char = 'cp';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/cp/22.png';
$taskDialogue=''" >
<p >Complement (Men Freq+)</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$joke = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Cpoffice'; $char = 'cp';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/cp/23.png';
$taskDialogue=''" >
<p >Tell Her a Joke (Men Freq+)</p>
<<if $cp.stats.men_freq gte 20>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$hug = 1; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq'; $loc = 'Cpoffice'; $char = 'cp';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/cp/25.png';
$taskDialogue=''" >
<p >Give Her a Hug (Sex Freq+)</p>
<<if $cp.stats.men_freq gte 40>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$kiss = 1; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq'; $loc = 'Cpoffice'; $char = 'cp';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/cp/24.png';
$taskDialogue=''" >
<p >Try to Kiss Her (Sex Freq+)</p>
<<if $cp.stats.men_freq gte 60>>
<<set $cp_starts to 1>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Carolyn_Fck_Event" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Fuck Her</p>
<p class="notation_text">Fuck Her [Need 60 (Mental Freq)]</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Cpoffice" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $cp_starts to 1>>
<<set $cp.stats.sex_freq = 220>>
<<set $cp.stats.men_freq = 220>>
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp/3.png'" >
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.cp.title>>
<<if $cp_starts gte 1>>
<<if $cp.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.cp.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.cp.desc[_i]>></p>
<<set $cp_starts to 0>>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.cp.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.cp.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Carolyn_Event">
<p >Leave</p>
<!-- /* Days of the week */ -->
<<set $weekDays = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $eventQuest = [
"1. Have you ever had sex in your classroom?",
"2. You deserve punishment!",
"3. Come over here.",
"4. Come on, punish me!",
"5. What's his name?",
"6. Well, today's your lucky day",
"7. This isn't working!",
"8. You've got it!",
"9. I suppose it's your turn.",
"10. It was wrong!",
"11. Thanks for your help",
"12. I needed that.",
"13. The pleasure is all mine.",
"14. What do you mean?",
"15. Who's hungry?",
"16. Am I still in the game?",
"17. I can't wait to taste it first hand.",
"18. Do you still need this?",
"19. It was very erotic.",
"20. You've never tasted her.",
"21. It's your choice.",
<<set $eventTime = ["Morning","Midday","Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight"]>>
<<set $eventQuestLocation = ["College", "College", "My Room", "My Room ", "Living",
"Living", "Outdoor", "My Room", "Living", "College", "College", "Living",
"My Room","My Room", "Living", "Living", "My Room", "Bedroom",
"<<print $up.name>> Room", "Bedroom", "Bedroom", "Completed"]>>
<<set $eventQuestTitle = [$college.title[0],$college.title[1],$myroom.title[0],$myroom.title[1],$living.title[0],
<<set $eventQuestTime = [$college.time[0],$college.time[1],$myroom.time[0],$myroom.time[1],$living.time[0],
<<set $eventChar = [$college.char[0],$college.char[1],$myroom.char[0],$myroom.char[1],$living.char[0],
<<set $eventMenFreq = [$college.men_freq[0],$college.men_freq[1],$myroom.men_freq[0],$myroom.men_freq[1],$living.men_freq[0],
<<set $eventSexFreq = [$college.sex_freq[0],$college.sex_freq[1],$myroom.sex_freq[0],$myroom.sex_freq[1],$living.sex_freq[0],
<<set $eventLove = [$college.love[0],$college.love[1],$myroom.love[0],$myroom.love[1],$living.love[0],
<<set $eventLust = [$college.lust[0],$college.lust[1],$myroom.lust[0],$myroom.lust[1],$living.lust[0],
<<set $eventLevel = [$college.level[0],$college.level[1],$myroom.level[0],$myroom.level[1],$living.level[0],
<<set $eventEvent = [$college.event[0],$college.event[1],$myroom.event[0],$myroom.event[1],$living.event[0],
<<set $eventDay = ["Weekday","Weekend","Weekday","Weekday","Weekday","Saturday","Weekday","Weekday","Sunday",
<<set $charName = ''>>
<<set $charSexFreq = ''>>
<<set $charMenFreq = ''>>
<<set $charRel = ''>>
<<switch $eventChar[$eventCount]>>
<<case "mp" >>
<<set $charName = $mp.name >>
<<set $charRel = $mp.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $mp.stats.men_freq >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $mp.stats.sex_freq >>
<<case "mc">>
<<set $charName = $mc.name >>
<<set $charRel = $mc.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $mc.stats.love >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $mc.stats.lust >>
<<case "ep">>
<<set $charName = $ep.name >>
<<set $charRel = $ep.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $ep.stats.men_freq >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $ep.stats.sex_freq >>
<<case "hp" >>
<<set $charName = $hp.name >>
<<set $charRel = $hp.rel>>
<<case "cp">>
<<set $charName = $cp.name >>
<<set $charRel = $cp.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $cp.stats.men_freq >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $cp.stats.sex_freq >>
<<case "ap">>
<<set $charName = $ap.name >>
<<set $charRel = $ap.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $ap.stats.men_freq >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $ap.stats.sex_freq >>
<<case "ed">>
<<set $charName = $ed.name >>
<<set $charRel = $ed.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $ed.stats.men_freq >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $ed.stats.sex_freq >>
<<case "mr" >>
<<set $charName = $mr.name >>
<<set $charRel = $mr.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $mr.stats.men_freq >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $mr.stats.sex_freq >>
<<case "up">>
<<set $charName = $up.name >>
<<set $charRel = $up.rel>>
<<set $charMenFreq = $up.stats.men_freq >>
<<set $charSexFreq = $up.stats.sex_freq >>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/cpoffice.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What Should I Do...</p>
<<if $currentTime lte 3 >>
<<set $charStats = "cp">>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Carolyn_Event" >
<p >Interact With <<print $cp.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime eq 5 >>
<<set $charStats = "mr">>
<<if $maria_fck gte 1 and $eventCount gte 4>>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Maria_Event" >
<p >Interact With <<print $mr.name>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** Complete Event 4 ***</p>
<<if $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/hack.gif'; $loc = 'Cpoffice';" >
<p >Work (Money +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Outdoor" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mc', 500,'Love')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print$mc.name>> Love +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mc', 500,'Lust')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print$mc.name>> Lust +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(1000,'Money')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Money +</p>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(500,'Knowledge')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Knowledge +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(500,'Stamina')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Stamina +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(500,'Energy')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >TM Charge +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(1,'Update')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >TM Update +</p>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mp', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mp.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mp', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mp.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('up', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $up.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('up', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $up.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ep', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ep.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ep', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ep.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('cp', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $cp.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('cp', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $cp.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ed', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ed.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ed', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ed.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mr', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mr.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mr', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mr.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('gp', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $gp.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('gp', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $gp.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ap', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ap.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ap', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ap.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MyRoom" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/baseoffice.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.ep1.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.ep1;
$charObject = $ep; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/ep/63.png';" >
<p >Interact With <<print $ep.name>></p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$baseofficeEvent = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Knowledge'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/hack.gif'; $loc = 'Baseoffice';" >
<p >Research</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge gte 0 or $activityType eq "Knowledge" >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" >
<p>STOP </p>
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="charStatsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/blue.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Knowledge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
<<set $taskDialogue = "">>
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($eventChar[$eventCount])>>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<p class="notation_text" style="color: #ff7bac; margin-left:8%;" >
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>> ||
<span style="color:#95fc00;"><<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>></span> ||
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] is 0>>
<<print "Weekday">>
<<print "Weekend">>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:10%">
<div class="loc_button" data-passage="Cpoffice" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/cpoffice.jpg'">
<p><<print $cp.name>>'s Office</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('College');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/college.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:10%">
<div class="loc_button" data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/shop.jpeg'">
<div class="loc_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/my_home.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text" style=" margin-left:8%">
<span style="color:#99ff7b;"><b>Quest:</b> <<print $eventQuest[$eventCount]>></span> <br>
<span style="color:#ff7bac;"><b>Location:</b> <<print $eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>> ||
<b>Time:</b> <<print $dayTimes[$eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>></span>
<<if _cName.shortcode eq "mc">>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b>
<<if _cName.stats.love lt $eventLove[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.lust lt $eventLust[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b> (
<<if _cName.stats.men_freq lt $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.sex_freq lt $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<b>T-Meter Level:</b>
<<if $mc.t_meter.software_up lt $eventLevel[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000">v3.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v3.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00">v3.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v3.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#ffd800;"><b>Check Quest For <<print _cName.name >>'s Location & Time</b> </span>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sf-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 21: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 22: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 23: Position: Blowjob</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp">Samslam</span><br>
Story Author: <br>
<a href="https://www.literotica.com/authors/samslam" target="_blank">Visit His Literotica Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc">Tyler Cruise</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/tylercruisex" target="_blank">Visit His Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp">Rachael Cavalli</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/rachaelcavalli" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ep">Maria Kazi</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/mariakazixxx" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Demi Hawks</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/demihawks" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Kira Noir</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/thekiranoir" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "up">Gabbie Carter</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/gabbiecarter?enable_renew=1" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/gp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Reggan Foxx</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/thereaganfoxx/" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Jordan Maxx</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/jordanmaxx/media" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Eliza Ibarra</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/elizaibarra" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.up1.event_time >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/s_bedroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<<if $eventCount gte $fuckEvent.up1.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.up1;
$charObject = $up; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/up/3/49.jpg';" >
<p >Interact With <<print$up.name>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** Complete Event <<print $fuckEvent.up1.event_fuck>> ***</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/etc/locked.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<p class="notation_text">The Door Is Locked. <<print $up.name>> is available at Evening!</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<if $mc.t_meter.charge gte 20 >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" onclick="statsChange(-25, 'Charge');">
<p>STOP </p>
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="random-button" onclick="statsChange(-25, 'Charge'); charStatsChangeRandom();" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/low.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">T-Meter do not have enough Charge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
//statsChange(-25, "Charge");
// $("#random-button").on("click", function() {
// // stopGame(variables().activityType,'Char',variables().char);
// });
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $mp_starts to 1>>
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/23.png'" >
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.mp2.title>>
<<if $mp_starts gte 1>>
<<if $mp.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.mp2.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.mp2.desc[_i]>></p>
<<set $mp_starts to 0>>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.mp2.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.mp2.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Mom_Fuck_Event_2">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/sf-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/sf-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 21: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 22: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 23: Position: Blowjob</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $mr_starts to 1>>
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/8.png'" >
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.mr.title>>
<<if $mr_starts gte 1>>
<<if $mr.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.mr.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.mr.desc[_i]>></p>
<<set $mr_starts to 0>>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.mr.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.mr.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Maria_Event">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $mp_starts to 1>>
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/22.png'" >
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.mp1.title>>
<<if $mp_starts gte 1>>
<<if $mp.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.mp1.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.mp1.desc[_i]>></p>
<<set $mp_starts to 0>>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.mp1.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.mp1.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Living">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/34.png'">
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.up.title>>
<<if $up.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.up.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.up.desc[_i]>></p>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.up.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.up.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Living">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 21: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 22: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 23: Position: Blowjob</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<!-- Used in Scene -->
<<set $sceneCode = $sceneObject.title>>
<!-- <<set $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/ez/9.png'>> -->
<!-- -->
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<!-- <p class="notation_text">Ct Scene = <<print $charobject_scene>></p> -->
<<for _i, _event range $sceneObject.passage>>
<<if $charObject.stats.sex_freq gte $sceneObject.sex_freq[_i] && $charObject.stats.men_freq gte $sceneObject.men_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;" >
<p><<print $sceneObject.desc[_i]>></p>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $sceneObject.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $sceneObject.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq & <<print $sceneObject.men_freq[_i]>> Men Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="DadHouse">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded