<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/intro.jpg'" >
<div class="intro">
<h2 style=" color:#b5bad6">N-95</h2>
<p class="">This game is intended for <span style="color:#ff7bac;">mature audience only</span>
<p class="">By clicking on button below, you will be confirming you are an adult.
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Settings" >
<p >Start</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Sisterroom" >
<p >Location</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Event_17" >
<p >Event</p>
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v0.4 "Episode 4"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With <span style="color:#ff7bac;">♥</span> from The Twist.</p>
<<set $currentDay to 0 >>
<<set $currentTime to 0 >>
<<set $mc_stats_arr = [] >>
<<set $character_stats_arr = [] >>
<!-- <<set $eventMoney = [] >>
<<set $eventMorality = [] >>
<<set $eventStamina = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLove = [] >>
<<set $eventMomLust = [] >> -->
<<set $message to "" >>
<<set $eventCount = 0>>
<<set $kitchenEvent to 0>>
<<set $kitchenClean to 0 >>
<<set $poolClean to 0 >>
<<set $livingClean to 0 >>
<<set $roomClean to 0 >>
<<set $exercise = 0>>
<<set $swimming = 0>>
<<set $laundry = 0>>
<<set $shower = 0>>
<<set $stealing = 0>>
<<set $watchTV = 0>>
<<set $tm = 0>>
<<set $previous = 1>>
<<set $gameType to "">>
<<set $activityType to "">>
<<set $activityImage to "">>
<<set $activityVideo to "">>
<<set $mediaType to "">>
<<set $taskDialogue to "">>
<<set $ap_starts to 1>>
<<set $ep_starts to 1>>
<<set $cp_starts to 1>>
<<set $mp_starts to 1>>
<<set $mr_starts to 1>>
<<set $ed_starts to 1>>
<<set $up_starts to 1>>
<<set $ep_appearing_event to 1>>
<<set $ed_appearing_event to 1>>
<<set $myroomTalk to 0>>
<<set $shopEvent to 0>>
<<set $bedroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $outdoorEvent to 0>>
<<set $livingEvent to 0>>
<<set $myroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $kitchenEvent to 0>>
<<set $baseofficeEvent to 0>>
<<set $cpofficeEvent to 0>>
<<set $collegeEvent to 0>>
<<set $bathroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $sisterroomEvent to 0>>
<<set $dadhouseEvent to 0>>
<<set $dadofficeEvent to 0>>
<<set $alilison_fck to 1>>
<<set $carolyn_fck to 1>>
<<set $nicole_fck to 1>>
<<set $eline_fck to 1>>
<<set $susan_fck to 1>>
<<set $edward_fck to 1>>
<<set $maria_fck to 1>>
<<set $christina_fck to 0>>
<<set $danae_fck to 0>>
<<set $maggie_fck to 0>>
<<set $mp_scene to 0>>
<<set $gp_scene to 0>>
<<set $up_scene to 0>>
<<set $dp_scene to 0>>
<<set $ez_scene to 0>>
<<set $ed_scene to 0>>
<<set $cp_scene to 0>>
<<set $mr_scene to 0>>
<<set $ap_scene to 0>>
<<set $sceneType = ''>>
<<set $sceneCode = ''>>
<<set $sceneDialogue = ''>>
<<set $sceneVideo = ''>>
<<set $charObj = {}>>
<<set $sceneObj = {}>>
<<set $charStats to "mp">>
<<include "CharacterInit" >>
<<include "TimeInit" >>
<<include "QuestInit" >>
Character Init:
<<set $mc = {
"name" : "Nick",
"rel" : "Neighbor-Son",
"call" : "Nick",
"lastname" : "Jones",
"age" : 18,
"up" : "Neighbor-Brother",
"hp": "Neighbor-Nephew",
"dad": "Neighbor-Son",
"shortcode" : "mc",
"stats" :
"energy" : 0,
"knowledge": 0,
"stamina": 0,
"money" : 0,
"morality" : 0,
"update": 0,
"love" : 0,
"lust": 0,
"romance": 0,
"fuck": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
"men_freq" : 0,
"t_meter" :
"sex_freq": 0,
"men_freq" : 0,
"charge" : 100,
"software_up": 0,
<<set $mp = {
"name" : "Eline",
"lastname" : "Jones",
"age" : 38,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Mother",
"call": "Neighbor-Mom",
"up": "Neighbor-Daughter",
"mc": "Neighbor-Son",
"hp": "Neighbor-Brother",
"shortcode" : "mp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $gp = {
"name" : "Maggie",
"lastname" : "Mrs. Devlin",
"age" : 40,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Mother",
"call": "Neighbor-Mom",
"shortcode" : "gp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $ap = {
"name" : "Allison",
"lastname" : "Collins",
"age" : 18,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Allison",
"shortcode" : "ap",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $ep = {
"name" : "Nicole",
"lastname" : "Williams",
"age" : 18,
"rel" : "Neighbour",
"call": "Nicole",
"shortcode" : "ep",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $cp = {
"name" : "Carolyn",
"lastname" : "Desuza",
"age" : 25,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Carolyn",
"shortcode" : "cp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $up = {
"name" : "Susan",
"lastname" : "Jones",
"age" : 21,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Sister",
"call": "Susan",
"hp": "Neighbor-Niece",
"dad": "Neighbor-Daugher",
"shortcode" : "up",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $hp = {
"name" : "Harry",
"lastname" : "Turner",
"age" : 40,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Uncle",
"call": "Harry",
"sis" : "Neighbor-Sister",
"niece": "Neighbor-Niece",
"shortcode" : "hp",
<<set $ed = {
"name" : "Miss Edwards",
"lastname" : "Frank",
"age" : 28,
"rel" : "Teacher",
"call": "Miss Edwards",
"shortcode" : "ed",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $mr = {
"name" : "Maria",
"lastname" : "Joe",
"age" : 28,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Maria",
"shortcode" : "mr",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $dad = {
"name" : "Deryl",
"lastname" : "Mr Harrison",
"age" : 50,
"rel" : "Neighbor-Father/Man",
"call": "Neighbor-Dad",
"shortcode" : "dd",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $jt = {
"name" : "Janet",
"lastname" : "Mason",
"age" : 44,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Janet",
"shortcode" : "jt",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $dp = {
"name" : "Danae",
"lastname" : "Lorel",
"age" : 24,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Danae",
"shortcode" : "dp",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $ct = {
"name" : "Christina",
"lastname" : "Roy",
"age" : 34,
"rel" : "Neutral",
"call": "Christina",
"shortcode" : "ct",
"stats" :
"men_freq": 0,
"sex_freq": 0,
<<set $bedroom = {
"title" : ["Event_8", "Event_9",],
"status": [0,0,],
"char": ["mp","gp",],
"time" : [5,0],
"men_freq": [300,100],
"sex_freq": [300,100,],
"knowledge": [0,0,],
"stamina": [0,0,],
"love": [0,0,],
"lust": [0,0,],
"event": [8,9,],
"level": [8,9,],
"t_freq": [0,0,],
<<set $myroom = {
"title" : ["Event_1","Event_17", ],
"status": [0,0,],
"char": ["mp","mp",],
"time" : [3,5,],
"men_freq": [100,400,],
"sex_freq": [100,400,],
"knowledge": [0,0,],
"stamina": [0,0,],
"love": [0,0,],
"lust": [0,0,],
"event": [1,17,],
"level": [1,17,],
"t_freq": [0,0,],
<<set $outdoor = {
"title" : ["Event_6", "Event_7", "Event_11",],
"status": [0,0,0],
"char": ["mc","ep","mr"],
"time" : [5,5,0],
"men_freq": [0,100,100],
"sex_freq": [0,100,100],
"knowledge": [0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0],
"love": [400,0,0],
"lust": [400,0,0],
"event": [6,7,11],
"level": [6,7,11],
"t_freq": [0,0,0],
<<set $living = {
"title" : ["Event_4", "Event_10", "Event_16",],
"status": [0,0,0],
"char": ["mc","gp","gp"],
"time" : [4,1,4],
"men_freq": [0,200,300],
"sex_freq": [0,200,300],
"knowledge": [0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0],
"love": [300,0,0],
"lust": [300,0,0],
"event": [4,10,16],
"level": [4,10,16],
"t_freq": [0,0,0],
<<set $kitchen = {
"title" : ["Event_5",],
"status": [0,],
"char": ["mp"],
"time" : [0,],
"men_freq": [200,],
"sex_freq": [200,],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [0,],
"lust": [0,],
"event": [5,],
"level": [5,],
"t_freq": [0,],
<<set $baseoffice = {
"title" : ["Event_2", "Event_3",],
"status": [0,0,],
"char": ["mc","mc",],
"time" : [0,0],
"men_freq": [0,0],
"sex_freq": [0,0],
"knowledge": [0,0,],
"stamina": [0,0,],
"love": [100,200,],
"lust": [100,200,],
"event": [2,3,],
"level": [2,3,],
"t_freq": [0,0,],
<<set $dadoffice = {
"title" : ["Event_12", "Event_13", "Event_14",],
"status": [0,0,0],
"char": ["mc","dp","mc"],
"time" : [2,1,2],
"men_freq": [0,100,0],
"sex_freq": [0,100,0],
"knowledge": [0,0,0],
"stamina": [0,0,0],
"love": [500,0,600],
"lust": [500,0,600],
"event": [12,13,14],
"level": [12,13,14],
"t_freq": [0,0,0],
<<set $dadhouse = {
"title" : ["Event_15", ],
"status": [0,],
"char": ["ct"],
"time" : [0,],
"men_freq": [100,],
"sex_freq": [100,],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [0,],
"lust": [0,],
"event": [15,],
"level": [15,],
"t_freq": [0,],
<<set $college = {
"title" : ["", ],
"status": [0,],
"char": [""],
"time" : [0,],
"men_freq": [0,],
"sex_freq": [0,],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [0,],
"lust": [0,],
"event": [0,],
"level": [0,],
"t_freq": [0,],
<<set $sisterroom = {
"title" : ["",],
"status": [0,],
"char": [""],
"time" : [0,],
"men_freq": [0,],
"sex_freq": [0,],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [0,],
"lust": [0,],
"event": [0,],
"level": [0,],
"t_freq": [0,],
<<set $bathroom = {
"title" : ["",],
"status": [0,],
"char": [""],
"time" : [0,],
"men_freq": [0,],
"sex_freq": [0,],
"knowledge": [0],
"stamina": [0],
"love": [0,],
"lust": [0,],
"event": [0,],
"level": [0,],
"t_freq": [0,],
<<set $fuckEvent = {
/* Nicole EF 0 - T 3 */
'ep1' : {
'title' : 'ep1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 3,
/* Allison EF 0 - T 3 */
'ap1' : {
'title' : 'ap1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene","as_scene"],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Side Fuck","Anal"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180,210,240],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120,150,],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 3,
/* Carolyn EF 0 - T 4 */
'cp1' : {
'title' : 'cp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 4,
/* Maria EF 0 - T 5 */
'mr1' : {
'title' : 'mr1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene"],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Side Fuck"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180,210],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 5,
/* Susan EF 0 - T 4 */
'up1' : {
'title' : 'up1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene"],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Side Fuck"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180,210],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 4,
/* Eline-2 EF 0 - T 5 */
'mp1' : {
'title' : 'mp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Doggy"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,],
'men_freq' : [30,60,90,120,150,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 5,
/* Eline-1 EF 0 - T 3 */
'mp2' : {
'title' : "mp2_scene",
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,],
'men_freq' : [170,190,210,230,250,270,],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 3,
/* Edwards EF 0 - T 2 */
'ed1' : {
'title' : 'ed1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Licking","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 2,
/* Eline EF 0 - T 5 */
'mp4' : {
'title' : 'mp4_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","rcg_scene","cg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Licking","69","Grinding","Face Sitting","Fingering",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [290,310,330,350,370,390,410],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 0,
'event_time' : 5,
/* Eline EF 8 - T 4 */
'mp3' : {
'title' : 'mp3_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene","sf_scene"],
'desc' : ["sed_scene","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy","Sidefuck"],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'men_freq' : [430,450,470,490,510,530,550,570],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90,120,],
'event_fuck' : 8,
'event_time' : 4,
/* Christina-4 EF 14 - T 2 */
'ct1' : {
'title' : 'ct1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","cun_scene","bj_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Cunning","Blowjob","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 14,
'event_time' : 2,
/* Maggie EF 3 - T 2 */
'gp1' : {
'title' : 'gp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 3,
'event_time' : 2,
/* Danae EF 12 - T 1 */
'dp1' : {
'title' : 'dp1_scene',
'passage' : ["sed_scene","bj_scene","cun_scene","mis_scene","cg_scene","rcg_scene","dg_scene",],
'desc' : ["Seduction","Blowjob","Cunning","Missionary","Cow Girl","Reverse Cow Girl","Doggy",],
'status' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
'men_freq' : [0,40,60,90,120,130,180],
'sex_freq' : [0,0,0,0,30,60,90],
'event_fuck' : 12,
'event_time' : 1,
<<include "SceneInit" >><div class="big_text">
<!-- Living middaY -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/2.png'">
<!-- Scene 03 - <<print $mp.call>> & <<print $mc.name>>
Plot: (<<print $mp.call>> & <<print $dad.call>> Family Issue)
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "God damn! That fucking bastard!" I hear <<print $mp.call>> yell from the living room. Jumping out of bed, I run in to see what's wrong. <<print $mp.call>>'s fuming as she walks back and forth reading a letter. She's wearing a short terrycloth tops that she must have slipped on to go out to the mailbox.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's wrong, <<print $mp.call>>." I ask, putting my arm around her shoulder and trying to read the letter. "What's that?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "It's a letter from your father's lawyer." She yells, stomping her feet. "He says your father is entitled to half of the money from <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s estate, because our divorce was never final."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What do you mean?" I ask. "He's wrong isn't he? I mean about your divorce."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Of course he's wrong." She says, hesitantly. "I mean, I'm pretty sure we're divorced." <<print $mp.call>> says, thinking about it. "I signed papers and sent them to your father's lawyer. But, I guess, if he never filed them, then we could still be married. Shit!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Jesus!" I say. "Can he really get half of our money?" I ask, incredulously. <<print $mp.call>>'s robe has fallen open and, even in my anger, my cock responds to her magnificent body.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I don't know." <<print $mp.call>> says, completely unaware of my hard cock, as she walks into the kitchen. "I've got to make some phone calls."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/43.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> Damn! I've got to get the transmitter fixed. I wasn't worried about it because I haven't needed to use it. <<print $mp.call>> and my <<print $up.rel>>, <<print $up.name>>, have continued to be amazingly adventurous sex partners, with me and with each other. <<print $ed.name>>, responding to the trigger I gave her, continued my sexual lessons until the end of the semester, and <<print $ep.name>> and I broke up a couple of months ago. There was no real urgency.
<p class="notation_text"> But, now there is! I can take care of this thing with <<print $dad.call>>, if I can just get the transmitter working. Going into my room, I retrieve it from its hiding place in my closet. I've already discovered that the bottom slides open, exposing connectors that I'm not familiar with. I've looked in a few computer and electronics stores, but haven't found anything that fits it.
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 1>>
</div>/* Days of the week */
<<set $weekDays = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $weekendValue = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]>>
/* Current day in total */
<<set $dayValue to 0>>
<<set $dayTimes = [ "Morning", "Mid Day", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight" ]>>
<!-- <<set $dayTimes = [ "Early Morning", "Morning", "Mid Day","Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight" ]>> -->
<<set $dayTimeValue = 0 >>
/* Current time of the day */
<<set $timeInDay to 1>>
/* Wether to advance to the next time of the day when using the "leave" button */
<<set $timeForwardOnLeave = false>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Living middaY -->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/4/1.png'">
<p class="notation_text">Lying down on my bed, I study the connector.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I have to go down to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s and meet with the lawyer tomorrow." <<print $mp.call>> says, walking into my bedroom. "Do you want to come with me?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure." I answer, thinking I might be able to find the charger at <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house. "Did you want to leave tonight?" I ask. <<print $mp.call>> hasn't pulled her robe closed, and she might as well be naked, standing in the doorway. Her breasts are heaving up and down, as her breath comes in heavy sighs, and her porcelain smooth pussy mound is right at my eye level.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Yes, right away." She says, so distracted that she still doesn't notice my erection. "As soon as I pack an overnight case." <<print $mp.call>> says, pulling her robe off as she turns toward her bedroom. I follow her into her bedroom, admiring her luscious ass on the way. I sit on her bed and watch her while she changes.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What did the lawyer say, <<print $mp.call>>?" I ask, as she pulls a light blue thong from her dresser. I am mesmerized, as she steps one and then the other foot into it, bending over with her ass to me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "He said, that if I never got a final decree from the court, we may still be married." She answers, while wiggling the thin strip of material between her firm, round ass cheeks. "And if that's the case, then your <<print $dad.call>> may very well be entitled to half of what we inherited." She says, standing up straight and adjusting the front of the thong over her pussy lips. My cock is standing at attention, as she extracts a matching bra from the same drawer and slips her arms into it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How did he even know about the money?" I ask, while I watch <<print $mp.call>> fasten the bra across the center of her chest and arrange each of her tits comfortably in its cup.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Who knows?" <<print $mp.call>> seethes. "The lawyer just said to bring all the papers I have and he'll try to get it straightened out." She turns towards me, noticing my hard cock for the first time. "Oh honey, I am really not in the mood, right now." She says, apologetically.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I know, <<print $mp.call>>." I respond, getting off the bed and hugging her. "I'm fine." I say. "But I can't help my reaction to watching you get dressed. I never get tired of seeing your sexy body, <<print $mp.call>>." I tell her, holding her tightly against me, her silk covered tits pushing into my chest and my hard cock pressing against the front of her thong.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "You came twice this morning already, <<print $mc.name>>." She exclaims, referring to our lovemaking when we woke up a few hours ago. She reaches her hand between us and squeezes my hard-on. "God! The resilience of teenagers." She laughs. "Can you at least wait until we get to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s?" She asks, kissing me lightly on my lips.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure <<print $mp.call>>." I answer, squeezing her bare ass cheeks. "No problem." I break the hug and head to my bedroom to get ready. "<<print $mp.call>>." I say, turning back to her from the doorway. "Don't worry, everything will be alright."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I know." She says, smiling unconvincingly.
<p class="notation_text"> I haven't been to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s in quite a while. It seems weird not to call <<print $ep.name>> to tell her we're here. When she called a few weeks ago to tell me she was seeing someone from school, I was really upset. I almost used the post transmission suggestion on her, but once I calmed down, I realized that it was really for the best. We're still friends, and I'm actually happy for her.
<p class="notation_text"> We get there late and <<print $mp.call>> and I crash out on <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s king sized bed. We snuggle up to each other, but it's obvious that <<print $mp.call>> isn't in the mood for anything else, so we just go to sleep.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $myroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mc">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/4/2.png'">
Scene 04 - <<print $gp.name>> & <<print $mc.name>>
Plot: <<print $gp.name>> Knows about transmitter & Charger Problem
<p class="notation_text"> At morning, while <<print $mp.call>> is at the lawyers, I search <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s office for the charger. As I'm leaving his office, to go look in the library, the front doorbell rings. I'm shocked to see <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>> standing on the front porch.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Uh, come in <<print $gp.lastname>>" I say, opening the door wider. "How have you been?" I ask, wondering why she's here. She's wearing a red halter-top, stretched tightly across her ample tits, a pair of white shorts and flip-flops.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I've been good, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, stepping across the threshold. "But, please call me <<print $gp.name>>." She says, smiling. I follow her into the living room; watching her tight shorts, ripple across her swaying ass cheeks. Her long, tan legs are well toned and I'm surprised at the instant reaction my cock is exhibiting for <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "My <<print $mp.call>>'s not here, Mrs... uh, <<print $gp.name>>." I say, as we enter the living room and she turns towards me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I know." She says, smiling mischievously. "I watched her drive away a while ago. I came over to talk to you."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Me?" I ask, wondering what she would want to talk with me about.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Yes, <<print $mc.name>>." She says. "Is that so hard to believe?" She asks, teasingly. "I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and <<print $ep.name>>." She says, softly. "I thought you two were good together."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, well." I answer. "It was hard on both of us being so far away." She lifts herself up onto one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter and crosses her legs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Would you like something to drink, <<print $gp.name>>?" I ask. It's hard for me to think of her as <<print $gp.name>>; I've always just thought of her as <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>>, and never paid much attention to her. Now that we're alone in the house, I'm surprised by how attractive she is and I'm finding the smooth, tanned skin of her exposed shoulders and her long, shapely legs, a very pleasant distraction.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "A diet coke would be great, if you have one." She says, smiling at me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure." I answer, getting two diet cokes from the fridge and opening hers before I give it too her.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Thank you, <<print $mc.name>>." She says. "I never got a chance to properly thank you for what you did for me... with Frank, I mean." She says, resting her hand on my arm. "It was incredible the way you used the transmitter to completely change his personality." She says, pausing to take a drink. I stare at her in disbelief.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah." She says, setting her diet coke can down. "I know all about the transmitter, <<print $mc.name>>."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ep.name>> told you?" I ask, wondering how she got around the post transmission suggestion I gave her to not tell anyone.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "<<print $ep.name>> knows about it?" She asks, startled by my revelation.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes." I answer. "How do you know about it?" I ask. Finding this whole conversation really bizarre.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I've known <<print $hp.name>> since before he created it." She says. "<<print $hp.name>> and I." She pauses, smiling sheepishly at me. "We... uh... that is... we were very close." She watches me intently for a reaction. I just wait to hear what else she says.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I was his first subject, you know." She smiles broadly. "For his transmitter experiments. I don't suppose you've seen the video." She looks at me mischievously.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You know about the video?" I can't believe she knows about all of this.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" She says, excitedly. "That video was a real source of entertainment for <<print $hp.name>> and I." She studies me as if deciding how much she wants to reveal. "<<print $hp.name>> and I had been intimate for a couple of years before he developed the transmitter, <<print $mc.name>>. It was such a turn on to watch that video while we were making love."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Did you... um... know about the others?" I ask, hardly believing what I'm hearing.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I did not know that <<print $hp.name>> was using the transmitter on <<print $ep.name>>, until after he was gone and she insisted on coming over here everyday. I really thought she was just studying here in the afternoons." She proclaims, adamantly. "There were others, too, I suppose?" She looks at me questioningly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes, two others." I answer, still not believing that she was that naive about <<print $ep.name>>, but not ready to tell her about <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $up.name>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Did he... with <<print $ep.name>>, I mean... did he..." She hangs her head.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "He never touched her." I answer her unasked question. "But he did watch her." I add.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "That bastard!" She says, vehemently. "Did you use the transmitter on <<print $ep.name>>, <<print $mc.name>>?" She looks at me earnestly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes." I answer. "But not like <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> did, <<print $gp.name>>." I hesitate and then tell her most of it. "I eliminated her need to visit <<print $hp.name>>'s house everyday. I made her proud of her body. She was so self-conscious about her breasts." <<print $gp.name>> laughs, knowingly, waiting for me to continue. "And I.. um..." I pause, carefully picking my phrasing. "I made her less inhibited and little more adventurous sexually." I say, very quickly. "We were already having sex, without any help from the transmitter." I add hurriedly. "I just opened her mind up to other possibilities." <<print $gp.name>> nods, quietly.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/12.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "<<print $hp.name>> knew how Frank was and didn't do anything about it." She stares at me. "But you... you fixed it the first time we met." She has her hand on my arm again, rubbing it casually up and down my bicep. "You know, you're my hero, <<print $mc.name>>." She smiles.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So you and <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>..." I don't finish. "Wow!" I add.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh God, he was so fucking good in bed!" She smiles at the memory. "I don't know if it was his natural skill or suggestions from the transmitter. Frankly, I didn't care. That man really made me wet the sheets, <<print $mc.name>>. He could completely drain every ounce of energy from my body and have it pooling on the bed between my legs." She sighs, and then looks up and catches me blushing.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh, I'm sorry if I'm embarrassing you, <<print $mc.name>>." She teases. "But this is part of why I've come to see you." Her hand slides up across my shoulder and down my chest. "You've got the transmitter, <<print $mc.name>>." As she leans her mouth up next to my ear, her tits brush across my arm. "You can make anyone do whatever you want." She whispers, holding her tits against me for emphasis. "I never asked you before, <<print $mc.name>>, because... well, with you and <<print $ep.name>> dating... I mean that would have been seriously wrong." She smiles. "But, now..."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/14.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Um... it's not working." Is all I can think of to say. "I can't figure out how to charge it." I blurt out.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Well, looks like it's a good thing I came over." <<print $gp.name>> leans back, smiling, her hard nipples pushing against the material of her top. "Where is it, <<print $mc.name>>?" She asks, her braless tits bouncing as she steps down from the barstool, and hooks her arm through mine.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's in my overnight bag in the bedroom." I answer, walking with her down the hallway.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Your <<print $hp.rel>> was kinky, too, <<print $mc.name>>." She whispers as we enter the master bedroom. My heart skips a beat as I realize that mine and <<print $mp.call>>'s stuff is all in one bedroom. <<print $gp.name>>'s hanging on my arm, continuing her story. "He liked really kinky things." She whispers, teasingly, while pushing her tits into my arm. "Nothing he would ever put on a video, though."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/15.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What kind of things?" I ask, hoping to keep her distracted enough that she won't notice the sleeping arrangements. I retrieve the transmitter from my overnight bag and lead <<print $gp.name>> back into the hallway.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "He liked me to fuck him in the ass." She says, staring into my eyes for a reaction. My face must have registered complete shock because she laughs uproariously. "Oh yeah, conservative <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>." She laughs. "Loved it when I'd use a strap-on dildo. He used to cum like a fountain while I pumped in and out of his asshole."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Uh... how do we charge the transmitter, <<print $gp.name>>?" I ask, not knowing what else to say to her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/19.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Come with me." She says, excitedly, dragging me by the arm into <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s study. "Let me have it." She says, reaching for the transmitter. Sliding it open, like she's done it a hundred times, she bends down and inserts it, bottom first, into a tiny nook on the underside of <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s desk. I kneel down and see what, at first glance, looks like decorative wood, but is actually a docking station for the transmitter.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Awesome!" I exclaim. Now I'll be able to take care of <<print $dad.call>>. "How long does it take?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'm not sure." She answers, massaging my scalp with her hands while I'm still kneeling on the floor. "I don't think <<print $hp.name>> ever ran it all the way down before. By the way I need to go.", she leaves.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $baseofficeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "gp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/43.png'">
<!-- Character : <<print $gp.name>> & Kevin Loc: Basement Office -->
<p class="notation_text">Lying down on my bed, I study the connector again. Suddenly <<print $gp.name>> entered <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s office.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Hey <<print $mc.name>>, It's not really fair, you know." She says, in an exaggerated pouty voice as she running her hands through my hair.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's not fair, <<print $gp.name>>?" I ask, standing up and turning towards her. I assume she means that I have the transmitter and not her.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "It's not fair that you've seen video of me completely naked... not to mention, in very compromising positions. My own <<print $mp.up>> has seen you, completely naked in uninhibited, adventurous ways. Isn't that what you said?" She asks, rhetorically, as she wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me with a big smile on her face. "But I've never seen you naked." She says, brushing her body up and down against the bulge in my pants. "Do you think that's fair, <<print $mc.name>>." She asks, again using her little girl, pouty voice, as she unbuttons my shirt. I don't answer. I just slide my hands around her waist and cup her ass cheeks, drawing her to me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/24.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Have you ever fucked a <<print $mp.rel>> and her <<print $mp.up>>, <<print $mc.name>>?" She whispers in my ear as she peels my shirt off my shoulders.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Um... um..." I'm stuttering, startled by the question, thinking about <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh Christ, you have the transmitter." She says, amazement in her voice and on her face. "You could do whoever you want, whenever you want, can't you."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Um... pretty much." I answer.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span>"A little preview for tonight?" She asks.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $gp.name>>." I say tentatively. "It's been quite a while since I've seen that video." I say, gently cupping her breasts though her halter-top. "I mean... could I..."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Of course, <<print $mc.name>>, sweetie." <<print $gp.name>> says, pulling the string of her halter-top over her head and dropping the cloth below her pert, grapefruit-sized tits. Her erect nipples are thick and dark poking out like bullets from her large rose-colored areolas. I gently lift her fleshy breast to my mouth and lick her areola, all around her hard nipple, without touching it.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm." <<print $gp.name>> moans, pulling my head to her breast. "That feels nice." I unsnap her tight shorts and pull her zipper down, as I continue to lick her large breast.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"But I don't just use it for sex." I add, maybe a little too defensively.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "What else do you use it for, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> asks, while pulling the zipper of my shorts down. She kneels down, taking my shorts down with her and I step out of them. She's eye level with my cock, covered only by my jockey shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I used it on a bully at school once." I answer. "And, um, your husband, of course..." I gasp, while she runs her hands over my ever-growing bulge, behind my white briefs. "I... um... I'm going to use it to get my <<print $dad.call>> to stop pestering my <<print $mp.call>>." I answer, as <<print $gp.name>>, pulls the elastic waistband of my jockey shorts out over the tip of my hard cock.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh my." She sighs, licking the head of my cock even before she gets my jockey shorts off the rest of it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh God!" I groan, moving my feet apart for balance. I've got built up tension in my balls since yesterday when I was watching <<print $mp.call>> get dressed. <<print $gp.name>> pulls my jockey shorts all the way down, while sliding her lips over my rigid shaft.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You're the perfect size, <<print $mc.name>>." She says. "Your cock will fit nicely wherever you want to put it." She smiles teasingly, while holding my cock in her hand and licking all around it like an ice cream cone. "You know, <<print $mc.name>>, you made Frank a much better lover than he ever was before. I don't know what you said to him, but he's attentive, loving and always tries to make me cum before he does."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Glad I could help." I pant, while <<print $gp.name>> continues licking and nibbling on my throbbing cock.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "But I don't always want attentive and loving, <<print $mc.name>>." She smiles at me, while stroking her hand up and down my rigid shaft. "I need adventurous and uninhibited, sometimes, too." She says, nibbling on the underside of my cock. "I need explosive and thunderous sex, <<print $mc.name>>". She says, before sliding her lips all the way down my shaft and burying my cock head in her throat."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You... want... me... to... give... Frank... another... suggestion?" I manage to ask, while pumping my cock in and out of <<print $gp.name>>'s moist mouth.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "No! <<print $mc.name>>!" She says, stopping abruptly and just holding my aching cock in her hand. "You could give Frank a million suggestions and he'll never be Mr. Thunderous and Explosive." She shakes her head. "I want you to use the transmitter on me, <<print $mc.name>>. Just like <<print $hp.name>> did." She calms down and continues her licking. "You can give me thunderous and explosive orgasms, <<print $mc.name>>. You know you can!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! <<print $gp.name>>!" I cry, as she cups my balls while pumping my cock in and out of her warm mouth. "Yeah, just like that!" I breathe; as the tension builds and I feel my balls tighten, signaling my approaching release. She stops again, pulling her mouth back and squeezing my cock with her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Will you do it, <<print $mc.name>>?" She looks at me, imploringly. "Will you use the transmitter to fulfill my fantasies?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes, whatever." I cry. "Please keep going, <<print $gp.name>>!" I plead. "Please, I really need this!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Need what?" She asks, innocently, while flicking her tongue against the head of my throbbing cock." Say it, <<print $mc.name>>. What do you need?" <<print $gp.name>> smiles at me seductively.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I need you to suck my cock, <<print $gp.name>>!" I cry, dry humping against her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "And you'll do what, <<print $mc.name>>?" She asks, coyly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll use the transmitter on you, <<print $gp.name>>!" I yell. "I'll give you... um..." I stop, trying to remember what words she'd used.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Thunderous and explosive, <<print $mc.name>>?" She smiles.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes! Thunderous and explosive orgasms." I cry. "Please, <<print $gp.name>>!"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh, don't be such a baby." She teases, sucking my swollen cock back into her mouth, while she gently squeezes my balls. I shoot almost immediately, filling her mouth with several large loads of cum. She expertly swallows every drop and licks my cock clean before standing up.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Like <<print $mp.rel>>, like <<print $mp.up>>, huh, <<print $mc.name>>?" <<print $gp.name>> laughs. "What time do you expect your <<print $mp.rel>> back?" She asks, eyeing the door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Anytime now!" I say, grabbing my clothes, as I check my watch.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Well, hopefully the transmitter will be charged by tonight." She says, kissing my cheek. "<<print $ep.name>> has a date and Frank has the late shift. Will you come over tonight, <<print $mc.name>>?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/25.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll try." I answer, honestly. "It depends on what my <<print $mp.call>> has planned." I tell her, running my hands over her naked ass and biting her left nipple.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Use the transmitter, <<print $mc.name>>." She smiles. "That's what it's there for!" She says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Ouch!" I say, but my cock jumps at the erotic sensation.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Pain is not all bad, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says, stroking my recovering cock. "You'll see." She says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Ahhh", I groan. She's still stroking my cock, which is now fully recovered, while I slip my hand inside her bikini panties.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/26.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> I'm running my fingers through her thick curly hair and sucking her nipple into my mouth, when I hear a car door. "Fuck!" I yell, pulling my hand out of her pants and fumbling with my clothes. "That's my <<print $mp.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Too bad the transmitter isn't charged." <<print $gp.name>> says, pulling her halter-top, back over her breasts and zipping up her shorts. "You're everything I hoped you'd be, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, as the front door opens.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hi <<print $mp.call>>." I call, a little too cheerily. "You remember Mag, uh... <<print $gp.lastname>> , don't you <<print $mp.call>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Of course." <<print $mp.call>> says, extending her hand, while eyeing me suspiciously. "How are you <<print $gp.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'm great, <<print $mp.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says, shaking hands with <<print $mp.call>>. "I just came over because I never really got a chance to express my condolences." She says, greeting <<print $mp.call>>, like she came over just to see her and I just happened to be home.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Thank you, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, heading towards the kitchen. "Can I get you a cup of tea?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/28.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "That would be wonderful." <<print $gp.name>> says, squeezing my ass cheek and winking at me, as she follows <<print $mp.call>> into the kitchen.
<p class="notation_text"> As they settle into a comfortable conversation about <<print $hp.name>>, I sit on the barstool, pretending to read a magazine, nursing my Diet Coke and watching them. In my mind, I start comparing the attributes of these two late-thirties sexy women. <<print $gp.name>>'s tits are larger than <<print $mp.call>>'s and her nipples, still poking out the front of her halter-top, are darker and thicker. They both have relatively flat stomachs and slender waistlines and <<print $mp.call>> has a tight, round ass that always draws my attention, no matter what she's wearing. <<print $gp.name>>'s ass is firm and round, with a more pronounced curve to it, which, combined with her larger tits, gives her more of an hourglass shape. They both have great legs; <<print $mp.call>>'s are more muscular, but <<print $gp.name>>'s are well toned and shapely, too.
<p class="notation_text"> I'm still reveling in the idea that <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>> just gave me a blowjob, and invited me over to fuck her, when my thoughts are interrupted by a question from <<print $mp.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Hello! Earth to <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> laughs. "Did you hear what I asked?" She says, smiling at me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry, <<print $mp.call>>." I say. "I was reading." I lie.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I said, <<print $gp.name>> and I are going to go get some lunch and do a little shopping. Do you want to come with us?" <<print $mp.call>> asks. Of course I want to cum with both of them, but that's not what she's asking.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Nah. Thanks. I think I'll just stay here, if it's okay." I answer. Both women smile and nod as if that was the answer they were expecting.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I'll be ready in a minute, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, going into the bedroom.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What did the lawyer say, <<print $mp.call>>?" I ask, as I follow her into the bedroom.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "He's going to check the court records and we should know something tomorrow." She says, placing her hand on my cheek. "I'll try to be better company tonight." She whispers, kissing me lightly on the lips. "Now go visit with <<print $gp.name>> a minute while I use the bathroom." She smiles.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "The transmitter should be charged by the time we get back, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> whispers, while running her fingers lightly over the front of my shorts. "I'm soaking wet, just thinking about what you'll do with it." She says, just as <<print $mp.call>> walks back into the room.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, picking up her purse. "I'm all set. Bye <<print $mc.name>>." She says, kissing my cheek.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/27.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "See you later, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> smiles, as they walk out the door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Have fun." I call after them, my cock throbbing in my shorts.
<p class="notation_text"> While they're gone, I inspect the docking station for the transmitter. It has two wires, one connected to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s computer and the other to a power strip. I turn on the computer and a pop up window opens, asking if I have updates for the NST software. I click no and a progress bar opens, showing that the transmitter is 70% charged. I make a copy of the software and e-mail it to myself, so I'll have it at home. I sit, staring blindly at the progress bar, thinking about this morning's visit from <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>>. I can't believe she knows about the transmitter and wants me to use it on her. How weird is that?
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $baseofficeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $baseoffice.status[1] = 0>>
<<set $maggie_fck = 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "gp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/1.png'">
Scene 05 - <<print $mc.name>>
<p class="notation_text"> I spend over an hour at the tab, searching for information about my <<print $dad.call>>, getting both his home and work addresses. I've formed a tentative plan to visit him at work, mainly because I don't want to run into Miss Bimbo. I've learned enough about the transmitter to know that I don't want to give him any hasty suggestions that might backfire. I need to find out exactly what he's put in motion regarding the divorce and the money.
<p class="notation_text"> I start fantasizing about ways to punish him, too, including, but not limited to, making him impotent, fucking his girlfriend while he watches, and having <<print $gp.name>> fuck him in the ass with her strap-on. I'm still sitting there, contemplating, when <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $gp.name>> come bursting in the door, laughing like schoolgirls
<p class="notation_text"> "Hi <<print $mc.name>>." They both say, and then look at each other and start laughing again.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/2.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Sorry." <<print $mp.call>> says, barely able to contain her laughter. "<<print $gp.name>> and I never knew we had so much in common." She says and I start to panic, wondering what she means. "Within minutes, we were finishing each other's sentences and we liked the same outfits, everything." She says, smiling.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Your <<print $mp.call>> is great!" <<print $gp.name>> gushes. "You're lucky to have her." She says, as if admonishing me for not appreciating her more.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I know." I say, defensively. "She's the best <<print $mp.call>> in the world!" Wondering if <<print $mp.call>> was complaining about me to <<print $gp.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "He knows how lucky he is." <<print $mp.call>> says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "And I know how lucky I am, too." She says, kissing me on the cheek, jutting the tip of her tongue against my skin, in an intimate expression, unseen by our guest.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Let me help you with those." I say, noticing the shopping bags for the first time. "What did you buy?" I ask, remembering the sexy fashion show the last time <<print $mp.call>> went shopping, with her friend Mary.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/3.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "A couple of new outfits that <<print $gp.name>> helped me pick out." She says, smiling at <<print $gp.name>>. "And helped me try on."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "We're the same size." <<print $gp.name>> explains. "So we tried on the same outfits, together in the dressing room." She blushes slightly, as she tells me and I let my imagination run wild.
<p class="notation_text">Ever since I gave <<print $mp.call>> the suggestion about enjoying the taste of pussy, she's practically been addicted to it. When <<print $up.name>> is in town, I might as well not be alive. Well, that's not exactly true, because both <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $up.name>> love to be fucked after they've had their pussies eaten. I've watched <<print $mp.call>> eat <<print $up.name>>'s pussy, continuously, through multiple orgasms, before they begin to include me in the action. Knowing how <<print $mp.call>> feels about women, I bet she loved stripping in the dressing room with <<print $gp.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I'm surprised we didn't get thrown out." <<print $mp.call>> says, and my mouth must have dropped open, because she quickly adds. "We were laughing and having such a great time making fun of some of the outfits."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/4.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh that one." <<print $gp.name>> adds, laughing hysterically, her braless tits bouncing inside her halter-top. "You should have seen your <<print $mp.call>>, trying on this one top, trying to get it to cover everything. When she pulled it one way, she was uncovered over here." She says, showing me on her own chest, by pulling her halter-top slightly to one side. "When she pulled it the other way... well." Having drawn my eyes to her tits, <<print $gp.name>>'s eyes drop to the bulge forming in my shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "It was designed for something besides wearing in public." <<print $mp.call>> says, laughing. "That's for sure." I'm checking out <<print $gp.name>>'s hardening nipples, while she's glancing at my crotch. <<print $mp.call>> is taking her packages into the bedroom.
<!-- Scene 07 - <<print $gp.name>> & <<print $mc.name>> -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "The transmitter is charged." I tell her, lowering my voice so <<print $mp.call>> won't hear.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Good." She smiles. "What time shall I expect you?" She whispers. "I want to be ready."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What time is <<print $ep.name>> leaving?" I ask, not wanting to be there when her boyfriend picks her up.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/5.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Seven." She smiles.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll be there at 7:01." I joke, as <<print $mp.call>> walks back into the room.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Who wants some dinner?" <<print $mp.call>> says. "I'm grilling burgers and I have some potato salad. You're welcome to stay, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, heading for the kitchen.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh, thanks, <<print $mp.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says. "But I have to get home. Thanks for a great afternoon." She calls to <<print $mp.call>>. "I had a wonderful day." She says, looking at me.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Thank you, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> calls from the kitchen. "I forgot about all that lawyer nonsense for a few hours." She says, from the doorway. "It was great!"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "It'll all work out." She assures her, looking from me to the transmitter. "I have a feeling that these troubles will be behind you before you know it." She says, as she's leaving.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I hope so." <<print $mp.call>> says, going back into the kitchen. I walk <<print $gp.name>> to the door and risk a brief kiss, before she leaves.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "See you at night." I whisper.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I can't wait, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, squeezing my hard cock through my shorts, and then walking down the sidewalk towards her house. I watch the sway of her curvy ass for a minute, before closing the door.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $kitchen.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/17.png'">
<!-- Scene 08 - <<print $mp.call>> & <<print $mc.name>> -->
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Did you buy anything sexy?" I ask <<print $mp.call>>, embracing her from behind as she's peeling lettuce for our burgers.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Well, <<print $gp.name>> did talk me into a couple of halter tops, like she was wearing today." She says, turning towards me and wrapping her arms around my back. "I don't know if they're sexy, but it feels sexy going braless like that in public." She says, kissing me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You guys really tried on outfits in the dressing room together?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at <<print $mp.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "It wasn't like that at all, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> smiles. "But she does have a lovely body. Her breasts are really firm, for their size." She says, teasing me. "Did you notice?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/18.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How would I have noticed?" I stammer, nuzzling my face into her neck. "I wasn't there when she took her top off." I'm wondering if <<print $gp.name>> let something slip.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I know." <<print $mp.call>> says, slapping me playfully. "But I saw you staring at them. You had to notice how they looked." She says, smiling at me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, yeah." I answer, relieved. "I guess I did kind of notice." I say, blushing.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "So, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, pressing her body against mine. "Would you like me to wear those kinds of tops?" She asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sure, <<print $mp.call>>." I answer. "They really are pretty sexy." My cock is hardening, making it's presence known against <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy mound.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/19.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> says. "It seems you do think they're sexy." She says, grinding her mound against my bulge. "After dinner, I think we should take a shower and wash away all our troubles. What do you think?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I think that's a great idea, <<print $mp.call>>." I say, humping my cock up and down against her hard pelvic bone. "What can I do to help get dinner ready faster?" I ask, breaking the embrace.
<p class="notation_text"> It's an early dinner and we're done cleaning up by 5:30 p.m. With an hour and a half before I promised I'd be at <<print $gp.name>>'s, I remind <<print $mp.call>> about washing away our troubles.
<p class="notation_text"> We take our time lathering each other, luxuriating in the erotic slipperiness of our soapy flesh. I tease <<print $mp.call>>'s tits endlessly, while her expert hands slither over my cock and balls. When we finally rinse off, <<print $mp.call>> kneels in front of me, taking my swollen, purplish cock into her warm, wet mouth, and expertly finishes me off, swallowing every drop of my powerful eruption.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/img/lick-1.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video available Only For Patreon ***
<p class="notation_text"> A few minutes later she's lying on her back on the bed, with me kissing and licking my way from her ankles to her thighs. I spend an excruciatingly long time licking her upper thighs and all around her pussy, before finally licking the outer lips of her labia. She is soaking wet, writhing on the bed, by the time I dip the tip of my tongue into her juicy pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Oh yeah!" <<print $mp.call>> moans, arching her back and sucking my tongue deeper into her enflamed hole.
<p class="notation_text">Lapping up her delicious juice, I tongue fuck her, using a slow, rhythmic pace that has her bucking her ass off the bed, entangling her fingers in my hair and rocking her pussy against my mouth. Replacing my tongue with two fingers, I gently suck her clit into my mouth, while finger fucking her with the same slow rhythm.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/img/lick-2.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video available Only For Patreon ***<br>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> Ohhhhhhhhh! Fuck!" <<print $mp.call>> yells, as I begin flicking my tongue across the tip of her clit, while using my fingers to massage the inner walls of her steamy, hot pussy.
<p class="notation_text">Gushing pussy juice and bucking frantically against my mouth and fingers, she tightens her grip on my hair, until it feels like she's trying to pull my whole head inside of her. Clenching her legs together, as her orgasm peaks, she jerks spasmodically, flooding my face with her thick creamy froth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Oh my God, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $mp.call>> sighs, collapsing back on the bed, breathing heavily, while I gently lap up her excreted nectar.
<p class="notation_text">I clean her upper thighs and ass cheeks with my tongue, savoring her exotic taste, while slowly working my way back towards her sensitive pussy lips. Using my mouth, my tongue and my fingers, I extract another powerful orgasm from her before sliding up her body and plunging my hard cock into her pulsating pussy.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/img/mis-1.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video available Only For Patreon ***<br>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhh! God! Fuck me, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $mp.call>> moans, as I begin moving in and out of her, with long, slow strokes.
<p class="notation_text">Parting her lips with my tongue, we begin a slow, steady rhythm, kissing and moving in tandem, with the taste of sex on our entwined tongues increasing our arousal. Rather than our usual slamming against each other, our bodies dance together in a slow grind, building <<print $mp.call>>entum and driving us to a frenzied, manic crescendo that leaves us sweat-soaked and depleted.
<p class="notation_text"> As our breathing returns to normal, I check the clock and it is 6:45. I'm supposed to meet <<print $gp.name>> in fifteen minutes. I slowly disentangle myself from the sheets and my <<print $mp.rel>>'s legs and start towards the shower.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Where are you going?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, sleepily.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll be right back." I say, going into my room and getting the transmitter.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>?" I say, spinning the dial and pushing the button. It's been a long time since I've used it and I'm hoping it still works.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Yes." She says in the transmitter-induced monotone.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You are going to have a restful night's sleep and not notice that I'm gone." I tell her, pausing to decide if there is anything else I want to say.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay, dear." <<print $mp.call>> says, flatly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>, what was going on with you and <<print $gp.name>> in the dressing room today?" I ask, wondering if <<print $mp.call>> wasn't trying to substitute <<print $gp.name>> for <<print $up.name>>, since she hasn't been home for a while.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/6.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "That was just girl fun." She responds. "I didn't get the impression that <<print $gp.name>> would be interested at all. I don't know her that well, but she has such great tits, I really did want to suck on them." She says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "If she does become interested, <<print $mp.call>>, you will propose a threesome with me, okay?" I tell her, wondering if I can pull this off.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay, <<print $mc.name>>." She answers, dutifully.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Good night, <<print $mp.call>>." I say, pressing the button on the transmitter. <<print $mp.call>> turns over and is breathing softly as I leave the room.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $kitchenEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mr">>
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/4/gas.jpg'">
<!-- Scene 15 - <<print $mc.name>>, <<print $mr.name>>
Event - <<print $mc.name>> and <<print $mr.name>>’s conversation ( Store) -->
<p class="notation_text"> I am going to college and stop for gas about halfway there and hear my name called, as I'm filling the tank.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>!" I turn towards the voice and smile broadly when I see <<print $mr.name>> coming out of the convenience store. She looks delicious, in tight white shorts, a scoop neck top and flip-flops. Her large, chocolate brown breasts are swelling over the top of her bra and my cock reacts accordingly.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "God! It's been ages." She says, hugging me and kissing my lips. "Why haven't you ever called me?" She says reproachfully, her tits pressing against my chest and her crotch cradling my hard-on.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's good to see you." I say, squeezing her ass cheeks. "This is the first time I've been back in the area since I saw you last." I answer. "And I'm with my <<print $mp.call>>." I tell her.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/4/1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "You poor baby." She says, looking back over her shoulder at the convenience store door. "Wait until James sees you." She smiles. "He asks about you all the time." She says, teasingly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, he's probably not asking about me." I say. The last time we were together, <<print $ep.name>>, <<print $mr.name>>, James and I had an exhausting, transmitter-induced, sex orgy. "James was quite smitten with <<print $ep.name>>'s teenage body and her tight pussy." I tell <<print $mr.name>>. "How's everything with James's <<print $mc.up>>?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "I still don't know how you knew about that." She says, staring at me questioningly. "But you were right to suggest we get together." She sighs. "James didn't know I was fucking his <<print $mc.up>> and I didn't know he was fucking his <<print $mc.up>>'s wife. But once it was all out in the open, we've had some amazing times. We don't do it all together in one room, like we did with you. We just pair off with whomever we feel like fucking that day. Sometimes James stays at her house and his <<print $mc.up>> stays over with me all night. It's a very sweet arrangement." She says, squeezing my hard cock through my shorts. "But I miss you." She says, faking a pouty lip. "No one makes me cum like you do, <<print $mc.name>>." She says. "Don't tell James."
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/4/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Hey, look who's here!" James's voice booms across the gas pumps. "How's it hanging, <<print $mc.name>>?" James says, while <<print $mr.name>> continues to stroke my hard cock. "Or should I ask <<print $mr.name>> how it's hanging, since she seems to be all over it." He laughs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Great, James." I say, reaching my hand out, around <<print $mr.name>>'s back. "Although it's obvious I should get down here more often." I laugh, as James shakes my hand, heartily.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Yeah." James says. "You and that sexy little girlfriend of yours." James says with a big wide grin. "I've never had anything that tight around my cock before. No offense babe." He says, patting <<print $mr.name>> on the ass. "I can't believe she took the whole thing." He laughs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry to disappoint you, James, but we're not together anymore." I tell him, watching his grin fade. "Long distance just didn't work out for us. But I've met this other woman, whose fantasy is to be fucked by a large black cock. I've been thinking about giving you guys a call. If you're up for a party." I say.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/4/4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "We are!" <<print $mr.name>> answers for them, as she drops her hand from my crotch. "I better stop, or you're going to soil your pants." She says, laughing.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "What's she look like, <<print $mc.name>>?" James asks, hesitantly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "She's a little older than you guys, in her thirties, with large tits and a firm, round ass. In fact, she's kind of a white version of <<print $mr.name>>, except she doesn't quite have the ass <<print $mr.name>> has." I say, squeezing her ass cheek for emphasis. "But then who does?" I laugh.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "Have you fucked her?" He asks, looking at me skeptically.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah." I answer. "And she is hot, man." I add.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/4/3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">James: </span> "How does she compare to <<print $mr.name>>?" He asks, knowing he's putting me on the spot.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Don't ask him stuff like that!" <<print $mr.name>> admonishes him. "Especially not in front of the person you're asking about." She says, hitting him playfully. I answer him anyway.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I've only fucked her a few times and she was adventurous and creative." I whisper, pretending that I'm not letting <<print $mr.name>> hear. "But nobody can control their pussy muscles like your wife, James!" <<print $mr.name>> smiles at both of us and I promise to call them as soon as I can arrange something.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $mr.name>>: </span> "Please call us, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mr.name>> says, squeezing my hard cock again before she sashays across the asphalt to their car.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $outdoorEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $dadoffice.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[2] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "gp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/29.png'">
<!-- Scene 09 - <<print $gp.name>> & <<print $mc.name>> -->
<p class="notation_text"> Having showered and changed, I arrive at <<print $gp.name>>'s house a little after seven. She answers the door in a transparent silk robe, her hard nipples prominently pushing against the see-through material.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I've been waiting for you, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, as she steps behind the door to let me in. As she closes the door, she kisses me on the cheek and leads me over to the couch, where we sit close, awkwardly wondering how to begin.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Did you bring the transmitter?" She asks, nervously.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes." I tell her, pulling it from my pocket. "It's right here."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/18.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Good." She says, sitting back on the couch, giving me a great view of her massive tits, draped in sheer white silk. "First, tell me everything you've been doing with it, <<print $mc.name>>. I really want to hear your transmitter stories."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well." I hesitate, not expecting this question. "I used it quite a lot at first." I tell her about trying it out on <<print $ap.name>> and <<print $cp.name>> at the mall, and then using it to undo the post transmission suggestion for <<print $ep.name>>. I tell her about <<print $ep.name>> and I visiting their neighbor and then going to the mall to visit <<print $cp.name>> again. I don't give her every detail, but she's such a good listener that I reveal more than I intended.
<p class="notation_text"> As I talk, <<print $gp.name>> leans forward, resting her hand on my leg and letting her gorgeous tits hang loose behind her thin robe. I skip telling her about my <<print $mp.rel>> and instead tell her about <<print $ed.name>>, my English teacher. This seems to arouse a great deal of interest.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You hid in the closet, watching them the whole time?" She asks, as her hand strokes up and down my leg.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/31.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes. It was very erotic." I answer, shifting my hardening cock inside my jeans.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You seem a little uncomfortable." <<print $gp.name>> says, leaning over to undo my jeans. "Let's make you more comfortable, while you tell me the rest." She says, pulling my zipper down and tugging my jeans off my legs. My hard cock is pushing against the white material of my jockey shorts, making a little tent in the front.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Why don't you just get undressed, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says, standing in front of me and pulling my polo shirt over my head. "Your stories are very arousing. See how wet you're making me?" She asks, directing my hand into the opening in her robe and pressing it between her legs. I feel the heat, just before I touch her moist, fleshy lips and her matted pubic hair. My cock hardens even more, if that's possible.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm." She says, just holding my hand against her pussy for a minute, before kneeling down to help me remove my jockey shorts. "Tell me more about the transmitter, <<print $mc.name>>. Did you use it on any family members." She asks, a knowing gleam in her eye, as she releases my hard cock from the confines of my shorts.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/32.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What do you mean?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You know what I mean, <<print $mc.name>>." She smiles, still kneeling between my legs, running her hands up and down my thighs. "I saw how you and your <<print $mp.rel>> were with each other, and how all of your stuff was in one bedroom." She says, her hands sliding around my inner thighs to cup my balls. "Please tell me." She pleads, while gently stroking my cock with one hand and fondling my balls with the other.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, it started with <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s videos of my <<print $mp.call>> and my <<print $up.rel>>." I tell her, while she deftly moves from hand job to blow job. I lean back with my head on the back of the couch and eventually spill the whole story. I tell her about <<print $mp.call>> and how <<print $ep.name>> initially convinced me to reverse the suggestion. Then, I tell her about <<print $up.name>> and how I used the transmitter to turn her teasing into a threesome with her roommate.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "God! That is so hot!" <<print $gp.name>> says, taking a breath from my throbbing cock and looking me in the eye. "So how did you get back to sleeping with your <<print $mp.call>>?" She asks, as she resumes sucking my cock and teasing my balls.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $ep.name>> and I had a fight, <<print $up.name>> was back at school." I explain, while humping my ass off the couch, the tension in my balls building from <<print $gp.name>>'s expertise and the reliving of all the sexual adventures I've had recently. I tell her about the progressive suggestions I gave <<print $mp.call>> and by the time I get to the threesome with <<print $up.name>>, I shoot my load into <<print $gp.name>>'s warm mouth. I just lean back catching my breath, while she cleans me up with her talented tongue.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/1/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "God <<print $gp.name>>! That was awesome!" I cry, as she continues to suck and lick my softening cock. "Now, it's your turn." I tell her, as I pull her up next to me, on the couch. "Tell me about your experiences with <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> and the transmitter." I say, my hand gently caressing her closest breast through the sheer material of her robe.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "<<print $hp.name>> was like part of the family." She sighs, I think more from her memory than me touching her breast. "He was just always around and it was obvious that Frank was a problem when he'd been drinking. <<print $hp.name>> was our salvation on more than one occasion." She confesses. "<<print $ep.name>> and I even stayed over there a few times, to avoid Frank's rampage." I part her robe and start licking her large, dark areola, while my hand caresses her other tit.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Explosive?" I ask, brushing the matted hair from her forehead.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm. Thunderous." She sighs, wiggling her hips and sloshing my spent cock around in her soggy pussy. "Thank you, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, kissing my lips tenderly. "You don't know how much I needed that."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/1/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You not only needed it, <<print $gp.name>>." I say, returning her kiss. "You deserved it."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Thank you." She whispers. As we lay together in post coital bliss, she returns to earlier topics. "<<print $mc.name>>, what really happened between you and <<print $ep.name>>?" She asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Like I told you, <<print $gp.name>>." I answer. "Mostly it was distance. But it was also the transmitter. I used it to direct and control <<print $ep.name>>, learning, too late I guess, that controlling another person is not a good basis for a healthy relationship. It doesn't grow and develop. It becomes boring."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/33.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You are definitely not your <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>." She says, smiling at me. "So, what else did you tell me when you had the transmitter on?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I just undid the control that <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> put on your orgasms. I told you to have normal and natural sexual reactions, except tonight when I fucked you, you'd have the most explosive and thunderous orgasm ever." I say smiling at her. "Did I do okay?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You did wonderfully. I want you for fucking me every night." She says, rocking her body against mine and pushing her tongue into my mouth. My cock recovers enough for us to start moving again. This time is less urgent, but no less tumultuous, as the tension builds longer and our ultimate release is even stronger than before. We both finally collapse, exhausted and I leave.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $outdoorEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/1/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<!-- SCENE 6 - <<print $ep.name>> & Bobby (Living room) -->
<p class="notation_text">I entered <<print $gp.name>>'s bedroom at night. She is ready for mine naked. Without wasting any minute I start fucking her on the couch. We both finally collapse, exhausted and spent.
<p class="notation_text"> I wake up wondering where I am and then realize I'm lying on top of <<print $gp.name>>, with my cock still inside her pussy. The clock says, 12:30 a.m. and I panic, unsure when <<print $ep.name>> or Frank are due home. Gently disengaging myself from <<print $gp.name>>, I crawl off the foot of the bed as she rolls over, pulling the sheet around her.
<p class="notation_text"> Grabbing the transmitter, I go into the living room to get my clothes. Just as I finish getting dressed, a key is inserted into the front door. Fuck! I duck into the kitchen, as <<print $ep.name>> and her date come in the front door.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Shhhh." <<print $ep.name>> says. "Get us a couple of cokes, while I check on my <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $dad.call>>." <<print $ep.name>> says, walking down the hall.
<p class="notation_text">Fuck! I duck into the laundry room, out of sight of her date, as he comes into the kitchen, grabbing the cokes from the fridge. The laundry room leads into the garage and there's a back door off the kitchen, but it's locked and chained. I'm sure I'd make to much noise trying to get it open. I'm reviewing my options, as <<print $ep.name>> comes back into the living room and sits down next to her date, turning off all the lights except one.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Bobby: </span> "God <<print $ep.name>>." He whispers. "I can't believe you actually did that in the car! I almost hit a fucking tree." He adds. I can guess what he's talking about and I smile at the memory of <<print $ep.name>> and I in that exact situation.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "After all those points you scored, it was the least I could do." <<print $ep.name>> whispers, giggling, and I hear the rustling of clothing and the unmistakable sound of heavy petting. So <<print $ep.name>>'s boyfriend is a jock? Who would have guessed?
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Mmmm. Bobby." <<print $ep.name>> moans softly, as I creep into the kitchen to see what's going on, staying in the shadows, so I won't be seen.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $ep.name>> has her panties off, her skirt pulled down to her waist, and her legs spread, inviting Bobby to partake of her delicacies. The lamp casts a dull glow on her glistening pussy and I can't help but contrast her fuzzy brown triangle with her <<print $mp.rel>>'s thicker, black bush.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Bobby: </span> "Are you sure your parents are asleep?" Bobby asks, kneeling on the floor in front of her.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "My <<print $mp.call>>'s asleep, but my <<print $dad.call>>'s not home." <<print $ep.name>> answers. "We'll have to watch for his headlights."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Bobby: </span> "Jesus, <<print $ep.name>>!" Bobby says. "You want to do this in your living room when your <<print $dad.call>> could walk in any minute?" He asks, leaning back and looking at her.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "You're the jock, Bobby." She teases, spreading her legs wider, and teasing her pussy lips open with her finger. "I'll watch out for my <<print $dad.call>>, while you show me how you score." She teases, bringing her wet finger to his lips and killing any resistance he may have had left. I've never watched anyone fuck before, well, at least, not in a voyeuristic way, when they didn't know I was watching.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Bobby: </span> "Goddamn, why am I arguing?" Bobby asks. "Any guy would kill to be where I am." He says, burying his head between her legs.
<p class="notation_text">I watch him lick and suck on <<print $ep.name>>'s pussy, with just a little pang of jealousy, wishing I could be lapping up her delicious cream. My cock is rock hard by the time <<print $ep.name>> clamps her legs around Bobby's head and her juices are running down his chin.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" She whispers, relaxing her legs and leaning her head back.
<p class="notation_text">I can smell her from here and the familiar aroma takes me back to the last time her and I fucked. She rode me like a wild woman on <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s bed. I'm rubbing my cock through my shorts, as I watch her pull Bobby's pants down to his ankles, push him down on the kitchen table and mount his hard cock.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">It's kind of weird, watching <<print $ep.name>> fuck someone else, but they seem so right together. Bouncing up and down on Bobby's cock, she kisses him passionately, while he slides his hands up on her tits. He has great endurance, or the blowjob in the car took the edge off, because I count at least two orgasms for <<print $ep.name>> by the time he shoots his load.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Bobby: </span> "Oh fuck! <<print $ep.name>>!" He breathes, pushing his legs out straight, as he squeezes her ass cheeks, keeping her firmly mounted on his cock. Raising himself up on his heels, he thrusts up into her as his body spasms and jerks against her pussy.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "I love you, Bobby." <<print $ep.name>> says, as their mutual orgasms subside and they catch their breath.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character">Bobby: </span> "I love you too, <<print $ep.name>>." He breathes. "I just don't know what I ever did to deserve you." He kisses her, while rocking her gently on his spent cock. My cock is aching and I just want to get out of here.
<p class="notation_text"> Bobby finally leaves, and I'm getting ready to go, when I remember the video camera. I go into the living room and erase the three-minute video that <<print $gp.name>> and I made earlier.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "What are you doing here?" <<print $ep.name>> asks, from the hallway, as I'm opening the front door to leave. I figured she'd be asleep by now, in a post-orgasmic stupor.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I uh, wanted to see how you're doing." I say, not very convincingly.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "So you're, what, sneaking out of my house in the middle of the night?" She asks, walking towards me.
<p class="notation_text">I suddenly realize that she only has on a flimsy spaghetti strap panties. She looks great with her bared firm, little tits. She's standing with her hands covering tits, waiting for an explanation, while I consider whether to use the transmitter.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I saw your boyfriend leave." I say, trying to sound convincing. "And I thought I'd just pop in and say hi. The front door was open, but once I got in, I realized that you must have already gone to bed, so I was leaving." I'm staring at her barely covered body, while she's looking at something entirely different on the floor behind the couch. Oh fuck! It's <<print $gp.name>>'s robe. Picking up the robe and stepping closer to me, she sees that my shoes are untied and my clothes aren't exactly aligned.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "You've been fucking my <<print $mp.rel>>, haven't you?" She says, her eyes wide and her mouth gaping open. "You aren't satisfied fucking your own family, you come in here and fuck mine!" She's pounding her fists against my chest and tears are streaming down her cheeks. "You used the transmitter on my <<print $mp.rel>>, didn't you, <<print $mc.name>>?" She yells. "Didn't you?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Use the transmitter, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>>'s voice comes from behind <<print $ep.name>>. "Use the fucking transmitter, before Frank comes home!" <<print $gp.name>> has walked into the living room, stark naked. She takes the robe from <<print $ep.name>> and slips her arms into it.
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ep"><<print $ep.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.rel>>?" <<print $ep.name>> says, turning and looking incredulously at her <<print $mp.rel>>.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/35.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $gp.name>> shouts, as she turns towards <<print $ep.name>>. "Now, baby, it's not like what you think at all." I'm tuning the transmitter with shaky hands, putting the ear buds in my ears. <<print $ep.name>> turns around and tries to pull it away from me, but <<print $gp.name>> grabs her arms. <<print $ep.name>> struggles and <<print $gp.name>>'s huge tits bounce around as she tries to control her <<print $mp.up>>. I push the button and <<print $ep.name>> stops struggling.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Now what?" I ask <<print $gp.name>>, as she releases <<print $ep.name>>'s arms, her face flush and her tits still heaving.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Now we just back her up, to just before she saw you." She says, matter-of-factly, not bothering to close the robe. "Tell her that whatever woke her up, must have been in a dream. There is no one in the living room. Then, push the button again as you leave." <<print $gp.name>> says, shaking her head wearily.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'm sorry, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> apologizes. "I never should have fallen asleep. I'm surprised <<print $ep.name>> didn't invite Bobby in for a little while." She says, quietly. "Probably realized her <<print $dad.call>> would be home any minute."
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/4/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I was just leaving as they got home." I tell her. "I had to hide in the kitchen until he left. Then I remembered the video and decided to erase it before I left." I say, pointing to the video camera, still hooked up to the TV. "I was at the front door, when <<print $ep.name>> walked out from her bedroom."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $gp.name>> says, staring at the video camera. "I can't believe I was so careless with everything." She says, indicating her robe and the camera. <<print $ep.name>> is standing still, her eyes glazed over, staring at nothing.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Just take care of it, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, impatiently. "We'll be much more careful in the future." She smiles, coyly at me. "Thank god for the transmitter. This could have been a real mess." She adds.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> I give <<print $ep.name>> the suggestion, and then turn to kiss <<print $gp.name>> good night. As I press my lips to hers, she opens her mouth; we end up with our tongues entwined, my hand squeezing her bare breast and her hand rubbing my hard cock through my shorts.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/36.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You'd better go, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> pants, as she pulls her head back, but doesn't let go of my cock. "Can you come over tomorrow?" She asks, running her palm up and down my cock and pressing her thumb against my cockhead.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Tell me what time and I'll be here." I whisper, while dry humping my cock against her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'll call you, or stop by, when everyone's gone." She says, breathlessly. I walk out the door as <<print $gp.name>> retreats into the hallway, leaving <<print $ep.name>> alone in the living room when I shut off the transmitter.
<p class="notation_text">I sneak across their front lawn, heading for <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house, when Frank pulls in the driveway. Ducking behind some shrubbery, I stay perfectly still until he's in the house, and I can breathe again. On the short walk home, I can't get the image of <<print $ep.name>> and <<print $gp.name>>, <<print $mp.rel>> and <<print $mp.up>>, both nearly naked in their living room, out of my mind.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $outdoorEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/8.png'">
<!-- SCENE 12 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $mp.call>> -->
<p class="notation_text">
I enter my <<print $mp.rel>>'s bedroom while she is sleeping. My cock is rock hard, by the time I shed my clothes, grab the transmitter and crawl into bed beside <<print $mp.call>>. Dialing <<print $mp.call>>'s frequency and pushing the button, I give her a post transmission suggestion that she will wake up horny when I turn the transmitter off.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> whispers. "Are you awake?" She's rolling over and pressing her naked body against mine.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $mp.call>>?" I answer, trying to sound sleepy. "What's wrong?" I ask, innocently, lying on my back with <<print $mp.call>> cuddled up next to me.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Nothing's wrong, sweetheart." <<print $mp.call>> says, her hand lightly massaging my chest as she drapes one leg over me. "Have you been dreaming about me?" <<print $mp.call>> teases, when her thigh brushes against my hard cock.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Must have been." I answer, turning towards her and pulling her into a full frontal embrace. Her tits are crushed against my chest as my cock moves against her pussy mound.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/img/sf-1.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Fuck me, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, turning onto her back and spreading her legs.
<p class="notation_text">I slide my body over hers as she pulls her knees up and pushes her legs wide open. I hook my arms behind her knees and pull her legs farther up, nearly bending her in half. With her knees pushed against her tits, I lean up to enjoy the sight of my <<print $mp.rel>>'s hairless pussy; her pussy lips are sticking straight up, flanked by her round ass cheeks. She looks sexy as hell like this, and using my hand to bend my cock into her opening, I slide it down into her slick, anxious hole.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohhhhhh yeah! <<print $mc.name>>y!" <<print $mp.call>> coos, as my cock bottoms out in her fiery pussy, and my balls slap against her ass cheeks. "Fuck me hard!" She yells as I start pumping my throbbing cock in and out of her wet pussy.
<p class="notation_text">This is one of my <<print $mp.call>>'s favorite positions because she has the least control. I'm holding her legs, so she can't clamp them around me when she comes, so I end up fucking her through several orgasms, before I cum.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/img/sf-3.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Fuck! Oh my God!" <<print $mp.call>> is pulling her leg against her tits, gritting her teeth and thrashing her head back and forth, as I pummel her soggy pussy.
<p class="notation_text">Finally, just as another orgasm rips through <<print $mp.call>>, and images of <<print $ep.name>> and <<print $gp.name>> flood my brain, I slam down hard, erupting inside my <<print $mp.rel>>'s hungry pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> Releasing her legs, I collapse onto her cushy tits, as she brings her feet back down on the bed. Our bodies, slick with sweat, mold together, as I push my tongue into her mouth and we kiss passionately. No outside images intrude on this <<print $mp.call>>ent with <<print $mp.call>> and for this instant there is nowhere I would rather be.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I love you." I whisper, brushing my lips across her cheek and down to her neck.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I love you, too, <<print $mc.name>>." She sighs. "Thanks for waking up and taking care of your horny <<print $mp.rel>>." She laughs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "The pleasure is all mine." I say, kissing just below her earlobe.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "That's what you think!" She counters, squeezing my ass and grinding her pussy against my spent cock.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "gp">>
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/9.png'">
<!-- SCENE 13 - <<print $mc.name>>,<<print $gp.name>> & <<print $mp.call>>
Event: <<print $gp.name>> fucks <<print $mc.name>> -->
<p class="notation_text"> At morning, <<print $mp.call>> wakes me up as she's leaving the town to visit the lawyer.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I'll probably be home before the weekend." She says, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks again for last night." She whispers, rubbing my ass through the sheet. "I'll see you later."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Take your time." I tell her. "There are a few people I want to see this afternoon." I say, turning on to my back, pulling the sheet off and exposing my morning hard-on. "I'll need the car when you get home, but I'll be home for dinner." I say, as <<print $mp.call>> bends over the bed and plants a big sloppy kiss on the tip of my cock. My cock responds with a jump and <<print $mp.call>> trails her tongue down the length of it, and kisses my balls.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm. That's nice." I say, spreading my legs, as <<print $mp.call>> stands back up.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Sorry, I can't be late for the lawyer." She smiles, apologetically. "I'll make up for it tonight." She says, hurrying out of the bedroom. "I love you, <<print $mc.name>>! Have a great day!" She calls from the front door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> I hit the shower and I'm toweling off as the doorbell rings. I figure it's <<print $gp.name>>, so I don't bother getting dressed. Looking through the peephole, I confirm it's her and stand behind the door as I open it. She wearing her trademark halter top and shorts outfit, this one in shades of blue. She looks terrific and my smile is instantaneous. She's already smiling, but it widens considerably when she sees I'm naked and already sporting a significant hard-on.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Wow! You always answer the door like this?" She asks, reaching for my hard cock, as I close the door behind her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Only for women I know well enough." I smile, pulling her into an embrace. I untie her halter-top, while my tongue probes her mouth. She's stroking my cock, as I pull the material from between us and crush her soft tits against my chest, pushing back away from me so she can undo her shorts.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/40.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "God, you feel good!" I breathe, as my hands cup her ass cheeks through her panties.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "So do you!" She whispers, squeezing my hard cock for emphasis. We're still in the entry way and I've got my back up against the wall, as we continue grinding our bodies together. Her mouth finds mine and we are writhing against each other, with our tongues entwined.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $gp.name>> sighs. "I feel like I could cum, just kissing you!" She pants, pulling down her shorts and her bikini panties together and kicking them away. "Take me to bed, <<print $mc.name>>!" She cries, pulling me towards her and grinding her bushy mound against my hard cock, as her tits press into my chest. Gripping her ass cheeks, I dry hump her hairy mound, while plunging my tongue back into her sultry mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> Breaking the kiss, <<print $gp.name>> grabs my hands and pulls me down the hall. <<print $gp.name>> is facing me and walking backwards down the hall, excitement beaming from her face.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/40.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You've awakened me, <<print $mc.name>>!" She says, almost giddily. "Last night, Frank came home right after you left." She continues. "I was still in my sheer robe, so he naturally assumed I had waited up for him." She smiles, shrugging. "What the hell, I thought. I felt alive and energized from my orgasms with you, so I played along." We've reached the bedroom and <<print $gp.name>> sits on the bed, pulling me towards her. "Frank was his normal tender and loving self." She continues, while licking around the head of my cock and nibbling on the underside of it. "And I came like a fucking geyser!" She announces before sucking the head of my cock into her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That's fantastic, <<print $gp.name>>!" I say, humping my hard cock between her lips and twisting my fingers through her hair.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Thank you, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, softly, looking up at me, while her hands stroke my cock and balls. "You've made me feel like a whole woman again!" She smiles, scooting to the middle of the bed and lying back. "What do you want to do with me today, <<print $mc.name>>?" She asks, clearly giving me permission to do whatever I want. Before I can answer, she spots something on the ceiling and sits up, her ample tits bouncing wonderfully against her chest.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Have you found the toys?" She asks, getting off the far side of the bed and bending down.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/39.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What toys?" I ask, following her around the bed and looking over her shoulder, as she pulls open a drawer that <<print $mp.call>> and I had missed. The drawer is filled with all sorts of sex toys that I had only seen on websites; dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, cock rings, leather cuffs and a pole with chains attached.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "These toys!" She says, looking over her shoulder at me, as she picks up a double-sided dildo. "This is the one I used to fuck <<print $hp.name>> with." She says, showing it to me. "This was better than the first one he bought. See this part here?" She points to a curved piece of rubber about six inches long. "This end goes in my pussy with this little piece on top putting pressure against my clit." She says, showing me each piece. The other end is about eight inches long and cock shaped. "The first one was just a harness and a cock, with nothing for me." She says, tossing it back into the drawer.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's the pole for?" I ask, figuring I could guess at the rest of this stuff.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "That, my young friend, is what we're going to do today!" She says, pulling it from the drawer. "Stand up on the bed." <<print $gp.name>> says, pointing up to the ceiling. "See those two round plastic things in the ceiling?" I had barely noticed them, but now that I was standing on the bed, I could see them clearly. They were three inches around and about three feet apart, painted to blend in with the color of the ceiling.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/38.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Push against one side of the circle." <<print $gp.name>> instructs me. It swivels up when I push on it, revealing a metal eyebolt behind it. "Push the other one, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says, excitedly. "Now, snap these hooks into those, eyebolts." She says, handing me the three-foot pole with the chains. On the end of each chain is a clasp that I fasten into each eyebolt, creating a trapeze bar over the bed.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "What do you think?" <<print $gp.name>> asks, as she pulls four leather, buckled cuffs from the drawer.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How does it work?" I ask, as <<print $gp.name>> starts fastening one of the cuffs around her ankle.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'm going to show you, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, handing me one of the restraints. "Put this on my other ankle." She says, lifting her foot onto the bed. I look at the cuff. It's about two inches wide, has soft padding on the inside and a belt buckle to close it tightly around her ankle. On the side opposite the belt buckle is a thick metal ring. As I fasten it, my eyes keep shifting to her exposed pussy, as she rests her foot on the bed. Her lips are barely visible through the tangle of curly black hair.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/37.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Here, do my right hand." <<print $gp.name>> says, as she finishes fastening a cuff around her left hand and pulls her foot down to the floor. "I never could do it with my left hand." She laughs. These cuffs are thinner than the ankle cuffs, maybe an inch and a half wide, with the metal ring on a strap that extends towards her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Now, you're in for the time of your life!" <<print $gp.name>> says, jumping on the bed and positioning herself under the trapeze bar. "Hook my ankle cuffs onto those clips at each end of the bar." <<print $gp.name>> instructs me, lying on her back with her feet up against the hanging bar. I clip the metal rings from the cuffs into the fasteners on each end of the bar.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Now, lift my shoulders and clip my wrists into these other clips." <<print $gp.name>> says, leaning up and reaching for the bar. I pull her up off the bed, one arm at a time, and fasten her wrists to the clips that are about eight inches from each end of the bar. Jesus Christ! Who knew that <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>> was into kinky shit like this? My cock is rock solid as I stare at her, hanging about a foot over the bed, with her legs spread wide apart and her pussy gaping open.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Now, fuck me, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> smiles at me from between her legs. Her tits are right over her wet pussy and her erect nipples are hard to resist. I unhook her ankles from the bar, lean down and lick all around her areolas and then nibble on her hard nipples, sucking each one between my teeth and biting gently.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Harder <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $gp.name>> cries. "Bite my nipples harder." She says, reminding me of Miss Edwards. I bite harder on her right nipple, while pinching her left nipple between my thumb and index finger.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> Oh yeah!" She moans, as I switch my mouth to her other tit and bite down on her left nipple. "Fuck me now, <<print $mc.name>>!" She pleads. "I'm so fucking ready!" She says. Looking down, I see that she's right. Her pussy is splayed open and dripping juice down her ass. I push her back a little bit and move my knees forward on the bed. Positioning, my throbbing cock between her wet pussy lips, I let go of her and she moves forward, impaling her pussy around my cock.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $gp.name>> cries as her pussy lips hit the base of my cock and my balls slap against her ass. "Now just push me back and forth, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> directs me. "You don't have to move at all, just pull me against you and push me away, as fast as you want." She pants. I slowly push her back, dragging her pussy lips along the length of my cock, until just my cock head is in her pussy. With my hands against her legs, I hold her there, teasing her as she pleads with her eyes for me to fuck her.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Not knowing when I'll let go, is what makes it so exciting, isn't it?" I ask, not waiting for an answer. "It must be like being in the front car of a rollercoaster, as it starts over the drop, and you just hang there not knowing exactly when the drop will come." I say, as I release her and she glides back down my cock.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhh!" <<print $gp.name>> sighs, as her pussy once again is filled with my throbbing cock. I repeat the excruciatingly slow push back to the tip of my cock, and the hesitation before the drop, several more times, each one eliciting a longer moan from <<print $gp.name>>. This is fucking incredible! My cock is on fire, as I move <<print $gp.name>> back and forth, along the length of it.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Finally, when my cock can't take it any more and <<print $gp.name>>'s pussy is slick with her frothing cream, I pick up the rhythm. I push her away and pull her back, increasing the pace every few strokes, urgently slamming her pussy down against me and jerking her away. I'm literally masturbating myself with her pussy. I am in complete control of the speed and intensity of the fuck, driven by <<print $gp.name>>'s moans and pleads, and my own building tension in my balls.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" <<print $gp.name>> yells as I, once again, slam her down around my cock. "Keep pounding me, <<print $mc.name>>!" She pleads and I have no intention of stopping. I'm pretty close myself, as I frantically move her back and forth against my cock. The chain rattles over her head, as I feel her pussy spasm. She can't clamp her legs together or do anything else to prevent me from continuing to mercilessly pummel her pussy right through her orgasm.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuuuuck!" <<print $gp.name>> yells, loud enough for the neighbors to hear. As she shivers and shakes, I finally stop the motion, holding it still against my body and shoot my load deep inside her quivering pussy. I squeeze her tightly against me, as my cock involuntarily spurts several more quick loads. Letting go of her legs, I grab the chain to support myself.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow!" I say, ginning at <<print $gp.name>>'s smiling face, her eyes dancing with delight, and her face flush from her orgasm.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Wow, yourself." She says, teasingly. "I thought you would like it." She smiles.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "God, <<print $gp.name>>!" I say, as I look at her in this new position. "This position would be perfect for fucking your ass." I say, laying my hand on her hairy pussy and smearing the mixture of my cum and her pussy juice around her soggy lips and down to her asshole. Her feet are still attached to the ends of the trapeze bar, spreading them about three feet apart. With her shoulders on the bed, her pussy is facing more towards the ceiling, and her asshole is about where her pussy was a minute ago.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/fin-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> In this position, nothing is dripping from her pussy. I push two fingers inside and scoop out a thick gob, smearing it all around her asshole and pushing it inside with my middle finger. I buried my face between her pussy and making wetty with my saliva.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah!" <<print $gp.name>> says, her head back and her eyes closed as I begin to finger fuck her ass. Using my other hand to continue scooping lubricant from her pussy, I push it into her ass, swirling it around with my finger.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Use two fingers, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> instructs me. "Stretch me out so your cock will fit." She says, without opening her eyes. I do as she says, and push my index finger in along side my middle finger. My cock is recovering rapidly from the sight of <<print $gp.name>>, with one of my hands in her ass and the other in her pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/fin-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Three fingers, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> whispers, as her hands grip the bedspread. I pull my hand back and try to fit my ring finger in her ass along with my other two fingers.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Keep playing with my pussy, too." She says, almost breathless. I had stopped rubbing my hand across her pussy lips, as I concentrated on getting three fingers inside her pussy. I keep globbing more creamy lubricant onto my fingers, as I cork screw them into her pussy. With three fingers in her tight pussy, I start pistoning them in and out, finger fucking her pussy. I simultaneously press her pussy lips flat with the palm of my hand, swirling it, in a circular motion, over her clit and labia, matting down all the hair around pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "God! It's been so long since I've done any of this. Unhook me, <<print $mc.name>>. I can't like this forever." She says, as I pull my spent cock from her dripping hole and move around behind her to unhook her wrists. I gently lower her shoulders to the bed and then move back around the other side to unhook her wrists. She opens her eyes and looks lustfully at me. "Now put your cock in there! I'm ready for you to fuck my ass." She says, confidently. I extract my fingers and position my fully recovered cock against her puckered asshole.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/ass-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Slide it around on my pussy first, for lubricant." <<print $gp.name>> says, and I lay my hard cock between her soggy pussy lips and slide it up and down her wide-open slit.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Ohhhh!" <<print $gp.name>> gasps, as I fuck my cock against her pussy and it glides up across her clit. I pull my slick cock back to her other hole and begin to ease it inside. With her shoulders on the bed, as my cockhead slips inside her tight ass.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay?" I ask, before going any farther.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Yeah, give me a second, before you push any more, though." <<print $gp.name>> says, as she concentrates on relaxing her sphincter. "Okay, now, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says. "Keep going." I push my cock a couple more inches and then pull back slightly, working it into her asshole. Using my hands to keep her ass cheeks pulled apart, I keep working at it, a little at a time, until my entire shaft is buried inside her snug asshole.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/ass-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> As I pause, waiting for her to get used to my cock, I look down at the most amazing sight I've ever seen. With her ass cheeks pushed up against my stomach and her legs still stretched to the end of the bar, her wide-open pussy is staring at me from just below my belly button. I reach down and run my thumb up and down her soggy pussy lips, before slipping it inside and gripping her mound with my hand. As I start to move my cock in and out of her ass, I feel like a bronco rider, holding onto his saddle horn. With my thumb in her pussy and my palm against her mound, her clit is cradled between my thumb and my palm as I rock back and forth.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! <<print $mc.name>>, that feels so fucking good!" <<print $gp.name>> cries, as she watching me fuck her tight ass, with a steady, unhurried rhythm. As I pick up the pace in her ass, my hand on her pussy rocks faster, too. My hand is like a rocker arm across her clit. As my thumb slides into her soggy pussy, my palm slides along her mound. Then it reverses and my thumb pulls out, as my palm pushes against her mound.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/2/ass-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah. Your cock feels good in my ass, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> moans. "But what you're doing to my pussy is setting it on fire!" She cries, trying in vain to buck her hips against my hand. In the position she's in, she has to just lie there and be fucked. I'm getting close again, and I pick up the rhythm in both her ass and her pussy, trying to get her there at the same time.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhh! It's building again, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $gp.name>> yells. "Keep going! Keep going!" She pants, pushing up off the bed to thrust against me. I'm pounding into her ass, now, as I roughly thumb fuck her pussy rubbing my palm across her engorged clit.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "It's... so... fucking... close..." <<print $gp.name>> gasps. "This... one... will... be... explosive!" She cries. With her head off the bed, her shoulders tense and her hands digging into the bedspread, she starts convulsing violently as her orgasm literally explodes through her body. She clenches her ass muscles, just as I shoot another load of cum into her, this one into her compact asshole. <<print $gp.name>> is still thrashing around; her head turning from side to side, as I continue to thumb fuck her through the after quakes of her orgasm.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/47.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> As soon as she relaxes, I pull my cock from her asshole and I lie down on top of her sweat-soaked body, pushing my lips against hers. She opens her mouth and sucks my tongue inside, as I settle comfortably onto her large, soft breasts.
<p class="notation_text"> As our breathing returns to normal, I lay my head on her rising and falling breast, enjoying the feel of her nipple against my cheek. Pulling her other tit closer to my face, I gently suck its thick nipple into my mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Very nice." <<print $gp.name>> says, combing her fingers through my hair, as I suckle at her tit. "What time will your <<print $mp.call>> be home?" <<print $gp.name>> asks, while cradling my head against her breast. I can feel the leather cuff against the back of my neck.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'm not sure." I answer, disengaging my mouth from her nipple. "She said before lunch. What time is it?" I ask, turning my head to suck on her other nipple.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/48.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Quarter to eleven." <<print $gp.name>> says. "Let's disassemble this thing and take a shower, shall we?" She asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sounds great!" I answer, lazily pushing myself off of her and rolling onto my back on the bed. "Then I have to go see my <<print $dad.call>>." I tell her.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Yeah, you said something about using the transmitter on him." <<print $gp.name>> says, standing on the bed and unhooking the bar from the ceiling. "God, I'm dripping everywhere." <<print $gp.name>> says, jumping off the bed and heading for the bathroom. I put the bar in the drawer and follow behind her.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Help me get these off." <<print $gp.name>> says, standing in the shower, holding her wrists towards me. I unbuckle the wrist cuffs and then bend down and undo the ankle cuffs, while <<print $gp.name>> wipes the insides of her thigh with a washcloth. I take the cuffs into the bedroom and toss them in the drawer. <<print $gp.name>> has the shower started when I get back.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/49.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "So what's going on with your <<print $dad.call>>?" <<print $gp.name>> asks, as we lather soap on each other's bodies.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "It's a long story." I answer with a sigh.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I've got time." <<print $gp.name>> smiles, generously lathering soap on my cock and balls.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Well, it seems <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $dad.call>>'s divorce was never finalized, even though <<print $mp.call>> thought it was." I tell her, while sliding my soapy hands all over her melon-sized tits. "Then, somehow <<print $dad.call>> found out about <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> dying and that he left us quite a bit of money." I say, continuing to massage her tits, as my cock responds to <<print $gp.name>>'s soapy strokes. "Now his lawyer says he's legally entitled to half the money. That's why we're here, so <<print $mp.call>> can discuss it with her lawyer." I say, pulling my cock from her hand and pressing my body against hers. "That's where <<print $mp.call>> is today." I continue, as her tits slither across my chest and my hard cock slips around on her hairy mound. I move my soapy hands to her back, lathering her ass cheeks, as I push my tongue in her mouth.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/50.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I just don't know how he even knew about <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> or his money." I say, breaking the kiss.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Your <<print $dad.call>> knew <<print $hp.name>> pretty well." <<print $gp.name>> says. "I saw him here several times."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What?" I lean back to look at her face. "When did you see <<print $dad.call>> here?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Last year before <<print $hp.name>> died, your <<print $dad.call>> was here at least once a month, if not more." <<print $gp.name>> says, turning around under the shower spray and rinsing the soap off. "I think they had some kind of business arrangement, but I never knew what it was." <<print $gp.name>> says, stepping out of the shower. "Get rinsed off, <<print $mc.name>>. I don't want your <<print $mp.rel>> to catch us like this." She smiles.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> Fuck! <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> and <<print $dad.call>>... What could they have been doing? I rinse off and step from the shower just as <<print $gp.name>> is leaving the bathroom. I'm lost in thought, as I grab a towel to dry off.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "gp">>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/1/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<!-- Scene 14 - <<print $mc.name>>, <<print $gp.name>> & <<print $mp.call>>
Event - Living room -->
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> is not at home, <<print $gp.name>> and I fucking all over the empty house. When I get to the living room, she pushed me on the couch, pulled down my pants and sits on my cock. After coming together, <<print $gp.name>> is dressed and sitting on the bar stool, drinking a diet coke.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I helped myself, I hope you don't mind." <<print $gp.name>> smiles at me, as I tug my shirt over my head.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Not at all." I say, approaching her and kissing her lightly on the lips. "You are an amazing woman, <<print $gp.name>>." I whisper, as she runs her hands up and down my sides.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/42.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You're not bad, yourself." She says, and we both jump, when we hear <<print $mp.call>>'s key in the front door lock. "Jesus, we cut that close." <<print $gp.name>> says, as I step around to the other side of the counter and get a diet coke for myself.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hi <<print $mp.call>>!" I yell from the kitchen, as <<print $mp.call>> walks through the door, a dour look on her face. "I guess it didn't go so well, huh?" I ask, as <<print $mp.call>> walks towards us.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Hi <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, looking between us. I suddenly realize that with our wet hair and glistening skin, we both look like we just stepped from the shower. "No, it didn't go so well." <<print $mp.call>> sighs, sitting on the bar stool next to <<print $gp.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I came by to see what you were doing today." <<print $gp.name>> says. "<<print $mc.name>> said you'd be home pretty soon, so I waited." <<print $gp.name>> says, reaching out to gently touch <<print $mp.call>>'s shoulder. "What happened?"
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/12.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "The lawyer says we're still married and by state law, Daryl's entitled to half of anything I inherit." <<print $mp.call>> says dejectedly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I've got to get going." I tell them, as I kiss <<print $mp.call>> on the cheek. "Everything will be alright, <<print $mp.call>>." I tell her, patting her thigh. "You'll see."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay, sweetie." <<print $mp.call>> says, but not in a very convincing way. I wink at <<print $gp.name>> as I go into my room to grab the transmitter.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll be back later, <<print $mp.call>>." I say, as I walk through the living room grabbing the car keys. "I'll call you if I can't make it back for dinner."
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/11.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay." <<print $mp.call>> says, uncharacteristically not asking me where I'm going.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Try to cheer her up, will you <<print $gp.lastname>>." I say to <<print $gp.name>>, with a mischievous grin on my face.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'll do my best." She says. "See you later, <<print $mc.name>>."
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $outdoor.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/mc/2/99.webp'">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mc.name>> should ...</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Sex_Freq'; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/porn.gif';" >
<p >Watch Porn!</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/hack.jpg'">
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$activityType = 'Money'; $mediaType = 'image';
$activityImage = 'scenes/mom/2/100.jpg';" >
<p >Do Work!</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Bedroom" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $shower is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$shower = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/shower.webp'; $loc = 'Bathroom';" >
<p >Shower (Stamina +)</p>
<<if $laundry is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$laundry = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $char = 'mp'; $loc = 'Bathroom';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/laundry.jpg';" >
<p >Laundry</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Peeping</p>
</div> -->
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.mp4.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/50.png'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mp4;
$charObject = $mp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/up/3/34.png'; $loc = 'Home'">
<p><<print $mp.call>> & <<print $up.name>></p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mp1;
$charObject = $mp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/mom/3/5.png'; $loc = 'Home'">
<p>Interact with <<print $mp.call>></p>
<<elseif $currentTime is $fuckEvent.mp3.event_time>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/20.png'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $eventCount gte $fuckEvent.mp3.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mp3;
$charObject = $mp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/mom/4/20.png'; $loc = 'Home'">
<p>Fuck <<print $mp.call>></p>
<p class="notation_text"> **Complete Event <<print $fuckEvent.mp3.event_fuck>> (New Scene)**</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/etc/locked.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<p class="notation_text">The Door Is Locked. **New Scene** available at evening!</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What Should I Do...</p>
<<if $currentTime is 0 >>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<div id="pos">
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/mom/46.png'; $loc = 'Kitchen';" >
<p >Do Breakfast</p>
<<elseif $currentTime is 4 >>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/mom/58.png'; $loc = 'Kitchen';" >
<p >Dinner</p>
<<if $kitchenClean is 0 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$kitchenClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image';
$char = 'mp'; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/kitchenclean.gif'; $loc = 'Kitchen';" >
<p >Clean Kitchen!</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $taskDialogue = "">>
<<set $sceneDialogue = "">>
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($eventChar[$eventCount])>>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<p class="notation_text" style="color: #ff7bac; margin-left:8%;" >
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>> ||
<span style="color:#95fc00;"><<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>></span> ||
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] is 0>>
<<print "Weekday">>
<<print "Weekend">>
<div style="margin-bottom:10%">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Bedroom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/m_bedroom.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Kitchen');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/kitchen.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Living');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/living.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" data-setter= '$msg = ""' data-passage="Sisterroom">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/s_bedroom.jpg'">
<p><<print $up.name>>'s Room</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('MyRoom');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/myroom.jpg'">
<p>My Room</p>
<div class="loc_button" data-setter= '$msg = ""' data-passage="Bathroom">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/bathroom.jpg'">
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Baseoffice');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/baseoffice.jpg'">
<p>Basement Office</p>
<div class="loc_button" data-setter= '$msg = ""' data-passage="Pool">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/pool.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('Outdoor');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/outdoor.webp'">
<p class="notation_text" style=" margin-left:8%">
<span style="color:#99ff7b;"><b>Quest:</b> <<print $eventQuest[$eventCount]>></span> <br>
<span style="color:#ff7bac;"><b>Location:</b> <<print $eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>> ||
<b>Time:</b> <<print $dayTimes[$eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>></span>
<<if _cName.shortcode eq "mc">>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b>
<<if _cName.stats.love lt $eventLove[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.lust lt $eventLust[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b> (
<<if _cName.stats.men_freq lt $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.sex_freq lt $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<b>T-Meter Level:</b>
<<if $mc.t_meter.software_up lt $eventLevel[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000">v4.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v4.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00">v4.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v4.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#ffd800;"><b>Check Quest For <<print _cName.name >>'s Location & Time</b> </span>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div id="pos">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/living.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What Should I Do...</p>
<<if $currentTime is 3>>
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mp2; $loc = 'Living';
$charObject = $mp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/mom/3/22.png';">
<p >Interact with <<print $mp.call>></p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'image';
$activityType = 'Knowledge'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/porn.gif'; $loc = 'Living';" >
<p >Watch TV</p>
<<if $livingClean is 0 && $currentTime lt 5>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$livingClean = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $char ='mp'; $loc = 'Living';
$activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/clean.gif'; $loc = 'Living';" >
<p >Clean</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/college.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $currentTime lte $fuckEvent.ed1.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "ed">>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.ed1;
$charObject = $cp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/jp/10.png'; $loc='College'">
<p >Interact With <<print $ed.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime gte 0 && $currentTime lte 3 >>
<<set $charStats = "ed">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = " $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'College';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/jp/12.png'; $char = 'ed'" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Start Class (Men Freq+)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Outdoor" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>><br>
<<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>><br>
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] lt 1>><<print "Weekday">>
<<else>><<print "Weekend">><</if>>
<!-- <p><span class = "ui_text">Men Freq: </span> <<print $mc.t_meter.men_freq >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Sex Freq: </span> <<print $mc.t_meter.sex_freq >> -->
<p><span class = "ui_text">Knowledge: </span> <<print $mc.stats.knowledge >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Stamina: </span> <<print $mc.stats.stamina >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Money: </span>$ <<print $mc.stats.money >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Love: </span> <<print $mc.stats.love >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Lust: </span> <<print $mc.stats.lust >></p>
<p><span class = "ui_text">T_Meter: </span> v4. <<print $mc.t_meter.software_up >><br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">T_Meter Charge: </span><<print $mc.t_meter.charge >>
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($charStats)>>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Character: </span> <<print _cName.name>> <br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Relation: </span> <<print _cName.rel>> <br>
<<if _cName.shortcode == 'mc'>>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Love Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.love>> <br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Lust Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.lust>></p>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Men Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> <br>
<p><span class = "ui_text">Sex Freq: </span> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>></p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <p class="notation_text">Scene Number: <<print $sceneNumber>></p>
<p class="notation_text">Char: <<print $char>></p>
<p class="notation_text">ActivityType: <<print $activityType>></p>
<p class="notation_text">SceneType: <<print $sceneType>></p>
<p class="notation_text">SceneCode: <<print $sceneCode>></p> -->
<<if $mc.t_meter.charge gte 20 >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" onclick="statsChange(25, 'Charge');">
<p>STOP </p>
<video id="sceneVideo" class="scenes_image" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<<if $char == 'mp' or $char == 'ct'>>
<p class="notation_text">** Related Video is only available for Patreon. **</p>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $fuckScene[$sceneCode][$sceneType].scene_dialogue[$sceneNumber]>></p>
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="random-button" onclick="statsChange(25, 'Charge'); charStatsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/low.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">T-Meter do not have enough Charge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
//statsChange(-25, "Charge");
// $("#random-button").on("click", function() {
// // stopGame(variables().activityType,'Char',variables().char);
// });
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/shop.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I purchase?</p>
<<if $currentTime lte 3>>
<<set $charStats = "ap">>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.ap1;
$charObject = $ap; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/ap/6.png'; $loc='Shop'">
<p >Interact With <<print $ap.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/shop.gif'; $loc = 'Shop';" >
<p >Work (Money +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Outdoor" data-setter = "$message = ''" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($eventChar[$eventCount])>>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp">Quest</span><br>
<b>Quest:</b> <<print $eventQuest[$eventCount]>><br>
<b>Location:</b> <<print $eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>><br>
<b>Time:</b> <<print $dayTimes[$eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>><br>
<b>Required:</b> <br>
<!-- Event Name :</b> <<print $eventQuestTitle[$eventCount]>><br> -->
<b>Character Name:</b> <<print _cName.name>> <br>
<<if $eventChar[$eventCount] eq "mc">>
<b>Character:</b> <<print _cName.name >> Need: (<b>Love:</b> <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>> || <b>Lust:</b> <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>>) <br>
<b>Character:</b> <<print _cName.name >> Need: (<b>Men Freq:</b> <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>> || <b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>>)<br>
<b>T-Meter Level:</b> v4.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>> ||
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Tips</span><br>
<b>Increase Money:</b> Work, Chores, Sex, Seduction <br>
<b>Increase Knowledge:</b> Research, Watch TV, Work, Chores, Seduction, Seduction, BlowJob, Cunnilingnus <br>
<b>Increase Stamina:</b> Dinner, Breakfast, Swim, Shower, Exercise, Sexual Activities<br>
<b>Increase MC's Love:</b> Interact, Chores <br>
<b>Increase MC's Lust:</b> Interact, Sexual Activities <br>
<b>Increase Men Freq :</b> Breakfast, Dinner, Chores, Interact, Work, Seduction, BlowJob, Cunnilingnus <br>
<b>Increase Sex Freq With Character:</b> Sexual Activities <br>
<b>TM Charge:</b> Knowledge (20), Money (20), Stamina (20)<br>
<b>TM Update:</b> Knowledge (100), Money (300), Love (100), Lust (100)<br>
<b>Cheat Code:</b> Available in Myroom (Patreon Only)
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<<set _full = 100>>
<<set $event = 20>>
<p><span span class = "mc">Character Location</span>
<br><<print $ap.name>> : Shop (Afternoon)
<br><<print $mp.name>> : Bedroom (Night, Evening), Living (Afternoon)
<br><<print $ep.name>> : Baseoffice (Afternoon)
<br><<print $gp.name>> : Baseoffice (Noon)
<br><<print $cp.name>> : <<print $cp.name>>'s Office (Afternoon)
<br><<print $up.name>> : <<print $up.name>>'s Room (Evening), Bedroom (Night)
<br><<print $mr.name>> : <<print $cp.name>>'s Office (Night)
<br><<print $dp.name>> : <<print $dad.call>>'s Office (Midday)
<br><<print $ct.name>> : <<print $dad.call>>'s House (Noon)
<br><span span class = "mc">Progress</span><br>
<b>Main Event Passed:</b> <<print $eventCount>> ||
<b>Completed:</b> <<print Math.trunc(_full/$event) * $eventCount>> / 100%
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
<p class="notation_text">
The game will always be free, but your support on Patreon means the world to me. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel my passion and help bring this project to life. So, if you're excited to be a part of this adventure and want to show your support, consider pledging on my Patreon page.
<p class="notation_text">
Together, we're creating something amazing, and I truly appreciate your generosity. Let's make this game a reality!
<p class="notation_text">
I need a team. If you are good in English(Communication)/French/Finnish (Translation) language please let me know. We can work together.
<p class="notation_text">
Your feedback is insanely appreciated! You can send it to my Discord or Email (thetwist007@gmail.com) you want!
<p class="notation_text">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103460546" target="_blank">Visit my Patreon page.</a>
<p class="notation_text">
<a href="https://www.twistedtwist.com" target="_blank">Visit my Website For More Game!.</a>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "dp">>
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/5.png'">
<p class="notation_text">My <<print $dad.call>>'s office is about 45 minutes from <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house and I use the time to figure out how to approach him. I arrive at my <<print $dad.call>>'s office, with my dick still hard, and take the elevator to the fourth floor. I find the door that says Harrison & Associates and enter into a reception area. There is a reception desk and five visitor chairs, but no one is waiting. I've already got the ear buds in my ears, and I'm dialing the receptionist's frequency, as I walk up to her desk. I wait to push the button until I hear what she has to say.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hi. I'm <<print $mc.name>>, <<print $dad.name>>'s son, is he in?" I ask, this incredibly gorgeous woman, sitting at the reception desk.
<p class="notation_text"> She's wearing a button up, wide collared blouse, with the buttons undone to her bra clasp. Her perfect, round tits meet in the center of her chest and then curve seductively outward until they are embraced by her bra cups. I can't help but stare at the rise and fall of the curves as she breathes.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/6.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "<<print $dad.lastname>> is in a meeting." She says, looking up at me with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
<p class="notation_text"> They are slightly almond shaped, giving her a Eurasian look, like some of the models in the sports illustrated swimsuit issue. Her skin is either olive complected or she is deeply tanned. Her hair is pulled back from her face, accenting her beautiful skin tone and her full, sensuous lips.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "May I wait for him?" I ask her politely, my eyes still glued to the front of her blouse.
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "You can if you take a seat over there, so you won't keep looking down my blouse." She says, snottily. That's it, I push the button on the transmitter and her eyes glaze over.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's your name?" I ask her, always my first question, right?
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/7.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "<<print $dp.name>>." She says, in the ever-familiar monotone.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Who's my <<print $dad.call>> meeting with, <<print $dp.name>>?" I ask her, leaning forward to get a better look at her perfect globes.
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "A client." She says. "Although he's probably fucking her by now, instead of just meeting." She volunteers.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Why do you say that?" I ask, as I undo two more buttons on her blouse and unfasten the front clasp of her bra, releasing her luscious tits.
<p class="notation_text"> Her nipples are dark red, almost brown, surrounded by dark red areolas. If she's not olive complected, she tans in the nude, because the dark skin completely covers her large, round tits. With her bra unfastened, her tits hang loose and I reach towards them with my hands.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/8.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "Because that's what he does." She says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Are you dark complected, or do you tan all over?" I ask her, hefting her soft tits in my hands.
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "Both." She answers. "I've got a dark complexion, but then I tan nude at the local salon, because <<print $dad.name>> likes me that way." She adds, forgetting the <<print $dad.lastname>> part.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So, you're fucking <<print $dad.name>>?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" She says. "He's a magnificent lover and always makes me cum like crazy."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How do you feel about him fucking the clients?" I ask. "Does it make you jealous?"
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "No, it makes me work harder to please him." She says. "I always try to be the most memorable fuck he gets. That way he'll keep fucking me." She explains.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Okay, <<print $dp.name>>. I'm going to go in there now and interrupt <<print $dad.name>>." I tell her. "Is the door locked?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "No, <<print $dad.name>> never locks his door." She says. "He doesn't have to because he has me to stop any visitors."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wait about ten minutes and then come in, take off all your clothes and join us anyway you wish. No matter how you involve yourself, you will have the most powerful orgasm you've ever had."
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "Okay." She says, looking at her watch.
<p class="notation_text"> I push the button on the transmitter and walk into my <<print $dad.call>>'s office door. <<print $dad.call>> is on the couch fucking a striking blonde, who's probably in her mid-fourties.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "What the fuck!" My <<print $dad.call>> says, scrambling to pull out of the blonde bombshell. I dial his frequency and hit the button.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Don't stop, <<print $dad.call>>, keep fucking her." I tell him and he plunges back into her, trying to pick up his rhythm, while she's struggling to squirm out from under him. "Introduce me to your friend, <<print $dad.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>> this is <<print $jt.name>>." <<print $dad.call>> says, matter-of-factly, while he tries to hold her down, so he can heed my suggestion to continue fucking her. "<<print $jt.name>>, this is my son, <<print $mc.name>>." He says, pumping his cock into her as she struggles to get free.
<img class= "scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/3.png'">
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $jt.name>>: </span> "<<print $dad.name>>! What the fuck are you doing?" The blonde yells. "Get off of me! I don't fuck with an audience!" She says, as I dial in her frequency and hit the button.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Nice to meet you, <<print $jt.name>>." I say. "Don't stop fucking just yet." Just as I finish this last instruction, <<print $dp.name>> comes into the office and starts taking her clothes off.
<p class="notation_text">
I strip off my clothes and kneel on the cushion next to <<print $jt.name>>'s head,
I fondle <<print $jt.name>>'s generous tits, while watching <<print $dp.name>> shed her clothes.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"<<print $dad.call>>." I say, tuning in his frequency and pressing the button. "Now you will fuck <<print $dp.name>> completely through her orgasm. When she finally settles down from her intense orgasm, your dick will just go limp. You will not be able to cum, which will cause you considerable frustration."
pointing my hard cock toward <<print $jt.name>>'s face.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $jt.name>> moves her hand from my <<print $dad.call>>'s ass and grips it around my hard cock, wraps her fingers around my shaft, her touch sending electric currents through my body. "Is this what you wanted, <<print $mc.name>>?" she asks, her voice dripping with desire.
I can only nod, my words lost in the haze of pleasure. She leans forward, her soft, pink lips parting as she takes the head of my dick into her mouth. The sensation is indescribable, a mixture of heat and wetness that makes my knees weak.
She works her mouth up and down my shaft, her tongue flicking against the sensitive underside. I groan, my hands tangling in her golden hair as I surrender to the pleasure she is giving me.
<p class="notation_text"> She has a perfect body. If ever there was a ten, <<print $dp.name>> is it. With her blouse and bra removed, her round tits stand out firmly from her chest. Her two-inch areolas surround her thick nipples, which are sticking out about half an inch from her tits. I look at her smooth, flat stomach as she unzips her skirt and steps out of it. Her white thong barely covers her pussy, but it's obviously hairless. Probably something else <<print $dad.name>> likes. When she bends over to remove her thong, her luscious tits hang towards the floor and I pump harder into <<print $jt.name>>'s mouth, as I savor the sight.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">My cock engulfed in the warm, wet embrace of <<print $jt.name>>'s mouth. Her blonde hair cascaded over my thighs, tickling my skin as she worked her magic.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Fuck, <<print $jt.name>>, you're so good at this," I groan, my hands instinctively tangling in her silky locks.
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span>"Yes, Daryl, fuck me hard," <<print $dp.name>> moans, her voice echoing in the room, a testament to the pleasure she is experiencing.
Across the couch, the sight of <<print $dp.name>> riding, my own <<print $dad.call>> .. a spectacle that fueled my arousal. His hands grips her hips, guiding her as she moves in a rhythm that is as primal as seductive. The room is filled with the sound of skin against skin, the soft moans of pleasure, and the scent of arousal. It seems a symphony of desires, a testament to the power of lust and passion.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Fuck, <<print $dp.name>>, you feel incredible," <<print $dad.call>> groans, his hands gripping her hips as she rode him with an uninhibited rhythm. The sight of her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, her breasts bouncing with each thrust, is enough to send a jolt of lust through me.
<p class="notation_text">
Me on my knees, fucking <<print $jt.name>> spreading her legs around my waist as she urges me deeper.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $jt.name>>: </span>
"You like that, <<print $mc.name>>?" she purrs, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Fuck, yes," I grunt, my words barely audible over the sound of our bodies slapping together.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">I am fucking deep within <<print $dp.name>>. Her soft moans fill the air, a symphony of pleasure that resonates within me. <<print $dad.call>>'s rhythmic thrusts echo mine, as he claims <<print $jt.name>> from behind.
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span>"Oh, <<print $mc.name>>," <<print $dp.name>> breathes, her voice a sultry whisper that sends shivers down my spine. "You feel so good inside me."
<!-- <<print $dp.name>>'s hands roam my body, her fingers digging into my back. I can feel her nails scratching my skin, leaving a trail of pleasure and pain in their wake. -->
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span>"Harder, <<print $mc.name>>," she whispers, her voice a desperate plea. "I want to feel you." I obey, driving into her with renewed vigor. Each thrust elicits a moan from her, a testament to the pleasure I'm giving her. I can feel her tightening around me, her body preparing for release.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $jt.name>>: </span>Across the couch, <<print $jt.name>>'s moans join <<print $dp.name>>'s. "Oh, Daryl," she cries out, her voice laces with ecstasy. "Yes, just like that."
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $jt.name>> turns her head to meet <<print $jt.name>>'s. Their lips meet in a passionate kiss, a testament to the connection that binds us all. I can feel <<print $dp.name>>'s body trembling beneath me, her release imminent.
<!-- <p class="notation_text"> <<print $jt.name>> immediately stops trying to squirm out from under my <<print $dad.call>>'s body and starts bucking her ass off the couch in rhythm with him.
</p> -->
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Slowly, I moved my hands to <<print $dp.name>>'s hips, lining my cock to her wet pussy, ready to fuck her doggystyle as she rub <<print $jt.name>>'s cunt. If <<print $dad.call>> gets to fuck <<print $dp.name>> (and bareback as well), then I'm definitely fucking <<print $dp.name>>'s tight little Asian pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Oh god..." I murmured, my cock slipping into <<print $dp.name>>'s pussy with ease. She was so wet and tight, the sensation was incredible. I gripped her hips tightly as I began to thrust into her, matching <<print $dad.call>>'s rhythm as he fucked <<print $dp.name>>.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $jt.name>>'s eyes never left mine as <<print $dp.name>>'s hand worked on her clit. The look of pure pleasure on her face was something I never knew existed, and it was driving me insane. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge with each thrust, <<print $dp.name>>'s pussy gripping me like a glove.
<p class="notation_text">Daryl moaned, his hands gripping <<print $jt.name>>’s hips as she rode him with an uninhibited rhythm. The sight of her breasts bouncing with each thrust mesmerized me.
After getting turned on,I started claiming <<print $dp.name>>’s pussy from behind.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/cum-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> "Fuck, <<print $dp.name>>, you feel incredible," <<print $dad.call>> groans shooting his cum onto her pussy which was glistening with his thick white loads.
<<print $jt.name>>s's hands roam my body, she hugs me. I can feel her nails scratching my skin, leaving a trail of pleasure and pain in their wake. While she watches <<print $dp.name>> and <<print $dad.call>> cumming ,<<print $jt.name>> starts pushing one of her breasts into <<print $dp.name>>'s mouth gently.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"Fuck, yes!" I grunt watching this sight.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $dp.name>>, completely naked, is lying on the couch. Her entire body is tanned, including her porcelain smooth pussy mound. Fuck! I could shoot my load just looking at her. She looks like a goddess with her golden skin tone, Eurasian facial features, hairless pussy, and perfectly round tits. <<print $dp.name>> stops about a foot from me, taking in the action on the couch. <<print $dad.name>> is frantically fucking <<print $dp.name>>, while she is bucking her ass fervently against him.
<div class="dialog_text ed_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ed"><<print $jt.name>>: </span> "Hmmm... So... Hmmph... So good..." she managed to say, her voice strained as she was being pleasured by two people at once.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "When I turn off the transmitter, you all will get dressed and return to your position." I hit the button and they gets up off the couch and walks over to their clothes. I leave.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $dadofficeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $dadoffice.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $dadoffice.status[0] = 0>>
<<set $danae_fck to 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/pool.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $poolClean is 0 and $currentTime lte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$poolClean = 1; $char = 'mp'; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/pool-clean.jpg'; $loc = 'Pool'" >
<p >Clean Pool</p>
<<if $swimming is 0 and $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$swimming = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/swim.gif'; $loc = 'Pool';" >
<p >Swim (Stamina +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/myroom.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $currentTime gte 5 >>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MyRoom" onclick="forwardDay()" style="width:25vw">
<p >Sleep</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MyRoom" onclick="forwardTime(1)" style="width:25vw">
<p >Nap (+1hr)</p>
<<if $exercise is 0 and $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$exercise = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Stamina'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/exercise.webp'; $loc = 'MyRoom';" >
<p >Exercise (Stamina +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''" style="width:25vw">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<p style="notation_text">Created by The Twist | Game version: v1.3 "Chapter 3"</p>
<p style="notation_text">We hope you enjoy this game! With ♥ from The Twist.</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div class="intro">
<!-- **************************************************** MC STATS **************************************** -->
<p style="margin:0;margin-bottom:2%;">Change Name & Relation by clicking on change button below. </p>
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcName">Change Name (Default: <<print $mc.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>):</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mcName" value="Nick" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mike/Mark/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** MP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpName">She is <<print $mp.name>> <<print $mp.lastname>> (Default:<<print $mp.name>> <<print $mc.lastname>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpName" value="Eline" placeholder="Enter any Mona/Silvee/Reba"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpRel">She is your (Default: <<print $mp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpRel" value="Neighbor-Mother/Woman" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcRel">You are her (Default: <<print $mc.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mcRel" value="Neighbor-Son/Boy" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpCall">You should call her (Default: <<print $mp.call>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpCall" value="Neighbor-Mom/Woman" placeholder="Enter any "><br>
<!-- **************************************************** UP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="upName">She is <<print $up.name>> <<print $up.lastname>> (Default: <<print $up.name>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="upName" value="Susan" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<div class="setting_text ">
<label for="upRel">She is your (Default: <<print $up.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="upRel" value="Neighbor-Sister/Girl" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcupRel">You are her (Default: <<print $mc.up>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mcupRel" value="Neighbor-Brother/Boy" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mpupRel">She is her (<<print $mp.name>>'s) (Default: <<print $mp.up>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mpupRel" value="Neighbor-Daughter/Girl" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<!-- **************************************************** Ep STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="epName">She is <<print $ep.name>> <<print $ep.lastname>> (Default: <<print $ep.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="epName" value="Nicole" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** Gp STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/gp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="gpName">She is <<print $gp.name>> <<print $gp.lastname>> (Default:<<print $gp.rel>> )</label><br>
<input type="text" id="gpName" value="Maggie" placeholder="Enter only nick name Mona/Silvee/Reba"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="gpCall">She (<<print $ep.name>>) should call her (Default: <<print $gp.call>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="gpCall" value="Neighbor-Mom/Woman" placeholder="Enter any "><br>
<!-- **************************************************** ED STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="edName">She is <<print $ed.name>> <<print $ed.lastname>> (Default: <<print $ed.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="edName" value="Miss Edwards" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** MR STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mrName">She is <<print $mr.name>> <<print $mr.lastname>> (Default: <<print $mr.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mrName" value="Maria" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** CT STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ct.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="ctName">She is <<print $ct.name>> <<print $ct.lastname>> (Default: <<print $ct.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="ctName" value="Christina" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** DP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="dpName">She is <<print $dp.name>> <<print $dp.lastname>> (Default: <<print $dp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="dpName" value="Danae" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** JT STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jt.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="jtName">She is <<print $jt.name>> <<print $jt.lastname>> (Default: <<print $jt.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="jtName" value="Janet" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** AP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="apName">She is <<print $ap.name>> <<print $ap.lastname>> (Default: <<print $ap.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="apName" value="Allison" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** CP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="cpName">She is <<print $cp.name>> <<print $cp.lastname>> (Default: <<print $cp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="cpName" value="Carolyn" placeholder="Enter only nick name Jenna/Silvy/etc.">
<!-- **************************************************** Dad STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dad.png'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="dadName">He is <<print $dad.name>> <<print $dad.lastname>> (Default: <<print $dad.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="dadName" value="Deryl" placeholder="Enter only nick name John/Michael/etc.">
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="dadRel"> He is your (Default: <<print $dad.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="dadRel" value="Neighbor-Dad" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mcdadRel">You are his (Default: <<print $mc.dad>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mcdadRel" value="Neighbor-Son/Boy" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="updadRel"><<print $up.name>> is his (Default: <<print $up.dad>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="updadRel" value="Neighbor-Daugter/Girl" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<!-- **************************************************** HP STATS **************************************** -->
<img class="scenes_image setting_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/hp.jpg'" >
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="hpName">He is <<print $hp.name>> <<print $hp.lastname>> (Default: <<print $hp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="hpName" value="Harry" placeholder="Enter only nick name John/Michael/etc.">
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="hpRel"> He is your (Default: <<print $hp.rel>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="hpRel" value="Neighbor-Uncle" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="mchpRel">You are his (Default: <<print $mc.hp>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="mchpRel" value="Neighbor-Nephew/Boy" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<div class="setting_text">
<label for="uphpRel"><<print $up.name>> is his (Default: <<print $up.hp>>)</label><br>
<input type="text" id="uphpRel" value="Neighbor-Niece/Girl" placeholder="Enter any Relation"><br>
<!-- **************************************************** SCRIPT **************************************** -->
<<button "Change" "Intro_0">>
<<set $mc.name = $("#mcName").val()>>
<<set $mc.call = $("#mcName").val()>>
<<set $mp.mc = $("#mcRel").val()>>
<<set $ep.name = $("#epName").val()>>
<<set $mp.name = $("#mpName").val()>>
<<set $mp.rel = $("#mpRel").val()>>
<<set $mp.call = $("#mpCall").val()>>
<<set $up.name = $("#upName").val()>>
<<set $up.rel = $("#upRel").val()>>
<<set $ap.name = $("#apName").val()>>
<<set $ed.name = $("#edName").val()>>
<<set $cp.name = $("#cpName").val()>>
<<set $mr.name = $("#mrName").val()>>
<<set $gp.name = $("#gpName").val()>>
<<set $gp.call = $("#gpCall").val()>>
<<set $hp.name = $("#hpName").val()>>
<<set $hp.rel = $("#hpRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.hp = $("#mchpRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.up = $("#mcupRel").val()>>
<<set $mp.up = $("#mpupRel").val()>>
<<set $up.hp = $("#uphpRel").val()>>
<<set $ct.name = $("#ctName").val()>>
<<set $dp.name = $("#dpName").val()>>
<<set $jt.name = $("#jtName").val()>>
<<set $dad.name = $("#dadName").val()>>
<<set $dad.rel = $("#dadRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.dad = $("#mcdadRel").val()>>
<<set $mc.up = $("#mcupRel").val()>>
<<set $mp.up = $("#mpupRel").val()>>
<<set $up.dad = $("#updadRel").val()>>
<<button "Default" "Intro_0">>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <<if $mc.stats.money gte 0 >> -->
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" >
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="statsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/blue.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Money or Knowledge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
</div> -->
<!-- <</if>> -->
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "dp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/4/3.png'">
<!-- Scene 17 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $dad.call>> (<<print $dad.call>>’s office) -->
<p class="notation_text"> I enter into the <<print $dad.call>>'s office. Behind reception desk <<print $dp.name>> is working and <<print $jt.name>> using her cell phone, sitting on visitor chairs. I've already got the ear buds in my ears, and I'm dialing the receptionist's & <<print $jt.name>>'s frequency, as I walk up to them. I push the button and tell them to follow me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Take off your pants <<print $dad.call>>." I dial in his frequency and hit the button.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"<<print $jt.name>> and <<print $dp.name>>, you will suck our cock, giving us your best blowjob ever." I tell them and they immediately opens their mouth, sucking our cockhead between their lips. "Your arousal will reach new heights; it will peak and stay there until we cum. Once we cum, you will immediately cum, too, with the most explosive orgasm you've ever had. Feel free to ride it out for as long as it takes." I finish their instructions, savoring the feeling of their mouth around our hard cock.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $jt.name>> immediately come forward, and then crawls on all fours, across the floor on the couch. She looks like a sleek cat; gracefully stalking its prey, and my eyes are drawn to her exquisite tits, swinging between her arms. I scoot forward on the couch, pointing my hard cock towards her face.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $dp.name>> reaches to couch and wraps her slender hand around <<print $dad.call>>'s hard cock while she slides her soft lips down the length of <<print $dad.call>>'s rigid cock. Fuck! <<print $jt.name>> has the head of my cock buried in her throat, as she locks her almond-shaped, brown eyes on mine. With a slight smile, she flicks her tongue along the underside of my cock, as she gradually pulls her lips back.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What were you and <<print $hp.name>> up to, <<print $dad.call>>?" I ask him, while he's under the spell of the transmitter's signal.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "We were business partners." <<print $dad.call>> answers, in a flat, monotone voice. "I was the financial backer for his latest invention, the Neuro Submission Transmitter." I almost fall off my couch when I hear <<print $dad.call>> say this. The muffled moans from the couch are getting louder and more urgent. I turn my head and see <<print $dp.name>>'s mouth humping arduously against <<print $dad.call>>'s crotch, while <<print $dp.name>> is bucking his ass off the couch against <<print $dp.name>>'s face. I have trouble pulling my eyes away from <<print $dp.name>>'s sleek golden body, especially her smooth, round ass cheeks.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/bj-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Tell me all about it, <<print $dad.call>>." I say, my focus still on the two beauties on the couch.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "A couple of years ago, <<print $hp.name>> called me with a business proposition." <<print $dad.call>> says, with a voice inflection. "He offered me the chance to use his prototype transmitter, if I would back the rest of his research. He knew that we represented models for most of the major agencies and offered me a demonstration of this device. He suggested I invite any model who I wanted to sign to my agency or one I just wanted to fuck." The action on the couch is almost drowning out our conversation. The moaning, even though burrowed in each other's voice, is loud and intense. <<print $jt.name>> is also sucking my cock with loud moans in an effort to make me cum.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "He came over with this black box." <<print $dad.call>> says, completely oblivious to the action on the couch. "I had invited <<print $dp.name>> to come to the meeting. She was the sexiest model I knew and was as icy as the North Pole." She's certainly the most sexual being I have ever seen, I think to myself, glancing at the couch. "He turned on his transmitter while we were talking, hit a couple of buttons and she was completely under his control." <<print $dad.call>> says, flatly. "He had her strip, displaying her magnificent body for us and then give us each a blowjob. He made her lie on her back across my desk, and we fondled her tits and pussy while we negotiated our deal. I pretty much gave him whatever he wanted."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What happened to the box?" I ask, as <<print $dp.name>> and <<print $jt.name>> are continously sucking our cock, filling the room with loud slurping noises.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/bj-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "It's right here in my desk drawer." <<print $dad.call>> says, opening one of the drawers. Inside is a box with two buttons and two lights on top.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How does it work?" I ask, but before he can answer, I turn.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "This button turns it on and this green indicator light glows to let you know it's working." <<print $dad.call>> says, pointing. "The transmitter scans through the entire spectrum of frequencies and when it finds the right one, this red light comes on. You then have three seconds to hit this button to lock in the frequency. The person is then under your control." It's the same principle as my transmitter, but not as easy to use or as portable. "<<print $hp.name>> set it up so that it never stops on my frequency and I can't accidentally use it on myself." <<print $dad.call>> says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So what have you been doing with the transmitter, <<print $dad.call>>?" I ask.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/bj-6.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "I've been using it to make business deals." <<print $dad.call>> answers me, paying no attention to <<print $dp.name>> & <<print $jt.name>> feeding our throbbing cock into their sultry mouth. "I conduct as much business as I can in my office, using the transmitter. That way I control the outcome." He says, "I also interview clients here, and they will do anything I want." <<print $dad.call>> says,
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How much money did you make last year." I ask my <<print $dad.call>>, panting, while <<print $dp.name>> works on <<print $dad.call>>'s cock in and out of her warm mouth and teases his balls with her fingernails. Fuck! She not only looks like a goddess, she really knows her way around a blowjob! I feel the tension building in my balls, as I hump my cock into <<print $jt.name>>'s mouth.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "Three point five million." <<print $dad.call>> answers matter-of-factly. "Most of it tax-free."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Why tax free?" I ask, my jaw dropping open. Three point five million! How does he make that much and why does he need <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s money?
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/bj-7.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "<<print $jt.name>> and I also run a unique sort of escort business, with a client rooster that wishes to remain anonymous." He explains. "So, we don't report their charges to the IRS." I remember <<print $jt.name>>. She's the bimbo <<print $dad.call>> went with when he left <<print $mp.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Why did you leave <<print $mp.call>> for <<print $jt.name>>?" I ask, before I've had a chance to think about it. <<print $dp.name>> is really working my cock, now. If I weren't distracted by my conversation with <<print $dad.call>>, I'd have cum already.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "I didn't leave your <<print $mp.rel>>." <<print $dad.call>> answers, as <<print $dp.name>> starts nibbling on the underside of his cock. She's sucking and biting the most sensitive spot on his cock, while rolling his balls between her fingers. "She kicked me out because of all the cheating I did. I just went to <<print $jt.name>>, so I wouldn't be alone." He says, as <<print $jt.name>> again sucks the swollen head of my cock into her mouth, pumping furiously.
<p class="notation_text"> I can't hold back any longer. I thrust forward, while grabbing <<print $jt.name>>'s hair and shoot my load deep into her mouth. I jerkily shoot several more spurts of cum into her mouth and she swallows it all. Fuck! <<print $dp.name>> rocks back onto her heels, licking <<print $dad.call>>'s cum from her lips, as she smiles at me. I am again entranced by <<print $jt.name>>'s alluring body, especially her perfect tits. Her hard, thick nipples are pointing right at me, as she awaits further instruction.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/11.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"<<print $jt.name>> and <<print $dp.name>>, you can both orgasm now." <<print $jt.name>> is clawing at <<print $dp.name>>'s ass, and thrashing around on the couch, Loud, muffled groans accompany the clenching of <<print $dp.name>>'s legs. Their bodies shake so violently that it propels them off the couch and onto the floor. <<print $jt.name>> is now on top and they are still locked, thigh embrace. They quake and shiver through a succession of orgasmic tremors, gasping for air.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Why do you want <<print $mp.call>> to give you half of <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s money?" I ask, turning to look at <<print $jt.name>>, who has been lying on the couch, watching this whole time. <<print $dad.call>> sure can pick them!
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "I don't care about <<print $hp.name>>'s money." <<print $dad.call>> answers. "I just want the estate catalogued. There's a portable transmitter among <<print $hp.name>>'s stuff and I want it." He explains. "I asked for half the estate, so I could negotiate for the transmitter." That explains a lot! Fuck! I have to get out of here, so I can think about what to do about all this. I decide to give everyone a post transmission suggestion. I start with <<print $dad.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $dad.call>>, when I turn off the transmitter, you will sit here for five minutes, doing nothing. At the end of five minutes, you will realize what a great visit we're having and invite me home to meet <<print $jt.name>>. When we get to your house, you will excuse yourself and leave me alone with <<print $jt.name>> for at least thirty minutes." I want to find out more about this escort business and see what <<print $jt.name>> is like. Oops! I almost forget the most important part.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dad/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You will never use your transmitter on me." I don't want to give him too many suggestions about the transmitter, until I've thought it through. I turn to <<print $jt.name>> and tune in her frequency. I decide that I really don't want to do anything else with <<print $jt.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $jt.name>>, when I turn off the transmitter, you will get dressed and leave, remembering that Daryl required you to fuck him before he would represent you as a model. It wasn't unpleasant, but you decide to look into other agencies." I flip the transmitter dial and tune in <<print $dp.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> Ahhh yes! <<print $dp.name>>!
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dad/4.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $dp.name>>." I begin, choosing my words carefully. "You will no longer feel as if you have to do everything to please Daryl." I decide to go with a trigger like I did with <<print $ep.name>> and <<print $ed.name>>. "Whenever I say, 'Think about it, <<print $dp.name>>', whatever I suggest next will be completely acceptable and enthusiastically embraced by you." By keeping the trigger the same as <<print $ep.name>>'s, I figure I won't forget what it is.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "When I turn off the transmitter, you will get dressed and return to your desk." I hit the button and <<print $dp.name>> gets up off the floor and walks over to her clothes. Her tanned, round ass swaying as she walks. I will definitely be back for more of that!
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $dadofficeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $dadoffice.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $dadoffice.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- <<if $activityType == 'Update'>>
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge lt 0 || $mc.stats.money lt 0>>
<<set _person = false>>
<<set _person = true>>
<</if>> -->
<!-- <<if _person == true>> -->
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<!-- <<else>> -->
<!-- <img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/red.webp'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Money or Knowledge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="Home" data-setter ="$msg = '';">
<p >Leave</p>
<</if>> -->
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#leave-button").on("click", function() {
// stopTask(variables().activityType);
// $("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
// stopGame(variables().activityType);
// });
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "ct">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/4.jpg'">
<!-- Scene 20 - <<print $mc.name>>, <<print $ct.name>> & <<print $dad.call>> (<<print $dad.call>>’s Home)
Event: Conversation between <<print $mc.name>>, <<print $ct.name>> -->
<p class="notation_text"> I eneter <<print $dad.call>>'s house, found <<print $ct.name>> at livingroom room, naked.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span>"Hello <<print $mc.name>>! I hope enjoyed a lot last day. Your <<print $dad.call>> leaves half an hour ago. He messed up my body with his mayo. I need a shower! " <<print $ct.name>> announces, as she jumps to her feet and reaches her hand out to help me up. She pulls me up, into a full embrace, squeezing my ass cheeks with her hands. I cup her ass with my hands and look at our bodies in the mirrored wall.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "<<print $hp.name>> was pretty kinky, you know." <<print $ct.name>> says, as she leads me down a hallway towards the bathroom. "He liked getting fucked in the ass." She laughs, raising an eyebrow at me for my reaction.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So I've heard." I tell her. "How about my <<print $dad.call>>?" I ask. "Is he kinky like that, too?"
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Oh god no!" She laughs. "Your <<print $dad.call>> is way too homophobic to even consider anything in his ass." She says.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/5.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "How old are you?" <<print $ct.name>> asks, as she leans into the shower and adjusts the temperature of the water.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Eighteen." I answer. "I just graduated from high school.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "No kidding!" She cries. "Wait, what was your grade point average?" She asks, excitedly, stepping into the shower and letting the spray run over her body.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What?" I ask, stepping in behind her.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "What was your grade point average in high school?" She asks, squeezing soap onto her hands and lathering up her legs.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "My senior year it was a 3.5. Why?" I ask, reaching for the body wash. "Let me do that." I say, squirting soap onto my palms and lathering her thighs.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/6.webp'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "I told you I was smart, right?" She says, spreading her legs so I can wash her upper thighs. "Well, my senior year in high school, I was a tutor for kids who were struggling with their grades. I decided to combine my sex addiction and my tutoring, by offering sex as an incentive to kids who brought their grade point average up to a 3.0. Word got out and I ended up fucking every guy in the senior class with a 3.0 average and even a couple of girls." She says, as I wash between her legs and lather her firm, round ass cheeks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So, if I didn't have a 3.0?" I ask, while I start soaping her perfectly round tits.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Then this would have been wrong!" She says, laughing, as she rubs her soapy hands across my chest and down my stomach.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "How did the couple of girls get in there?" I ask, as her hands move down and she begins lathering my cock and balls.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/7.webp'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "These two friends of mine used to have parties whenever their parents were out of town." She says, as my cock starts to recover from her expert fondling. "During these parties, they'd set me up in one of their livingrooms and guys would line up outside the livingroom door with their grades. Any guy who met the grade point average would be let in to fuck me, sometimes more than one at a time." She says, as I pump my hard cock against her hand and she continues caressing my balls. "I would do as many as ten or fifteen guys at each party." She sighs, letting go of my cock and sliding her hands around to my ass cheeks. "Of course, these were inexperienced high school guys, so I only got off about every third or fourth fuck." She laughs. Pulling me against her, we slither our soapy bodies against each other, her tits, slipping across my chest and my cock sliding sideways around her pussy mound.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "One night these two girls showed up with their grades, wanting to join the fun. I had never been with a girl before, so I thought what the fuck." My cock is rock hard from slithering against <<print $ct.name>>'s soapy body and from hearing about her sexual escapades as a teenager. "I found out that I love having my pussy eaten by a girl, but I don't much like to reciprocate. I almost gagged when I tried it. Luckily there were two of them, so I had them eat each other while they took turns eating me." She smiles and turns around, towards the water. I push my body against her back and reach my hands around to caress her tits, while my cock nestles between her ass cheeks.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "No one eats pussy like a woman." She says. "Except your father!" She says, turning back towards me. "That's a compliment." She insists. "It's not like saying he hits like a girl or throws like a girl. Eating pussy like a girl is a significant accomplishment and your <<print $dad.call>> does it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's the difference, <<print $ct.name>>? "I ask.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/8.webp'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "It's hard to explain." She says, rinsing off and stepping out of the shower. "Women take their time to build the arousal, but it's more than that. They know just when and where to lick, with how much pressure and when to stop." She says. "Of course, when I started fucking your <<print $dad.call>>, my experience was limited to guys my own age. I couldn't believe I could cum every time I had sex." She laughs. "Come on, let's see how good you are, then I want to fuck you and your <<print $dad.call>> together." She says, grabbing my cock and leading me into her livingroom.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So, this is a test." I ask, as <<print $ct.name>> settles back on her living, spreading her long legs. I crawl up between them for my first real good look at her pussy. Her pussy lips are long and thick, weaving around her hole, like a tiny mountain range around a volcano.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Sex is always a test, isn't it?" She says, smiling. "Was it good? Did you cum? How was it for you? We are always putting our abilities to the test when we have sex." She says, lying back on the livingroom and pulling her knees up.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Tell me about the business you have with my <<print $dad.call>>." I say, as I begin caressing her inner thighs with my hands.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "There's not much to tell." <<print $ct.name>> says, as I start licking her upper thighs and down her ass cheeks. "About once a month, we have a weekend party. Daryl schedules meetings all week with his top models and uses the transmitter to give them instructions about how to behave at the party. Top executives, CEOs, politicians all pay upwards of $10,000 each to attend the party. Imagine a party where every woman is stunningly gorgeous and every one is a sure thing." She says, as I continue to lick all around her pussy.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm." She sighs, as I lick the outside of her thick, pussy lips. I tease and nip at her pussy lips until she's squirming around and trying to get my tongue into her pussy. I slide my hand over her mound, running my thumb along her thin strip of hair. Pressing down, I hold her against the living, and with my tongue flattened out, I very slowly lick from the bottom of her pussy to the top.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Ooooooooo!" She coos, pushing up against my hand, which I keep firmly against her mound, making it hard for her to move. When I get to the top of her opening, I pull my tongue back and do it again, slower.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "So these guys pay $10,000 to get laid by gorgeous models." I say, lifting my head from her juicy cunt.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Yes, but it's more than that." She breathes, as she pushes up against my hand. "They can swim nude with them, play pool in the nude, whatever they want, and at the end of the weekend, we give them a souvenir DVD of their visit." She smiles.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You film them?" I ask incredulously, before I continue lapping at her juices.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "There are cameras and microphones in every room and all over the grounds." She says mischievously, as I think about our romp in the exercise room. "Even in the exercise room." She says, as if reading my mind. "We can watch it later if you like." Stiffening my tongue, I plunge it into her wet pussy and start tongue fucking her, while continuing to hold her down against the living. Cameras in every room! Transmitter controlled sex parties! Jesus Christ!
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm. Yeah!" She says, wiggling as much as she can against my tongue, as it pistons in and out of her juicy hole. Reaching up, I pinch and twist her nipples, while I tongue fuck her. Just as she starts to buck her pussy against my tongue, I pull it out and again start licking around the outside of her pussy lips.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhh! Come on, <<print $mc.name>>!" She begs, as I suck one of her pussy lips into my mouth and gently nibble the edge of it. I tease her pussy lips, alternating sucking each one, while I continue to maul her tits and pinch her nipples.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Oh god, <<print $mc.name>>!" She cries, arching her back, as I slip two fingers into her pussy and start finger fucking her. Sliding my lips to the top of her pussy, I flick my tongue over her clit a couple of times before sucking it into my mouth. With my lips around her clit, I use my tongue to lightly lick across the tip of it, while I continue to pump my fingers in and out of her soggy pussy.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $ct.name>> yells. "Keep doing that! Just like that, <<print $mc.name>>!" She pleads, while jerking her ass off the livingroom in rhythm with my finger fucking.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm cumming, <<print $mc.name>>!" <<print $ct.name>> yells. "I'm fucking cumming!" She grabs my hair, pulling my face tightly against her cunt, nearly s<<print $mp.rel>>ing me, as her orgasm rips through her body. Clenching her pussy around my fingers and clamping her thighs against my ears, she shakes and shivers while I continue to lightly flick her clit. She unclamps her legs, just as a flood of creamy juice gushes over my fingers. I replace my fingers with my tongue and lap up her delicious, frothy nectar.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> When the flow begins to trickle, I move my body up over hers sliding my hard cock into her steamy pussy. With out any preamble, I strike up a fast rhythm, pounding into her like I'm trying to pulverize her pussy. She pulls her knees up and I hook my arms behind them, bending her nearly in half, while I continue to pummel her pussy like a jackhammer.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhhh! Fuck!" <<print $ct.name>> gasps, as I relentlessly slam into her, harder and harder, while I push her feet down towards her shoulders. With her knees pushing against her tits, she reaches her hands around behind me and digs her nails into my ass cheeks. Suddenly, I want to hurt her! I want to fuck her so hard she cries out! I hate her! I hate her for being with my <<print $dad.call>>! I hate her for knowing I would fuck her! I hate her for being young, beautiful and smart! It's irrational, but I just fucking hate her!
<p class="notation_text"> I stop fucking her. Pushing harder on her legs, I lean up and smile at her. She looks at me apprehensively, as I slowly pull my fully erect, throbbing cock out of her saturated pussy and line it up with her puckered asshole. Without warning I shove it forward, burying it in her tight, unlubricated asshole.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Arrrgghhhh!" She cries. "Fuck! That hurts!" She yells.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Good!" I yell back, as I pump my hard cock in and out of her asshole. Her pussy juice on my cock provides enough lubricant and I start gliding easily in and out, building up the tension in my balls, until I explode inside her ass. I pull out, collapsing on the living, panting.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "<<print $dad.name>>!" <<print $ct.name>> yells. "Get in here and finish what your son started!" She calls out. <<print $dad.call>> comes in, shedding his clothes. "He was fucking my ass, but I didn't cum yet." She complains, as she gets up on all fours and presents her asshole to him. "He left plenty of lubricant, just fuck me hard!" She says, smiling at me.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "You eat pussy like a girl." She whispers to me, as my <<print $dad.call>> lines up his cock with her cum filled asshole. She's rubbing her clit with her hand, as he starts pumping his cock in and out of her ass.
<p class="notation_text">I don't want to watch this. I find my way back to the exercise room, get dressed and leave their house. I still have the transmitter in my pocket, but I'm not sure what I want to do yet.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $dadhouseEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $living.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $dadhouse.status[0] = 0>>
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<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/13.png'">
Scene 22 <<print $gp.name>>, <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $mc.name>> ( <<print $hp.rel>> Harri’s Home)
Event: Shower
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Well, young man." She says, walking towards me. "So, you and <<print $gp.name>>, huh?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes ma'am." I answer, smiling back at her. "I couldn't help myself." I answer.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "So now you've fucked the <<print $mp.rel>> and the <<print $mp.up>>." She says, wrinkling her brow as another thought hits her. "Just like at home!" She exclaims. "You are one busy <<print $mp.rel>> fucker." She says, laughing at her own joke, as she pulls me into a tight embrace.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Come on." She says, pulling me down the hall. "You must be hurting, the way you were rubbing yourself in the bedroom earlier."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes ma'am." I answer again, shedding my clothes before we get to the bedroom. "I need a shower first, though, <<print $mp.call>>." I tell her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Really?" She says, raising her eyebrows at me, questioningly. I just smile, squeamishly.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay, lets take a shower, then." She says, turning into the master bathroom.
<p class="notation_text">I adjust the water temperature, as <<print $mp.call>> takes off her clothes and then we both step into the shower. My cock is rock solid, pointing straight at her, as she squirts body wash onto her hands. Lathering my cock first, she gradually works her hands all around my balls and the base of my cock. One hand slips between my legs and starts playing with my asshole, while she continues lathering my cock and balls with the other hand.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/1/piss.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I'm about ready to burst when she rinses off my cock and kneels in front of me. Sliding my hard cock between her moist lips, she cups my balls in her hand and rapidly jacks me in and out of her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" I cry, as <<print $mp.call>> slips a soapy finger into my asshole, while deepthroating my cock and rolling my balls between her fingers.
<p class="notation_text">The sensation is amazing and my cock spasms, filling my <<print $mp.rel>>'s warm mouth with several large loads of cum. She swallows every drop, pulls her finger from my ass and cleans my cock with her tongue, before standing up and pressing her wet body against me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/14.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That was amazing!" I tell her, cupping her tits and wondering if <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> enjoying being fucked in the ass is really so weird.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Do I want to know where you were today, that you needed a shower when you got home?" She asks quietly, her mouth next to my ear.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I don't think you really want to know, <<print $mp.call>>." I answer, honestly. "You know I'll tell you if you want me to." I say, squeezing her firm, round ass cheeks with my hands and pulling her more tightly against me. "But I think it's better if we don't talk about it, okay?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay." <<print $mp.call>> says, holding me tightly and letting the water cascade over our naked bodies. We stay like, in a tight embrace, in the shower, rubbing our hands over each other's ass cheeks, until my cock starts recovering between us.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/15.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "That was fast." <<print $mp.call>> says. "Take me to bed, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> whispers, hugging me tightly. "I've been fucked all day." She says. "But I haven't been made love to, in a while." She smiles at me, as we step out of the shower. We barely dry off, before heading to the bedroom.
<p class="notation_text"> Lying on the bed, we just hold each other, our tongues dancing in and out of each other's mouth, as our bodies rock gently against each other. Our kissing gradually becomes more passionate and our hands begin to focus on more erogenous areas of each other's body. As <<print $mp.call>> strokes my cock, I suck on her nipples and glide my hands over her hairless mound. <<print $mp.call>> rolls over, pulling me on top of her, as she settles onto her back. Spreading her legs, and lifting her knees, she welcomes my hard, throbbing cock into her wide-open pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> I rub the head against her wet pussy lips, and slide forward, as if in slow motion. As her pussy stretches to accommodate my swollen cock, I savor the velvety caress of her inner pussy walls. I purposely glide into her as slowly as possible, making this initial entry last an excruciatingly long time.
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<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/1/img/mis-1.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhhh!" <<print $mp.call>> moans, as I finally bottom out in her hot pussy. My balls are resting against her ass and my cock is completely engulfed by her steaming pussy, as I slip my tongue in her mouth and gently rock our bodies up and back. We fuck in slow motion, kissing and grinding, without any long strokes, or frantic pumping action.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I love you, <<print $mp.call>>." I whisper, as I lift my mouth from hers and slowly drag my cock out of her slick pussy. Pulling back until just the tip of my cockhead is making contact with her pussy lips, I start the torturous slow motion entry again.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I love you, too, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> moans, squeezing her pussy muscles around my cock as it pierces her inner sanctum. "Ohmygod!" <<print $mp.call>> cries, wrapping her legs around me and pushing her heels into my ass to speed up my descent.
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<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<p class="notation_text"> We continue to fuck like that, barely increasing the pace, using pressure, more than speed, to communicate our urgency to each other. Our tongues stay entwined as my pelvic bone grinds against her clit and my cock rocks back and forth inside her fiery pussy. We grind and writhe against each other, harder and harder, sweating profusely, devouring each other in a demanding embrace, as our bodies tense with the building pressure.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuuuucccck!" <<print $mp.call>> yells, her arms and legs cinched around me in a death grip, as her pussy muscles contract around my throbbing cock. "I'm cumming, <<print $mc.name>>!" She yells. "Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" <<print $mp.call>>'s body rocks spastically against me, jerking and shaking as her orgasm ransacks her body, seeking out all sources of energy and depleting them. She collapses back on the bed, her chest heaving, as she gasps for air.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> With my hands on the bed, I push myself up off her chest, so she can suck in more air. She smiles blissfully at me as I start a slow rhythm in and out of her soaked pussy. Gradually increasing speed, with long, purposeful strokes, we are soon engaged in full, unrestrained fucking. <<print $mp.call>> is bucking her ass off the bed, while I pump my hard cock in and out, pounding against her clit and slapping my balls against her ass.
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</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/1/img/mis-3.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" <<print $mp.call>> moans on every down stroke, as she arches her back and raises her ass of the bed to meet my cock in midair.
<p class="notation_text">I'm getting so fucking close. I pick up the pace and start pounding harder into her sloshy cunt. I feel my balls constrict, ready to relieve the built up tension. Just as I'm about to shoot my load, <<print $mp.call>> clamps her legs around my back and clenches her pussy muscles around my cock. I erupt immediately, shooting long spurts of cum deep inside <<print $mp.call>>'s quivering pussy, as she trembles through another powerful orgasm.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I love you so much, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, holding me tightly and pushing her tongue back into my mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> We fall into an exhausted asleep and my dreams are filled with images of <<print $dp.name>>, <<print $gp.name>>, <<print $ct.name>> and <<print $mp.call>>. They all have strap-ons and want to fuck me in the ass.
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<p >Leave</p>
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<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/25.jpg'">
<!-- <<print $gp.name>> & Eline Lesbian Sex -->
<p class="notation_text"> On the forty-five minute drive home from college, I start thinking about <<print $gp.name>>. I wonder if she knows about the earlier transmitter. Maybe she can help me decide how to handle <<print $dad.call>> and his nympho.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck yes!" I hear my <<print $mp.rel>> yell, as I open the front door to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house. He's been dead for over six months, but I still think of this as <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house. I quietly follow the sound towards <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s bedroom, which <<print $mp.call>> and I have been sleeping in since we got here.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Kiss me?" <<print $gp.name>> suggested, drawing her gaze to her parted lips.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> couldn't resist. In a slow, surprisingly dignified movement, <<print $mp.call>> knelt down. Then <<print $mp.call>> leant forwards, sliding into position between <<print $gp.name>>'s legs, steadying herself with her hands on her bare hips. They kissed for a <<print $mp.call>>ent, this kiss so much wetter than all the ones before, then <<print $gp.name>> looked at her over, taking in her soaking wet dress clinging to her body. Instinctively <<print $mp.call>> arched her back, her bum sticking up, the dress riding up, and she gave the material a sharp tug to get it to gather around her waist and reveal everything from the hips down.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Fuck," she breathed, her fingers tracing the waistband of her knickers, and <<print $mp.call>> blushed. <<print $mp.call>> didn't know why it mattered so much to her that she was attracted to her body, but every action of hers that showed how much she was into her only made her hotter.
<p class="notation_text"> Then her hands slid higher, digging into her with intensity, dragging the wet dress over her skin. They kissed again and she squeezed her nipples firmly through the material, testing her response. As <<print $mp.call>> got more and more turned on from her touches, which ranged from her bare hips to her neck and her arms, her tits and her hair, <<print $mp.call>> began to kiss her face, her cheekbones and jaw and nose and eyebrows and chin. She tilted her head back, enjoying it, so <<print $mp.call>> moved to her neck and her shoulders, loving the freedom of being able to kiss her like this.
<p class="notation_text"> Then after a minute, she gently pushed her back and lifted her body, her face and body speckled with droplets. She sat on the couch, sending her toiletries skittering onto the floor. Completely naked, her big, puffy nipples were glistening and erect as rivulets of water ran down from her tits to her tummy and legs and between her legs.
<p class="notation_text"> She placed one hand on her thumb and pointed straight down with her index finger.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Kiss me down here," she said, both breathless and firm. Their eyes met for a <<print $mp.call>>ent and then <<print $mp.call>> obediently followed the arrow of her finger, kissing each knuckle in turn before reaching the softness of her tummy, then her dark bush, then her lips pressed into her waiting clit.
<p class="notation_text"> Moving her hand, she gripped the side of the couch, sighing with satisfaction as <<print $mp.call>> applied pressure to her sensitive points with her tongue. She was wet and tasted so good that <<print $mp.call>> didn't want to stop, especially not when <<print $mp.call>> felt her thighs beginning to tense around her and she let out her first quiet moan.
<p class="notation_text"> Encouraged, <<print $mp.call>> licked more enthusiastically, putting her hand on her thigh, spreading her a little wider, water dripping from the wet material of her dress. Her breathy moans continued and she pointed her toes, resting her feet on her back. This meant she could lift her thighs another inch and push her clit harder against her tongue. With more room to work, her hand went from her thigh upwards, savouring the silkiness of her inner thighs. <p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> reached her pussy and, trying to emulate her confidence from earlier, <<print $mp.call>> pointed her finger and slid it into her.
<p class="notation_text"> The heat of her was what turned her on the most, and <<print $mp.call>> wished that while <<print $mp.call>> licked and fingered her <<print $mp.call>> could put her other hand between her legs and touch her aching clit. Gently pushing her finger against her g-spot and keeping it there, <<print $mp.call>> felt her hips beginning to roll gently. <<print $mp.call>> had to compensate with how <<print $mp.call>> was licking her, finding it easier to push her mouth onto her and suck more than just licking, and soon her moans were growing in intensity. It was hard to believe how natural this felt, even though a few hours ago I'd just been watching her playing in the band with no idea who she even was.
<p class="notation_text"> Thoughts were swirling in her head about putting a second finger inside her, but her body went rigid, her back arching, and <<print $mp.call>> decided not to change her approach. Her breathing was fast and shallow, little moans escaping from her which would almost be embarrassing if They weren't both completely absorbed in the <<print $mp.call>>ent. Suddenly one of her hands unclenched from the side of the couch and slid into her hair, holding her in the exact spot she needed, and <<print $mp.call>> was only too happy to do what she wanted.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh my... fuck..." she moaned, slightly incoherent, more words coming out after that but not forming anything recognisable. <<print $mp.call>> pressed her finger hard into her, moving her head in tiny little movements so her tongue would move over her clit, and felt a series of convulsions go through her. Flushing with pleasure, at first <<print $mp.call>> thought this was her orgasm, but the firm pressure of her hand in her hair didn't relent and the shaking continued, turning into a repetitive motion. Then with a final groan of arousal, she managed to breathe the word 'yes!' and her body relaxed.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> stayed in place for a few more seconds, waiting for soher kind of confirmation from her about where she was in her arousal, and then she released her and eased her face away from her clit.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Fuck, that felt amazing," she said quickly, putting her arms on her shoulders and pulling her up to her height. They kissed, firmly and excitedly, both of us still worked up, and her fingers worked to ease her dress over her shoulders, the heavy weight of the wet fabric enhancing the way it clung to her damp skin. With a bit of wiggling and tugging, <<print $mp.call>> managed to get it down, pushing it over her waist. Rolled up like that it looked a lot less chic than it had when <<print $mp.call>> was wearing it, but being stripped to her underwear in front of <<print $gp.name>> was so much hotter than wearing the wet, skintight dress.
<p class="notation_text"> As <<print $mp.call>> took her wet bra off, she giggled.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I've always loved your tits," she said, her eyes on her as <<print $mp.call>> ran her hands over them, brushing away water and feeling tingles as her palms slid over her nipples. "Such a sexy shape."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> <<print $mp.call>> glanced down at them, strangely flattered. "Well, yours are gorgeous too," <<print $mp.call>> replied, taking another look at her puffy areolas.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "My nipples are weird. I've always been insecure about them," <<print $gp.name>> said, covering them for a <<print $mp.call>>ent with her fingers.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> <<print $mp.call>> reached out and batted her hands away. "Don't be. They're making me wet."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I thought that was the ...?"
<p class="notation_text"> Their eyes met again and they both giggled, then <<print $mp.call>> leant in and kissed her once more, deeply this time, lingering over every element of it. When their lips finally separated, she ducked her head down, kissing her shoulder and then taking her nipple into her mouth, sucking firmly, her lips forming such a tight seal that for a <<print $mp.call>>ent the sensation was almost too intense and <<print $mp.call>> wanted to pull away, but <<print $mp.call>> fought the impulse and <<print $mp.call>> was rewarded with a hot wave of arousal.
<p class="notation_text"> She sucked the other one in just the same way, her fingers tracing down her tummy until they reached her knickers, which she firmly dragged down over her waist until <<print $mp.call>> could step out of them. Then she stopped sucking, abruptly, looking up at her, <<print $mp.call>>’s eyes wide.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Everything okay?" <<print $mp.call>> asked, half-smiling, not sure if <<print $mp.call>> needed to be concerned.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "It's just... it's stupid."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "What is?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Honestly, it's nothing."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Well, now you have to tell her. If I don't know, I'll go crazy trying to work it out."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> She laughed gently. "It's... I can't quite believe I'm naked with you. My 38-year-old self would never believe it."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Well, believe it. If it helps, my 38-year-old self would never have believed I'd be having sex with the goth lady from next door."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> <<print $gp.name>> giggled. "I used to stare at the back of your head thinking, 'Fuck, I want to sit on your face so badly.'"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> Something about this tickled her funny bone and <<print $mp.call>> laughed, bending forward, clutching her stomach. "What, really?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah. I was sex-crazed for sure."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "If they go to the bed, I could probably help you with that fantasy too," <<print $mp.call>> said, her flirty tone returning, and she flashed her a look of lust.
<p class="notation_text"> While they were towelling dry, her clothes abandoned, and while they were getting comfortable on the bed, <<print $gp.name>> couldn't have been more affectionate and considerate. They shared all kinds of kisses: big, open-mouthed kisses up against the wall, and tiny, butterfly kisses all down her back as she dried her. Long, lingering, wet kisses on her tits as she lay her down on the bed, and then soft, pillowy kisses as she made sure <<print $mp.call>> was comfortable. Finally, she swung her thigh over her, gave her one final look with a happy grin, and lowered her pussy onto her mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> From this <<print $mp.call>>ent on, gone was affectionate <<print $gp.name>> and here was horny <<print $gp.name>>. I'd expected to begin by kissing her inner thighs or applying gentle pressure to her clit with her lips, but within a few <<print $mp.call>>ents she'd put her whole weight behind her and was rubbing herself hard against her. It was all <<print $mp.call>> could do to keep up, trying to take deep breaths when <<print $mp.call>> had the chance. She wasn't sitting on her face so much as she was riding her face, using her for her pleasure. At first <<print $mp.call>> was alarmed, but the more she did it the more turned on <<print $mp.call>> got, being used like this. And then her moans began again, louder in the bedroom than the bath, less inhibited, and she grabbed the headboard with both hands. Looking up at her, <<print $mp.call>> could see her tits bouncing as she threw her head back, working her hips and grinding her pussy all over her mouth. <<print $mp.call>> loved doing this with her and it was exhilarating. The biggest turn-on was being in a front row seat to see her getting more and more aroused, watching as she moaned and bucked and wiggled herself all over her.
<p class="notation_text"> In a <<print $mp.call>>ent of inspiration, <<print $mp.call>> reached up and grabbed her arse with both of her hands, digging her fingers in. This made her moan even louder and she pushed herself back into her hands, so <<print $mp.call>> spread her a little, giving her a little more space to push her clit onto her, and she took full advantage. <<print $mp.call>> kept holding her tightly like this, letting her ride her, the soft bed beneath her giving her a surprisingly comfortable position to assist with her pleasure. I'd expected a lot more discomfort, especially given how hard she was going for it.
<p class="notation_text"> The riding got faster and she got wetter, her mouth filling with her taste again, her lips and her chin slick with her, and she kneaded her tits with her hands, sitting back and pushing down a little bit harder. <<print $mp.call>> wanted to moan into her and show her how much <<print $mp.call>> was enjoying this, but getting enough breath into her lungs to moan was too much of a challenge. She found a rhythm, pushing her clit over her mouth, and <<print $mp.call>> held her tightly as <<print $mp.call>> watched her orgasm washing over her, the shuddering movements coming on more quickly and subsiding more quickly this time. When she came down, drawing deeper, slower breaths again, she kept rubbing herself on her for a few minutes, like an athlete warming down. <<print $mp.call>> stayed in place, a little bit in awe. In awe of her, of course, so beautiful sitting on her, every inch of her body glowing in her eyes, a tiny sheen of sweat on her. But also in awe of herself: something was actually happening with someone new, and not just happening but going amazingly well. <<print $gp.name>> was sexy as hell and I'd just made her cum. For the second time.
<p class="notation_text"> When she gathered her energy and finally climbed off her, the first thing <<print $mp.call>> wanted to do was roll onto her front and give her muscles some relief. They didn't hurt, but they ached in a good way, and <<print $mp.call>> let out a sigh of happiness as <<print $mp.call>> felt the tension ebbing away, her mouth buried in the pillow, arms stretched out on either side of her. God, this bed was comfortable.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> felt <<print $gp.name>> get back onto the bed beside her and <<print $mp.call>> wanted to turn her head to look at her, but movement was too hard. <<print $mp.call>> felt drained in the best possible way. She responded to her inaction by kissing her shoulder blade, her lips tracing the edge of it until she reached her spine, and then she sent electricity through her as she kissed down lower, reaching the curve of the small of her back and lingering for a while, her breath warm and comforting on her. Then she kissed her waist and her hips, grazing her teeth for a <<print $mp.call>>ent against her skin when <<print $mp.call>> was least expecting it, before returning to impossibly soft kisses.
<p class="notation_text"> She kissed her arse cheek gently, moving down until she reached the top of her thigh then working back up, getting agonisingly close to the gap between her thighs where her pussy was aching to be kissed. But she deliberately avoided it and kissed the other cheek, moving up again, finding her opposite hip. Then she was kissing her back again and <<print $mp.call>> thought maybe she was done, maybe she'd just kissed down there to tease her, especially when <<print $mp.call>> felt her lips on her neck, behind her ear, making her moan gently.
<p class="notation_text"> Then she kissed the back of her neck, moving down, arrow-straight, following her spine. Her lips found the curve of her back again but she moved on, kissing the last few vertebrae down there and then her tailbone. Then her lips pushed gently between her cheeks, at the top of her arse, and a sudden cocktail mixture of embarrassment and excitement swirled through her when <<print $mp.call>> thought she was going to continue down and kiss her arsehole. But she didn't: she stopped there, her lips on the spot where her arse cheeks began, and <<print $mp.call>> let out a moan of pure desire when <<print $mp.call>> felt her tongue slip out and lick her there. Her touch was so light that <<print $mp.call>> almost couldn't feel it, but when she withdrew the air of the room cooled the wetness of her saliva against her skin unmistakably.
<p class="notation_text"> She kissed and licked again, not moving any more, her tongue sliding along the crease in her skin, and <<print $mp.call>> had never before realised just how incredibly sensitive that part of her body was. <<print $mp.call>> could feel every movement of hers, every breath and every kiss and every gorgeous lick. Just when <<print $mp.call>> wasn't sure <<print $mp.call>> could take any more of this teasing, <<print $mp.call>> finally felt her hand on the bed between her thighs, moving quickly to cup her waiting pussy, her fingers sliding easily over her soaking wet clit as she slipped her thumb inside her.
<p class="notation_text"> The next two minutes were the most sexually excited <<print $mp.call>> had ever felt in her life. Nothing <<print $mp.call>> could do to herself, whether with fingers or toys, and definitely nothing any previous partner had done to her, came close to comparing with this. She expertly teased the top of her arse with her mouth, never moving but close enough to her arse and her pussy to drive her imagination wild with thoughts of what she would do next. With her hand, she rubbed her clit, experimenting at first before discovering exactly how <<print $mp.call>> liked it, her thumb pushing against the inside of her pussy to enhance the sensations. <<print $mp.call>> was so wet it barely felt like being penetrated: it was almost more like being massaged from within.
<p class="notation_text"> The first orgasm surprised her: coming fast and rocketing through her almost before I'd had the chance to moan and let her know what was happening. She never relented, though, working on instinct for how her body was responding. As <<print $mp.call>> came down, she ramped back up again, her tongue sliding up and down the top of her arse in big, long licks, never doing anything more than teasing her sensitive spots there but enough to drive her wild. her legs shook and <<print $mp.call>> had almost completely lost control of herself, her existence reduced to just the spots she was touching as <<print $mp.call>> orgasmed again, this one more powerful and intense, leaving her feeling weak. <<print $mp.call>> reached down to gently nudge her away from her, a bit too sensitive to continue, but the weakness was in her arms too. No matter what her brain was saying, her hands wouldn't obey, staying useless by her sides on the bed for too long. <<print $gp.name>> didn't stop, her fingers still working over her clit, sending waves of sensation almost too intense to bear crashing through her.
<p class="notation_text"> As <<print $mp.call>> felt she was approaching another peak, a crescendo of pleasure she hadn't imagined she could ever feel, she gave her one final long lick and then lifted her head, moving down, replacing her thumb with her tongue. <<print $mp.call>> moaned loud with pleasure, an unreserved noise that gave no thought to anything except how incredibly good this felt. Her tongue pushed into her, teasing her soaking pussy, hungrily licking her, her fingers not slowing for a <<print $mp.call>>ent, and <<print $mp.call>> came as hard as <<print $mp.call>> had ever before. Harder, even. her eyes were wide open but <<print $mp.call>> couldn't see, could do nothing except let the pleasure wash over her, over and over again.
<p class="notation_text"> Gasping, <<print $mp.call>> lay still at last as she let go of her, kissing her shoulder one more time before lying on the bed beside her. <<print $mp.call>> hadn't the energy to lift her head so she kissed her cheek and looked into her eyes, smiling knowingly. <<print $mp.call>> smiled, blissful, and kissed her.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "That was... magical," <<print $mp.call>> said, no other word seeming to do justice to what had just happened.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> She giggled, those creases around her eyes back in full force. "Well, it is the day for it."
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $sisterroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $sisterroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/16.png'">
<!-- Scene 20 - <<print $mc.name>> & <<print $up.name>>
Time: Bedroom Night
<p class="notation_text">Walking into <<print $mp.call>>'s bedroom. <<print $mp.call>> is still standing in front of the mirror, turning and looking at her newly smooth pussy mound from different angles.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "It's beautiful, <<print $mp.call>>." <<print $up.name>> says, embracing her and kissing her face. "I'm sorry I ran out like that. I, um, uh..."
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Don't worry, dear." <<print $mp.call>> says, running her hands up and down <<print $up.name>>'s back. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you asking you those questions. I guess I went too far."
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "No! No, you didn't!" <<print $up.name>> insists, pulling <<print $mp.call>>'s body more tightly against hers. "Not far enough, actually." <<print $up.name>> says, kissing <<print $mp.call>>'s lips and pushing her tongue into her mouth.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> eagerly responds, kissing her back and squeezing <<print $up.name>>'s ass cheeks through her shorts. Standing in the doorway, I watch them grind their bodies together, while they hungrily devour each other's tongues. Obviously, the first part of the suggestion got through before the battery died. My cock is rock hard, as <<print $up.name>> slides her hand between them and starts mauling <<print $mp.call>>'s tits.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm!" <<print $mp.call>> says. "Yeah!" Breaking the kiss to give <<print $up.name>> better access to her breasts.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> takes this opportunity to pull her own shirt over her head and unfasten her bra, tossing them both aside. Lowering her mouth to <<print $mp.call>>'s right nipple and sucking it into her mouth, she kneads <<print $mp.call>>'s tits with both hands. With her head back and her chest thrust out, <<print $mp.call>> welcomes <<print $up.name>>'s onslaught with a loud sigh.
<p class="notation_text"> Bending her head down to suckle <<print $mp.call>>'s nipple, leaves <<print $up.name>>'s tits hanging provocatively within reach. <<print $mp.call>> grabs one in each hand, using her thumbs to further stimulate <<print $up.name>>'s already hard nipples. I'm stroking my hard cock as I watch this incestuous porn show live in my <<print $mp.call>>'s bedroom. Wow! As much as I want to participate, I'm fascinated by the incredible urgency with which they are attacking each other's body.
<p class="notation_text"> After sucking, squeezing and biting both of <<print $mp.call>>'s tits, <<print $up.name>> hungrily shoves her tongue back in <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth while, she gropes <<print $mp.call>>'s smooth pubis before slipping her fingers into <<print $mp.call>>'s wet pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh yes!" <<print $mp.call>> moans, humping her pussy against <<print $up.name>>'s fingers. "Oh, don't stop." <<print $mp.call>> whines, as <<print $up.name>> pulls her fingers out of <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy. Lifting her fingers to her lips, <<print $up.name>> sucks the pussy juice off of them one by one, never breaking eye contact with <<print $mp.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh, baby." <<print $mp.call>> coos, thrusting her own hand into the waistband of <<print $up.name>>'s shorts, diving down for some of her syrupy taste. "You're very wet, dear." <<print $mp.call>> says, dipping her finger between <<print $up.name>>'s pussy lips and bringing it to her lips. <<print $mp.call>> is smiling as she maintains eye contact with <<print $up.name>>.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $up.name>> has her hand back between <<print $mp.call>>'s legs before <<print $mp.call>> finishes licking her own fingers. <<print $mp.call>> is fumbling with <<print $up.name>>'s shorts, desperately tying to get at <<print $up.name>>'s tasty pussy. She gets them unfastened and then yanks her shorts and thong down together. She runs her hands over <<print $up.name>>'s smooth, hairless mound before again slipping her fingers between <<print $up.name>>'s protruding pussy lips.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-kiss-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Their pussy-flavored tongues are back in each other's mouth, as they stand next to the couch, finger fucking each other. The pussy juice sampling seems to have ignited a greater urgency in both women as they hump each other's hands, maul each other's tits and continue to kiss feverishly, moaning into each other's mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> is pushing <<print $up.name>> backwards towards the couch, while they continue to assault each other's bodies with their hands. <<print $up.name>>'s legs hit the couch handle and she tumbles backward, releasing her grip on <<print $mp.call>>. <<print $mp.call>> pulls <<print $up.name>>'s shorts and thong from around her ankles and pushes <<print $up.name>>'s legs wide apart. Running first her hands and then her cheeks over <<print $up.name>>'s hairless mound, before crawling up on the couch and stretching her body over <<print $up.name>>'s. With her tongue back in <<print $up.name>>'s mouth and her tits crushed against <<print $up.name>>'s larger ones, <<print $mp.call>> grinds her oily mound against <<print $up.name>>'s bald pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I step closer, stroking my throbbing cock as I watch my <<print $up.rel>> and my <<print $mp.rel>> mash their bodies together. <<print $mp.call>> now takes her turn sucking <<print $up.name>>'s large nipples into her mouth. <<print $up.name>> has her head back and her eyes closed, as <<print $mp.call>> suckles her breasts.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh God!" <<print $up.name>> moans as <<print $mp.call>> shoves two fingers inside her sopping pussy. "That feels so good <<print $mp.call>>!" <<print $up.name>> cries, humping her ass off the couch, trying to push <<print $mp.call>>'s fingers deeper into her burning hole.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $mp.call>> licks her way down <<print $up.name>>'s body, kneeling on the edge of the couch, and replacing her fingers with her tongue inside <<print $up.name>>'s pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck yes!" <<print $up.name>> yells, pushing up against <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Mmmm. Just as delicious as I knew you'd be." <<print $mp.call>> says, licking her lips and looking over her shoulder at me. "I think I recognize the flavor, too!" <<print $mp.call>> says, turning back to continue eating <<print $up.name>>'s pussy. <<print $up.name>> is writhing around on the couch as <<print $mp.call>> slurps up her juices, but her eyes are wide open, staring at me.
<p class="notation_text"> My cock is aching as I survey the action on <<print $mp.call>>'s couch, but I don't want to interrupt their first time together. I lean against the dresser and just watch.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Mmmmm." <<print $up.name>> moans as <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth works frantically on her clit. <<print $up.name>> is thrashing her hips all over the couch, pushing her pussy against <<print $mp.call>>'s mouth and pulling at her own swollen nipples.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Keep doing that, <<print $mp.call>>!" <<print $up.name>> yells, grabbing a handful of <<print $mp.call>>'s hair and holding her head against her clit. "I'm cumming! Oh fuck!" <<print $mp.call>> keeps her lips wrapped around <<print $up.name>>'s clit, as <<print $up.name>> thrusts her ass off the couch, spasming through several waves of intense orgasmic pleasure.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "Aaaaggghhhh!" <<print $up.name>> moans, collapsing back on the couch and pushing <<print $mp.call>>'s face away from her clit. <<print $mp.call>> slides her tongue down between <<print $up.name>>'s bald pussy lips, lapping up her creamy juices.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "You taste so good!" <<print $mp.call>> says, kissing her way up <<print $up.name>>'s body. "I could eat you all night." She says, nibbling on <<print $up.name>>'s tits before sliding the rest of the way up and pushing her pussy-soaked tongue into <<print $up.name>>'s mouth. They're grinding their bodies together and kissing fervently, while I continue leaning against the dresser, my hard cock sticking straight out in front of me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/3/17.webp'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Now, which one of you is going to be the first to explore my newly waxed pussy?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, rolling off of <<print $up.name>> and lying on her back with her legs spread. <<print $up.name>> looks at me and I shrug.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You've never tasted her." I say, why don't you go first. <<print $up.name>> looks at me, incredulously, like she can't believe I've eaten <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy, but she scoots down on the couch and runs her hands over <<print $mp.call>>'s oily, bare mound.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $up.name>>: </span> "How does it feel?" She asks. "Sometimes when I'm first waxed, it's pretty tender." <<print $up.name>> explains.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "It is a little tender." <<print $mp.call>> answers. "But not enough to prevent us from enjoying ourselves." She laughs.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $up.name>> kneels between <<print $mp.call>>'s legs and hooks her arms behind her knees. Leaning forward, she pushes <<print $mp.call>>'s legs in the air while lowering her mouth to her wide-open pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah!" <<print $mp.call>> yells. "Mmmmmm!" <<print $mp.call>> looks over at me, smiling lustfully.
<p class="notation_text">I'm stroking my throbbing cock, as I watch my sexy <<print $up.rel>> bury her face in <<print $mp.call>>'s anxious pussy. <<print $mp.call>>'s humping her ass against <<print $up.name>>'s mouth, as loud slurping noises fill the room. I lie on the couch for a better view and watch <<print $up.name>> slide her mouth up to <<print $mp.call>>'s clit.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" <<print $mp.call>> moans. "Keep doing that. Oh my god!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>> is humping her ass up like crazy, writhing all over the couch and moaning. <<print $up.name>> slips two fingers inside <<print $mp.call>>'s inflamed pussy and starts pumping them in and out. My cock is aching, begging to be included in this, but I bide my time, watching <<print $up.name>> finger fuck <<print $mp.call>>'s pussy and suck on her engorged clit.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhh! I'm cumming!" <<print $mp.call>> cries, thrusting her pussy up against <<print $up.name>>'s face and raising her shoulders off the couch.
<p class="notation_text"><<print $mp.call>>'s mouth is wide open, but no sound is coming out as her orgasm shakes through her body, jerking her violently around on the couch. She finally collapses on the couch, her chest heaving and her eyes closed. <<print $up.name>> hungrily laps up <<print $mp.call>>'s generous flow of juices.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.name>>: </span> "Oh my!" <<print $mp.call>> says, wrapping her hand around by swollen cock. "You really enjoyed watching us, didn't you, <<print $mc.name>>?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, stroking her hand up and down my rigid shaft as she catches her breath.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Continue</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[2] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[1] = 0>>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<!-- <div class="intro_button" data-passage="Intro_0" >
<p >Start</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cunning</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cunning</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cunning</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Cunning</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Cunning</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/bs-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Breast Sucking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/bs-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Breast Sucking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/gd-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Grinding</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/gd-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Grinding</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/gd-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Grinding</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/fs-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Face Sitting</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/fs-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Face Sitting</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/fs-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Face Sitting</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Seduction</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/13.png'">
Scene 22 <<print $gp.name>>, <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $mc.name>> ( <<print $hp.rel>> Harri’s Home)
Event: Shower
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Well, young man." She says, walking towards me. "So, you and <<print $gp.name>>, huh?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes ma'am." I answer, smiling back at her. "I couldn't help myself." I answer.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "So now you've fucked the <<print $mp.rel>> and the <<print $mp.up>>." She says, wrinkling her brow as another thought hits her. "Just like at home!" She exclaims. "You are one busy <<print $mp.rel>> fucker." She says, laughing at her own joke, as she pulls me into a tight embrace.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Come on." She says, pulling me down the hall. "You must be hurting, the way you were rubbing yourself in the bedroom earlier."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes ma'am." I answer again, shedding my clothes before we get to the bedroom. "I need a shower first, though, <<print $mp.call>>." I tell her.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/10.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Really?" She says, raising her eyebrows at me, questioningly. I just smile, squeamishly.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay, lets take a shower, then." She says, turning into the master bathroom.
<p class="notation_text">I adjust the water temperature, as <<print $mp.call>> takes off her clothes and then we both step into the shower. My cock is rock solid, pointing straight at her, as she squirts body wash onto her hands. Lathering my cock first, she gradually works her hands all around my balls and the base of my cock. One hand slips between my legs and starts playing with my asshole, while she continues lathering my cock and balls with the other hand.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/1/piss.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I'm about ready to burst when she rinses off my cock and kneels in front of me. Sliding my hard cock between her moist lips, she cups my balls in her hand and rapidly jacks me in and out of her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck!" I cry, as <<print $mp.call>> slips a soapy finger into my asshole, while deepthroating my cock and rolling my balls between her fingers.
<p class="notation_text">The sensation is amazing and my cock spasms, filling my <<print $mp.rel>>'s warm mouth with several large loads of cum. She swallows every drop, pulls her finger from my ass and cleans my cock with her tongue, before standing up and pressing her wet body against me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/14.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "That was amazing!" I tell her, cupping her tits and wondering if <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>> enjoying being fucked in the ass is really so weird.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Do I want to know where you were today, that you needed a shower when you got home?" She asks quietly, her mouth next to my ear.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I don't think you really want to know, <<print $mp.call>>." I answer, honestly. "You know I'll tell you if you want me to." I say, squeezing her firm, round ass cheeks with my hands and pulling her more tightly against me. "But I think it's better if we don't talk about it, okay?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay." <<print $mp.call>> says, holding me tightly and letting the water cascade over our naked bodies. We stay like, in a tight embrace, in the shower, rubbing our hands over each other's ass cheeks, until my cock starts recovering between us.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/15.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "That was fast." <<print $mp.call>> says. "Take me to bed, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> whispers, hugging me tightly. "I've been fucked all day." She says. "But I haven't been made love to, in a while." She smiles at me, as we step out of the shower. We barely dry off, before heading to the bedroom.
<p class="notation_text"> Lying on the bed, we just hold each other, our tongues dancing in and out of each other's mouth, as our bodies rock gently against each other. Our kissing gradually becomes more passionate and our hands begin to focus on more erogenous areas of each other's body. As <<print $mp.call>> strokes my cock, I suck on her nipples and glide my hands over her hairless mound. <<print $mp.call>> rolls over, pulling me on top of her, as she settles onto her back. Spreading her legs, and lifting her knees, she welcomes my hard, throbbing cock into her wide-open pussy.
<p class="notation_text"> I rub the head against her wet pussy lips, and slide forward, as if in slow motion. As her pussy stretches to accommodate my swollen cock, I savor the velvety caress of her inner pussy walls. I purposely glide into her as slowly as possible, making this initial entry last an excruciatingly long time.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/1/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhhh!" <<print $mp.call>> moans, as I finally bottom out in her hot pussy. My balls are resting against her ass and my cock is completely engulfed by her steaming pussy, as I slip my tongue in her mouth and gently rock our bodies up and back. We fuck in slow motion, kissing and grinding, without any long strokes, or frantic pumping action.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I love you, <<print $mp.call>>." I whisper, as I lift my mouth from hers and slowly drag my cock out of her slick pussy. Pulling back until just the tip of my cockhead is making contact with her pussy lips, I start the torturous slow motion entry again.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I love you, too, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> moans, squeezing her pussy muscles around my cock as it pierces her inner sanctum. "Ohmygod!" <<print $mp.call>> cries, wrapping her legs around me and pushing her heels into my ass to speed up my descent.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/1/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> We continue to fuck like that, barely increasing the pace, using pressure, more than speed, to communicate our urgency to each other. Our tongues stay entwined as my pelvic bone grinds against her clit and my cock rocks back and forth inside her fiery pussy. We grind and writhe against each other, harder and harder, sweating profusely, devouring each other in a demanding embrace, as our bodies tense with the building pressure.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuuuucccck!" <<print $mp.call>> yells, her arms and legs cinched around me in a death grip, as her pussy muscles contract around my throbbing cock. "I'm cumming, <<print $mc.name>>!" She yells. "Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" <<print $mp.call>>'s body rocks spastically against me, jerking and shaking as her orgasm ransacks her body, seeking out all sources of energy and depleting them. She collapses back on the bed, her chest heaving, as she gasps for air.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> With my hands on the bed, I push myself up off her chest, so she can suck in more air. She smiles blissfully at me as I start a slow rhythm in and out of her soaked pussy. Gradually increasing speed, with long, purposeful strokes, we are soon engaged in full, unrestrained fucking. <<print $mp.call>> is bucking her ass off the bed, while I pump my hard cock in and out, pounding against her clit and slapping my balls against her ass.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/1/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" <<print $mp.call>> moans on every down stroke, as she arches her back and raises her ass of the bed to meet my cock in midair.
<p class="notation_text">I'm getting so fucking close. I pick up the pace and start pounding harder into her sloshy cunt. I feel my balls constrict, ready to relieve the built up tension. Just as I'm about to shoot my load, <<print $mp.call>> clamps her legs around my back and clenches her pussy muscles around my cock. I erupt immediately, shooting long spurts of cum deep inside <<print $mp.call>>'s quivering pussy, as she trembles through another powerful orgasm.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I love you so much, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, holding me tightly and pushing her tongue back into my mouth.
<p class="notation_text"> We fall into an exhausted asleep and my dreams are filled with images of <<print $dp.name>>, <<print $gp.name>>, <<print $ct.name>> and <<print $mp.call>>. They all have strap-ons and want to fuck me in the ass.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $bedroomEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $sisterroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $bedroom.status[0] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "ct">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dad/1.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "Hey, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $dad.call>> says, just as I enter <<print $dad.call>>'s office room. "This is so great that you stopped by. Why don't I knock off early and take you home to meet <<print $ct.name>>?" He says, coming around his desk and putting his arm around me, as we walk out the door.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "<<print $dp.name>>." <<print $dad.call>> says, as we walk out the door. "Cancel my appointments for the rest of the day. My son and I are going to spend some time together."
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "You have several very important clients coming in this afternoon, <<print $dad.name>>." <<print $dp.name>> says, in the same snotty voice she used with me earlier.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Think about it, <<print $dp.name>>." I whisper, just out of earshot of my father. "You can cancel the appointments." I tell her, before catching up to my <<print $dad.call>> at the door.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/1.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "ap"><<print $dp.name>>: </span> "I can cancel your appointments, <<print $dad.name>>." <<print $dp.name>> says, picking up the phone. Damn! I can't get the image of her stunning, naked body out of my mind. I'll have to work on her temperament, though.
<p class="notation_text"> I ask <<print $dad.call>> more about his business on the drive to his house and he fills me in on what it's like to represent super models. Of course, he doesn't mention the transmitter, but he does make reference to it being a matter of who's in control. When we get to his house, I'm surprised at its opulence. <<print $dad.call>> lives in a fucking mansion! Who knew? I suppose <<print $mp.call>> does, but has chosen not to share it with me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dad/2.png'">
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "Anybody home?" <<print $dad.call>> calls, as we walk through the marble entryway. "She must be in the gym. <<print $ct.name>> works out everyday." He says, rolling his eyes, as he leads me through a huge living room with a vaulted ceiling. There's a spiral staircase off to one side, with the railing extending along a balcony level hallway that runs the entire length of the living room. I assume the bedrooms are up there. It looks like something out of a movie. I've never seen a house like this.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $dad.call>> leads me down a hallway, past a game room with a pool table and jukebox, and opens a door at the very end. We step into an aerobics room with mirrored walls and exercise equipment. My eyes widen and my mouth drops open when I see <<print $ct.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "Hi hon." <<print $dad.call>> says, greeting her with a quick kiss. "This is my son, <<print $mc.name>>. He wants to talk with you." <<print $ct.name>> is vigorously attacking the rowing machine, beads of sweat hanging off her smooth skin, and she is completely naked.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/2.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "You're early." She says, smiling at us, without slowing down her rowing. "I haven't finished my workout." She's not at all what I expected. She's much younger than I thought she'd be; probably mid-thirties. Her face, surrounded by bleached blonde hair, is beautiful. She has high cheekbones, a luscious mouth and big, blue eyes that sparkle when she smiles.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "<<print $mc.name>> doesn't mind." <<print $dad.call>> says. "He'll talk to you while you're working out. You don't mind, do you, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $dad.call>> asks, without a hint of sarcasm or irony.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Uh... no. I don't mind." I stutter, as I watch <<print $ct.name>> pull back on the oar-type handles, pushing her long, shapely legs straight out towards me. Her tits, rippling on her chest as she leans back, are not what I expected either. They are firm, round and obviously enhanced, but they are not the large, oversized ones, like you see in magazines. They seem to be the perfect size for her body and her thick nipples jut straight out from her medium-sized areolas. I continue to stare, as she leans up, pushing the handles forward and bringing her knees up towards her chest.
<div class="dialog_text character_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "character"><<print $dad.call>>: </span> "Have a seat." <<print $dad.call>> says, showing a the couch in front of me. I sit down, entranced by the erotic sight of <<print $ct.name>>'s knees rising and spreading, as <<print $dad.call>> leaves the room. Her sweat-soaked legs part, displaying her protruding pussy lips and my cock jumps to attention. Her pussy lips open slightly, just before she pushes her legs forward and pulls back on the handles. Her mound is bald except for a neatly trimmed strip of brown hair about two inches long, just above her pussy.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/3.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "You like what you see?" <<print $ct.name>> smiles, staring at the bulge in the front of my pants.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah... sure." I tell her, as her body, glistening from the workout, moves back and forth on the rowing machine.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "You want to try it?" She asks, tilting her head to one side, as she slows her rowing. I'm not sure if she means the rowing machine or her. "There's another seat over there." She nods her head towards a cabinet on the other side of the room. "Take off your clothes and join me." I stare at her for a second, but my hard cock wins any argument I may make about this being inappropriate. I take off my clothes and get the extra seat from inside the cabinet.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Mmmm, nice." <<print $ct.name>> says, eyeing my hard cock and licking her lips, as I hand her the seat. She positions it on the metal frame of the rower, facing towards her. "Your <<print $dad.call>> and I had this modified, so it functions as more than a piece of exercise equipment." She explains, fastening the seat in place.
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</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/img/cg-1.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Sit here, facing me." She instructs, moving her legs from the pedals of the rowing machine. I sit on the couch, with my feet on the ground. She swings her legs over mine and pulls her seat forward, positioning her pussy a few inches from my cock.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Hold it straight out towards me." She says, her breathing accelerating, as she speaks. I reach between us and push my rigid cock down, brushing the head against her hot pussy lips. She pulls forward on the handles, burying my cock inside her slick pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Ahhhhhh!" I pant, as she starts rowing with short, slow strokes, gliding my cock in and out of her hot, slippery hole.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/img/cg-2.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "You want to know about your father and I, don't you?" She asks, her big eyes staring into mine, as her tits brush my chest. She's smiling, as she continues to row with slow, deliberate strokes.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes." I answer, not trusting my mouth to say more, as I stare at her tits coming towards me again.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "You can touch them." She says, breathily. "I'd like that." She arches her back slightly, pushing her bullet shaped nipples into my chest. My hands, which have been resting on her thighs, move up to her tits and squeeze.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "They feel pretty natural, don't they?" She laughs, watching for my reaction.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/img/cg-3.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yeah, they really do." I answer, as she increases the rhythm slightly. I move my hands all around her tits; feeling, squeezing and pinching. Other than being a little heavier than a typical tit and unnaturally round, it really is hard to tell the difference. "How... um... how big were you before?" I ask, not knowing why I care, but curious anyway.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Typical teen buds, which never blossomed into full blown tits." She answers matter-of-factly. "Your <<print $dad.call>> bought me these right after we met." She says, rowing faster now, creating a sloshing sound as my cock plunges into her juicy cunt. "I was young, beautiful, probably naive and I came to the big city to be a model. I met your <<print $dad.call>> and he said I'd never make it with my small tits. He sent me to a doctor, paid for these, and launched my modeling career for me."
<p class="notation_text"><<print $ct.name>> is slamming my cock into her pussy now, rowing frantically, as her orgasm builds. I'm squeezing her tits, pinching her nipples and bucking my ass off the seat. The tension is building in my balls and I'm about to explode into her, when she abruptly stops rowing and smacks her body against mine. Her pussy muscles convulse around my cock, as she wraps her arms around my waist, squeezing me against her and rocking up and down on my cock. I start spurting immediately, spewing my cum deep inside her pulsating hole.
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</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/img/cg-4.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<p class="notation_text"> We sit like that on the couch, my spent cock inside her soaked pussy and her damp body pressed against mine. I'm wondering what I'm doing here, fucking my <<print $dad.call>>'s girlfriend on a couch, when she starts speaking softly.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "I've been addicted to sex since I found out what it was." <<print $ct.name>> says, still holding onto me. "I've been on the pill since I was fourteen, when the neighbor boy and I fumbled our way into each other's swimsuits." She's rocking her body against mine and gripping my cock with her pussy muscles. "All through high school, I couldn't get enough. I was smart and I was pretty, a great combination for getting laid whenever you wanted. You've probably already guessed that I'm more than a little narcissistic. I mean, who else works out naked, all alone, in an exercise room filled with mirrors." She smiles and kisses my cheek as my cock starts to respond to her.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "When I met your <<print $dad.call>>, sex was just a means to an end for me." She says, rocking a little faster, as my cock stiffens inside her steamy pussy. "I was initially fucking him as repayment for my tits, but he was such an incredible lover that I kept coming back for more." She says, unwrapping herself from me, and reaching for the couch handles.
<!-- <video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/img/rcg-1.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Then when <<print $hp.name>> gave your <<print $dad.call>> the transmitter, it made us rich and gave us the power to fuck anyone we wanted. What else could I ask for?" She asks, rowing my recovered cock in and out of her hot pussy again. "I'm still addicted to sex, but now I can fuck whoever I want."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You know about the transmitter?" I ask, pumping my cock forward when she pulls herself towards me.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Sure, your <<print $dad.call>> and I are partners in a very lucrative business because of it." She says, picking up the rhythm of her rowing.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Has <<print $dad.call>> ever used the transmitter on you?" I ask, thinking she may be under his influence.
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</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/img/rcg-2.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "No." She smiles. "I was very persuasive with <<print $hp.name>>." She laughs, pulling herself more tightly against me, to emphasize her point. "I got <<print $hp.name>> to remove my frequency from the transmitter before he gave it to your <<print $dad.call>>. Not that I don't trust Daryl, I'm just being careful." She says, rowing faster and slamming her hard nipples against my chest. We stop talking as we urgently work towards another mutual climax. This time she stops rowing, pushes me back against the pulley and starts fingering her clit while she rocks up and down on my cock.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Play with my tits!" She cries, as she fingers her clit. Her feet are on the floor and she's bouncing herself up and down on the balls of her feet, pounding my hard cock into her enflamed pussy. I reach for her tits, which are hardly bouncing at all, and cradle them in my hands. Using my thumb and index finger, I pinch and twist her hard nipples, as she jumps up and down on my cock.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Oh yeah!" She screams, still pounding away on my cock. The pulley is pushing into my neck and I feel like I'm going to fall, but the intensity of this gorgeous model getting herself off on my hard cock pushes that all away. I feel my body tense and my balls tighten, as she leans her hands against my chest and squeezes my nipples, digging her fingernails into them. The pain, shooting from my nipples to my groin, causes my cock to explode inside her frothing pussy.
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</video> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/img/rcg-3.png'">
<p class="notation_text"> *** Video Available Only For Patreon ***
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Oh Fuuuuuuck!" She cries, clenching her pussy around my cock and shaking, jerkily, through her own orgasm. I release her tits and she collapses on my chest, driving my back into the pulley and causing us to nearly lose our balance on the couch.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Sorry." She laughs, lifting herself off of me and rolling onto the floor, breathing hard. I fall next to her and watch her sweat-soaked tits heave up and down as I try to catch my breath.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Wow!" I exclaim. "Who knew rowing could be so much fun." I say, brushing her matted hair from her forehead.
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "up"><<print $ct.name>>: </span> "Yeah, I think more people would exercise if they knew." She laughs, brushing her hand over my chest.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $dadofficeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $dadhouse.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $dadoffice.status[2] = 0>>
<<set $christina_fck to 1>>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">
Dear Patreons,
I want to extend our sincerest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support. Your commitment to our project means the world to us, and I am incredibly grateful for your continued enthusiasm.
As a token of my appreciation, I am excited to offer you early access to my upcoming releases. While you may not have access to the full games just yet, I hope this sneak peek will give you a taste of what's to come. Your feedback and support are invaluable to me as we work to bring you the best possible gaming experience.
Thank you once again for being part of my journey. I couldn't do it without you!
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
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<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "gp">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/car.jpg'">
<!-- Scene 21 <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $gp.name>> <<print $mc.name>> ( <<print $hp.rel>> Harri’s Home)
Event: <<print $mp.call>> fucks <<print $gp.name>> -->
<p class="notation_text"> On the forty-five minute drive home from college, I start thinking about <<print $gp.name>>. I wonder if she knows about the earlier transmitter. Maybe she can help me decide how to handle <<print $dad.call>> and his nympho.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck yes!" I hear my <<print $mp.rel>> yell, as I open the front door to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house. He's been dead for over six months, but I still think of this as <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s house. I quietly follow the sound towards <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s bedroom, which <<print $mp.call>> and I have been sleeping in since we got here.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohmygod!" <<print $mp.call>> screams, as I move closer to the open bedroom door and peek inside. Fuck! Her fours are flat on the floor, her tits dangling loose, while <<print $gp.name>> fucks her from behind with a strap-on dildo.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lb-dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "God! I've never felt anything like this!" <<print $mp.call>> moans, as <<print $gp.name>> rocks her back and forth, using her hands on <<print $mp.call>>'s hips to push her away and pull her back. I wonder how a dildo can give <<print $mp.call>> this much pleasure? Feelings of inadequacy flood through me, as I watch <<print $gp.name>> fuck my <<print $mp.rel>>.
<p class="notation_text"> They are both facing away from me and I can't see if <<print $gp.name>> is fucking her pussy or her ass. I move a little closer, glancing into the mirror on the side of the room. Holy shit! No wonder <<print $mp.call>> is going nuts! <<print $gp.name>> is fucking her with a dildo, penetrating her pussy. My cock responds, despite its recent workouts with <<print $ct.name>>, <<print $dp.name>> and Janet. I move out of their line of sight and lean against the wall, watching.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I... told you... that you'd... like it!" <<print $gp.name>> pants, thrusting her hips against <<print $mp.call>>'s ass. She's breathing hard speeding up her rhythm. She's really getting off on this. Fuck! The dildo must have a penetration piece at her end, too! Goddamn! This is so fucking hot; I don't know where to look.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/44.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> I watch <<print $gp.name>>, as her ass cheeks clench between the straps of the dildo harness, as her tits jiggle up and down with each thrust of her hips. Her nipples are fully erect and her head is tilted back, as she slams the dildos into my <<print $mp.call>>. I have never seen anything so erotic. My cock is trying to bust out of my zipper.
<p class="notation_text"> My eyes move over to my <<print $mp.call>>, moving back and forth, her firm round ass lifted, split open by the dildo sliding in and out of it. Her legs are spread; Her head is down between her arms and her hair is hanging around her face. I watch her tits rock back and forth from the swinging action and her nipples are as hard as I've ever seen them.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Oh! God! <<print $gp.name>>!" <<print $mp.call>> yells. "I'm cumming! Fuck me harder, <<print $gp.name>>!" <<print $mp.call>> screams, as <<print $gp.name>> pounds her mercilessly. "Fuck me haaaaaarrrrrrderrrrrr! Oh Fuck!" <<print $mp.call>> starts convulsing against the dildo; her whole body shaking as <<print $gp.name>> slams the dildo into her pussy.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lb-mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> I've slid down the wall, sitting with my back against it, rubbing my hard cock through my shorts. <<print $gp.name>> stops pushing <<print $mp.call>> on the bed and starts bouncing up and down on her.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Ohmygod! What are you doing?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, tremors rippling through her body, as she lies on the bed.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'm cumming!" <<print $gp.name>> cries. "Hold on, a minute! I'm cumming!" <<print $mp.call>> is rubbing up and down her pussy, obviously trying to get the dildo to make the right contact with her clit. She's moved her hands from my <<print $mp.call>>'s hips and now has her arms wrapped around my <<print $mp.call>>'s waist, humping against her, like a dog in heat!
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Yeeaaaaaahhh!" <<print $gp.name>> screams, collapsing against my <<print $mp.rel>>'s body, her tits heaving against <<print $mp.call>>'s, as she tries to catch her breath. They lie there as <<print $gp.name>> starts kissing my <<print $mp.rel>>.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "God, <<print $mp.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> breathes. "That was unbelievable!" She sighs; kissing her some more, before she leans back and slowly starts extracting the dildo from my <<print $mp.rel>>'s insides.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I still don't believe it." <<print $mp.call>> pants, moving her hair from her face and getting ready to get off the sling.
<p class="notation_text">I watch the flow of juice cascade from my <<print $mp.rel>>'s bald pussy, as <<print $gp.name>> removes the dildo. <<print $gp.name>> sees it too and quickly moves her hand under my <<print $mp.rel>>'s snatch, catching some of the juice in her cupped palm. She starts to bring her hand to her mouth, then reconsiders and moves around the bed, offering it to my <<print $mp.rel>> instead. My <<print $mp.rel>>, laps the juice from her hand, smiling at <<print $gp.name>>. That's when my <<print $mp.call>> sees me. Her eyebrows raise and her eyes sparkle, but she doesn't say anything.
<p class="notation_text"> <<print $gp.name>> unfastens the strap-on dildo from her sopping, wet cunt. Her unruly pubic hair is matted down around her bright pink pussy lips. Tossing the strap-on dildo onto the floor, they fall on the bed, side by side in a tight embrace. <<print $gp.name>> has her back to me and is cuddled up to my <<print $mp.call>>, with her leg looped over my <<print $mp.call>>'s side. This gives me a clear view of her dripping pussy and I watch as <<print $mp.call>> slides down between her pussy lips, scooping out <<print $gp.name>>'s fresh cream with her tongue.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "You fucked <<print $mc.name>>, didn't you?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, as she licks <<print $gp.name>>'s flavor from her pussy.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Yes." Is all <<print $gp.name>> says, as she watches <<print $mp.call>>, lick her clit.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I thought so." <<print $mp.call>> says, her tongue going back for more of <<print $gp.name>>'s sweet nectar. "How was he?" <<print $mp.call>> asks, knowing that I'm sitting here listening to the conversation.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "He was amazing!" <<print $gp.name>> says, enthusiastically. "But you already know that, don't you, <<print $mp.name>>?" <<print $gp.name>> says quietly.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Yes." <<print $mp.call>> answers, still sucking on her pussy. "How did you know?" she says sitting up, while she runs her fingers over <<print $mp.call>>'s tits, teasing her nipples
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/bs-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I didn't know for sure." <<print $gp.name>> lies. "But the sleeping arrangements were fairly obvious." She says, before sucking one of <<print $mp.call>>'s nipples into her mouth.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Mmmm." <<print $mp.call>> moans. "I guess they are, aren't they." She laughs. "Does it bother you, that I'm fucking my son?" <<print $mp.call>> hesitantly asks <<print $gp.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "No." <<print $gp.name>> says, pulling her lips from <<print $mp.call>>'s hard nipple. "I'm generally against incest and I'm not sure why it doesn't bother me, but it just doesn't." She's silent for a second and then scoots closer to <<print $mp.call>>, pushing her tits against <<print $mp.call>>'s tits, nipple to nipple. "It actually turns me on. I find it very erotic. Isn't that weird?" <<print $gp.name>> whispers.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Perhaps you'd like to stay until he gets home?" <<print $mp.call>> suggests. "I'm sure he'd love having the two of us together." <<print $mp.call>> says, watching for <<print $gp.name>>'s reaction.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Not today, <<print $mp.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says, caressing my <<print $mp.call>>'s ass cheeks with her hand. "As much as I'd like to, Frank will be home soon and I have to get dinner ready." She pushes her lips against my <<print $mp.rel>>'s and they kiss passionately while grinding their bodies together on the bed. I sneak out of the bedroom and back out the front door. After waiting about ten minutes, I make a noisy entrance into the house.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/45.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Anybody home?" I call out from the living room. <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $gp.name>> come down the hall, both of them dressed, but still flush from their lovemaking. "What have you two been doing all day?" I ask.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Oh we went shopping." <<print $mp.call>> says, smiling at <<print $gp.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "And just hung out." <<print $gp.name>> says, laughing at what is suppose to be an inside joke. "What about you? How was your day?" <<print $gp.name>> asks.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Great!" I say. "I had a good day." I answer, heading into the kitchen for a coke. <<print $gp.name>> follows me.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Did you see your <<print $dad.call>>?" She whispers.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc/4/5.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes, I need to talk to you." I whisper back. "Did you know he has a transmitter?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "No!" She whispers. "Call me tomorrow." She says, leaving the kitchen with a diet coke in her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Thanks for everything, <<print $mp.name>>." She says, kissing my <<print $mp.call>> on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow. Frank works late, maybe the three of us can get together." She says, smiling.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I'd like that." <<print $mp.call>> says, touching <<print $gp.name>>'s hip and smiling. "See you then." <<print $mp.call>> says, closing the door behind <<print $gp.name>>, and turning towards me with a big smile on her lips.
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<<set $livingEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[1] = 1>>
<<set $living.status[2] = 0>>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<!-- <div class="intro_button" data-passage="Intro_0" >
<p >Start</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Missionary</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 10: Position: Doggy</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 11: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 12: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 13: Position: Reverse Cowgirl</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 14: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 15: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 16: Position: Licking</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sf-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 17: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sf-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 18: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sf-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 19: Position: Side Fuck</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 20: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 21: Position: Blowjob</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 22: Position: Blowjob</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 1: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/bs-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 2 : BS</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 3 : Lick</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 4: Lick</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/lick-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 5: Lick</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 6: Cun</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 7: Cun</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/cun-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 8: Cun</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/gd-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 9: Gr</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/gd-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 1 : Fs</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/fs-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 10 : Fs</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/fs-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 11: Fs</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/3/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text"> Vid 12 : Sed</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<!-- <div class="intro_button" data-passage="Intro_0" >
<p >Start</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 1: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 2: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 3: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 4: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 5: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 6: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 7: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 8: Position: Seduction</p>
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<p class="notation_text">Video 9: Position: Seduction</p>
<div class="intro_button" data-passage="Start" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<!-- Kitchen Morning-->
<<set $charStats = "ed">>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/22.png'">
<!-- Character : <<print $gp.name>> & Kevin Loc: Basement Office -->
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "It's not really fair, you know." She says, in an exaggerated pouty voice.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What's not fair, <<print $gp.name>>?" I ask, standing up and turning towards her. I assume she means that I have the transmitter and not her.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "It's not fair that you've seen video of me completely naked... not to mention, in very compromising positions. My own <<print $mp.up>> has seen you, completely naked in uninhibited, adventurous ways. Isn't that what you said?" She asks, rhetorically, as she wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me with a big smile on her face. "But I've never seen you naked." She says, brushing her body up and down against the bulge in my pants. "Do you think that's fair, <<print $mc.name>>." She asks, again using her little girl, pouty voice, as she unbuttons my shirt. I don't answer. I just slide my hands around her waist and cup her ass cheeks, drawing her to me.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/24.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Have you ever fucked a <<print $mp.rel>> and her <<print $mp.up>>, <<print $mc.name>>?" She whispers in my ear as she peels my shirt off my shoulders.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Um... um..." I'm stuttering, startled by the question, thinking about <<print $mp.call>> and <<print $up.name>>.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh Christ, you have the transmitter." She says, amazement in her voice and on her face. "You could do whoever you want, whenever you want, can't you."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Um... pretty much." I answer.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span>"A little preview for tonight?" She asks.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "<<print $gp.name>>." I say tentatively. "It's been quite a while since I've seen that video." I say, gently cupping her breasts though her halter-top. "I mean... could I..."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Of course, <<print $mc.name>>, sweetie." <<print $gp.name>> says, pulling the string of her halter-top over her head and dropping the cloth below her pert, grapefruit-sized tits. Her erect nipples are thick and dark poking out like bullets from her large rose-colored areolas. I gently lift her fleshy breast to my mouth and lick her areola, all around her hard nipple, without touching it.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Mmmmmm." <<print $gp.name>> moans, pulling my head to her breast. "That feels nice." I unsnap her tight shorts and pull her zipper down, as I continue to lick her large breast.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span>"But I don't just use it for sex." I add, maybe a little too defensively.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-1.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "What else do you use it for, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> asks, while pulling the zipper of my shorts down. She kneels down, taking my shorts down with her and I step out of them. She's eye level with my cock, covered only by my jockey shorts.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I used it on a bully at school once." I answer. "And, um, your husband, of course..." I gasp, while she runs her hands over my ever-growing bulge, behind my white briefs. "I... um... I'm going to use it to get my <<print $dad.call>> to stop pestering my <<print $mp.call>>." I answer, as <<print $gp.name>>, pulls the elastic waistband of my jockey shorts out over the tip of my hard cock.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh my." She sighs, licking the head of my cock even before she gets my jockey shorts off the rest of it.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh God!" I groan, moving my feet apart for balance. I've got built up tension in my balls since yesterday when I was watching <<print $mp.call>> get dressed. <<print $gp.name>> pulls my jockey shorts all the way down, while sliding her lips over my rigid shaft.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-2.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "You're the perfect size, <<print $mc.name>>." She says. "Your cock will fit nicely wherever you want to put it." She smiles teasingly, while holding my cock in her hand and licking all around it like an ice cream cone. "You know, <<print $mc.name>>, you made Frank a much better lover than he ever was before. I don't know what you said to him, but he's attentive, loving and always tries to make me cum before he does."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Glad I could help." I pant, while <<print $gp.name>> continues licking and nibbling on my throbbing cock.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "But I don't always want attentive and loving, <<print $mc.name>>." She smiles at me, while stroking her hand up and down my rigid shaft. "I need adventurous and uninhibited, sometimes, too." She says, nibbling on the underside of my cock. "I need explosive and thunderous sex, <<print $mc.name>>". She says, before sliding her lips all the way down my shaft and burying my cock head in her throat."
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "You... want... me... to... give... Frank... another... suggestion?" I manage to ask, while pumping my cock in and out of <<print $gp.name>>'s moist mouth.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-3.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "No! <<print $mc.name>>!" She says, stopping abruptly and just holding my aching cock in her hand. "You could give Frank a million suggestions and he'll never be Mr. Thunderous and Explosive." She shakes her head. "I want you to use the transmitter on me, <<print $mc.name>>. Just like <<print $hp.name>> did." She calms down and continues her licking. "You can give me thunderous and explosive orgasms, <<print $mc.name>>. You know you can!"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Oh fuck! <<print $gp.name>>!" I cry, as she cups my balls while pumping my cock in and out of her warm mouth. "Yeah, just like that!" I breathe; as the tension builds and I feel my balls tighten, signaling my approaching release. She stops again, pulling her mouth back and squeezing my cock with her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Will you do it, <<print $mc.name>>?" She looks at me, imploringly. "Will you use the transmitter to fulfill my fantasies?"
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes, whatever." I cry. "Please keep going, <<print $gp.name>>!" I plead. "Please, I really need this!"
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-4.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Need what?" She asks, innocently, while flicking her tongue against the head of my throbbing cock." Say it, <<print $mc.name>>. What do you need?" <<print $gp.name>> smiles at me seductively.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I need you to suck my cock, <<print $gp.name>>!" I cry, dry humping against her hand.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "And you'll do what, <<print $mc.name>>?" She asks, coyly.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll use the transmitter on you, <<print $gp.name>>!" I yell. "I'll give you... um..." I stop, trying to remember what words she'd used.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Thunderous and explosive, <<print $mc.name>>?" She smiles.
<video class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-5.mp4'" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Yes! Thunderous and explosive orgasms." I cry. "Please, <<print $gp.name>>!"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Oh, don't be such a baby." She teases, sucking my swollen cock back into her mouth, while she gently squeezes my balls. I shoot almost immediately, filling her mouth with several large loads of cum. She expertly swallows every drop and licks my cock clean before standing up.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Like <<print $mp.rel>>, like <<print $mp.up>>, huh, <<print $mc.name>>?" <<print $gp.name>> laughs. "What time do you expect your <<print $mp.rel>> back?" She asks, eyeing the door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Anytime now!" I say, grabbing my clothes, as I check my watch.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Well, hopefully the transmitter will be charged by tonight." She says, kissing my cheek. "<<print $ep.name>> has a date and Frank has the late shift. Will you come over tonight, <<print $mc.name>>?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/25.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "I'll try." I answer, honestly. "It depends on what my <<print $mp.call>> has planned." I tell her, running my hands over her naked ass and biting her left nipple.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Use the transmitter, <<print $mc.name>>." She smiles. "That's what it's there for!" She says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Ouch!" I say, but my cock jumps at the erotic sensation.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Pain is not all bad, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> says, stroking my recovering cock. "You'll see." She says.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Ahhh", I groan. She's still stroking my cock, which is now fully recovered, while I slip my hand inside her bikini panties.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/26.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> I'm running my fingers through her thick curly hair and sucking her nipple into my mouth, when I hear a car door. "Fuck!" I yell, pulling my hand out of her pants and fumbling with my clothes. "That's my <<print $mp.call>>."
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "Too bad the transmitter isn't charged." <<print $gp.name>> says, pulling her halter-top, back over her breasts and zipping up her shorts. "You're everything I hoped you'd be, <<print $mc.name>>." She says, as the front door opens.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Hi <<print $mp.call>>." I call, a little too cheerily. "You remember Mag, uh... Mrs. Devlin, don't you <<print $mp.call>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Of course." <<print $mp.call>> says, extending her hand, while eyeing me suspiciously. "How are you <<print $gp.name>>?"
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "I'm great, Elaine." <<print $gp.name>> says, shaking hands with <<print $mp.call>>. "I just came over because I never really got a chance to express my condolences." She says, greeting <<print $mp.call>>, like she came over just to see her and I just happened to be home.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Thank you, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, heading towards the kitchen. "Can I get you a cup of tea?"
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/28.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "That would be wonderful." <<print $gp.name>> says, squeezing my ass cheek and winking at me, as she follows <<print $mp.call>> into the kitchen.
<p class="notation_text"> As they settle into a comfortable conversation about <<print $hp.name>>, I sit on the barstool, pretending to read a magazine, nursing my Diet Coke and watching them. In my mind, I start comparing the attributes of these two late-thirties sexy women. <<print $gp.name>>'s tits are larger than <<print $mp.call>>'s and her nipples, still poking out the front of her halter-top, are darker and thicker. They both have relatively flat stomachs and slender waistlines and <<print $mp.call>> has a tight, round ass that always draws my attention, no matter what she's wearing. <<print $gp.name>>'s ass is firm and round, with a more pronounced curve to it, which, combined with her larger tits, gives her more of an hourglass shape. They both have great legs; <<print $mp.call>>'s are more muscular, but <<print $gp.name>>'s are well toned and shapely, too.
<p class="notation_text"> I'm still reveling in the idea that <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>> just gave me a blowjob, and invited me over to fuck her, when my thoughts are interrupted by a question from <<print $mp.call>>.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Hello! Earth to <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> laughs. "Did you hear what I asked?" She says, smiling at me.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Sorry, <<print $mp.call>>." I say. "I was reading." I lie.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/9.png'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I said, <<print $gp.name>> and I are going to go get some lunch and do a little shopping. Do you want to come with us?" <<print $mp.call>> asks. Of course I want to cum with both of them, but that's not what she's asking.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Nah. Thanks. I think I'll just stay here, if it's okay." I answer. Both women smile and nod as if that was the answer they were expecting.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "I'll be ready in a minute, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, going into the bedroom.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "What did the lawyer say, <<print $mp.call>>?" I ask, as I follow her into the bedroom.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "He's going to check the court records and we should know something tomorrow." She says, placing her hand on my cheek. "I'll try to be better company tonight." She whispers, kissing me lightly on the lips. "Now go visit with <<print $gp.name>> a minute while I use the bathroom." She smiles.
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "The transmitter should be charged by the time we get back, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> whispers, while running her fingers lightly over the front of my shorts. "I'm soaking wet, just thinking about what you'll do with it." She says, just as <<print $mp.call>> walks back into the room.
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mp"><<print $mp.call>>: </span> "Okay, <<print $gp.name>>." <<print $mp.call>> says, picking up her purse. "I'm all set. Bye <<print $mc.name>>." She says, kissing my cheek.
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/foxx/4/27.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mr_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mr"><<print $gp.name>>: </span> "See you later, <<print $mc.name>>." <<print $gp.name>> smiles, as they walk out the door.
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span class = "mc"><<print $mc.name>>: </span> "Have fun." I call after them, my cock throbbing in my shorts.
<p class="notation_text"> While they're gone, I inspect the docking station for the transmitter. It has two wires, one connected to <<print $hp.rel>> <<print $hp.name>>'s computer and the other to a power strip. I turn on the computer and a pop up window opens, asking if I have updates for the NST software. I click no and a progress bar opens, showing that the transmitter is 70% charged. I make a copy of the software and e-mail it to myself, so I'll have it at home. I sit, staring blindly at the progress bar, thinking about this morning's visit from <<print $ep.name>>'s <<print $mp.call>>. I can't believe she knows about the transmitter and wants me to use it on her. How weird is that?
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1)" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
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<<set $collegeEvent += 1>>
<<set $eventCount += 1>>
<<set $myroom.status[0] = 1>>
<<set $college.status[1] = 0>>
<div class="big_text">
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/home/Mysterious.jpg'" >
<p class="notation_text">Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey! As I dive into my new game project, I'm learning and growing every step of the way.
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</div><<set $fuckScene= {
'mp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'As I keep lapping her tasty nectar from inside her burning snatch. She hesitates a minute and then slowly, relaxes her legs, allowing me to push them open and suck on her pussy lips. I gently suck one and then the other of her lips into my mouth, eliciting another moan from $mp.call The taste mixed with her aroma is driving me crazy and I feel like I m getting high on my $mp.call s pussy..',
'With my lips around her clit and my nose brushing against her wet pussy lips, she pushes down hard, smothering my face under her quivering pussy. Tensing her legs, her trembling orgasm releases a flood of juices all over my face. I hungrily lap up her thick cream.',
'I move my tongue up so I m licking the top of her slit, just below her clit and slip two fingers inside her pussy. I slide my fingers in and out of her pussy as I lightly lick her clit.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call starts frantically undoing my pants. $mp.call is on her knees, rubbing my cock against her cheeks. Slamming my hard cock up against my stomach, $mp.call starts lustfully licking my balls. Her warm tongue feels amazing as she meticulously licks all around.',
'By the time she licks up the length of my throbbing cock, I m oozing presed-1. $mp.call licks up and down my shaft and moans around my cock, creating a vibrating sensation on my sensitive shaft.',
' She picks up speed as she bobs her head up and down, pumping my hard cock in and out of her mouth. I hump my ass off the bed, thrusting my cock deeper into her warm, wet mouth while she pulls her mouth off my throbbing cock to catch her breath',
'I lay back on the bed as $mp.call s stripping off her thong. She crawls up on the bed, between my legs, her hard nipples brushing my thighs as she lowers her head and takes the entire length of my cock into her mouth and throat.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/cg-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call sits up and starts riding my cock like a wild woman, bouncing and slamming her pussy down around me. I ve never seen my $mp.call so out of control; she s pinching her nipples, twisting them and stretching them out from her jiggling tits.',
'Oh Fuck! I m inside her! My cock is inside my $mp.call s pussy! Neither of us moves as our tongues continue their ferocious onslaught. My $mp.call s hips are rotating in a circular fashion while she slowly raises and lowers herself on my cock.',
'Her plush pussy walls are molded around my hard cock, pulsating pleasure through every pore. Sitting up she continues to rotate her hips, grinding her pussy down around my cock.',
'Reaching behind her she slips her hand between my legs and cups my balls, massaging them as she rides my cock. I ve never felt anything like this! I am awestruck! I just lay there, staring at my sexy $mp.call riding my cock until she grabs my hands and presses them against her tits.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-4.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-5.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/dg-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call lowered her head to the bed and pushed her ass up higher. I paused with my cock buried inside her still twitching pussy. She heard me take a breath then cried out as I tore into her so hard she had to put her arms out to brace herself against the headboard so she didn t pitch forward.',
'I continued to fuck her fast and $mp.call groaned and rocked her hips back into me. She was in sensory overload. The stinging slaps to her ass and best of all that relentless cock stuffing her cunt.(Yeah, that s how you take a woman!) -- She looked over her shoulder at me. (This is how you make her yours. Now go ahead and claim your $mp.call s pussy!)',
'I slapped her ass. I did again, harder and $mp.call felt a fresh wave of heat flow through her at both the sound and sting of my slap.(You spanking your $mp.rel) -- She called out from where her face was partially buried in the bed. (You paying me back for all the times I was bitchy to you? Are you punishing your slutty $mp.call??)(I m giving her what she needs.) -- I slapped both sides of her ass hard and in rapid succession.',
'(Oh, damn!) -- I groaned over her ass and his thrusts became even more frenzied. I shifted my hands to her ass cheeks, squeezing them as I fucked her faster and harder while gasping each time I was buried inside her.',
'(Come!) -- She cried out. (Come for me, $mc.name! Come inside me! Fill your $mp.rel s slutty cunt the way you filled my mouth! Come on, baby! Give your $mp.rel a treat! I...Ohhhh!)',
'I cried out and $mp.call purred as my cock twitched inside of her and a warm wet stream of sed-1 squirted on her ass. I whimpered over her and she wiggled her hips and contracted her pussy around my erupting cock.I moaned and my thrusts slowed down, but each one ended with another deliciously sinful squirt of sed-1 as I painted the walls of his $mp.call s pussy. When I stopped moving, $mp.call contracted around me several times making me emit another adorable whimper as my $mp.call s insatiable cunt milked a few more drops from my spent cock.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',,'Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I already rise on my knees and plunged my cock inside her still convulsing pussy. Leaning over, I brace my hands next to her head, and hammered into her, my cock making squelching sounds as it pounding her dripping pussy.(Take it!) $mp.call cried out, her eyes staring into my eyes. (Take your $mp.call, claim her, make her yours!)',
'My balls are slapping her ass and she is yelping into their kiss each time I plung into her. My balls are tightening and she is working her hips into me. (Oh, oh, fuck,) I moan as my body tense.(Give it to me!) she cries, (Come inside me! Let me feel it!)',
'$mp.call put her hands over her pussy and rubbing as if she were making it more slippery. (Oh, look at my boy taking his $mp.call! Making me your whore!)',
'I am fucking her so hard, the bed was rocking, the headboard slamming into the wall in time with my thrusting.',
'I gasp as my cock erupted, but this time filling $mp.call s pussy. $mp.call releases a low sexy purr as my balls release another unnaturally large load. My cock convulse within her, sending long spurts deep inside her clutching pussy. I shudder and let myelf go limp as my $mp.call s greedy pussy clenched, milking the last drops from my spent cock. Leaning down, I kiss her hard. I moan when she nipped my lips with her teeth, then plunged her tongue into my mouth.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/1/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I squeeze her bare breasts, while slipping my tongue in her mouth. She responds passionately, sucking on my tongue and running her hands up and down my cock.',
'$mp.call is on her knees, rubbing my cock against her breasts and deliriously breathing in cock s scent. Slamming my hard cock up and down against her breasts.',
'She responds passionately, sucking on my tongue and running her hands up and down my cock.',
/* Eline Scene 2 */
'mp2_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Come suck it!','Yes! Suck that clit!','Oh! You are too good!',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Come suck it,) -- $mp.call demanded, opening her pussy for me, and tmpping her clit. (Suck my cunt and make me sed-1! God, I need to come!) I leaned forward, getting my knees under her, and dove between her thighs like a starving dog would attack a bowl of food. $mp.call screamed my name as I plunged my tongue into her sloppy...cunt. That was such a dirty word, but $mp.call kept saying it, and I loved hearing it.',
'I sucked hard, my mouth filling with her juices, and at this point some of me as well. $mp.call wrmpped her legs around my head, and yelped while I worked my tongue up to her clit. (Yes! Suck that clit, $mc.name! Show me what a good boy you are!)',
'I sucked her clit as violently. $mp.call was moaning my name repeatedly and it made my cock twitch every time she did. My eyes followed her sexy noises and I saw she was playing with her tits. Like everything else, she was not doing it gently. $mp.call was tugging on her nipples, stretching them and twisting them.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['I m so hard!','Oh, my God','Suck my cock!',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call swung herself off him, pulling her breast away. (Oh, look at how hard you are for your $mp.call!) I moaned when she grabbed my cock and pumped. I could feel myself throbbing in her hand and swore my cock seemed bigger than usual.I gasped when she spit onto the tip of my cock and smeared it on my shaft.',
'$mp.call lowered her head and took my cock deep into her mouth.(Oh, my God, Oh my God!) I moaned as $mp.call bobbed her head in my lmp. Her soft red coated lips slid along my shaft, and her wet tongue flicked around the purple head of my cock. When she reached the top. $mp.call moaned around me as if sucking was the greatest thing she d ever felt.',
'I moaned at not just how good she felt, but the nasty loud wet gagging sounds she was now making. I leaned back against the pillows, moaning and staring in shock as my $mp.call gobbled my cock like a damn porn star.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-4.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-5.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/cg-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She lifts her upper body until her hard nipples are the only part of her dangling tits making contact with my skin. Shifting her hips around, she nestles my hard cock between her steamy pussy lips. Rocking back and forth, she drags her nipples along my chest while gliding her slick pussy lips up and down my rigid shaft.',
'Lowering her chest against my face, $mp.call lets her pussy lips linger at the head of my cock, not moving. She presses her tits down hard against my face. With a roll of her hips, my cock head slips between her lips and she pushes her body down engulfing the entire length of my cock in her velvety furnace. Oh Fuck! I m inside her! My cock is inside my $mp.rel s pussy! . I push my cock up against her soggy lips as they slide up and down, again and again, from my balls to the tip, smearing her hot pussy juice along the way',
'Reaching behind her she slips her hand between my legs and cups my balls, massaging them as she rides my cock. I ve never felt anything like this! I am awestruck! I just lay there, staring at my sexy $mp.rel riding my cock until she grabs my hands and presses them against her tits. I rub my palms in a circular motion around her hard nipples and squeeze her soft tits.',
'Letting go of my balls and picking up her speed, she starts riding me harder and faster. I m bucking wildly on the couch pushing my cock into her pussy while she bounces up and down, rolling her clit against me and leaning her hands against my shoulders. I move one hand between her legs and find her clit with my thumb, massaging it in a circular motion. She rides me to a frenzied orgasm that has her moaning and screaming my name.',
'$mp.call drove down on me, then leaving me buried inside her, working her hips in circles. I gasped as the head of my cock, still sensitive from coming, was working around her hot tight pussy. I whimpered, but switched to sucking her other tit, while thinking that my cock had not softened at all, it was like I d never come.',
'($mc.name! Oh $mc.name! I m sed-1ming! $mc.name! Cum with me, $mc.name! Cum inside me!) -- She yells, riding wave after wave of pleasure.I shoot my load deep inside her quivering pussy. She collmpses on my chest and we lay there, gasping for air as we try to catch our breath. My head is spinning! I actually fucked my $mp.rel again! Shoving her tongue in my mouth and snaking it urgently around mine, she presses her tits down hard against my chest.My cock is inside my $mp.rel s pussy! Neither of us moves as our tongues continue their ferocious onslaught.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-4.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-5.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/dg-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call on her fours. I slid my cock inside her. $mp.call moaned and moved her ass back and forth.(Fuck yeah!) -- She yelled at his face, her eyes so wide. (I need this! Oh, fuck I need my baby s cock!)',
' We both cried out as I pounded hard and fast on her hips, pounding her like the out of control wild cat she d been since we d started. I gasped as the head of my cock, still sensitive from coming, was working around her hot tight pussy.',
'$mp.call reached between her legs and rubbing her clit with her fingers. She was rubbing her clit in hard fast circles.',
'Each time I slided into her she could feel more warm juice flowing down her thighs and could see my thighs and balls were glistening with it.',
'(That s it, $mc.name! Fuck me! Fuck your $mp.rel! Fuck me like you wanted that day! Fuck me like that little girl $ep.name! Fuck me like the goddamn whore I need to be for you!)',
'(Easy, baby,) she whispered. (Just lay there and catch your breath.) She sighed. (I can feel your heartbeat on my back.)($mp.call, that was amazing.) I kissed her cheek, then rolled off of her and onto his back. (Wow.)',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-3.mp4',,'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I pushed $mp.call onto her back and entered her slowly and gently. $mp.call sighed and put her arms out to me. I sank into her loving embrace and moaned as much from her soft touch as from the soft, wet forbidden place between her thighs.I moved slowly within her and she worked her hips in the same slow rhythm.',
'$mp.call found my rhythm and matched it, moving her hips in time with mine. Unlike our wild lust filled romp of earlier, I was going soft and slow, pleasing her with long deep strokes that felt amazing.',
'(Let me have it, honey. Let me feel it inside me.) -- she whispered.I released one of those adorable whimpers from before followed by a sigh as I let myself go.(Oh, honey.) $mp.call purred as I continued to move slowly within her as I came. (So good, baby. That feels so good.) (I love you $mp.call,) -- I breathed as I continued to fill her. (Love you so much.)',
'(A boy will never want another woman as much as his $mp.call.)-- She spoke slowly, her head cocked, and her eyes distant as if listening to something.But then her smile returned and she parted her lips, (Please kiss me, $mc.name .Love your $mp.call the way you fucked her. With everything you have.)I leaned over, closing my eyes, my lips parted in anticipation of meeting hers. $mp.call s soft lips had just brushed mine.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp2_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Living',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-0.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/3/vid/2/sed-2.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Kiss me, $mc.name.) $mp.call cocked her head and parted her full red lips. (Give your $mp.call a kiss.)I hesitated, I wasn t as excited as I had been before, but $mp.call wasn t taking no for an answer. She kissed me, softly at first, her lips sliding across mine. I kissed her back reflexively, but then when her lips lingered, tried to turn my head.',
'As if reading my mind, $mp.call leaned away from me. She cupped her breasts, but this time her dark blue nails were on her bare flesh, teasing her rosy nipples. (You like...oh!) $mp.call cried out when I lowered my head and sucked her right nipple into my mouth. I sucked and licked my $mp.rel s tit the way I had returned her kiss, lustfully. $mp.call moaned and shoved her breast deeper into my mouth. I switched to her other nipple, while sliding my hands beneath hers and squeezing her breasts. They were soft, yet firm, and I was amazed at how heavy they were.',
'I swore, I was even harder than before and my cock felt ready to explode. I wondered why the hell I was resisting his $mp.call s kiss, and not only returned it, but all but devoured her mouth. $mp.call moaned into our taboo kiss when my tongue darted across hers and invaded her mouth. Our lips pressed hard against each other, and $mp.rel s hands slid down on my crotch.',
/* Eline Scene 3 */
'mp3_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She turns around, climbing onto the bed and spreading her legs. She looks over her shoulder at me, a challenge in her eyes. (Are you going to lick my pussy, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice full of desire. I don t need to be told twice. I crawl onto the bed, positioning myself between her legs. I take a moment to admire the view, her pussy glistening with desire. I lean in, my tongue flicking out to taste her. She let out a gasp, her body arching as I continued to explore her with my tongue. I can feel her desire building, her moans growing louder. I reach up, my fingers finding her clit. I circle it, my touch matching the rhythm of my tongue.',
'She let out a cry, her body tensing as she came. I continue to lick her, savoring the taste of her desire. (Fuck, $mc.name,) she gasp, her body trembling. I climb up her body, my dick throbbing with desire. I capture her lips in a kiss, my dick finding its way inside her. She let out a moan, her legs wrapping around my waist as I begin to move.',
'I can feel her desire building again, her body moving in rhythm with mine. She arch her back, her fingers digging into my shoulders. (Fuck, $mc.name, I m going to come again,) she gasp, her words sending me over the edge. I let out a groan, my body tensing as I come inside her. I collapsed on top of her, my body slick with sweat. We lay there for a moment, our breaths coming in heavy pants. She looked up at me, a satisfied smile on her face. (Well, $mc.name, that was quite the experience,) she says, her voice full of satisfaction. I smile back at her, my fingers tracing lazy circles on her skin. (Indeed it was, $mp.call,) I say, my voice full of satisfaction. (Indeed it was.)',
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sf-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her onto the bed, her legs parting in welcome. The sight of her, spread out before me, is enough to make my heart race. Her pussy glistens with anticipation, and I can t help but lean down, my tongue darting out to taste her. She gasps, her hands fisting in the sheets as I explore every inch of her, savoring her sweetness. (Please, $mc.name,) she begged, her voice trembling with need. (I want you inside me.) I position myself between her legs, my cock pressing against her slick entrance. I look into her eyes, seeing the desire reflected back at me, and then I thrust forward, filling her completely. She arches her back, a moan escaping her lips as I begin to move, each stroke sending waves of pleasure coursing through us both.',
'(Yes, $mc.name,) she cried out, her nails digging into my back. (Harder.) I oblige, my movements becoming more frenzied, our bodies slapping together in a primal rhythm. The room is filled with the sounds of our passion, our breathing ragged and uneven, our moans mingling together in a symphony of pleasure. ',
'(I m close, $mc.name,) she pants, her muscles tightening around me. (I m going to come.) I reach down, my fingers finding your clit and circling it in time with my thrusts. She cries out, her body shuddering as she climaxes, her pussy clenching around my cock. The feeling of her orgasm sends me over the edge, and I explode inside her, my sed-1 mixing with her juices in a hot, wet mess. We collapse onto the bed, our bodies slick with sweat, our breaths coming in ragged gasps. I roll onto my side, pulling her close, our hearts beating in sync. (That was incredible,) she whispered, her voice still husky with pleasure.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I am sitting on the bed, completely naked, my hard dick standing at attention. $mp.call,my gorgeous partner, is kneeling between my legs, her eyes fixed on my manhood. She licks her lips, and I cant help but feel a shiver run down my spine. (Fuck, $mp.call, youre making me crazy,) I say, my voice husky with desire. She looks up at me and gives me a wicked smile. (That s the idea,) she says, and then she leans forward and takes me into her mouth.',
'I cant help but let out a low moan as I feel her warm, wet mouth envelop my dick. She starts to move her head up and down, her lips tight around me, creating an incredible sensation. I reach down and run my fingers through her hair, pulling it back gently so I can watch her. (Goddamn, $mp.call, you re so good at this,) I say, my voice strained. She looks up at me and gives me a sly smile, her mouth still full of my dick. She starts to move faster, her head bobbing up and down, her lips and tongue working me over. I can feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, and I know I am not going to last much longer.',
'($mp.call, I m gonna come,) I warn her, but she doesnt stop. Instead, she redoubles her efforts, her mouth and hand working in perfect harmony. I let out a loud moan as I feel myself reaching the point of no return. (Fuck, fuck, fuck,) I chant, my hips thrusting up to meet her. And then I am there, exploding in her mouth, my hot load filling her up. $mp.call doesnt miss a beat, swallowing every last drop of me. She pulls back, a satisfied smile on her face, and looks up at me. (Did you enjoy that?) she asks, her voice dripping with innocence.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Guiding her hips down so that my cock pressed against her entrance. She let out a gasp as I fill her, her pussy clenching around me. (Fuck, $mc.name,) she moan, her hands braced on my chest as she begin to rock back and forth. I watch as her tits bounce with each movement, my hands reaching up to cup them. (That”s it, ride me, $mp.call,) I encourage, my thumb flicking over her nipple. (Take what you need.).',
'She leans forward, her hair falling around us like a curtain as she captures my mouth in a passionate kiss. Her hips move in a steady rhythm, each thrust sending a jolt of pleasure through my body. I groan into her mouth, my hands gripping her hips as I help her move. (Fuck, you feel so good,) I murmur, my teeth nipping at her lower lip. (I could stay inside you forever.) She breaks away from the kiss, a wicked smile on her lips. (Then you better make me come, $mc.name,) she challenged, her hips picking up speed. (Make me come so hard that I see stars.)',
'I smirk up at her, my hands guiding her hips in a faster rhythm. (Challenge accepted,) I reply, my thumb finding her clit and circling it in time with your movements. She cries out as she feels the first waves of pleasure crash over her, her pussy clenching around my cock as she comes. ($mc.name!) she shouted, her body shaking with ecstasy. I groan, feeling my own release building. (Fuck, $mp.call,) I groan, my hands tightening on her hips as I thrust up into her one last time. (I m coming!) She collapses on top of me, her breath coming in ragged gasps as we both come down from our highs. (Well,) she says, her voice breathless. (I think you passed the challenge.) I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. (I ll take that as a compliment,) I reply, nuzzling her neck. (But I think I might need a rematch to make sure.)',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her onto all fours on the bed. I admire the view, her ass round and full, her pussy glistening with desire. I position myself behind her, my dick pressing against her entrance. (Are you ready?) I ask, my voice barely a whisper. (Yes,) she replied, her voice barely more than a breath. (Fuck me, $mc.name.) I slide into her, her tightness enveloping me like a glove. She gasps as I fill her, her body adjusting to my size. I start to move, my pace slow and steady at first, building up to a frenzied rhythm.',
'(Oh God, $mc.name,) she cried out, her voice filled with pleasure. (Fuck me harder.) I obey, my thrusts becoming faster and more forceful. I reach around, my fingers finding her clit, and I begin to rub it in time with my thrusts. She screams out in pleasure, her body trembling with the force of her orgasm.',
'I continue to fuck her, my own orgasm building with each thrust. I feel it start to take over, my body tensing as I release inside her. You moan in pleasure, her body milking me dry. I collapsed onto the bed, my body spent but satisfied. She turned to face me, her eyes filled with satisfaction. (That was incredible,) she says, her voice filled with awe.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I watch, mesmerized, as she reaches down and guides my dick inside her. The feeling of her wet pussy enveloping me is almost too much to bear. She leaned forward, her breasts brushing against my chest, and whispered in my ear. (Reverse cowgirl, $mc.name. I want to see your face when I ride you.) She shifted her position, turning to face my feet. Her ass, full and round, is on display for me. I reach out, running my hands over her smooth skin, feeling the muscles beneath flex as she begins to move. She started slowly, rocking back and forth, her pussy gripping my dick tightly. I groan, the sensation overwhelming. She picks up the pace, Her movements becoming more erratic. She leaned back, her hands on my thighs, giving me a perfect view of her body.',
'(Fuck, $mp.call,) I groan, my hands gripping the sheets beneath me. (You feel so fucking good.) She smiles over her shoulder, her eyes filled with desire. (I know, $mc.name. And I am not even close to being done with you.) She leans forward, her hands on my chest, and begins to grind against me. The feeling of her clit rubbing against my dick is almost too much. I can feel my orgasm building, but I am determined to make this last. (Come on, $mc.name,) she whispered, her voice husky with desire. (Give me everything you ve got.)',
'I reach up, grabbing her hips, and thrust up into her. She cries out, her pussy clenching around me. I can feel her trembling, on the edge of her own release. (That s it, $mp.call,) I growl. (Fuck me like you mean it.) She does, riding me hard and fast. I can feel my orgasm building, my balls tightening. I reach out, grabbing her ass, and pull her down onto me. (Fuck, $mp.call!) I shout, my orgasm crashing over me. I can feel her trembling above me, her own release following closely behind.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I shift my weight, positioning myself between her legs and guiding my dick to her entrance. She is already so wet, and I groan as I slide inside her. (Fuck, $mc.name,) $mp.call breathe, (you feel so good.)',
'She gasps as I fill her, (Oh god, $mc.name,) she says, (fuck me harder.) I obey, thrusting deeper and faster. Her breasts bounce with each movement, and I lean down to capture a nipple in my mouth, sucking and biting gently. She cries out, her pussy clenching around me as she comes.',
'I continue to fuck her, feeling her orgasm ripple through her body. She is so tight, so wet, and I know I wont last much longer. I reach down to rub her clit, and she comes again, this time dragging me over the edge with her. I groan, my dick pulsing as I fill her. We lay there for a moment, panting and sweaty. (Wow,) she says, (that was amazing.) I grin, rolling off of her and pulling her close. (Glad I enjoyed it,) I replied, (but I m not done with you yet.) She raised an eyebrow. (Oh really?) she says, a smile playing on her lips. (What do you have in mind?)',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp3_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', 'Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-3.mp4','scenes/char/mom/4/vid/sed-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Christina Scene */
'ct1_scene': {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I laid her down on the couch, her legs spread wide for me. I could see the wetness between her thighs, and I couldn t wait to taste her. I lowered my head between her legs, and my tongue found her clit, flicking it softly at first, and then with more force as she began to moan louder.',
'I slipped a finger inside of her, and she let out a moan that sent shivers down my spine. I could feel her tightening around my finger, and I knew she was close. I picked up the pace, my tongue working in time with my finger, and soon, she was screaming my name as she came, her body shaking beneath me.',
'(Fuck, $mc.name, don t stop,) she gasped, her body arching as me continued to explore her with my tongue. I looked up at her, my eyes meeting hers, and I could see the satisfaction in her eyes. (I want to taste you too,) she whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming my name.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I position myself behind her, my cock brushing against her wet pussy. I enter her slowly, savoring the feeling of her tight walls clenching around me. She let out a low moan, her head falling back against my shoulder as I filled her up. (God, yes,) she breathed, her hands reaching back to grip my thighs as I begin to move.',
'I set a slow, steady rhythm, my cock sliding in and out of you with ease. I lean down to whisper in her ear, my breath hot against her skin. (You feel so fucking good, $ct.name,) I murmur, my words causing her to shudder in pleasure. I reach around to find her clit, circling it with my thumb as I continue to fuck her. Her breath hitches, her moans growing louder as I bring her closer to the edge.',
'(I m going to come,) she gasps, her body tense with anticipation. I increase my pace, my cock pounding into her as I chase my own release. (Come for me, $ct.name,) I growl, my voice low and commanding. She shatters around me, her pussy clenching tight around my cock as she cries out in pleasure. I follow close behind, my cock throbbing as I fill her with my sed-1.'
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Her hands slid down my chest, tracing the contours of my muscles, before she unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. My dick springs free, already hard and aching for her touch. You wrap her hand around it, her fingers barely able to close around my girth. (Fuck, $ct.name,) I groan, my head falling back against the cushions. She chuckles, a soft, sultry sound that sends a shiver down my spine. (You like that, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice dripping with desire. I can only nod, my throat too dry to form words. She leans down, her breath hot against my dick as she says, (Good. Because I m going to give you something you ll never forget.) ',
'Her lips part, and she takes the head of my dick into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip. I let out a low, guttural moan, my fingers tangling in her hair. You look up at me, her eyes locked on mine as she takes more of me into her mouth. The sight of her, with my dick between her lips, is almost too much to handle.',
'She bops her head up and down, her mouth moving in perfect rhythm with her hand. I can feel the pressure building in my balls, the sensation of her mouth on my dick pushing me closer and closer to the edge. I can t take it anymore. ($ct.name, I m going to come,) I warn. She doesn t stop, her movements only getting more frenzied. I explode in her mouth, my sed-1 spilling down her throat. She swallows every last drop, her eyes never leaving mine. When she finally pulls back, she wipes her lips with the back of her hand and smiles. (Was that good for you, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice still husky with desire.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her to the couch, my hands never leaving her body. She straddles me, her eyes never leaving mine. I can see the desire in them, the want, the need. I reached down, guiding her hips so that my cock pressed against her entrance. She let out a gasp as I filled her, her pussy clenching around me in a way that sent shivers down my spine. (Fuck, $ct.name,) I groan, my hands gripping her hips tightly. (You feel so fucking good.) She leaned forward, her breasts pressing against my chest as she started to move. The cowgirl position allows her to take control, and she takes full advantage of it. She rises and falls on my dick, her pace slow and deliberate at first, but quickly gaining speed.',
'(Is this what you wanted, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice breathless. (Is this what you ve been dreaming about?) I can only nod, my eyes half-closed as I revel in the sensation of her tight pussy milking my cock. I reach up, cupping her breasts in my hands, pinching her nipples between my fingers. She moans in response, her movements becoming more erratic. (Yes, $mc.name,) she cried out, her voice echoing in the room. (Yes, just like that.) I can feel myself getting closer, my body tense with anticipation. I want to make her come, I want to feel her clench around me as she reaches her peak. I reach down, my fingers finding her clit. She gasps as I begin to circle it, my movements in sync with her own.',
'(Oh, God,) she moaned, her body trembling. (I m so close, $mc.name. I m so fucking close.) I can feel her pussy tighten around me, and I know she is close too. I thrust up into her, my movements becoming more desperate as I chase my own release. And then, with a final cry, we both come. Her body collapses onto mine, both of us panting and sweating. We stay like that for a moment, our hearts racing in sync. And then, she looked up at me, a wicked grin on her face. (Well, $mc.name,) she says, her voice still husky. (That was quite the ride.)',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I guide her onto all fours on the couch, admiring the view. Her ass is round and full, her pussy glistening with desire. I position myself behind her, my dick pressing against her entrance. (Are you ready for me, $ct.name?) I ask, my voice low and husky. (Fuck me, $mc.name,) she reply, her voice filled with need. I start to fuck her in doggy style, my hands gripping her hips as I thrust into her. She is tight, her pussy clenching around my dick, making me groan with pleasure. I can feel her wetness coating my dick, her moans echoing in the room. (Fuck, $ct.name, she feel so good,) I murmur, my thrusts becoming more forceful.',
'I reach around to rub her clit, my fingers slick with her arousal. She cries out, her body shaking with pleasure. (Yes, $mc.name, just like that,) she pants, her voice barely audible over the sound of our bodies slapping together. I can feel her getting close, her pussy tightening around my dick. (I m going to come, $mc.name,) she warned.',
'I increase my pace, my thrusts becoming wild and desperate. I can feel my orgasm building, my balls tightening. (Come with me, $ct.name,) I demand. With one final thrust, I come, my sed-1 filling her. You follow me over the edge, her pussy convulsing around my dick as she screams out her pleasure. We collapsed onto the couch, our bodies spent and satisfied. (Fuck, that was amazing,) she pant, her chest heaving. (Yes, it was,) I agree, pulling her into my arms.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I watch, mesmerized, as she straddles me, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. (You ready for me, $mc.name?) she purrs, her voice low and seductive. I can feel my heart racing as she reaches down and guides my throbbing dick inside her. The feeling of her wet pussy enveloping me is almost too much to bear. (Fuck, $ct.name,) me groan as she begins to move, her hips rolling in a slow, seductive rhythm. I reach up and grab her full, perky breasts, pinching her nipples lightly between my fingers. (You feel so fucking good,) me whisper in her ear, causing her to moan and grind down harder on me.',
'She leans back, her hands resting on my thighs for support, and I cant help but admire the view. Her curves are on full display as she rides me, her ass bouncing up and down in a hypnotic rhythm. I reach out and give her a playful smack, eliciting a gasp and a moan from her. (You like that, baby?) I ask, my voice thick with lust. (Yes,) she breathes, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure. (Harder.)',
'I oblige, my hand coming down on her ass with a satisfying smack. The sound of skin on skin fills the room, mingling with her moans and my grunts. I can feel your orgasm building, the pleasure almost too much to handle. ( I m going to come,) I warn her, my voice barely recognizable as my own. (Do it,) she encourages, her hips moving faster now, her pussy gripping me tight. (Fill me up, $mc.name.) I let out a guttural cry as I came, my dick throbbing inside of her as I spilled my seed. She collapses on top of me, both of us panting and slick with sweat. (Fuck, that was good,) I say, running my hands through her hair.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ct1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ct',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/ez/vid/sed-1.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/ez/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I shift my weight, positioning myself between her legs, and she can feel the hardness of my dick pressing against her. I guide my dick to her entrance, teasing her with it, and she buckles her hips, trying to get me inside her. I groan as I slide inside her, feeling her wrap around me. She is so tight, so wet, and I can feel her muscles clenching around me. (Fuck, $ct.name,) I groan, and she let out a moan in response.',
'I start to fuck her in the missionary position, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. I can feel every inch of her, feel her breath on my neck, and I can see the desire in her eyes. (Harder,) she whispers, and I oblige, slamming into her with more force. She let out a loud moan, her nails digging into my back, and I can feel her getting closer.',
'I reach down, finding her clit with my fingers, and I start to rub it in circles. She let out a series of loud moans, her body trembling beneath me, and I can feel her pussy clenching around me. (I m gonna come,) she gasps, and I can feel her muscles tensing.',
/* Danae Scene */
'dp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She is on all fours, her ass in the air, a sight that never fails to make my dick twitch in anticipation. Her hair, usually so well-kept, is cascading down in wild disarray, framing her flushed face perfectly. (You look so fucking hot like this, $dp.name,) I can t help but murmur, admiring the view. (Is that right, $mc.name?) She teases, tossing a glance over her shoulder, her eyes glinting with desire. (Well, then why don t you do something about it?)',
'I reach behind her, my fingers tracing the curve of her ass before dipping lower. She gasps as I brush against her wetness, her pussy already slick with anticipation. (You re so fucking wet for me, baby,) I whisper, my voice thick with lust.',
'With a low growl, I lower my head, my tongue finding her clit in one smooth motion. She let out a strangled cry, her hands clenched into fists as I began to work her over. I lick and suck, my tongue exploring every inch of her, relishing in her moans and whimpers. (Oh, fuck, $mc.name!) She cries out, her hips bucking against my face. (Don t stop, please don t stop!)',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She guided the head of my cock to her entrance, and lowered herself down onto me. She gasped, and I took the opportunity to run my hands along her thighs, over her hips, up her stomach, until I wrapped them around her breasts. She was tight, but in a small matter of seconds she had taken my cock deep into her pussy. I could feel myself throbbing inside her, and the walls of her cunt were gently squeezing me.',
'She lifted her hips and continued riding me. With every thrust, she let out a sharp little moan, and her breasts jiggled under his palms. Soon, I felt her squeezing me tightly, and she bit her lip. She was bouncing hard now, fucking herself savagely with my cock, and suddenly she cried out, her pussy gripping me over and over as she came.',
'(Are you enjoying me, $mc.name?) she asked, her lips right against my ear. $mc.name nodded, running my hands along her smooth back and down to her ass. (Yes... Fuck yes...,) Her body trembled, and she held me close as we came together. For several moments, we lay still, riding out the last waves of pleasure, until finally $dp.name lifted her hips and let me slip out of her.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I wrapped my hand around my cock as I aimed for her vagina and inserted my tip back into her. She moaned again as I filled her back up. Pushing in deep, I held myself still, enjoying the feeling. I rubbed her fit ass and softly spanked it a few times. Putting my hands on her hips, I used my grip on them to start moving her back and forth, watching as my cock appeared out of her pussy before disappearing back into it',
'Holding her body still, I started to thrust my hips back and forth, sliding my cock out to its tip before pushing back deep inside her. Encouraged by her moans, I started going harder and faster, slamming into her over and over. I rubbed my hands all over her back and ass and reached around to cup her breasts as I pounded into her.',
'Feeling my orgasm building up, holding tightly to her hips as I pushed in over and over. Throwing my head back, I let out a primal grunt as I orgasmed, feeling the cum erupting out of my tip as I pushed deep into Danae. She moaned as she felt my cum filling her, my cock twitching as it pumped slowly inside her.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(You ready, $mc.name?) she asks, her voice a sultry whisper that sends shivers down my spine. I watch, mesmerized, as she reaches down and guides my dick inside her. The feeling of her wet pussy enveloping me is almost too much to bear. I groan, my hands instinctively gripping her hips as she begins to move. (Fuck, $dp.name,) I breathe, my voice a mere rasp in the steam-filled room.',
'She shifts back to me, and I realize what she is doing. A grin spreads across my face as she lowered herself onto me, reverse cowgirl style. Her hands press against my thighs for support as she starts to ride me, her body moving in a rhythm that s both seductive and maddening. (You like that, $mc.name?) she teases, her voice dripping with desire. (You like feeling my pussy clench around your dick?)',
'She leans back, her hands on my knees, and I take a moment to admire the view. Her ass sways in time with her movements, and I can t resist the urge to reach out and grab it. I spank her, the sound echoing in the small room, and she moans, her body shuddering in response. (Fuck me harder, $mc.name,) she beg, her voice a desperate plea. I oblige, my hips thrusting up to meet her downward movements. The sound of our skin slapping together fills the room, a symphony of desire that drives us both closer to the edge.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'dp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'dp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/dp/vid/1/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/dp/vid/1/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I shift my weight, positioning myself between her legs. She spread them willingly, inviting me in. I guide my dick to her entrance, feeling the warmth radiating from her. She is already so wet, and I groan as I slide inside her. The feeling is indescribable, a mix of pleasure and pain that sends shivers down my spine.',
'(Fuck, $dp.name,) I groan, burying my face in the crook of her neck. She wraps her legs around me, pulling me deeper into her. I start to move, my hips rocking against her in a rhythm as old as time. I can feel every inch of her, the tightness of her pussy gripping my dick like a vice.',
'(Harder, $mc.name,) she whispered in my ear, her voice a soft moan. I oblige, increasing my pace. The sound of our bodies colliding fills the room, a symphony of pleasure that drowns out the world outside. I can feel the tension building inside me, the need to release growing stronger with each thrust.',
/* Maggie Scene */
'gp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Fuck, you re beautiful,) I murmur, my fingers tracing $gp.name s pussy lips, spreading them open.she moans,her hips lifting up to meet my touch.And then my mouth is on her, my tongue sliding through her folds, lapping at her juices.she moans as I eat her out, my tongue exploring every inch of her.',
'I suck on her clit, my tongue sliding in and out of her, fucking her hard and fast. I can feel the orgasm building inside us.(Don t stop,$mc.name,)$gp.name begs, her voice hoarse with pleasure. (Don t stop.)',
'I don t, my tongue and fingers working her over until she s crying out my name.I pull back, my lips glistening with her juices. $gp.name can see the satisfaction in my eyes.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$gp.name s mouth open and waiting. I can see the desire in her eyes as she takes me in her mouth, her tongue starts swirling around my tip. I let out a low moan, (Fuck,$gp.name. You feel so good.)Soon after $gp.name s tongue start tasting my precum. It s salty and sweet, and she wants more.Her head bobbing up and down my hard rock solid shaft. She looks up at me ,our eyes get locked. ',
'I don t say anything but my eyes are glazed over with desire.$gp.name leans in closer and wraps her lips around my dick, taking it all in. she starts to suck and lick, her tongue exploring every inch of my shaft.(Ohhh Baby!)I say, my voice strained.She s unstoppable. $gp.name keeps on sucking and licking, her lips moving up and down my hard ,rock solid shaft. She starts stroking it with her lips and tongue, feeling its girth and length.(Fuck, babe,)I moan , as I close my eyes and lean head back.$gp.name can feel my dick getting harder inside her mouth. She can see the anticipation in my eyes as I keep on stroking my dick into her mouth out.',
'(Fuck, yes,)I say , as $gp.name wraps her lips around my hardened dick.$gp.name can feel my dick hitting the back of her throat, and I can t help but moan.she can feel my hands on the back of her head, guiding me as she sucks on my dick.(Fuck, babe, that feels so good,)I say, as I look down at her.I can see the pleasure in $gp.name s eyes, and it s making me even hornier. I start stroking my dick as she sucks on it, feeling every inch of it. She can feel me getting harder in her mouth, and I know I’m close.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I stand up, my dick in my hand. I guide it to $gp.name s entrance, feeling her heat. I push inside of her, feeling her tighten around me. She feels amazing, better than anything I ve ever felt before.$gp.name starts to move, riding me hard. I reach up, grabbing her breasts, feeling their weight in my hands. I pinch and suck her nipples, hearing her moan louder. (Fuck, $mc.name, you feel so good,) she breathes, her hips moving faster.I can feel myself getting closer, my balls tightening. I know I m not going to last much longer. I reach down, rubbing her clit as she rides me. She cries out, her pussy clenching around me as she comes. ',
'I grab a handful of $gp.name’s ass, feeling the firm, smooth skin beneath my fingers as I guide her up and down on my dick. She s riding me in the cowboy position, her pussy gripping me tight as she bounce on the chair. (Fuck, you feel so good,) I groan, my hands exploring her body as she moves.I slide a hand down between us, finding her clit and rubbing slow circles around it. she gasps, her pussy clenching around me even tighter. (Oh god, don t stop,) she begs, her voice taking on that desperate edge that I love. I oblige, increasing the pressure and speed of my fingers as I continue to fuck her from below.But I want to take it to the next level, to really make $gp.name scream. So I pull my hand away from her clit and give her ass a hard smack. She yelps in surprise, but the sound quickly turns into a moan as I spank her again and again, the sound of my hand on her flesh filling the room.',
'I ve got $gp.name bent over the chair,her arms wrapped around its back, gripping tight as I thrust into her. She’s riding me in the cowboy position, her hips moving in a rhythm that matches the pounding of my heart. Her hair falls in wild curls around her face, a sheen of sweat glistening on her skin. (Fuck, $gp.name,) I groan, my voice raw with desire, (you feel so damn good.)I lean forward, my dick still buried deep inside her, and take one of her breasts in my mouth. She gasps as I suck on her nipple, hard and insistent. I can feel the tremors running through her body, the pleasure building inside her like a storm about to break. I let go of her breast and run my hand down her back, over the curve of her ass, and give it a firm spank. (God, you re so fucking sexy when you take control,) I tell $gp.name , she moans in response.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I turn $gp.name to one side,my hands cup her breasts, my thumbs rubbing circles around her nipples. she moans, her head falling back as pleasure washes over her. I lean forward, taking one of her nipples into my mouth and sucking hard. $gp.name gasps, her body arching towards mine .I grip $gp.name’s hips,my fingers digging into her soft flesh as I slam my dick into her pussy from behind.I start fucking her juicy hole passionately.my hands explore her body, fingers tracing patterns on her skin,boobs.she’s lost in pleasure, my body moving in time with her.(Don t stop,)$gp.name begs, her voice barely above a whisper. (Please, don t stop.)I don t, my hips moving faster, thrusts deeper. I can feel myself building towards an orgasm, her pussy clenching around him. $gp.name groans, her fingers digging into the table top as I fuck her harder. She moans as she felt me inside her,I continued fucking her, grinding my hips against her.',
'I push myself inside of her ,I can feel her tight walls grip me.(Goddamn,$gp.name. You feel so fucking good,) I groan, starting to thrust in and out of me.(Fuck me harder,$mc.name. I want to feel you deep inside of me,) $gp.name begged, her voice getting louder with every thrust. I grabbed her hips and started to pound into her harder and faster. ',
' I grip $gp.name s hair tightly as I thrust myself into her from behind. She s all over around the table top,her body quivering with every hard push from me. (Oh, fuck,$mc.name,) $gp.name moans as I pull her shoulder, making her head snap back. (Just like that, harder!) I oblige, slamming my hips against her ass, my balls slapping against her pussy lips. The sound of our bodies coming together filled the room, along with our gasps and moans.I growl at her words, grabbing her shoulder again and pulling her head back. I lean down and whisper in her ear, (You are my slut, $gp.name. My perfect juicy fucktoy.)',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I begin pinching $gp.name s nipple, rolling it between my fingers as I continue to press her boobs. I squeeze her breast harder, as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm me. (You like that, don t you?)I whisper in her ear, my hot breath making her shiver with pleasure.(Yes, yes, I love it,) $gp.name replied, her voice trembling with pleasure.I take $gp.name onto my lap on a chair and start fucking her ',
'Flipping her over onto her back in reverse cow girl position, holding onto her and pulling it gently as I thrust into her.her moans grow louder and louder, filling the room with the sound of my pleasure.',
'(Oh, fuck, $mc.name, I m going to cum,) $gp.name moans, her body trembling with pleasure. (Cum for me, my love,)I whisper, kissing her neck and I continue fucking $gp.name in cowboy position',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I push $gp.name down onto the brown table, my body covering her as I start fucking her, holding her one leg upon my shoulder..I press her asscheeks wrapped around my hip.(You re so fucking wet,) I groan, my fingers sliding through her folds. She moans, her hips bucking up to meet my touch. I feel your pussy clench around my dick.(Don t stop, $mc.name,) she begs,her voice hoarse with pleasure. (Don t stop!)',
'I pull out of $gp.name and she whimpers in protest. I smile against her skin and slide a finger into her wet pussy. (I m not done with you yet, baby,)I promise, and she relaxes back into me with a sigh. $gp.name starts moving her finger in and out her, matching the rhythm of her thumb as it circles her clit. She s so wet,egar, so ready for me, and I can feel her getting closer and closer to the edge.I push $gp.name back onto the table top,my body covering hers and starts fucking her again roughly..she cries out of pleasure, her body trembling around mine. I feel her pussy clench around my dick, milking me for all I m worth',
'I continue fucking $gp.name again in my own rhythm.my hips slap against her pussy. She moans loudly as I fuck her. My cock hits her g-spot every time I thrust into her. I feel my orgasm building up again.$gp.name grabs onto the armrest of the table as I fuck her harder and harder.(I m gonna cum,)she moans.I thrust into her a few more times before she cums inside of me. I feel her hot juice fill my dick up. I can see her body trembling in pleasure. ',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'gp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'gp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/foxx/4/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'As $gp.name starts to stroke my dick. (Yes!. Just like that.)I cry out.. she drops to her knees in front of me, (I want to make you come,) she says, her voice low and sultry while stroking my dick.',
/* Allison Scene */
'ap1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'My tongue flicks across her clit, which I ve sucked completely inside my mouth. I m pushing my fingers in and out, twisting them back and forth, sloshing her hot juices all around inside her fiery pussy. Her juices run down my arm and soak the bedspread beneath her ass. She collapses back on the bed, her pussy pulsating around my fingers, as I let her clit slip from my mouth.',
'She pulls hard on the bedspread and her head and shoulders lift off the bed. Her eyes are closed, her mouth is open and she s moaning loudly as she pushes harder against my mouth and my fingers. My face and hand are completely soaked with her juices as she grinds against my mouth and clamps her legs around my fingers, jerking wildly.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$ap.name began to suck on the head and the first few inches of the shaft. Her hand caresses the shaft of my dick while she sucks the tip of it. she once again took the head of my cock into her mouth and began working its length in.',
'$ap.name got onto her hands and knees. Scooting forward on her knees, $ap.name raised her mouth to my cock and began to lick the head.',
'$ap.name worked more and more of my cock in, until I finally felt it bump the back of her throat. She immediately began to gag from the contact and began to pull out.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I lay down on the bed and she climbs on top of me and rides me like a cowgirl. Her pussy wall pressing my cock. It’s warm and wet inside.',
'Then $ap.name rises up and impales herself on my cock. We both sigh as I feel my dick sliding inside her wet pussy. $ap.name: Oh, $ap.name... ($ap.name moans in a sweet voice.)',
'$ap.name slowly starts riding my cock. I place my hands on her hips and stroke her smooth thighs and her back. $ap.name: Oh.... oh... oh yeah... (She moans every time my penis fills her vagina.)',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/sf-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"as_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ap1_scene',
"scene_type": 'as_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Shop',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ap',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ap/vid/as-1.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/as-2.mp4','scenes/char/ap/vid/as-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Carolyn Scene */
'cp1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Her pussy, waxed or shaved clean. $mc.name: You re so wet. So sticky. And you smell so sweet, (I licked my lips) I can t wait to taste you.',
'My tongue flicks out, in an upward movement along her clit and she moans.',
'(Don t stop, $mc.name,) -- $cp.name begged, her voice filled with need. (I m so close.) I didn t plan on stopping. I wanted to make $mr.name cum harder than she ever had before. I sucked and licked her clit with more urgency, my fingers fucking her pussy faster and deeper.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She rips my pant down my thick thighs. Scooting forward on her knees, $cp.name raised her mouth to my cock and began to lick the head and shaft. After thoroughly licking the cock she began to suck on the head and the first few inches of the shaft.',
'With each head thrust down, she worked more and more of my cock in, until I finally felt it bump the back of her throat. She immediately began to gag from the contact and began to pull out.',
'She once again took the head of my cock into her mouth and began working its length in.My body is shivering with lots of excitement.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$cp.name smiles in a sexy way and then starts riding me with much more passion. She starts to rise and fall on my cock much faster, her tits starting to sway.',
'She starts moaning louder and sexier when she fucks me like a naughty slut.',
'$cp.name: Oooooh! Oh! (She moans, floating on my rock hard cock again and again.) Oh $mc.name, you re so big!',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She was so eager to have my cock inside her young body that she started moving her ass back towards me, urging me to fill her up even more. I used my hands on her hips to show what she needed to do, getting her to slide her ass back and forth while I stood still. Soon she was dictating her own pace, sliding her tight pussy in and out my engorged cock while I watched.',
'I start to slide my dick in and out, picking up speed, and finding a rhythm.',
'My cock had a hard time pushing in but I kept up the pressure and slowly, painfully her ass spread for mine, and I entered her from the rear.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'After a few more minutes, she mounted me again, this time in reverse cowgirl and gently lowers herself onto my unprotected cock.',
'She continues to bounce up and down on my cock. I feel her pussy muscles clench around my throbbing cock and she starts to buckle and jerk her hips, moaning and babbling gibberish.',
'Her pussy feels so fucking good wrapped around my cock. I reach up and grab her boobs, squeezing them gently as she grinds her hips against me. (You like that, don t you?) -- she asks, looking back at me with a wicked smile. I nod, unable to speak as she starts to bounce harder on my dick. I can feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as she grinds against me. I reach down and start to finger her clit, making her moan even louder.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She leaned back and lay on the couch. Her thighs parted wide, her knees up and her feet on the floor. Her bald, glistening pussylips parted slightly. I dropped to my knees, leaned down, took my hard shaft in my fist, rubbed the tip of my cock up and down her sloppy wet slit, found her gapping opening and eased my cock into her cunt.',
'As the girth of my dick penetrated deeper into her, the inside of her pussy s warm flesh melted around it and seemed to suck me in. I put my hands on either side of her and straightened my arms out so I could look down at her as we fucked.',
'My hips thrusting against hers. $cp.name wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me deeper inside her. I can feel her wetness coating my dick, her pussy clenching around me as I fuck her. (Fuck, you feel amazing,) -- I groan, my lips finding hers again.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'cp1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Outdoor',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'cp',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/cp/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/cp/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'The liquor, her scent, her touch, everything is intoxicating and I get lost in everything she s doing. Feeling her flick her hand over me between my legs, as her teeth tugs my bottom lip. I give in to the pleasure and wrap my arms around her. I move my lips against hers, kissing her again, this time with more fervor and need.',
'My own hand moving up to her chest and squeezing her breast as I continue to push myself against her. My breathing quickened once more.',
'She rips her skirt up over her head. I lean forward and begin to kiss her breast. I suck harder onto her nipple and pushing her breast further into my mouth.',
/* Nicole Scene */
'ep1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'Her pussy is delicious. I can feel her wetness on my lips. I lick her vagina, it s warm and wet as only a virgin girl s pussy can be. $ep.name begins to moan with pleasure feeling my lips on her crotch.',
'I moved even closer and licked her pussy, and she tasted wonderful. Finding her clit I discovered that it was engorged and I licked around it before sucking on it gently. ',
'Suddenly I felt her pussy clamp even tighter around my tongue and then her pussy started to pulse around them. I heard her cry out -- Oh my God, yessss -- and she screamed as I continued to lick her clit.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(Wow! What a beautiful pussy you have,) ',
'$ep.name sits infront of me and started jerking my cock. ',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$ep.name slid down further, slowly, sucking and slurping all the while, her tongue pressing at the gland. My hand rested on the top of her head as she bobbed up and down',
'She takes my dick out of his mouth for a moment and smiles as she caresses my dick with her hand. She sucks with all her might, purring delightfully, her tongue curls around my shaft and caresses it. She starts moving her head up and down while her lips tighten on my cock. $ep.name moans as she sucks, my precum flows out in her mouth and I feel she lick it off my cock.',
'With each head thrust down, she worked more and more of my cock in, until I finally felt it bump the back of her throat. She immediately began to gag from the contact and began to pull out.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$ep.name mounted my big, hard, thick, cock. She lowered herself until the tip of my cock came into contact with her pussy. She slowly rocked her hips back and forth, pushing my cock through the thick forest until I could feel the lips of her cunt. ',
'Her beautiful young body is completely exposed for me to play with. I reach down to her firm breasts and play with them freely while she slowly moves her hips as she rides my cock.',
'$To see her beautiful, naked body move with such sensitivity on me is stunning. She gulped air and squeezed me with her pussy muscles. I grab her ass and squeeze it tight.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'The sight of her smooth buttocks and pink wet pussy is too tempting. I grabbed her firm butt from behind. I put my dick in her tight pussy. Then $ep.name sighs with pleasure.',
'I grab her hips and slowly start fucking her from behind, enjoying the wetness and softness of $ep.name s vagina again. For a few moments, I love her calmly, listening to her purr. ',
'Then, without undue delay, I begin to make strong, quick thrusts her ass from behind. $ep.name moans every time my cock enters her tight pussy.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ep1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ep',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/ep/vid/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I took my hard shaft in my fist, rubbed the tip of my cock up and down her sloppy wet slit, found her gapping opening and eased my cock into her cunt.',
'She laid her head back down, her mouth open, inhaling as my dick continued to slice deeper into her.',
'I pushed my cock to the hilt inside her and pulled back and then started to rhythmically fuck her. Her feet came off the bed and danced freely in the air. Her tits sloshed up and down with each thrust and withdrawal. The body odor from her pits and pussy mixed exotically around us.',
/* Maria Scene */
'mr1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4','Scene-5','Scene-6',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-3.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-4.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-5.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/lick-6.mp4'],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mr.name turns around and wiggle her ass at me.I can t help but stare at it for a moment, admiring the way it look. I walk over to her and lean down, kissing her soft skin. (I can t wait to feel your tongue on me,) -- she says, her voice low and sultry. I smile and start kissing her ass, working my way down to her asshole. I spread her cheeks apart and start licking her tight little hole. She moans and push back against me, encouraging me to go deeper.',
'She s already wet for me, her pussy glistening with desire. I run my tongue along her slit, savoring her sweetness as she moans softly. (Fuck, $mc.name,) -- she gasps, her fingers threading through my hair as I continue to lick and suck on her clit. (Don t stop.) I have no intention of stopping. I want to make her come harder than she ever has before.',
'I slip a finger inside of her, feeling her walls tighten around me as I explore her depths. I add another finger, fucking her with my hand as I sucking on her clit. $mr.nam e s moans grew louder, her body writhing on the table as I bring her closer and closer to orgasm. (Don t stop, $mc.name,) -- $mr.name begs, her voice fills with need. (I m so close.) ',
'I start flicking my tongue faster, and I can feel her getting closer and closer to orgasm. I slide another finger into her pussy, and I start fingering her clit and pussy at the same time. Sh e s moaning so loud now, and I know she s close. (I m gonna cum, $mc.name,) -- she says, her voice trembling.',
'She is so tight and wet, and I realize she is close to cumming. (Oh god, $mc.name,) -- she moans, her hands clutching at the table. (Don t stop, please don t stop.) I press one of her boobs, feeling her nipple harden under my touch. I am contiously sucking and licking her pussy, my finger moving in and out of her as I m rubbing her clit with my thumb. (I m gonna cum, $mc.name,) -- she gasps, her body tensing. (I m gonna cum so hard.)',
'I positioned myself between her legs, my heart racing with anticipation. I slowly trace my fingers along the lace of her panties, feeling the heat radiating from her core. (I m going to make you feel so good, $mr.name,) I murmur, looking up at her through my lashes. I continued licking and sucking her pussy, my tongue swirling around her clit. $mr.name grabs my hair, pulling me closer to her. (Oh my god, $mc.name,) she moans, her hips bucking against my face. I continue to lick and suck, my fingers finding their way to her entrance. I slid one finger inside her, then two, curling them up to hit her G-spot. (Fuck, $mc.name,) -- she cries out, her legs shaking.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/mb-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/bj-6.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She pulled my cock out, and I couldn t believe how hard I was. She started sucking on it, and I felt like I was going to explode right there. "Fuck, $mr.name," I said, moaning. "That feels so good. "She looked up at me, and I could see the satisfaction in her eyes. She knew she was driving me crazy. She kept sucking, and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge.',
'She sucks me deep, her lips wrapped tightly around my cock as she bobs her head up and down. I can feel her tongue swirling around me, her mouth hot and wet as she takes me deeper and deeper. I can t help but let out a string of curses as she continues to suck me, my hips bucking involuntarily',
'"You like that, don t you?" she asks, her voice sultry and low. She licks her lips, and I can t help but groan as she takes me into her mouth. $mr.name is amazing at giving head. She wraps her lips around me, taking me deep into her throat, and I can feel her tongue swirling around me. I thread my fingers through her hair, guiding her as she bobs her head up and down, her mouth a wet, warm paradise.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'($mr.name, you re so beautiful,) -- I say, my voice barely above a whisper. $mr.name smiles, her full lips curling up into a seductive grin. (I m glad you think so,) -- she says, before slowly lowering herself onto my dick. I gasp as I feel her tight pussy envelop me, the sensation almost too much to bear. $mr.name starts to ride me, her hips moving in a slow, steady rhythm. I can feel every inch of her, and I know this is going to be a night I ll never forget.',
' (Fuck, $mc.name,) she moans, throwing her head back and exposing her neck. I can t resist the temptation, leaning up and biting down on her delicate skin. She shivers in pleasure, her pussy clenching around me. I run my hands up her body, feeling the curve of her waist and the swell of her breasts. I cup them in my hands, squeezing gently as I lean up and take one of her nipples into my mouth.',
'I reach up and grab her hips, helping her move faster and harder. $mr.name leans forward, her perfect tits just inches from my face. I can t resist the temptation, and I lean forward and take one of her nipples into my mouth. $mr.name moans, her pussy clenching around my dick. I suck harder, my tongue swirling around her nipple.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', 'Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-3.mp4', 'scenes/char/mr/vid/dg-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'(You ready for me, $mr.name?) -- I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. (Yes, $mc.name. I m ready,) -- she replies, her voice quivering with anticipation. I don t waste any time. I press the tip of my dick against her asshole, feeling her tightness surround me. I push inside her slowly, savoring every inch of her as I enter her. She moans in pleasure, her body adjusting to the intrusion. Once I m fully inside her, I start to move. I grab onto her black hair, pulling it gently as I fuck her from behind.',
'(Harder, fuck me harder!) -- $mr.name moans. I pull her hair tighter and slam into her ass. She gasps, pushing back against me. I feel her tight ass clench around my dick as I pull her hair. (Fuck me harder, you asshole! You like fucking me in my tight ass, don t you?) I slam into her even harder, making her ass bounce back against me. I can feel my dick twitching inside her ass. (Fuck, you feel amazing. You re my tight little slut, aren t you?) -- I whisper in her ear. She moans, pushing back against me even harder.',
'(Fuck, $mc.name. You feel so good inside me,) -- she moans, her voice filled with pleasure. I start to fuck her harder, my hips slapping against her ass with each thrust. She meets me stroke for stroke, her body moving in perfect harmony with mine. I can feel her getting closer and closer to cumming, her body tensing up with each thrust.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I grab $mr.name s hips, pulling her down onto my hard dick, letting out a satisfied sigh as she starts riding me. $mr.name is wearing this beautiful pink lingerie that highlights her caramel skin, her big ass bouncing on my dick as she rides me in reverse cowgirl position.',
'I look up and see $mr.name s tits bouncing in front of me. Her pussy feels so fucking good wrapped around my cock. I reach up and grab her boobs, squeezing them gently as she grinds her hips against me. (You like that, don t you?) -- she asks, looking back at me with a wicked smile. I nod, unable to speak as she starts to bounce harder on my dick. I can feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as she grinds against me.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-3.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I lay her down on the table, her legs spread wide open for me. My dick is throbbing and I can feel my balls tightening up already. (Fuck, $mc.name, you feel so good inside me,) -- $mr.name moans as I start thrusting deeper and harder. I reach up and grab one of her boobs, squeezing it gently as I continue to fuck her.',
'I start rubbing her clit, and I can feel her getting closer to orgasm. I can feel her pussy juices on my dick, and I start fucking her harder. (You feel so good, $mr.name. You feel so fucking good,) -- I say, as I start fucking her harder. She starts moaning louder, and I can feel her body shaking underneath me. I stood up and pushed her back onto the table, spreading her legs wide. I lined my cock up with her entrance and slammed into her, making her cry out again.',
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mr1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Cpoffice',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mr',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', 'Scene-4','Scene-5',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-3.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-4.mp4','scenes/char/mr/vid/sf-5.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'I lay down behind her. (I ve never done this before.) -- $mr.name. I slid up to his knees, grabbed her thighs and spreading her legs wide open ploughed his rigid cock into her. (Yes, yes, yes!) -- $mr.name howled as I plundered her dripping cunt.',
'$mr.name kissed me and pressed her soft ass to his cock. I was grabbing her feet and holding her legs apart as far as my arms could go while slamming into her hard enough to cause my balls to slap against her ass. $mr.name yelped with each hard thrust, but kept her eyes on me.',
/* Eline & Susan Lb Scene */
'mp4_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-cun-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call licks her way down $up.name s body, kneeling on the edge of the couch, and replacing her fingers with her tongue inside $up.name s pussy. (Oh fuck yes!) -- $up.name yells, pushing up against $mp.call s mouth. (Mmmm. Just as delicious as I knew you d be.) -- $mp.call says, licking her lips and looking over her shoulder at me.',
'(Aaaaggghhhh!) -- $up.name moans, collapsing back on the couch and pushing $mp.call s face away from her clit. $mp.call slides her tongue down between $up.name s bald pussy lips, lapping up her creamy juices. (You taste so good!) -- $mp.call says, kissing her way up $up.name s body. (I could eat you all night.) -- She says.',
'(Mmmmm.) -- $up.name moans as $mp.call s mouth works frantically on her clit. $up.name is thrashing her hips all over the couch, pushing her pussy against $mp.call s mouth and pulling at her own swollen nipples. (Keep doing that, $mp.call!) -- $up.name yells, grabbing a handful of $mp.call s hair and holding her head against her clit. (I m cumming! Oh fuck!) -- $mp.call keeps her lips wrapped around $up.name s clit, as $up.name thrusts her ass off the couch, spasming through several waves of intense orgasmic pleasure.',
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$up.name kneels between $mp.call s legs and hooks her arms behind her knees. Leaning forward, she pushes $mp.call s legs in the air while lowering her mouth to her wide-open pussy. (Oh yeah!) -- $mp.call yells. (Mmmmmm!) $mp.call looks over at me, smiling lustfully.',
'$mp.call is humping her ass up like crazy, writhing all over the couch and moaning. $up.name slips two fingers inside $mp.call s inflamed pussy and starts pumping them in and out. My sexy $up.rel bury her face in $mp.call s anxious pussy. $mp.call s humping her ass against $up.name s mouth, as loud slurping noises fill the room.',
'(Ohhhhh! I m cumming!) $mp.call cries, thrusting her pussy up against $up.name s face and raising her shoulders off the couch. $mp.call s mouth is wide open, but no sound is coming out as her orgasm shakes through her body, jerking her violently around on the couch. She finally collapses on the couch, her chest heaving and her eyes closed. $up.name hungrily laps up $mp.call s generous flow of juices.',
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fs-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fs-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fs-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$up.name gets in position and her pussy is dripping wet, as she settles over $mp.call s mouth and she lick her tongue along $up.name s lips. (Oh yeah!) -- $up.name cries. (Eat my pussy, $mp.call.) She says as she leans forward to embrace me.',
'$mp.call s hands under $up.name s ass, and her thumbs pulling $up.name s cheeks apart, $mp.call suck on her thick pussy lips, while pushing her tongue between them. $mp.call pull $up.name s ass back, positioning her clit over her mouth and wrap her lips around it. (Oh fuck!) -- $up.name cries, gushing more of her delectable juices over $mp.rel s face. She sucks on her clit, flicking her tongue across the tip. (Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhhhhhhhhh!) -- $up.name moans, crushing her thighs around $mp.rel s head as she rocks her fiery pussy against $mp.rel s face.',
'$up.name is pushing her pussy down against $mp.call s face. My Neighbor-Sister s juices are flowing into $mp.rel s mouth and down her cheeks; her delicious taste and intoxicating aroma keep her driving her tongue deeper, creating more creamy sauce with each plunge. $up.name is pulling her clit away from $mp.rel s mouth, flooding $mp.call s face with her sweet pussy juice. She drinks as much of her flowing sauce as she can.',
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fn-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fn-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-fn-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'She runs her hands over $up.name s smooth, hairless mound before again slipping her fingers between $up.name s protruding pussy lips.',
'(You re very wet, dear.) -- $mp.call says, dipping her finger between $up.name s pussy lips and bringing it to her lips. $mp.call is smiling as she maintains eye contact with $up.name.',
'(Oh God!) -- $up.name moans as $mp.call shoves two fingers inside her sopping pussy. (That feels so good $mp.call!) -- $up.name cries, humping her ass off the couch, trying to push $mp.call s fingers deeper into her burning hole.',
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-gd-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.calll grinds her oily mound against $up.name s bald pussy.',
'I watch them grind their pussys together, while they hungrily devour each other s tongues.',
'They re grinding their bodies together and moaning.',
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/UP-69-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/UP-69-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/UP-69-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
'$mp.call and $up.name grind their bodies together in 69 position, while they hungrily devour each other s pussy.',
'$mp.call slides her hand between $up.name s pussy and starts mauling her clit.',
'$mp.call eagerly responds, kissing her clit and $up.name s head under $mp.call s ass, and her thumbs pulling $mp.rel s ass cheeks apart, $up.name suck on her thick pussy lips, while pushing her tongue between them.',
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'mp4_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Bedroom',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'mp',
"default_video": 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/1/up-sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Susan Scene */
'up1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sed-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3', ],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4'],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-3.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/mis-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sf_scene": {
"scene_code": 'up1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sf_scene',
"scene_passage": 'Home',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'up',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3','Scene-4',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-1.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-2.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-3.mp4','scenes/char/up/3/vid/2/sf-4.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
/* Edward Scene */
'ed1_scene' : {
"cun_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cun_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/lick-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"sed_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'sed_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mb-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sed-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/sed-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"bj_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'bj_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Men_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/bj-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"cg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'cg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/cg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"dg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'dg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/dg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"rcg_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'rcg_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/rcg-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
"mis_scene": {
"scene_code": 'ed1_scene',
"scene_type": 'mis_scene',
"scene_passage": 'College',
"scene_activity": 'Sex_Freq',
"scene_character": 'ed',
"scene_title": ['Scene-1','Scene-2','Scene-3',],
"scene_video": ['scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-1.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-2.mp4','scenes/char/jp/3/vid/1/mis-3.mp4',],
"scene_dialogue" : [
<!-- ********************************* MC ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $mc.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $mc.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Knowledge: </span> $mc.stats.knowledge</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Money: </span> $mc.stats.money</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span> $mc.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span> $mc.stats.lust</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mp.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.mc</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $dad.name: </span><br> $dad.rel / $mc.dad</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $up.name: </span><br> $mc.up / $up.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $hp.name: </span><br> $hp.rel / $mc.hp</h3>
<!-- ********************************* MP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $mp.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $mp.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $mp.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $mp.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $mp.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $mp.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.mc</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $up.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.up</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $hp.name: </span><br> $mc.up / $up.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> Bedroom (Night, Evening), Living (Afternoon) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* UP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $up.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $up.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $up.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $up.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $up.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $up.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $mc.up / $up.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mp.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.up</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $hp.name: </span><br> $hp.rel / $up.hp</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> N/A (Future Update)</h3>
<!-- ********************************* EP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $ep.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $ep.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $ep.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $ep.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $ep.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $ep.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $ep.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mr.name: </span><br> $mp.rel / $mp.up</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> Baseoffice (Afternoon) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* ED ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $ed.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $ed.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $ep.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $ep.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $ed.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $ed.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $ed.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> College </h3>
<!-- ********************************* Mr ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $mr.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $mr.age</h3>
<!-- <h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Love: </span><br> $ep.stats.love</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Lust: </span><br> $ep.stats.lust</h3> -->
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $mr.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $mr.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $mr.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br><<print $cp.name>>'s Office (Night) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* AP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $ap.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $ap.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $ap.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $ap.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $ap.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> Shop (Aftrnoon) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* CP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $cp.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $cp.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $cp.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $cp.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $cp.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> <<print $cp.name>>'s Office (Afternoon) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* CT ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ct.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $ct.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $ct.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $ct.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $ct.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $ct.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> <<print $dad.call>>'s House (Noon) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* DP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/gp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $dp.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $dp.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $dp.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $dp.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $dp.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> <<print $dad.call>>'s Office (Midday) </h3>
<!-- ********************************* GP ************************************** -->
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center; padding:5%">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp.jpg'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Name: </span> $gp.name</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Age: </span> $gp.age</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Men Freq: </span> $gp.stats.men_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Freq: </span> $gp.stats.sex_freq</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Relation With $mc.name: </span><br> $gp.rel</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Sex Event: </span><br> Baseoffice (Noon) </h3>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center;">
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/tm.webp'" >
<div style="flex: 1; padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 20px;">
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Transmitter: </span>Active</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Battery Charge: </span> <<print $mc.t_meter.charge>>%</h3>
<h3 class="char_info"><span class="char_lebel"> Software Level: </span> v4.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>></h3>
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge gte 20 and $mc.stats.money gte 20 and $mc.stats.stamina gte 20 >>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="statsChange(200, 'Energy'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="TM" >
<p >T Meter Charge</p>
<p class="notation_text">T Meter Charge : Required (Knowledge, Stamina, Money): 20</p>
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge gte 100 and $mc.stats.money gte 300 and $mc.stats.love gte 100 and $mc.stats.lust gte 100 >>
<div class="enter_button" onclick= "statsChange(1,'Update'); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="TM">
<p >T Meter Update</p>
<p class="notation_text">T Meter Update : Required 100 (Knowledge,Love,Lust) and 300 Money</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<<set $nicole_fck = true>>
<<set $ep.stats.men_freq = 100>>
<<set $ep.stats.sex_freq = 100>> -->
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/14.png'" >
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$complement = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'MyRoom'; $char = 'ep';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/ep/34.png';" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Complement (Men Freq+)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$joke = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'MyROom'; $char = 'ep';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/ep/35.png';" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Tell Her a Joke (Men Freq+)</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$gift = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Living'; $char = 'ep';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/ep/ep_3.jpg';" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Give Her a Gift (Men Freq+)</p>
</div> -->
<<if $ep.stats.men_freq gte 20>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$hug = 1; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq'; $loc = 'Living'; $char = 'ep';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/ep/26.png';" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Give Her a Hug (Sex Freq+)</p>
<<if $ep.stats.men_freq gte 40>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" data-setter = "$kiss = 1; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq'; $loc = 'Living'; $char = 'ep';
$mediaType = 'image'; $activityImage = 'scenes/char/ep/38.png';" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Try to Kiss Her (Sex Freq+)</p>
<<if $ep.stats.men_freq gte 60 >>
<<set $ep_starts to 1>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Nicole_Fck_Event" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Fuck Her</p>
<p class="notation_text">Fuck Her [Need 60 (Mental Freq) ]</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $ep_starts = 1>>
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep/62.png'" >
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.ep.title>>
<<if $ep_starts gte 1>>
<<if $ep.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.ep.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.ep.desc[_i]>></p>
<<set $ep_starts to 0>>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.ep.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.ep.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Nicole_Event" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<!-- /* Days of the week */ -->
<<set $weekDays = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<set $eventQuest = [
"1. Oh honey, I am really not in the mood, right now.",
"2. That bastard!",
"3. A little preview for tonight?",
"4. I want to be ready.",
"5. That was just girl fun.",
"6. Explosive?",
"7. What are you doing here?",
"8. Nothing's wrong, sweetheart.",
"9. God, you feel good!",
"10. You're not bad, yourself.",
"11. You poor baby.",
"12. What's your name?",
"13. Tell me all about it!",
"14. Anybody home?",
"15. Oh god no!",
"16. Thanks for everything",
"17. Take me to bed",
<<set $eventTime = ["Morning","Midday","Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Midnight"]>>
<<set $eventQuestLocation = ["My Room", "Baseoffice", "Baseoffice",
"Living", "Kitchen", "Outdoor", "Outdoor", "Bedroom",
"Bedroom ", "Living", "Outdoor ", "<<print $dad.call>>'s Office",
"<<print $dad.call>>'s Office", "<<print $dad.call>>'s Office", "<<print $dad.call>>'s House",
"Living", "My Room", "Completed"]>>
<<set $eventQuestChar = ["mp", "mc", "gp", "gp", "mp", "gp", "ep", "mp", "gp", "gp", "mr", "dp", "dp", "ct",
"ct", "gp", "mp", "Completed"]>>
<<set $eventQuestTitle = [$myroom.title[0],$baseoffice.title[0],$baseoffice.title[1],$living.title[0],
<<set $eventQuestTime = [$myroom.time[0],$baseoffice.time[0],$baseoffice.time[1],$living.time[0],
<<set $eventChar = [$myroom.char[0],$baseoffice.char[0],$baseoffice.char[1],$living.char[0],
<<set $eventMenFreq = [$myroom.men_freq[0],$baseoffice.men_freq[0],$baseoffice.men_freq[1],$living.men_freq[0],
<<set $eventSexFreq = [$myroom.sex_freq[0],$baseoffice.sex_freq[0],$baseoffice.sex_freq[1],$living.sex_freq[0],
<<set $eventLove = [$myroom.love[0],$baseoffice.love[0],$baseoffice.love[1],$living.love[0],
<<set $eventLust = [$myroom.lust[0],$baseoffice.lust[0],$baseoffice.lust[1],$living.lust[0],
<<set $eventLevel = [$myroom.level[0],$baseoffice.level[0],$baseoffice.level[1],$living.level[0],
<<set $eventEvent = [$myroom.event[0],$baseoffice.event[0],$baseoffice.event[1],$living.event[0],
<<set $eventDay = ["Weekday","Weekend","Weekday","Weekday","Weekday","Saturday","Weekday","Weekday","Sunday",
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/cpoffice.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What Should I Do...</p>
<<if $currentTime lte $fuckEvent.cp1.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "cp">>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.cp1;
$charObject = $cp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/cp/8.png'; $loc='Cpoffice'">
<p >Interact With <<print $cp.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime eq $fuckEvent.mr1.event_time >>
<<set $charStats = "mr">>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.mr1;
$charObject = $mr; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/mr/8.png'; $loc='Cpoffice'">
<p >Interact With <<print $mr.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime lte 4 >>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = " $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Money'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/hack.gif'; $loc = 'Cpoffice';" >
<p >Work (Money +)</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Outdoor" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mc', 500,'Love')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print$mc.name>> Love +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mc', 500,'Lust')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print$mc.name>> Lust +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(1000,'Money')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Money +</p>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(500,'Knowledge')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Knowledge +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(500,'Stamina')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >Stamina +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(500,'Energy')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >TM Charge +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="statsChange(1,'Update')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p >TM Update +</p>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mp', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mp.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mp', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mp.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('up', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $up.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('up', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $up.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:5%">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ep', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ep.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ep', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ep.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('cp', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $cp.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('cp', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $cp.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ed', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ed.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ed', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ed.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mr', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mr.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('mr', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $mr.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ct', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ct.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ct', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ct.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('dp', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $dp.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('dp', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $dp.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="button-pair">
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('gp', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $gp.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('gp', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $gp.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ap', 500,'Men_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ap.name>> <br> Men Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button cheat-button" onclick="charStatsChange('ap', 500,'Sex_Freq')" data-passage="Cheat" data-setter="$message to ''" >
<p ><<print $ap.name>> <br> Sex Freq +</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MyRoom" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/baseoffice.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.ep1.event_time>>
<<set $charStats = "ep">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.ep1;
$charObject = $ep; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/ep/63.png'; $loc = 'Home'">
<p >Interact With <<print $ep.name>></p>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.gp1.event_time>>
<<set $charStats = "gp">>
<<if $eventCount gte $fuckEvent.gp1.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.gp1;
$charObject = $gp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/foxx/4/24.png'; $loc = 'Home'" >
<p >Fuck <<print$gp.name>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** New Scene With <<print$gp.name>> Complete Event <<print $fuckEvent.gp1.event_fuck>> ***</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="MiniGame" data-setter = "$baseofficeEvent = 1; $mediaType = 'image'; $activityType = 'Knowledge'; $activityImage = 'scenes/misc/etc/hack.gif'; $loc = 'Baseoffice';" >
<p >Research</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<if $mc.stats.knowledge gte 0 or $activityType eq "Knowledge" >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" >
<p>STOP </p>
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="charStatsChangeRandom(); forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/blue.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">You do not have enough Knowledge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
<<set $taskDialogue = "">>
<<set _cName = charObjReturn($eventChar[$eventCount])>>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<p class="notation_text" style="color: #ff7bac; margin-left:8%;" >
<<print $weekDays[$currentDay]>> ||
<span style="color:#95fc00;"><<print $dayTimes[$currentTime]>></span> ||
<<if $weekendValue[$currentDay] is 0>>
<<print "Weekday">>
<<print "Weekend">>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:10%">
<div class="loc_button" data-passage="Cpoffice" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/cpoffice.jpg'">
<p><<print $cp.name>>'s Office</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('DadOffice');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/4/dad-office.jpeg'">
<p><<print $dad.lastname>>'s Office</p>
<div class="loc_button" onclick="locEventCheck('DadHouse');" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/4/mansion.jpg'">
<p><<print $dad.lastname>>'s House</p>
<div class="button-pair" style="margin-bottom:10%">
<div class="loc_button" data-passage="College" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/college.jpg'">
<div class="loc_button" data-passage="Shop" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/shop.jpeg'">
<div class="loc_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter= '$msg = ""'>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/my_home.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text" style=" margin-left:8%">
<span style="color:#99ff7b;"><b>Quest:</b> <<print $eventQuest[$eventCount]>></span> <br>
<span style="color:#ff7bac;"><b>Location:</b> <<print $eventQuestLocation[$eventCount]>> ||
<b>Time:</b> <<print $dayTimes[$eventQuestTime[$eventCount]]>></span>
<<if _cName.shortcode eq "mc">>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b>
<<if _cName.stats.love lt $eventLove[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Love:</b> <<print _cName.stats.love>> / <<print $eventLove[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.lust lt $eventLust[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Lust:</b> <<print _cName.stats.lust>> / <<print $eventLust[$eventCount]>></span>
<b> <<print _cName.name >> Need:</b> (
<<if _cName.stats.men_freq lt $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Men Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.men_freq>> / <<print $eventMenFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<<if _cName.stats.sex_freq lt $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00"><b>Sex Freq:</b> <<print _cName.stats.sex_freq>> / <<print $eventSexFreq[$eventCount]>></span>
<b>T-Meter Level:</b>
<<if $mc.t_meter.software_up lt $eventLevel[$eventCount]>>
<span style="color:#ff0000">v4.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v4.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#95fc00">v4.<<print $mc.t_meter.software_up>> / v4.<<print $eventLevel[$eventCount]>></span>
<span style="color:#ffd800;"><b>Check Quest For <<print _cName.name >>'s Location & Time</b> </span>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $charStats = "mp">>
<!-- <<set $allison_fck = true>>
<<set $mp.stats.men_freq = 100>> -->
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mom/2/89.png'" >
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<!-- <div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Lust';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/mb-1.mp4';
" >
<p> Lust+ (30 Red Stone)</p>
</div> -->
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 20>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/mb-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mp.call was masturbating spreading her legs, starts squirming around on the bed, her hands fly up to her tits, mauling them as she throws her head back, moaning.';
" >
<p >Spy 1 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 40>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/mb-2.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mp.call<<print $mp.call>> mustarbating and rocking on the bed. Moaning. Suddenly, her whole body convulses, she slumps on the bed with her legs wide apart, her arms hanging to her sides and her chest heaving, as she catches her breath.';
" >
<p >Spy 2 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 60>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/msg-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'I say, moving behind her and rubbing her shoulders. -- Let me help relieve some of the tension.-- As I massage her shoulders, I feel how tense her muscles are especially under her shoulder blades. ';
" >
<p >Give Her Massage 1 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 80>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/msg-2.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mp.call was ready for massage, my hands fly up to her ass chicks, mauling them as she throws her head down and enjoying.';
" >
<p >Give Her Massage 2 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 100>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/msg-3.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'I start, my hands fly up to her tits, mauling them as she throws her head back, moaning and enjoying.';
" >
<p >Give Her Massage 3 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 120>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/msg-4.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mp.call was ready. I start massaging between her legs, she starts squirming around on the bed, my fingers rubbing her clits, rubbing it as she closed her eyes, moaning and enjoying.';
" >
<p >Give Her Massage 4 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 140>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/shower.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mp.call was taking showers, I moving behind her and rubbing her shoulders, my hands fly up to her tits, mauling them as she throws her head back, moaning and enjoying.';
" >
<p >Take Shower (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 160 && $eventCount gte 1>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/bj-1.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'Oh Fuck! I can t believe my own $mp.rel is such a great cocksucker! She is pumping my cock in and out of her mouth while flicking her tongue all around it and gently massaging my balls. I know I m not going to last very long and I don t even try. Her tits are slapping against my thighs and as her head bobs up I can see her nipples. I tell her to harden them and they are instantly erect, sticking out over half an inch from her beautiful tits. That puts me over the top and I shoot a huge load of cum in my $mp.call s mouth. She continues pumping, sucking and swallowing, until I am completely drained.';
" >
<p >BJ-1 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 180 && $eventCount gte 11>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/bj-4.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'She s pumping my hard cock in and out of her mouth, while her tongue dances all around it. Caressing my balls with her other hand, her head glides back and forth, faster and faster, creating an intoxicating rhythm that I thrust my hips in time with. Letting go with her hand, she slides her lips all the way to the base of my cock, burying the head in her tight throat. With my hands on her head, I start really fucking her mouth as I get close to my release. She feels the change in my balls and pulls her lips back along my shaft to take my cum in her mouth, rather than her throat. Jerking wildly, with my hand against the tile wall for balance, I shoot multiple loads of cum into my $mp.call s warm mouth. Sucking and swallowing, while she gently massages my balls, $mp.call milks every drop of cum from my cock before releasing it from her mouth.
'; " >
<p >BJ-2 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 200 && $eventCount gte 14>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/bj-5.mp4';
$taskDialogue= '$mp.call tilts her head back and answers that question with her next statement. -- You re either going to have to masturbate or find a girlfriend who lives closer. I m not going to do this six times a day.-- She laughs. -- I just don t want to clean up a mess.-- She says, leaning up and pressing her tits against my side as she lowers her mouth over my cock. She sucks on the head of my cock while she continues jacking me off with her hand.';
" >
<p >BJ-3 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 220 && $eventCount gte 19>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/bj-6.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'I m humping against her tongue, as she teases me mercilessly with slow, gentle licks up the length of my cock. Finally, wrapping her hand around the base of my cock she feeds it into her mouth, sucking on my engorged cock head. ';
" >
<p >BJ-4 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 240 && $eventCount gte 19>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/bj-7.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'She relents and lets a little more slip inside, while flicking her tongue along the underside of my shaft. Pumping me in and out of her mouth with one hand, she starts caressing my balls with her other hand. I m bouncing my ass off the bed trying to fuck deeper inside my $mp.call s mouth, while I feel my climax building in my balls. $mp.call starts pumping faster, bobbing her head up and down and teasing my balls with her fingertips.';
" >
<p >BJ-5 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 260 && $eventCount gte 19>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/lick-4.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'I move my tongue up so I m licking the top of her slit, just below her clit and slip two fingers inside her pussy. I slide my fingers in and out of her pussy as I lightly lick her clit.';
" >
<p >Cun-1 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 280 && $eventCount gte 19>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/lick-5.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'My tongue flicks across her clit, which I ve sucked completely inside my mouth. I m pushing my fingers in and out, twisting them back and forth, sloshing her hot juices all around inside her fiery pussy. She pulls hard on the bedspread and her head and shoulders lift off the bed. Her eyes are closed, her mouth is open and she s moaning loudly as she pushes harder against my mouth and my fingers. My face and hand are completely soaked with her juices as she grinds against my mouth and clamps her legs around my fingers, jerking wildly. Her juices run down my arm and soak the bedspread beneath her ass. She collapses back on the bed, her pussy pulsating around my fingers, as I let her clit slip from my mouth.';
" >
<p >Cun-2 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<<if $mp.stats.men_freq gte 300 && $eventCount gte 19>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="FuckGame" style="width:25vw" data-setter = "$mediaType = 'video'; $activityType = 'Sex_Freq';
$char = 'mp'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mom/2/vid/lick-6.mp4';
$taskDialogue= 'As I keep lapping her tasty nectar from inside her burning snatch. She hesitates a minute and then slowly, relaxes her legs, allowing me to push them open and suck on her pussy lips. I gently suck one and then the other of her lips into my mouth, eliciting another moan from $mp.call The taste mixed with her aroma is driving me crazy and I feel like I m getting high on my $mp.call s pussy..';
" >
<p >Cun-3 (25 T-Charge)</p>
<p class="notation_text">Increase <<print $mp.name>>'s Men Freq For Next Scene</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp">Samslam</span><br>
Story Author: <br>
<a href="https://www.literotica.com/authors/samslam" target="_blank">Visit His Literotica Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mc.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mc_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mc">Tyler Cruise</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/tylercruisex" target="_blank">Visit His Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text mp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "mp">Rachael Cavalli</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/rachaelcavalli" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ep.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ep_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ep">Maria Kazi</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/mariakazixxx" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ap.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Demi Hawks</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/demihawks" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/cp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text cp_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "cp">Kira Noir</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/thekiranoir" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text up_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "up">Gabbie Carter</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/gabbiecarter?enable_renew=1" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/gp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Reggan Foxx</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/thereaganfoxx/" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Jordan Maxx</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/jordanmaxx/media" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Eliza Ibarra</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/elizaibarra" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/ct.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Elizabeth Skylar</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/xelizabethskylarx" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/dp.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Harley King</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/harleykingxx" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/jt.jpg'">
<div class="dialog_text ap_dialog_text">
<p><span span class = "ap">Jessica Starling</span><br>
<a href="https://onlyfans.com/jessicastarling" target="_blank">Visit Her Onlyfans Profile.</a>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="previous();" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Return</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" data-setter = "$message = ''">
<p >Home</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.up1.event_time >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/home/s_bedroom.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.up1;
$charObject = $up; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/up/3/54.png'; $loc='Outdoor'" >
<p >Interact With <<print $up.name>></p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/etc/locked.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<p class="notation_text">The Door Is Locked. <<print $up.name>> is available at evening!</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Home" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<if $mc.t_meter.charge gte 20 >>
<div class="bar">
<div class="segment">10</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg1">0</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg2">2</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg3">5</div>
<div class="segment" id="seg4">0</div>
<div class="cursor"></div>
<p id="result"></p>
<div id="stop-button" onclick="statsChange(-25, 'Charge');">
<p>STOP </p>
<<if $mediaType is "video">>
<video class="scenes_image" id="activityVideo" muted autoplay loop="loop" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' controls>
<img id='activityImage' class="scenes_image">
<p class="notation_text"><<print $taskDialogue>></p>
<<set _random_value = random(1, 5)>>
<div id="random-button" onclick="statsChange(-25, 'Charge'); charStatsChangeRandom();" data-passage="$loc" >
<p >Random Point</p>
<div id="leave-button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/low.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">T-Meter do not have enough Charge!</p>
<div class="enter_button" onclick="forwardTime(1);" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
/* pure JavaScript code */
$(document).ready(function() {
// $("#stop-button").on("click", stopGame);
$("#stop-button").on("click", function() {
//statsChange(-25, "Charge");
// $("#random-button").on("click", function() {
// // stopGame(variables().activityType,'Char',variables().char);
// });
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $charStats = "mr">>
<<set _image = 'scenes/char/mr/12.png'>>
<!-- <<set $allison_fck = true>> -->
<<set $mr.stats.men_freq = 100>>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/8.png'" >
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$hug = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Shop';
$mediaType = 'video'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mr/vid/mb-1.mp4'; $char = 'mr';
$taskDialogue=' $mr.name sitting behind her desk and rubbing her pussy,'" >
<p >Musterbate (Men Freq+)</p>
<<if $mr.stats.men_freq gte 20>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$complement = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Shop';
$mediaType = 'video'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-2.mp4'; $char = 'mr';
$taskDialogue='I hit her two hard slapped in rapid succession.'" >
<p >Spank Her (Men Freq+)</p>
<<if $mr.stats.men_freq gte 40>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$joke = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Shop';
$mediaType = 'video'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/mr/vid/sed-3.mp4'; $char = 'mr';
$taskDialogue=' -- Fuck! -- She yelled, but then raised her ass up for another slap.'">
<p >Punish Her (Men Freq+)</p>
<<if $mr.stats.men_freq gte 60 >>
<<set $mr_starts to 1>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Maria_Fuck_Event" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Fuck Her</p>
<p class="notation_text">Fuck Her [Need 60 (Mental Freq)]</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Cpoffice" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $mr_starts to 1>>
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/mr/8.png'" >
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.mr.title>>
<<if $mr_starts gte 1>>
<<if $mr.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.mr.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.mr.desc[_i]>></p>
<<set $mr_starts to 0>>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.mr.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.mr.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Maria_Event">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/34.png'">
<<for _i, _event range $fuckEvent.up.title>>
<<if $up.stats.sex_freq gte $fuckEvent.up.sex_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;">
<p><<print $fuckEvent.up.desc[_i]>></p>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $fuckEvent.up.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $fuckEvent.up.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="Living">
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<<set $charStats = "up">>
<<set _image = 'scenes/char/up/12.png'>>
<!-- <<set $allison_fck = true>> -->
<<set $up.stats.men_freq = 100>>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/char/up/3/49.jpg'" >
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$hug = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Sisterroom';
$mediaType = 'video'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-sed-1.mp4'; $char = 'up';
$taskDialogue=' I leaned forward, intent on capturing my $up.rel s gorgeous tits. I switched to her other nipple, while sliding his hands beneath hers and squeezing her breasts. They were soft, yet firm, and I was amazed at how heavy they were.'" >
<p >Kiss (Men Freq+)</p>
<<if $up.stats.men_freq gte 20>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$complement = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Sisterroom';
$mediaType = 'video'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-sed-2.mp4'; $char = 'up';
$taskDialogue='$up.name cried out when I lowered my head and sucked her right nipple into my mouth. I sucked and licked $up.name s tit the way I had returned her kiss, lustfully. $up.name moaned and shoved her breast deeper into my mouth.'" >
<p >Suck (Men Freq+)</p>
<<if $up.stats.men_freq gte 40>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="RelationGame" style="width:25vw;" data-setter = "$joke = 1; $activityType = 'Men_Freq'; $loc = 'Sisterroom';
$mediaType = 'video'; $activityVideo = 'scenes/char/up/3/vid/car-sed-3.mp4'; $char = 'up';
$up.name sitting on car bonnet and rubbing her pussy, I spread her legs and buried my face between her legs.
<p >Lick (Men Freq+)</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Sisterroom" style="width:25vw;">
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<!-- <<set $mc.stats.knowledge = 100>> -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.ct1.event_time >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/4/living.png'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<set $charStats = "ct">>
<<if $eventCount gte 14 and $fuckEvent.ct1.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.ct1;
$charObject = $ct; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/ez/9.png'; $loc='Outdoor'">
<p >Fuck <<print$ct.name>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** Complete Event <<print $fuckEvent.ct1.event_count>> ***</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/4/mansion.jpg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<p class="notation_text"><<print$ct.name>> is available at afternoon.</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Outdoor" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div class="big_text">
<p class="notation_text">
Location : <<print passage()>></p>
<p class="notation_text">
<<print $message>>
<<if $currentTime is $fuckEvent.dp1.event_time >>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/4/dad-office.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<<set $charStats = "dp">>
<<if $eventCount gte $fuckEvent.dp1.event_fuck>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Fuck_Event" data-setter = "$sceneObject = $fuckEvent.dp1;
$charObject = $dp; $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/dp/16.png'; $loc='Outdoor'" >
<p >Fuck <<print$dp.name>></p>
<p class="notation_text">*** (New Scene) Complete Event <<print $fuckEvent.dp1.event_fuck>> ***</p>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+'scenes/misc/4/dad-office.jpeg'">
<p class="notation_text">What should I do now?</p>
<p class="notation_text">** New Scene with <<print$dp.name>> is available at midday. **</p>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="Outdoor" >
<p >Leave</p>
<div style="margin-top:5vw;">
<!-- Used in Scene -->
<<set $sceneCode = $sceneObject.title>>
<!-- <<set $sceneImage = 'scenes/char/ez/9.png'>> -->
<!-- <<set $charObject.stats.sex_freq = 700>>
<<set $charObject.stats.men_freq = 700>>-->
<<set _i = 0>>
<<set _event = "">>
<!-- Replace 'your-image.jpg' with the path to your image -->
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<!-- <p class="notation_text">Ct Scene = <<print $charobject_scene>></p> -->
<<for _i, _event range $sceneObject.passage>>
<<if $charObject.stats.sex_freq gte $sceneObject.sex_freq[_i] && $charObject.stats.men_freq gte $sceneObject.men_freq[_i]>>
<div class="enter_button" data-passage="_event" style="width:25vw;" >
<p><<print $sceneObject.desc[_i]>></p>
<p class="notation_text">For <<print $sceneObject.desc[_i]>> Style: You Need <<print $sceneObject.sex_freq[_i]>> Sex Freq & <<print $sceneObject.men_freq[_i]>> Men Freq</p>
<div class="enter_button" style="width:25vw;" data-passage="$loc">
<p >Leave</p>
<</script>><div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
//setupSceneButtons(variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
// setupSceneButtons('cun_scene','' ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
//setupSceneButtons(variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
// setupSceneButtons('cun_scene','' ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
//setupSceneButtons(variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
// setupSceneButtons('cun_scene','' ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
//setupSceneButtons(variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
// setupSceneButtons('cun_scene','' ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
//setupSceneButtons(variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
// setupSceneButtons('cun_scene','' ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
//setupSceneButtons(variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
// setupSceneButtons('cun_scene','' ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
<div class="big_text">
<<set $charStats = $char>>
<img class="scenes_image" @src="setup.ImagePath+$sceneImage " >
<div id="scene-buttons"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
variables().sceneType = passage();
//setupSceneButtons(variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
// setupSceneButtons('cun_scene','' ); // Call the function after the script is loaded
setupSceneButtons( variables().sceneType,variables().sceneCode ); // Call the function after the script is loaded